Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the fighting continued, Toran emerged on Phil's shoulder. Attempting to get Phil's attention, He said "Phil, is something on your mind?". Phil paused before answering, looking around the room for eavesdroppers he whispered back "The thought of going to Atlanta hasn't exactly left my mind". Toran leaned in closer and said into Phil's ear "Then why don't you tell the group?". Phil turned his head to look Toran in the eye, Then continued to whisper "because I don't know if I can... recite those memories,, not with it happening so recently". Toran looked at him questioningly "then what are you going to do? I saw you harm your self earlier, keeping it a secret isn't going to keep you sane either". Phil shrugged, whispering "I'll tough it out, fake a smile and say nothing more... at least until I'm ready." Toran gave a serious look, then said sharply "I don't lik-"
"Stop..." Phil said, with a look of frustration on his face, "we're done talking about it". With a huff, Toran flew out of the cave, past the already intense fighting. Phil put on a blank expression and continued to watch the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Will watched the fight intently and was analysing every move each fighter made. Sig opened up with an earth pillar which was surprising as he may become predictable but Cora made her way up with ease and swept his legs. Will noted that he would have to ask Cora if she could teach him some kick techniques sometime. Sigsmund had somehow managed to turn the tide and now had Cora in some sort of quicksand trap. This WAS an interesting fight.

Will noticed Phil talking to his spirit Toran who left in an abrupt huff once more. "Man, is he pissed off again?" Will joked as he made his way to Phil. He stood next to the light hygron, cross-armed and facing the fight. "So, from what I can hear, everyone's kinda worried about you Phil. Even if you don't want to tell the whole group, I just want to let you know you can always tell me, if anything." Will said, kindly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Cora fell, her feet tumbling out from underneath her as the pit deepened. Sand poured down the walls, diswaying her hopes to crawl up. She fought against the tremulous currents of earth below her, rising to her knees. Sig descended into the pit, stepping effortlessly atop the shifting sands. He almost seemed to smirk, evidently seeing Cora at a disadvantage. She only had time to glower before the hurtled chunk of earth knocked her into the churning walls. It took her entire focus to not panic as gravel and salt filled her mouth. *Can’t… breathe…* she thought desperately. As the sand enclosed her figure, mist sparkled the air. Earth turned white as the walls froze, cracking as Cora punched a fist through. The mix of sand and ice cracked apart, freeing a half suffocated Cora. She coughed, taking in large swells of air. She wiped the grime from her face, a cold smirk pulling at her lips. “Looks like we’re both trying to murder each other. Lovely.” A cold gust from her lips left her hands half-encased in sharp, glassy ice. Mist spilling off her two new claws, Cora assumed her stance on firm feet. Frost lathered the earth under her, creating the perfect launchpad with which she leapt from. But as her icy attack closed in on Sig, an unexpected noise broke across the wasteland. It sounded like thunder, except you felt it more than you heard it. It was loud yet quiet, setting every cell in a living person on edge with tingling awe. Several notes rang out in an overtone, creating the briefest harmony before dying down. Seconds later, the hazy orange-yellow sky flashed pure white. Once, then twice. As the second flash died down Cora beheld the most vivid images behind her eyes: *A mountainous view filling the expanse of sight, covered in great spruce trees and all manner of life. The trees whispered to one another, conveying the sweetest of life’s mysteries. All things in Kyra were alive. The energies of the cosmos flow through each and every being and plant, connecting all things as one. To influence that was to connect with one’s higher self. To truly have peace. To attain one’s full potential. To save them all from the death of their sun. One’s enlightened, Elemental Self.* Cora gasped, frozen still not an inch from Sig. The fight was lost in her, so blown away was she from the vision still glowing in her mind. Her hands fell limply, ice claws shattering as she stared up at the quiet sky. Her lips parted silently, eyes wide with wonder. “...Could it be… Kyra?” Cora whispered. The sky was silent, a closed and undiscerning book once again. Their enigmatic Goddess was gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Will came under the same vision of a beautiful scene of trees and streams as everyone else after the bizarre flashes of lightning and thunder. Will did a double-take only to be replied with the same bewildered look on their eyes but this made Will confused. Why did Kyra have to be so fucking cryptic all the time!? Why does all happen now!? What the hell does it mean!? All bitter and angry questions stormed past Will's mind, making him boil up and once again break out of character in rage. He looked to the hazy sky and yelled at the top of his lungs. "Damn you Kyra! I know you can hear me! Tell us! Tell us what you want us to do!!!" He shouted in anger. After he calmed down, he slowly subsided to slumping on his knees in tears, and slammed a fist into the ground. "What... the hell... do you want!?" He said to himself between sobs, staring at the ground, unaware of what went on around him, he was stuck in his own thoughts becoming angrier by the second. That's it. We move now. Will slowly stood up, wiped the tears in one swipe and stomped his way past the crowd and towards the city, with the fedora low over his eyes. "I'm going to the city now." He said aloud, angrily but certainly not towards them. "I will not wait any longer." He added at the end. He broke into a run to get there as fast as he could, not knowing that that no matter how many followed they probably wouldn't catch up easily. He also knew that no matter what or who awaited the elementals there, whoever wanted to get in their way... then they will know now that Will is no longer on the defensive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The chocolate-haired ice wielder made her way out of the pit, grabbing at frozen handfuls of sand.She reached the top and pulled herself over as Will sank to his knees, distraught. She would have paid more attention to his words if not for her sight taking on a strange haze. Circling Will’s crouched figure was a bright outline of white sparks, almost a glow. It didn’t cast a shadow, and didn’t seem to tangibly exist. Yet it remained in her view, following Will as a static energy. Furrowing her brow, Cora glanced over at Sig. It took a second to focus, but he was surrounded by the same kind of static. It was as if the haze had always been there, but only now did she notice. More confused than curious, Cora rubbed her eyes. When she took her hands away, the hazy outlines disappeared. “How strange.” Cora mumbled, staring down at her palms. *"I'm going to the city now,"* Will said through clenched teeth, standing upright. *"I will not wait any longer."* Cora appraised Will with tired eyes, immediately feeling weak. How much did they have to push before Kyra would let them rest? She was through with this, living in uncertainty of her life. It wasn’t as simple as walking away, though. That was her first lesson Kyra taught her, at the expense of a few precious lives. No, she was in this for the long haul. There was blood on her hands. Blood of friend and foe, destroyed by her gifts. Her brash actions. To save her soul, she had to see this through. They could not lie down and die. That was not a luxury they could afford. As Will made a run for it, Cora pumped a fist in the air. “You heard the man. Kyra’s wish is clear. Onward, to Appling!” She took off running, tagging behind Will. Their destination was close, barely a half-hour’s walk. With this speed, they’d make it in half the time. The small city came up fast on the horizon, standing out amidst the rubble. Large skyscraper-like structure made of copper and steel were ringed by an uneven wall ten feet high. The protective wall was made from scrap metal and abandoned cars stacked on each other, making for one artistic scene of well-placed junk. As their group neared the wall gate, several heads popped out from within the large watchtower just behind the city’s walls. For every Elemental there were two laser points lighting up their chests as guards aimed their assault rifles. One stood, eyes narrow and head held high. He looked like the one in charge. “Halt!” His gruff voice boomed. “Hands where I can see them, now. You kids are young to be wandering out by yourself, what with all those alien scouts scouring the wasteland. This is how it’s gonna work. I’m gonna ask a few questions, you’re gonna answer me. We’ll decide whether or not to shoot you.” He flicked the safety off a small, hand-made gun, cocking it once before leveling it at Will. “Who are you? Why are you here? Who’s your leader and who do you report to? And DON’T try to bullshit me.” He growled, wagging a gloved finger at them. “I can smell bullshit a mile away.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Will said nothing on the way and just focused on getting to Appling. When they arrived, they were greeted with... less than friendly guards at the junk wall. Will flicked his eyes down to his chest as he noticed two red dots dancing on his shirt. Will was met by the rough voice of the guard's superior “Halt!” His gruff voice boomed. “Hands where I can see them, now. You kids are young to be wandering out by yourself, what with all those alien scouts scouring the wasteland. This is how it’s gonna work. I’m gonna ask a few questions, you’re gonna answer me. We’ll decide whether or not to shoot you.” He flicked the safety off a small, hand-made gun, cocking it once before leveling it at Will. “Who are you? Why are you here? Who’s your leader and who do you report to? And DON’T try to bullshit me.” He growled, wagging a gloved finger at them. “I can smell bullshit a mile away.” Hmmm... Will had to think about it. "We're travellers..." he began, gesturing to the other elementals as he stepped forward. "We're looking for beds and food to heal ourselves for maybe a week or two. We've been through one hell of a trip." He explained, hoping the leader wouldn't pick up his bluff. Will tried his best to keep a straight face, as he would against an opponent in the ring to keep his purpose hidden and his next move a mystery. Will was determined to win this psychological war between him and the superior guard
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil, like everyone else, was greeted with a thunderous sound and images of a vast landscape filled with nature and a peaceful wind. This bizarre sight ended in seconds and only confused Phil. Then, as Will fell to the ground, a sort of migraine hit Phil like a train and caused him to come back to harsh reality. Phil focused his eyes, but everything seemed blurred and nobody was moving. As Phil turned around, there was a figure, an angelic silhouette made of light that seemed... Nostalgic to Phil. After what seemed like a minute of staring at the figure, Phil was greeted with another flash of light that brought him back to reality once again. Phil's sight was greeted with Cora running towards the exit shouting with her fist in the air. “You heard the man. Kyra’s wish is clear. Onward, to Appling!” Phil, with no time to figure out what just went on, simply shook his head and replied with "Right behind you!" As they approached the Wall, around a dozen men armed with assault rifles took aim at the group. A leader-like man made some very simple demands, answer our questions then pray we don't shoot you. "What fucking luck" Phil thought as he took in their situation. Phil wasn't certain how to answer but the way the man said "alien scouts", he didn't seem too pleased with the Vygrons himself. Phil slowly approached Cora and whispered "they don't seem to have high opinions of the Vygron, maybe if you tell them the tr-" Phil was interrupted by a warning shot whizzing past his head. The person who fired the bullet stayed quiet but gestured that Phil move away from the others, which he did in a slow and calm manor. This was up to Cora or anyone else who decides to speak up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Yahtzee watched the fight unfold between Cora and Sig quietly as his mind frantically tried to take note of the moves and techniques of the two clearly experienced fighters before him. There powers were so vastly different from his however and he eventually just settled in to be simply entertained by the spectacle. Then the vision struck. It was the first of it's kind he had ever experienced and it left his knees weak and his mouth dry. "The hell?" He asked to nobody in particular and a good thing to because that was who was listening to him. His gaze darted from Wil to Cora to Phil before looking aroun for Salamander. _Kyra_ his familiar said in explanation. Well that made things easier. Movement drew his gaze and he saw Wil racing away followed by Cora. "H-Hey!" He yelled after them but they were already out of earshot. Giving Salamander a pleading glance the dragon gave a deep sigh before flying him high into the air and heading after the elementals. Once Yahtzee had reached them, Salamander unceremoniously dumped him on the ground to run for himself. It was a struggle to keep up but he managed. Barely. His aching muscles left him little to no breath for talking. Finally they came to a stop and he doubled over breathing heavily as he heard a guard talking in the background. Finally he caught his breath and looked up just as the guard's warning shot wizzed past him. It took a moment for him to register it an when he did he leapt sideways. "Agh!" He yelped. "I'm having second thoughts about getting shot." He gulped and straightened up doing his best to look composed as he reached into his pocket and very discreetly drew out a thin piece of plastic card. "If I may..." He said quietly stepping forward in front of the group an holding the card out in front of him. The card was something he had kept as a keepsake after leaving the circus although he had never expected to actually use it again. It had a barcode registering it as legit and had his information as Yahtzee. "Registered name, Alex Stone. Used name, Yahtzee. Occupation, Circus performer sub-job, fire tamer." He spoke in a robotic monotone and kept his face as blank as he could. "These are as of yet unregistered. Registration will commence after a successful interview with Ee-el Circus Of Wonders. An unnsuccesful one will result in termination. o we have your clearance and authority to pass?" He called out to the guard. The moment's that followed brought Yahtzee's stomach into his throat and he swallowed it down. The guard seemed to be thinking it over but the gun remained locked onto them. If this worked then they could preserve what little energy they had for the fight later. It all hinged on this guard's next decision.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Will made a well-meaning attempt to bluff. *"We're looking for beds and food to heal ourselves for maybe a week or two. We've been through one hell of a trip."* The chief guard shook his head, scoffing. “A likely story, one of which I ain’t prone to believe. What do you take me for, a fool? We’ve heard reports of Rockhill’s warehouse being broken into, the assailers’ description matching your group. A bunch of *aliens* disguised as kids. What did they say, the warehouse now has permanent water and fire damage? Holes blown through the walls?” He asked the lieutenant standing beside him. “Yes sir,” The short lieutenant pushed up his circular glasses, speaking evenly. “They had similar abilities to the aliens we’ve previously encountered.” The chief nodded, returning his untrusting gaze to Will. “See? Now what’s to say you’re all not the very thing killing humanity?” Phil whispered in Cora’s ear. *"They don't seem to have high opinions of the Vygorn, maybe if you tell them the tr-"* A warning shot made Cora flinch, and Phil stepped back obediently. She furrowed her brow, wondering what message he had tried to give. Did he mean to tell the city-guard the truth? Alas, she knew the outcome wouldn't be pleasant if they already considered them aliens. The truth would warp in their minds. The time wasn't yet to reveal their true mission. But… what other excuse did they have? Cora looked around with desperate eyes, trying to see another clue in the Elementals around her. She could feel their silence drawing out and the guards were anxious. They needed some ingenuity, something the deepest part of her couldn't fathom. It was then Yahtzee maneuvered around her, taking the front position. He presented something small in his hands. *"Registered name, Alex Stone. Used name, Yahtzee.”* The chief slightly frowned as Yahtzee spoke, but remained unmoved. Yatzee gestured to the group behind him. *"These are as of yet unregistered. Registration will commence after a successful interview with Ee-el Circus Of Wonders. An unsuccessful one will result in termination. Do we have your clearance and authority to pass?"* Amused. “I certainly didn’t expect one of you to be registered. Hm… The Appling’s famous circus, eh? Is this true?” The chief said slowly, scanning the faces of their small group. Cora chimed in, going with it. “Yes sir, we’re their new recruits. Yahtzee was tasked with, uh, finding the circus fresh talent earlier this year.” The chief seemed to mull it over a moment more before sighing, raising his hand. “Lower your weapons, men. Open the gate!” Cora breathed a sigh of relief, only registering then that her knees had been shaking the entire time. The great scrap metal gate creaked open, and they walked into the city as free, to-be registered citizens. Under their feet lay coarse cement, and above their heads were lines of pipe and irregular structures reaching the sky. The city smells were that of burnt metal and old urine, but despite it’s unpleasantness Appling had an air of welcoming. The chief was waiting for them inside, helmet and goggles removed. He was a tall, dark-haired man with a face baked in the sun and lined with moderate age. The one thing untouched were his eyes, blue and sharp. He nodded to them. “Welcome to Appling. I’m Chief Serguson, military leader and first line of defense for our city.” He barked out a command, and two guards joined him, holding their assault rifles in a relaxed manner while still having a finger on the trigger. The chief gestured to the group. “They are here to register with the circus. Be a dear and escort them in an orderly fashion.” The guards nodded, one taking up a position at the rear, one at the front of the Elementals. The front man half-turned to them. “Follow me.” Cora swallowed hard, staying silent as the guards marched them through the streets. Her heart still raced as they neared their destination. At any moment their story could fall through and they’d get locked up for falsified information. Maybe even destruction of property. Hell, she still had a food bar from the warehouse in her pocket. If they had been searched their journey would have already been over. So for now, she waited, eyes open to the city.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Yahtzee gazed up at the circus with no small amount of fondness. As was the stereotype the circus was a gigantic red topped tent an the sides were covered with artistic drawings showing the possible range of spectacles one might encounter inside. Looking at the familiar place he found that all of his nerves had been settled. This was his home at for the first time in a long time he began to relax. One of the pictures showed a black figure surrounded by a spiral of red streaks and he grinned before turning to face the guards escorting them. "Thanks for the help. God knows we would have had a hard enough finding this giant tent without some sort of assistance." His sarcasm didn't go down particularly well with the burly man before him but he didn't care because he was on home turf now. Whatever happened he could handle it. The entrance flap opened with an unusually loud rustle and the Ringleader stepped out. No one knew the Ringleader's name and settled for simply calling him by his position. The first that was noticed was his height. He was hugely tall, an affect that was magnified by his thinness, and he towered over everyone. He wore a black and white pinstriped suite that was a stark contrast to his red bow-tie. His eyes were a calming grey and one was behind a monocle. "Ringleader!" Yahtzee spoke quickly knowing his plan would fall apart if the Ringleader revealed that his arrival was a surprise. "I found the recruits we were looking for." The Ringleader's face remained unreadable and he nodded in acknowledgement. "Yahtzee. Good to see you again. Take these friends of yours inside and we will find them an act to participate in. I will clear things with the guards while you get set up." Yahtzee was a little taken a-back by the Ringleader's abruptness but simply nodded and held open the flap for the others to step inside of the tent. Just before going in himself the Ringleader gave him a small smile and wink out of the corner of his eye before turning and speaking with the guards. "Whew." Yahtzee finally breathed a sigh of relief looking around. "We'll be safe here. Everyone's friends of mine." He said grinning again. The interior of the tent was a large flat are covered in soft sand. The sand itself was transported by the circus as it was near impossible to find it anywhere apart from one or two select places. There was plenty of commotion going on as various performers prepared their acts. The closest to them was the strong man. His muscles strained mightily as he did push-ups... with a car on his back. Up near the ceiling were the trapeze artists. In the middle were the clowns. Contortionists were in oddly shaped boxes near the edge of tent and opposite them were the four jugglers juggling clubs, balls, knives and other brightly colored objects moving too fast to make out clearly. There were others but Yahtzee was too focus on trying to find someone specific to even notice them. Sitting alone not far away was an old man that was mixing something in a bowl and soaking long lengths of rope in it. "If anyone asks just say your with me..." Yahtzee said in a distracted tone of voice as he headed to his old teacher.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

It was blatantly obvious that Will felt uneasy. For starters, he said nothing to anyone the entire trip to the Circus. Will was set on one thing, finding the damn Vygorn responsible for all this and seeing his head lollop on the ground. He was determined to bring the aliens to their knees. Three feelings coursed through his veins. Bitterness, Rage and Frustration. Rage, damn the Vygorns trying to defile Kyra's beautiful earth. Bitterness, if anyone tried to stop him then they will feel the same rage in a physical form. Frustration, how the hell could they do this? Wait, what the hell was Will thinking? He had to keep this under control or someone innocent could get hurt, his friends, Cora. Will decided to take his frustration out of him alone. He turned to Cora, "Hey, I'm just heading outside. I'll be back before you know it." He said, as happily as he could. He left the tent and headed round the large tent. He was not in the mood to be interested on what's on the inside. Will began to spar with the air, throwing punches left and right into the nothingness in front of him. Left straight, right straight, weave, right straight and left uppercut. Will repeated this but changed the amount of weaves and changed a couple of punches into hooks here and there. H
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

**Appling | Circus Area & Plaza** The guards never delayed in their step, escorting the group quickly through the narrow streets of Appling. Citizens pressed themselves against the walls, avoiding eye-contact with the guards. The Elementals got mostly curious looks, albeit a few suspicious glances mixed in. As they neared the red tents looming a couple winding blocks ahead, ropes lined with coloured flags hung overhead their path. As the street opened to a large plaza they passed under a rusted metal banner with text written in elegant cursive: **Circus of Wonders:** *‘Everything You Can Imagine is Real’* The guards led them to the largest tent of them all and the flaps billowed as a thin, tall man tastefully dressed came out to greet them. Yahtzee immediately recognized him, calling him the ‘Ringleader’. Quickly covering for their story, Yahtzee made a point to speak first. The Ringleader eyed him, his face a carefully closed book. *"Yahtzee. Good to see you again. Take these friends of yours inside and we will find them an act to participate in. I will clear things with the guards while you get set up."* Cora blinked, almost astonished. *This went… smoother than I expected.* As Cora walked passed the Ringleader, she stopped, turned and gave a dignified bow. “Thank you, Sir.” And she disappeared through the tent entrance Yahtzee drew aside. The magnificent view inside the tent was… Well, magnificent. Anything you’d imagine at a circus, it was there. In all it’s glory and inexplainability. Cora, having only read about the circus in old textbooks was beside herself with awe. Yahtzee paused for a moment, turning to them. *"We'll be safe here. Everyone's friends of mine."* “This place is truly amazing. You used to work here?” Cora asked, lights gleaming in her pale eyes. “I’m grateful to you. We’ve found safety, if for a short time.” Will had lapsed into silence a long while back, eyes distant and narrowed. Cora could only guess what he brooded about, but after a few moment of entering the tent he seemed antsy. He flashed her a smile that appeared almost forced. *"Hey, I'm just heading outside. I'll be back before you know it."* Cora only watched him with worried eyes as he went back outside, her mouth empty of words. Did she upset him, somehow? The thought made her feel mildly bitter to herself. She brushed it off as Yahtzee continued moving deeper into the tent, her voice tight. “Hey, wait up. I don’t want to get lost in here.” She grimaced, tailing behind their fire-wielder. “What’s the plan, Yahtzee? We can’t keep up an acting charade, I’m no circus performer…” ~~~ **Circus Plaza | Outside Main Tent** Will continued punching the air, not noticing a girl eyeing him from the nearby alley at the edge of the plaza. A few moment passed before the girl slowly edged herself into the light, evidently nervous. She was short, even for a kid. Her blonde hair was tightly tied in two pigtails that curled a couple inches past her shoulders. Her dress was a frilly rose colour, and she carried a small, white laced parasol. “Mister? Hey, excuse me mister.” She said, stepping close enough that she had to crane her petite head to look up at Will. “Could I ask you a reeeeaaally big favour? You look like you know how to fight, and I… I…” She trailed off, her big eyes shimmering with welled up tears. “My brother. The Trapeze men are bullying him again. They’re scary, violent, and I, I don’t know what to do.” She whimpered, her lip quivering. The little girl pointed to the alley she emerged from, “They’re down there, and they have sticks this time. My dear brother…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

They. Will. Die! Fuck, this wasn't calming him down. His thoughts and routine broke when a small voice appeared, he turned to see a little girl asking for help, his brother was about to be beaten. "Well, let's go." Will said confidently, he ran down into the alleyway and noticed people gathered but they all turned to him and paced towards him. Will took a couple of steps back only to hit another person, who was taller than him. *If it's a fight they want* he thought, *it's a fight they'll get!* Will elbowed the stomach of the man behind him before charging forward, gearing up his right fist. In an instant, Will was on the ground and being repeatedly beaten by stun batons, and only minutes more before he subsided into darkness despite his weak struggle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The dull and sudden thudding of batons echoed off the copper walls of the alley. It was agonizing moments before a little girl held up a gloved hand, tapping her white parasol on the ground. The crowd stepped back, eyes focused on the bruised figure of Will at their feet. She brushed them aside. “Enough. I will take it from here.” The little girl patted down her dress, procuring a silver necklace from her pocket. She brought it around Will’s neck, holding the pendant’s emerald gem a moment before it began to glow. “He must be in restored health and comatose, or he’ll never survive a trip through Euceal Sii…” She paused, dark ruby eyes lingering on Will’s face. “... Or in humanity’s naïve terms, their ‘Dark Matter’.” “Yes ma’am.” The crowd murmured. She knelt by Will, holding a small, glimmering orb of Void in her hands. It sparked with electrical bolts of light before snapping out, expanding to envelope the two within it’s infinite depths. Just as quick, it collapsed, blinking out of reality and taking it’s voyagers with it. ~~~ **Atlantis, The Director’s Laboratory | Minutes Later** Deep below the highest skyscraper in Atlantis, The Director paced the spacious lab of his basement, leather heels clicking against the floor in cold impatience. In all normal terms he appeared human, wearing a tailored suit and gold cufflinks. He was in his late thirties and had short, styled dark blonde hair. To most he would seem almost beautiful, perfectly sculpted as he was. What wasn’t as comforting were his eyes. Cold and alien, the very sight was frightening -- Red iris eyes ringed with coal-black sclera. It was only the Master himself inside his circular, steel-walled facility. Everyone else had been sent away -- he wished to be alone for this instant. To relish this moment of triumph, unrestrained. The Void opened up in front of The Director, dispelling to reveal the little lady half kneeling, supporting Will’s upper body in her arms. She bowed her head, ruby eyes gracing the floor. “I have the Elemental, Father. Just as you asked.” “Good, Aavi. You have my gratitude.” He spoke with a metallic tongue, slippery and warped as his voice sounded. “Everything’s going just as I foresaw. We will exterminate the Lifers with one Harbinger of Despair and reclaim the last free city of man. Then, my Child…” His eyes glimmered as a monstrous smile stretched his face. “Then, nothing will stop us.” “Yes, Father.” Not once did Aavi meet his eyes. She stayed at his side, knowing he would have need of her again. A table rose up from the unfolding floor, centering itself in the middle of The Director’s lab. Will’s unconscious body was laid upon it, hands and feet locked to the metal bed with solid bands of polycarbonate glass. Slowly, the effects of Void-traveling wore off Will, being absorbed and healed by the crystal about his neck. With his stamina, Will was no longer bound by comatose. The Director eyed his captive, tilting the metal bed so the head was a couple feet higher than the feet. The ceiling directly opposite of Will clicked opened a sliding panel. A dark, metallic ray machine of some alien make descended from the above, seeming rather menacing with its ominous humming and glowing spear aimed directly at Will’s chest. The Director patiently watched Will for signs of life. He wanted the Lifer awake for this part.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yahtzee only just noticed Cora speaking peripherally and it took a few moments for him to actually process what her words were. "Uh... plan?" He asked with a slight waver in his voice. "I dunno. You're normally the one with plans but we won't need to stay here long. Even if we did the circus is only in one spot for at most a week and I sorta get the feeling that they have been here for near six days now. Probably only a final act." He stopped speaking to her as he reached his old trainer. "Hello... sir." He said nervously. The old man turned to face them an glanced up at them before his face brightening in recognition. "Yahtzee!" He spoke excitedly. "What are you doing here?" He said brightly but his grin soon faded into a worried frown and his tone darkened. "I told you Yahtzee to leave. Things aren't safe anymore for someone like you." "No wait sir it's all good!" Yahtzee said hastily. "I met others like me. Well sort of like me. They do differents stuff but like-" "And where are they now boy?" The man snapped. "They're right here." He turned and gestured to Cora. "This is Cora and Wil is over the-" His voice trailed off as he looked around for his friend. "Uh... I'm sure he just stepped outside for a moment." He said meeting Cora's eyes, alarmed. "Hmmph." The old man grunted. "I think you have better things to do than wasting time with old acquaintances best forgotten. Your friend is more than likely in danger." He said as he turned back to his work. Yahtzee frantically looked around again then faced Cora. "Come on! Let's go find Wil!" He said hurriedly as he ran towards the entrance of tent and outside into the light calling for Wil as he went.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

*That was the second time Will has been left floating in darkness, but this was not a way to go to a happy world- this was cold, and dark. Jet black tendrils wrapped around his legs and arms, snaking across to his torso. His body became covered in darkness and soon his face was being wrapped in these pure black tentacles. There was nothing he could do, he felt limp and lifeless, as if all his fight has been sucked away from him. No matter how much he tried to move or struggle, not even a single muscle geared into action, and so he let the darkness envelop his vision.* Will woke up in a shock, he was in a white, clinical room with vials and microscopes littering the table tops. He turned left and right before his vision focused on a man. "Wait... who... who are you?" Will asked, still coming back from unconsciousness. He tried to move but found himself shackled onto a vertical table. "Hey!!! Let me go!!!" He shouted, not looking at the man but instead staring at the restraints that binded him to the table. He then turned to the ma- wait? He's not a man? He's a filthy Vygorn. Was Will tricked? Red eyes, it said it all. "Motherfucker!!! I'll kill you!!! Fucking... HEY!!! LET ME OUT!!! HELP!!!" Will began to scream, if anything could get him off of this table Will would be either going for the face or running for his life. Will wouldn't stop struggling or shouting, until the Vygorn interrupted him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

**Appling | Circus of Wonder** Yahtzee showed panic on his face, turning toward the tent entrance. There was urgency in his voice. *"Come on! Let's go find Wil!"* Cora rolled her eyes. “You’re embarrassing me. I’m sure he’s f-” But Yahtzee wouldn’t hear it, already heading out. She stared apologetically at his teacher. She noted how he seemed to be ‘in on the secret’. She would have need to speak with him later. “Um. We’ll be right back.” She joined Yahtzee outside, and together they circled the plaza. Occasionally they called out Will’s name, but to no avail. He was no where to be seen. At this point Cora still wasn’t too worried, certain he was in a tent somewhere enjoying the many sights of the circus. “Don't fret so much, Yahtzee. I’m sure he’s enjoying popcorn and scantily dressed ladies.” She said sarcastically, trying to get him to at least smile. Those weren’t Will’s tastes at all, but it would be funny if they caught him with the circus mistresses. “Let’s search again later. For now, we need to regroup with Phil and the others and plan what the hell we’re doing next. M’kay?” Cora said, pulling at the loose threads of her dirty hoodie. “Maybe they have clothes they’d be willing to donate…” ~~~ **Atlantis | Director’s Laboratory** Will’s screams grated The Director’s sensitive ears. He growled, closing the distance between him and the Elemental. He grabbed the crystal around Will’s neck with a lithe grip, making it glow again. Not enough to send Will under comatose again, but it would exhaust Will to a point his eyes would beg to be rested. For a time, this would pacify the firey Elemental. “I’m ashamed.” His metallic voice whispered maliciously. “You act nothing of Kyra’s final warriors. You give no respect to the element you were born with. Honestly, Fire might have suited you better, given your temper.” Vrail stared him dead in the eye, moving a couple paces from the tilted metal bed. “Although, I understand where your rage is coming from. I did have your friends killed, after all...” He smiled cruelly. “Correction: Tortured then killed. Their screams were delightfully *hopeless*.” He chuckled before leveling a dark stare at Will. The weight of his alien eyes were almost tangible, having a naturally frightening effect. He spoke slowly, bearing the full force of his authority as Ruler of the Decaying Worlds. “Do you even know whom it is you speak to, Lifer?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jabking
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Jabking Nerd, Gamer and Roleplayer; All in one package.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phil stood awkwardly in the corner of the room hoping no one would notice him. It had been awhile since he had socialised with a normal being. Looking around the room, Phil noticed a lot of interesting figures. Phil pondered about their lifestyle for a second, but he didn't have much to go on. Phil soon realised that Will hadn't come back, the only notable within his eye sight being Cora and Yahtzee. Phil also started to wonder where Toran was, as he hadn't seen him since that fight... and that weird vision. Looking back on it, did everyone else see the same as him? Will wasn't too happy about what happened, did he see something less desirable? That beauty was breath taking; The nature was absolutely stunning... But after the vision of nature, came a vision born from fear... Fear of Atlanta. That lady, It had to have been her... who else would it have been? Phil snapped back to reality and realised he was sweating slightly. Whatever or whoever that figure was, Phil didn't want to see it EVER again. Phil looked up towards Yahtzee and Cora, who had recently starting talking to an old man. Maybe it was time to join them, Phil thought. He couldn't stand the glances he was getting from everyone else. But as he approached them, Yahtzee raced along with Cora shouting "Come on! Let's go find Will!" Phil was then left with the old man staring at him expectantly. "Erm... I'm... with them." Phil pretty much whispered as he walked along with an awkward, Wry smile. He then left after Cora and Yahtzee with the old man's stare burning into the back of Phil's Head. "I'm going to kill Yahtzee for that..." he mumbled to himself, using his pure white hair to cover his eyes. As he left the circus though, Cora and Yahtzee where no where to be found. the town seemed to have just enough people to get lost. Phil decided he would just stick to the entrance of the circus and wait for them there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

When the crystal around Will's neck was grabbed by the Vygorn, then Will felt like was being sucked out of him again. The fight that was in him was gone however he remained conscious. Then the Vygorn mentioned fire and flashbacks of Shida raced in his mind. Will realised, if this was to be his last moments on Earth, then he will be Kyra's messenger and tell the enemy what they're in for. "Go ahead... kill me. The elementals... will come. The light shall chase the darkness... Ice will freeze evil... Fire shall burn corruption... do I need to go on?" Will said with a smile and a weak chuckle. "You think... killing me will stop your undoing?" Will said, looking straight into the crimson eyes of the Vygorn. "Your reign is over, and humanity will stand once more." Will said defiantly. "Do you even know whom you speak to, lifer?" The bitter Vygorn asked. Honestly, Will had no idea... wait! Why would any normal Vygorn go through all this trouble. He was someone high up... VRAIL! It's clear now, the head of the snake they have been trying to kill for so long was standing right in front of Will's eyes. "You're... Vrail..." Will said, slowly, weakly but clearly. Oh no...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yahtzee
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yahtzee glanced around nervously despite Cora's reassuring words. There was no real reason for Wil to be in danger of any sort but his trainer _knew_ things. He had never figured out how or why but the old man always simply just knew the answer to any problem. If Wil was in any sort of danger then they should probably act sooner rather than later. Like a lot sooner. For now though he tried to force an uneasy smile and followed Cora in search of some sort of new clothing. "I doubt there will be anything around here." He said. "I mean the circus always only transports the necessary props. Clothes just sort of got bought and sold as we went." A shadow fell over him and Yahtzee turned abruptly to face the Ringleader. His tall frame doing an incredible job of looming. "Uh... hey?" Yahtzee tried his voice quavering slightly. The Ringleader was pretty intimidating up close. "Oh have you seen Wil? He was travelling with us when we arrived but my trainer seemed to think he was in danger." He asked hopefully. "I cannot say." The Ringleader said. "I am not as... in tune with the events of time as your old master." A small smile creased the corners of the Ringleader's mouth. "The last time I saw him he seemed to be quite distressed. A girl approached him, they talked and he followed. Down there." Yahtzee nodded and swallowed and turned to go speak to Cora but before he could the Ringleader put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him back. "Something big lies ahead of you and it's waking up." He whispered. "Take this," the Ringleader pulled a wooden cane out from seemingly no where and put it into Yahtzee's hands. "It's dangerous to go alone." "What?" Yahtzee asked frowning in confusion. "A reference to something to far gone for you to remember. There is a small rune underneath the handle. Tap it to activate when you feel the need." And just like that the Ringleader was finished talking and walked away, back into the tent. Yahtzee stared at the old and dinged up wooden cane in his hands for a moment before heading to Cora.
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