Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
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Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 1251 pm

Enrick Valdea

She doesn’t remember me… or maybe she doesn’t want to. I look into the bright brow eyes of the woman across from me, hoping that maybe this time I will see a gleam of recognition. It never comes. Parcheck, my partner in crime, a parakeet with more brains that half of the business lot I’m serving on their lunch break, flutters onto her shoulder.

”I think he likes you,” I say as I watch the woman’s reaction. Her luscious pink lips fold into a smile as the bird makes itself comfortable on her shoulder. The reaction to Parcheck makes what I’m about to do next all the more difficult. I remind myself that Louisa Essair is the embodiment of everything I hate- successful, smart, beautiful. When digging up information on her, I was surprised to find that we’d grown up in the same apartment complex, just doors down from one another. If things had turned out differently, if the government hadn’t snatched away my parents at the age of five, I could be working along beside her instead of shoveling out hotdogs to make a living.

”Would you like to feed him?” I ask and offer her a small can of bird seed. I’m still wearing my plastic serving gloves in an effort to make sure it’s her fingerprints, not mine that are over the small tin.
She takes the small metal can happily and pours a little bit of seed into the palm her hand. The man besides her seems impatient as he shuffles back and forth on his feet, but Louisa Essair pays him no mind. Her eyes are filled with joy as she watches Parcheck greedily gobble up the grain. As for the can of seed, the plan is simple enough. I simple have to make sure someone leaves their fingerprints on an object and then plant that object near the next explosion site. Since the building we were planning on bombing is restricted, there would be no good reason for that person to be in the vicinity in the first place. I strongly agreed with the Rebel leader’s plan. Someone working in the Office of Security would be the perfect candidate to take the fall for our next bombing having ability (thanks to their security passes) if not the motive. The government was always looking for a scape goat and it was so much easier when we simply handed them one. Yes an innocent would take the fall but we did it for the common good.

”What other kinds of foods does he eat?” Her voice is low, almost melodic.

”He like carrots and especially partial to melon.” I reply, trying to keep my voice steady. ”Just take the can back and get it over with.” I remind myself.

”I’ll try to bring him a piece of cantaloupe sometime.” She replies, beaming up at me. ”Would you like that, sir bird?”

Parcheck, as if somehow sensing her question (or at least understanding the word ‘melon’) chitters at her a bit before fluttering back to my shoulder. She hands the can of birdseed back to me before waving good-bye and walking away.

I am touched by her words. I used my first paycheck to purchase Parcheck. I saw him in the window of a dirty pet shop one afternoon. He was all alone, shut away in a small rusting cage. There was something about him that reminded me of myself. Parcheck, oblivious of my reminiscing nibbles gently on my earlobe before hopping onto his perch attached to the umbrella of my stand. ”Cantaloupe, hmm?” I say to myself. ”Cantaloupe is really expensive.” As were most foods that had to be grown in biospheres. I could hardly remember the taste of the orange fruit, it’d been so long. I reach over and quickly use a nearby napkin to wipe her fingerprints off the can. I can always find someone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It wasn't a bad day but there was little time to enjoy it as I had a job to do, to get the can with an Office of Security persons finger prints on it. Easy enough as most have to pass Enrick Valdea hot dog stand to get to their place of work, plus he already scoped one out. I had to admit was worried that that he would rat us out but my boss assured me that he was trust worthy.

I walked done a few of the alleys until I came one of the main drags, I had to be careful since I never new if I was tagged. That was the problem, you never knew if you were tagged, since yeah I wasn't a 'big' name like my boss or half of the other generals in the resistance. I look both ways before crossing the street being careful not to draw too much attention to myself, which was easy since no one noticed a 'low' class person. The low classes were usually always ignored unless they were needed for some job that was usually unpleasant.

It wasn't long until I came to the place where Enrick said he would be set up, I found a place to 'blend' in and watched. The boss wanted me to make sure that he did his job and got the prints, since they were planning something big and needed to frame a high ranking idiot. Sure enough and true to his word Enrick gives the can to the person he claimed would be the perfect target. The woman looked well put together and, well, pretty. It made me jealous, which was stupid since I shouldn't be jealous over some bitch that had the good life of being a pet to the corruption here.

But still I couldn't help feeling a little jealous at her perfect hair and unmarked face. My face had a few scars but I was proud of them, they showed the shit I made it through. I shake my head to clear my thought and focus on Enrick. He seemed to be liking the small talk he was making with the well dressed woman, when she handed back the can he seemed to take a moment to think about something.

I couldn't believe what I saw him doing after the female left. OH. MY. GOD! I wanted to freaking scream but I knew I had to stay calm and not draw attention to myself, but the anger that was swelling inside me was almost too great. He botched the whole thing! We needed those prints like today! The whole thing was going to go tomorrow and he just screwed us over.

Stiffly and while taking deep breaths to calm myself, I walk over to Enrick.

"What..... I can't..... You......ughhhhhhh!" I said while trying to keep my voice from rising though it was really hard. "Why? I hope she is worth you screwing up, wait till I tell the Boss." I hissed as my anger wouldn't let the words out any other way. God I hope that Enrick has another plan before I have to go back and report to the boss I thought as I watched Enrick and his bird with blazing angry eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
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Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 112 pm

Enrick Valdea

Out of the corner of my eye I see Kassie Lovelack bee-line towards my hotdog stand. Her dark brown, wavy hair plays in the wind while her bare arms, tanned and tattooed with a variety of pictures shone in the sun. She would have been breath taking, as she usually was, if not for the angry scowl creasing her lips. I braced myself for impact.

"Why? I hope she is worth you screwing up, wait till I tell the Boss."

I could tell by the way she walked towards me that she was angry but I hadn't expected her reaction. Was she doubting my competency or was she jealous? I secretly hoped for the latter. Even angry, Kassie was quite attractive. ”Is this really such a good idea, us meeting like this?” I said casually, spraying down then wiping the counter of my cart that held the condiments. ”I suggest you check yourself.” My tone was friendly enough but I didn't smile.

I was secretly irritated at her. Both for threatening to blow out cover but also for threatening to rat me out. Yet, I knew it wasn’t a good idea to argue with Kassie when she’s in one of her ‘moods’. Kassie knows we run a risk meeting with each other like this. The government has already come sniffing around my apartment in the past week. I don’t need them to see me consorting with someone else on their “questionable persons” list.

”Do you have something against the woman? She wasn’t a good target.” I say in a low voice. My lips barely move and my eyes never raise to meet hers. I don't feel the need to justify my actions to her. I knew I had been stupidly sentimental. ”I can easily find someone else." Kassie didn't seem to be getting the message. "Mind you, that’s very difficult when someone is frightening the customers away. Some of us have to work to make rent.”

I knew I shouldn’t be mean to her and honestly, I felt bad about it. Nevertheless, I could no more take my words back than I could wipe Louisa’s fingerprints back on the can. I also knew, like the rest of the Rebels, the importance of planting the evidence before tomorrow morning when the bomb went off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I raised an eye brow when Enrick said that the woman wasn't a good target, mean while he said he found the perfect target not that long ago. So was she or wasn't she the perfect target? Lord, I wanted to slap him but that would bring on too much attention to us. Well more me since I was the odd looking one out of the two of us with my tattoos and stuff. "I have nothing against the woman, just there was alot of pressure from H.Q on me to get the damn can." I say trying to clam down a bit.

Truth is I wasn't going to rat Enrick out, he was one of our few that was in the field getting us stuff, from goods to information. As much as I wanted to slap him and tell the boss, I knew we needed him. I roll my eyes when he said that I was scaring customers away, like I was scaring people off. Most people were already heading back to work since their break was over, or at least it should be. I pull cash out of my pocket and hand it over to him, "Two hotdogs and keep the rest." I say as I might as well try to "blend" in since he was right, I needed to cool and act 'normal'.

I smiled sweetly removing any anger from my face and eyes, Enrick most likely thought that I suffered from Bipolar disease or something from the 180 I just did. I waited for him to give me my hot dogs and hoped he was grateful for the extra cash I handed him as that was all I had. Sure I didn't have to pay rent or anything like that. But I had to buy things while 'up top', most of those things I traded once back at H.Q or any of our out posts that I happen to be posted at.

"Please just get the prints, the boss will either send me back later to see if you have it or he will send me tomorrow." I say lowly before looking up at him and his bird. I gently reach out and scratch his birds head and smirk before looking back at him. "And I wont rat you out." I like I'm sorry without actually saying the words but I know he understands what I am trying to say.
Gabriel Lockheart

I know I shouldn't be worried about only one of the staff members that work here but I was. She didn't know that I was worried about her and it was probably a good thing, work place affections never really worked out or that's what everyone says. Truth was I found Louisa quite attractive and a lot of men did, I heard about it all the time in the lunch room. Of course they would shut up as soon as she walked into the room, but I could see they looked at her. Some of them would admire her while others were undressing her with their eyes. I often told them to stop talking or looking at her like a prize to be had but they would start up again as soon as I left the room.

I was worried about her as we had been getting rumors that the rebels were planning something, what we didn't know. Though I had a feeling that people in this building were a target, well I always got that feeling when we heard rumors about security breaches. But also Louisa was running late which wasn't her, this made me worry. Sure we had people come in late all the time and I never worried about them but I worried about Louisa.

I must be stupid, worrying about a girl that most likely doesn't like me. I was after all second in command and her superior, which makes my attraction to her seem a little creepy. God, I need to stop thinking. I get myself worked up over nothing and I need to keep a calm and stern appearance at all times, or else others might get ency. So I have to wait for Louisa, while I wait though I make sure that everything is running smoothly and make calls either take action against people or not to.

It can be a hard job morally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
Avatar of Irell Starling

Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 115 pm

Enrick Valdea

Her reply makes me feel even worse about the tone of my words. I watch her out of the corner of my eye scratch Parcheck while I serve up the two hotdogs she’s ordered. Despite her suggestion, I put the exact change on the plate I handed her. I might be struggling financially but it felt bad taking advantage of Kassie's charity.

”I’ll get the prints” I assure her. ”I just need a little more time. If someone has to take the fall, I’d just rather…” I struggle for an explanation that won’t make her angry again. ”It’d be someone more deserving. You know, give karma a helping hand.” I fully understood that what the Rebels did we did for the good of all. Still, that didn’t mean I always agreed with it one-hundred percent of the time. After all, what the government of Restraint did was ‘for the good of all’ as well, as long as you conserved “All” to include just the rich and powerful.

Around us there are a few still mingling in the streets. Like Kassie stated, the lunch hour is over and anyone still around either took their break late or is simply avoiding work. It’s almost time for my shift to end. I could stay out with my stand all afternoon but I’d hardly make any profit. Besides, one of the Rebel leaders was kind enough to hook me up with a small bar-tending job. It would be nice to take a break before I had to go back to work again.

”Tell you what,” I say and lean towards her. ”Let’s play a game. Look around and pick someone you think deserves to take the fall and I guarantee you I can get their prints in,” I look at my watch. My hotdog shift is just about over. ”Five minutes.”
Tuesday: 120 pm

Louisa Essair

I’m late. Again. My face is flushed as I push past the door of my superior’s office but it has nothing to do with the fact that I practically ran down the hallway. My eyes don’t meet his because I’m terribly afraid that he’ll find out my secret.

”Sorry I’m late,” I say and take the seat across the desk from him. Lifting my purse unto my lap, I dig through it until I find a small paper bag. It’s a tad bit squished but it's still warm. ”Here. I picked one up for you.” I place the wrapped chocolate chip cookie on his desk. Rumor in the break room was that Gabriel Lockheart had a weakness for chocolate chip cookies. I wasn’t sure if it was true or not but I figured I should try. My offering wasn't to make up for my tardiness. The reason I was late in the first place was because I’d stood in the long line at the pastry shop to but one. When my best friend Nym heard about my actions, I'm sure she'll tease me about it ruthlessly. I knew it was foolish, but I couldn’t help it.

I, Louisa Essair, Assistant Technician for the Office of Security, one of the smartest and most logical women of her graduating class, was in love with her boss. Oh I knew it was impossible and not just because we worked at the same place or even because he was my superior. I had worked and crawled my way up the social ladder, proving that my genes were far superior to most citizens. I was now a white-collared worker. I was now a business woman and in time would be wealthy and well respected. I was now part of the social elite, even if I was towards the bottom end. My genes had proved themselves far too valuable to go to waste. I would be assigned a husband. It’s the reason why my mama cried when she’d heard what job I’d been assigned.

Even that knowledge, however, didn’t stop me from buying Mr. Lockheart a cookie or feeling nervous when I finally looked into his hazel eyes. ”You wanted to see me,” I said, clearing my throat a little to hide my nervousness. ”Is it about the cameras in the section 8 housing development? If so, I already took care of them this morning.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Trice Lovelace

I roll my eyes as I listen to Enrick fumble over words about not letting the woman that she saw earlier take the fall, if I didn't know better I would think that he had a crush on the woman from security. It was that or he knew her a little better than he was letting on, what ever the reason I play along. I just needed prints from some big shot so I could go to the boss and deliver, both me and Enrick didn't need the boss angry. I would get the worse of it since I would be the one showing up empty handed and in his line anger.

Taking the plate from Enrick I notice that he placed the change on it, seriously? I was trying to be nice, the longer I stand here though the more I realize I need an attitude adjustment. Which makes me feel like a total bitch, not that I had much choice. Leaving in the rebel camps with the majority of it male was hard, you had to be tough in order to get your point across, as males were annoying big kids.

I place the change in the jar labeled tips and smile at Enrick triumphantly, "Don't you dare go digging in that to give it back." I say before taking a bite of one the hotdogs, which happened to be amazing. God I didn't realize how hungry I was.

I lift an eyebrow at Enricks proposal as I take another bite, before nodding my head and looking around. "That one right there." I say while itching my eyebrow and pointing with my pinky finger as not to give away that I was pointing. The man I chose was wearing a security uniform and yelling into his phone. He must of been talking to a woman as he was calling her a dumb whore and that she made him late and that she should just done what he told her to do.

I look at Enrick and make a face, "That guy, he deserves it." I say before backing off a bit to let Enrick work his magic. "Get em tiger." I tease, which I couldn't help as I really wanted to see this. Obviously I knew that he had better people skills than me, hell, a wall had better people skills than me. I was a mess when it came to talking to the drones. Thats what we call the people up here who aren't rebels, drones, as they don't have a clue whats really going on. They just do what ever the government tells to do.

Anyway I wanted to see Enrick in action, it would be good in my report later.
Gabriel Lockheart

"Sorry I'm late."

The words make me look up from the reports that I was reading and I nearly gave a sigh of relief when I see Louisa taking a seat across my desk. I wanted to smile at her, make a friendly conversation but I had to remain stern and 'blank' faced, which was hard. Especially around Louisa. She had a way to make me smile and want to laugh but I couldn't and it killed me nearly all the time. I watched as she began to dig through her purse which matched her outfit, until she pulled out what she was looking for and placed it on the desk.

A cookie.

I couldn't help but smile as I pick it up, it was still warm and only slightly smushed from being in her purse. I freaking loved cookies, they were one of my weaknesses. I look at the wrapper and notice that it was from the bakery down the street. She was late because she bought me a cookie? The juster was heart warming, and made me wonder why she was buying me a cookie. "Thank you Louisa." I say looking up at her and smiling, though I must of looked a little weird as I didn't normally smile while at work.

She was nervous I could tell but about what I couldn't tell, or maybe I could. It was me, she was scared of me. Or at least I think she is scared of me, if she was would she have bought me a cookie? I didn't think so but women were odd creatures and I had a hard time understanding them. A part of me was kind of happy that I would be assigned a wife, since it would easier on me not having to swoon her, since the government liked to see the wife pregnant within a year and a half of being together.

Though I would like it if I could choose a wife, since at least I know I would love her and not just tolerate her. I mentally shake myself as I refocus on Louisa as she asked why I called her. And for a moment I forget why. I already knew she was taking care of the problem in section 8, I knew all about what people were doing work related anyway. "Yes I just read up on that, thank you for taking the initiative to do that." I say while leaning back in my chair and placing my index finger on my lips as I thought for a moment.

"My superiors were vary pleased with what you did and are giving you a bonus." I say without smiling though my eyes were, bonus's were rarely given out but she fixed a big problem. Someone had been hacking into the cameras in section 8 and she had made up a complex firewall to keep them out, it goes to show anyone that she was worth the trouble which was bringing me to my next point.

She was worth this small risk, of me putting myself out there. "Also I would like to know if you would care to go out for dinner?" I asked feeling my palms grow sweaty. I knew all this could blow up in my face, seeing that if things got serious and we were assigned different spouses. God, that would kill. But I knew people that knew people, plus it helped that her genes were of high quality and would do go with mine.

Regardless I waited for an answer for the beautiful Louisa Essair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
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Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 127 pm
Enrick Valdea

I nodded at Kassie’s suggestion. Even from our distance, it was easy to make out his side of the conversation he was having on his cell. No matter what the other person did, they didn’t deserve to be chewed out like that in public. The conversation turned darker as the man openly threatened to expose her. Since I didn’t recognize him as one of the Rebels, I assumed he was referring to something else. Ass hole. This was definitely going to earn me some good karma points.

”Watch and learn, pupil,” I said, teasing Kassie, ”Watch and learn.”

The strategy I’d use to get this guy’s finger prints would be very different from the one I used on Ms. Essair. Even if I wanted the man to feed Parcheck (which I myself was against), I doubt he was kind spirited enough to give in to the suggestion. Nope, I would have to rely on common decency, assuming the man had any, something I was beginning to very much doubt.

I didn’t head immediately in the man’s direction, and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Kassie seemed to be a bit nervous as I took my time. Instead, I started packing up my extra hotdog supplies since I was done for the day. I didn’t do it neatly either but instead threw the extra condiments, buns, uncooked meat, spare napkins and other odds and ends inside until they formed a nice pile. Last, but not least, I carefully placed the can on top, making sure not to leave any fingerprints of my own on it. Looking out of the corner of my eye, I saw that I had to hurry. My target was already starting to head back towards the security office.

With one quick flip of my wrist, I locked up the stand and placed the keys in my pocket. Then I lifted the box with both my hands. It was large but deceivingly light. My uneven packing made the pile shift around, making it a bit awkward to carry. Perfect. I started off in a brisk walk, weaving a bit as I struggled to keep the contents contained.

The man and I were walking head on towards each other. As expected, my target was still busy yelling at his hapless victim over the phone and wasn’t really paying much attention. I slowed my walk just a bit and continued to weave.


His shoulder hit my left upper arm, causing me to go off balance. I struggled to gain control of the box but a few condiment containers and the can slipped off and fell to the ground. ”Hey!” I called out. ”Watch where you’re going.”

”I’ll call you right back.” the man said gruffly into his phone and pulled the device away from his ear. Before he could say anything else or turn his temper on me, I interrupted him.

”Do you mind,” I said indicating with my eyes to the spilled contents.

It was clear, by the withering look he gave, he was judging the validity of my manhood. Before he could object, I shuffled the box awkwardly from side to side, like it was heavy, and offered up a please.


With another look that said he’d rather be picking up used toilet paper than my objects, he graciously deposited the fallen items back on the pile. He quickly turned around and walked away before I had a chance to thank him. Continuing on my way, I carried my items three blocks to the vendor substation. After shelving away the contents of the box in their correct location and clocking out, I returned to the stand.

”Here you go, my lady.” I said, presenting a small cardboard box to Kassie. Inside she would find the aluminum can, fingerprints and all. ”I think I’m going to head back to my place. See you at Club Esscro later tonight?” I’d be back on the clock again but at least with the loud music and smoking atmosphere, we would get a better chance to talk and lingering around here after I closed the stand would look a bit suspicious.
Tuesday: 127 pm
Louisa Essair

"Also I would like to know if you would care to go out for dinner?"

”Sir?” I said. I felt heat brush across my cheeks and I was certain I was blushing. There was no way that Mr. Lockheart had actually asked me out on a date. I must have somehow misunderstood him. Looking at his face, it was clear he was waiting for a reply.

”Get a hold of yourself, Louisa!” I tried to mentally shake myself. Everyone knows office affairs are frowned upon and that’s when people are on the same level. He wouldn’t risk jeopardizing both of our jobs. This isn’t a date. This is business. But she couldn’t stop her heart from pounding when she thought of the fact that Gabriel Lockheart had actually asked her to dinner.

”I mean, yes, of course.” She continued. ”Of course I would be honored to talk with you some more about Section 8 over dinner.” She’d best make her escape quick before she embarrassed herself even more. What should she wear? She didn’t want to put on one of her business suits. He saw her in those all the time. On the other hand, she didn’t want to be obvious. If he didn’t feel the same way about her things would, at best, be awkward and at worst, abusive. Something similar had happened between a secretary and a technician at the same level as Lockheart and that man was openly making the woman’s life hell. While she didn’t suspect Lockheart was that kind of guy, it never hurt to be careful. Maybe her friend, Claudette could give her advice on what to wear.

”Should we meet there?” I suggest, before leaving his office, ”Or would you like to pick me up at my place?” My cheeks heat up again, ”Or…uh… I could come by and pick you up if that works better.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kassie Lovelace

I smirk as Enrick eyes up the man that was verbally abusing who ever was on the phone with him, this should be a challenge but Enrick seemed to accept it. My smirk gets a little bigger when he teased me, I suddenly thought of star wars when he said that. Not sure why only saw it once, but it was now a vary rare film as they were all on the black list. That was because it was about freeing those that were oppressed. "May the force be with you." I giggle as I take another bite of my hot dog and move away as not to draw to much attention to myself and Enrick.

I could see what he was doing, he was setting himself up for a fall. Anyone could see that, well those that knew what was going on. But other than that, he looked like a guy in a rush to end work. Not that I would blame him, that job must suck. I can't help but wonder what I would of been, I was once told they would of made me work in the brothel. I punched the dude in the face for that and broke his nose, but it did get me thinking. Would I have been put in the brothel? Most likely as I was a kid on the street with no education and no family. Yeah I would of been a whore, but thank god Boss found me.

Shaking my head I catch Enricks cart falling over and him playing mouthy with the abusive guy. I can't help smiling when the dude fell for it and picked up the can, Oh your dead now buddy I smirk as I finish the last of my hotdogs and head towards the vendors station ahead of Enrick. Didn't want it to look like I was following him or something, that would blow our cover for sure.

I stand on the out side of the building where an ally way began, it was clean for an ally but didn't look like many people traveled this way. I jump slightly when Enrick hands me a box, I know I shouldn't have jumped since I should of been on my guard. Thank god Boss wasn't around to see that, he would slapped me and I know I would deserve it. Since us rebels always have to be on our guard, you never know when a black bag may go over your head.

"Thank you darling and yeah, don't be late." I say as I wink at him and take off. I needed to hurry back to HQ, or else they would send someone out to see why I was taking so long. I try to never take the same way back more than twice, sure some days it takes me longer to get back to base but it keeps the 'bugs' off of me or gives me a chance to notice them. Today though I had to take the short route.

I was at HQ in no time, though I had to jog to get to Boss as I was told he was getting ready to send someone out to get me. "Here's your can Boss just like you ordered." I say as I smile and hand him the box with the can inside. He takes it without saying a word and looks in side before shutting the lid and looking at me with hard steal grey eyes. "What took you so long?" His voice is smooth but there is a hardness to it that makes you always think that you are in trouble.

"Enrick didn't have the prints when I got there, so I had to wait." I say calmly and stare back at him. I am one of the few that can do this, but then Boss raised me as if I was his own daughter. So I know how he works, well most of the time...... I think. watch as he nods and dismisses me. I am no longer needed for the rest of this mission, thank god.

I quickly go to my quarters, which I happen to share with three other girls, and get ready to meet Enrick at the club. It's nice not having to worry for a while and just have fun, I just hope I'm not late since I told him not to be. That would be embarrassing.
Gabriel Lockheart

I could see her confusion, I caught her off guard that is for sure. Well I can't blame her as i would be too if someone just randomly asked me out for dinner. But she was doing a great job at recovering from the blind side I just gave her. I frown slightly when she mentioned work, she figured that this was work related. I must of been reading her signals all wrong then? Did she like me or was she trying to get brownie points? Now I am almost as confused as she was, but I didn't let it show, I wasn't aloud to let it show. It could cause unrest amoung the employees and other staff workers.

"Should we meet there? Or would you like to pick me up at my place? Or…uh… I could come by and pick you up if that works better.”

I can't help but smile a bit when I see Miss Louisa blush, I found quite cute. I sit up in my chair a little straighter and look at Louisa, though it wasn't hard to look at her, she was beautiful. "I can pick you, lets say 6:30? Gives us both time to freshen up after work." I say as I smile at her and watch as she leaves my office. I slump then and feel like utterly confused, was I reading this woman all wrong? Or was she confused by my sudden interest?

Maybe it was the latter, after all I have been the one to hide my emotions. Had no choice, it was either hide them or be sent to work at some low pit job. My genes were far better than that, but this job had me make some really hard calls. Some times I wish I was a little braver, but I have seen what they did to some of the people that were brave enough to take a stand. Now they were dead, but that wasn't before being tortured.

I shake my head before getting back to my work and anxiously waiting for work to be done. Unfortunately for me I was close to one of the last ones to leave this place. First to come and the last to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
Avatar of Irell Starling

Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 627 pm

Louisa Essair

I try not to pace around the small entry way of my apartment. It had only taken me forty-seven minutes to take a shower, wash my hair, blow-dry my hair, apply make-up, touch up my manicure, and slip into a strappy sky blue dress. Now I had three minutes left to wait around, my heart fluttering with anxiety. The shimmering fabric, while appropriate length (meaning the dress came just above my knees) clung to my curves as I made my seventeenth round across the area rug.

I was acting juvenile. I knew I was acting juvenile. I had to get ahold of myself. I was just going to dinner. We were probably going to continue the conversation we had been having in his office about Section 8. Perhaps it was customary for someone to take their employee out when they got a raise? I frowned at the thought. While the money was good, and I’d certainly be spending a large portion of it to my parents, I wasn’t particularly pleased by the idea. More money meant more worth and like it or not I was climbing higher and higher on the list of eligible bachelorettes. It was one thing to have a crush on your boss when you were unattached and quite another when you were married. Affairs weren’t uncommon, even my best friend Claudette who was married, seemed to run through men faster than an office ran through tissue. But it wasn’t an idea I was comfortable with even in the best of circumstances.

Maybe this was a terrible idea. Maybe I should call and cancel? Pretend I…

But the thought vanished as I heard the front door bell ring. I didn’t have to check the safety camera to know who was standing on the other side. Even though my brain knew I should be careful and not get too involved with Lockheart, my heart had other ideas entirely. My libido as well, but that was something I didn’t like to think too much about. Swallowing back my nervousness, I slowly opened the door.
Tuesday: 635 pm

Enrick Valdea

The problem, when working for the Rebels, wasn’t the fact that at any moment the government would find me out and drag me into some dark corner, - it was the fact that one always had to be on one’s toes. I felt the added weight in my pocket as I walked exited the city bus on my way to my second job of the day.

I knew better than to look around to see who had deposited the note in my jacket pocket. A few blocks away from the stop, I finally reached in and found a mysterious pack of gum. It was almost empty 5-pack of spearmint. You had to really hand it to whoever’s job it was to get messages around. Even da Vinci would have been amazed at their creativity- the underside of bottle caps, the cards inside library books were due dates were stamped, a misplaced newspaper add. If you knew what you were looking for, hidden messages were everywhere. This one was on the inside of the wrapper.

I popped the piece of green gum in my mouth and quickly scanned over the message. There was a small triangle sketched on the top,( the archaic symbol for change) with the code “430SEC87P”. April 30th, Sector 8, 7pm. So they’d moved the time for the bombing up by several hours. I wasn’t sure why but worried that the events surrounding the acquisition of the fingerprints might have had something to do with it. I looked down at my watch as I pushed past the back door of Club Esscro. Less than twenty minutes to go until the main event.
The place was about as empty as one would expect a club to be before seven on a week night. A few regulars were haunting the bar while a couple employees walked around, cleaning up the place from the previous night. Kassie was nowhere to be seen, but I didn’t expect her to show for a few more hours, at least. Mind you, it was possible I wouldn’t get to see her tonight at all if the government decided to shut the entire city down after the attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gabriel Lockheart

I spent two hours trying to figure out what to wear after I had a shower and shaved, this wasn't normal for me. I always knew what I was going to wear, hell I had my whole week planned. That was the thing about being in the high ranks, you learn to be proficient. But it seemed that all that proficiency flew out the window as I looked at the four outfits that laid on my bed. This should of been easy, I was a guy after all, this was what women did not men. But it seemed that I was stuck in this indecision. Did I want a full suit? A suit without a jacket? Jeans with a nice shirt and jacket? or just jeans and a nice shirt? Why was this so hard?! Rolling my eyes I grabbed my third choice, it was comfortable but looked well put together.

I quickly threw on my clothes and looked at my gold watch to see what time it was, I better hurry, I don't want to be late. I thought as I grabbed my car keys as I headed to the door, but I did a quick stop to look in the mirror before leaving and locking up my place. Man, I am such a girl. I thought, though I wanted to make a good impression. I didn't date vary often, well rarely, as I only had an eye for one young woman. Plus I knew that I would be paired with a genetically good match, though that didn't mean that I would love that person. I knew this could end in heart break for the both of us, but there was a saying 'It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." A good saying though there would still be pain, I just hoped that if things went well with Louisa I could get the officials to match us. I knew that could be done, I have seen it be done.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts as I pulled up to Louisa's house, my nerves spiked as I got out of my car and walked up the steps. I took a deep breath as I rang the door bell, I waited feeling nervous. But as the door opened my nerves melted away as I saw Louisa, she looked gorgeous and I am sure I had a big goofy smile on my face but she was stunning and I didn't care. "Hello Louisa, you ready?" I asked as I handed her a single rose that I picked while leaving my place. I waited as she grabbed her things and walked her to the car and opened the door for her. I knew I was pulling out all the stops for being a gentleman, but I wanted to impress her.

It wasn't a long drive to the high class restaurant that I was able to get a table for. Most people had to wait ages to get in but being one of the top people within the security office I got special benefits. I parked and quickly got out to open the door for miss Louisa, then offered her my arm as I smiled at her. "Let me escort you my lady." I said as we walked to the restaurant.
Kassie Lovelace

I was putting on some makeup when Ven came by my room, well it was more of a cubby than anything. We didn't have real rooms in the underbelly of this shit hole of a place, well the Boss's did and anyone that was of higher rank. "What do you want?" I asked as I watched Ven through the mirror, he smirked as he watched me. I suddenly felt uneasy with him watching me like that, as if he wanted something. Most men down here expected to have their 'needs' cared for and it was easy to break into these rooms, I usually kept my door open since I had nothing of value. But this made it easy for men to steal into my room at night, though it was rarely done since I was like the Boss's daughter.

"Did you hear?" He asked as he came up behind me and played with my hair a little before smelling it. I roll my eyes and turn to look at him, "What?!" I asked though my words were harsh.
"Oh come on babe, don't be mean. I have important news"
"Fine....... Please tell me what's up." I said sweetly though it was mocking sweet. Ven smiled as he took some of my hair in his hand again, before looking at me in the eyes. I really hated when he did that, it made me feel vary uncomfortable.
"The bombing is tonight, so I wouldn't go out tonight. You should stay here with me." He said before grabbing the back of my head and forcing his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but quickly pushed him off and scratched his face. He hissed then looked at me with angry eyes but the anger left his eyes as he smiled at me. "Oh what a sassy thing you are. Have fun...... and don't get caught!" He growled the last part as he left.

I felt like there were bugs crawling all over my body after encounter with Ven, but I didn't want to think about that as I made my way to the club. I just wanted to drink, dance and forget about the evening. I just hoped that Enrick was already there, I needed a drinking buddy. I just hoped he up for getting drunk, I currently didn't care if the city was going to be shut down. I didn't want to go back to the underbelly or back to Ven, I knew he would be waiting for me, he always waited for me.

I walked into the club and looked around, there wasn't many people yet but that was okay. It made it easy to scout out Enrick, but before I did that I went to the bar and got some rum and coke. I just want to forget.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
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Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 655 pm

Louisa Essair

The place was beautiful. It was a chic, neo-classical kind of restaurant. The kind that I had always dreamed of eating in when I’d fantasized about becoming an adult and now that I was one, never seemed to have the time to go to. The lighting was low and the music was soft and distant. The tables and decorations were arranged in such a way that allowed a decent amount of privacy from the other patrons. I was impressed and I was also beginning to have my doubts about this not being a date.

”What would you like to drink?” A impeccably dressed waiter said. I glanced briefly over the menu. Like most it was impossible to find the beverage section. I wasn’t really feeling like a soft drink and ordering water might seem cheap. Through my eyelashes I glanced up at Gabriel. Would he judge me if I ordered something alcoholic?

”Do you have a house red? I’d like a glass.” It was a safe bet. I prefer ed dry red wines but so long as it wasn’t sweet, I’d be okay. In addition, if I only had a glass or two my boss probably wouldn’t fault me. Wine was supposed to enhance the meal after all (even if they did make you choose one before selecting a dinner choice).

”Yes, madam. May I suggest pairing your drink choice with sauteed ducking or gingered rabbit?”

”I’ll think about it.” I said turning back to the menu. I wouldn’t have to think about it very long. I wasn’t a fan of eating cute and fuzzy Easter animals (although I occasionally ate lamb) or anything that filtered... well anything (meaning oysters, mussels, liver, and kidney).

Gabriel ordered his drink and the waiter left me to peruse the menu at my own pace. Maybe if I had known what was about to happen, I’d have ordered sooner.
Tuesday: 657 pm

Enrick Valdea

I’d been helping the band set up their equipment. The stage was tiny and getting all their instruments on, let alone plugged in was hard enough. It was a good thing there were only two of them. I could tell they were new at this, but seeing as it was a Tuesday night, I suppose we got what we paid for which, judging from the quality of their clothes and instruments, that wasn’t much.

Looking up from one of the too few outlets, I spotted Kassie sitting at the bar, a drink in her hand. I hadn’t expected to see her so soon or to start drinking so early, not that I could judge. As I approached closer, I could tell by her facial expression that something was wrong. Maybe it had to do with the new bombing time.

”Sure it’s a good idea to be here,” I said, my voice low as I walked over and pretended to wipe off the bar top near her. Kassie had been here often enough that people had started questioning me about her presence. They thought she had a crush on me or vice versa, especially since I didn’t tend to hit on any of my female coworkers like most of the other men did. ”Tuesday night isn’t a typical time for attractive young women to be out on the town.” Her expression shifted and I was worried that my words somehow hurt her. Surely someone had told her what was about to happen, right? ”Not that I mind. I continued, ”Just that I worry it isn’t saf…”

But I never finished.
Tuesday: 700 pm

Louisa Essair

Ever since he’d picked me up we’d been talking about meaningless things: the weather, Maggie Stout’s new baby, the higher price for produce. While these were nice in and of themselves, I was really itching to get down to the heart of the matter and since the waiter had yet to appear with our drinks, and I’d finally decided what I wanted, I swallowed my nervousness and asked. ”So why did you invite me out? Did you want to ask me…”

Whenever I was nervous as a child, my mother would whisper to me “Cueille le jour present” over and over again. Seize the day. Making me feel like all I had to do was be strong, swallow my fears, and succeed. Really what she should have said was “Tempus neminem manet” or “Hurry up Louisa and get on with it! Time is running out!” Maybe I would have listened to her.

Gabriel’s regulation wrist watch began to beep first and then mine started up as well only seconds later. It was the kind of angry, loud beeping that could wake the heaviest of sleepers with its urgency. Add the fact that our watch beeps were just barely out of sync and it was enough to drive the entire restaurant crazy.

”Yeah, yeah, I got it, I got it.” I said, pressing a few buttons on my watch to make the noise shut off as I scanned the tiny digital screen for the message. I was being summoned back to the Security Office and from the way Gabriel’s watch was also screeching I’d guess he was too. I mentally cursed the Rebels for their bad timing- whatever it was. My eyes scanned over the incoming message as the words ticked across the screen.

My breath caught in my lungs. My body refused to move- to even breath. I felt faint like the world around me was spinning and all I could do way pray that I wouldn’t go spinning off into space. I knew without looking my face was stark white and goose bumps were pricked all over my skin. It couldn’t be Section 8, not my section, not the one Gabriel had just congratulated me on. The words wouldn’t come out as my tongue felt heavy and utterly useless. All I could do was stare at the man across from me and wait as his eyes rose up to meet mine. What would we do? What could I do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kassie Lovelace

I knew that Enrick would take his time coming up to me since he wouldn't want everyone to think that I was important or something. Though I heard a rumor that we were secret lovers, and that was one of the tamest rumors that I heard. I downed my drink faster than I should of and the bartender was gone, I couldn't remember where he went, which was frustrating as I wanted more to drink. I wanted to be drunk!

Looking around for a quick second I reached behind the bar and pulled up some delicious spiced rum, I felt an evil smile cross my face as I popped off the shot top. I took a swig and felt the sweet burn of the alcohol run down my throat. I loved the feeling and knew I was going to be drunk shortly, I couldn't wait.
I could hear footsteps coming towards me, and I could tell that from the hesitation that it was Enrick. I hoped he wouldn't judge me, I didn't need that tonight, not with the bombing that was going to happen, the crap I went through with Ven, and the crap I will go through with Boss later.

His voice sounded oddly attractive tonight, or was it the rum? Either way it meant that something was working, or I think so anyway. I couldn't help but wonder why he was worried about me, it's not like I meant much to anyone other than a foot man.
I nearly choked on the rum when Enrick basically called me attractive, I swallowed hard and looked at him. I noticed then someone coming too close for comfort, and I didn't want them to hear anything that smooth talker here was talking about. But my mind was moving too slow to form words, I could feel panic rise in my gut as I tried to think. Stupid rum! Making my mind fuzzy......... At least it's working. I thought through the fuzziness.

One thought popped in my mind and it was the only thing that I knew would shut Enrick up. I turned quickly on my bar stool and nearly lose my balance as I grab Enricks shirt and pull him towards me. My lips met his in a sort of awkward kiss, but that was mostly my drunken self's fault. I couldn't help but notice that he wore a delicious tasting lip balm, it tasted of honey and mint or at least thats what I thought it tasted like. I slowly pulled away and blushed as I looked at him, "You talk too much." I managed to get out just before the alarms to the city started to go off. I could hear the locks on the doors click, meaning that I was stuck here until the "Black Baggers" check this building out and clearing it.

I knew that Enrick had his papers and that everyone here had their papers, not me. They (the Black Baggers) would take me away when they find that I have no papers on me. So this would be that last night I would see a kind face, I couldn't help but wonder if Enrick knew that. "Don't be a hero." I whisper to him as I grab my rum bottle and take another swig and waited for this bar to be checked out.
Gabriel Lockheart

She looked like a Goddess sitting there as she tried to choose something to drink, but maybe it was just me? After all I thought she was beautiful the moment I saw her, so in conclusion I was bias. But who wasn't when they were attracted to someone? I was beginning to hate my high status as it meant I was unable to choose who I wished to marry. I hoped though that, if it was alright with Miss Essair, that I asked my superiors to pair us together. After all we were both smart, had one of the best jobs in all of the city, and were attractive. It was one of the requirements in being paired, attractiveness. We both had to look "good together" and hopefully produce attractive, smart and healthy children.

I was pulled from my thinking when the waiter asked me what I cared to drink, "Same, but bring the bottle and some fresh bread sticks please." I smiled as the waiter nodded and went to the kitchen.

We had talked for some time about things that you would normally talk about with someone you were just getting to know. I was feeling stupid talking about these kind of things, I wanted to know more about her. I watched as she blushed as she spoke, I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked. I waited for her to finish her sentence when my watch angrily started beeping. It sounded like it could raise the dead and probably could but no one would put it to the test. I quickly looked at the message and felt stunned. How can this be? I thought as I read the message again.

I looked up at Louisa and raised an eye brow, I didn't understand. I, myself and few two other of my superiors approved of Louisa's actions and even read through the twenty page report of all the things that she did. "We better go." I said lowly as I stood up and waited for her.
This was serious and Louisa was probably in trouble, including myself.
We were screwed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
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Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 708 pm

Enrick Valdea

I could barely register the kiss before the alarms went off. All I had been thinking about what how impossibly soft her lips were, how her breath, flavored by spiced rum, felt warm against my cheek. I could still feel her hand, bunched on the fabric against my shirt. It felt terribly addictive. I stared into her eyes, our noses only inches away. I had a terribly wonderful idea. I wanted more. My right hand automatically rose up and slid across her elbow toward her wrist. I leaned in…

”You talk too much."

And then it was gone. She was suddenly at her usual distance and the lights in the bar had flicked to emergency haze red. I wasn’t given much time to mourn over the situation, I had other, more important things to worry about.

”Don’t be a hero…”

”You shouldn’t be here,” I replied. I was irritated, more than I ought to be but I refused to think about why. I didn’t say it to be mean, I wasn’t petty. I knew Kassie hasn’t kissed me because she liked to toy with men’s emotions. I said it because it was true.

Around me the panic had already started. The patrons pulled at the door, as if somehow the fifth time they jerked on the handlem the lock mechanism would magically release. A new cocktail waitress was screaming at my manager, demanding to know what was going on. A few people tried to click through the news data feed on their regulation digital watches. From their irritated faces, I was guessing they weren’t working. Besides Kassie and I, only the band members seemed resigned to the situation. And why wouldn’t they be? They were getting paid no matter what. Lucky bastards.

I moved away to pour a drink for the singer before returning back to my partner’s side. ”You really shouldn’t drink so much of that,” I said and tapped the label, ”For one you’ve drunk about a week’s worth of my pay and for another it’s specially designed to go right to your head. Insta-drunk as I like to say.” I took the bottle away and returned with a glass of water.

I didn’t understand why she needed to be drinking quite so much. She’d visited me several times at the bar but I’d never seen her go at it like this. ”If the kiss was that bad that you have to drink just to forget it, we don’t have to do it again.” I said, trying to lighten the mood. It was clear from her behavior she was feeling upset about something. ”But in all seriousness, they’ll be screening people soon…” I watched her face for any change of expression. ”…I’ll think of something. They can’t have you.” Too.

I was tired of having the people I cared about stolen from me by the government. And if they could, they certainly would try to steal her away. Unlike me, your average working class citizen, Kassie had no papers and no legitimate source of income. It seemed like in the Rebel’s world either you were slumming at two jobs or in too deep to hold even one. ”I’ll just vouch for you. Maybe you’re my roommate or my long term-girlfriend.” It was one of the few perks of lower citizenship. So long as we promised not to breed too much, we could choose our romantic interests. ”You…uh…just forgot your papers at home.” I wondered if she heard the desperation in my voice.
Tuesday: 708 pm

Louissa Essair

We didn’t bother waiting for the check, we simply grabbed our things and headed to his car. While I was in the restaurant, the whole affair felt dream-like. Like it was happening to some other Louisa in a far-away place and time. Then I sat down on soft leather seats, the car door slammed beside me, and everything fell into place. There had been an explosion at Section 8. The Section I had been doing the security details on. The Section Gabriel had been overseeing. Would they think we had something to do with it? Did he blame me? I hazarded a look towards him out of the corner of my eye. He seemed relaxed but his eyes were focused on the road. I took in his flawless face and full lips that looked soft and inviting. I never stood a chance.

The car radio was off from the drive over when we’d been chatting but I wasn’t brave enough to break the silences Around us I could hear police sirens as blazing red lights lit up the night. It felt like the world was going to end and in some ways it was, at least for me.
We pulled into the garage of the Security Office. It was ill lit but at least it didn’t have any flashing red alarm lights. We sat there in silence, neither one of us wanting to go in just yet. Not being able to help it, I began to fidget with my hands in my lap.

I looked over at Gabriel. ”I…” What was there to say? Anything I could think of just made me seem guiltier. But looking into his startlingly blue eyes, the same eyes I’d tried to make sparkle for months, I forgot about the sirens and the alarms and the awkward silence. For all I knew, I could be marching out of my meeting in handcuffs. Working for the Security Office had taught me that innocence didn’t mean much when it came to matters of public safety.

My tongue brushed across my mouth as I nervously licked my lips. ”I…I’ve wanted to do this for such a long time and I worry if I don’t…” Then I acted before I had time to think and second guess my actions. My fingers reached out and ran through his silky blonde hair to the base of his neck. His mouth felt as good as I’d always imagined it would as even the barest caress sent tingles down my spine. My toes curled, my heart spend up, I swallowed the urge to moan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
Avatar of my Lalia

my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kassie Lovelace

I could see from the look in Enrick's eyes that he liked the kiss and that he wanted more, but I ruined the moment. I seemed to be good at that, since I have done the same thing to the few men that I dated before, they ended up ending the relationship because they thought that I couldn't take them seriously. In truth, I couldn't stand having them too close, as anyone that was close to me died or were taken. I know that most people in the city have lost loved ones, but I lost my entire family then after Boss took me in I lost friends, and two boyfriends. No one was safe around me.

”You shouldn’t be here...”

I could hear the slight hurt in his voice but there was also concern, I bowed my head to hide the sudden emotions that suddenly overwhelmed me. "I know......" I whispered as Enrick turned and walked away to go serve one of the band members. I took another swig of rum as I tried to control my emotions, I couldn't let him look at me like this. Stupid rum is probably making me all ....... mushy. I thought as I looked at the rum bottle long and hard, then growled at it. Man, I must of looked like an idiot growling at a rum bottle but it was making me feel things. I suddenly no longer wished to be drunk, I wanted my wits back. But it was too late. I was drunk.

I didn't look up at Enrick when he came back as my mind was too fuzzy and I was still staring at the rum bottle wondering why the letters were moving. I couldn't help but give a little whine when Enrick too the rum away but at the same time I thanked God, as I didn't want to drink anymore. "Sorry....... I will pay you..... back, I promise." I said when he came back with a glass of water, my words were slower in coming out as it was really hard to think straight.

”If the kiss was that bad that you have to drink just to forget it, we don’t have to do it again.”

I giggled, I actually giggled, at Enrick and his comment, but I suddenly sobered up as I looked at him in the eyes. "Why would I want to forget it?" The words just came out of my mouth before I had a chance to realize to think about it. I blushed and looked away as I took a sip of water, I couldn't look at him as he went on about the seriousness of the situation.

”…I’ll think of something. They can’t have you.”

My head snapped up as I listened to him as he went on about plans to 'save' me, You lost loved ones too? I don't know why it surprised me as most people have lost loved ones. I knew that my expression grew sad as he talked, as I was beginning to realize that I aloud him to grow too close. I thought I was doing a good job at keeping people at a distance, but some how I aloud Enrick in. How could I let this happen? I knew that even if I told him to not be a hero, he would still try. Maybe if we hadn't grown so close he would let me be Black Bagged, but not now.

I reached up and touched his face knowing that my eyes were growing sadder, "Please....... don't be a hero..... I...." my voice cracked a little as I tried to find the right words to say, but the damn growing lump in my throat was threatening to bring tears to my eyes. Stupid rum! Making me all emotional! I thought though I knew that it wasn't all to blame on the rum. "I.... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I got you in too deep..... it's not in your job description, but it's in mine." I said hoping that he would understand, I was raised a rebel and always knew that there was a risk of getting caught. Not him though, he would still be needed by the rebels, though losing me would put a damper on things for the rebels, they would continue.

Before he could say anything I pulled him towards me and kissed him again, though this one wasn't clumsy and awkward. I knew that what I was doing was cruel to him, but I wanted something nice to remember him by once I was in prison. The kiss was tender and I felt like I was giving a small piece of me to him, as odd as that sounds. I savored the feel and taste of his lips and how lovely he smelled. I pulled away slowly then rested my head on his chest savoring the sound of his heart, this would bring me peace once I was taken away.

It was then that I heard the doors burst open and yelling from the Black Bagger's, they were telling everyone to raise their hands and kneel on the floor. I stepped away from Enrick and smiled before turning and running towards to Baggers, I knew that their guns were set to stun, they would get me, but I was doing this so Enrick wouldn't have a chance to play hero.

I just hoped that he would understand.
Gabriel Lockheart

I drove at a fair speed but I was delaying slightly as I couldn't understand why all the security details that were put in place failed. It was puzzling as we did intensive background checks on all the works that were sent to put up the knew security measures. The rebels were getting better at what they were doing, and now they have put us in danger. I wondered if they even knew how many people they were putting at risk here. Probably not, or they did and thought of us as evil. But I was under watch because of a few things that I had said, it didn't matter now though.

I had to make sure that Louisa was treated fairly as she would be blamed for what happened in section eight. Even though I looked calm I was in a panic, years of working as one of the heads of security taught me to hide anything that I was feeling. That was so none of the 'lower' security works would panic or become scared, I was good at my job.

The ride was silent which both calmed me and panicked me, calmed me as it gave me a chance to think and panicked me as it made me worry about what Louisa was thinking about. I could tell that she was nervous as she tended to rub her hands in a nervous matter and she would look at me from time to time as if expecting to yell at her or question her or even think badly about her. But in truth I was trying to think of a way to keep her from being sent to the RIM.

Once we pulled into the garage of the Security Office, we just sat there. We didn't want to go in right away, I knew what we were going to face and if I could hold it off for a while then I will. I looked at Louisa when she tried to talk, I could see how nervous she was and I wanted to comfort her but how could I? I knew what was coming.

Before I had a chance to say or ask anything her hand was at the base of my neck and her lips were upon mine, and for a brief moment I was stunned. I couldn't believe what she was doing, but as soon as my shock wore off my right arm snaked around her waist and I pulled her closer as I deepened the kiss. I loved the taste of her lips and how soft they were, they were like the peddles of a rose newly bloomed, soft and tender. Her kiss was soft as though she was afraid that any harder this moment would slip away.

In truth I didn't want this to end and I wanted to forget about the trouble that we were in and what may happen. No one will take you! I thought to her though I knew she couldn't read my mind. I let my lip's move away from her's and I slowly moved down her neck and planted gentle kisses there as my right hand moved down her spine. "I always wanted this...... To be with you." I whispered into her neck as I continued to plant kisses there, I wanted more but I wouldn't do anything that she wasn't ready for. I was raised a gentleman and if all she wanted was to kiss I was more than fine with that as I loved the taste of her kisses.

"I don't want to let you go." I whispered, I suddenly wished we were poor and able to choose freely who we wanted to love.

All I wanted was Louisa and that was now under threat of being taken away from me. I had to save her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
Avatar of Irell Starling

Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tuesday: 729 pm
Enrick Valdea

I was on a rollercoaster and the higher I went meant the further down I had to go to reach the ground. Thinking back I should have known, should have known the second her lips were on my mouth again. They were soft and sweet like the grapes Parcheck loved so much. She tasted of spiced rum and smelled of summer rain. How could I have guessed deceit also lingered on her mouth? My hands rested on her shoulders, feeling the heat and smoothness of her skin. I couldn’t help myself when I wondered if she felt like that everywhere. I felt her head against my chest. I nuzzled my face in her curly hair and breathed in her feminine scent. And with that the cart crested the hill and I was given only a second to revel in the sensation. Before I even knew what was happening, I plunged. My breath was stolen from me, my heart was ripped from, my eyes stung with tears. She was gone. No. More importantly, she chose to go. Love. Hate. Sometimes it’s one, sometimes it’s the other. Sometimes it’s both.

I watched her crumple to the hard cement floor. There was nothing I could do to stop her fall. The bar had been in between us and before I could get around it, they were on her. Lying her flat on her back, I watched in horror as they searched her pockets, looking for her identification papers. They wouldn’t find them.

”Who is this woman?” an officer asked. He searched the small group of people in the bar. His gaze stopped on my obviously pained face. ”You there,” he said beckoning me over, ”Do you know her?”

”She’s come by a few times,” I said and shrugged. The lie made me hurt even more but I willed my voice to be steady. ”Said her name was Lyssa.” If Kassie ever made it out again, the last thing we needed was the government linking our names together. This was what the Rebels drilled into your head from day one. When shit hit the fan, all you had left to do was damage control.

”Why doesn’t she have any papers? Didn’t you check her ID?”

I shrugged again. Forcing myself to look away from her paled face and into the eyes of the enemy. ”Why? She looks plenty old enough to drink. Plus I just started serving her when the alarms went off.”

”Bet it also didn’t hurt that her tongue was down your throat.” This came from the band’s singer. I wanted to smash his face in but bit back the urge.

”Stressful situations make people to weird things,” I stated and gave him a bored look. ”But she was a good kisser. I hope she’ll alright.” After being assured that Kassie was fine although she might have a few bumps from the fall, the police went around and scanned everyone’s ID. After resetting the bar’s alarm system they headed out, Kassie in toe, like a limp sack strewn over on of their shoulders.

I’d have to let the boss know what had happened. There had to be a way to get her out. Maybe we had someone in the system that would get her free or maybe an officer could be bribed. I just prayed they wouldn’t do anything with her right away.

The singer came over to me and slapped a hand down hard on my shoulder, ”Tough luck, huh mate? You could have gotten laid tonight.” This time I didn’t bother trying to resist as my elbow slammed into his gut.
Tuesday: 735 pm

Louissa Essair

I almost protested in disappointment as his mouth left mine. Then I felt his mouth move lower as his hot breath caressed my chin and fell to the base of my neck. Before I knew what was happening my other hand was bunching the fabric of his shirt on his back.

"I always wanted this...... To be with you."

I marveled briefly at his words. Gabrielle was a highly sought after man. Dozens of single and many married women fawned over him constantly. And here he was attracted to me? Louisa Essaire, the girl who came from a no-nothing family? I didn’t have long to think because his lips started to caress the skin on my neck again. My breathing deepened as tingles of pleasure raced down my spine. I lowered my head and nibbled on his upper earlobe.

"I don't want to let you go." He whispered.

”Go?” my mind fumbled with the word. ”Go where?” And I suddenly remembered where we were and what we were supposed to be doing. I willed myself to sit back, apology written all over my face.

”We have a meeting,” I said, took the hand on my hip and sneezed it gently. ”They’re waiting on us. I’m worried if we take too long…” My words died as I reached for the handle and opened the door. ”Later?” I said, hoping he could forgive me for breaking up our fun. ”Please?”


I didn’t have long to wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t stopped us. The truth of the matter was that if Gabriel was willing, more than likely I would have let him. I knew, there were tons of reasons why I shouldn’t, like the fact that we had hardly been on a first date or that he was my boss, or that we were in a car... But I couldn’t help it. I’d found him immensely attractive since I’d first been introduced and since I’d gotten to know him as a person, my attraction had only grown. Mine and the rest of the female office staff, of course. I wondered what they’d say when they saw us walking in to the meeting room together.

Unfortunately I never found out. As soon as we entered the lobby, the police were on us. ”Is this Miss Essaire?”

”Yes, that’s her. That’s the one. Oh! Gabriel… I mean Mr. Lockheart. They just started the meeting up stairs, sir. Room 7B.” I barely had time to look up and see Barbra, another technician who also worked under Gabriel. I was still looking at her face, a sneer I didn’t understand planted on it when I felt my arms being jerked behind my back. I was so surprised I began to struggle and before I knew it my knees were kicked out from under me. I let out a cry as I hit the floor. I’d seen enough security footage that I should have been prepared for what was coming next. Darkness enveloped me as the smell of sweat and dust assaulted my nose. Something scratchy secured against my neck in the same place Gabriel had planted his kissed only minutes before. Someone nearby was telling me not to struggle. I couldn’t help it. The bag over my head made me feel claustrophobic. In a panic I began to squirm against arm locks. Someone in the distance was pleading desperately. Was it me? A sharp pain laced through my upper arm. I felt my body being lifted up. I wanted to fight, tell them I was innocent but my mouth wouldn’t form the words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
Avatar of my Lalia

my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kassie Lovelace

I saw the pain in his eyes just as he realized what I was doing, I was cruel. I knew that I would hate myself later when I would be thinking of him, but I was doing this for him. He couldn't be caught, that was one of the rules of the rebels. Keep the up ground contacts safe, as they were always needed. I pushed past one guard before someone stunned me, my whole body cramped as the electric shock ran through it. God, was it painful! I felt a cry of pain escape my throat as I fell to the ground hard and hit my head. I could see star's for a moment, though the stun, hitting my head and being slightly drunk made my stomach want to give up its contents. But I wasn't going to make a complete mess of myself, not in front of Enrick anyway.

I tilted my head up to see Enrick, though it was hard as the electric current still flowed through my body. I could feel the guards go through my pockets as they searched for I.D, when they didn't find any they asked the people around me who I was. I shut my eyes as I heard the guard ask Enrick who I was. Please, be strong...... Deny that you know me! I thought as hard as I could hoping that my thoughts would reach him in some way, as crazy as it sounds.

I opened my eyes when I heard Enrick speak, I could hear the pain in his voice though I knew no one else could. I wished so badly that I didn't let him get too close, I wish he knew how sorry I was. How sorry I was that he was in this mess, that I wasn't stronger, that we grew too close together, that I was cruel in kissing then leaving him wondering. I was sorry for everything! Forgive me Enrick...... I cut the thought short before it could get to the 'L' word, that was one word I swore that I would never use. It caused too much pain, not just for me but for others.

I watched as he looked away and continued talking though the singer of the band needed a good punch in the face, as he was going to ruin everything. But Enrick did fine and covered well. Suddenly a black bag was put roughly over my head and a cord was tightened around my neck to secure it. It suddenly sunk in that I was in some deep shit, as those without papers rarely came back out. Most of the time if they did come back out they were watched heavily and were put into hard labour, or if you pretty enough, you were made to work in the whore houses.

I felt myself being lifted up like a sack of potatoes and thrown over someones shoulder, I never felt so helpless in my entire life. Well except the time when Boss took me in and I was on the boarder flirting with death. I knew that they wouldn't do anything to me until I was out of the public eye, then I was fair game, I knew my chances of arriving at the prison with nothing happening to me were slim. So I ran all the things that could happen to me in my head and prepared myself for the worse.

Sure enough as soon as the doors to the vehicle were shut someone punched me in the gut, air rushed out of my mouth and I groaned a little though I made no other sound. "What were you thinking? Didn't anyone tell you that you can't walk the streets with your I.D?" The voice said harshly, though I said nothing.
"Hey dude, don't hit her. If she has no info or if they don't kill her they will put her in the whore house. Those people don't want their goods too badly damaged." Said another voice calmly and with a hint of hope, which made me rather be beaten than anything else.

After some time in silence I could feel the vehicle slow down to a stop, the rough hands grabbing me and pulling me along even though my feet weren't working properly. I could feel panic rise inside of me as I the sound of metal on metal grinding as the gate closed behind us. But I thought back to the sound of Enricks heart and how lovely it was, I hoped that he was doing okay.
Gabriel Lockheart

I was in utter bliss, willing to forget everything as long as Louisa was with me and as long as I was able to kiss her. I never felt like this before, though I knew that I was liking it. She was beautiful and sweet and kind hearted, everything I admired. I have dated a few women and all were nice in their own way, but I never felt a connection with them. But Louisa, I felt a connection with even when she first came onto the job, she made me smile in the lunch room the first day she was there. She spilled creamer on me and tried to clean it up, she didn't realize at the time that I was her boss. I called her into my office later to discuss something, though I no longer remember what, and she blushed so hard that I couldn't help the smirk that spread across my lips at the time.

And now we were here, in my car, parked in the garage of our work. And I was kissing her, things have a funny way of going though I wasn't going to argue with this one at this particular moment.
I couldn't help the slight disappointment that crossed my face when she pulled away, but she was right, we had to get going. I nodded before taking her hand and kissing it, "I will hold you to it." I tease lightly though the growing dread in my stomach was telling me differently, though I didn't show it.


As soon as we entered the office I knew that things would soon turn into chaos for me. I could tell by the way that Barbra stood and looked that she was ratting out Louisa and doing it proudly. I had little time to respond as I quickly turned to Louisa just as the Black Baggers took hold of her. "Louisa don't struggle stay calm, I will find a way to get you out of this." I said though I knew she was panicking.
"Don't hurt her!" I yelled and nearly tore the man away from her though I felt two men grabbing my arms. "Sir, we are going to have to ask you to leave." One of the men said though I knew that meant 'get the hell out' only put nicely.
"Louisa don't panic, I will figure something out." I yelled before glaring at Barbra who shrank away as soon as she looked at me. If I had to work tomorrow, I was putting her on the hardest work details and she better not fail. I could be a horrible man/boss when I was pissed.

The men escorted me to the meeting where I felt my anger rise inside of me. "What the hell is going on?!" I growl as I burst into the room, I could see several people looking at me in shock and slight fear. Everyone knew that I was terrifying when I was angry or upset, even though I didn't have to yell. It was something I got from my mother, she was a scary woman when she was angry. I remember those of higher rank than her looking scared when her temper flared, I remember begging my father to punish me as I would rather face his wrath compared to my mothers.

"There was an explosion at district 8 and we have a reason to believe that Miss. Essair had something to do with it, as after all she was in charge of the security detail there." Said Mr. Roughridge who was older and of a higher rank than me. I could feel my jaw clench as I looked around the room, I knew that I needed to calm down though I didn't feel like it.

"She couldn't have, her report was sound. I read through it, so did Mrs. Gauge and Mr. Brown, we all approved of it." I said as I looked at Mrs. Gauge and Mr. Brown hoping that they would back me. Though I saw them shake their head slightly as if to tell me not to get them involved, this burned, like putting acid on an already open wound. "Obviously Mrs. Gauge and Mr. Brown are unable to do their job if they did not tell you that they approved." I said knowing full well that I was being cruel as now their jobs were at stake.

"Mr. Lockheart, I will look into Mrs. Gauge and Mr. Brown records shortly after this meeting, but you know full well that Miss Essair is guilty until proven innocent. So do you know the where about's of Miss Essair this evening?" Asked Mr. Roughridge as he looked at me thoughtfully, he was the only one that didn't look at me with slight fear but respect rather. As odd as that was.
"She was with me, I took her out for dinner. You can ask the waiter and the greeter at the restaurant that we went to. So she couldn't have done it."
"Dinner? Are you romantically involved with Miss Essair?" Mr. Roughridge asked as he lifted an eye brow, I knew this was a trap. If I said yes they would keep her from me and assign me a wife right away, if I said I wanted to be they would keep her from me assign me a wife right away, and if I said no I would be lying. So I said nothing and let my silence speak for me.
"I see, well Mr. Lockheart I am going to have to remove you from this case as you are too emotionally involved with the suspect in question. And I hope you will understand that I and two other board members will be reviewing women as a potential wife for you."
"But Sir. I know she didn't do it." The 'but' in that sentence carried more than the words that followed it. I didn't want anyone but Louisa and anyone that they would pair with me was going to be very lonely. As I would do my duties as a married man but I would not love her.

Mr. Roughridge nodded as he dismissed me. I stood outside of the meeting room and for the first time in a long time I was powerless, it was a feeling that I wasn't use to and I didn't like it. I had to find a way to get Louisa back before they gave me a wife and before anything bad happened to her. I didn't have many options, if I was going to get her back I was going to have to go against everything I was bred for and brought up to be.

Hold on Louisa, I'm going to get you back as soon as I can!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
Avatar of Irell Starling

Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wednesday: 1227 am
Enrick Valdea

It had been a long day. It was hard to believe that about 12 hours ago I was serving a hotdog to Kassie and joking about obtaining the fingerprints for tonight’s bomb. Now she was gone, taken away, not by the explosion but by the bastards it was intended for. At least the Rebels tried to limit the amount of civilian casualties. I clenched my fists again. Despite having short, thin nails, crescents had formed on my palms from the frequent action.

Even after the doors to the bar had been unlocked, the rest of the evening had been slow. Apparently people did not feel like going out for a round after the Section had been attacked. I couldn’t understand why. I felt like downing an entire liter. But the night’s tempo affected both my pocket strings and my mind which had ample time to take in the situation. Every minute that passed I wondered what they were doing with her. Every hour felt like another slice had been cut into my heart. I replayed the scene over and over again in my head. I’d known I’d done what I needed to do… but I still felt like such a coward.

The bus was agonizingly slow and, just like my bar, almost completely empty. No one spoke and the only noise, besides the grinding gears and squealing breaks came as the driver announced the stops. People were afraid to speak to each other and no one made eye contact. ”Havender’s Square” he announced. I got off early and walked the rest of the way. Even now, as my mind flashed with countless things that could be happening to Kassie, countless ways I could have stopped her abduction, I still remembered my training. I paused only a moment before heading through a side door.

The hallway inside our headquarters was dark and cramped. I almost stepped on someone who’d been sleeping, curled up in one of the many doorways. I didn’t pause as I passed the room I knew belonged to Kassie. I couldn’t bring myself to think about it. I simply buried the pain deep, a talent I’d perfected over the years, and knocked on the Bosses office door. As I expected, he was in.

A man I couldn’t remember the name of was speaking to him. Their heads bowed together, their voices so low I couldn’t make out a word. I waited in the doorway until the boss looked up and beckoned me closer.

” Enrick Valdea? he says, pausing only briefly as he tried to remember my name. Unlike Kassie, I don’t have frequent contact with the Rebel leadership. Just like in the rest of Restraint, my role is to be at the fringe of society. ”This is… unusual.” From the way he says the last word, I can tell he’s annoyed. It’s not good to do unusual things especially on an unusual night.

”I have important news.” I said, trying to check my temper.

”You couldn’t have found a runner?” the other man states. This time I don’t bother to hide my annoyance. Then I suddenly remember the asshole’s name. Ven. He outranks me, but just barely. I chose to ignore his comment for now and turn my attention back to our Boss.

”They took her. They took Kassie.”
???: ??? am/pm
Louisa Essair

A moan escapes my lips. Without opening my eyes I can tell I’m lying on something cold and hard. My arm is at an awkward angel under my body. The hem of my dress is wedged higher up my legs than I would have liked.

”I think she’s finally awake.” The voice is female. Unfamiliar.

”Where am I?” my voice is hoarse, like I’m coming down with a cold. My eyes slowly adjust to the inadequate light around me. Dim, blue fluorescent lights cast shadows on my surroundings. I’m in a 6-sided cement box with a large metal door. There are two other women besides me. The one who spoke and the one who didn’t.

”Never been in a cell before, huh?” This is the same person as before.

I shake my head and slowly sit up. I decide not to stand. There’s nowhere to go and nothing to do. In fact there’s nothing in this space at all besides me and my fellow inmates. ”So what you in for?”

”What are you in for?” I try to sound firm as I echo her question and study her reaction. A frown crosses her face. This woman isn’t attractive by any sense of the word. Her light hair is tied high in a bun and her grey eyes scan greedily over my dress. It’s not the way the men in my office do, but mirrors the look I saw on Barbara’s face. She has on ripped jeans and a dirty black t-shirt over her busty frame. Subconsciously I scoot back a few inches and eye my other companion looking to get support from her corner. Like me she looks dressed up to go out albeit to a much more casual place. Tattoos peak out from under her shirt. Her face is pretty, but it’s obvious she’s been wearing her make-up for too long. Nevertheless, her mascara isn’t runny a sure sign that either she’s a tough one or she can afford the water proof stuff.

The light haired one speaks up again bringing my attention back to her. ”I was at the wrong place and the wrong time.” she points to the other woman, ”I heard the guards say something about missing papers when they dropped her off. You got a name, Angel?”

”Louisa,” I say correcting her. She doesn’t seem so bad but I can’t help the growing suspicion that I’m playing with a viper.

”I like Angel better. Mine’s Zorah.” We don’t shake hands. Silence resumes. There’s no sense of time in this box. My mind begins to wander. I wonder how Gabriel’s doing. I wonder if my mom’s been told. I wonder who will take care of my cat. What will happen to my clothes? The fact that I need to cancel my movie date with Samantha. How long I’ve been here. How long I’ll be here.

Then I just can’t take being in my head anymore.

”They think I caused the explosion in Section 8.” I confess to the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
Avatar of my Lalia

my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gabriel Lockheart

Sure enough they had me working the next day and I had no doubt that I was under heavy watch, they were making sure that I didn't do anything that would upset the norm. They most likely had my computer, phone, and anything else in my room bugged so I made sure not to do anything incriminating. They were most likely hoping that I would be emotionally wrecked and slip up, but I was too well trained for that. I could easily detach myself from a situation and go over all the facts, this what got me my high rank. I knew that I could be of higher rank with the talents and pedigree I had, but they wouldn't allow that as I was too young to hold such a position. That and I would be a threat.

I sat in my office looking over data files that had come in that I was to review, that was when Barbara burst into my office. By the look on her face she was pissed and with good reason, as I gave her work that was way below her rank. Having such work was an insult it was also bad for image, as the rest on her coworkers would see what she was doing and wonder why. "I demand to know why I was given a shitty assignment sir!" She nearly yelled as she was having a hard time controlling her anger, though I was sure that a number of others would react the same way as she. I sat back in my chair as my fingers interlaced with my two index fingers touching my lips. I eyed her for a moment before smiling, though the smile was a mocking one. "I thought it suited you." I said simply which only made her temper flare.
"You know damn well that I am better than this! I demand to be given work worthy of my rank!" She nearly barked.

I watched her for a moment longer before slowly getting up out of my chair. I could see others through the windows of my office peaking in, they were curious about what was going on. I looked back at the woman infront of me and had the nearly uncontrollable desire to hit her, as she ratted out Louisa. I rounded my desk and stood infront of the woman looking down at her. "You will do this work I have assigned and be happy that I didn't give you something lower. Your rank means little to me at this moment and if you ever come back into MY office demanding something ever again, I will cut your rank in half. Do you understand me?" I said evenly though my words dripped with acid and I had no doubt that my eyes showed how angry I was though my body language didn't.
"But you can't do that!" She hissed back
"Oh I can and I will if you fail at the task I gave you. Be happy that it is an easy one..... Now get out of my office." I watched as shock and horror spread across the woman's face before she left. I had never been so mean or belittling to any of my employees before, sure I had been tough on those that had screwed something up or was doing something that was upsetting the rest of the workers. But never before had I been so cold hearted and mean. Truth be told though, I was using her. She was looking up security of bars on the lower end of Restraint, something that could of been done by those of a lesser rank but my petty human need for some sort of justice won out.

I had several others look things up for me that would like I was merely concerned about the safety of the city. But in truth I didn't care I just wanted to get Louisa back, even though I was acting as though I didn't care about her. I did feel bad though for using some of my employees, but I had no choice I was being watched and I needed everything to look like I was just doing my job. I looked up from a report to see Barbara standing with a file in hand, she placed it on my desk without saying a word. I smiled inwardly, at least she learned from the last time she was in here. I took the file and handed her another file that I wished to be analyzed, again it was something that was below her rank but I didn't care as long as she got the work done.

I looked over the file that Barbara brought in, it was all the security details of the bars in the lower end of Restraint. Only one bar last night had an arrest, a woman with out papers. There were two arrest last month that were similar but those people did actually leave their papers at home. But my gut was telling me that this was different, that this bar either served shady people or they themselves were shady. That didn't matter though, all I knew was that I was going to head down to that bar and hopefully find someone that could help me as I couldn't do what I had in mind alone.
Kassie Lovelace

When the bag was finally lift from my head I was in a cell with one other woman, my eyes narrowed at her. She looked like crap and I instantly made up my mind not to talk to the woman. She seemed shady, plus I heard that they placed fake prisoners in cells to make the others talk. But they weren't going to get anything out of me. I sat down and leaned my head against the cold wall and shut my eyes. The other woman tried to make conversation with me and even gave me her name, but still I didn't say a word. She wasn't going to get me to talk, I simply glared at her when her talking became annoying which shut her up. I didn't care to talk, mostly because I knew she was fishing for information plus I had a headache. I really hit my head hard on the floor when they took me down, plus my body hurt from being stunned.

I was almost asleep when the door to the cell opened and a man dragged another young woman in. Judging by her dress she was of a higher rank and was most likely out on a date, I wrinkled my nose slightly when I saw that her dress was a little messed up which made me wonder if the guards did anything to her. I hope not, it wasn't something that I wished on any woman even if they were my enemy. Once the guards left I could see her face more clearly, I nearly coughed in surprise. She was the woman that Enrick wiped the prints off the can for the first time. I suddenly wondered why she was here, we didn't frame her. If only Enrick knew that his efforts to keep this one safe were in vein.

I leaned back and rested for a bit until I heard the voices of the other two women in the cell start to talk. I listened though I didn't join in, I was in no mood for talking plus I want to find out what Zorah's angle was. When they stopped talking I leaned my head against the wall again and thought back to Enrick, I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. Did he tell Boss that I was taken, was he worried? Of course he's worried and so is Boss. I thought but knew full well that Boss would push aside his feelings to get what ever he was doing done, so he would truly think about her later.

”They think I caused the explosion in Section 8.”

I turned my head to look at the young woman name Louisa and lifted an eyebrow, she obviously didn't like the silence or being in her own head. Me though, I could spend many hours in the depths of my mind. It was one of the things that we rebels had to go through, torture. We were put through alot of it, to test our breaking points. Those of us that were weak were put into area's where they could do the less damage if caught. I was one of the few that didn't break, though we all do have breaking points, it was just that Boss didn't want to go that far with me.

"Did you?" I asked lowly which made Zorah look at me with a slight grin on her face.
"Well look who decided to talk now."
I was seriously considering punching the bitch in the face but settled for a glare that made the woman flinch slightly as if she knew how badly I want to hit her. I looked back at Louisa though my eyes were kinder than they were with Zorah.

Don't worry Louisa I know you are innocent, it's just I can't tell anyone or else many lives would be at risk. The death of one person is better than the deaths of many. My thought were slightly cruel, but I rather she and I die than all those in rebellion along with those top side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irell Starling
Avatar of Irell Starling

Irell Starling Of the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wednesday: 729 pm
Enrick Valdea

The polished wood of the bar gleaned under my fingers. Even though I’d been circling the same spot with my rag for the last three minutes, I didn’t notice. My mind was still in my boss’s office even if time and my body had moved on.

”I see.”

He’d taken a long enough time to form the words and they weren’t the ones I’d expected. Then again maybe you became the Rebel leader by acting cool and collected under pressure even when you felt otherwise. I studied by boss from the wrinkles forming on the sides of the lips, to his chiseled jaw set firm despite what I’d just told him. I thought he and Kassie were close. If anyone was going to help me go after her, I thought he’s be first in line. Maybe I was wrong.

”Where was she when it happened?” This was Ven. I debated briefly about lying and covering for Kassie. She shouldn’t have gone out, not after the bombing time had been moved up. But there was something about Ven’s body stance, something about the twist of his lips that made me feel like he knew the truth.


I directed the answer back to my boss. ”She was at my bar.”

His eyes scanned over my face. I don’t know what he was looking for. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ven’s lips had now turned into a smirk.

”I see.”

That’s all he said and then I was asked to leave. Even though my heart was heavy with the loss of Kassie and the fear that nothing would be done about her, I couldn’t think of anything else to do but return to my apartment. When I woke, I had expected to receive a note shoved under my door or left under the houseplant, the only thing small enough to fit on my front porch, but there’d been nothing. I’d go to work selling hotdogs to the lunch crowd. Nothing. I’d come home again with a new bag of seed for Parcheck. Still nothing. Where they planning on doing something without me? Where they planning on doing something at all? I felt so powerless. I wanted to storm back into our headquarters and demand for an answer. It been almost 24 hours since they’d taken her. What if when I finally arrived it was too late? What if it was too late already?

”I think that spot’s clean.”

I looked up to see Mikkie grinning at me. She was one of the floor waitresses. Her main job to sell drinks to our patrons who are too busy dancing to want to go to the bar and order from me directly. She has soft golden curls that end at her shoulders, a beautiful smile, and large round breasts enhanced by the tight shirts she wears.

”Yeah, thanks,” I said, trying to keep my gaze on her eyes. It was difficult when she leaned over the bar top like that, but I managed. ”Just making extra sure, you know.”

”Yep,” she giggled. I turned around to put the rag back but as I did, I felt Mikkie’s warm hand embrace mine. My heart leapt. It was not the same way it had when Kassie had touched me, this time it ached with a sort of dread and all I wanted to do was snatch my limb back.

”You know Enrik, I’ve always found you to be pretty cut. Lately, my boyfriend’s been working the early morning shift. You must be a little sad with your friend gone and I hate…”

I could have seen where this was going from a mile away. ”Thank you but…” I tried. She was still holding my hand awkwardly. I tried to gently pull it away.

”… It’s just after seeing you yesterday. I never realized you could be so passionate. And with a girl you hardly…”

”…but no thank you, Mikkie.” My last finger finally managed to wiggle free of her grasp. She gave a little pout and shrugged. ”Okay. You’ll let me know if you change your mind?” As she walked away, I stifled a sigh of relief.
???: ??? am/pm
Louisa Essair

”Well did you?”

I was surprised at Kassie’s response to my question. I thought, since she hadn’t said anything earlier that she was ignoring us altogether. Zora took the opportunity to slice into her. I wondered only briefly about the animosity between them.

It was the question on everyone’s mind but this woman, the first person to actually ask. Gabriel assumed I was innocent. The police assumed I was guilty. ”No.” I said. ”But that doesn’t really matter, does it?”

Neither one of them answered right away and the room grew quiet again. We all knew how things went in Restraint. You were guilty until proven innocent and sometimes you were guilty regardless. As long as we kept our noses clean and our questions to ourselves, the government would take care of us. Only that clearly wasn’t true, was it?

Time ticked by slowly. I felt the weight of the day and eventually lied down. The hard cement floor wasn’t comfortable and the lights in the ceiling, which I first though had been too dim were now uncomfortably bright. I curled in on myself, my back pressed against the closest wall. I thought fleetingly how I might have been more comfortable if I turned around but I honestly didn’t trust my fellow inmates enough to give them my back.

”How long do you think they’ll keep us here?” I asked to no one in particular.

Zora got to my question first. ”Hours. Days. Years. As long as the bastards like. Why, you have some place to go, Angel?” Her crooked smile glittered blue in the light. I didn’t respond except to close my eyes. Then I was out.
”Louisa Essiar?” My name brought me back into the reality of my situation. I didn’t know how long I’d laid there on the floor but I couldn’t remember dreaming. All I knew is that I was less tired than before but more stiff. My sleeping arrangements were a far cry from my foam mattress and feather pillow.

”Yes?” The voice was male, and I realized it came from behind the metal door. Around me my companions also stirred.

”Louisa Essair, please come to the door. You are to be escorted out.” His words were void of emotion but his voice sounded young.

”Coming,” I said, standing up, straightening my dress and dusting dirt off my bear arms and legs. Perhaps if I had known, I would have chosen a different outfit, but then if I had known… my mind leapt back to the memory of Gabriel and me in his car even while my feet carried me to the door. My heart ached at the memory. I shouldn’t have stopped him.

”Am I being released?” I asked, trying to swallow down the hope that radiated through my voice. I could feel my body tremble with expectation.

”Please put your arms through the open flaps on the door.” I immediately complied. With a jerk, he spun my arms around so my wrists were up towards the ceiling. Cold metal clamped down on my arms. The weight of them was as heavy as the weight in my heart. There would be no freedom from me. After making sure the other two women were against the back wall, he released my shackles and I pulled my arms back through. A large metal bar connected them together, making it impossible for me to rotate them back into a more comfortable position. The cell door swung open, a hand reached through and grabbed that metal bar, and I was pulled through.

”Follow me,” the same man, tugged on my shackles forcing me to keep up or risk falling on my face. With my hands braced like this, I couldn’t even catch myself if I tripped.

”Where are we going?” I asked as we walked down a thin cement hallway, every now and then passing doors identical to the one in my cell. ”Do I have a visitor?”

He ignored me. Eventually I gave up and continued to follow him through the maze of passageways. I tried to remember the way we’d gone, just in case, but the hallways were all identical and soon I lost track. Every now and then I could have sworn I heard whispers or a quiet moan, but it was in the distance and muffled by the heavy tread of my escort. My own feet where bare and noiseless. I couldn’t remember losing my shoes. They must have taken my heels off before I got to my cell.

We stopped in front of a metal door, only this one didn’t have a series of latches. The guard opened the door for me and I stepped inside. An older man was sitting at a computer desk. His wrinkled hands peeking out from under a pristine white lab coat. Across from him was a black leather lounge chair. The rest of the room was barren cement cube. I was about to turn around and ask the guard again what was going on but I heavy click told me the effort would be in vain. The noise must have startled the old man at the desk because he finally looked up.

I felt violated as his pale grey eyes lingered over me, stopping and the hem of my dressed, and just above my outstretched forearms. The man was old enough to be my grandfather. ”Please have a seat, Miss Essaire.” He motioned to the chair.

”I’d rather not,” I said, backing towards the door.

His laugh was dry and wheezy, like he’d smoked too much in his youth. ”I’m not going to hurt you. I only want to ask you a few questions.”

”I don’t believe you.” My voice sounded much more assertive than I felt.

He just smiled at my response, ”You don’t have much choice. Like I said, I only want to ask you a few questions. Give you a chance to prove your innocence. Now please, take a seat.”

I remembered what happened the last time I’d fought against my capture. The thought of another bag over my head while I was dragged to who knows where frightened me. I hesitantly walked towards the chair and sat down as he’d instructed.

Then it happened before I knew what was going on. The old man, moving faster than I could have imagined, reached out and grabbed my arm. I screamed as a sharp pain ran through the underside of my elbow and ice rushed through my veins. He let go then, and I saw there was an empty needle in his right hand. I wanted to hit him but instead I slumped back into the chair, my body feeling unnaturally heavy.

”Now Miss Essair,” he said, his face floating just out of my view, ”We’re going to start with some simple questions first and then work our way from there. Alright?”
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