Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Drayden Til

Species: Monkey Faunus

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Aura Color: Amber

Semblance: Drayden refers to his semblance as Passive Aggressive. The semblance is split into two parts, the first is called Passive. Passive is all about absorbing energy and is able to expend this absorbed energy to fix small things (i.e. simple locks, pens, chips out of blades, etc.), this ability of Passive can also be used to heal small wounds or hold things together that are trying to be broken (i.e. a door being bashed in or a shield under pressure from a Grimm attack). The way Passive works is by absorbing the kinetic energy from objects (i.e. bullets, if he can move fast enough to catch it, swords, Grimm attacks, even falls if he catches himself on his left hand) and storing it in his aura, though even in his aura it is markedly a different energy and cannot be used to do normal aura things (i.e. healing, shielding, etc.). The second part of his semblance is the main way he expends this excess "different" aura and he refers to it as Aggresive. Aggresive takes this absorbed energy (or even Drayden's raw aura) and uses it to amplify damage to something (i.e. expanding cracks in walls until they crumble, expanding chips in weaponry until it falls apart, etc.) this ability can also be applied to wounds as well to increase their severity. Though both Passive and Aggresive have severe restrictions at the current time, Drayden is only well enough versed in his semblance to manifest Passive in his left hand and Aggresive in his right. As such he has to be in physical contact to use his semblance.
Drayden has a standard amount of aura, is able to generate shields, but has problems healing himself via aura.

Weapons: Drayden's primary weapon is a pair of gloves, Peacekeeper (the left) and Outlaw (the right), with clawed tips that can extend to be about an inch long each, normally though they are only slightly longer than fingernails, although sharp enough and strong enough to assist Drayden in climbing. The gloves are made with a special high tensile strength metal fiber that allows them to take alot of damage without ripping or tearing, further they have been infused with Drayden's aura allowing him to more effectively channel his aura through them. Bearing that in mind the gloves were made in different styles. The left one being white with more inner padding, and more layers of the metal fabric in order to help absorb blows that Drayden may try to catch. The right glove though is black and has spiked knuckles, further more the claws on the right can extend two inches longer than the left. The knuckles on the right glove are hollow and have an injection system, like a hyperdermic needle, in them that leads up to a reserve of dust that is stored on the top of his hand in between layers of the material. There is enough room for three punches worth of dust.

Dust: In his pockets he keeps two small secure cases of dust refills, (one is ice the other fire. Both cases have enough for two refills).

Other Equipment: In both boots he keeps a small switchblade (just in case).

Armor: Upon his upper body he wears a layer of the same material as his gloves under his shirt . On his left arm he has a small buckler that can collapse down into a wrist band (activated through aura).

Skills and Abilities: Drayden is rather quick and dexterous. When it comes to a dominant hand the young brawler has none, as he is ambidextrous, not to mention he can somewhat use his tail as a "third arm" in combat, often wielding one of his knives with it. Also due to his faunus heritage and time spent training Drayden is rather acrobatic and fluid in his movements.

Description: Lean build, average height, brown hair, azure eyes, and an obvious monkey tail.

Personality: Overzealous, kind, naive, and up-beat: are all four things that can be used to easily define this rather rambunctious hunter-to-be. Whether it is something as simple as finding a little bit of lien on the sidewalk or being accepted into a prestigious battle school, Drayden's output of exuberence tends to be a bit too much for the context of the situation. When it comes to kindness the young monkey faunus actually has a saying "Kindness cost nothing to give, and is one of the greatest things to receive in turn." This saying in fact even goes with his naive outlook on life. Drayden automatically assumes that everyone he meets is kind and therefore also operate on a similar idea of kindness, and despite how many times this is proven wrong he still wields a sickeningly up-beat attitude.

Bio: Growing up Drayden's parents taught him to hide his faunus nature, saying that it would only cause him suffering. Despite not understanding why it was nessecary for him to hide his tail he did so. Even with having to hide part of who he was Drayden was still happy and joyful child, and in fact often spent most of his time playing with other children. His paradise was a small park only a block or two from his house, however the park would also be the place where he would come to comprehend why his parents told him to hide his tail.

Like almost any other day Drayden was playing with a fellow child, she was about his age, seven, when the incident occurred. While climbing a tree the girl lost grip and began to fall. Without thinking Drayden grabbed her with his tail and then after grabbing her hand with his hauled her back onto the tree. After a moment they decided to return to the ground. Once down Drayden went to hide his tail when he was stopped by a simple question.
"Why do you hide your tail?" questioned the girl innocently.

With a shrug Drayden replied, "My parents told me to, because people can be mean."

"Well I'm not mean, even if my sister says I am," the girl said with a giggle.

With his face alight Drayden excitedly replied, "Lets go to the jungle gym! I'll show you some tricks I can do!" Before she could reply he wrapped his tail around her wrist and steered them off to their destination. It was then though that Drayden heard a woman yell out, ignoring it he went to continue on.
However, his companion called out, "Mommy?" Pausing Drayden turned around to witness a woman approaching them.

Angrily the woman spoke to Drayden, "Get away from my daughter you filthy boy! Don't you ever touch her!" Looking down at his clothes Drayden didn't think they looked too dirty and was only snapped out of his studying of his apparel when he saw the woman pull her daughter away. As they began to leave Drayden waved to the girl and bid her goodbye. The next thing he knew he was on the ground and a handprint was throbbing on his face. Looking up he saw the woman. Her face was contorted in rage and disgust as she snapped at him, "Don't you even talk to her, you filthy animal. You and all of your kind should be put in cages like the animals you are!" Then with a twirl the woman was gone dragging her daughter with her.

Not getting up for a moment Drayden just sat, and lifted his hand to his face. 'Maybe this is why Mommy and Dad told me to hide my tail. Is this what they meant when they said people could be mean for no reason?' the young faunus thought to himself. Standing up he wrapped his tail back around his waist and hid it from view with his shirt and set off for home. Walking in an unusually quiet state he watched the people faunus and human alike as he went home. He had never really noticed the plight of his people, but now that he was looking he could see it in their actions and on their faces. Their faces were worn, haggard, and tired, yet many of their eyes were alight with a spark, no a fire of hope and determination, these were people who could not be broken unlike his parents who had long ago been crushed by the weight of society. Watching those around him who could stand tall with hope Drayden found himself proud to be called a faunus and as he let his tail free he vowed to himself he would always be proud.

Upon his return home Drayden's father scolded him for not hiding his tail, while his mother fretted over the mark on his face, yet the entire time the boy had a giant grin plastered on his face. After the intial freak out he explained the days events and his determination to no longer hide who he was. As expected his mother started a worry session while his father's eyes alit with something they hadn't had in a long time: pride.

Years later when he applied to Sanctum the spark in his father's eyes became a flame. Drayden was exuberant when he was informed of his acceptance, he was going to get to train to be a hunter. The day that he left for Sanctum he walked out of his childhood home with joy upon his face and pride and determination in his eyes. He knew he could succed in the school, not only in the courses, but socially as well. Drayden would let people hate him for being a faunus, but not for his personality he would be as cheerful and optimistic as ever.

Sanctum was not a bad time nor was it an extremely good one for the monkey-tailed student. He was able to find friends among other faunus and those who did not discriminate against those who were. Drayden ignored any comments about his heritage, he could have cared less it didn't matter, after all he was accepted to Sanctum just like them. The only true obstacle for him was academics, while Drayden was more than capable in any class that required fighting or semblance and aura, he was often seen drifting off during any class in which he couldn't move about. By the time he finished schooling at Sanctum he was only a mid-level student, not at the bottom of his class nor at the top. When he learned of his acceptance to Beacon he was seen performing various flips down the halls while screaming at the top of his lungs in joy, "I GOT IN! THEY ACCEPTED ME! BEACON HERE I COME!"

Other: Enjoys slacking off, lame puns, pranks, and mentioning irrelevant things (like nightmares in which the moon is all in one piece and he turns into a giant flying ape and loses all control)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 41 min ago

Beat to the chase, it seems.

I'll still be around if you need another person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hmm, I still need to wait for Ice's bio to be finished, but looking good so far. And you should still try to apply a CS Click, we may be losing a few more students if they don't show up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

CS is all together now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bio looks good, just attach it to your main CS and he'll be accepted. You'll be with what was formerly team VICTOR, or whatever it's name shall be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


That's gonna be a bit... difficult. I'll start thinking up possible combos
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Go go team vicodin! She'll try and think of somthing too
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago

DCYV - Decisive? Deceive?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Also if anyone has other means to contact them, Anderiel and Rinnee are in danger of being killed if they do not post any sort of responds before my own IC post tomorrow. If that does happen we'd lose two players, one from OPAL and VICTOR.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Anderiel was/is in the hospital, methinks. Last time I talked to her, she was wondering whether they would remove one of her lungs or not. So there's that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 41 min ago

Yeah. She's been sick for a while now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

If that's the case, than I'll be willing to let Anderiel off the death list for now. What of Rinnee than?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rinnee clicked on the link that I posted at the bottom of page 17. Hasn't exited that site since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Being trapped in another world is not a justifiable excuse! I do hope she does show up soon, otherwise Click you should try to submit a CS soon. You may have to replace Rinnee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rinnee said I'm still in this, and I'll have my post up soon.
Family business came up, and my internet couldn't really put out this weekend.
Sorry guys. :/

She said this in another RP on the same day she posted in RWBY. Seems like her 'family business' is keeping her occupied again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'd wished she could have tried to post that message here as well, but fine. Both she and Anderiel will be spared for now, but really, once Part 2 of the Castle in the Sky quest starts, it may be difficult for you all to keep going while missing one person on each of your teams.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago

A-hunting we will go, a-hunting we will go
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, a-hunting we will go~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yowch you sadistic bunny. Pulling out a birdie's feather is rude. Yu'll probably hold a grudge, though I'm gonna guess Azaela's gonna love that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It's only one feather~

Azalea could have chosen to take ALL of Yu, if you know what I mean...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Part two of the Castle in the Sky quest continues! This part involves you guys finding your partners and forming your teams. Afterwards you'd get to fight some Grimm, show off your individual skills as fighters. The team work part will come later in part three.
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