Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maruki grumbled as Kirugetsu told him he failed his test. His stern look loosened and stared down at the table. The explanation given to him was easy to understand but...

"If you keep doing it like that, you are never going to master the technique!" My father shouts at me from the riverside "You need to learn restraint! try not to do the eight palms just yet, try to do four again, once you master that we will proceed!"

Restrain yourself or let your anger flow? Maruki got confused. He heard Kirin out to Kirugetsu, taking his side. Maruki smiled, her fiery character remained but she did not use the vulgar language she used when he first met her. Maybe it was because of the restaurant that she was less, eccentric. Then their food arrived, Shrimps for Kirin, Steak for Shisen and Arashi and crab for Maruki and Kirugetsu.

Maruki looked at his crab. Steam flowing into the air, Maruki tried to peel of the skin but it was far too hot to touch yet. Kirugetsu, while crushing a crabshell in one hand, explained the next part of their test. The test consisted of three parts and you need to succeed in at least two. Since Kirin and Shisen already passed one test they only needed to pass one of the next but Maruki needed to pass both. As soon as they were done eating, they had to go home and prepare for an attack. The other test was to gain an item from Kirugetsu, something that they wanted to have. Then it was time to make their introductions, Shisen went first not really saying a lot, then Kirin with a lot of enthusiasm. Maruki, still not really over the failing of his test spoke a little slow and monotone "I am Hyuga Maruki, fourteen years old and last remaining member of the main family. I grew up with my parents in the woods and was left orphan at young age. Most of my spare time I train, getting taught clan stuff by my uncle or spending time with my cousins."

After their meal, the four people said goodbye and went their separate ways. When Maruki arrived at the manor he saw the eldest of his five cousins sitting on the porch waiting for him. Maruki took of his sandals and walked over to the side of the manor where his room was located. His cousin walked with him "how was your first day Maruki-sama, do you have a nice squad and a good sensei" Maruki sighted "please Iru-kun, drop the 'sama'. I am in the squad with two girls, one of the Inuzuka clan with her Niken and one of the Haranai clan, although she does not look like a genjutsu type to me." The two of them reached Maruki's room close to the small, rebuild zen garden. "And your Sensei Maruki-sam...san?" Maruki opened his mouth to answer his cousin but decided that was not the smartest thing to do "uhm, I forgot his name. Now, off you go, I need to train."

Several moments later Maruki stood in front of the pond inside the zen garden in his netting, looking training outfit. He walked onto the water and closed his eyes, feeling the chakra flowing through his body.

"Ok Maruki, watch me closely" My father stand across me also on the water. His right foot makes a rondae and gets behind his left foot. His knee bent while his left leg is stretched out. His left hand low, palms up and his right hand high. "Eight Trigrams 32 Palm Strike!" in a flash his father punched the air 32 times in 5 sections. "Now you try it Maruki"

"I already know how to do that" whispered Maruki, he took on the stance, took a deep breath and opened his eyes "Eight trigrmas 64 Palms Strike! 2, 4, 8, 16... 32! Ha!" Maruki lost his balance and fell to one knee. "Damn!" "You need to learn restraint!" he heard his father saying in his mind. Maruki tried again "2, 4, 8, 16, 32, sixty-" Maruki hit his own elbow with his other hand. he berthed heavily, He cursed himself for his incompetence "anger is a powerful weapon for the ninja who knows when and how to use it" resounded Kirugetsu's voice resound in his mind, This filled Maruki with rage, he would show his Sensei she he decided to show up and attack him. "Eight trigrams 64 palm strike!" but again Maruki failed to complete the sequence.

Until late at night he kept trying to do the 64 palm strike but he could not master it. Maruki broke the chakra at his feet and went head under water before surfacing in clan. he picked up his sweat soaked shirt and took a long hot bath.after that he went to the kitchen, tip-toeing over the porch to not wake his aunt, uncle, cousins and other residents of the Hyuga Manor. He took a couple sliced of bread, buttered them and walked to the library. He opened the door with a slice of bread in his mouth. He almost choked when he saw his Uncle sitting there. "Hello Maruki-sama" Maruki managed to swallow the bread without it killing him. "Please Ucle, stop calling me 'sama' it does not feel right" "what does bring you to the library this late at night." Maruki raised his brow at his uncle "I could ask the same to you" His uncle stood up "this is one of the few places of the manor that is truly silent. I have heard Kiugetsu is you new sensei" Maruki, eating his bread almost choked again, how the hell did he know that? "don't try to do anything stupid in his presence" said his uncle "good night, Maruki-sama". Maruki was left alone in the library.

As soon as Maruki finished his bread and caught his breath he looked around the shelves trying to find a book of scroll explaining Byakugan and Juken techniques. Almost everyday since he arrived in Konoha he was to be found at the library, trying to look for new techniques he could learn. He could not quite find anything about the Eight Trigrams 64 palm strike. Ultimately he took out a scroll, "This should have to do" said Maruki and went back to his room. He took the pendant with the Hyuga main family crest engraved on it of the dressoir in his room and hung it around his neck. he rolls out the scroll and sat down with his crossed legs, the scroll in front of him and closed his eyes, getting ready for an attack, whenever that may come. keeping his ears open, while thinking of the other test Kirugetsu gave him. getting something he wanted...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

As Kami had stood there, looking shellshocked at Shira's appearance, several doubts began to run through her mind: What if she'd picked the wrong person, and had just reported to an innocent child eating chestnuts? What if she refused to train her, to give her a purpose again? More doubts remained myriad within the echoing caverns of her mind, but she could not hear them over the sound of silence that had descended between the two. The only difference between the two ninja in that specific moment was their outwards expression of the contents of their mind - where Kami looked awestruck and gobsmacked, Shira had kept herself completely expressionless, ready to obey at the first word, like she always was. The entire affair must have been quite a spectacle for one who casually observed it taking place.

When Kami finally found the energy to speak, what she blurted out was certainly... Random. Shira would have responded, but anything that she could have thought about saying would have been insubordinate or obvious, and first impressions were crucial - especially in the process of imprinting a genin on someone of a higher rank - and she wanted to make as good an impression as she could. Silence was definitely the best answer for that particular issue. Shira was, initially, unsure what to think of the figure that she was to call Sensei and bond with for a considerable portion of her life - and what it lacked in span, it made up for in importance. The formative years were always the most important, and as this was Shira's very first day of being a Genin, she wanted to learn as much as she could. She needed the best teacher possible in order to do that - and while she did not yet know what to think of Kami, it was not like she really had that much of a choice. Insubordination was unthinkable, and she could not speak out against Kami even if she wanted to.

Shira remained stoic until Kami said "You're strong then?", before speaking:

"Not strong - I'm just used to the weight. I can't use it as a weapon as well as I should be able to." The response was blunt, informative, and lacking in any discernible forms of emotion - Shira was not one of those people that lamented their weakness with all their heart, and felt a flurry of emotions compelling them to get better, or to not let them defeat themselves. Shira was a warrior who had been taught her limits and had limits imposed upon her since her day she was old enough to begin training, and if that process had taught her anything, it was that strength was simply strength. It was a skill that could be learned, like any other, and that it was her duty to learn as many skills as were necessary to make her into a paragon of the Hataga, to bring honor to the title that was "Warbringer". The thought of bringing honour to her ancestors and her title did, admittedly, make her chest swell with pride - but that was an emotion that could not be allowed to surface or to cloud her judgement. In order to learn, perfect clarity was required. With regards to perfect clarity, emotions were but a distraction.

"I seek only to learn the way of the blade to bring honour to my title, to Konoha, and to my clan, Kami-sensei."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Quiet. The young woman was so quiet. Kami wasn't really sure what to do. She wasn't used to being the responsible one- the one in charge. No. Kami was used to fluttering around at her mother's and her late father's, may he rest in peace, commands. Even as she volunteered at the hospital, she was always running around on assignments given to her by her mother. Even at this moment, Kami was considering whisking Shira off and handing her over to her mother. The only problem with that was Shira didn't seem like the medical ninjustu type. No, at this moment, Kami wanted to focus on that sword. Was it taller than her..? Quite possibly. She nodded along as Shira started to explain her strength. Not overly strong but strong enough to use the weapon. "You have to be strong. I'd have to like drag that around and I'd still probably destroy my back." Shira could downplay her strength, but Kami was going to be adamant on her opinion. No normal amount of strength could lift that.

"Let me try." Kami insisted, holding her hands out to take the sword. If her not-so-little genin thought she wasn't that much stronger than normal people, Kami was going to prove her otherwise. "You were around during the Resistance." Kami stated, because she knew Shira was too old to have missed the whole event. Even Kami herself was way too old. It was still weird to think about babies being born that'd be apart of the new generation. There was going to be a generate not completely ignorant about the Resistance but not understand the true horrors of war. "So you know that you need to be confident in your abilities. Never attempt to a weakness, not even to me. I'll notice any weakness you have... that's my job. You never know who you can trust or who can be listening." Kami titled her head to the side, wiggling her fingers as she awaited to be handed the sword. "Who knows what the future can bring, you know? Sai's own family helped bring him down. One second I could be your teacher, your best friend and the nice I could be the very person slicing your throat."

Kami tried to smile, but it was a pretty pathetic attempt. She wasn't someone who smiled a lot. She wasn't depressed or normally sad. But Kami thought smiles were important; they weren't something you should give away freely. A smile was precious. It was more valuable than a diamond, but... Kami decided Shira needed one. She needed some encouragement, and maybe some reassurance that although Kami was surprised with the genin she was given that she wasn't any less excited. Since Shira had stated her weakness though, Kami was sure that was the first thing they could practice. Shira needed to build up or even define her muscles. Kami needed to get the the point where the sword was simply an extension of Shira's arm. Being able to to handle the weight was one thing, but that wasn't enough.

Then Shira started to ramble about honor and titles. And, honestly, Kami wasn't impressed. "A title is nothing. Honor is nothing." She said brusquely, shrugging. Personally, she believed only in family. Kami didn't need such a senseless thing as honor or an impressive title. She could be stoned to death or even have everyone avoid her like the plague as long as her friends and family were all safe. Besides, the way Shira stated her whole belief was... ridiculous. "Is that why you're learning how to use that monstrosity? You can okay with a sword, probably even pretty good with such reasons. But you'll never be amazing or flawless if you aren't at learning how to use it for yourself at least a little bit." She wasn't being mean or even inspirational. Kami just knew that if the sword didn't make Shira happy, that if she didn't enjoy using the weapon, there was really no point.

Again, Kami made grabby hands. "So, like me see it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"If you had carried it around every day for ten years, you would be able to lift it too, Kami-sensei." Shira replied, thrusting it forwards so that she could take the massive weapon. If Kami's point was to prove that Shira was stronger than most people by virtue of being used to the weight, the method she was currently attempting was not going to be successful - holding Unmei no Chikara was not about strength of body. Holding the ancestral glaive was as much about knowing how to hold it as well as being used to its weight, it was about a deep understanding of the way in which they were forged and of the burden that you were taking up. To hold Unmei no Chikara was to hold the history of everyone who had ever held it before in your hands, to hold a weapon that had seen every war since the first, and to hold the legacy of hundreds upon thousands of people close to your heart. The Power of Fate was not something to be taken up lightly - something Kami would learn - but it would not prove her point. Wielding the glaive required knowledge and time, not something as mundane as strength.

"I was in the war, Kami-sensei. That is why I hold the title of Warbringer. Warbringer Shira, Master of the Flag. Please understand that I am confident in what I can do, and that I have used my skills in true war before - I am just more aware of my limits than others may be. The future is an unknown, so it is my responsibility to guide it towards the ideal. As a Warbringer of the Hataga, I am to ensure that my future is one of warfare, and in order to ensure that I must grow stronger. I must become more than I am, and that is where I am in need of you, Kami-sensei. As for Sai's family... That isn't something I have to worry about, Kami-sensei. My immediate family are dead, and the remainder of the Hataga are honour-bound to war - if I am to be killed by what I could call my family, it will be the purest death possible, and I will welcome it." Shira added, taking on a grave tone of her own as she did so. The pair seemed to be concrete in their beliefs, and while Kami was trying to impose her beliefs upon Shira, she did not have that authority, and she never would have that authority. She was not Bujin. Shira would obey her to the end, follow her every command, but she would never falter in her loyalty to everything that the Hataga were. There was no greater crime.

"A title and honour mean nothing to you because you have never had them, Kami-sensei. You do not understand what it means to serve. I will be what I am meant to be, for Unmei no Chikara does not give power to those who cannot take it. It decides my destiny as much as I do, and if I am to grow strong and masterful, then I will be. I mean no disrespect, Kami-sensei, but you are not Hataga. You cannot understand, not yet."

As she finished speaking, Shira dropped Unmei no Chikara down onto Kami's unstretched hands, giving her the weapon so she could feel its weight - it was not just a physical weight, but a metaphorical weight, and while she perhaps would not initially understand why Unmei no Chikara felt so heavy, she would do so in time - she would learn from it, and be its student, for destiny was the greatest teacher of all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It has been a year of hiatus of activities, the girl awaken from her slumber to walk the world of ninja once again, a year of spear training was in fact too much and disrespectful for what's bound to happen. The girl who was laying down on the black pool of water in her backyard gets up and wears her black clothes, we see a good view of her buxom body, the figure is neither busty nor flat as a washboard, neither does she find herself elegant as she thinks of herself as a wild beast ready to be unleashed from the cage. She wears the black clothes that of a skirt, black sandals and black tight suit from the inside and a pink flower as a pin to her hair yet she still looks revealing and upon leaving the Uchiha Estate, she didn't take her breakfast but just run along with a bread on her mouth, meet Uchiha Ria.

Ria left with a smile on her face as her parents bid her goodbye and good luck to her as a full fledged Kunoichi, the girl felt nervous yet excited and thrilled, daringly enough to take on what's coming to her. "Aha~, it's been a long time since I see the outside world, this feeling is nostalgic yet disgraceful." While jumping from building to building, Ria commented on how good it is to be free yet the winds that passes her are vaguely ridiculous, the moment has finally come to her as we see the symbolism of the pink Sakura Leaves flowing in her way. Being outside granted Ria freedom but either way it does not impress her, she felt like it's a nuisance and she shouldn't have left but who knows what's out there, she thought. Thinking about what will be her comrades and Teacher will be, at the very least it's what motivates her and encourages her to go outside and finally do something productive and see what act can be executed. Nevertheless, acting is it's own game, never be deceived by the opposer, it's just a game just as what Ria thinks.

The Kunoichi looked for clues, the whereabouts of her so called 'Team' which is her destination, hearing about rumors about her being part of such team, is it a hoax or is it the truth, Ria wonders but what's to wonder if you bring yourself closer like the winds that fan the flames, that is the Uchiha Way. She jumped, walked and blend herself in the crowd, even asking in different stores and finally a spark of imagination struck her like lightning and her mind became enlightened, the training grounds it is, the most common spot for a Shinobi to train, she made her way there. FInally she reaches her destination and signals her debut, "You got room for one more? Hmph! I'm sorry to keep you waiting but I'm here now, Sensei. Uchiha Ria at your service." She's squatting on a tree while holding her spear that is laying down on the back of her right while eating melon bread, flashy entrance as it is, to others it's nothing but arrogance, Ria is ready to go wild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gothpuppy95


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When someone cleared their throat behind him he turned to look at them and saw the image of his instructor behind him. He then took a look further around having been daydreaming a little bit he noticed the only ones left were himself and his team. He yawned before he addressed them. "Hello, I am Yoru Kyo." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the two kunai he had been slaving over for them.

"Here I thought it would be a good way to start off." His voice held the greatest He smiled and bowed low. With that he held his hands upturned towards them. Allowing them to take them if they so chose. The Guardian Kanji was face up easy to see. The flaws in the blades were miniscule. His hands were rough and calloused but showed signs of having been burned several times.

He compared the two people in front of him to others he had seen. He recognized Taiho from the academy. He looked like he had been through hell. He appeared to be battered and bruised. Something about Taiho made him seem much smaller than he actually was. The woman, Nara clan he knew nothing about them but she appeared to be in one of two proffessions looking at the blood. Assassin or Doctor. He guessed based on stance she was a doctor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Kyo was...Not the most sociable sort of guy, it seemed. It wasn't like Taiho was going to complain, in fact he didn't really care either way. It was convenient to have someone that was sociable with others and it was convenient to have someone who just tended to themselves. Taiho wasn't bothered by Kyo's personality and just kept to himself mostly. Unlike Kyo, however, Taiho was mostly vigilant. He kept his eyes alert and attentive to the teams that were littered about, going about their business, in search of whomever it was that they were designated. Taiho heard someone approaching from behind during his continuous scan of the area. Taiho had his eyes set upon the woman as she came closer. He saw her as she stopped just behind the pair and cleared her throat.

Shio would have a clear look at the boy. He wasn't in fine shape at all. Taiho was mostly bruised at this point. Having his face pummeled and his clothes dirtied made him look like he'd survived being trampled by an irate horse. His total and utter defeat by the older ninja was commonplace for the boy, thus it didn't bother him. However, Shio would have a fair look at the mess of a boy that was to be her future mentee. He looked like he didn't know the first thing about fighting or, worse, was simply pitted against individuals many times stronger than he was. Taiho wasn't interest in how others looked at him or what others guessed about him. He carried himself with the same carelessness, as beat up as he was, when he was perfectly fine.

Shio Nara. Taiho mentally confirmed the woman based on the information he got from Kyo moments ago. This was the woman that was expected to train them. Taiho held no opinion of her whatsoever.

"You are late." Taiho would state flatly. Shio would quickly find, as she knew this boy, that all his words were said in that flat, unmotivated tone. He wasn't reprimanding her, nor was there any hint of his being upset about her tardiness. He stared at her a moment, taking the woman in. He turned completely around as his eyes darted about, trying to assimilate every detail about her. Taiho couldn't help, no matter how many times he re-ran the situation, that she'd just came from murdering someone. Was that why there was only two of them now? Did she murder the third teammate? Then again, from what information Taiho got from Kyo, the team was predesignated with just the three of them...So then why was she so bloody? Maybe she murdered some random person? That made more sense. Someone probably upset her and she violently hacked them to pieces. That would also explain her lateness. Would she attempt the same against them the instance they upset her?

Taiho's focus was stolen from the red woman as Kyo pulled out a kunai?
A gift? What for? Taiho didn't understand why Kyo would offer a gift to their instructor. There wasn't any reason to do something like that when she hadn't given him anything in prior too. What was the point of pulling out a weapon, which was something that cost money, and handing it to someone you hardly even knew, for nothing? Was it an attempt to bribe the future instructor? Was Kyo that sort of guy? Taiho didn't judge him, though he did note that it could be such a tactic. They would be trained either way. Taiho didn't care if he were favored or not. Taiho also didn't care about Shio's feelings either, thus he wasn't going to try to make her feel better or nice either. Whether she were sad or mad today didn't really matter to Taiho. Thus, there wasn't any logical reason to offer her things for nothing.

Then, to make matters all the more unusual to Taiho, Kyo bowed out of respect.
The confusion lit up the typically stoic boy's face. Kyo was paying due respect to her out of rank, because she was possibly a murderer, or was it something else? Is that what normal students did? Randomly pay respects to individuals they didn't know? Taiho couldn't relate. There was nothing about this woman that made Taiho want to respect her. He knew nothing about her and, even if she were a higher rank, he wasn't automatically impressed by it. She was a normal, ordinary human being with human blood all over herself. To Taiho, that wasn't going to make him postulate himself and swear undying fealty to her cause and dedicate his all to her whims.

He honestly didn't care enough. But, maybe he was supposed to do that sort of thing.

Taiho took a long blink before his eyes ran back over to his teacher. Taiho hadn't ignored Kyo's free kunai, but wanted more information about the situation. He didn't take the free weapon.

"Do I have to do that too?" He would monotonously inquire, though there didn't seem to be any generous interest in the question. Taiho even went as far as to point at Kyo, so that there wouldn't be any confusion as to what he was referring too. Immediately dropping his hand, he went to his next question before Shio even responded, "What exactly do you want us to do?" Taiho didn't know how to act in this situation. Was he supposed to be submissive and flattering like Kyo or was he supposed to act differently, in contrast to Kyo? This was different than class in which he could just sit at his desk, read his studies, do his work, train his mind and body, and go home. He wasn't require to interact with others, thus he was at a loss of what was reasonably acceptable in this situation. Though, honestly, nothing that Kyo was doing really made sense to Taiho. Despite it not making sense, if Shio did request that he would do it, Taiho would have no problems giving her things and planting his forehead in the dirt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Innue
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Innue Sheep God

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Shiō was unsure of what Kyo's angle was with the gift. If he was trying to bribe her, it was a poor job; typically one would want to research the person they were bribing. If it was merely just a gift, it was equally ridiculous - she wasn't inviting them over for dinner, mandating the social convention of bringing a bottle of wine (or like) over. Politely, she waved her hand, gesturing that she would pass on the gift, at least for now.

"I'm don't typically use kunai," she responded, in a matter-of-fact tone. There was little else to say on the matter. She made note of his name, opting not to give hers because she dearly hoped that her student would at least have memorized her name before presenting a gift to her. She examined the other boy, her seemingly bruised and bland charge who had the audacity to comment on her tardiness.

"You are bruised," she responded, commenting on another obvious matter in mirror to his observation. "Unless you are requesting an explanation, which I'd strongly question your aptitude for being a shinobi if you did, then you aren't providing anything useful with the observation. As to honorifics and bowing, I find them to be a waste of time, so please abstain from that kind of procedure." While Shiō wasn't as cold as she was coming across, she wasn't in a pleasant mood having just left surgery; further, she felt her time was being wasted with pointless chatter - and if the chatter was knowingly pointless, she'd be even more irked.

"Do you want me to look at your injuries?" Shiō asked, looking at Taiho, "I'm a medic-nin." It was a sidelong explanation to his earlier commentary about her tardiness. She suspected, or at least hoped, they could connect the dots; if they couldn't they probably didn't have business being a shinobi. Observation was too important of a skill for them.

Tending to 'light' wounds such as Taiho's were not her specialty. She was more than capable of dealing with such injuries, but it just wasn't something she was the most efficient at. She was a surgical specialist. If he had managed to run a blade through his hand and cut a tendon or muscle that needed surgery, that would be something she could do efficiently.

Hearing the descent of Hiyō, Shiō shifted her umbrella to allow him space to land on the tip of it, the umbrella resting on her right shoulder, currently folded.

"For additional introductions, this is Hiyō," she explained. The hawk looked at the two of them inquisitively, but Shiō did not turn to her companion, keeping her eyes on the two in front of her. She was familiar with him already - she needed to familiarize herself with the two in front of her. These kinds of interactions were very much out of her element as well; while she was more than capable of dealing with people socially, she had become accustom to dealing with patients on the table who were completely unconscious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Everyday for ten years, Kami pondered as she was tugged forward by the mere weight of the weapon. How much did it weight? There were lot's of questions running through Kami's mind. There were so many possibilities on what to help train Shira with. But, besides weight lifting, there was something else Kami could see having Shira study. However, that was for later. At this moment, Kami wanted to focus on the weapon in her hands. Well, at least, Shira probably didn't have to worry about someone tying to steal her sword. Any inexperience, greedy-eyed person would barely be able to drag the behemoth. "That's dedication." It wasn't a compliment... not really. It was simple an observable fact. Nothing else but dedication could explain how someone could drag this weapon around for ten years.

Kami nodded along to Shira's splurge, but she was barely paying attention. The weapon was awesome and Kami, having been raised as a medical ninja, wanted to dissect every single piece of the sword until she knew every last detail, function, and flaw. Despite the fact she was barely listening to Shira, Kami heard what she needed. The purest death and Shira staying true to her beliefs. That was better than perfect; a beautiful melody to her ears. Kami couldn't bring herself to treat Shira completely like a student. She knew of the Warbringer Shira but she hadn't thought for a moment she'd be training her. Shira wasn't a child. She was a young woman, like Kami, who had experienced the Resistance first hand. If Shira could defend herself even to Kami, this definitely could be a good working relationship. "Good. It'd be absolutely silly if you agreed with me." Not that Kami thought her ideas were silly, but... A ninja shouldn't easily comply to whatever someone told them. That way led to boredom and boredom always lead to war.

"I serve the wounded." Kami pointed out brusquely. She had served the wounded, ill, and dying during the war. However, that responsibility wasn't anywhere near the level that Shira had to her clan. Despite Kami's mother's constant nagging and the biology books that had been ready to her as bedtime stories, Kami still had freedom. She could choose another pass and the only person she'd really be disappointing was her mother. Shira though.... Well, that had to be stressful. Kami went to sit down on the ground so she could actually look over the sword. It was pretty impressive. Kami could definitely buy the candy shop with it. "I'm done looking at it." Kami would have tried to hand the weapon back, but strength wasn't her strong point. She smirked at the owner of the shop before grabbing another bag of roasted chestnuts. "Thanks~"

Almost as if an afterthought, Kami looked back over at Shira. The smirk was still firmly in place. "So, how much do you know about the human body?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"To treat the wounded is noble, Kami-sensei, but it is not service. It is doing your duty, aiding in the war, and it is invaluable... But you did not serve. Not by the laws of the Hataga." Shira replied in her usual, to-the-point tone. Kami having been brusque was nothing to Shira, who had spent over half of her life under the tutelage of Warbringer Bujin, a caustic and thoroughly ascerbic man by even his own admission - but he was as close to a father as Shira had ever had, and he was undeniably one of the most skilled members of the Hataga to have ever existed. Kami was but a pebble compared to the landslide that she had endured from Bujin; it almost seemed as if Shira was rehearsed to respond to the manner in which she was being talked to - another indication that Shira was one who truly served. One thing that Shira could not help but notice was the level of detail with which Kami was eyeing Unmei no Chikara, and in those rapid eye movements and changes of breath, Shira saw the admiration she had for the work of art that was Unmei no Chikara.

"That blade predates Shinobi, Kami-sensei. It was forged by Warbringer Kamabushi for Warbringer Areshiki, the latter of which I am descended from. What you hold in your hands is the lineage of the Hataga, a piece of history that has seen every major war for as long as war has existed - it is a relic whose burden reminds us that we are the ones who govern War, that the burden we hold is one that the very universe mandates we hold. Warbringer Kamikasu and Warbringer Toshokan both agreed that the universe is cyclical in its nature, and that the Hataga are the stewards of the cycle of War - through their plans and their manuscripts was Warbringer Kamabushi able to capture the essence of that cycle in a material form, and it has been passed down ever since. It is as much a manuscript as any other, and it carries a harsh lesson. Perhaps you can study it and learn of the Hataga as a part of our training regime - I believe Warbringer Kamikasu wrote some treatises on the human body that we still hold in the Institute of War." Shira added, taking as much zeal in the idea of the weapon as Kami was. Even after so long, the intricacies of the weapon she carried never ceased to amaze her, and her endless desire for service was matched only by that endless fascination of the rich history of the Hataga - and sharing that with another was a great honour.

Shira took the weapon back from Kami, and the familiar heft returned her to the world of the focused and disciplined - the shift would be immediately obvious to Kami, even though the pair had only just met. The shift was almost palpable in its force, and as Shira returned to bearing the familiar destiny of a long lineage of warriors it was evident that she had a will stronger than most people could even begin to imagine. It took discipline in the levels of the preternatural to begin to bear what Shira bore with calmness and integrity. Then, Kami spoke up.

"I know that it is a temple - it requires maintenance and routine in order to perform at optimum levels. I know that my body is adequate, but not optimum, and that I much achieve optimum levels in order to progress. I know that the body is also vulnerable, and that it has weaknesses I am able to exploit - it has little tells that when read correctly can dictate entire fights, and even entire wars. The body is, in essence, the perfect tool for war - knowledge of it aids you, and your knowledge hinders your enemy. It is an advantage I am keen to capitalise on, Kami-sensei."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

The Second (and hopefully final) Retcon for Jhino and Kino

The first observation Kino made as he saw Jhino react was that he reacted defensively to his name simply being called out. It made him wonder if all shinobi seasoned by war would react like this. He recalled that the instructors in his classes often only knew the basics themselves, so thought that these shinobi would be an entirely different breed. It was quite a bit to consider and made him wonder how he should address people in the future. Afterwards, Jhino made a note to quickly reply to him, stating he had no idea he was on a team. Albeit, Jihno quickly affirmed that he was using both of their papers. The thought that he hadn't even fully read the letter wasn't precisely encouraging, but Kino kept in mind that Jhino most likely didn't know that the purpose of this meeting was to assign them their teams.
Shin Uzumaki was a name Kino had heard of, but never truly knew much about. No one did. Shin defected to the resistance near the end of the war and essentially gave every piece of information about strongholds and Sai's positions that he could. It was rumored that all of Amegakure was a giant deathtrap of a city and Shin had the blueprints for it. Aside from that, Shin bore the Samehada, which was one of the swords that gained quite a bit of fame during the resistance. Originally, they had all been from Kirigakure, but during the war, they were spread out after Sai himself destroyed one of them in his attempt to abolish all shinobi. Shin also had a constantly active Sharingan and a monstrous arm, making his intimidating presence even greater in person. Kino felt that having him as a Division Leader was both a blessing and a curse. Shin seemed so powerful, but it was all incredibly daunting.

Jhino, a Chuunin, was his leader? Kino realized this after piecing a few things together. He wanted a jounin. Someone powerful: a war veteran. In reality, he was quite jealous of Team Moon, as they had Kirugetsu Hozuki, a living legend within Konohagakure. He was a founding member of the resistance, a choice for the Fourth Hokage and one of the most well-known shinobi in all of the village, on par with men like Shin and Hosuka Uzumaki. Having him as a leader, a trainer, would be fantastic, but the village was also still in its rebuilding phase. Kino, having the intuition of a businessman, realized that Shin could only work with so many Jounin and Genin, so he trusted the stronger Genin to the Chuunin while the nobodies of his class were assigned the higher levels of protection. Regardless, it didn't make Kino feel any less cheated.
"Just how good are you with that bow? And what was your registration number?"

Kino grinned as he heard Jhino ask him those questions, a moment before distracted by feeling that the team situation was unfair. Regardless of how he felt then, a sense of pride washed down him as he was first asked about his bow then asked about his registration number. It seemed Jhino knew how they were to work, and that his registration number was indeed something to be proud of, considering those above him were either half-way chuunin or simply needed the remedial ninjutsu classes. Kino spoke with confidence, as he did before, but this time laced with his slight pride, "I'm good enough that when I was told Konoha needed real Shinobi with real Shinobi weapons, I proved a bow was more than just a weapon for a hunter or militia. I'm good enough to get a registration number of 000006."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Champion

Champion Champ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

New faces had made their way to the training grounds. This was nothing short of the gathering of the best. Legends considered to be powerhouses of the village had came. Ninja barring the title of Jonin. This was not the first time he had came into contact with powerful people however this was the first time he seen faces to match the names some people whispered about. Goro Sroda, the same age as Jhino but already ranked Jonin. And Kirugetsu Hozuki, a war hero. Jhino had acquired a new found interest in this meeting. Jhino looked towards Kino momentarily. "I have a feeling things will be starting soon." It seemed like just when he said that a gust of wind kicked up and seemed to gather to the stage like area of the pavilion.

It was there that their commander stood, Shin Uzumaki. Every ninja in the village knew the name but his presence could not be explained. Power seemed to ooze from the mans skin. Enough to cripple a weaker man. Jhino starred in awe wondering how exactly the man did it, He came to the conclusion it was a heightened form of body flicker. Jhino noticed the the large weapon on his back. Samaheda, Sharks Skin. A weapon that Jhino had read about. It was legendary and is said to choose its wielder. That just showed how accomplished Shin was. After Shin spoke he disappeared in a flash just like he appeared. He left no room for questions or objection though Jhino had none. He had been entrusted with overlooking a Genin. Wasn't bad considering that he already showed great potential but this would have to be tested.
Jhino listened to his teammates response to his questions. It seemed that he was skilled enough. His bow skills had to exceed everyone in his class considering he graduated 6th. This made Jhino smile. It seemed he had been paired with a genius. That very thought filled him with an urge. He stood up, his smile turning into a psycotic grin. "Now thats interesting." He walked out of the pavillion, bypassing all the other people present there. He halfway expected Kino to follow him without him telling him so but in case he wouldnt, Jhino waved for him to follow. "I dont like crowds. How about we go somewhere more......quiet?" Jhino pointed through a valley of trees. "Theres another training ground nearby. Lets relocate to there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kirugetsu listened to his new students one by one. Each had a fairly predictable story, war affected them, trained outside normal means, etcetera. So far there were no surprises. Oddly enough, that surprised him. Normally there would be one unusual thing with at least one kid. Though in this instance, Kirugetsu was glad that there was nothing too outlandish. "In any case..." he picked at his teeth with the spiky leg of the nearly devoured crab. "... be sure to prepare yourselves. Come at me like you're going to kill me when I attack. Show hesitation, and you will fail the test."

"And about the other test. If any of you think to steal from each other or the folks in town to get a leg-up on each other... you will fail the test." He wondered if they would get the subtle hints in his words, but frankly he doubted it. But if they did, it would certainly be a pleasant surprise. "Are there any questions..." he picked the last of the carapace from between his shark-like teeth as he spoke. "... before I take my leave and get ready for my part in your testing?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"It's pretty disrespectful to decline a gift," Totally turning the situation around, Taiho blatantly called Shio out yet again. Whether she thought there were implications surrounding the offer or not, what sort of instructor waved away a gift from her future students? Sure, Taiho didn't see any acceptable reason behind it, but maybe Kyo was sensitive or maybe he really liked Shio or maybe he'd worked really hard all day and night to present this gift to her and she waved it away as if it were some unwanted trash. By pure definition, it was selfishly disrespectful. She didn't even care for Kyo's feelings. Obviously, he were offering her the kunai with some sentiment, even if it could be fictitious, but it was her place, as their superior, to at least begrudgingly accept the gift. Even the way she declined the offer was disrespectful. That business denial was without any consideration for the gift and was a horrible way to start a first impression with Kyo. She was someone that didn't care and she was someone that held no worry for their emotional well being and she was someone that couldn't even pretend to play nice; she was the exact opposite, maturely, of what a Sensei was supposed to be.

This was simply an observation made by Taiho. He took her in, reading her as the words spilled out from her leathery pages, and was aiming to get a penetrating gaze of her true self. It wasn't because he was interest in her, he was a boy that held no personal interests, however he was positive that knowing her attitude, mannerisms, personality, strengths and weaknesses would enable his interaction with her all the better. Calling her out was simply reflex of someone who also, genuinely, did not care for the feelings of others. Taiho would have most certainly acted the same way as Shio, however he viewed the same scenario from a different altitude. In Shio's case, her actions were a detriment, not an baseless trait. It told Taiho everything he shouldn't waste his time doing with her or for her. She wasn't an overly considerate person, despite that she would bring up her medical experience. She was clear cut, straight to business, and not one for tradition. This would make her awkward to be tutored under, Taiho was sure, because he felt their progress would probably be seen the same as some science experiment in some lab.

Either it was a pass or a fail.

"I don't need healing." Cooly, Taiho watched as Kyo, for some reason or another, left.
Then came the bird. Yet again, a puzzled look appeared on Taiho's face. He was silent as he listened to what Shio had to say. Only...She didn't say anything else? Taiho opened his mouth to speak a moment, before closing it again, setting his careful, detailed oriented eyes upon the bird. It was a strong looking animal. It had wings that, folded as they were, looked as long as Taiho's arm was long and it had a sharp, yet uniquely curved beak that told just what sort of falcon it was.

"Do you want me to kill it?" Taiho would ask, more than ready to do so should Shio ask. Killing an animal, no matter how intelligent, was not a problem for Taiho. Taiho wasn't used to a supposed superior not directing him when he requested direction. That's why he went to the conclusion that whatever task that was coming up would be related to the bird. Taiho wasn't boastful, nor was he bigheaded, but he would go at any task that he was asked to do with the drive to complete it, no matter how absurd or impossible it may seem or inhumane it may sound. He wasn't the sort to let emotions or pretenses stand in the path of success...Which was mostly due to his lack of emotional expression.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Kino was not sure if Jhino was impressed or if Jhino simply felt that he had less 'baggage' than expected. He was quick to follow and had no qualms complying to a simple request to debut his archery skills. Archery of itself was a dead art form in the shinobi world, thought of as meant only for militia. Kino wasn't sure if Jhino was testing him, or actually just interested in seeing an archery style good enough to be passed as a genin. In the past, Kino had encountered several teachers who - intrigued by the praise he received - requested he show them how an archer-nin could work, in which Kino always managed to impress, with and without his jutsu. In this case, he felt that Jhino would not like any secrets, as they were part of a team, so he intended on showing and telling him all of his techniques and ideas.

"This special bracer I have on my arm. It's not just for looks. It has a seal that allows me to activate it with a single hand-sign to summon my bow. My brother is working on a way to let me summon different kinds of bows using different handsigns to activate different seals. If it works, then I'll be able to fight in a new range of ways. Harder pull for faster arrows, bladed bows so I can jump in and out of close-range, dual-arm bows that can be short and stealthy..." Kino recited aloud as they walked to the next training ground, although he realized that he began to drone on. As most youth did when they realized they talked just a bit too much, his voice heightened and he quickly finished: "Anyway, point being that I summon my bow. If you were wondering why I didn't have one on me."

In truth, Kino felt a little stupid, but it was hardly his intention. Kino rarely talked to anyone aside from his brother and at times his uncle, forcibly. Not only that, but the idea of being able to summon multiple bows for purposes of stealth and close-combat appealed to Kino about as much as the women's bathhouses appealed to his old perverted sensei. It could increase his potential tenfold, and he was already sixth in his class, first in his mind since those ahead of him had such unfair advantage that they were a step away from chuunin to begin with. Most of them were so far ahead that they weren't even assigned regular squads or teams; Kino had heard one of them was working inside the Hokage's office already. At least, between his brother and him, Kino was the best genin; and that's what mattered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


Member Offline since relaunch

The weapon was ancient but, then again, that had been obvious. Not only were there physical signs predicting the sword's age, but the weight of it and the way Shira talked... Well, this sword was obviously special. It was a symbol as much as a weapon. And, as Kami looked at the sword when it was safely back in Shira's hands, she honestly could only think of it as a symbol of war. So, someone could sugarcoat it but.... Really, the Hataga were just a reminder that the very peace they had now was fleeting. Kami didn't think it as such a bad thing though. Ninja had to be ready at any moment for anything. To believe this peace would last would be completely idiotic. Something would end up rattling the peace; something always did.

"I would appreciate it if sometime I could read over those manuscripts." Kami loved to study. It was one of those things she had probably picked up from her mother. She couldn't really understand how something worked until she knew every last shred of information on it. Looking something over was never enough. And, if Kami got her hands on those manuscripts, no one would probably hear from her for days- maybe a week or two even. Kami was excited. Not only had she received a student, but Kami was also going to learn. This was definitely going to make the shock of not receiving a cute, little kid she could exploit completely disappear. She could have never trained someone older without feeling disrespectful with every critique. But since there was information Shira could teach her, everything would probably be okay. Probably.

When Shira gave her definition of the body, Kami had to sigh. "A+ for effort, but..." That answer hadn't been the one Kami had been looking for. "I was looking for a more technical answer." Kami shifted her weight from foot-to-foot, attempting to think of another way to phrase it. "''Like how well do you know the anatomy? The bones? The organs?" Kami questioned. "If I pointed to a spot on my body, would you know which organ is there and the bones that are under it?" Kami needed to know this. Because, if she could train Shira in the inner workings of the human body, she could make manipulating that sword so much easier. Of course, it as still going to be a heavy monstrosity, but each swing would be easily manipulated to inflict any level of damage Shira desired. "If you don't know, I can teach you. You're really dedicated, right?" Kami asked, smiling slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Champion

Champion Champ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jhino felt his teammate trailing behind him through the woods. Kino answered his questions promptly and even gave him insight on where his bow came from. Jhino stopped for a moment and studied the bracer on his arm. He then turned and continued walking. "Interesting." He said to Kino in response. Kino was 6th in his class and could summon a bow. This could be useful to Jhino in many ways. Jhino is a Tiajutsu combatant and Kino had his bow. Jhino assumed his accuracy was above par and his range probably varied depending on his bow but this to was probably good as well. The 2 would likely become a long-short range duo but some things have been left unanswered. But as the 2 approached the next training grounds, his answers would come.

The woods opened up to a small opening surrounded by trees. There was no grass just dirt and in the middle stood 5 training dummies that had been withered from constant use. The entire area had looked like it had been damaged just recently. Signs of fire and burns covered the tree line going in a circle. Melted ninja tools also plagued the ground around the training dummies. Jhino looked around the area before talking. "This is the 17 training ground, my favorite place to be." He walked up to the dummies and examined them for a second. A kunai knife stuck out of the head of one of the dummies. He ripped it out and began spinning it in his hand. "Since you've been a good boy and followed me here ill explain." He stopped spinning the Kunai and walked over towards Kino.

"I need to test your abilities." He said with a slight smirk on his face. "In order for us to become truly familiar with each other lets fight. I want you to show me what you can do with your bow when an opponent is coming at you, in other words, how you react to danger." Jhino turned back towards the dummies and through the kunai with all his force. The kunai landed dead in the head of the dummy once more. He faced Jhino to see if he was ready or not. "Come at me with everything you got, I don't hold back so don't disappoint me." Jhino began walking very slowly towards Kino, closing the already close distance between them. "Im ready when you are."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ouroboros


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chestnuts.. They were never her favorite food, yet Namine awoke with a strange craving for them today with no real reason why. Her head was filled with vivid images from her dreams. One particular dream stood out, in it she was sitting in the midst of a battlefield while eating roasted chestnuts with a light honey glaze and watching two medics sew up a young female patient whose arms had been crushed by boulders.

Before the dream could finish she woke up in a daze, running her hands through her hair as she sat upright and yawned. Her eyes drifted out the window to her right, the view from the second story of her living quarters was filled with trees whose branches supported the homes of many birds, all of whom Namine was well acquainted with. She turned to the side of the bed so her entire body faced the window. The tips of her toes gently touched the floor as she stood before collapsing her body weight against the side of the open window, her face and torso leaning out of the window. She held her hand out and on cue a tiny robin landed on her finger. She had encountered the same baby bird many times each morning, he was only a few weeks old now. She smiled genuinely and lovingly toward the little creature, who began chirping a little song for her, as if out of some kind of magical fairy-tale.

She abruptly turned her head all the way around, glaring at her door which remained closed. Not two seconds later it burst wide open, the caretaker of this particular orphanage was a very uptight woman who did not want her children sleeping in. She believed in strict discipline which Namine had grown very used to, and it seemed the by a stroke of luck Namine had woken up just in time to avoid the slew of insults and derogatory remarks aimed at any children who did not abide to each and every rule.

"Not even dressed yet?!" Whoops. Namine may have forgotten that rule. She winced at this remark, feeling the anger and disciplinary attitude that exuded from her caretaker's presence. "Well... Hop to it or you'll be late for your appointment with your squad today." And with that, she closed the door.. gently. She didn't slam it shut after flinging every hurtful comment she could muster this morning. Normally Namine was a very strong-willed girl, meaning her caretaker had to try extra hard to break her down and attack her emotions in order to get a rise out of the young girl, which in itself was no simple feat. But this morning... she said nothing. Namine knew it was only due to her accomplishment in graduating from the academy and if she had not been starting her life as a Shinobi of Konoha today, not only would she have been insulted but also deprived of at least breakfast or failing to be dressed by the time she was checked on.

Throwing on a red dress with pink petals lining the bottom, she raced out the door with her sword before she could be scolded for something else. She nonchalantly strolled through Konoha and took the long route to Amaguriama, before settling down there. Immediately the owner waltzed over to her and began making flirtatious small talk, which Namine danced around, easily reading his emotions and keeping in mind that she needed to blend in. Eventually he offered her a load of roasted chestnuts with a honey glaze on them, free of charge without even having to ask.

Soon her sensei-to-be arrived, whom she had received a picture of. She was only three years older than Namine, something she found intriguing. Namine averted her eyes but her mental focus was solely on her sensei, reading every single emotion that she gave off. She listened to her and the owner barter over chestnuts and the future of Konoha in the same argument. Her sensei was using her as an excuse to receive free things. Namine giggled at the silliness of the situation while popping a chestnut into her mouth.

Moments later Namine felt a very distinct presence arrive. "Sensei! Hataga, Shira, reporting for duty, Kami-san!" Namine remained calm and watchful, this was to be her teammate for what could turn into many years. Immediately upon hearing the name of her teammate, Shira and the name of her sensei spoken aloud, Kami, Namine was overcome with a feeling of warmth. She lost herself in this feeling for a moment before it turned into a nostalgic feeling, which was dismissed as she brought herself back to reality.

"You smell like ramen!" Namine perked up, and looked over to see what they actually looked like. She stared for quite a while, before turning away and hiding herself among the other customers to avoid detection. What she noticed just by glancing at her squad was the age difference between their Chuunin squad leader and the young woman that was a Genin.. carrying quite the large sword.. Namine felt an incredible presence from this weapon. Her thoughts drifted into the emotions it brought about. A sense of duty, a strict disciplinary form, honor and respect, and a complex history at the core the likes of which Namine could not comprehend.

She was losing herself in thought again. An uplifting feeling tempted her to look again, though she only tilted her head and cocked an eye toward the pair to get a glimpse of them, looking over at the precise moment to capture the image of Kami's smile. Awkward, yet genuine. The thought lingered in the air, and Namine smiled as she turned her head back, facing away from the duo. She listened as they discussed the blade and its weight, and she felt many emotions of happiness, surprise, a desire to help others, and a hint of ignorance coming from her sensei. From Shira.. there was much less to sense. A very stoic young lady, Namine sensed a few key similarities in herself and her soon-to-be teammate.

Shira spoke in mostly blunt facts void of any personal information or feelings regarding each topic, until the topic of the war was raised. From Shira, Namine sensed self-confidence, self-awareness, pride, obedience, and a strong sense of honor that was evident from their conversation. The most important thing that Namine could sense was loyalty. This, along with the talk of dead family and clans being hunted pulled Namine into her own mind once again, this time into a deep place in her mind.. Images of her mother running from the members of Sai's regime and the intense feeling to protect that which one loves.. the emotions overcame her, and she blanked out from their conversation momentarily, becoming withdrawn and quite depressed over thoughts of her mother.

A single tear dropped from her right eye onto the chestnuts. She sniffled, trying to collect herself as she realized what a scene she was making. She wiped her eyes and remembered why she was there, to become a strong kunoichi to protect the what she loved, just as her mother had done. She was flung back into observing their covnersation as her sensei spoke. "I serve the wounded." This comment echoed in Namine's mind... Her sensei treated the injured, the very same passion that she wished to pursue herself. It was a stroke of fate! She had been given the teacher that she needed!

Overwhelmed with joy the young girl could not pull herself away from the topic. Her focus was drawn away from her mother and away from the hulking blade her teammate carried, and focused only on the medical topic of conversation. Shira's explanation of the human body was intriguing and very sound, though a temple whose purpose was war seemed a tad hypocritical in her eyes.

''Like how well do you know the anatomy? The bones? The organs?" Kami asked. SO WELL SENSEI, please test me on this knowledge! She was screaming encouraging thoughts in her head. She began to forget that she was not part of the conversation but trying to observe their emotions and behavior. "If I pointed to a spot on my body, would you know which organ is there and the bones that are under it?" It was like a pop quiz for Shira, but to Namine, Kami was speaking to her and only her, even though the two had not made eye contact once yet. The thought of having a medical-nin for a sensei overjoyed her. "If you don't know, I can teach you. You're really dedicated, right?" Kami asked, smiling slightly.

Namine hopped out of her seat, almost forgetting to grab her sword, and fell to her knees in front of Kami, bowing her head to the ground out of admiration and respect for her sensei. "Kami-senpai, I am Namine of the Akizakura clan!! I will dedicate myself to following your every order and would be most grateful if you would please teach me the ways of medical Ninjutsu!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shisen finally got up off the ground after being told that she failed the second part of the test, she had given it what she had and it wasn't enough. Her best, was not enough. She stood there, staring at the ground while her Niken growled and snarled at those who came near her. Feeling the soft muzzle of Arashi against her leg, she looked to the Niken and gave a small smile before placing her hand on Arashi's back. "Maybe next time...." Shisen murmured, before starting back towards her foster parents. Arashi whined the entire walk home while Shisen just stayed quiet.

Once they walked through the doors of the house that she had to live in, she saw two bright smiling faces watching her. "Hey, kiddo, how was your first today?" The old man asked her but her expression must have given her away as he said no more. She sulked into her room and threw herself on her bed in a frustrated manner before sniffling, today was suppose to be different but yet it felt the same to her. Shisen wanted to be recognizable but not if it meant being recognizable by being weak. She wasn't weak, she just didn't have the Jutsu's completely mastered yet.

"Arashi..." Shisen said and the Niken jumped up on her bed, laying down gracefully next to the upset Inuzuka girl. Burying her face in her Nikens soft fur, she cried silently until the door creaked open and the old woman walked in carrying a trey with sweet smiling drink on it. The old woman set the trey down on the small table in her room, before gently sitting on the bed next to Shisen. Pulling her away from Arashi and into her arms nicely.

"Shhh..... I know, I know" the old woman said gently and held Shisen until her crying turned to sniffles. "I was once in your position, I know it's hard and that you want to do well but that comes with time" she added as she brushed the last of the tears off her face.

"Time... What if I don't have time?" Shisen asked. She didn't want to hold her team back because she wasn't strong enough but she also didn't want to rush into things. This whole situation was not ideal, she just wanted to be on par with everyone else and she was so far behind.

"You have plenty time, don't rush into things" the old woman said gently and let her go. Placing the sweet drink into her hands before getting up to leave. Shisen looked down into the drink a bit confused at its purpose but started to sip it anyways, it tasted so good. Eventually, she drank it all up and found herself on the edge of sleep, the drink made sense now. It had been laced with a sleep syrup to calm her down and help her sleep, like she used to drink when she still had nightmares about the death of her parents. Groggily placing the cup back on the table, she let herself climb into bed and let sleep take her over.


The next day, she woke up late and the panic set in like it always did. She didn't know where she was or why she was there. Everything fell into place a few minutes later as she realized that this was her foster place and that she had been in squad, passing the first part of a test and failing the second. The words of the old woman rung in her head as she got up to get dressed in another outfit. Trying to figure out what exactly to give Kirugetsu sensei so she wouldn't fail the whole test.

An idea popped into her head and she rummaging through her extra change, which was a lot, until she got enough to buy a particular item. Running out of the house with Arashi on her heels, she raced over to the Konoha Ninja Tool Facility to buy the newest sheath for a sword. After giving the money to the sales person, she went over to where she was suppose to meet their sensei. Upon seeing him in the training areas, she presmeted him with the nice sword sheath with a small smile.

"For you, Kirugetsu Sensei" Shisen said as she held it up to him proudly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maruki arrived at the Hyuuga Manor late at night after sparring with Kirugetsu. He gave it his all and apparently that was enough to make him pass. He jumped down from the roof and landed in front of his own room. On the grass to not wake anyone up. Maruki stepped up the porch and opened the door to his room, it was just as he left it there, even the scroll he was reading still laid there. Looking over the scroll he saw that it was not going to help him in any way to master the 64 palms, was there nothing in the library about this? Maybe he needed to go back to the house he grew up in, maybe his father left some books or scrolls with Main Family jutsu.

Maruki laid down on his bed, he was tired but sleep did not come. He thought about his new squad he met today. Two girls and the old sensei. he dint gave them much thought before as the happening of the day went so fast. They, met, ate, fought... Thinking back about the moment they met and the time they ate Maruki remembered the Girl sitting across of him, the one who came in flying, almost landing on his face while yelling obscenities, Kirin. The red headed girl, nothing special apart that she took his side when Kirugetsu confronted him. Then there was, of course, his sensei, Kirugetsu Hozuki. Hozuki was the kind of man you did not want to mess with, overly blunt at one time while he could be a whole other man the next moment. Maruki though about his other squad mate, The Inuzuka Girl, Shisen was it? She had that big scary wolf dog with her, that Niken, Arashi if he remembered correctly. She was very shy and didn't say much, but she was kinda cute...

Maruki fell asleep while thinking about his new squad and full with expectations of the next day...
Tac tac... "huh what?" Maruki woke up to the sudden sound. Tac tac... It came from his door... Tac tac "yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming" Maruki set one foot out of bed and walked to the door. Tac tac... It was becoming really annoying now. Tac tac... "WHAT!" called the young Hyuuga out as he shoved the door open with great force expecting one of his younger cousins, but he saw no-one. Tac tac... It came form beneath. Maruki looked down and saw a bird sitting there "why you..." getting ready to kick the bird out of his porch he saw the bird carried a message.

After having read the message he hurried into his clothes and got ready to meet his squad in the designated training area. He almost forgot the item he found for Kirugetsu the other dat while trying to figure out the second test. He just happened to stumble across it in the library and made a copy of it, thinking Kirugetsu might like it. If Kirugetsu could really use the Gentle Fist he would have no problem with this. A sly grin appeared on Maruki's face, well, it was not anything better he had to offer his sensei.

Meeting up with Shisen and Kirugetsu at the training grounds he saw Shisen presenting him with a sword sheath. clever thought Maruki. "Ohaiyo Kiruetsu-Sensei, ohaiyo Shisen" he looked around "Is Kirin not here?" he asked to no-one in particular. Then he stepped forward and offered Kirugetsu the Mizu Hari scroll. "this is for you Kirugetsu-sensei, I hope you like it"
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