Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward blushed a bit when he realized how much she was leaning into him "I will show you, But your gonna have to move ," he chuckled a bit and smiled looking at her. He looked almost handsome when he was smiling in a friendly way and not being all smug and arrogant.
His blonde hair seemed to be all messed up as well.
Will sighed and falls asleep in his bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla nodded a little as she stoped leaning on Edward, holding onto his arm still with both of hers. Her Green eyes wandered up to Edward's face and the sight of this new expression brought a smile to her lips "You know...You aren't half bad to be around when you aren't being an arrogant jerk" She told him "And you should smile more as well like you are now, it suits you" Kyla gave her first proper smile towards him "Now lead the way, I want my sleep" she then demanded in a joking way as she pointed in a random direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward blushed a bit at her comment about his smile, but he didn't say all that much. He leads her to a spare bedroom and looked at her "Well get some sleep and guess I'll keep watch, let me know if you need anything."
He smiled, he knew she looked very tired and needed the sleep. He was still reckless and he wasn't sure what he would do once the hunters came if they could break past his barrier, which he was sure shouldn't happen.
He goes and gets some food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla's mood was starting to perk up and she seemed to be getting rather happy despite being tired, following Edward to the spare room and looking around once they entered it "Oh I still have a gun don't forget, if you need me to help you fight I can always be your sharpshooter" She grinned "And I won't need anytihngm I don't even know what people are suppose to need aside" She chuckled a little.
Before going to bed Kyla turned her gaze back to Edward, reaching up and flicking his forehead gently with a grin "Nighty night" She said before turning to the bed. All of a sudden Kyla seemed to have a cheeky, playful side to her that hadn't shown before. Something she hadn't noticed herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

" I Haven't forgotten, but you do need sleep first." Edward told her "No point fighting when tired," He knew he did that all the time, but he often didn't have a choice "Guess i should stop doing that when the choice is there, though never has been that choice." he puts the blankets over her and starts to leave the room "Anyways barrier should hold " He was counting on that.
Edward knew it was going to be tough until those hunters stopped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"well it is there now, I will stay here for as long as you want me to stay so that choice is always there" She smiled as Edward pulled the blankets over her, snuggling up into them and looking like she was in heaven on earth "So much nicer than my own bed" She chuckled.
As Edward left the room Kyla fell fast asleep almost instantly, unable to help herself from doing so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward left her to rest, he was thinking and was looking out. He wondered what he would do if he was on his own completely. Will continued to rest as well, his brother didn't wake until sometime after Kyla did.
Edward is checking on his brother by then as well. "Will how are you feeling?" he asked him, he feels his forehead and sighed seeing the fever hasn't come down, he is worried about his brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla woke though she didn't move from her bed, gazing up to the roof with her green eyes before looking to the glowing skin on her hand. What was she if not human? why could she remember anything past 10 years? Sighing she tuned into her side and wondered what she was going to tell Edward, remembering how she told him that she had something he needed to hear
"I guess I can wait a bit longer, I'm just going to lay here where it is nice and warm" She smiled and closed her eyes again, holding the Pillow with both arms to her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Edward was checking over Will, "Ah your so pale." he sits there and gets a wash cloth "I hope you will stay in bed, even if under attack you should stay out of it alright." He was very worried about him.
Sighing Will looked at him. he had tears in his eyes, he still couldn't tell his brother he was gay. He wasn't even sure how his brother would react to that. "Yeah I know, I feel so awful. what is wrong with me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ky;a was soon back to sleep with her face covered by the Pillow, snoring quietly as she held it to her like she was hugging the thing. The redhead didn't want to leave bed, not after living 10 years on the streets with nothing but a broken mattress to sleep on. Kyla was rather surprised she didn't get any back problems or get sick for that matter, thinking that she must have just been lucky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward fell asleep for awhile looking after his brother. He knew that Will needed the rest. He had fallen asleep hugging his younger brother. When he awoke he stretched, He had woken sometime after Kyla.
He figured she was really tired, he looked around and stretched. Will was sleeping and he mumbled in his sleep. He was coughing a little. Edward feels Will's forehead and he sighed a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla woke again with her hair in a mess, wiping her eyes and falling out of bed in a heap on the floor "Ow" The girl muttered as she got up and stumbled out of the room to try and find the kitchen. Of course she would be lost and find herself on the completely opposite side of the house, taking a while to notice this and facepalming herself with a groan "Why are these places so big? this house is like a maze" She sighed as she turned to walk the other way down the halls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward could hear her muttering, his hair is messed up, it seems strange to see the rich boy with messed up hair. He walked around "Ah there you are, kitchen is the other way," He knew he was going to have to show her around a bit. "Maybe might help if I show you whats where really, Or a map." he was teasing her about the map bit. He did wonder why girls always got lost more easily though.
"Will is really sick, but you could have called for help."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla frowned a little when Edward came up and pointed her in the other direction, seeming to become a little stubborn like she was to embarrassed to admit she got lost in a house "I know that, I was just turning around the long way" She huffed as she turned around.
Edward's little comment made her pout a little as she shot a bit of a playful glare to the blond boy "And maybe you should get a comb for that hair of yours" She retorted to his comment about a map, as she stuck her tongue out at him again rather playfully before walking off in the new direction.
"And no you tend to your brother, I'm fine I can find my way eventually" She assured him though she wasn't really that sure herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward looked at her, he huffed "MY hair is fine," he retorted "And geez can't you take been teased, though girls do get lost easier." He said seeming amused.
He goes off to see his brother again, He knows Will needs the help. He wishes that he knew what to do to make his brother feel much better. He seems stuck for ideas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You hair looks like a monter's hair when he just got out of bed" Kyla laughed a little as she moved out of site towards the kitchen this time. still grinning as she strode along. it would take some getting use to though she didn't plan to stay with these brothers for long. Kyla had planned to get herself some money then set out so not to be a bother to the boys for to long and over stay her welcome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Edward wanted her to stay and had no idea that she planned on leaving. He was looking after his brother and he sighed. He was rather worried about alot of things.
He wasn't used to seeing his brother so ill as normally it was him who got ill more.
"Please get better Will," He had tears in his eyes.
He wanted his brother to be feeling better, didn't know what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla sighed as she gazed out of the window at the dark night from the room she had been given, a bag in her hand that she had packed with money, clothes and food she had taken from Edward's home, despite how much she hated the thought of stealing she knew that it couldn't be helped.
"I'm sorry boys, but I need to go" The red head spoke to herself quietly "Thanks for everything though, Will...Edward..." She said sadly even though she knew that they couldn't hear her, but it didn't matter, she wanted to say something before she ran away from her new and only friends. Kyla then went to open the window she had been standing in front of the window and grabbed the detail carved into the walls, as skilled as a thief sneaking into a mansion to steal, She was upset that she had chosen to leave but decided that it was better this way, not that she wasn't thankful to Edward and Will for taking care of her, letting her rest her wounds and lending her their clothes so that she could mend her old ones, she even took one of Edward's shirts and was currently wearing it as she found some sort of comfort in it, also so that she had an extra shirt encase her others got ripped.

Once she had slipped out of the window Kyla shut it so quietly that even a dragon wouldn't be able to hear it, then turning her attention to her feet she climbed down the side of their mansion and out onto the lawns of the estate, it was there that she broke into a run across the lawns towards the forest, her red hair flowing out in her wake as she sprinted hoping to reach it before they would notice that she wasn't there, though it was a big mansion, it would take them a while to realize that she was missing. Kyla knew that once she was in the forest it would be near impossible for someone to track her down, unless they had the nose of a blood hound.
She then reached the forest and disappeared into it's darkness knowing that she was safe here, ad hopefully the mafia who hunted her wouldn't go after Edward of Will again if they found out that she wasn't around any longer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Edward was looking at his brother. The dragon knew that his brother was sick and needed the rest. He was worried about his sick brother. He knew that the other was going to need rest. He wasn't sure what to do . The boy knew his brother was improtant to him. He had no idea what Kyla was doing right now. For if he did, he would have tried to stop her. He was still staying by Will's side. "Its ok brother." He stroked his brother hair, he saw that Will was crying. He hated it when his little brother was upset. "I'm here brother." he hugged him gently and tried to cool his fever down. Edward heard his brother begin coughing and he rubbed his back to calm him down. Will was very pale and he leaned over a bucket and threw up.

After Will had fallen asleep again, Edward got up and looked around. He noticed that he couldn't hear Kyla. He went to look around "Kyla?" He called. The dragon frowned a bit. Maybe she was just asleep somewhere he thought. Though he couldn't sense her anywhere in the house. He ran a hand threw his hair. The dragon was fairly worried. He wondered if she had left. Edward had been sure that he could face what ever dangers that were thrown at them. He knew he was often overconfident. But he couldn't help that. Edward leaves the house when his brother is resting and he goes to look around . He was sure she couldn't have gotten far. She didn't have the power to be a dragon. Edward turned into a dragon and roared to the sky and flew off . He tried to pick up her scent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyla stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the massive roar that could only belong to a dragon, quickly turning her head and peering up to the sky beyond the canopy of trees as she clenched her fists, already he had noticed her absence and he had come to find her, why couldn't he just go back to being that snobby rich boy she had first meet?
"Damn that was a lot sooner than I though it would be, better get moving" She said to her self as she turned and started to sprint again deeper into the forest, Kyla was faster than most she knew that but a dragon taken to the skies was so much faster, her only hope was that she could get deep enough into the forest for the trees were to dense for a dragon to follow her, even then he could turn back into a boy and follow her on foot, though like that he wouldn't have any hope of catching her.

Kyla knew exactly where she wanted to go and the forest was the safest way for her to travel since it was the only large forest for a while, it was like she had a special connection to the trees and plants and that they helped her get through, but she never thought much about that since she never had the time or luxury to stop and think about her life.
"please , please don't find me, I need to go on" Kyla said aloud as she tried to pick up her pace to get deeper into the forest though she knew that she might not make it in time, feeling rather panicked as she tried to get away from Edward before he found her, though it had become natural for her to feel panicked when running away from someone. It was to her luck that her bag at this point managed to snag of a tree jerking Kyla backwards heavily onto her backside where she sat stunned for a few seconds, a few seconds to long as she regained her thoughts and jumped up to try and get her bag free.
"Damn it, just my luck that this had to happen!" She said frustrated "Why are you doing this tree? normally you guys aid my escape not hinder it, come on!" she growled as she then pulled her bag free and turned back to her path.
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