Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Arthur gave a small laugh at Decado's first comment. "Well, I don't exactly think that would work out to well. But given different circumstances that could be fun." He added in a joking tone. "As for guidance I would agree about that, but I think I do have an idea to work with that." He said while coming up with a plan. The next few hours seemed to pass quickly and the group quickly made their way back to camp. Once they group made it back to camp Arthur turned back to the rest of the group. "Good work today everyone, but were not done yet. You have the next hour to yourselves, get some rest, eat, or whatever, but after that meet me at the sparring field. Until then you are all dismissed." He said before turning and making his way to the command tent to report everything that happened.

Malak sat on his bed with a mug of ale in hand taking a drink, having more than his fill talk of strategy and tactics for the day before Arthur entered the tent. But the commander did give a small sigh of relief when Arthur entered the tent, but the relief quickly passed as soon as he saw the look on Arthur's face. "I'm guessing you have some bad news? Well lets here it then." He said sitting forward to listen to the report. Arthur told his father about the Orc Hunters, Rafa's blind attack which lead to his death, and the worst news of all, The Orc Chieftain. When Arthur was done with his report Malak took a drink of his ale, "Well my boy, first I shall congratulate you on your first victory as a Captain, As for Rafa I don't think there is much you could of done. I had hopped that he would of been a valuable Wolf, but recklessness can kill more than just yourself. Now the disturbing part is this Bloodfang you spoke of. If these Orcs are actually organized then this battle just got much harder. But that is my problem to deal with you seem to have quite a few of your own." He said before standing. "Well Arthur, I will let you go you did well today, I expect you to keep up the good work." Malak stated as he walked over to the map of the area. Arthur started to give a solute but Malak started talking again before Arthur could, "Ohh and to replace Rafa I shall give you a new man, The name he gave me was North and he can be found with Old Yohn so go introduce yourself." Arthur nodded, "I will get right to that sir, best of luck Father, Ill be at your service if you require me." He said before turning to leave the tent. As he left Malak called in a guard to get Elizabeth but Arthur didn't stay to talk with the strategist. After leaving the Command tent Arthur made his way to Yohn's squad to meet his new member.

As Arthur made his way to Yohn's squad he could hear the laughs of the men and he could instantly see the new member of his team as he walked over. "Yohn, they need to make you a full time recruiter, looks like you brought me a beast." Arthur said as he walked up. As soon as North looked up Arthur gave a grin. "Arthur Garskull at your service."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Astiroth felt a little better when he they reached camp. It was safe, well safer than the woods. He was also a sign that he didn't have to carry the wolf anymore. He carried the wolf to those who were suppose to handle it. "Save the fur. It will make a nice coat." He stated. Then men there nodded. Astiroth walked out of the tent. He felt sweaty from the walk and his cloak didn't exactly help on the situation either. He looked to see where Arthur went and followed. He noticed Arthur was having a conversation so he patiently waited. After a bit, he saw Arthur leave the tent. Astiroth walked into the tent but didn't go in fully, he respected that he wasn't called in and so he didn't go completely in the tent. "Sorry to intrude or bother you with my presence but is there a river or something along those sorts nearby? I am a little sweaty." He said to Malak. "Also, I killed a rather large wolf and the boys are making its fur into a coat. I'm not sure what to do with it so you are free to take it if you wish. I know we haven't really spoken much to each other but see it as a sign of respect to you. You did step in to fill some tough boots that many would lather leave empty."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

“And so she said. . .” Corraich was cut off before the punchline as a serious looking fella in armour approached the group and hailed Yohn. The armoured man introduced himself as Arthur Garskull, the Chief who's group Corraich was to join. By Northern standards Garskull didn't look like much, but he mighta been more impressive to a Southern eye.

The Northman pushed himself to his feet the easy grace usually possessed by a born athlete. At his full height he towered over Arthur, so perhaps his description of him being a 'beast' was quite apt.

“Way I hear it I'm gonna be at yours. You need to hear my pedigree before taking me on, or are you happy to go on chance that I know what I'm doing?” Northmen were always insanely proud of their 'pedigrees', a list of battles fought and foes vanquished that they would boast of to any one who would listen. Corraich was quite proud of his, as it was one of the most illustrious in all the North's history, but if he was going to be living under an assumed name then he would have to live under an assumed pedigree too. Shame really, as those things weren't easy to come by. Had to do a lot of foul deeds to get one like his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Malak had just barely ordered a guard to fetch Elizabeth when Astiroth spoke up. He quickly turned to face the young wolf and give him an audience. "Your one of Arthur's boys right?" He started before answering the questions. "Well I hope my boy isn't to much a pain. But as for a river, there are a few streams that run through the forest, but none close enough to send men out to unless we need drinking water. If I'm correct this is your first real field posting isn't it? you were normally stationed in towns and used for negotiations and the like. Well out here bathing is a rare treat, so you will have to live in your own stink for a while. At least until we push the Orcs back enough so we can set up camp near a stream." He said answered the question. When Astiroth offered the coat Malak gave a grin. "Indeed Old Garnet left a big shadow to live up to, but I think there were plenty who were glad when he passed on. As for your Coat, I respect the offer, but I don't wear the pelt of a beast unless I kill it myself. It will make a fine trophy, or gift for one of the cute little things in your unit. So keep it for yourself and use it how you see fit my boy" He said his grin getting bigger as he hinted it as a gift. By now Elizabeth burst into the Command tent. "Malak, this better be some sort of sick joke" she growled. The grin that had been on Commander Garskull's face instantly disappeared. "Sadly, no this isn't a joke, Arthur's squad reported that just before a scout they killed died he mentioned a chieftain. These Orcs may be more organized than we originally thought." The big man answered her, "I'm sorry son, but I am going to have to ask you to leave now, we have some plans to change." He said to Astiroth giving the boy a chance to leave before Elizabeth bit his head off.

"I hear that you are my man" Arthur said looking at the man towering over him. With the man standing Arthur did a quick look over, other men might have been intimidated by the man's size alone, but Arthur had grown up with this and it would require a little more than size to intimidate him. "You know, Ill take you as is for now, you look like you have been through quite a lot, and to go through your Pedigree might take quite a while. But I am sure you and My father could trade stories for quite a while over ale some night." Arthur said to North with a small grin. "So North welcome to the team, you will meet everyone else in a bit as we are all going to meet at the sparing field for a bit of training. We are meeting up in about half an hour, so have some more fun with these boys and meet us their. Unless you would like me to take you around camp?" Arthur offered North although he wasn't really in the mood to give a tour and would much prefer to join in on the jokes and stories around camp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

“I'd trade stories with a Sadan if it meant free ale, and we all know how hard it is to get one'a those fella's to shut there mouths after they get started” quipped Corraich, receiving a good natured chuckle from Yohn and his crew.

Arthur seemed like an easy going chief based on first inspections, though Corraich had gotten enough of those wrong in his time he knew not to rely to heavily on them. Still, he had mentioned a training session, which was also good. A well drilled and well trained squad was the first step towards victory, and when the Northman had been a chief he had trained his men until fighting was second nature to them. All in all as good a start as could be hoped for.

He could see the younger man's face drop at his offer of giving his newest recruit a tour round the camp. Not everyone’s idea of a grand time, leading a rookie around the latrines. Besides, Corraich had been around enough war camps in his time for him to guess were most things would be found, and the Wolves base wasn't overly large.

“Maybe another time Chief, after all I still need to tell these boys the punchline,” he gestured to Yohns crew, who murmured their agreement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After returning to the camp, Riki immediately kicked off her boots and removed her outer leather armor. Whoever had the idea to make armor shaped like a corset needs to get a new job. After unhooking her sword from her belt Riki washed the sweat off her face and did her hair so that it wasn't in her face. Even though she was a rather small girl, you couldn't tell by her appetite. She found some bread and cheese to devour, and finished off the ale she got off the orcs. But her R&R didn't last long as Arthur ordered them to meet in the field for sparring. Didn't they just finish a fight? All she wanted to do was take a nap. She seriously thought about ditching, but she was on thin ice as it is. So rather than dwadle she grabbed her things and walked to the sparring field barefooted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Astiroth nodded and left the tent as instructed. It sucked that he couldn't wash up a bit but he knew he had to deal with it. Arthur said that training started soon an Astiroth wasn't one who would want to be late. A late negotiator was killed in many tasks so it was a habit not to be late. There was one thing he had to do before heading to training. He checked on the wolf he had dropped off. He told the people that he had training. The told Astiroth they should be done by then. Astiroth left the tent and was heading to train. He wasn't what training today was going to be but he was ready for it. He looked to see Riki was barefooted. "Well that's new. Don't thing it's a good idea to do training barefooted. You could get hurt."
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