Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by EpicKDP
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EpicKDP Grand Shinobi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The words from Viola scratched. It was plain to see that she felt her place in the school was far higher than reality. A reality that needed to shown to her immediately. However, La’Tavia has more fish to fry, “I really don’t like boring people.....I’m going to talk to Meruin. See-ya.” La’Tavia walks towards Meruin’s room and knocks on the door. “Hey Meruin, are you free to talk?”

Viola frowned lightly. Well that was odd. She expected her to take the bait. Oh well, so she was the energetically boring type. How unfortunate. No entertainment value at all. Pity. She was about to say something as well, but the redhead apparently decided to simply ignore her. Now that wouldn't do at all.

"I do believe dear Meruin said she had some business to attend to in her room." Viola said, walking over behind Tavia. She had business with Meruin as well, after all and she wasn't about to let this neanderthal potentially interfere, and as far as Viola was concerned Meruin had already agreed to speak with her. "But by all means, do interrupt the dear."

Meruin paused with unpacking. As expected, her bags contents were bigger on the inside than they were on the out. Currently, the only things she had unpacked were a set of books and her clothes. Eyes narrowing behind the door, she closed her luggage and snapped its lock into place.

"La'Tavia was it? What do you need?"

Seeing the girl’s room, she saw that all of the rooms were pretty bare but the same for each person, as usual. She looks down at Meruin and began, “Well I came to pick your brain about contracting Fairies.”Then she stepped to the side to reveal Viola behind her, “however this one followed me here so you have two guests, can we come in?”

"Followed? I was here first, you know, and Meruin already agreed to speak with me about something." Viola brushed past La'Tavia, seemingly unconcerned with her intrusion. "Besides, if its fairies your interested in I might be a better source. I used to play with the ones around the estate all the time."

With a sigh, the short mage snapped her luggage shut, and approached the door to her room. "Let's talk outside," she said, somewhat stiffly.

“Yeah!! Let’s sit around for Meri’s classroom.” La’Tavia jumper in excitement as she followed Meruin out into the main living room.

"What," came her deadpan response. "Meri? Excuse me?"

“You don’t like it?” The fire starter was puzzled at the girl’s response to her name being shortened and then changed. “I nickname all of my fiends.”

”Aha, well, I'll admit it is a rather cute one, little Meri." Viola replied with a smirk. "Mhm, in fact I don't think I could have come up with a better one myself, heh!" She giggled lightly, before following Meruin out.

Even though Viola laughed, it was true, La’Tavia thought the name was really cute. “I think you’re really cute Meri and I thought the names fit because of it. Plus it’s easy to say.”

Were she a lesser person, Meruin might have groaned, but she had her pride and kept silent instead. As she passed, she acknowledged the remaining member of their dorm with a nod.

Nick had been eating a biscuit. He dabbed his mouth off with a napkin and sipped his tea. “You sure know a lot about the fae, don’t you?” He said, taking a seat on the couch, saucer in hand.

Meruin shrugged. "As much as anyone that's taken the time to know them." She tilted her head over to Viola. "And assuming Viola was truthful, she would probably know a fair bit more than me." Which raised the question of why La'Tavia went to her instead.

"I don't lie dear...I may bend the truth at times, fufu, but lies are not something the world likes. My entire magic relies on truth to an extent after all." Viola replied with her usual impish tone. "The Fiore estate is quite remote and vast, and Mistress has gone to great lengths to ensure its a sanctuary for all sorts of magical creatures." Viola looked over to Tavia. "That said...she probably asked you because she realized I don't really feel like helping her, heh unless she gives me something of equal value in return."

“I didn’t ask you because I you never scratched my fancy.” La’Tavia replied rolling her eye. Most relationships between La’Tavia and someone else is decided before people meet her.....by La’Tavia itself. As selfish as she is, she doesn’t hide emotions and she doesn’t mince words. Her attitude towards Viola isn’t about like and dislike. She doesn’t dislike Viola, she just didn’t find anything worth while to like her for. “But, if Meri says you know more then I will ask you. What is it about Fairies that Headmaster is so worried about?”

"Didn't I already tell you? I wasn't joking when I said they'd eat you. Some find humans quite delicious to have over for dinner." She giggled. "And of course, if you make a contract with one then you'll probably have an entire swarm to deal with...it'll also be rather annoying for us since they'll probably take it as liberty to move here as they please."

"Among other things,” said Meruin, completely ignoring the use of the nickname that was forced on her. "And people unfamiliar with the Fae run the risk of boring them. *That* is especially dangerous."

“Uh huh,” La’Tavia sat and pondered for a moment over their words. It seems that before she makes a contract with one, she must first become familiar with one. Something she has not done since all she does is beat people up in the arena. “Sounds like I should watch my butt around them. And it seemed so fun. “ She then skunk into her chair, “I would not like to put everyone else in danger either. Have either of you made a contract with them before? Ya know, Fairies.”

"Yes. I had made one a few minutes ago in fact."

"Unfortunately, my mistress forbade me from doing so. Hag spoilsport."

“A Few minutes ago? How did you do that?” La’Tavia said sprinting up with full interest. “Ha ha yeah, overprotective moms right?” La’Tavia could relate to that one.

"Mm, a one time deal. A stack of pancakes in exchange for them delivering me to my room, unmolested." A fairly simple and difficult to misinterpret contract. The best kind, when it came to dealing with the fair folk.

"Heh, you have no idea Tavi, dear. Mistress Fiore was less mother and more...demon? Devil? Undead Wench? All of those, heh!" Viola chuckled as Meruin made her reply.

“You telling me? My mom refuses to let go! I’m like ‘Mom! Why would you teach me magic and then tell me not to train it.’ But it’s all good.”. As she replied, Viola’s character took a slight turn upwards in La’Tavia’s mind

"So, will that be all?" Hopefully it was. She hadn't even finished unpacking yet.

"Weeeellll, little Meruin I actually had something I wanted to discuss with you in private. Help regarding something of mine. A little contract between ourselves." Viola replied with a smile. "But that can wait until after you've unpacked, if you prefer. I'm certainly in no rush." Tavia was one of those blissfully stupid types, huh. They were talking about two entirely different things. Mistress Fiore was not her mother. Not in the slightest.

“No wait, you wanted to butt in sooooooo badly about what I wanted, spit it out, what was so important that you needed to interrupt what I wanted?”

"I'm going to summon a demon that's sole task is to eat you."

“Grow up kid, that’s not even worth pretending to be worried about.”

Meruins' response was a dry [color=darkgreen ]"I would think that summoning demons recklessly is rather worrying."[/color]

"You all have no sense of humor." Viola sighed, clicking her tongue derisively.

“The only thing fun for you is the misery of others, it’s completely obvious how boring you really are.”

"That was a joke?" said Meruin, tilting her head.

"...ouch, Tavi. That hurts. That really does.". Viola replied in a mock, fake hurt voice. "And here I thought we were besties after bonding briefly over our terrible mothers." Viola sighed, turning back to Meruin. "It was intended as one, yes. I of course, don't actually intend to summon a demon that eats little Tavi here."

Meruin shrugged. "I'll take your word for it." Wouldn't have been the first time she's seen it attempted after all, even if the last attempt she'd seen ended up going sideways for the summoner instead. Polyanna had a difficult time trying to fix that particular mess. "Now, I'll be packing my things. We can have that discussion afterwards."

She stood up and made for her room.

”Woah, one last thing, Meri, before you go.”

She stopped with a sigh. "Must you keep calling me that? What is it then?"

“I was wondering if you would come hunting with me and a couple of friends?”

"...fairy hunting?" Viola raised an eyebrow. "Awfully reckless you know. Why do you want to find one anyways? I'm curious. Most humans stay far away from them as possible."

“Because what other statement is there to make than to make the Headmaster turn upside down when we prove him wrong!”

Nick took another sip of his tea. “What do you mean by ‘hunting?’ You’re not going to kill and eat one, are you?” He asked, an eyebrow arched.


“Use that term from now on instead.” Nick said to her.

"...you want to...contract a fairy to surprise the headmaster?" Viola couldn't help but to laugh loudly. "You want to mess with forces you have barely any knowledge of, for a prank? Oh by Dagda, pfft."

“Hey, pulling a prank is a most noble cause.” Nick said to Viola.

"Oh I agree, I agree, but-" Viola said through a fit of laughter. "-I just wasn't expecting it...but how exactly would we be proving him wrong, hm?"

“Indeed! And why is the headmaster wrong?” Nick asked, pouring himself another cup of tea. “I’ve always been told Headmaster Niccolo is a great man.”

"Ah, I see. You're all touched in the head." Meruin said, nodding her head. "Or rather, why go through something so pointless?"

It was taking everything in her power not to set Viola’s dress on fire. After all, in La’Tavia’s mind, she deserves it. However, they are assigned rooms together and that alone had enough reason to keep as calm as possible to assess this situation. “Reason to prove him wrong? I meant surprise him. All I want to do is have fun and Meruin is the person I want to come with me. Because if she doesn’t, and I contract one without guidance, I just might not be able to keep those guys entertained. And who knows who will get dragged down into my problems....” She said with a mischievous look. “That would totally be a problem for you, wouldn’t it, Meruin?”

"That was quite a thinly veiled threat." Viola mused. "It would be a problem for everyone in the dorm if you meddled with the Fairfolk." Thinking for a moment, Viola smirked lightly. "But of course, I don't particularly care what you end up doing as long as you don't bother me. In fact, if you plan on going to the forest perhaps we can help each other." Viola glanced over to Meruin. "You see, I am a Novice. Incorrectly ranked, mind you. I've read pages from the Ars Goetia, read Theatrum Chemicum, and even a few grimoires. As you might know, Novices are prevented from accessing the forest. Get me access in whatever way you please, and I could possibly help in this endeavor of yours."

“Done!!, You in tea boy, Nick?”

"So, I don't suppose I can be excluded from this endeavor now?" If all La'Tavia needed was help getting a fairy, and Viola wanted to enter the forest (her being a Novice surpised Meruin) then her presence wasn't really needed now was it?

"I'd love to join you." Nick said, putting down the empty teacup. "I'll go get my gear." He said, trotting off to his room and coming back with several vials now holstered at his hip. He slid a seemingly empty vial from his pocket. "Want some invisibility potion? Can't have them seeing us sneaking you in." He said to Viola.

"It's a deal then!" Viola laughed. "I shall help you, and in return you get me into the forest." The fact that Tavia didn't further investigate or clarify what exactly that 'help' entailed was a test of sorts. One she had just failed, but she'd learn that lesson later. "That's one idea, but I feel like they'd have measure's against such a thing." Viola replied to nick with a small hum. "But by all means, we could certainly give it a try...that said, Meruin." Viola turned her head back to the other mage. "If possible, I still want to speak with you later when you're free. No rush or anything, I'd prefer to take things slow in any relationship, fufu."

“Hell no you aren’t excused. You’re coming too!! Because if you don’t,” She then looked at Meruin with a devious smile, “you may never have peace of mind again.”

Meruin withheld a groan, and replied tersely. "Noted, La'Tavia. It seems I am to be dragged into this." Shaking her head, she turned to Viola. "Come, let's continue this conversation in my room. In private," she emphasized the last word with a pointed look at her fiery-haired roommate.

“Hurry up! We leave in 30 minutes.” Then La’Tavia walked out of the room to round up the rest of the team.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Alright then, I suppose we have stuff do to, places to be, people to see, right Damien?" Rhea hinted, wanting him to follow her out. She stood up and made her way towards the door, waving at the others and saying, "Well, then I guess I'll see you guys later! Although I dunno when I'll be back. Meh, it'll be at some point in time. I hope," but before exiting, she stopped in her tracks, remembering something important. "Ah yes! Damien, our reunion party! Since were back together again, I was thinkin' more about it and how to throw our hella rad party, and guess what the first thing that came to mind was?" she went on without waiting for his response. "Fairies. Right, isn't that awesome?! Not only are they dangerous, so I've heard, but I bet that they can liven up a party faster than the speed of light. No exaggeration needed, 'cause it's true."

She put her hands on her hips, already pumped for the time to come. "Since we have nothing better to do, I think this would be the opportune time to go meet some forbidden fairies. This'll be fun, and totally not dangerous at all."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Damien was still hungry, and now he felt slightly disappointed that there wasn't a pancake party happening. Though he supposed he could get food elsewhere, that would also mean he'd have to pay for it.Oh well. He turned to look to Rhea, who seemed to echo his thoughts. "Well it was nice to meet all you wonderful people, but like Rhea said, we got other things to go do today." He stretched his arms and moved to follow Rhea out when she abruptly stopped in the doorway. He almost ran into her and stopped just in time. Opening his mouth, he was about to ask what was going on when she mentioned something about a reunion party. His annoyance disappeared as he smiled, "Hmm, that sounds dangerous, but fun. I like it," Certainly fairies could liven things up more than this sad bunch can. He took a drag on his vape and put it back in his pocket. "Now we just have to have to think of how we get there." He raised an eyebrow. He liked where this was going, but he figured some amount of scheming would be required before they just waltzed their way into this forest.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

Having to be in the same room as Francisco was going to be a chore, so William decided to delay coming to Room 22-F as much as possible; he had an Excalibur or some other Legendary Item to forge anyway. And with that, he had to seek out Zane Wulfe; Master Stone's apprentice.

Zane wasn't that bad a person; a few screws loose but it was the same for himself. In fact, William looked forward to offering Zane an opportunity the lovably mad person would enjoy; what blacksmith can resist the prospect of forging a near-perfect duplicate of a Legendary, even Divine, weapon? Plenty, part of him thought, including the ones that are actually sane.

As he walked to Zane's dorm room, William had another thought, Considering what I discovered, considering how futile it is to seek out the 'Golden Ending', why do I still do so?

The answer came easily, Because even though this entire universe is far more hopeless than it actually seems, because despite that glimpse of abominations and dangers waiting just beyond, Hope is part of what makes humans, human. Same for Faith and Love, although my own Faith is weakened. This philosophizing passed the time until William got to the dorm door, where he knocked, not knowing what situation would result.

@Ryteb Pymeroce, @TheHangedMan, @Aviaire
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Canidae @Letter Bee

"Oh yeahhh, I forgot that novices aren't allowed in the forest. Hmm, I wonder how then, we can get in? But wait," Rhea paused, tilting her head. "How will they know we're novices? I know I've been here awhile, but I really haven't explored the place 'til now. Do they have some sort of protection put up, or can you just walk in?" she pondered, asking Damien, but also knowing that he wasn't going to know either.

Just then, there was a knock at the door right behind her. "Oh! Looks like we have yet another visitor," she said, opening the door and coming into contact with someone who looked a year or two younger than she was, then again, she didn't want to assume.

"Hello! Rhea greeted enthusiastically. "I suppose you aren't here for me? I would think not, but in the very slight chance that you are, I'm Rhea, nice to meet you," she gave him a slight wave and smiled politely.

"Alright Damien. Let's go talk to some fairies! We can plan the rest on the way there I suppose."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zane had zoomed out the dorm, nabbing an errant Liors in a princess carry. Death by electrocution was not in his list of things to do today. It was a really bad way to go, your eyes swell painfully before bursting, your organs liquify, and worst of all... you die with spiky hair. Honestly, why anyone would intentionally spike their hair was beyond him, it just looked so feckin' dumb. He didn't realise there were people in the way until he crashed into them. Human pile ups are fun when a potentially murderous mage isn't behind you.

Taking a small whiff of Liors hair as he ran he thought: "Strawberries and abject terror. Interesting combination."

Quickly regaining his bearings through experience of exploding and crashing, he noticed he landed on Willy. Willy was fun, not in a Nick way, more in an evil cackling way. The guy's magic was sooo interesting and/or a bit emo. Ok a lot emo, what kind of person goes "I'm going to use my magic by bleeding on things."? Apparently Willy, but that just made him awesome like Zane.

"Hey Willy, how's your sexlife going?" Zane asked with a cheeky grin on his face, "Still pining after fictional girls or have you moved into 3D yet?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 6 mos ago

At one point in time, Damien was standing next to Rhea, the next thing he knew, he was sprawled out onto the ground. "Shit!" He said a little louder than he would've wanted. Damien glanced around, trying to get his bearings. He tried to reach over to his pocket for his vape, but his arm was pinned. He sighed, bowing his head in a little sign of defeat.
While trying to elbow his way out from underneath the pile, he could hear Zane start talking to the new guy who came to the door. He was starting to feel exasperated, and this nagging headache certainly wasn't doing his temper any favors either. He narrowed his eyes slightly,
"Look, can we talk later? I'd like to get up."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

"Hello, Rhea," William said warmly as he continued, "I'm actually here for -"

Then Zane bumped to him, laying him flat on the floor. After shouting an "Ow!", William then finished, "I'm here for Zane, who seems to have just bumped to me." Turning to the blacksmith, William retorted, "Not my fault neither girls nor boys are interested in me for completely confusing reasons. But I think I have a plan to change that without needing to use love potions or mind control."

A smile. "And by that, I need your help to forge a duplicate of Excaliubur, with half of the original blade's power; perhaps two-thirds if you can get dragonfire. You know the properties of my own blood, right?"

William sort-of-remembered... Boasting about how his blood can give a duplicate of a Legendary Item the power of the Original in a place he reasoned Zane might be. He had been more prideful in the past, after all.

Getting up himself, William offered a hand to help Damien to his feet; the other kid was handsome, but Will had an inkling he was straight. So best to keep any contact to a minimum.

@Ryteb Pymeroce, @TheHangedMan@QueenNugget@Canidae
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Letter Bee

Damien could feel his agitation rising until finally, people started getting up. He was about to get up himself when the new guy turned and offered to help him up. Without any hesitation, Damien grabbed his hand and pulled himself up.
"Ey, thanks. What's your name again? I don't think I've met you before," Damien brushed the dust off his hoodie and tried to fix up his hair again, but soon gave up. "We were about to go off to the forest – or whatever the hell the place with the fairies is at, do you know how to get there?" Now that he was standing, he could get a better look at the new guy, and noticed he had black hair and similarly colored eyes. At this point he also remembered that his hands were now free, and he pulled out his vape.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Canidae@Letter Bee@QueenNugget@Ryteb Pymeroce
A summary of the day so far: awful.

Liors had been in her seat one second, and all of a sudden, Zane had picked up her up and she wasn't anymore. She pulled herself from his grip and straightened herself out, sighing slightly. What a rollercoaster of a day.

"Um, if you want to go to the forest, you need permission. And to be above novice rank. Somehow, I don't think that anyone knows about that second bit," she said, trailing off towards the end. Noticing him pull out his vape, she subconsciously took a small step back. Not today, not ever. "You could get in. Um, if you use some kind of magic. Go invisible? Something like that," and the way she continued, things were getting worse, so she elected to stop that line of conversation.

She looked at the newcomer. He seemed nice enough. "I'm Liors," she said, but it was more of a mutter in his general direction. There had been more introductions in this one day then she'd ever had in her entire life, and it was really showing. Although, that probably wasn't very much, all things considered. She smiled to herself, but then she didn't, because that was a weird thing to do, wasn't it? She'd been doing alright so far, though. Probably.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Nya haha... you want to make Calesvol? How very... interesting." Zane said, having pulled himself up. His mind was already clocking into overdrive thinking of the difficulty of making such a legend without Will's cheating. Two-thirds the power? Hell no, if we were doing this we were doing it properly... hmm, the others want to see the fae in the woods? Perfect, we can get some of the materials we need there, and he knows the old ways the teachers think are still sealed off.

"I know a way into the forest. This school has many passages hidden for a multitude of valid reasons. They make great shortcuts so long as you avoid the ROUS and the Giant Spider under the cafeteria. Never did work out why there is only one spider, eh, no biggie, so who's with me?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

"I know a way into the forest as well, plus I'm almost a Master; the purpose of making an Excalibur duplicate is to give me enough of a boost for me to ask for an examination to confirm that fact," an element of boasting returned to his tone, even as he considered the fact that the Masters might make the examination more non-combat; knowing his luck, that'd probably be what might happen. So best be open to that possibility.

Looking at Damien, William would have preferred proper androgynes with a mix of masculine and feminine traits, but it seemed that the guy was interested in other men like him after all, and that was to be appreciated.

Then back at Zane as William said, "You and I are both Journeymen, right? And Rhea is too. Why don't we just get permission for a field trip?"

A pause. "Wait, yeah, that'd take too long; let's just sneak out. Note that I don't want to get in trouble with the people who are supposed to be examining me, so it's best if we do this quickly and with as much stealth as possible."

@Ryteb Pymeroce@TheHangedMan@QueenNugget@Canidae@Aviaire
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Letter Bee @Ryteb Pymeroce

At the sound of her name, Rhea perked up, finally getting up off of the floor, a little winded but generally okay. "Hmm, what about me? Ah. No, I'm a novice. I wish I were a journeyman though, that's be pretty cool," she paused, brushing herself off while listening to the rest of William's plan.

"Hmhm," Rhea chuckled, a determined look crossing her face. "Stealth is my middle name! Not really, but you get my point, yes? And I'll try to be as quick as possible, but no gaurantees," she then turned to Liors.
"Are you coming with? Yes, of course you are, then it's settled. I've decided that we'll leave as soon as possible, aaand everyone's coming along. Sounds great! Also, Zane, try to refrain from running over the faries as well, they might get a little mad, and that's something I don't wish to happen, m'kay?" Rhea smiled, glancing at Zane.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Damien tried his best to keep up with everyone pitching in their ideas about getting into this forest. Something about using magic, secret passages, a random tidbit about Excalibur? Wasn't that a sword? He thought he saw a Disney movie about some sword called Excalibur being pulled out of stone by some kid or something. Sword In The Stone? He couldn't remember it very well, though he supposed it didn't matter that much to him, either.

"So...we're gonna sneak through the secret passages to the forest?" Damien said, trying to piece everything together. "Sounds good to me." He took another drag off his vape.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Canidae@QueenNugget@Letter Bee@Ryteb Pymeroce
Truth be told, Liors wasn't completely paying attention. She'd tried, but she was a little lost on all of the magic talk. These words were much too long for her sleep-addled brain to understand, so she just stood there and listened, as always. It wasn't as if anyone could tell the difference. She caught the odd thing or two, but that was all until Rhea looked at her and started talking. That seemed important. She blinked back to life, remembering where she was.

"That's, that's. Um, ok, I'll go. If you want me to," Liors stammered. Her eyes flickered back to the dorm door. All her stuff was still in there. It was probably too late to go back, and she could only hope that nothing happened while she was away. Since she was apparently going on an impromptu field trip to the forest, she wouldn't need any of it. "It's kinda dangerous. The forest, that is. Um, unless you've got offensive magic. I don't know if- nevermind," she said, hastily interrupting her own sentence. "It doesn't matter. If you want to go now, I guess we can."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by unicorgi
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unicorgi I don’t have discord

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She looked up. She had stopped reading a few minutes ago and had listened to the conversation outside, now she had a face for the voice.
“Hey.” She said then looked him up and down in a one second analysis. He was the handsome type, the kind that would be bringing in girls from every darn dorm. Not her type but there was merit in that. Not liking this guy would make living with him easier. She wondered what type of magic he practiced.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zane snorted. Dangerous was an understatment. There were creatures in those woods that made his master pause before trying to sneak through it. Hell, the incident with the tentacle monsters is still being talked about... magic does really weird things to plantlife. Out of his bag he pulled a shovel. It was big, sharpened to work as an axe, oh, and was cast iron. Always good to carry iron when idiots want to actually encounter fae. Eh, free distraction for him to steal the metal.

"Don't you worry you pretty head, Riri," Zane replied, giving his trademark badboy smirk (currently earnings: 16 dates, 3 snogs, 20 slaps, and one flash freezing), "So long as those pointy ear bastards don't try anything, I won't hurt them."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

William Ascot

"Then let's go!" William said. "Zane, lead the way; I'll stick close to the handsome guy in the makeup." Yes, that last phrase was his way of flirting.

Hopefully, they'd begin walking to the tunnels promised by Zane by then; William had found a few passages on his own back when he was more adventurous. Well, he was still adventurous now, but that was more because he was going through the motions.

Deep inside, he knew pursuing the Golden Ending was futile. Deep inside, he knew he was no hero. Deep inside, he put on a mask to hide the fact that they lived in a world - no, a universe - plagued by the prospect of an eventual Bad end to all things. All were headed to a fate of madness and suffering and an eventual end and there was only the slightest of barriers preventing it.

But William kept smiling, hiding the truth of himself from everyone else. He will put up a false front for friendship's sake, because friendship was good and valuable; he could not shed that belief. Besides, spending the rest of his existence as a Master wasn't that bad, right?

And he will be a Master once he had completed Excalibur II and passed the examination of Mastery. That will be one accomplishment that he can appreciate, until the futility of achieving the Golden Ending and the ease of acquiring the 'Bad Ending' reared its ugly head once more.

@Ryteb Pymeroce@TheHangedMan@QueenNugget@Canidae@Aviaire
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Rhea gave Damien a quick glance, raising an eyebrow at him before pulling out her phone and sending a text saying:
"William Hmm?"
"New boyfriend material?? ;))"

She smiled as she sent it, but looked in the other direction so she couldn't see how he responded.

"Anyhoww, now that we have a plan, kinda sorta, we can get moving, yes? I believe everyone's ready," she clapped her hands together, "And if not, well then you'd better be! And preferably pretty quickly 'cause I have a feeling things are gonna get rough, but yes, I agree with William, we should get going!" Rhea ended, although she wasn't sure how comfortable she was with Zane leading the way, but she couldn't complain considering that he seemed to be the only who knew the way, but she would defintely stay close behind.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Letter Bee @QueenNugget

Damien was glad to finally get moving. Sure, he liked to plan, but he was starting to get a hair impatient with the pace this deliberation was going. What he didn't (but probably should've, he noted in hindsight) expect was William. He felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips,
"I'd go stand next to a handsome guy too, 'cept for the fact that there aren't any here."
Damien wanted to remain stone-faced, but after he said that, his face broke out into a grin. He casted a glance at Will,
"Oh wait, nevermind. Guess I didn't see you there." He moved closer next to him as he said that.

As soon as Damien moved closer to Will, he felt his phone vibrate. It was Rhea. He read the text in a nanosecond and then looked up to find her, but she was facing away from him. He typed his response(s) quickly:
"I've never met someone so infatuated so fast"
"Shoulda known with the way he kept lookin at me"
"Absolutely smitten"
"Not as tall as I'd like"
"But I'm willing to give it a chance"
"He's pretty hot"
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