Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Urbi looked at Marcus and without thinking it put her scimitar on his throat "who are you?" she asked coldly, so coldly she even scared the children and Empress
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Marcus didnt react as the blade was placed to his throat "I am Marcus, former champion of the arena. " quickly he unsheathed his bladesslapping her scimitar away standing blades at the ready "and current terrorif the arena The Shadow of Death and i want to help you"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Urbi decided to hide her scimitar under her dress again "the emperor was poisoened, the royal family needs to hide" she said and crossed her arms. "can you take them to your house?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alara limped over to the group, they had filled him in on every thing he needed to know, and now a hooded man appeared.

"who killed him? And why did they go for us? the gladiators?" he said with a clenched fist as he had sen them beat his friends far worse then him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Marcus sheathed his blades into his stick again. "My house isnt safe, Otherwise it would be at your desposal. " he heard Alara walk up and start talking "Do you think the revolutionaries would do this? If they put it on us it would force us to side with them or face prosecution and just like that they have trained warriors with better indevidual skills than any in the army"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Falco rolled his eyes. This woman didn't think very clearly - though his estate was large it was nothing compared to the imperial palace. Not to mention the fact that he didn't have 4000 praetorian guards stationed nearby. He shook his head very slightly and lifted his hands. "With all due respect I will not escort you to my lodgings." The former consul quickly offered his condolences to the Empress and glanced at Marcus. "I need to find my servant - Cato. You lot probably know him better as the Sword of Mars." He grabbed a man who was passing by - luckily the man was one of his contacts. "Licinius, send a word to the senators. We need to meet immediately at the imperial palace. You got that, old boy?" Licinius nodded and hastily scurried off to relay the message.

Just as Falco was giving his message to Licinius Cato stepped forth. "I take the liberty to inquire what's going on?" As the greek walked closer Falco turned to face him "We need to get the Empress safe to the palace." He stated shortly. The two men were obviousy having a private conversation with their hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Marcus stepped forward with a suggestion "The praetorian guard flock to see a great fight in the arena just like any other citizen, How about I put on a special show to cause a distraction. Gives you time to get them out somewhere. I was already scheduled to fight soon, I will go and raise the stakes to something and fan wouldn't dare miss. What say you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Urbi nodded "I'm counting on you" she said and walked away "we'll meet at the forum". The empress abd children followed her.
"Do you know if the Empror chose a heir?" She asked, the Empress shook her head
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Marcus turned to the rest "gentlemen, I need to go get changed and arrange my surprise" he gave a quick bow and made his way quickly down a few corridors till he was confident he was alone. Once alone marcus found one of his hiding spots for his cloaks and donned the menacing thing. Once dressed he made his way to the man who owned the gladiator he was to face and made a deal to add 4 more men from his stable. Once that had been arranged it was off to the Orrator of the games to inform him of the change. Than man could hardly wait "There has been a change in the days festivities!! Instead of the Shadow of Death facing Thelios the Gaul. He will now be facing Thelios and 4 more gladiators from the house of Atrious. The battle will take place soon 5 men vs 1 monster! This is an event you would not want to miss!!" The orrators words echoed through the stadium as Marcus made his way down to the north gate to meet his opponents. If he died in this fight it will be with honor and knowing his actions would help save innocent lives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Urbi took the royal family to the forum, there was a lot of people selling and buying things, Ubri got a cloack fo the Empress, she put it on so no one would know it was her.
The children were amazed by by all the things they would never see inside the palce, Urbi got them some fresh bread, they looked happy with it and seemed to have forgoten about their father's death. Urbi and the Empress decided to sit on a bench under the shade of the trees
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alara sighed as stepped up to the Egyptian woman and put a hand on her should. She was soft not like him with skin like a lizard. He didn't truly enjoy the empress but she was still a person, and so was he, and he was ready to help her out, she wasn't the one who had beaten him, just the guards. The truth was that he was angry at who ever poisoned the ruler, that person was an evil that plagued humanity, killing someone because you don't agree, he first thought the Egyptian may have done the deed but seeing how deeply she cared he doubted it, still he had to keep a vigilant I on her.

"tell you what, I'll help you watch her, I don't look like much but I can take my fair share of a beating and give back just as much, you have plenty of fight alone I trust? But be prepared to run, there is no cowardice in it if you do it for the sake of another" he said looking her in the eye with his bruised face, a smirk was there at the beginning but he realized this was not the time to be smug, still he had his average cocky look to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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After the little wordless exchange Cato nodded. "Very well. I'll go with the others. We'll meet you in the palace in half an hour." As he went to follow the others he stopped to pat Falco on the shoulder "Stay safe, ok?" The greek smirked. He knew full well that Marcus Cornelius Falco was very capable of staying safe - and more importantly defending himself. Falco just rolled his eyes and brushed Cato's hand away from his shoulder. "Cato, old boy. I havn't lived in to middle age by not staying safe. Still, I'll take your words in heart. I also ask that you refrain from doing anything foolish." The two men parted with a quick embrace and nods. Falco began heading to the imperial palace and Cato followed the Empress and her small group.

Cato caught up with the small group quickly. He bowed his head slightly to the Empress. "Falco has a plan, but it requires that we head to the palace. I assume we have less than half an hour to get there before all Hades breaks loose." The greek glanced at the sky and smiled ever so faintly. "I will freely admit that I'm only helping you for selfish reasons - though not for my own gain, but that of Marcus Cornelius Falco. He is a good man - though he too has his flaws. All I ask in return for my aid is that you give your support to my friend in the coming elections." He glanced at the egyptian woman - Urbi, was it? "I suggest we start heading to the palace immediately. I would humbly ask for you to cover our rear for I myself am at the moment unarmed."

It had not taken long for Falco to reach his destination. Some of the senators had already gathered there - thus it was time to put his plan to motion. He hunched his back slightly as he stepped to the throne room and shuffled to it's center. "Brothers, senators, Romans. A terrible thing has happened today. Our dear emperor has been poisoned." He straightened up and lifted his right hand in a dramatic manner. "Now we must ask ourselves qui bono? Who favours from this... this... travesty?" The other senators glanced at eachoter suspicously, but instead of starting to blame someone without proof they edged Falco to continue. "I do not yet know who has taken these horrible steps to do away with our emperor, but I for one intend to find out. Now, as we all know it is unconstitutional and downright illegal to choose a new emperor without the consent of both the still living empress and the senate. I will however also add that it is unconstitutional and illegal to murder one!" Some of the senators cheered and Falco had to lift his hands slightly to quiet them down.

"Now, hear me. I know that many of you are far more well versed in the politics of our grand empire - for instance you, Cassius Decimus Ovidius, who has served the empire for well over 50 years. You have seen much more than I, but still... Please, take no offense in saying this, but you are no longer young. Your have just seen your 75th summer, have you not?" The old senator nodded with a little smile. "Indeed, Marcus Falco. I am as you said no longer young." He smiled his peculiar old man smile and shook a finger at Falco. "Yet I carry my years well. My mind is still sharp. Thus I must ask you not to take offense when I say that you are an ambitious man." He too got a remarkable amount of cheers and had to ask the others to calm down. "However. Though I carry my years well I will admit that I am not fit for an emperor. My eyes are slowly losing their sight, my ears are slowly loosing their hearing and I can no longer enjoy the joys of wine and women." Ovidius paused for a moment and closed his eyes. "We need a strong leader at times like these. A new Augustus. Still. I must ask one thing from you Marcus Falco. What will you do if you were to become an emperor?"

Falco was silent for a moment - he had to really ponder the question. "A first step would be to bury our beloved deceased emperor and find out who dared to poison him. If the people responsible are citizens of Rome I'll have them heard and tried by you." He moved his hand in a wide arc, pointing from one senator to the next. "Then ofcourse as it is per tradition two of you will be chosen as consuls - I'd refrain from that position myself for being an emperor would be fine with me. There is enough work at leading an empire." The former consul glanced at the throne and shook his head slightly. "By Juppiter and Minerva! I have not made a long term plan. We would have to look what the fates bring for us."

Ovidius lifted his hands. "Senators. We must discuss this matter through before the empress and the head of the Praetorian Guard gets here. Though the descision does not necessarily be ready today we should at the very least stand on even ground. I know some of you detest Marcus Falco, but I assure you that he is a good man." Hearing those words from the mouth of the old Ovidius forced Falco to rub his eye. "I thank you for your words Cassius."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Urbi nodded and the group headed towards the palace, no one seemed to suspect about what had happened, some guards looked at Alara ,Cato and Urbi, they knew the three were gladiators but let them pass
They reached the palace
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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The crowd cheered as the mighty Gaul and his 4 companions entered the arena. They made a spectacle of playing up the crowd flashing their different weapons. The mighty Gaul using his great sword, his allies using club, trident and net, spear and short sword and tower shield. The Orrator announced each name loud and with enthusiasm. After they where announced he made a show of silencing the crowd "now I present to you a nightmare of a gladiator who comes from unknown lands his name shrouded in mystery like his face, But We At The Arena Know Him Well As The Shadow Of Death!!!!!" The crowd roared as the gayes opened and he strode cassually into the arena neither saluting the crowd nor his opponents. The time had come all eyes on the battlefield as the orrator screamed "Begin!!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Alcie did not have the time to reply to the blind man before the commotion around them distracted him. The Emperor really was dead! She had to turn away from the Empress, the family and the gladiator who seemed to be their guard, to keep them from seeing her smile. She may be a revolutionary but she wouldn't dare kill the Emperor, not so suddenly and with so little support for a revolution. She would not however weep over the loss, since this could probably be a good thing for the revolution or only make things worse for the gladiators.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alara looked around, the people who stared so grudgingly. Now they saw him walking into there domain it was frightening but he knew that they would not try anything with the Egyptian around, it seemed so odd that a kushite would help an Egyptian after all they had done, but he saw her as another human than merely an Egyptian he had earned not to judge from the battle field. He tried his best to refrain from looking anyone in the eye, he was still a slave and he would go by that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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The crowd roared to life as the five gladiators charged marcus who stood his ground waiting and listening for their first move. Many mistook this strategy for fearlessness or overconfidence, but it was a necessity especially when he had many opponents. The man with the spear threw his short spear once the where in range , marcus easily stepped aside as it dug into the ground near him. This battle needed to be special he remembered "Time to draw some attention" he thought to himself as he dug his blades into the ground and picked up the spear, they where now within 10 feet and spreading out to come at him from all sides as they moved marcus listened to determine which weapon was where because throwing the spear at the shield would be a wasted effort. It was time to make a choice he spun and threw the spear at the target to his rear the reward was the familiar sounds of gurgling when you struck an opponent in the throat. The orator boomed "The mighty Gaul has fallen!!" The noise distracted marcus so he didnt notice the man charge from his rear with the club. The impact slammed him in the ribs breaking at least 3, it was the first time since he came back that he had been hit. Now filled with confidence the club man charged again club held high from the left the trident charged as well not to be outdone. The other two hid behind the shield in a slow advance. Marcus breath was shallow to keep the pain down just as the trident was going to strike his other side he grabbed the shaft and redirected it into the club wielders chest with a satisfying sound of his life ending. before the trident user could shake off his shock at killing his ally Marcus moved in quick grabbing his throat and tearing in with his fingers leaving the man roll on the ground gurgling and trying to stop the blood. now he only had two left, during his dispatching of the last two the spear man had picked up marcus's blades and the shield man walked next to him as they inched forward defensively. two on one would leave marcus dead this day he needed to even the odds somehow. As he took a step back his foot touched something interesting, it was the net the trident man hadnt had a chance to use it would suit his need well enough. As the two approached marcus acted as fast as his ribs would allow, grabbing the net and hurling it at the man with the shield, when he raised his shield to block the net with eas, marcus hauled the trident out of the club man laying in front of him and quickly slammed it into the shield mans groin before the shield came down. marcus was almost done, it hurt to breath his strength was at its limit due to all the quick but heavy physical exertions he fell to one knee as the last man approached ready for the easy kill and all the fame that came with ending the shadow of deaths career. The crowd went silent in anticipation as spear guy moved in behind Marcus to make the final strike all the man could think about was "From this day forward I shall be the famous warrior who bring terror to the arena" He raised the weapons high peeping for the kill....that was the moment marcus had been waiting for, with the last of his strength he brought his elbow back and up hard into the mans groin causing him to lean forward in pain as he did marcus grabbed his head, just before snapping the mans neck he whispered "Well fought" as the man crumpled to the ground Marcus pushed hard to get to his feet taking up his blades once more, and with some of the last bits of strength he had left raised his arm in victory. The crowd Exploded in a mixture of cheers and boo's as Marcus made his way out of the arena to the Medicus for any help he could get. He hoped he had put on enough of a spectacle to help out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Alcie, not interested in helping the family of the Emperor, had stayed to watch the battle between Marcus and the five other gladiators. She was very impressed that he was able to beat them all, despite the fact that he was blind. He did take quite beating but that was nothing compared to the fact he could have died. She walked over to where he was being treated after the battle to congratulate him. "My, my, it seems Ares has blessed you to be a fearless warrior in battle. I want to congratulate you on that mighty victory. I'm not sure I could have done that myself." She said as she leaned against a column.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Marcus was surprised to have a visitor, let alone the Bear slayer. "Great Ares blessed me with victory today" he gently pats the bandages on his torso "Though not without taking his toll. With your skill i'm sure you could have taken them easily. Though thats also partially due to our heritage and the glory, strength and honor that comes with it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Alcie smiled as she finally heard confirmation that he was from Greece. "I'm glad to hear the names of my Gods spoken as they should. They would disown me should I speak their roman names. I don't know why the Romans couldn't come up with their own gods." She said with a laugh. In the house she served she would always mutter the names of the gods in Greek, which would sometimes lead to her getting hit. She refused to give up her gods to use the ones of the people who kidnapped her and ruined her life.
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