Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Time seemed to stretch out impossibly as Mable was so incredibly focused on helping this woman to survive. Noises became distorted in her ears, the area around her peripheral vision became blurry and dark and she felt an overpowering urge to collapse on the floor and just sleep until she felt better. But she gritted her teeth and she finished the job, patchy as it was, to the best of her limited abilities. In fact, she heard something - a loud groan of twisted steel, and the ping of bolts. Wearily, she lifted her head just in time to see the massive dome cover everyone's heads, and the Guardians arrive. She also noticed that the other two had disappeared, but not without hurting all those people. Mable looked down at her hands, a puff of white sparking ineffectually on her fingertips. There was, physically, no possibly way she could save all those people.

Luckily, she didn't have to. With the Guardians came accomplished healers, ones who could actually handle that sort of thing. Mable smiled, shutting her eyes for just a moment now that she was safe, because her lids felt really heavy now. She didn't notice the footsteps coming towards her, but they were quite irritating. Why couldn't they just let her sleep? She earned it.

"C'mon Mable, wake up-....drained, you'll be....ple of hour..." came the voice, swimming in and out of her mind, twisted and echoing through her dark haze of looming unconsciousness. Annoyingly, the man had a point. She couldn't just fall asleep here, not with those people lurking around-...

A gruesome mental image of Horus digging his fingers into Mable's throat, watching with a sick grin as her own life slipped away, was enough for Mable to jolt awake right away. Fear clasped over her heart like a clammy hand, and the adrenaline started sharpening her muffled senses. She looked right at Leo, nearly jumping back out of fright. For the briefest of moments her clumsy mind thought that Leo was Horus and she cringed away from the unknown man, a swoosh of white light escaping from her fingertips but never really coalescing into a proper barrier spell like Mable had previously planned. Even attempting it now felt like getting punched in the head and she dismissed her magic really, really quickly.

"That's good, you're safe now. I'm Leo from the Academy, you might have seen me around, I thought what you did was extremely brave." said the man. Looking at him, she took in the blonde hair, the slightly tanned skin, and was jealous of the fact he could look so utterly normal. Meanwhile, here she was, sitting in a pool of blood, white skin, white hair, white eyelashes...she must look like something out of a horror show. In fact, this man looked just around her age, which was a little comforting.

She took his hand, hearing him say something about going back to the Academy. When she got up with him, Mable realised that the floor and her feet were no longer on easy terms as she felt the ground pitch and reel with her heavily swaying body. Her knees trembled, threatening to buckle under the weight of her blood-soaked bodywarmer. She let loose a gasp as the motion of standing up was almost too fast, and the blood - her blood, inside of her body - rushed to her head, darkening her vision. She nearly slumped over Leo, having to lean on him a bit more until she got her balance.

Once she could see properly, she noticed her patient - the woman who she saved the life of - stand up and dust herself off, pick up her helmet and nod at her. Just....no thank you, no tears of joy, didn't even touch her throat to show how significant her death - or near-death - was to her. She just nodded at Mable and started to walk away.

Mable looked on in shock. She felt like that lady just ripped her heart out and left her to bleed. For a moment, a nasty thought crept in her mind that she should've just let Ashlynn bleed out on the floor, or partially-healed her so she could feel pain. No-one that selfish, that uncaring, should be left alive. But it was a very short moment because she realised that she was walking away on her own.

"WAIT!" hollered Mable, perhaps a little too loudly, her voice tinged with fear and cracking just a little under the strain of the yell. Lowering the volume a little, Mable continued, calling out angrily, "I saved your life and you just nod at me?! I could've just left you there, you know! I'm not a Guardian or anything!"

Mable looked -beyond- offended at Ashlynn's complete lack of manners. But, even more worrying, Mable noticed her lack of sense too, and added "You're going off on your own again? What if those guys are just waiting a little further away to jump you! I didn't heal you completely, you know - if you get attacked like that again, who knows how long you'll have left to live, or how long the Guardians will take to find you! Show some common sense!"

Mable broke off into coughs. shutting her eyes to avoid the sting of tears. She just wanted to yell and yell and yell until all those horrific visions of the attack left her mind, but her body was like lead, and her vocal chords tightened painfully in her throat, threatening to choke her. She didn't know how anyone could just get up and walk away from an attack like that. She simply couldn't see how.

Speaking a lot quieter, Mable whimpered to Leo, "Can I go back to the Academy now?" as she waited on him to start walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 2 days ago

Standing up and dusting himself off, Jacob nodded at Jade, smiling at her and the Guardian who had joined them to make sure they were alright. Jacob's wounds were mostly superficial or minor, but when he thought about it, he had really acted recklessly. He could have made a barrier, or teleported out of the way of the flames. Instead, he leaped right through them like some kind of stupid action hero. Well, what was done was done. He'd have to remember this for another time, though. If he was dealing with other Wanderers, he couldn't take any chanced. It wasn't like fighting regular humans, which he had gotten used to.

Turning to get a look at the girl who had first been attacked, Jacob saw Mable nearly collapsed and being supported by one of the Guardians. Good, they were taking care of everybody. When Ashlynn got up and started walking away, Jacob almost went after her, but stopped when Mable did just that, electing to watch as he slowly walked over to his jacket, picking it up and putting it back on his body. It was true that she hadn't thanked Mable, and that the risk of another attack was still present. "Little lady's got a point, there. Those guys are tough-tougher than I would have dared dream. Wouldn't shock me if they came back, especially after all that weird business they were talkin'. Any clue as to why they were calling you 'Mother'?"

Rolling his arms in a circle, he approached Mable and gave her a smile. "I recognize you. Same guild, we are. Mable's the name, right? Don't remember if we ever been formally introduced. Jacob Rockwell." He inclined his head towards Ashlynn, continuing. "Don't go getting yourself all worked up over someone else too much, now. Even if she don't wanna thank you, what's it matter? You helped her, you know that, she knows that. Some people don't like to admit they owe somebody something. Some people don't acknowledge this stuff as a matter of pride. Met a few folks like that myself. Ain't a thing wrong with it, so don't you go worrying over it more than ya have to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by badend


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"If I gave birth, I'm pretty sure I would know about it," Ashlynn said looking over her shoulder, still walking.

She established a private mind-link with Mable after rotating her right shoulder a couple times.

"You COULD have, but you DIDN'T. So thanks. I mean it. I owe you." Ashlynn turned her head forwards again. "I don't know about you, but I find it a little creepy that a boy I never met somehow a) knows my name, and b) just so happens to be where *I* am at this time at night."

She kept walking, back towards Mable and Jacob, and did that badass wave-without-looking-back kind of thing. "I'll see you around."

Ashlynn hovered off of the ground slowly, only to shoot off towards The Academy a few moments later.

/Ashlynn left Scenario 1/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by D Disciple

D Disciple

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Dark lets out a groan as he stretches out his shoulders and neck.

"I love how I'm not a guardian and yet I'm the one that has to be the rag doll in most situations."

"What can I say man? Your body is pretty durable in times like these." Snake says mockingly

"Says the guy who can cover himself with earth, anyway I got a couple of names. Bastet and Horus, the guy that bit me I didn't catch. When I see him again I'll---"

"Whoa, whoa Dark. Let's fall back on trying to meet the man who just bit off your face shall we?"

Dark begins to speak but decides not to in shame and humiliation.

"So what do we do next, that's all I got out of them and some of their powers."

Snake rubs his head and lowers the dome to reveal all of the debris from the warehouse. "We clean this up, then you head back to the Academy."

"Did I do something to piss you off Snake?"

They begin to laugh as they watch the remaining wanderers head back to the Academy and with the rest of the Guardians they start to repair the warehouse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Scenario #2

Under the gaze of the night sky, twinkling stars dispersed through the inky blackness, Carolyn assumed her position outside of the gates: as the clock had struck past 10, curfew duty had now begun. Carolyn, a long devoted votary of the Prometheus Academy, was put in charge of admonishing late-comers until 1am. It was a solitary duty and solitude itself was something that Carolyn had become quite familiar with. Over the epoch of her stay in the Academy, her authoritative and domineering attitude had ruffled many feathers and she found herself occupying the mental 'avoid' lists of several students.

Carolyn, being a sentient and nuanced being, could not possibly deny that the lack of company that marked her life was difficult. However, that same lack of company allowed her to reflect alone on beautiful nights like these. Although she had gotten used to it by now, she still treasured these moments of isolation where she could be alone with her thoughts. The infrequency of company also allowed her to appreciate company when it was present and prevented her from becoming completely socially inept.

However, the objective of the night was not to fraternise. She was not here to be the Saint guarding the pearly gates; that predisposition was to be assumed before curfew struck. Midnight portended the arrival of the mad and vicious three-headed dog, Cerberus, that guarded the gates to hell.

Chortling at her draconian imagination, she folded her arms and leaned back against the towering, ebony gates of the Academy, gazing intently at the horizon for stragglers ineluctably heading towards detention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Ashlyn leaves I think: I’ve never been the best with people. I guess but what will be will be.

Mable looked like she was in shock, “Wow, take it slow, you’ll probably feel a little disorientated but it’s normal.” I examine her a bit and look at her; she’s as pale as a snow. I see her blood soaked body warmer “Hmm, I might be able to help with that,” Aeka appears and I send her a telepathic message; “Aeka this is Mable could you generate some heat for her, No fires.”

After saying this Aeka floats over to Mable and stays there. “She should keep you warm for a time.” I glanced at my watch. “Uh oh, it’s midnight We’re going to be in trouble for sure…. Uhhm I’ve never flown with two people so I do apologise if it’s a bit bumpy. Here we go” I pick up Mabel and start running slowly elevating then flying.

/Leo and Mable leave scenario 1/

Scenario #2

Oh come on its 12:04 and there out There must be a way out unnoticed. “I’m going to try and land sorry if it is bumpy” My flying starts to cut out as I try to land outside and I am immediately spotted by one of the people on duty God damnit “Uhhhm ,hi ,listen it’s a really long story we need to go to the infirmary, Mable has been power drained and needs to rest I’ll explain later.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by badend


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Scenario 2

After leaving the warehouse, Ashlynn flew to where she parked her bike (which she probably should have done instead of walking anyway). Like hell she's just going to ditch a such beautifully crafted machine, even after her near-death experience. It was also her way of transport around the city, to make it seem like she wasn't a Wanderer at all. Couldn't be too careful these days.

The mechanical horse gave out a low growl as Ashlynn approached the gates of The Academy slowly. As she did so, she also approached Carolyn, still mounted on her bike.

"Great," she muttered under her breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Before she knew it, Carolyn was accosted by two late-comers. The leer on her face dissipated as she scrutinised Mabel's condition, feeling a modicum of sympathy calm her. Her equanimity, however, was immediately punctured when Leo finished speaking.
"What? Are you kidding me?" demanded Carolyn, aghast. "Shut the fuck up, kid. You're not getting through here until you tell me exactly what happened."
The low growling of a motorbike signalled the arrival of yet another student. Carolyn sighed heavily, looking up at the helmet-clad Ashlynn.
"And here's the third stooge, just in time!" she announced caustically. "Get off your bicycle and come here before Curly and Moe forget how to breathe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by badend


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Ashlynn sighed, getting closer to Carolyn while still on the bike, revving the throttle gently in order to do so. She didn't feel like it was necessary to dismount.

"They probably did forget how to breathe. It's been a bit of a rough night. Like, a really rough night."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Agreed, in a nutshell Ashlyn here was captured by some wanderer thugs who then proceeded to wipe through half of our group simultaneously I was pretty much the only one unharmed. Luckily we were in Guardian territory, so the guardians saved our ass, just don’t tell any of the staff I don’t want to get dragged out of lessons tomorrow, Can I get her to the infirmary now she really needs to rest.”

Hopefully I won’t have detention I've got enough things to do besides doing detention, I think this is the third she’s stopped me. Normally she would just put me in detention immediately; I was surprised she even listened to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Carolyn felt her temper begin to rise at Ashlynn's insistence to stay on that archaic, human vehicle. Biting her lip to prevent herself from insulting the rider even further, she reverted her attention back to Leo.
"Wanderer thugs?" repeated Carolyn mockingly. "A group of Wanderers kidnapped this idiot," she gestured at Ashlynn with her thumb. "A rag-tag group of would-be heroes was formed and you all got your asses handed to you by, I repeat, Wanderer thugs?"
Carolyn shook her head and laughed out loud, wondering exactly how much effort the boy had put into this obviously concocted alibi and exactly how credulous he believed Carolyn to be.
"I don't have time for your bullshit stories; you'll all be serving detentions. Anyway, how the hell did this happen?" she asked coolly, staring at Mable's blood-soaked clothes. "Where's the wound?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Mable shut her eyes again. She had, in fact, become irritable due to her exhaustion, and trying to explain to Carolyn of all people why everyone almost died didn't take piority on her list of things she'd rather be doing. In fact, sleep was taking up her entire thought process, but reluctantly, her mind kicked back into gear; started putting together thoughts into coherent sentences. In terms of her attendance record, it was practically spotless. She had little reason to be outside of the Academy grounds late at night, since she wasn't invited to parties, doesn't get drunk, and doesn't enjoy late-night shopping. And thus, Mable thought to use that to her advantage.

"Please, ma'am..." started Mable, before realising how pathetic and pity-mongering she could be sounding right now. Instead, she took on a bit more of a confident tone, keeping an honest face because - honestly - she did nothing wrong. "Surely, I'm a bit of a new face. I don't usually do this, and outlandish as it seems, this man is telling the truth; The lady on the bike was attacked."

Mable shut her eyes, as more images of the night's events sprung forth in her mind. Her voice is tinged with real, actual fear, quavering and cracking as she continues on hesitantly. "I saw her getting beaten by twelve people, all of which too powerful for a normal human...I think one of them pick her up, and-...and dig their fingers into her throat-" Mable cut off, feeling nauseous. She remembered all the blood in crisp detail and her stomach couldn't handle it.

"It took everything to fix her, but-...but I think there are still marks on her throat. You'd be able to see them if the lady is alright with showing you. Physical and actual evidence to support our claims - and surely, three people and then a scar cannot be wrong." finished Mable. All she wanted, right now, was to be in bed. And if this woman kept her back any longer she'd simply collapse onto the floor - and it was showing very clearly. Mable was swaying rather heavily now, her eyes flickering open and shut, lips pressed tightly together, perhaps even paler than she normally is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by badend


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Ashlynn scoffed at Leo's remark. "Pfft. You were there? Were you hiding?"

She then proceeded to tilt her head back as far as possible, allowing Carolyn to check for scars.

"So would you like an excuse slip from the Guardians, or no?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by threedawg


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"The Guardians have no authority here." retorted Carolyn coldly. "Propitiations and pantomine won't help you, by the way. You're still getting a detention, regardless of your heroics. Next time the three of you want to get into fights, do it in the afternoon. Since I'm the prefect here, I'll take her to the infirmary."
Carolyn placed a firm hand on Mable's shoulder and steered her towards the gates which slowly creaked open, allowing the entire group passage into the grounds.
"I'll see the two of you in the kitchens at 6am tomorrow, that's where you'll be serving detention." she called back to Leo and Ashlynn. "If you don't show up, you'll get a week's worth of bathroom duty. Now get to your dorms."
Still with a guiding hand on Mable's shoulder, the two traversed the cobbled, winding path to the White Mage guild and entered the imposing building; the periodicity of their footsteps as they made their way to the infirmary emitted the only sound in the otherwise silent corridor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“I hate being young, no one believes you, and for the record I was hiding, I was scared and those guys were powerful, and I am not so, I mean no offence but you know what I'm not even going to say it. I’ll see you in detention.” i called for aeka and banished her I then ran from Ashlyn to go to my dorm and slammed the door.

#Leo’s dorm
I got changed from my muddy clothes took a shower and hopped into bed all I could think of was what they were doing to Ashlyn .I opened the link to my friend and talked to him until 1:00.

When I fell asleep I had the same thought over and over ‘Why didn't I help them? Why?’

I awoke as usual floating 2" above my bed at 5:30 "Why me?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Mable didn't say anything, not a single word. She had done all she could without digging a bigger grave, and she knew that perfectly well. All she could do now was accept punishment if needed, and get to a bed. What she didn't expect, however, was not Carolyn's firm hand on her shoulder, guiding her away from Ashlynn and Leo. It wasn't the lack of guilt she felt for being exempt from punishment. No, it was something she hadn't experienced before, a strange feeling in her heart that she didn't understand at the time, but had been yearning for years.

Mable glanced over her shoulder at Ashlynn and Leo as she was guided away, and gave them an apologetic look, mouthing the word "Sorry!" to the two of them. She felt like she had, in amongst the blood and the violence and the horror of the evening, made two friends - true friends. Something she hadn't experienced properly in her usual cushioned life.

The journey to the guild buildings passed in silence. Mable continued to weakly fight off waves of exhaustion with each rhythmic step she took, and despite Caroyln's clear sadism and lack of compassion for anyone past curfew, it was really helpful to have her hand on her shoulder because she felt like she was very, very close to flying forwards onto her face.

Once she reached the confines of the infirmary, the rest of the night was a bit of a blur, but one memory stuck out clear in her mind - throwing off the bloodied bodywarmer and colliding, face-first, into the clean linen sheets of the infirmary bed, finally getting the sweet release from the troubles of her life for a few hours at most.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 2 days ago

Scenario #1

It seemed this was the proper time for everybody to start taking their leave from this hellish warehouse. As Ashlynn gave a cool, nonchalant hand wave while she walked off, Jacob couldn't help but chuckle. She seemed like a cool character, somebody he wouldn't mind sitting back and downing a brew with. After that nightmare scenario, he might just have to sneak something back to his dorm after all. He'd been casually drinking for about five or six years at this point, but he normally tried to space out his drinking more than he would be if he were to grab something now. Deciding against that at the moment, he lagged behind the others, finding himself at the Academy at near one o-clock in the morning.

Scenario #2
As he approached the gates of the Academy, he recognized his mortal enemy: Carolyn, the evil gatekeeper. She'd already accosted him at least two or three times, but he always took his punishment in stride. It was his own way of asserting that, while he would abide by the Academy, he was still a free man. If he had lost the privilege of doing what he had truly wanted with his life, he might as well have a little fun. Besides, he usually didn't hurt anybody. Nobody at the bars had recognized he was a Wanderer yet, and he never did anything to make himself stand out too much.

Stopping in front of Carolyn, Jacob didn't bother to make an excuse. "What's the punishment, Lynny? hard labor? Detention? Extra lessons? We both know the routine, I'll get back to my room and shut up soon as I know the price I gotta pay for a night out." He chuckled a bit, letting a small smile cross his face. He did somewhat enjoy her demeanor, as it reminded him of a few of his old platoon members. Hell, if he were in her position, he'd likely be doing the same thing and acting the same way. Just how he was when he had something he was supposed to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wolverbells
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Jade turned to look at the young man who spoke her way. She gave him a small smile and shrugged, "I guess you could say its in my nature. Plus, I'd rather not go over what just happened to me." She shivered slightly, her eyes closing as she pushed the replaying flashbacks away. After hearing him as if she was okay, she opened her eyes and gave him a reassuring smile with a nod, "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Her smile faltered as she heard him mention the academy. "Fuck! I'm late! My ass is for sure going to get caught now. I'll see you on campus, be careful out here!" She was already jogging away from the group, shouting over her shoulder before turning to look ahead of her and taking off into the night sky.

-Jade left scenario 1-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"See you around," Zephyr said to her as she started flying off, she must be a psion, secondary he would guess, her flying looked a bit shakier than his did. Zephyr decided to walk back instead of flying. Less conspicuous, plus he enjoyed the night. He wanted to take as much time as he could, he dreaded running in to Carolyn at this hour, she'd kill him for sure. He found his way back to the academy, at this point it was past curfew, but he snuck his way to his dorm, luckily, without anyone noticing.

-Zephyr left scenario 1-
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Insomnia


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//Scenario #2//

Avery's dorm was seemingly devoid of any interesting activity, which is why she often took to roaming the Academy's halls when sleep had become difficult. Her roommate always seemed preoccupied elsewhere, rarely seen in the dorm they shared. They were distant, despite the hours they were supposed to spend together, not that they ever did. Avery had been unlucky to be partnered with someone who obviously didn't have the time to spend with their own roommate.

She didn't even really know where she was going. She never did. Avery just walked until curfew became imminent. Her footsteps echoed with each time she threw her foot forwards, walking evidently becoming a challenge. Dark rings circled her eyes and her eyelids were heavy where they lay. Avery stopped to stare out a window which presented itself to her, the stars projected into the night sky. It was too dark to see anything else. She saw enough of it during the day anyway.

Avery continued to drag her feet along, her drowsy eyes watching the ground only a few feet ahead. Her vision flickered but her steps refused to falter. Any smart person would have turned around by now, yet Avery continued to persist regardless of the fatigue that threatened to overcome her. Her hand flew to an open doorway as her left foot collided with her right, making her lunge forward for something to steady herself with. She was greeted with an ugly white light that emitted from the room, much brighter than the warmer lights in the hallways. Avery peered in, noticing she had arrived at the infirmary.

The room smelt overwhelmingly of cleaning product, and Avery had to scrunch up her nose to avoid being blasted with the scent. Single beds covered with crisp sheets were placed in orderly rows and not a single bottle or bandage was out of place. The floor was spotless and the walls were just as bland as her own. The hygiene at the Academy in General was better than good, but the infirmary was impeccable.

There was only one patient, a pale girl covered in crimson red lying face-down, a darkened bodywarmer carelessly disposed of to the side. Avery strained to remember who she was, her petite features were vaguely recognisable. Her name was Maple - or something like that. She took a step closer, curious as to how she would be breathing with her face buried in the pillow like it was. Her white hair was tinged red in some places, but she appeared to be sleeping relatively soundly.

Avery returned to the doorway, thrusting her bony hands in the pockets of her jacket. Turning her gaze to the corridor, she realised she had no idea how to get back. She had only ever walked in a straight line, but this time Avery had absentmindedly been turning corners and climbing stairs and whatnot. She didn't like the idea of getting into trouble, but if that was the case than so be it. She had lost her sense of time ages ago, whether it was minutes or hours that passed didn't matter. Avery decided she would rather sit in the infirmary rather than wander the halls any longer. Who knows what restricted doors she might come across and feel inclined to enter. So she did. Avery collapsed at the foot of a bed, cross-legged, and waited.
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