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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It seemed to work, Will seemed slightly better. But Phil still wondered about Sig, he felt he had judged him too quickly. It wasn't rare for Phil to do this, a man named Samuel started a fight with Phil over a... Miss understanding... With his wallet, but Samuel became Phil's supplier of food and other convenient items (He even gave Phil the nickname Philly, much to Phil's disapprovement). Phil wondered if Samuel had heard about what happened to Phil... In Atlanta. Phil wanted to rejoin the conversation inside, but only listened in from the entrance. He heard about how Sig had lost a good friend, how he wanted revenge. Phil felt slightly selfish, he hid his past from everyone. They probably have only clocked onto how he wanted to avoid Atlanta, with his shady reactions when the word "Atlanta" is even slightly mentioned. It's just Phil can't relive the shit he was pulled through getting out of that city, that shithole of a place. At least, not til he was ready. Sig kind of tried to take lead of their operation, just like Cora did. As long as they don't bump heads, the group should be twice as efficient now, and Cora would have a bit more breathing time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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"Good choice Chill brain. I knew we'd find common ground. Except on one thing..." He came very close to the girl, a menacing look in his eyes. "Vrail is mine!" Sig hissed through closed teeth. He pulled back further to a more comfortable distance from Cora.
He climbed onto Spike's shell and looked at the others, tapping the turtle's head.
"Anyone need a ride?" He grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Yahtzee went red at Cora's praise and fixed his gaze on the ground. "I'll stand by your decision..." He mumbled softly meeting her eyes for a moment before looking away again. Salamander gave a huff in the same way a human would roll his eyes. It made Yahtzee give a weak chuckle and he looked back up with a smile as Cora continued speaking. Her words made sense to him. Even if they did destroy this small military base or whatever it was there was always going to be more. He scowled briefly when she mentioned they weren't ready to take on what was at Atlanta but he didn't even know what was there let alone whether he could take it and he would take her word for it.

With a decision finally reached Yahtzee relaxed and actually laughed. It was exciting to be going somewhere and actually face a battle. The thought of some official training sounded good too. He watched Sig get onto his guardians, the huge tortoise, an offered a ride to anyone who needed it. "Huh. So others also use their guardians for transport. Come on Salamander. Let's get going then." Salamander let out a sleepy yawn and stretched his wings before suddenly snapping them down launching himself into the air and flying high into a loop before soaring down and slamming into Yahtzee's back and latching on. Yahtzee was jerked off of the ground and into the air where he hung in place, kept aloft by the gentle beating of Salamander's wings. "Let's get this show on the road!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Will walked inside and ushered Phil to join him, everyone seemed to have made a decision of a location but Will confided in Cora to ask about it. Will summoned Tsunami who seemed larger than usual. Will looked at Sig who mounted his turtle. He had a feeling Sig and himself would have more confrontation. Will also glanced at Yahtzee who seemed eager to get going too as Salamander wrapped himself onto Yahtzee like a backpack. When Will reached Cora, he began to ponder over her past. Neither Phil or Cora let on very much but it was definite their pasts wasn't... easy. "So, do we have a plan?" He asked her, quietly and without the tone he had earlier. "Also, I'm sorry I snapped like that. I shouldn't have done that." He added apologeticly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 43 min ago

It seemed the entertainer had a shy side, as Yahtzee almost blushed after she spoke. Cora couldn't help but smirk, amused. It was strange, she actually got along with this element, unlike last time. Shida, bless his soul, was a hot-head. Yahtzee might have been ridiculously spirited, but he was youthful, very down-to-earth. 

The Earth Hygron definitely seemed more menacing up close, but Cora held her ground. Her eyes didn't stray from his as he claimed Vrail for his own, finally backing off after. She shrugged him off, nodding. "Yeah, whatever man."

Will approached her afterward, a quiet look in his eyes. Cora gave him her undivided attention. "So, do we have a plan? Also, I'm sorry I snapped like that. I shouldn't have done that."

"Food. Food's the plan." Cora tossed the plastic wrapped 'candy' bar to Will. She would be the last of them who'd eat, she would make sure of this. Besides, she had no idea how long it's been since Will had a decent meal. "There's a warehouse near Appling, we're gonna head there and start turning things around. And really, it's okay. I uh, I lost my cool too. So don't sweat it." 

Yahtzee's guardian had the strength to fly for the both of them, to Cora's amazement. Her own Irys didn't have that ability, only one of empath sensing. Sig leapt onto his turtle, tapping its head. Cora joined him, pulling herself up with nimble fingers onto the massive shell. 

"Yes, yes. Let's be off. Destiny await."

4:34pm, half a day later | The Warehouse

It stood alone in a barren field, a cement building ringed with chain link fence. The warehouse was massive, sprawling across the land and tall against the trash heaps surrounding it. Cora spied it from afar, seeing abandoned trucks but no people. Not a single worker in sight. A fully stocked building with absolutely no guards. It was their lucky day.

"Let's approach with caution, just to be safe." She said as they closed in, quietly breaking the front door. The place was a gold mine, honest to Kyra. There were stacks upon stacks of fresh military rations, canned food, even a form of chocolate! There were other basic essentials, but Cora soon became too distracted to revel in their spoils. Something was off...

This was far too easy. Something wasn't right. The moment Cora grew suspicious, Irys started pinging off in her head. From the rafters and balcony floor surrounding the warehouse's perimeter came dozens of armed professionals, peeping out from behind cover with their guns pointed at the Elementals below. 

"We have you surrounded, get on your knees!" Yelled a commanding voice from the balcony floor.

"Shit, a trap?!" Cora shot Sig a leery stare. "You set us up, didn't you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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They got to the warehouse, and it was stocked full of food, as usual.
The elementals all walked in. Sig stopped to whisper to Spike: "Look at these drooling animals, they aren't very smart are they?"
Just when the elementals were about to lay their hands on food, armed guards appeared. They were ambushed.
The ice girl looked at Sig accusingly and blamed Sig for this, but Sig just grinned at her.
He walked a few steps away from the rest of the group, but when he heard the click of the guns ready to shoot, he stopped.
"Wow hold it there! I'll just raise my hands."
He slowly lifted his hands and fell to his knees. "This isn't very welcoming of you guys. Instead of fighting, how 'bout a party huh? Yeah, there's so much room in here, it would be enough for all of us!" He needed time to think. The ground was very hard. He could control it, since cement is made up of minerals and types of rock, but it was too hard, too artificial, to comfortably move a large area of it, he might get too tired. "Ah dammit. Its my only chance" thought Sig.
He looked back at Cora with his mocking Grin again.
"Sayonara Chill Brain!" The Concrete imploded around Sig, leaving a hole, in which Sig disappeared. The hole was quickly filled back in with the earth under the warehouse.
Spike simply retracted his limbs and head into his massive shell, looking like a big rock in a concrete box.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Will chuckled a little as Cora gave him the candy bar. "Hehe, is that so Miss Cora? Well we better get a move on but this..." he said as he held the bar out "belongs to you, it's good food trust me." Will said giving the bar back. He had no idea if she needed it more and he could wait if there really was food, and Will wasn't going to become a pessimist. "If there isn't enough room on Spike you can ride with me!" He offered to the rest of the group who may not have a ride. After morphing Tsunami to a suitable size Will made sure everyone had transport he set off.

Will felt wary when they neared the warehouse, and he kept a particular eye on Sig. Will stayed in the middle of
the pack most of the time while talking to others, especially Gil, Phil and Cora. When they entered there was
food like Sig had promised. Will scanned the area, nothing. Two seconds later, a series of clicks and gun cocks sounded. "You set hs up didn't you?" Will heard Cora say to Sig. This infuriated Will so much. "Son of a bitch!
I'm gonna kill you!" Will yelled to Sigsmund as he dropped to his knees, sooner or later, that snivy manipulator made an escape. This set off alarm bells for Will, their captors would surely fire after sudden movement, Will dashed infront of the group and created a 20 ft wide and 6" deep water barrier in a 360 degrees arc to block and trap possible incoming bullets. "Get behind me!" Will yelled. He didn't know how he could keep this up but he had to. To protect his friends, his brother and Cora.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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As Yahtzee heard the sounds of guns he spun around to try to assess as much as he could of what the hell was going on as he cursed under his breath. He heard Cora confront the new Earth hygorn and as Sig fell backwards he launched himself forward trying to land a punch but his fist only connected with empty air. Snarling he glared at the enemies around him before his expression changed to one of shock when a barrier of water rose up around them. He looked around wildly for his dragon suddenly worried again. "Salamander!" He yelled desperately. "Get out of here!" Maybe it was selfish that at this moment he cared about him more than his hygorn allies but Salamander had been with him through all of this and more and if Yahtzee got out alive he damn well wanted to make sure his dragon was there to see him. Unfortunately his dragon had other ideas and flew down landing on the ground in front of Yahtzee's legs and hissing out a small stream of smoke.

Yahtzee backed up slightly to stand closer to the group and fire coiled up around his arms before spreading over the rest of his body. Salamander's tail whipped back and forth angrily and Yahtzee grinned wildly as he sunk into a more balanced stance with his fists raised to waist level ready to leap forwards into action. Despite it all he was actually afraid. Maybe nor so much for himself, although that was definitely part of it, but more for everyone around him which was an alien sensation to someone who had never worried about anyone other than himself and his dragon before. He was suddenly struck by an idea and turned to face Wil. "Hey Wil," he said. "Between the two of us we could lay down some pretty effective cover. You know, steam and all that." He mentioned to the water hygorn thinking that if he launched himself into the wall it would indeed provide a decent amount of cover but it might be at the cost of the wall and that would be no good if everyone died in a hailstorm of bullets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil was caught off guard from Sig's betrayal. But luckily enough, Will reacted by erecting a wall around all of them. Phil was trying to think about how they could get out of this one. Yhatzee had the ingenious plan to make a sort of... Steam grenade, yet how he thought of doing it seemed unnecessarily risky. Phil looked at the two and said "how about I replace Will's dome, then you two can figure something out?" Phil then readied himself to conjure a wall, if this was the plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Spike was protecting himself in his shell, just in case any stray bullets come his way. He was outside the water dome, and since he was still for the whole time, the huards didnt pay much attention. The guards fired at the water, but soon realised it was unecessar, so simply kept aiming. The elementals were going to come out sooner or later.
But now it was time to act. Spike's legs, tail and head came out of the shell, he stood up and violently hit his front legs against the supports of the rafters, breaking them, making the armed soldiers fall off along with the rafters themselves. Some dropped their guns but some where focused enough to not let them go. Some guards stood up to shoot at Spike, but he came down onto the ground, squashing two guards under his feet. He let out a triumphant roar as the other guards' attention focused on him a shot at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Will listened to both Yahtzee and Phil, seemed like a sound plan but Will would have to wait for their assailants to reload or something before he could switch with Phil. "Okay, Phil. When I say 'switch ', you do just that, all right? Ready?" Will said to Phil. As if from nowhere, Spike the turtle managed to distract them, collapsing some rafters too. This was their chance. "Okay, switch!" Will yelled, he spun to face Yahtzee as Phil created his own wall of hard light. "Right, cover? Hmm." Will said to Yahtzee and to himself. He sat their for a moment, not saying anything, until his eyes widened. "Got it!" He said while grabbing his fedora from the ground, which fell when they dropped to their knees. "Phil, we need to make the steam in here, I need you to create holes where the steam can escape, then we run to the door. Yahtzee, I'm gonna make water in here, blast it. Everyone else, get ready to run." Will said to everyone inside the light shield. Will slowly created and enlarged a ball of water. "Everyone ready?" He asked to the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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A feeling of joy washed over Gilfred as the group entered into the warehouse, it had been a long time since he had seen that much food in one place, if not the first and even if they were the crappy MRE's that always got discarded or repackaged and sold at inflated prices, he was determined to see the best of it. Making his way over to a stack of boxes, the metal elemental ripped open the top one. Inside, laying in neat, tight rows, the light glinting off of their plastic wrappings were individually wrapped slices of quick bread. Gilfred simply stared for a short while, his stomach offering up a growl in protest at the protracted look.

He closed the box and turned to begin to help the others when the ceiling exploded and troopers began to rappel into the main warehouse. Gilfreds first reaction was to let his hand fall to Clarent, he froze as he began to asses what the soldiers had in the way of firepower. He was no weapons expert but he was quite sure that what they had packed enough power to drop him, and he wasn't in any hurry to test out the armor's effectiveness against firearms.

"You set us up, didn't you."

Gilfred glanced back at the group, all of which appeared to be stuck in the same limbo between inaction and action, all of which that is except the new arrival. He was shifting forward away from the group, and then in a split second, with nary but a last jab at Cora as way of parting words, he was gone. Gilfred felt rage bubble within him, he had not gotten a true chance to speak to the man, so he did not know him. But the mere thought of one of their own turning against them so easily, newcomer or not, made his blood boil. He was tempted to make the short move towards the soldiers and draw Clarent, he thought he might at least be able to sown a couple before they dropped him, it was probably not the smartest thing in the world, but it would have been a start. Thankfully a return of rational thought, and a water dome kept him rooted near the others.

When Gilfred hear the shots ring out he broke position and drew Clarent. He tried reaching out with his powers at the bullets, but found that trying to influence them was like trying to grab a grain of rice, that is flying absurdly fast, with two 2x4's. So instead he reached out to whatever else was around him. What he found was the shelves themselves, but he let them be as it seemed an escape plan was about to be put into motion. Something involving steam, or something along those lines.

"Everyone ready?"

Gilfred nodded to his brother and gripped Clarent tighter, steeling himself for any run in with a hostile that could occur during, or immediately following the plan, as their luck seemed to tend to run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synchronize


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Calming herself, Thema introduced herself to Yahtzee. She was still weary of the situation, but grew more at ease with the passing words. Gilfreds explanation made logical sense and he hadn’t given her a reason to untrust him. She spent the rest of her time at the haven trying to ease her mental state, not paying attention to much of her surroundings.

When the group decided to leave for a warehouse, Thema was unsure whether to follow or not. Gilfred allied with them though, but would blindly following in his shadows be the right course of action?

As she and the others entered the warehouse, soldiers crashed through the windows and surrounded them. Apparently, they had been sabotaged by the newbie. She didn’t even know him and he used her in her weakest state. As they prepared for battle, Thema clutched at her vial of seeds, ready to attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Yahtzee's eyes darted around to everyone trying to keep up with what was going on the battle but it was hard to make anything out through the wall of water that Wil had created and he gave up after a few moments. It seemed for a moment though that Sig's tortoise was joining the fray but he dismissed the idea and turned his thoughts away from him. He heard Wil and turned to face him looking at the water that was forming into a ball nearby and he clenched his hand into a fist as Salamander held him above his target. "You ready bud?" He asked him and he got a small growl in response form his dragon, "Good enough. I'll take it." He grinned and for a moment he hung in the air waiting for the right moment. Once he saw that Wil had finished and that everything was in the position he made his move. "Now Salamander." He roared as the dragon soared down and let go of Yahtzee. In midfall Yahtzee tensed and exploded in flame as he slammed into the ball of water. For one moment he thought he had miscalculated and he wasn't hot enough and he focused his energy roaring silently and he could see bubbles as the water reached boiling and exploded into a huge wave of steam that rapidly filled the room and covered them from view. Despite the lack of easy vision Salamnader still found him and maintained his position as winged rucksack.

"I rate we've done enough for now." Yahtzee said as he took a step forward. Without warning his leg gave out on him and he fell to one knee. At first he wasn't sure what to do other than frown in cofusion at his own inability to get up then a wave of exhaustion flooded over him and he could barely keept his eyes open. He was still knew to his element and had never actually had to burn that hot before. His life had been pretty peacful compared to all of the people around him and using this much energy all at once was draining. Salamnder shuffled off his back and started shimming under his hand trying to drag him along but Yahtzee couldn't even form a tight enough grip. "I-" He gasped in a lungful of air. "I need help!" He shouted much to the dismay of his pride.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 43 min ago

"Sayonara Chill Brain!"

Cora watched with an exasperated stare as Sig disappeared into the earth. "You... Asshole..." What the hell were they suppose to do now? Earth was perfect defense against bullets! Concrete, no less. She felt more ashamed than betrayed. How cowardly he was.

Will's dome of water gave her enough time to concoct a quick offense in her hands. As the turtle stomped down on the pillars, Cora pulled the figurative pin of her pearlescent grenade. She leapt up, shooting it through the curtain of water where it landed on the balcony, immediately exploding into translucent, shimmering urchin shapes that spread out several meters. The ice mercilessly ate up anything in its path, the cries of men drowned out by the splinters of wood and ice.

Cora didn't spare it a second glance, watching as Yahtzee created their cover. It was almost frightening, being so close. His flames made breathing unbearable, and as the steam rushed out, it burned her skin. She was far too close. Holy shit, that's hot! Cora ducked back, almost falling into the hard-light Phil created. Her skin glittered furiously in a coating of frost to counter-measure the sudden heat. 

The cover was nonetheless effective. "Let's get the hell outta here." Cora briefly grinned, searching the steam for any indication of the way out. However, the cover was as effective to their assailants as it was to them, and Cora found it hard to see even her teammates. 

"I need help!" A clear, distinctive voice cried out behind her, a little closer to the floor. "Yahtzee?" Cora wheeled around, creeping forward a few steps in the thick cloud. It wouldn't do to accidentally trod on anyone, not when their next moments were critical. 

A bit of steam blew to the side, revealing the young Hygron half-collapsed. The steam stunt must have drained him if he couldn't move. Cora fell to his side, quickly draping one of his arms around her shoulders. The steam was beginning to thin, and more men seemed to be raiding to the cause of catching them. She could hear orders being shouted. The Elementals had maybe 45 seconds before they would strike again. Well, give or take.

How can I possibly get us all out of here? The chocolate-haired girl glanced about desperately, feeling their options slipping away with every second. 

Salamander circled her feet, flicking his tongue in annoyance. Oh, of course! Why hadn't she thought of it sooner? "Yahtzee, brace yourself."

She stood with a grunt, bringing him up with her. Her tattered shoe tapped the concrete, and a great flurry of ice threaded together along the warehouse floor. It streatched and heaved up, smashing a hole in the wall. The ice broke out, slithering on the ground. Its tip remained fixated under Cora's shoe, and she proudly beheld their speed strip getaway. The ice flowed and churned like water, folding under itself in constant cycling so there was always a forward flow along the topside. 

"It's called the Dragon's Tongue. Hop on." Cora grinned, literally throwing Yahtzee onto the living ice. His landing was made soft as the tongue embraced his weight, quickly carrying him off.

25 seconds... Cora frowned, clearing the air around her with a cold breath. Crates and figures in the steam became clearer, and Cora tossed some supplies onto the tongue. She had no idea if the professionals had breached the steam, searching for them in the zero-vision cover. Still, she had to call out. 

"The exit's this way! We gotta go. Now!" She yelled to all parties. So, it wasn't surprising when a metal canister rolled to her feet. She barely scrambled back before the flash bang exploded in an onslaught of sight and sound. Cora took the full brunt of it, unprepared for a weapon so uncommon. She wearily pulled her head off the warehouse floor, a terrible ringing in her ears. She was temporally deaf, her vision played double, sometimes triple. 

The Dragon's Tongue was no where to be seen, disintegrated from her lack of control. Yahtzee and the supplies only reached so far before the ride stopped. She was dismayed her rescue attempt didn't get him out of the building, just metres short of freedom. Cora furiously shook her head, trying to get back her senses. Figures slowly approached her in the steam, but she had no idea if they were friendly or not. If history was any indicator, these shadows probably weren't.

Cora stiffened, coiling to spring from the ground. Irys, is everyone out yet?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Sig still underground, trying to think of a way to get rid of all the soldiers.
"Get back right now, the Kid can't get up, I'm going there to him" he heard Spike say in his mind "and the place's full of steam, the others might not to get out before it all dissipates."
"Oh great...!" There you go, bring people to a massive stash of food and they pay you back by making you risk your life. Sig continued flying through the ground. The soil split in front of him, went around his body, and filled the hole behind him encasing him in a moving bubble of air. He grabbed a few stones and came back out from the hole in the warehouse.
"Can't you guys go any slower!?" He shouted as dust fell around him. The steam blinded him, he saw only white, and due to the water particles quickly forming in the air, the sound was deafening. Everything seemed to happen right next to him, the gun shots, the sound of feet on concrete, shouts of the soldiers...
"Where is he?" "He's here close by but there's soldiers too. Wait, I think there's the girl as well, I don't know how she got there!"
Sig started running in Spike's general direction, following the Guardian's telepathical voice. He hit various crates, once he even tripped and fell, but quickly got back up. Soon he got to Spike and stopped, looking out for Yahtzee. Some guards snapped their heads towards Sig and the turtle, but Sig was faster and threw the stones in the air, accelerating and aiming them with his powers. The guards fell simultaneously as rocks hit them at incredible speeds and knocked them out. Yahtzee's body was there on the floor, lying conscious less, and Cora was there, crouching, ready to attack. The sight put Sig in a very bad mood.

Ignoring Cora, Sig bent down to pick up Yahtzee, putting him across his shoulders with great effort. Suddenly, a sharp pain entered his left leg, and then another a couple of seconds later by the waist on the right. Sig grunted and cursed under his breath but started limping forwards. The exit wasn't in sight, Sig didn't even know which way to go. "Spike, break the floor! I'm not strong enough. And you Chill Brain, stay close to me and shut up!" Spike didn't even answer, he stood up on his two hind legs and stomped on the warehouse's floor, only cracking it slightly. This process took way to long, he threw Yahtzee onto Spike's shell then painfully climbed on himself. "Get on!" He shouted to Cora. The great turtle turned his head left and right and finally saw the exit! The steam started to dissipate, as the water diffused into the dry air outside, and since when on all fours Spike's head was closer to the ground than Sig's, where there was less steam, he could see further. The adrenaline is Sig's blood pushed away the pain in his leg and waist. Spike just kept running, crushing crates and boxes, and soon was outside, finally free!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Will blasted water blindly into the steam wherever he remembered a hostile being. Everything happened in a moment, the steam covered the room, then pain was heard as Yahtzee was on the ground. "Shit..." Will said to himself, fortunately Cora was close by. Will grabbed two boxes and put them under his arms, he darted around and found that Sigsmund had finally resurfaced and was helping Yahtzee & Cora. Will felt... thankful towards Sig for probably the first time since they met. Will ran over to them and put the boxes ontop of two water pillars that followed him. "I'll cover, go!" He said to the trio. He threw a right jab in the air, sending a blast of water hurtling through the air and followed through with a left in another direction. Sig was shot twice and Will had noticed. "Dammit" he mumbled to himself, they were almost at the entrance however Will stayed behind and made sure the others and yelled "Go! Go! Go!" To he other hygrons, still blasting water, the pillars makin their way outside and soaking into the ground as the boxes made their way down too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jabking
Avatar of Jabking

Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil, still holding parts of the dome, was the last to move of the group, making sure any random bullets shot from the soldiers didn't harm the others. The steam was hot and thick. Phil let the rest of the dome dissipate and he sprinted towards the exit. He didn't have a clue what was happening and Phil was having flashbacks to yesterday already. As Phil neared the exit, he shoulder barged someone and fell to the floor. After he quickly recovered, he was greeted by a gun barrel pointed at his head only 1 feet away. The guard holding it commanded in a threatening tone "Don't Move!". Phil said nothing and didn't react physically, but conjured a snake of light under the guards foot. After it let out a subtle hiss, the guard looked down, drawing his focus off Phil. Phil took the opportunity to uppercut the guard, disarm him and then knock him out with a jab to the head. Phil then caught sight of the exit and sprinted for it. Not paying attention to what was around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yahtzee's body limply fell onto the moving ice and he grunted in pain. "Way to help." He said as loud as he could which wasn't much more than a mumble. Actually the ride was fairly smooth and he found that he wasn't jostled around as much as he thought. The fact that this power was called the Dragon's Tongue was also pretty awesome. Without his power to draw on though Yahtzee found himself feeling really really cold for the first time in ages. It had always been a habit to keep his body at just the right temperature since he first discovered his power but now he was actually starting to shiver. Fricken ice. He thought in his head. Almost as if luck was with him he was suddenly thrown from the ice and he hit the floor rolling, Thrown again. He thought. His power was starting to seep back already though and he could feel his strength returning slowly to his limbs. He tried standing again but it was still to soon and he fell. Suddenly Sig was there and Yahtzee's eyes widened. "You..." he hissed trying to stand again. Somehow he had to find the strength to attack him and he struggled to his feet again with his fist clenched but before he could swing his arm was taken and pulled over Sig's shoulder. "W-what?" He asked his head lolling down,

For a moment Yahtzee blanked out and when he came too he was actually in the air for a moment before slamming into something hard. Looking around he realized he was on Spike's back and he groaned again, "Can someone help me without throwing me?" He yelled in a rhetorical question. Suddenly it had occurred to him. He had yelled. Finally he had his strength back. He got his feet and grinned. "I'm back suckers!" He said just before hie knees buckled. "Or not." he sighed as he felt the huge tortoise moving beneath him and then a few moments later he was out of the stuffy warehouse and he was outside. The moment he saw daylight he rolled off of the totoise and slammed into the ground hard enough to take breath from his lungs. Seeing Cora he got to his hands and knees and dragged himself over to her and pointed behind him. "S-Sig's back." He panted trying to warn her. "I don't know... He got me out." He gritted his teeth and got onto his feet and swayed finally stable. "Okay... I'm good. Not going to fall." He smiled weakly and turned to fix his gaze on Sig. "Thank's for the save by the way." He whispered to Cora without taking his eyes off of Sig and Spike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Sig got off of Spike in a rush, anger boiling within him.
"You are like goddamned nursery children! Does someone always have to watch over you!?" He shouted at them while pulling up his shirt, which was slightly soaked over with blood. His mood became a very tiny bit better when he saw that there was just a deep scratch by his hip. His leg however was in a much worse condition. His jeans had dark stains of blood on them and when he pulled them up, he saw that a bullet did in fact hit him in the muscle, halfway between his knee and his ankle.
"Look at this! Look! I show you a place with a ton of food and this is what I get! I almost got my kneecap busted!" He let his jeans fall and sat down on the floor behind Spike, who had his look set onto the warehouse entrance. The pain wasn't that bad now, but only because of the anger and adrenaline.
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