Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 27 days ago

Rayne walked down the hallway in near silence. He was cold, and evil, and his face showed it. His vile expression could strike fear into even the most fearless souls (more or less). The constant whispering and gossip around him was annoying, so he started to walk a bit faster, the unconscious form of his most recent opponent being dragged by Rayne's right hand, which gripped the delinquent's shirt collar. Rayne's left hand gripped his scythe as he walked to the infirmary.

Once he reached his destination, he glanced around at the unsightly number of students around him. He quickly walked over to an open bed, and threw the unconscious loser on it. He followed this by turning around and looking at everyone else. "What, is there some sort of party going on in here that I didn't know about?" His face had turned from a vile and uncaring expression to something softer and more down to earth, while still serious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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"U-Um... Hello. Are you...okay?"


No more competition! Now he doesn't have to humiliate himself! BECAUSE HE ALREADY DID! Now he has humiliated himself in front of a girl who looked like she was loud and gossipy, and a PRETTY GIRL WHO HAD NICE, PURPLE HAIR AND STUFFS AND WASN'T GOING TO BUT WAS GOING TO BE FORCED INTO CONFIRMING THIS IN THE RUMORS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

That was essentially what Daniel wanted to do, the overthinker. He thought that he would be beaten up even more and a laughingstock time and time again until he was out of this school! WHICH WOULD BE NEVER! BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO DIE HERE ANYWAYS!

But, he quickly stood up straight, saying, "Hi! Uh... yeah, I'm fine!" with a grin on his face. But, inside his head, he thought, 'fuuuu-'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andele


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hibiki looked over to the one guy that was acting really weird and just ignored him. Then she looked over to the guy with the scythe and glared at him. "You look strong......." she says as she faces towards him "lets fight!" She goes on as she trys to transorm into her battle suit but cant because shes still to weak from the injury from earlyer . As she tries to transorm she goeas down on her knees and holds her waist with both of her hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tsuricube
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At the male's rather lively reply, Andra couldn't help but return a smile of her own, "That's good."

She was thankful the other girl's approach was halted by yet another person joining in the "party in the nurse's office," though it was starting to become a little too crowded for her. Upon seeing the orange-haired girl fall to her knees, however, Andra began to panic. W-Where is the nurse at a time like this?! Do we even HAVE one?

"D-Don't push yourself. Uh..." she looked around to the other people in the infirmary with a silent plea of help. Despite having a streak of clumsiness, she never learned how to take care of herself. Only thing she knew how to do was putting on band-aids and she doubt something that small could patch up the injury the girl had.

Andra turned to the only other person she talked to, the older male with the yoyo, and couldn't stop herself from rapidly firing question after question, "D-Do you know first aid? Or- Or at least where the nurse is? Do we HAVE one?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Having dropped off Hibiki earlier, Jacque had come to the realization that he wasn't going to get to class without being late, which in turn always meant running into confrontation with someone in the hallway. The young man had instead decided to take a seat in a chair in the corner of the infirmary to wait out the next class with his book. Unfortunately, Jacque had ended up dozing off, and had only awoken once he heard people talking about fighting. "Zzz-*Huh? What?" he grumbled as he raised his head, dropping the book that had lain on his face to the floor in the process. Jacque rubbed his eyes a bit and blinked the sleep away just in time to notice the girl that he had carried in earlier was up and active, "Not even a day has passed since you got the tar beaten out of you and already you're up and raring for another fight?" he inquired drowsily. Jacque looked at Rayne, then to Hibiki before jerking his thumb at Rayne, "Not to undermine you or anything, but that guy looks like he'd eat you alive in your current condition.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andele


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hibiki looks up at the big guy that carried her here. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" She says anoyed not knowing that he carried her here. "I know how much i can take and i know that i still can fight" Hibiki says as she slowly gets on her feet again and takes a few deep breathes. As she tries to transform again she almost drops to her knees again and fails to transform. Exhaustet she sits down on the bed she was laying on before and stops trying to transform. "Maybe i dont know my limits afterall" She starty to laugh a little and falls back on the bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oboro returned to the infirmary with a firs aid kit, the nurse had a break for a week so Oboro was taking take of the injured people, She slowly opened the door and saw some people "Oh, this place got quite lively" she said with a sweet smile and left the kit on a desk
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 27 days ago

Rayne looked at Jacque and Hibiki, listening to their conversation before butting in. "You know what, I'm a bit hungry, so I might just go ahead and eat you alive." Rayne smirked at his terrible joke. His face was much less serious at this point, he seemed relaxed, which didn't happen often, especially in large groups of people. "When your not about as useless as a limp noodle, I might just take you on. But don't plan on winning. People with a shorter range never make it close enough to hit me." Rayne looked over at the unconscious idiot that he had beat up a few minutes ago. "That guy, he was pretty fast, uses a hit and run tactic, his weapons being two daggers. He ran right into my scythe, and fell straight to the ground." Rayne started to lean against the nearest wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andele


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hibiki looks at the guy leaning against the wall and raplies to him anoyed "I hate it when people big mouth but......." She looks at the poor guy that just got beat by you "...from what i see here you might be right.....but dont think ill go down as easy as that guy when im healthy again"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jacque merely snorted in amusement as he listened to Hibiki and Rayne before picking up his book from the ground, "Right right, just be a bit careful. I may not be around to carry you to the infirmary next time.". Jacque slid the book into his pocket and checked his wrist watch, then let out a choked sound as he realized just how late it was, "I...I missed nearly three classes..." he muttered in disbelief. Realizing that his third period teacher wouldn't let him in with class already half over, Jacque slumped back in his chair and swiped his hand over his face, "Fuuuck.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Ryubi woken up from her slumber in a series of yawns. She rubbed her eyes with her fingers before looking at the time that read 4 PM and placed the table clock back on the desk. She pushed the bed sheets out of the way and stood up to the floor where the suit immediately dresses her into her kimonos. She took both of her Titan Cores and wrapped them around the obi where they would transform themselves into Roses. Since the suit didn't cover make up, she had to it herself-- taking some of her time and placing beauty products around her face carefully.

She took a few books with her as she prepares herself to head out to attend a literature and language class. She walked out of her dorm and closed the door shut-- taking the lift upstairs and passing by the infirmary to find the door slightly opened and peeked inside. My, there was a lot of people making a ruckus inside of the office. She pushed the door open, greeted by several strangers, the opponent she faced and Andra where she stiffened up. "A-Andra! W-why a-are you here?" What to do for Ryubi? She was nervous from the sight of Andra and literally just wanted to hide herself from her. Maybe if she was going to see her, she should've put more make up on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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That's good.

Eh he he heeeeeee, that's good. That's FUCKING GREAT, NOW HE CANT HAVE A FUCKING CONVERSATION UUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHH! "daniel! you are soooo fucking useless!" He said to himslf, quietly. He was just going to make a friend other than his sister, and well, it was his sister... WAAAAAAAAAAAUUUGHH!

'Okay Daniel, now just aim it at your brain, pull the trigger. It'll be the..biggest pain you've ever felt, but it doesn't get better than this. Right? Streetlight Manifesto? Huh?' He thought, thinking of a random song and band he had NEVER FUCKING HEARD BEFORE. oh well. In fact, it was just a random thought. Which was weird. Was that a reference?

Daniel, on the outside, was grabbing his hair, sweating heavily. He looked at this new girl who had walked in, who was...talking to the beautiful purple-haired girl. NOOOO! MORE COMPETITION! "fuck, no, noooo!" He said, again, quietly. He was still grabbing his hair before realizing, 'bruh. you're a fucking idiot if you think you can get with any girl. this is a yuri harem- i mean, you can do this! just ask the girl a question! no, not that new girl, the OTHER one. NO!' He thought, looking from all the girls in the room to the purple-haired one. He was still sweating. Lots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tsuricube
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Just when she thought the infirmary couldn't get any more crowded than it already was, Andra noticed another figure join the party and looked about ready to bolt out of the door, when she realized who it was. A bright smile appeared on her face and she beamed upon the sight of her friend, "Ryubi! Hello!"

She jogged over to her to get away from the crowd and answered, "Um, I got into a fight and I knocked out the guy, so I came here to ask someone for help with carrying him, but..." Andra turned towards the group and let out a small sheepish laugh, "...things happened right after the other."

Seeing as no one else brought in another unconscious body or said anyhing about passing one by, Andra assumed the male student had woken up and walked away. With that taken care of, she then decided turn her attention towards something else. She noticed the books Ryubi was carrying and inquired with a tilt of her head, "Are you going to class now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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It seems like she's been spotted! Her face flushed already as Andra skipped over to Ryubi with a delicious smile on her face. She covered her mouth with her wrist before the door flung open and Ryubi retreated to the wall adjacent to the door. "Ryubi! Hello!" Her head was steaming with embarrassment as she looked up to greet her.

"H-hi... Andra! Y-y-y-you--" She couldn't even bring herself up to say that she looked good today. Her heat was beating fast, and hopefully it wasn't going to stop on her and make her keel over in an instant.

"Um, I got into a fight and I knocked out the guy, so I came here to ask someone for help with carrying him, but..." She glanced over to the group with a laugh. "... Things happened right after the other."

"Oh my-- Are you hurt Andra?!" She asked loudly, holding her arm before she felt herself becoming incredibly sheepish and started to squeal silently out of the ordinary. "I-I didn't mean to touch youu!! I'm sorry!" She let her hand go and covered her face with some of her books. She wondered what Andra thought about her, how much of an idiot she was probably.

"Are you going to class now?" Andra asked her and she peeked her eyes above the book's cover and nodded as quickly as she could.

"L-language and l-literature... I-I need a break from a-all the f-fighting..." Inside of her wanted to ask Andra to join her to the language and literature class. Would she accept though? It'd also look obvious that Ryubi likes Andra right? Oh the tough decisions! She doesn't know what to do. She stood there waiting for what Andra thought about language and literature, hopefully inviting herself to join Ryubi instead of having her inviting Andra.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andele


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the nurses office filled up more and more Hibiki slowly startet to feel uneasy. She didnt like being around that many people and that is also the reason why Hibiki dosnt go to many classes. She decided to go eat something and stood up. As she saw one of the boys sweating a lot and grabbing his hair she thought that he was the same and didnt like being around many people so she walks over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. "Hey wanna get out of here and go eat something together?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey, wanna get out of here and go eat something together?"

and then champagne rained down from the sky, the angels gave us a heavenly dinner, and it was an amazing time.

At least, in Daniel's head.

Wait, what if she doesn't like the food? Will she get angry? Will it be his fault? Will she go on a rampage? Is this just a friendly dinner, like, no meaning put into it? It feels like it! What if she has second thoughts? Has he failed? NOOOOOOO- stop thinking.

So, Daniel's hands got off his head, but he started sweating much, much more due to this fact of a girl asking him if he wanted to eat. He looked towards this girl, the voice seeming to be the one who called the purple haired one cute.

And then he thought.

Wait, what? If she thinks that other girl is cute, why is she asking him for something to eat? What? Is there something with that?

Nah. He's totally not in denial.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 27 days ago

Rayne walked over to Hibiki and Daniel, looking from one nutcase to another. "You guys mind if I go with you? I don't think this kid can handle being near any sort of female, so it might be good for me to go, ya know, to prevent him from sweating on ya." He let loose a short chuckle, followed by a minuscule groan, in reaction to his stupid comment. "I also want to see what kind of fight this kid can offer."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tsuricube
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The change in character of her friend always amused her, and Andra wondered why she found her so scary in the first place. Seeing Ryubi, who she always admired for being cool and strong, hiding her face behind her books and peeking up with such a timid expression, stuttering in her speech- Andra couldn't help but chuckle, "Ryubi, you're always so interesting." She meant it in a good way of course. "It's cute."

"Language and Literature... A break from fighting sounds nice," was all she could say before a yawn caught her, covering her mouth with her hand. Only then did she realize how much everything had tired her out, especially the battles she had earlier. Having a nap sounded nice. Maybe she'll take one. She refocused back on the conversation at hand, and the thought of going to class with Ryubi popped into her mind. That would be nice... Should I ask? I hope she won't mind...

"Have fun in your class, and um..." she started fiddling with her hands, a habit she had when she was hesitant or unsure, "Do you mind if I... join you one day? I-I'm not good at Language and Literature... but I think it would be fun taking a class with you."

Another yawn escaped her lips, and once again she raised her hand to cover her mouth. "For now though... I think I'll take a nap. It was nice talking to you again," even her smile was a little tired.

Andra turned towards the door, waving good-bye to Ryubi, and was about to leave when she paused in the doorway. She was hesitant, but it just didn't feel right if she didn't do it. With a nod to herself, she turned around.

Though they were busy talking to another guy, Andra peeked her head back in, looking towards the direction of the orange-haired girl and the older male with a yoyo from earlier. She made sure she made eye contact with both of them before doing the same and waved good-bye with a shy smile. With that done, Andra walked away, heading towards her room to take her desired nap in her comfortable bed. Ah, I didn't get their names... I hope I see them again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Andele


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hibiki looks over to the boy with the scythe and then over to Daniel again "Im sorry but i would like to be alone with this dude for a bit. Maybe well find you later and then we can do something together. After our battle ofcorse" Hibiki winks at daniel as she thinks that hes nervous because of all the people around here. In addition to that Hibiki didnt want to be around her next enemie when she tries to think of a strategy how to beat him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Falconi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shelen opened her eyes. I guess i dozed off, she thought. She put her ax away and started to wonder the halls trying to find someone to talk too. Where is everyone? She heard a commotion coming from behind the door that said 'Nurse'. Hmm, I wonder whats going on in there. She slowly opened the door, and peeked inside.
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