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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elsa


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Name: Aleksandrina 'Sasha' Ivanova
Species: Witch; Silver Witch. Has specialised her power with a connection to the Moon. She is at her strongest when the moon is full, but can also draw a lot of power from things in the natural world that have a connection to the Moon. For example; flowers that bloom in moonlight (such as jasmine, which is more potent when it has bloomed under a full moon), the ocean (as the tides are controlled by the pull of the moon) and wolves (were and non).
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Mental Illness: Schizoaffective disorder. Some schizophrenic symptoms such as hallucinations and voices but these occur only during the full moon when her power is at its strongest. The rest of the time her symptoms are limited to severe bipolar and manic depression.

Appearance: Tall, slim, in a careful diet kind of way rather than an athletic kind of way. Even before her imprisionment she was not fond of exercise (rather; overfond of naps). She has long brown hair that frizzes in the wet and curls in the damp, which she allows to hang loose and tangle easily though she is careful to comb it out at least with her fingers every morning and evening. Her eyes are pale blue and naturally sharp when it comes to expressing emotions, good or bad. Lanky limbs, rounded hips, and stretch marks from a series of growth spurts that came late because of magical influences and came swiftly because her body realised that it was time to catch up. She never quite grew into the breasts that her hips suggested she would gain, and she was always a little bitter about it when compared to her more voluptuous older sister.

Sasha bears four tattoos on her body, three of them counting as ritual markings from time spent with her coven. One of them is a crescent moon on the back of her neck that marks her out as a member of her particular Moon Witch coven. A floral vine design that was given to her in a Midwinter festival in which she successfully encouraged a jasmine vine to bloom out of season, wrapped around her left ankle. There is also a feather on her right side from her sixteenth birthday/first bloodletting ceremony, and two lines of script in her native Russian along her right wrist.

History: Born as the younger of two girls to a human mother and a warlock father. Middle class suburban home, father had retired from practising magic at the behest of his wife and worked four days a week as a labourer. Mother was severely anti-magic, despite the natural talents that both Sasha and her sister showed from a young age, worked five days a week as a primary school teacher and had a reputation as the school staff member with the most complaints from a parent for scaring their child.

Sasha was frightened of their mother, her sister was not. Both parents were born and raised in Moscow, Russia, but migrated to a less strict country shortly after the birth of elder daughter Olga, where Sasha was born three years later. It was the magic that assisted them to make the change and the magic that allowed them to stay unnoticed for many years, although the truth was not known by their mother until after the girls began to take an active interest in the powers.

When she was older Sasha had little to do with her family, choosing to spend time away from them as much as possible to escape the glazed, manic look that appeared in her father's eyes whenever she spoke of magic, and the hateful look in her mother's. Olga also travelled, and usually sent a postcard once a month to Sasha to tell her where she has been. She was there on one of her brief visits when the manic symptoms began to show on a major scale and it was Olga who ultimately contacted the institution about taking her in when she began to be a danger to herself and others because of the erratic form that her magic was taking.

Personality: A harsh mother has given her a harsh temperament, and a penchant for losing her temper in a violent manner. She is patient around the full moon, and restless when it is absent. She has always been an extrovert, thriving when surrounded by friends and fellow witches, so captivity does not suit her. It makes her restless, and bitter, and angry. She is convinced that she is well and so does not see when she is mad.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. (Insatiable.)

Fears: Sunlight. Irrational, yes, but there is a strong part of her that believes that sunlight will physically hurt her if she comes into contact with it. The fear originated with a hex that her witch sister put on her when she was twelve years old, which really did burn her in sunlight, but only for a period of forty-eight hours. The hex was what drove her to specialise in Moonlight and though the fear was not irrational for many years it grew until it influenced her psyche enough to become so.

Capabilities: Witch. Basic telekinetic powers and elemental control, strength varying on the strength of the moon. More complicated and complex magic requires incantations and physically constructed spells. The clearer the mind the more effective the spell, drugs and alcohol cloud her and have been known to influence her to miscast or fail entirely.

OOC Notes:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reccon


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Woah, I'm late for the party! Making a char sheet right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aww yiss!!

Kally, should I be calling you CJ now? Because it's weird for me to not call you Kally, but if you want me to I'll try. I had not read Nell's character sheet previously, but she's wonderful! (And yes, Buck still speaks Italian.) Approved! (Of course.) Can I also just say I can't wait to have Buck meet her? :D

Also, Pumirya gets clean cupcakes for giving Kally the heads up!

Oblivion, Reccon, and Elsa: there's no rush on your character sheets. It's not like I've got people beating down the door to join, and I didn't expect players to start turning in sheets so quickly. I'm eager to see who y'all come up with, but as long as the sheets are posted before the IC opens, we're good.

A word on the IC: if all of us are ready to go before the 21st, I may start the IC sooner. I should have it done in the next day or so, but will be waiting on the sheets so I can plug in some of the patient's names and specifics where applicable. That being said, I hate being rushed and so will not rush anyone else. Good things come to those who wait.

Now, I owe some PM responses. To the Maidencave!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CJayxo


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Awesome stuff! Thanks (: I still need to add in a few tid-bits to do with her Metal disorders and how they affect her; specifically the Fugue State, because I plan on having be something that occurs with Nell every now and again. Looking forward to reading the other Characters, I really like the sound of Syblyx's character, I can't imagine Nell will be too fond of him :p And I really don't know how she'll take to Buck; he's a male but not an intimidating one (some of the time, really depends on his mood I guess? Haha), and he's somewhat small and slightly effeminate lol soooo, I guess well see! :D

PS; You can call me Kally if you like, I don;t mind really :p

PPS; I've also elaborated on her Mental Illnesses and tacked on a paragraph to the Personality if you want to have a check up and A-OK it for me? :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elsa


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It still looks great, Kally! I like her personality very much! And Osmond's making her keep her "smile" is a very nice touch. Also, you know I'm fond of fugues. ;)

Far as Nell and Buck, I don't know if you remember, but Buck was really fond of Pumirya's Elsa because she was Italian. (Elsa even had to ask Buck not to call her 'cara'.) Although it wasn't Italy when he was born there, that's where he's from, too. And since nobody speaks Latin anymore, Italian is as close as Buck can really hope to get to speaking his native tongue with someone. He'll probably take an immediate shine to her for that reason alone (just like he did Elsa). I look forward to seeing if he'll keep trying to get her to open up to him, or if he'll just get frustrated and leave her alone.

Also, I gotta say, I can't wait to play Buck without Remy around. Much as I loved the Big Guy, I never interacted with the rest of you as much as I should have because I was too busy with what was going on between the two of them.

Sooo I guess it's time for me to go get some more work done on the IC. Whee!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CJayxo


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I was actually curious - are we imagining this like, say, 50 years in the future from Original Twisted, or is this simply a Wipe-the-Slate-Clean-Complete-Redo?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Good question. I'm mostly wiping the slate clean, though there are some instances where I'm transplanting the happenings of the previous Twisted further back into the current Twisted's past. For example: some of the residents of Orrace will remember Kidney's attack... but in Twisted Redux, that happened five years before Buck signed on. Make sense? (Kind of? XD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syblyx


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Can we get a list of events like "Kidney's Attack" or something? I wasn't here for the original, so I don't know of it. Then again, I guess that makes my character's curiosity even more realistic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CJayxo


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I think it would be good to have a list of ''historical events'' that would be remembered among the Town, Kidney's Attack definitely would, because it was just, plainly put, disgusting. It wasn't even particularly scary - just revolting, made you want to gag. I don't remember everything, but basically Kidney was a french man in the asylum, and his ability was something to do with eating & regurgitating his hair and using it as a weapon to infect and manipulate people. He managed to ''infect'' the town and many of the patients and tried to take over the Town/Asylum, turning people into these like, horrible, disgusting zombie things that reproduced disfigured creatures that became his minions. It affected a lot of the characters and led to one of my own's death in the end.

I've likely got a few of the details wrong here, so please do correct me Maiden or Pum if I'm wrong - it's been a long time and I've more than likely gotten mixed up somewhere. It's such a shame we can't access it anymore - Twisted was a good chaotic read :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nah, you've pretty much got the basics down, Kally. Kidney wanted to escape, and not just Osmond's, he wanted out of the dimension. He infected patients and staff with a sort of magical bio-weapon, (he used all his bodily fluids to do this) and then mutated them into pink, mushy, shapeless zombies that destroyed everything. They broke out of the Institute and started infecting Orrace. Buck almost died, I wound up pulling a deus ex machina with Remy to save Buck's life, Anna did die, and Kidney only failed because Morgan basically said he'd rather die and see the dimension destroyed than to let Kidney out. So Kidney killed himself... in a unique, graphic, especially disturbing way. We tactfully marked his tombstone as "Death During Takeover Attempt" or some such. It was graphic, brutal, and so totally repulsive that I had to open up my thesaurus to find more words to describe the level of gross Kidney operated on. (There isn't one.) It was the worst, and yet some of the best, of Twisted. Pocru (Kidney's player) was a sick f--king puppy.

Good times, man, good times. Yes, I miss being able to go back and read it. Le sigh.

But, now that I think about it, Kidney's attack is probably the only thing I'm going to keep around, and it's really not important except to signify that the people in Orrace aren't exactly safe from shitstorms on the hill. (Also because I'm too lazy to go back and write such a thing on my own: why do that when I can just borrow Kidney's story? I'm sure Pokey wouldn't mind...)

Oh, no, wait, I forgot! There's one more thing I'm keeping. But it's a surprise. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Dante Veneti "The Grinning Jackal".

Species: Human Magician.

Gender: Male.

Age: Twenty-seven (27).

Mental Illness:

  • Schizophrenia - Dante often hears voices telling him to do things. The voices become louder and more insistent as his birthday draws closer. It drives him mad if he refuses their suggestions to long, especially on his birthday. March thirteenth (13th). On days near his birthday he often sees things that aren't real.

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Ever since losing his sister to a house fire he has never been able to forget the screams. Often waking up screaming in terror, calling out for her. The one thing he can't forget no matter the score of years he will live.

  • Insomnia - Because of his PTSD he rarely sleeps, giving him dark circles around his eyes and often worsening his Schizophrenia.

Dante stands confidently at six foot even with a sleek yet chiseled frame. He often keeps a perpetual facade of swagger to his step with a devilish grin to match. His eyes are a deep forest green, their color only brightened by the dark tint that encircles his eyes from the restless nights. His skin is warmly tanned and without a blemish. Golden blonde waves of hair fall neatly down to his shoulders with few strands scattered in front of his face. He often keeps a well kept stubble of hair on his face.

On days when the voices are especially strong it is rather apparent. His eyes almost seem hollow and stare mindless at random things as if lost within his own mind. He becomes sluggish and it becomes exceedingly difficult to hold his attention. His hair is often tangled and messed, mostly from holding his head to try and silence the voices. He facial hair becomes unkempt and shaggy, course from being unwashed. During these times he tries to stay out of sight, mostly staying in his room or off in the shadows where it is hard to notice his episodes.

~My Story..

"I was born a normal lad you see, to an Irish mother and Italian father on March Thirteenth, 1930. My mother came down to Sicily with her parents, my grandparents. They were traders with rare goods. There she met my father. I remember when they told me the story as a boy that theirs eyes met and that was the moment they knew they were meant to be. They were always a happen couple, always dancing every night after dinner when they thought I had gone to bed. When my mother got pregnant with my baby sister, Emilia, that was a truly happy time for them. They said they always wanted another child so I would not grow up alone. You see, I knew my parents loved me. I never took a moment to question it. But when Emilia came along I could tell how much they loved her, more than they loved me. I knew that and I understood. Emilia had a way about her, even as a little baby the way she smiled at you and held your finger made you feel special. I was five years old when she was born. When she was just an infant I had gone to a book store. I was looking for something I might learn to keep Emilia entertained whenever she got fussy; I hated it when she cried. That's were I found this little magic book. It was no more than fifty pages long filled with more illustrations than actual words. The first trick I learned was a simple card trick. I was terrible at it but Emilia loved it anyway, though she was only a baby she watched the trick with amusement and delight. I got better, showing Emilia my progress every step of the way. I went to the book store once a week trying to find a new book on magic tricks so Emilia (and admittedly myself) wouldn't get bored.

"The next few years as she grew strong enough to play I brought her all around the Island, showing her all my favorite spots and even some of my hiding spots that I hid candy I bought from the money left over from buying my magic book so mother wouldn't see. I could never deny her when she asked for a piece of my chocolate." He trailed off, his gaze drifting off as if lost in a memory. A sad smile touching his lips.

His gaze snaps back to those who were listening, the smile gone now. "Anyway. Two years later she died. Somehow the house caught fire in the night. It started in my sisters room. By the time we woke up the door was engulfed in flames. My mother tried to run into the room but my father knew it was too late. He pulled her screaming from our house. I still remember the screams that woke me that night. 'Fratello! Il fratello salvami! Ho paura! Fratello!' Which means, 'Brother! Brother save me! I'm scared! Brother!' But I was too scared to pass the flames. I woke up my parents who were down the hall. But by the time we got back her voice was gone. Nothing but the crackle of burning wood and my mothers choked screams.

"It wasn't even a week before my mother took her life. Unable to live without her daughter or look at the man that kept her from saving her. I think my father was too drunk to even notice she was gone to be honest. I was taken to a foster home that night. It was raining that night, it nearly ruined my magic cards. I spent hours drying them off and trying to keep them from warping. They were Emilia's favorite kind of trick.

"Years later and still in foster I can continued my magic practice every moment I wasn't doing school work or cleaning up the home with the other children. I had gotten rather good with cards. Easily able to do advanced tricks that most adults couldn't even attempt. It was my obsession. For some reason I knew Emilia was watching, from somewhere, and I wanted to make her smile the way she did when I came home with a new trick. It was rather easy to practice when I couldn't sleep at night because of the nightmares.

"When I turned eighteen I moved out of the foster and traveled, around Sicily at first, doing tricks for whatever change people would throw my way. I eventually made my way to England. Learning English wasn't too difficult. I had a rather sweet set up in England. It is where I got my name 'The Grinning Jackal' from, because of the large hat I wore covered my eyes and all anyone could see with my large grin. Far more people were amazed and intrigued by my magic shows then they were in Italy. I was able to afford a nice room in a local Inn most nights. But eventually a ran out of things to learn. That terrified me. If I had nothing new to learn I had nothing new to show Emilia. If I had nothing new to show Emilia she would leave. I knew she would.

"But one day scouring through book store after book store I happened upon an old book bound in cracked and worn leather. Pressed into the leather it said 'Real Magic'. I thought it was just a ploy, a gimmick to get your attention. Though I bought it anyway. I had never seen the book before so it was possible to have new tricks. As I read through the book it wasn't filled with tricks, but a formula and ritual to attain real magic. I tried not to think about it, but the fear of Emilia leaving became more and more crippling. I went mad, I would try anything to keep my baby sister with me. Even if it were only some feeling in the back of my mind that she were actually there.

"I followed each step. It required a lot of blood. At first it was rather small things to be sacrificed. Bunnies, goats, things of that nature. But the last ingredient was the human heart of a Holy man. And it had to be on my birthday. Something to do with the cycle of my life and being reborn in magic. Something to that effect, I do not recall entirely. What I do remember, very vividly, were the mans pleas. He spoke of God before he went silent.

"After I ate his heart I convulsed and before I knew it I was home, drenched in blood a week had past. It took hours to wash the tint of red from my skin. I began to notice something different about myself though. I felt surges of energy coursing through me. It was like a bolt of energy struck me and I was left with the sensation still rushing through me. It took a while to actually harness the powers I had been given. I slowly began to control it and learned of a way to create illusions. I learned to cast these Illusions on myself. I brought Emilia back. She was there before my eyes, I held her hands and saw her smile again. But then I noticed the strange occurrences that happen in an illusion. It's always different from each illusion, the stronger the illusion the more subtle the oddity. When I first brought Emilia back it took me awhile to notice but my room had no ceiling. I was too entranced by the fact my sister was back. But once I noticed the oddity it all vanished. I was once more alone in my room. I tried my hardest to get the illusion back but I was too emotion and unstable. I couldn't focus enough to refine the illusion enough to work.

"As the rest of the year past on I grew stronger. But the stronger I grew I began to notice a voice in my head. It was quiet at first, I thought it was just my conscious the first few times I heard it. I later found out it was getting closer to my birthday. That was the reason the voices were coming. Little did I know at the time that the ritual to attain my magic was actually a soul binding curse. Made by an old, evil wizard who gained his powers through eating human hearts. When he grew old with age he created a book, the book I bought and used. It was a ritual to bind his soul within my own. I would gain his powers but he would always be there in my mind. Edging me to do his bidding. I often have little trouble refusing his demands though as the years go on his will gets stronger. Emilia helps settle my mind, silence his screams.

"The last thing I remember before getting locked up in this... Hell. I was out on the streets of London, late at night. Coming home from getting a meal. I heard a scream, it sounded like a young girl. Without a thought I ran to it. I found a hunched over something, or rather, someone. I pulled the man up and threw him against a wall. It was a young girl, her clothes torn and her face beaten in. Her hair was Golden blonde, faintly curled.... Just like my Emilia's. It all became blurry after that. I remember the color red. It was everywhere. I remember the sound of the guards yelling for me to stand down. To not resist. But I am sure I did. I eventually blacked out entirely. Whenever I use to much energy I pass out. My body can't take the full power I have being used at one time. I woke up strapped to a bed getting wheeled down these halls with a strap around my mouth to keep from using my magic. And that's my story... Now you understand Who I am.

Dante, when not out of his mind, is a rather charming smooth talker. Spending his life as a street performer has given him some rather alluring social skills. He has little trouble making friends with his foreign accent and dashing grin. He is generally a kind man though if he had to pick to save himself or someone else, it would always be himself. He loves playing games and giving people a show.

When he isn't exactly right of mind he is rather closed off. Often time he comes off as erratic and unable to set at ease. He often hides in the shadows, avoiding eye contact at all costs. He has been known to cast a wide net of Illusion to make it so people can't see him. Often shuffling through the motions with hollow eyes, fixated on nothing as if lost within the own caverns of his mind. He is known to answer questions no one asked, as if talking to a voice in his head. Because, he is actually talking to a voice in his head.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.


  • Young girls with golden blonde hair. They incite memories of his little sister which often leads to violent episodes.

  • He is afraid of blood and will do nearly anything to get away from it. It excites the voices in his head.

Capabilities: *Note, His more difficult spells needs a verbal queue. Could be anything, even something nonsensical. Only that it has to be verbalized.

  • Creation - Dante being a magician can nearly create anything his mind can envision. Though his creations can be very much real they are not nearly as strong as their counter part. the more complex the creation the greater knowledge Dante needs on the object. He wouldn't be able to make a gun for he has little knowledge of their intricacies.

  • Manipulation - This particular brand of magic allows Dante to change an items physical shape. Changing a block of iron into a dagger and so forth.

  • Illusions - Dante excels with illusions and tricks of the mind. Making someone see what he wants them to see, without them even noticing. The only way to break free of his illusion is to know it's an illusion. The person under the illusion has to actually notice something that isn't right, notice something that would give them not even the shadow of a doubt that what they were experiencing wasn't real.

He often plays with a deck of cards more often then not. They keep him calm and help me focus on something other than the voices.
When he is in his room he would seem to be alone doing tricks as if someone were there watching. This is often the case when he puts himself under an illusion to see Emilia so he can show her magic tricks.

OOC Notes:
Will add to this as things come to mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elsa


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm so impressed that you remember more about my character than I do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CJayxo


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Evi (Can I call you that?) I'm loving the sound of your character so far! And it's going to be so odd seeing "Witch" and picturing "Hayley", especially when your Avatar IS a Witch hah! (Yes, Original fan up in here~ But then I suppose Hayley was a Witch before she was a Wolf in the Secret Circle sooo idk lol)

Either way looking forward to reading the finished sheet! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syblyx


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Elsa, as an actual Russian here, nice tattoo ;). I enjoy seeing my native language in RPs. I think Sasha will be great.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pumirya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I THINK the Kidney arc was about the time my first char showed up, Filtiarn, who died later in a awesome fight with Buck. Filtiarn still claims he would have won if healthy and he wanted to win, if... Anyways.. moving on, as I told Maiden,since this is a redo basically, I'm much more inclined to use Simone, then Elsa or Henrietta, because I was happy with how they ad turned out and where they were in their stories, and there wasn't much I would have changed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So, I apparently have a lot of catching up to do. Mondays are my long days at work, and I didn't even have time to finish my dinner before I was mobbed with tech support requests from my Mom and nephew. (It's a pain in the ass to be the only tech-savvy person in your family sometimes!)

@ Tigre: It took me a minute to realize where I recognized your name from! I'm so glad you found this thread! Can't wait to see who you come up with!

@ Evie/Elsa: Don't feel bad, I have no idea what Kally's talking about. ;) Sheet's looking good though!

@ Pumirya: My memory is fuzzy, but I think Filitiarn was there for at least the second half of Kidney's attack. I remember that Pocru was already playing Arnan (his child angel character) when Buck and Filitiarn had their fight. (And Buck says that had Filitiarn been in good health and wanting to win, in all likelihood they both would have wound up dead.)

For those of you wondering, Filitiarn was Pumirya's deep-space origin Utahraptor character. (Not a velociraptor! There's a difference.) He was dying slowly and picked a fight with Buck to hurry things along.

@ Syblyx: You're from Russia? Cool!!

Now on to PM's and -if there's time before I run out of steam- then on to moar work on the IC. A GM's work is never done... :D

P.S. I hate auto-correct. It knows nothing of meme/internet speak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Maiden: Lol hey there! I know I recognize the name though my memory is pretty bad. Which RP were we acquainted in?
Secondly; I am having a terrible time picking between two characters that I have thought up with the sad predicament that I only have the time to play one. Lol Would you mind if I PM'd you with the generally idea of both and get your opinion on which you are more interested in?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was Dance of Light and Shadow, Tigre. I wrote a sheet for Sin of Wrath, but the GM's took forever to launch the IC and I wound up dropping it before it started. And then the crash and that was that lol. I'll be happy to review your concepts, bring it on! :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hahaha ohhh yeah!! They took like 3 weeks and still nothing happened xD Then they got pissed off because we were talking a lot even though most of it was actually about our characters and the plot. lol

And okay! I shall get a quick synopsis of the two written up for you in a jiffy! lol They will both be rather basic but once I get a better idea of which one I will stick with I will flesh out all the nitty gritty details.
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