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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

It is...but it's a college bathroom so,,,you know...>_>

Maybe some advil or something would help? Or a nice hot shower/bath, those can do wonders if a little nap doesn't. Though sometimes I've found sleeping just makes an ache worse because of body positions and all. So I'm sure something will help in the end.

I'm gonna head off now, good luck writing and resting~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

.. ew.. heh ^^; yeah I remember my college bathrooms... female bathrooms.. you'd think they'd be cleaner you know? hah.

Yeah I'm going to take some aleve and get the tub filled with hot water and lavender oil *_*! comfort galore!

Be safe Genkai! I'll see you later! if I'm not online you can text me! ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

Hello! My mom is about to leave for Vegas for a week for a conference and my dad is down in Panama for work till Monday morning so yay, I have the house to myself and then no mom to hassle me! *waves arms in the air like she just don't care* I can do whatever I want! Like stay online for hours and hours~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh awesome! :D yahoo for freedom!! *dances*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

Yeah and I'm almost done with this post for someone and then I wanna get to ours. :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Woohoo! :D and go ahead and take your time ^^ oomg I'm full. My refund came in today. so I ordered a loot of food and just stuuuffed my face. I'm in the mood for a nap but I'm not sleepy xD

Your sig is making me smile.. almost grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

Well naps tend to happen after stuffing your face full of food. XD

Well I can now work on our post (while also finishing up some hw) and yeah my sig makes you happy.

Top Gear ftw~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Waking up a bit more now that full feeling is gone xD I'm just comfortable now :) and with some tea ^^

Oh I don't know how you can do that. I wouldn't be able to xD I'd be too distracted with writing to focus on hw. Hoorah for your sig! :DI just love it. it's awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

That's good. :3 A cozy feelin' ish gooood~

Oh that homework went so horrible...probably the worst I've done but it was just so much work and big numbers and crap...if I had done well I would skipped class tomorrow but I should probably go and figure out why it's so challenging. >.< Kind of a bummer but oh well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh yes! :) most definitely! but now I'm thinking ... I have my refund. I can .. either save it (whats left of it after subtracting from bills & dental work to come).. OR ... spend 100 of it on .. this. which I have been wanting since I first saw it last year in October. I know I SHOULD do the adult thing... and save and not splurge. but ... the fangirl side of me is just eyeing that 'buy now' button.

uh oh .. :/ well ... yeah I'd go if I were you. I'm sure it won't be too bad plus you'll get answers :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

Oh I saw that, I'd say save your money though. Sure it looks cool but the chances of using it and it working for a while are kinda slim. And it probably won't be as epic as you think it will be. I dunno, save your money and be an adult. But if you feel like you'd love it to death, go for it. ^^;

I'm gonna hate walking home in the dark tomorrow. -____- And then making my own dinner. *whine*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah saving sounds like the better plan :) thanks for keeping me grounded Maura ^^! I was itching on buying it but I'm happy with my sonic screwdriver replica I got last year xD I use it more for a flashlight than anything really that and to scare my cat Ace xP

:( walking home doesn't sound good. OR safe for that matter. Not in the slightest.. I'm guessing the buses don't run when your class lets out?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

You should save your money, espically if you already got a "sonic screwdriver" though I wanna get one that's actual metal and not plastic...I should recruit my nerdy engineer friend. Hmph.

Well the free bus won't let me off too far from home, it's only about a ten or fifteen minute walk after that. I should be okay, I'll take a flashlight with me. *nods*

And yey, I'm starting your post. I was gonna get to it sooner but the people in my group are being real pushy about starting and while I agree with them, making three CS is kind of a drain. >___> So I started dinner and I think I'll get up a post for you tonight for sure. Then get back to the group thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

i really wish they'd come out with a metal one. I'd buy that one in a heartbeat. If you ever get your nerdy engineer friend to make you, ask for another? I'll pay for it!!! xD

Do be careful though on your walk home because I know its really bad walking home at night. well any time of course but .. yeah.

You can take your time :) I barely started on a reply to magic a bit ago. I couldn't find my character voice for that version of ten (My character voices tend to change depending on the scenarios and so forth). I listened to 'kiss from a Rose' (because I forgot to remove it from this playlist) and just got sad because I haven't made an attempt to find a Rose for my Ten yet. I seriously am thinking of just saying 'screw it' and going with my fanfic idea. I don't have enough time to take on another rp. 2 is enough for me. Which I would have had time a year ago but .. not anymore. I'm happy with my two rps :) and can always satisfy that 'hunger' of mine with fanfic writing. (until the hunger grows too strong and writing a fanfic isn't enough.. but thankfully its not there yet)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

I'd bug him if he wasn't always an inch away from a mental breakdown. >____>' I'll nag him about though since it shouldn't be too hard...

I've walked home later before so I should be okay. Though to be safe I probably won't listen to music or anything so some creep doesn't sneak behind me but if he did, I'd punch his lights out. XD

Kiss From a Rose is a song I thought worked well with the Doctor and Rose. Hehe. But finding voices is hard, even more so if it's been a while. But I wanna get ours kicked back up again, it feels like ages. Maybe that's just me though. Fanfics or even just small drabbles are something to fall back on, even if they're just started and but never finished, it's something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh Yiikes mental breakdowns are not cool. I've had them before... not a pretty site. An emotional breakdown I think is worse... I think. Which I've had too. eh.. life.

Hell yeah! Punching his lights out is good. I was going to suggest getting mace but fuck that xP Punching works just as well if not better!

I saw a Ten x Rose vid on youtube awhile back. I'm sure there is one somewhere of Nine x Rose I haven't checked into it. I should though eventually. and yes I knoooow. I think thats why it took me so long to get a reply up for you was because I was struggling with my voices. Ten (most of the time) is the easiest voice to grasp. But sometimes he can be the hardest. It just depends on how awake and able my muze it to molding it. I have so many fanfics (3 on fanfiction. All three unfinished... 1 with one chapter. the others have 2 each I think) I just haven't felt for .. finishing them. or continuing them. though i really should... one day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

Mental is worse, though they're both pretty bad.

My parents want me to get pepper spray but knowing me, I'd probably just accidentally use it on myself. Beside, my older brothers taught me how to kick ass, I should be alright. :3

I try to avoid Ten x Rose I dunno why. I'm just not as smitten with them as I am with Nine x Rose.though Ten centered videos can be nice to watch but I feel like some people can exaggerate Ten's goofy side a bit too much, I'm picky when it comes to him since I love him around Donna and Martha rather then with Rose. There are good videos out there though. *nods*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah you've got a good point.

I'm glad all went well and you made it home safely :D Go Maura! ^^!

Nine x Rose is cute :) I just like Ten x Rose a bit more. When I see Ten with Donna I see two best friends buddying around you know? and I .. don't like Martha. I guess its the fact that she wanted Ten to notice her to .. be with her and he was dealing with a heart break. yeah she's okay .. she was a big part in season three I get that but Just her clingy self is what I didn't like. But she's okay.

Sorry for the delay of not being around. I was feeling absolutely sick yesterday Im okay now so I should be here all day. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 18 days ago

I'm sorry i got mad at you. I was for a while and it sucked. >___>

So I finally checked what you sent on facebook because I got defensive and scared and I get tired to reassuring good people who don't see how good they are but then I realize I'm the same way sometimes and we're our own worst enemy and maybe I should tell you how awesome you are more often. Cause you are awesome. I like how you play all your roles and you shouldn't be worried for one second. Trust me, I've seen bad portrayals of canons but I don't think I've ever said anything bad about yours and I probably won't. I don't want you to get discouraged, I want you to be encouraged and losing you as a partner and friend would really suck.

So yeah we have different OTPs and that's okay. I can totally see why Ten and Rose are awesome but all everyone does is think about Ten and Rose and they forget that without Nine, Ten wouldn't be as in love with Rose as is. And so I get passionate and overly protective of Nine because he's my baby and easily forgotten and I sort of took that out on you when you're playing him and that was wrong of me. If I could RP Rose to you Ten, I would but I think him and Luna are even better.

And I'm sorry you got sick yesterday. *hugs*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisa
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm glad you're not mad anymore :) *hugs*

My thing is ... I will always have my doubts with my skills because... well.. I haven't had the best track record I guess. Literally when the guild went down for the first time. I looked on Iwaku (when I couldn't find you anywhere and hadn't seen Nica or Magic for a week or two) and I was literally told (You're not advanced literate. You're low-class literate. Sorry but take some courses and then you'll be good) and well I'm fragile. VERY fragile. so getting that message? That REALLY hurt me. (especially because I have taken classes. its just been awhile) and that in turn damaged my confidence (even more than it already was.) So taking on Nine, a character that I haven't really had experience with his voice. I got scared and the doubt really started to sink. I mean REALLY started to sink in to where I was like "can i do this? am I doing this right? maybe I'm not? Maybe she's not telling me I'm horrible to be nice?" and yeah... X_x; it wasn't pretty what was playing through my head. I guess i'm just a fragile writer. *hugs* but I'm glad you haven't given up on me. Because I agree it would SUCK to lose you as a writer and a friend because you're awesome Maura :D

I agree, Nine loved Rose so much, as I said on facebook. It shows when he gave his life for her. Ten took the memories, that love that Nine held for her and went with it. He loved her so much because that's how much Nine loved her if not more. Rose was their everything and when Ten lost her, he left her with a part of himself at the end which I thought was beautiful. She had her own version of the Doctor that could age with her and love her when the full Time Lord Doctor couldn't. I know Nine would've done the same thing there. Well he would've said "I love you" rather than have his double do it. But i can understand that it would've been even more painful that way if it came from him rather than the meta-crisis Doctor. and I'm just rambling on about the Doctors and their Love for Rose hehe ^^; sorry.
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