Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 10 days ago

Cloudhaven - Market District
Affected Players: Pyotr, Isaac

"You just wait and see. Tomorrow, we should have more than enough proof. Unless I use a certain trick up my sleeve, in which case you'll be the one hungry before long!" Xris said with flourish. He could get used to this acting thing. Maybe he should a mix of acting and acrobatics. Not only would that be fun, but it would put more than enough food in his belly. Now there's an idea.

"You missed 'Rambler of Redundancy' in your list of jobs for yourself." Xris said with a twinkle in his eye, then he turned to Isaac.
"Nice to meet you. Besides being a baron of, err, benevolence, what do you do?" Xris asked curiously. "If you don't mind me asking."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Ze'en'nan was taken aback by the girl just slightly, more taken aback on how courageous the girl was. Here they were, in a world which they could be killed easily at a moment's notice, and this girl just walked up to some complete stranger and decided to talk to him. That was courageous, or stupid. Zen couldn't really tell at this point.

In fact, Zen couldn't tell what the intentions of this girl was. Did she want to kill him? No, didn't seem like it. Did she want to rob him? Probably not. Perhaps she was flirting? At the thought of that, that just made Zen chuckle inside of his head. As Zen began to slowly process the data, Zen stared at the girl, not leaving his eyes off of her at any point. He was unsure what to do, what to say, but he knew he had to say something.

"I..." Zen left his mouth slightly open as he thought of the next words to say, his eyes darting up to the sky as he tried to think. Zen's eyes than slowly went down to the girl before he opened his mouth all the way. "I... do not have a guild, as of yet, unfortunately." Zen turned his head to the side as he was about to utter the next few words out of shame. "In fact... I don't have a special class made by Gaia for me yet, I'm still stuck with the Warrior class..." Zen spoke the sentence quietly, hoping that the girl wouldn't be able to pick up what he just said, but Zen knew she heard it loud and clear.

Zen then turned his head to look back at the girl before finally taking a step back, bowing deeply to show respect and formality, even though really, he didn't need to bow so deeply. Zen held this bow for five seconds before coming back up, holding his hand out, his face unwavering. "It is nice to meet you, Everglade, and you may call me whatever you may. May our growing friendship last for eternity."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hibiki No Echo

Hibiki No Echo Yo.

Member Seen 12 days ago

CloudHaven - Cloudhaven Sewers
Affected Players - Prince, Eira

As he jumped from building to building, searching for an entrance to the sewer. It was on the other side of the damn city! When he did find, not only did he step in some disgusting fluid as soon as he got in but he had to deal with some gross green monster that doesn't know what courtesy is! He has no just found out it is called an orc. And so cue the ass-kicking and annoying as hell grinding he had to do just to be able to get away from them. Horrible thing was that there was even more monsters to deal with. Down to the last one, charging forward he punched the creature in the stomach, he punched again and again until the poor thing was dizzy as hell. Just as it was going to recover from said dizziness Chrys decided to be a humiliating asshole and do a drop kick to the face. "Round one goes to me!" As he put himself in a defensive taunting stance, his body had a slight blue glow while he started to bark out some rather... vulgar words which could only translate in the most nicest way possible as "What the hell was that!? C'mon, let me show you some basic moves!" Looks like the taunting worked and the orc seemed to try and shake off any dizziness it had, doing it very best to strike at the young speedster.

"Eat this!" Grabbing the orc's arm as it swung it's green and disgusting arm towards him, intending to hit him with the wooden club in its hand, Chrys followed up with a mid kick to the stomach before sliding under between it's legs. "This is over!" With a left handed slash to the back, another slash with his right blade before spinning again with his left hand to knock the bestial monster away from him. As he watched it disintegrate into data particles which we like the stars under the cloudless night, he looked around. This place was... gross. The place was dimly lit and the water on the side was... murky. The pipes were full of mold that if touched could probably burn a person's skin. The silent squishing sound that one could hear as they walked on the concrete slabs. The monsters were no better either, ranging from gigantic tarantulas, orcs and really really ugly anthropomorphic toads.. "Gross..." He muttered. He was not amused. Swiping a menu open and pointing at the little envelope icon with wings, he started to record a message from his voice along with a video. "Hey, if you got this then it means I'm in the sewers already. Meet me here in a few minutes. Be careful at the entrance though. See you." With that he sent it to his two party members.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cloudhaven Market District
Affected Players - Aeona, Serena

Serena Landsworth, a Light Knight. Aeona stifled a laugh, amused as she let her hand drop. Two knights with opposite affinities encounter each other. Well, at least Serena seemed sweet. Aeona doubted the other was a PK, with that small stature. So she wasn't an immiedate threat to her well-being. She curiously peered at the smaller female, taking in her words and her hopeful eyes. Serena wanted to be her teammate?

"Sure!" The words flew out of her mouth before Aeona could decide on the most logical choice.

Serena was honestly taken aback slightly. She didn't expect an answer so easily, or quickly though she had thought the woman would at least think for more than a moment or two before answering. The shock, however, turned into happiness. Happy to have a partner to share her journeys with. "I'm glad to have you with me, Aeona." Serena made a happy smile and then attempted to reach for Aeona's shoulder, just barely reaching it but couldn't do the pat as she intended. After relenting, she asked Aeona another question, "What class are you?"

Aeona brightened up when Serena smiled. It was like a burst of sunshine and rainbows; refreshing enough to make her swoon. She was so caught up by this appetizing girl that she didn’t even notice the other trying to pat her shoulder to no avail. However, she was jolted out of her thoughts when she heard the words ‘class’ and ‘you’. “Oh. I’m a Death Knight,” she said, grinning. “To be more specific, I use blood runes for my magic,” she added.

"Ahh," Serena said. "It's kind of funny. We happen to be the opposite type of characters, but are both knights." She laughed a bit at that but then calmed down a little bit. "Well then, where do you think we need to do? We could always go run on a quest or something. We're in a game, might as well play it."

"Mmm, that would be nice," she thoughtfully said. "Ah, we should be in a party first." Aeona swiped over the air, a menu popping up in front of her. It was her first time adding another player as her friend of party member, so it took her a few minutes to get around the system. After a few mumbles and swipes, a notfication appeared in front of Serena.

[Party Request From Aeona]
[Accept] [Decline]

"Finally," Aeona muttered. "Let's split up and look for quest. Ah, also remember to buy some healing things...After all, this game is our reality now," she added, a dry chuckle escaping her lips. "PM me when you find something~"

Serena accepted the party invite. "Good good." She said after the Death Knight told her plan."I shall do so. She saluted Aeona and went off. She looked for something, anything really. . . Well, anything their level. . . She never actually looked to see if they were equally leveled, but assumed so. "Hmm. . . Where to look first."

After a few minutes of searching, Aeona was around the outskirts of the town. A small girl bumped into her, tears pouring from her eyes. "Why are you crying?" she asked, somewhat curious.

"I-I lost my puppy!" the girl choked out, rubbing her eyes as she continued to weep.

"Oh, really," she said, quite uninterested. She prepared to leave, since she didn't really want to deal with a crying kid.

"W-wait! Can you find him? He went in the forest but mama told me I can't go in there!"

A quest notification menu popped up.

[I lost my puppy!]
[Find lost puppy in Forest]
[Rewards: 700 gold, blaidkyetrghaawhkahgeg]

"Ooh, cool."

Serena walked through town, trying to find a quest. It was busy. So busy, she kind of wondered just how many people were gone. . . Gone as in 'dead' of course. "I'm not finding anything over here. I wonder if Aeona's found anything. Actually, I don't think I've used the PM system here yet, really." She brought up a PM to Aeona, "Have you found anything yet?. . . And send!" Off went the message. . .

After accepting the litle girl's request (and telling her to go cry somewhere else), she recieved a PM from Serena. "Yup, I'll meet you near the Forest." She sent the message and sat there, waiting.

"Alright." Serena said as she started towards the Forest. She reached there finally, "Sorry about the delay. I guess, I forgot to ask, but what's the quest?"

Aeona smiled, waving at Serena as she shared the quest details with her. "Some girl wants us to find her puppy. It's in the forest," she said, looking at the dense woods. She had no idea what would be in there. Usually, these types of quests had some nasty trick. "Who knows, maybe there will be a horde of butt-ugly monsters waiting for us." A dry laugh escaped her lips as she stood up.

Serena smiled, albeit cockily, "Nothing my shield can't guard from!" She was excited about it to say the least. She finally had some decent damage output. Now it wouldn't take all day just to beat one little monster. . . Well, that may be an exaggeration, but it was about the same as she thought. "Well, I'm ready when you are." She readied her shield and smiled at Aeona.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

CloudHaven || Market District --> Sewers

Humming softly as he walked along, the feline's ears perked a little as a soft chime ringed in them, indicating he received a message. Opening his player menu, his finger swiped to his inbox and clicked on the little envelope with wings. His teal eye curiously looking over the video that played Chrys's message. With a smirk, he closed his menu before picking up his pace toward the sewers. His hands on his belt as his feet carried him through the city and he danced around any people in his path.

Sewers, not the most pleasant place to have a quest at, especially with the usual poison inflicting monsters, but a quest was a quest.

Eventually, he reached the entrance to the sewers. Some green fluid laying about the ground, and his teal eye spotted some newly generated monsters looming closer. One that looked like a anthropomorphic toad. Another the basic dark green slime that was just a ball of goo.

Sniffing the air a little, his nose curled at the smell of the sewers, the utter putrid stench of filth, slime, and complete utter shit basically. Still, he could smell the kid's faint scent but not the Druid. So he would wait at the entrance for her, so at least she would have some sort of escort through these monsters.

Meanwhile, he smirked as the toad croaked and made a lunge for him. Dancing around him in one swift movement, his hands quickdrawed his dual guns, shooting them in rapid succession at his opponent. All the while avoiding swings by a club, or a tongue trying desperately to snap at him. As well as avoid the goog enemy that seemed hellbent in launching goody tentacles at him.

"Sorry buddies, but I'm not into the whole tentacle fetish." Prince laughed, winking a little as he shot another round, leaping away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Mmm? You..." the girl cocked her head to the side. He'd dropped off mid-sentence, and curiosity was something that often got the better of her. The words that did come out made her frown a little, though it didn't last for very long at all. "Hey, I don't either, like I said. Maybe we could look for one together? I don't know, do you even want to be in a guild? Doesn't seem you're with anyone here...no party-members around. But...hey. unfortunately means you don't want to be alone, I'm presuming. Yeah, I think I'll have your back. You seem pretty cool."
She smirked now and tossed her head back to gaze up at the sky. The day was crawling on pretty fast. The sun which had been overhead a while ago had moved across the sky, approaching its setting-place on the horizon surely. Slowly, but surely. Night would fall. This would be the night of the beginning. The night where everyone would have to be on their best guard. The night where survival meant more than anything. And tonight wasn't a night you could go alone.

She tuned in to just catch the last bits of his sentence and his turning away, and though the actions made her brow furrow for just a minute, it was dismissed with a motion of her hand. "Hey. A warrior isn't so bad. I think it's promising. I think...I think it's exciting. You can get to work on yourself, to be whatever you want to be. The game decides based on your abilities, right? Gaia does, that is. Think of it this way. Maybe you're equally good at everything, so the game would let you decide, mm? Heh...if I had a choice, I'd totally be some bowman on a horse, riding it around and shooting people left and right. But in a world like this, they've got guns too. Bows...just don't cut it anymore." she sighed a little here, her fingers moving to her bangs and pushing them back by running through them as she looked up at the man with another smile just after, though smaller, more sincere. "It's really okay. I think it won't be long before Gaia tells you what you are."

Her smile widened when he turned back to face her, and she chuckled a little when he did indeed bow so low. She was tempted to follow suit, the man meant no harm after all. But refrained, if only just for the moment. "It's very nice to meet you too, fancy-pants. Haha, no, I'm only joking. Zen. That sounds a lot nicer. And hey, we're friends now, are we?" her eyebrow rose and she waved her hand in an arc, bringing up the menu. A friend for the night was invaluable.
No, not in that way!
Her hand hovered over the friend request button and she tapped and waved, bringing up the sheet and pressing send to the man's inventory. Though, she wouldn't admit, she had to stare at his name on his profile and copy it down symbol for symbol, letter for letter, even making a mistake, before she got it right. She pressed send, and the message would glitter up on the man's dashboard.

"Lovissa Everglade would like to add you as a friend. Do you accept?
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