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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago

Providence, thank you for actually taking your time to read the Reference Sheet! I am accepting new members, if you are interested please post your CS here.

Cap'n, well what I have everyone do is write up their own introduction. So whatever way you see fit to introduce De is up to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

okay that sounds good, when are we expecting the IC to be up?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As soon as we all go through the arduous process of retyping CSs...*Begins weeping* I'll get on that friday. Not enough time any other day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tzarima
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I had most of my posts saved, but not my character sheets I'm afraid. I'll post them as soon as they're rewritten. (I make no promises about the time that would take, even on my best days I'm still slow). I am also happy with not killing Tathein. It would be such a tragedy now since my chars had started to like him...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago

Well, we can get the IC post up soon, the CS's are immediately important, I just wanted to make sure that you guys understood that they are needed, and will be needed.

I'm having a bit of a struggle trying to write another first IC post, but I'll get it up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago

Tzarima said
I had most of my posts saved...

Tzarima, do you have your last post? The one with Elrithian performing the illusion to distract the bandits?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Providence


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Narcia
Age: 22
Race: Cherod
Gender: Female
Class: Enchanter/Illusionist

Background: Prim, proper, well educated and docile. Born into a Cherod noble's family, Narcia despised the fate that her family had set her on path to. As she grew up, she was never allowed to be like the other children. She couldn't go play, let alone socialize with anyone her age. Instead, she spent countless hours in lessons, shut away from the outside world and learning the history of her people and how to make a perfect noblewoman. She quickly grew into a livid child - and what better focus of her rage than the very thing she was studying? She hated Cherod society. Even more than that, she hated the man who had come to lead it.

Oedethil. The very name caused a visible reaction in a younger Narcia. She continued to grow hating the man, and in her naivete as a teen even daydreamed plans of assassination. She was convinced that if she could just rid her people of the man they thought a god - even just show that he was no more than a mortal - that society would find a way to rebuild itself free from his grasp. Unfortunately for her, her parents inevitably saw this change happening within her. To avoid any negative attention drawn to her family, she was locked into her room and hidden even further away. If they could have, Narcia is sure that they would have killed her and pretended she never existed. A birth in a noble family, though, is not something people forget.

It was then that she met Dasti. A smart slave who was sent repeatedly to her room to give Narcia further lessons. But Dasti's lessons were different. Instead of Charod society, for the first time, Narcia learned about Angard - about other humans who believed far differently from her own people. Dasti and Narcia became quick friends. Narcia was always curious about what happened outside Charod lands - and Dasti being a captive of war was eager to tell her own stories. Narcia couldn't help but feel validated knowing that the majority of people in the world didn't believe Oedethil was anyone to be revered. Dasti didn't stop her lessons there, however. In secret, she taught Narcia small magical cantrips. Narcia showed great promise when it came to magic, and quickly learned everything Dasti could teach her.

When she came of age, her parents had to present her to society for marriage. She attended many a ball, and though she couldn't exactly reject the advances of anyone sent her way, she did her best to make herself unappealing. The easiest way she saw to do that was to let her suitors know of her hate for Oedethil. That same night, Narcia remembers being shaken awake by Dasti. She could hear screams of the servants out in the hall as Dasti put a finger to her lips. She was pulled away, through corridors, past dead bodies and out into the courtyard. She remained silent the entire time, mulling over the fact that she'd caused these deaths in the back of her mind. As they crept closer to the courtyard gates, Dasti stopped and turned to her, whispering words Narcia still hasn't forgotten:

"If anyone deserves a life, it's you. If you remember what I've taught you, you'll be fine." The older woman winked and ran away. Narcia wanted to call out, but she saw what the woman was doing - Dasti ran past the men guarding the gate shouting out a simple enchantment. The men hastily charged after her. Narcia ran as fast as she could out the gates, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Eventually, Narcia found a man named Lazerus that Dasti had called a friend. He hid Narcia within a traveling troupe for a few years before she finally decided to head off on her own. Oedethil was relentless. Never satisfied with leaving her as the one who got away, he has constantly sent mercenary groups to track the movements of an out-of-place Cherod girl. Narcia eventually left the troupe once she'd learned how to hide herself well, fearing that she was only a burden to them. Since, she's been a traveling entertainer, constantly running from the groups that Oedethil sends after her.


Narcia has everything conventionally beautiful about her: A defined face, porcelain-like skin, gleaming violet eyes. She's in fairly good shape due to all the traveling she's done, but she isn't fit for combat in the slightest. She's very slim with the body of an acrobat, and the agility to match from her days as a performer. She generally has a very stony-eyed look about her.

Narcia keeps to herself quite a bit. Around those she comes to trust, she opens up and is known to be a very energetic person. Around those she doesn't know, Narcia generally puts on a guise of being strictly business with a bit of mockery dashed in. She enjoys company quite a bit, but hates that she usually becomes a burden for those she sticks around simply because of her past. This sometimes causes her to become depressed - wishing she'd just been the docile girl she was supposed to be - but she would never outwardly admit to it.

She's all but given up on a normal life. She's never met anyone she really cared for beyond friends, and she knows that she can't settle down until Oedethil is dead or stops chasing her, anyway. She has determined that if an opportunity ever presents itself she will find a way to topple Oedethil.

Equipment: Narcia wears normal comfortably fitting commoner clothing for the most part. She carries a cloak with her to hide her face if she ever needs to. As far as weapons she carries a small dagger with her hidden under her cloak that she tries her hardest not to use. She also carries a lute with her which she uses for performances.

Magic: Narcia is well practiced in illusions and enchantments.

Spectral Chains: Narcia summons spectral chains to hinder movement of a would-be pursuer. However, they generally can't keep someone still - only slow an advance.

Evanescence Narcia warps light in order to make an object (or even a person) invisible. The larger the object, the more concentration this takes - and she generally can't multitask while doing this.

Light Shield Narcia creates a quick outward flash of light around an object or person, blinding any would-be attacker before their approach.

Illusory Cage Narcia creates a cage of ethereal light around someone or something. If someone were to attempt to move through the cage, they suffer a mental assault.

Change Sound Narcia can modify what her target hears. This can be complete silence to unbearable screeching.

Other Tidbits: Narcia has learned quite a bit of performance from the troupe. She's quite good at performance magic, but more often her performance was centered around her singing and lute playing - something she had started long before as part of her lessons.
If there's anything that needs to be changed, let me know and I'll change it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah, she'll fit right in!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago

I have to agree with Rtron! Your CS is accepted Providence! Welcome to the group!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago


Name: Sevine V'arg-tuk the Witch
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Angardian
Class: Witch

Background: Sevine V'arg-tuk was born in the backwoods of Angard, in a small mountainside hamlet called Yr'tahm. There, her grandmother, Isadra, raised her from birth. Her mother, Karina passed away giving birth to Sevine. And her father, Grun, died from a logging accident six months prior to her birth. Isadra used to tell Sevine that she had never believed in true love, until she watched Karina grow from a child into a young and beautiful woman with Grun at her side.

As Sevine progressed through childhood, Isadra made sure that Sevine was well educated. But educated in a way that not many were. She taught Sevine how to identify herbs in her garden, how to tend to them, how to dry the herbs for later uses, even how to concoct potions using a bowl and pestle. In Yr'tahm, being a "witch" was something to be proud of. The villagers in her hometown believed that witches were healers, and instruments of Anora, the Goddess of the hearth, fertility, love and the harvest. They respected Isadra and the young Sevine. There were many a time when Isadra acted as a midwife to some of the birthing women in Yr'tahm. On such occasions, Isadra made sure that Sevine came along to watch such a miraculous event.

Eventually, the day came when Sevine became a woman. She was but 20 when she left her comfortable stone cottage with Isadra, to seek prosperity in the capital city, Kvechuk. There, she continued her work under another witch in an apothecary. Here, Sevine was taught the magical aspects that come with being a witch. How to curse, or benefit someone, how to confuse the mind with illusions and alterations. She studied with the woman for two additional years before earning enough yuns to open her own store.

For the next two years, Sevine worked in her own apothecary that was situated in the market district. She was known to have a few noble men and women visit her from time to time, majorly looking for love potions.

Appearance: The picture displayed is a close resemblance to Sevine. She is tall, standing at 5'10. Sevine has a womanly body that draws attention from men almost too often. Her red hair is wispy and long, although she mainly keeps it in a loose braid. Her appearance can sometimes be a bit frightening when she is red in the face, sweating, and cover in dirt, muck, and grime, as she is known to be. Sevine just can't help herself, she loves the smell of dirt and grass. Her fingertips are stained a ruddy brown from grinding the plants in her bowl.

Her eyes are large and full of energy, and that may be her high activity level. She just can't sit still! Either her eyes are roaming, and observing with detail, or her mouth is running a mile a minute. Although, Sevine does have her moments when she can come off as a bit aloof. She may seem distant, or even in a dream-like trance.

Because she is a witch, Sevine can put herself under a trance and scry for information or people. This is very taxing on her body and leaves her aching and exhausted.

-1 One Blue Linen Dress
-1 One Leather Pouch (empty)
-1 One Pair of Brown Leather Boots
-1 One set of Leather Bracers
-1 One Brown Linen Cloak
-1 One Wooden Stave
-1 One Steel Dagger

Magic: (WIP)

Other Tidbits: Sevine likes to eat bugs. She does this so that she can assess their properties by taste, how she does this, no one seems to understand.

Sevine has a horse, a palamino mare named Araiha. She has Araiha since she was but a foal. The bond she shares with her is special to Sevine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago


Name: Rhaedin Syvrelle
Age: 289EY = 28HY
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Warrior

Background: Rhaedin grew up in an educated home to educated parents. Her mother, Irimara Syvrelle studied magic, and the use of magical enchantments. Irimara's skill was renowned throughout Aerusya, although she never ventured outside the protective barrier that is the Dark Forest. She worked her way to the top, eventually earning a place within the court of King Eyres.

As a child, Rhaedin received instruction in magic from her mother, and from her father, she received lessons in weapons and politics. During her childhood, her father Azereth acted as the Diplomat for Oradea. He frequented Cherod and Angard, working to keep the Kings of both provinces happy and peaceful, which as we all know, can be a very hard, and stressful thing to do. With that being said, Azereth was not at home as often as his wife.

Then, just when Rhaedin turned 200, she had risen in the ranks in the Elven Royal Guard, when her father disappeared. He never came back from a diplomatic trip to Cherod. Weeks passed before Cherod sent a letter to King Eyres, inquiring after Azereth. He had failed to alert the guards of his departure. No one knows why it took so long for Cherod to respond to the missing diplomat. Horrified at the loss, Rhaedin turned from the world, and cloaked herself in darkness. For twenty five years, Rhaedin grieved for her father. He had been her companion, her mentor in life, and without him, she felt lost.

During this grieving cycle, Rhaedin journeyed all across Aerusya. She has seen the Lights of Lyrem in northern Angard. And she has feasted with Rakasha's in the Darath Desert under a full moon. Rhaedin even got the chance to eat dinner with the King before Oedithil, King Alexei Kallus, as they sat on a pavillion over-looking the South Bay of Cherod.

When she deemed that she had grieved enough for her father, Rhaedin returned home, where King Eyres welcomed her with open arms back into Elven society. Eyres understood that Rhaedin, being born of such noble birth, and with parents as skilled as hers, that she would make a decent Diplomat for Oradea. With that being said, he allowed her to return to the Elven Guard as Captain. and from there, she has remained amongst the Elves.

Appearance: Rhaedin stands at 6'0 with tanned skin, and a calm expression practically etched into her face. More than often, you can catch a ghost of a smile upon her face. Her eyes, the colour of fading sunlight, a pallid yellow, are empty, distant, and somewhat dreamy. She has an aquiline nose that is prominent and sharp. The most knowledgeable attribute about Rhaedin is her hair. There's just so much of it! One would think the simplest solution would be to cut the damned hair. But that isn't the case. Her hair, the colour of deep mahogany, is thick as her fist when pulled into a cord or ribbon. It's wavy and free-flowing, with an endless feel to it.

Although Rhaedin was born to a high-ranking family, she does not exert any outward expression or feelings of coming from such a birth. In fact, Rhaedin could care less who her parents were, or how much coin they have. Instead, Rhaedin is a more direct person. Her tone of voice is controlled, flat, and fair. She seeks what is fair and right, instead of seeking for victory. From her time spent with the Elven Guard and as acting Diplomat, Rhaedin has learned the arts of war. If there is anything that you could count on Rhaedin for, it would be her sense of tactics.

-1 One Silver Sword
-1 One Long Bow with 14 Steel Tipped Arrows
-1 One Pair of Black Leather Boots
-1 One Pair of Silver Shin Guards
-1 One Set of Silver Bracers
-1 One Set of Steel Chainmail
-1 One Silver Breastplate
-1 One Dark Green Cloak
-1 One Black Tunic
-1 One Silver Helm

Magic: (WIP)

Other Tidbits: Rhaedin owns a horse named Asper. He is a 5 year old stallion with a dark bay coat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gah. I'll get my Zal sheet up sometime this weekend or monday at the latest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

My sheet will be up sometime today, hopefully in a few hours.

It'll be a different character than previously however.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago

Great! In that case, I'll get started on my post, it should be up later today, and if not today (there's no reason that it shouldn't be up today) then definitely tomorrow!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name || Orion Gallilea Duvain
Age || 27
Gender || Male
Race || Angardian/Elf Halfblood.
Class || Scout/Assassin


Orion is a tall, yet built man standing at 6'3, his long arms and broad shoulder's almost always crossed across his chest. A thin line is almost always pressed onto his tanned, almost reflective peach skin, rather than a toothy grin. Though, that is almost always covered anyway due to his delicate and very precious mask. One that is very intricate with it's designs, yet mysterious as to it's background. His fiery amber eyes are normally as calm as the water's that flow within the dark forest, but hide a deep sadness behind them, one that is not easily noticed, even to the trained eye. His hair is a short, and ruffled black tuft. He can easily run his hand through it and call it a day.

He appears at ease almost at all times, especially in combat. He finds an inner peace and exhibits it, not letting his anger cloud his judgment, not after what had happened beforehand. Though he had been raised as an Angardian, he still has a slight elf accent, giving a calm tone to his deep voice. He prefers to keep his hood on as much as he can, covering his pointed ears, and hiding his identity.

- A Pair of Golden Elven Gauntlets
- Leather Chest Armor
- Teal Cloaked Hood (Father's)
- Angardian Arrow Holster
- 5 Small Copper Tipped Arrows
- 3 Dark Ember Tipped Arrows
- Long Bow (Gifted to him by an innkeeper)
- Small Flask of Poison
- Mother's Face Mask, With Golden Imprints.
- 4 Small Throwing Daggers
- Dagger Sheath
- Sharpened Amber Sword
- Lightweight Leather Boots
- Water Canteen With Dragon Patterns

Other Tidbits
Orion has a sleek black and white spotted mountain horse the age of 7, named Davrel. He had taken it from his fathers stables just before leaving to visit his mother, and has kept it ever since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago

Nightwing, I thought you were going to be a Rakasha? Well no matter. There is just a slight problem with your CS.

I'm afraid that the Glass Bow infused with Dragon's Blood cannot be allowed at this point in time. None of our other participants possess enchanted weapons, if I were to allow you to keep the bow, it would upset the balance of fair play. The Amber Sword makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I think I'll tolerate it due to the fact that this is a player immersive roleplay. However, you would have to explain how you obtained the sword. I believe finding anything Amber related would come from the Darath Desert, where the Rakasha are from, or even in Southern Cherod.Plus, Dragon's are extinct at this point in time, they have been since the end of the 1st Age. It would be difficult for one to obtain Dragon's Blood.

I'm also a bit hestitant as to whether or not to allow the Elven Gauntlets, seeing as how no one has anything stronger than Steel, which even then is expensive. I know that I gave Rhaedin some silver pieces, but mind you silver is not as strong as steel.

And the last thing, (I'll let you keep the gauntlets and the gold-lined lightweight boots if you can tell me how) How did Orion get the coin to purchase everything he has? It certainly would have cost him a well over a thousand gold pieces for the gauntlets, amber sword, and the gold-lined boots. One more thing about those boots, you mentioned they were Gold-Lined, but what else are they made of? Steel, iron, leather?

But fear not! I love everything else about your CS, especially the emotional history you bring with Orion. (:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, I'll gladly change it a bit. I was going to be a Rakasha, as I was before, but I couldn't do my other character justice, so I ended up with Orion.

I'll edit this post and mention when I'm done with the editing process.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MacabreFox
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

Member Seen 2 days ago

Thank you (: Ah, you know sometimes that happens.

Ok, I edited the crap out of the Reference Sheet, so it looks a bit more tidy than it did before. Also, I have decided to remove the Fauns from the character roster. I'm thinking about replacing them with a group of people that live in Almeria, the independent city-state in the Darath Desert.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nightwing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

MacabreFox said
Ok, I edited the crap out of the Reference Sheet, so it looks a bit more tidy than it did before. Also, I have decided to remove the Fauns from the character roster. I'm thinking about replacing them with a group of people that live in Almeria, the independent city-state in the Darath Desert.

That sounds like a good idea, there doesn't seem to be too much interest in Fauns unfortunately. This group of people would no doubt be hardy, if they are living in Almeria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tzarima
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Macabre, I do have that post saved, tell me if you need me to post it somewhere. The CSs are in progress, but inspiration is being a bitch right now. If needed I will post my commented skeleton just so the new people know something about who my characters are.
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