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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

Despite the dragon's violent, area-wrecking objections to being attacked by everyone and everything, Archer retained his position atop its back. It was doubtlessly a perilous place to perch; increasingly explosive ranged attacks were being tossed at his 'mount' and the miasma it was spewing everywhere would have started to do some notable damage if not for his resilience and choice of attire. Ranma's attack, particularly, required jumping up and out of the blast zone--only to land once more atop the dragon's back, right as it decided to commit a suicidal attack.

Clinging on was rather difficult, but with the opportunity it presented, he could hardly afford to let go: with his arms wrapped around the reptile's neck, the short length of his blades came in handy. If it had still been struggling and trying to fight off the enemies assembled, such a good opportunity would have never presented itself. In its current state, Archer had a clear shot at cutting its neck open--and whilst the dragon spiralled and dived, he was busy trying to tear its throat out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jakuzure Nonon

"Yeah, now you're-"

Nonon was really not prepared for the blast that came out of the dragon. While her Goku Uniform protected her from the impact, the force of the blast sent her tumbling through the air. She let out a stream of rather unpleasant language, especially directed at how her flight patterns had been messed up, as she tumbled end over end. Taking advantage of the second when her cannons faced down, Nonon fired a brief blast of Ode to Joy, launching herself up to quickly right her flight patterns and correct her flight path! The tiny pink-haired girl gritted her teeth in anger, both eyes fixing on the dragon.

"You... BASTARD!"

Saber's Instinct caught the attack a split second before it happened. Swinging her arm up to shield her body, the blast hit her head-on and sent her rocketing back, her body picked up off the ground and sent tumbling through the air. But this... she wouldn't let it stop her! Saber slammed her armored feet down, grinding each foot into the ground. The earth tore beneath her and a pair of jagged scars opened following her feet, as she began to slow, dust tossed up in the wake of her path. Finally, she came to a dead stop, lowering her hands and panting slightly. That attack hit hard... if she had not been prepared, it could have been more dangerous. Her free hand returned to Excalibur's hilt, gripping tightly. She had ended up some distance from the golden dragon... Their attacks had succeeded. It was hurt, it had weakened... but it was beginning to get ready for something far more dangerous then its previous attacks. The power flaring from it...

It now placed the lives of those present at even greater risk! Saber had to end this, and she had to end it now! Planting one foot firmly forward, Saber burst forward like a shot, tossing torn earth up from her start! She raced towards the great golden dragon, Excalibur gleaming as she clutched it in both hands firmly. There... almost there! The beast's neck! There was no question of this, to ensure the others were not harmed, she would have to end it in a single stroke!

Saber swung Excalibur up, and then it flashed downwards, on course to cut through the dragon's neck!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vash watched as their combined efforts finally started to add up. Just as before, they had managed to weaken the beast, and, as he watched the damage build up, the Stampede felt like they were getting close to the point where he would try to call off the attackers, urging them not to kill the creature. However, before they reached said point, Felt’s vial of miasma made contact with the dragon, and he honestly couldn’t tell if the miasma managed to hurt him, or if it only made the dragon more powerful. Either way, it was very clearly enraged.

He didn’t even have time to ask Felt what the hell he just did, though, before he noticed Archer trying to hack away at the beast’s neck — and, somewhat more alarmingly, Saber charging forward to do the same. Archer’s actions were concerning enough, but, with Saber’s powerful-looking weapon, and her charged-up attack, and Archer already weakening the area…

Vash didn’t hesitate to act. Leaping onto the ledges in the nearby rocky wall with superhuman ability, he jumped just enough times to gain adequate height, before launching himself off the side of the rock wall, on course to tackle Saber to the side and throw off her attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Watching on from his hiding spot, Ba'al was surprised to see Sazh summon some kind of creature to his aid, and idly wondered whether that was a natural ability, or some form of technology. If it was the latter then he would definitely have to acquire it at some point, for a creature such as the one he brought forth would be eminently useful in future activities. How ironic to be amongst some strong people, and admittedly be the lesser for the moment, his combat skills unable to stand up to this dragon. But then again, Ba'al had always played the long game, and if this situation got people to underestimate him, so much the better.

And the attacks went on, thrown items, gunshots, stabbing, a strange armored figure arrived, and Ba'al sat almost casually through it all, looking out for his own with a perfectly legitimate explanation for why he wasn't doing anything if anyone were to ask about it. It wasn't hi fault he only had a Zat, which was tuned to human biology, and lacked the stopping power that he might have had with a Staff Weapon. So he sat back and watched, given his general impotence against a dragon.

Thus he was witness to the clash of beasts, and then arriving attacks, and how the thrown item only served to enrage the thing and increase it's power and hatred of them, and as it roared into the sky, Ba'al did the sensible thing and ran away, taking cover even further from the combatants as it slammed into the ground with a huge shockwave. This, this was going lovely right now.

"If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, could we please stop helping the thing that's trying to murder us all,' he called out from his hiding spot, taking a few shots with his Zat just so he didn't seem totally useless, but he didn't expect that to have much effect. He did see Archer move in, with King Arthur as well, and the man Vash angling to stop the seemingly final attack though. He thought about shooting Vash with his Zat, but refrained. This was about to get interesting, no two ways about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marik
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Marik Look like she don't give a fuck again, right?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The blood that ran from the dragon tail was a good sign, but it did little more than to serve as a simple knife and seemed to hold no additional powers other than the mysterious voice. As the dragon whipped around, Kane’s grip slipped from the momentum and slick blood, launching him like a heavy stone from a slingshot. His large body arched through the air and slammed into the ground a ways away, further tumbling in the dirt and rubble, wish bruises and cuts appearing on his exposed flesh. The miasma served to knock him even further back, and for the first time in this challenge, all Kane wanted to do was lay there in his settling fatigue. After a moment of deep breathing, Kane sat up and leered angrily at Sorin for setting the masked man up for failure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 4 days ago

The dragon's retaliatory attack nearly knocked Sorin clear off of his feet. He planted his sword in the ground, clutching it tightly to keep himself in a secure position. The surge of dark energy from the dragon seared against Sorin's armor and flesh; his "condition" gave him some resistance to it, but it was painful and aggravating none the less. Still, he kept his amber eyes peeled for the outcome of his planned attack against the monstrosity. He could see the Binding Blade clearly planted in the dragon's tail, running with the beast's blood, and yet it was not activating. He scowled in frustration. Perhaps this was a side effect of such a hasty summon? Certainly possible, but Sorin doubted it. Perhaps it just needed a little "kick" to get going? Artifacts weren't Sorin's forte, so he couldn't be sure, but he could at least give it a shot.

Bringing forth whatever Black mana he could wring from the miasma-clogged space surrounding him, Sorin directed his hate and determination at the blade, as well as the offering of mana. Perhaps an invocation could also be in order? Shouting at the top of his lungs, Sorin let loose a throaty roar of, "Be released, Withengar!"

Elbrus reacted immediately. The red blood running over the blade turned black, and the dagger fell from the dragon's hide like a splinter. Before it hit the ground, however, a dark vortex took up the space under where it should have fallen and swallowed the blade. The vortex rippled, then expanded, and the ancient evil sealed within the Binding Blade was finally unleashed. A horrifying monstrosity of flesh and bone emerged from the vortex, climbing up into the world on wicked claws, reeking of diabolical fury. Once fully emerged, the demon screamed; an ear-shattering cry that resonated with the painful deaths of thousands of damned souls. It was vengeance, Unbound. It was the Slayer of Saint Traft. It was the bane of life and light. It was Withengar, and it was now under Sorin's command.

Sorin's mind reeled from the sudden strain of having to control the demon. Its sheer size dwarfed the vampire, giving him difficulty in maintaining a mana link with it. Green mana was best for this sort of thing; Black mana struggled to support such huge monstrosities. Even so, there was no danger of it running amok, as long as he devoted his full attention to controlling it. Hopefully such a massive challenger would keep the dragon well distracted and divert its attacks away from the defenseless Sorin.

He commanded the demon to assault the dragon, and it did so unflinchingly. Its titanic wings heaved and lifted its burdensome body into the air with a great gust of wind. The sun was blotted out under its giant, twisted form, but not for long, as the demon then descended on the dragon like an airborne predator. Shrieking and howling, Withengar dove into the golden behemoth, claws and fangs outstretched, prepared for a cataclysmic clash of twisted light against perfect darkness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minna swung herself up in a roll to dodge a strike from the dragon, before pulling her machine gun into her shoulder and firing again. However, from this range it was hard to tell if the rounds were actually hurting the dragon or just ricocheting harmlessly off its golden carapace. At least the Neuroi's crystal-like skin made it easy to spot damage.

What she wasn't quite expecting was for members of the group to try and sabotage each other's attacks, when Vash attempted to tackle Saber down before she could drive her sword through the dragon's neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Evahld took a stance directly in the flight path of the dragon. The clawed boots returned, crackling with ice as he drew back his foot and prepared to kick the dragon in the jaw as it approached. This, of course, was before Vash intervened. He sighed, stood up, ready to take the dragon's attack in full. He was, of course, nearly immortal... but if people knew that it would really hurt his point.

"Blonde man with stupid glasses. Look and see what your intervention on the fiend dragon's behalf has wrought."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In what could only be described as a train wreck of epic proportions, the various entities within this particular group found themselves simultaneously acting against both the dragon and each other. Saber and Archer would find that their blades were easily able to dig into the dragon's glittering scales, but at the terrible velocity it was descending caused the force to skitter off in uncertain jags instead of the cleaner strokes they were hoping for, especially with how dense the skin, musculature, and bones were. Not to mention the aura of biological pathogens that ate away at lifeforce itself that was blazing away in sufficient enough qualities to eat away at even the sturdy Servants could feel the damage from engaging in such close contact. Enchanted steel continued to carve away at hyper dense draconic materials in a maddening game of self-imposed chicken, letting new streams of dark blood to billow out from the great beast.

It was at that point that another tall man in crimson decided to hop aboard the Heavenly Revolving Dragon, smashing into Saber and then dragged down by the G force generated by the beast while plastered against its much greater mass. A great demon was then thrown into the already chaotic fray, a great burdensome thing that dwarfed even the dragon, though the summoning was long enough for the thing to not be able to generate that much thrust in getting off the ground. As a result, the titan was pushed back towards the ground due to the Shagara Magaru's three ton bulk traveling at terminal velocity in a power dive of cataclysmic proportions. It was the resistance of the demon that dispersed a great deal of power from washing out in a overpowering flood and thus merely produced a minor earthquake in the area as the great bulks caused a giant crater after the explosive impact was tanked by the fellspawn behemoth.

Now thoroughly weakened by just about everything thrown at it, the Heavenly Punishing Mountain Dragon God was in a pitiful state as its lifeblood gushed out by the gallons while its broken and twisted limbs were wrapped up in the summoned demon's embrace (though it looked as though it wasn't in great shape either as the thing was also bent at an awkward angle and pierced in multiple spots by the dragon's claws and spikes), jutting at awkward angles and in some case showing bone. Its eyes now glazed over, the Elder Dragon let out an ear splitting death keel before slowly letting its head slack and thud down into the ruined earth with finality. Ranma watched all this with a grimace on her face, as the whole episode reminded her greatly of her own infighting from Nerima. At the very least, no mountains were destroyed this time, though the local terrain did look to be in pretty bad shape.

Before the girl could say anything else though, words flashed in front of her eyes once more. [First Trial- Cleared.] Then the world was engulfed in a pillar of expanding white light that blinded the pigtailed girl before what felt like turbulence batted her this way and that like she was flotsam in a churning ocean, unable to see and hear anything and feeling uncomfortable from the whole experience. Then gravity took over once more and the girl instinctively landed softly on the ground after repositioning herself in a crouch, blinking the last of the spots from her eyes before focusing once more on her surroundings. It was the City once more; the eclectic mishmash of buildings, architecture, and terrain under the alien sky. "Huh... Weird." Checking her body, the girl found it to be a surprise of the good kind when her clothes were repaired and her body unmarked by the grievous wounds that was previously on her, looking like she had put on freshly laundered clothing after taking a nice bath. Even her mental fatigue had all but vanished, leaving her wide awake and full of energy. As the other Challengers were displaced alongside her, they too would notice any and all negative afflictions to be gone and their physical and mental state of being to be at optimum levels.

Then, taking a glance around her more immediate surroundings, the martial artist realized she was in what was a treasury fused with an armory with a window that showed off the City and a heavily armored door leading presumably outside. The vast room she was in seemed to be made from a strange silvery blue metal and contained electronic lights that showcased the various items it held. The majority of the objects located in the sparsely decorated and rather utilitarian looking vault could only be described as weapons, half of the items sporting a dark and sinister motif and other half begot a gleaming and gilded appearance in stark contrast, rather like the form of the dragons slain. The majority were also of rather ridiculous size in and of themselves with the exceptions of the Shield and Sword as well as the Dual Blades, and some of the weapons looked rather exotic such as the giant hunting horn or the lance that came with its own gun barrels.

Besides those rather intimidating weapons lying on their racks were miscellaneous objects: what looked like mine charges, bombs, and barrels fused of various size and colors, as well as dozens of vials of differently colored liquids, dozens of giant arrows that looked more like spears with feathers, hundreds of oversized gun shells at least three inches long, butterfly nets, fishing poles, pick axes, harpoons, a portable meat spit, torches, various metallic ores, and giant monster bones. As soon as Ranma moved forward to grab a polearm off the rack and experimentally spun it to test out its balance, new words popped up in her vision.

[For completing your assigned task and fulfilling the primary objective of subduing the Legendary Dragon as well as several secondary objectives of overcoming other wyverns, you Challengers have been awarded your Spoils of War, rewards which coincide with the theme of the completed Trial. All Trials will grant such rewards if the objectives are followed. Alternatively, breaking the affirmed rules result in a reduction of Spoils as well as more immediate punishment during the Trials themselves. Remember to keep this in mind while participating. All Spoils are stored in the War Room and can be utilized by any Challenger for future Trials or for personal use during their tenure in the City between such events. Only the Challengers have access to this room. All items used, lost, or broken will not reappear in the War Room so be careful with your consumption. The door leads back to the City and access to the War Room is always available before and after a Trial. Thank you, have a nice day.]

With that, the exposition faded away with a cheery blip, leaving a rather confused martial artist behind holding ridiculously sturdy and sharp weapon in her arms. "Wow, that was... something..." The pigtailed girl said in an unsure tone, though she was pleased the pointy looking polearm in her hands were of superior craftsmanship. WHIR WHIR HUM FWOOSH went the weapon as the girl played with it as though she was a cheerleader using a baton, in increasingly complicated kata that no normal person could do as quickly or as smoothly with the surprisingly heavy blade on a stick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


That final stroke-the angle had been wrong, the flash of Excalibur's blade had not cut through the flesh cleanly as she expected. Worse still, the choking miasma was gathering, strangling the fresh air around her. It was even piercing her defenses. However, there was another option. At this close range, Saber could use a further ability without fear of harming even Archer. It was not the full extent of Excalibur's power, the release of energy not reach Archer's position. She just had to activate it...!

A golden glow once again suffused her blade, But this wasn't simply to use as propulsion. This was meant to kill. It built, shimmering across the weapon, so close to release! But Saber had not been prepared for suddenly being tackled. Her hands were still tight on her sword, but the one who had lept at her managed to dislodge her, the golden glow fading as she tumbled across the ground. What?! Who had... Saber's eyes fell on her attacker. It was the blonde man in the red coat. Vash. What had he been thinking?! Saber shot to her feet, to renew her assault, but the dragon had already ascended... and then, with a great roar, fell from the sky like a stone. Their efforts had slain the beast, in spite of... interferences.

But now... now it was time to gather the wounded and give them attention! They-

Saber paused as the words appeared before her eyes, and there was a brilliant light that consumed everything. Once again, she was struck with discomfort... and then, when the light faded, confusion. Those who had been injured were no longer so, and their location had changed entirely. An armory? There was only one thing she could assume, and that was that their Observer had done this.

Moments later, the explanation came and confirmed her assumption. Now that everyone was safe... Saber rounded on the blonde man.

Her words were sharp and pointed.

"What were you doing?"
Jakuzure Nonon

The thing had gotten all the way up to the sky?! They were really slacking off down below, and what the hell was the Blonde Porcupine doing?! Well, it was invading her airspace, and the damn thing had to go anyway! Nonon narrowed her eyes, her musical cannons glowing bright pink...

"I'm gonna blow you outta the sky, you-"

And then it fell with a roar, back down to earth.

"... Oh," Nonon stared down at where it had fallen, frowning slightly. "Gee, that was anti-climatic. Well, that gilded piece of garbage isn't going to be intruding any more, at least."

She shrugged, and was about to start descending to check if everyone was, you know, not dead and all, when the inexplicable words appeared in front of her eyes again. And then there was far, far too bright... before she was suddenly standing near the others. Her Goku uniform was once again inactive, brought to its dormant state, and she sure as hell hadn't been anywhere near these bozos before. Sure enough, an explanation from their captor came pretty quickly.

"Gee, maybe try and warn us next time you try and burn our eyes out?" she said, folding her arms across her chest. "Oh, wait, I'm sure that's too much trouble."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

Perching atop a plummeting dragon, trying to behead it, and being steadily melted the entire time was an unpleasant feeling. Not the most unpleasant feeling he'd ever had to experience, but it was pretty high up there. His position gave him a good view of the blonde man foolishly deciding he should push Saber aside without concern for not making them an easy target.

With the wash of light removing the corruption and disintegration that had resulted from riding the beast until its demise, Archer took he time look around the room. An armory, huh? Not a place he, in particular, would be spending much time in: every weapon provided as a result of their successes had been examined, had its structure broken down, and been committed to memory. Even if replicating the bizarre gun-lance hybrids was something Archer had little taste, nor aptitude, for doing, knowing their structure and abilities would help if someone else decided to use one of the originals.

With the conflict apparently over, the main thing of interest now was Saber's imminent argument with Vash--something the tall man couldn't resist getting involved with, face smirking rather than serious. "If you want to get close to Saber, there are much better ways than trying to spirit her away in battle."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vash might not have been able to stop Saber’s initial attack, but, at the very least, he was able to offset her finishing blow. Tackling into her, he managed to get her away from the dragon before her final attack went through, and her blade stopped glowing as the two of them tumbled to the ground. Much to his dismay, though, it wasn’t enough to save the creature. He watched sadly as the beast bleed out profusely, defeated by everyone’s combined attacks. Vash’s heart sank as the dragon let out its dying cry.

Before Vash could say anything in response, however, a pillar of light engulfed the group as the first trial had been cleared, and they all returned to the city. Vash took a few deep breaths as an unusual sensation came over him — as even his mental fatigue seemed to be washed away by the return to the City, a sense of calm and focus coming over him as he took a moment to observe the room they’d landed in. Apparently an armory of some kind — stocked with all sorts of weapons, many of which reminded him of the dragon they’d just slain, in both its forms. Most of them didn’t interest him, but, glancing over at the more miscellaneous supplies, he did spot some bullets that could be useful. The exposition that flashed in front of his eyes confirmed that he’d be able to re-load his gun later.

Before he could even think about heading over there, though, Saber confronted him. Vash’s eyes narrowed at her and he crossed her arms. “I didn’t want you to kill it.” he told Saber, glaring at Archer and his snarky remark as he refused to dignify it with a verbal response. “It was weak enough that we didn’t need to. I think I even saw it try to retreat at one point! We could’ve subdued it without finishing it off.” he told her. “Of course, I know that it still died even without your final blow — and there’s nothing we can do about it now, obviously.” he continued, glancing at the room around them. “But I still had to try to save the thing.” he said, eyes locking onto Saber again. “No one has the right to take the life of another.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Archer's remark was... well it was awkward, to say the least. However, Saber did not desire to be too distracted by such a thing. Instead, she attempted to shrug it off and dismiss it, giving the other Servant only a brief, perplexed glance before her ire returned and focused wholly on Vash. So he believed the conflict could have ended without death... Saber felt, of course, it was important to protect others in need. To be one who saves others and keeps them safe. To fight for a noble cause. After all, a King should rule for their people, not for the sake of ruling. Utterly unnecessary bloodshed was not something she desired. However, the dragon... It was not simply attempting to retreat. The beast had entered an enraged state, it was ascending to unleash an attack that could have killed someone.

"Taking the life of another is not something done lightly," Saber began, her eyes fixed on Vash just as the blonde man's eyes were fixed on her, "But to kill an enemy is not something unexpected. To defend yourself, to defend others, to protect those in need. That dragon wasn't simply trying to retreat. It was preparing for a further attack, its wounds had enraged it! If it had completed this attack, it could have killed someone!"

In spite of the various wounds it had inflicted, Excalibur was not stained with blood. The holy blade gleamed as if had never once been used in battle.

"Surely, you cannot believe that we should simply have allowed it to attack," she continued, her tone growing more heated, "And kill one of our wounded?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Evahld began laughing wildly, pointing at Vash. The viking was obviously amused.

"HOHOHOH!, I've heard less sanctimonious crap from Pal... no, no! PALADINS know that sometimes you've got to slay a dragon! Or slay the rapelord of the 37 hells! Or stop an insane cult from developing a spell which will kill all men across all the planes. You're welcome for that last one by the way." Evahld wiped a tear from his eye, still chuckling. "It seems you're from a world that allows such naivete. But, regardless, as is the custom of my people, I'm taking its skull as a trophy, that all might see the majesty of the world. Oh well, hoard looting!" Evahld shouted, grabbing the four smallest swords. "I bet if I use the Girallon arms I can use all of these at once! ...ah, how rude of me!"

Evahld took out a number of oddly-shaped dice made of bone.

"The other Half-Price Heroes and I would roll for loot. Does anyone contest my claim to the skull and small swords?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

From where he was, Ba'al got to watch the full on collision as the dragon was hit again, and again, and then Vash hit Saber, and it was all just a mess as far as he was concerned. Fortunately he wasn't involved in it, and thus could act as an arbitrator of sorts, or just play them off each other so they knocked each other out and he could breeze to victory. It made things so much easier on him.

At last it died though, and Ba'al found vision flash in front of his eyes, signalling their victory, and he rose from his cover now that it was safe to do so. Nobody had complained about his inaction, and thus he considered himself victorious. But before he could do anything else the world exploded into a pillar of light, definitely not like going through the stargate or ring transport, as he was tossed about.

Then, all of a sudden, Ba'al found himself not on the mountainside where they had been, but back in the city. And not just anywhere, but an armory full of weaponry, two sides that seemed to theme themselves off the two natures that dragon had shown. He also seemed to have been healed and refreshed, which was not bad. At least it would reduce the need for a Sarcophagus. Leaving all present to their arguments, he noted the scrolling in his vision, and nodded in approval. So, this was theirs to take? Good. He would have to be careful in the future.

As it was, he did make a snarky comment back to the girl in the flying suit, because he could. "Well, I'm sure that was the only way it could get you to notice it, with your diminutive attention span." Otherwise, he vacillated for a few moments before making his way over to the 'light' side of the room, browsing the weapons there. It would fit more the impression he was trying to get across if he went with those instead of the 'evil' iconography. And he didn't want them to think him evil just yet.

So he wandered, looked about, tested weapons. This recent fight had shown that only having a Zat would not be satisfactory if he was to survive in this series of challenges, so he would have to find some additional armament. Fortunately, there was an armory at his disposal, and he had some skill with melee weaponry. At last he settled on a sword and shield, the latter strapped to the arm he used to shoot, and the sword going into his other hand. He did a few practice swings and judged the balance to be adequate before sheathing the sword. It was no Shikra blade, but it would do.

Thus equipped, he then rejoined the group, first replying to the strange man. "I don't contest your claims to the swords, but given that there is no skull here, you may have some difficulty in claiming it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 4 days ago


Seeing his mighty demon collide with and bring down the dragon at last, Sorin felt a mix of quiet pleasure and exhaustion. Though the latter was most certainly encroaching on the former at a rapid pace. Sustaining such a massive summon was draining him quickly, and he soon found himself collapsed to his knees. However, as the confirmation of victory was shown before his eyes, he released his grasp on Withengar, allowing the demon to dissipate.

Before his consciousness entirely slipped, however, he was forced into yet another crude mockery of Planeswalking, and found himself in an armory of sorts. As they reemerged, he found himself feeling quite refreshed, with his wounds gone as though they had never been there. Even his armor had been restored to pristine condition. Finally, a touch of civility. Though the contents of the armory put a damper on that thought. Bits of both "dragons" they had slain were strewn about, altered to form weapons. As some intrusive exposition explained, these were apparently their rewards for having slain the beasts. Sorin was unimpressed. He would prefer his own sword over any of these tacky pieces of corpse any day. It was likely twice as powerful and a tenth as burdensome.

It seemed that the blond fool in the red coat was yet again making a nuisance of himself by forcing his suicidal pacifism onto others. Sorin found himself irked by the constant bickering more than anything else, and so he thought for a brief moment on how to shut him up. Thinking of something to perplex him with in hopes that he would keep to himself in the future, Sorin grinned evilly, his fangs showing through his smile.

"Listen for just a moment, would you?" He approached the man, still smiling. "If perchance, there was an individual in an usual situation; for them to live they must take the lives of others. They could only sustain themselves by stealing life. Would you stop them, and have that individual perish? Would that not make you their killer?" His eyes narrowed, burning like golden tourmaline. "Something to think on. It is not a question many can answer, and is often more complex than most believe."


Meanwhile, another man slowly rose up off the floor. Hair like blue steel shook as he tried to rouse himself from his delirium, still not quite sure what was going on. His stony complexion was just barely detectable in the low light of the armory, but the burning red eyes behind his vintage Wayfarers were visible plain as day. Still, a befuddled expression ruled his features as he slowly raised himself back into his feet. Studded leather gloves, a bright red letterman jacket, tight jeans and authentic Dunks gave him a strange, anachronistic look when compared to the others present; as though he had just been ripped out of a John Hughes film.

"Holy crap," He muttered to himself, "I don't think I've been this drunk before in my life. First I dream I'm gettin' chased by dinosaurs 'n shit, now I'm hallucinating a room full of weirdos." His vision apparently leveling out, he eyed the others in the room cautiously. "What a trip."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nobuo pointed to a guy getting up. "Hey, look at that guy! Possibly a replacement for Ghost Rider."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 24 min ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

No longer necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 4 days ago

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