Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Currently, Jalo thought himself very lucky; his surplus of energy was paying off as he continued breaking down doors, becoming quicker at it the more he did. While he had to focus on what he was doing, he had heard snippets of what was happening on the intercom. What he heard terrified and disgusted him, and he was glad that other subjects seemed to be heading down towards the noise. Subject 027 thought it would be best to get as many as he could out as soon as possible, before security came down. But he didn't want to think of what would happen when they military finally did catch on to the outbreak, and continued focusing on his work instead.
Jalo had formed a pattern of how he broke down doors, moving in a zigzag counting downwards. He couldn't remember if patterns had ever been this important to him before, but now he found them giving him a sense of security. It was a plan, something he could rely on. Eventually he heard doors banging, and what sounded like muffled yelling from the other side of cell 006. However, dedicated to his pattern, he started with cell 007. "Kcab evom!" He yelled, voice still slightly hoarse from a breakdown he had earlier in the week. He knew they probably didn't understand it, but hoped they had gotten the message. In a few minutes the door was a mess of twisted metal, and he only caught a glimpse of 007 before turning to the next cell. What he did see startled him, however, and reminded him of how un-intimidating he was. Sure, he had height, but his scrawny figure made him look more like a twig than a tower. He hoped that the man realized that he was another subject rather than a guard and didn't attack, though nothing as guaranteed.
Once he had taken care of 006's door, he stood there looking at her for a moment, realizing she probably couldn't see. While it was pretty apparent that her door was down, Jalo still felt as if he should say something. "...Okay." The word was quietly spoken and sounded forced, but at least it was understandable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Skylar heard people, running around, trying to escape. He heard the same person, who started the intercom, talk, he would try to find Skylar, and save him too, but Skylar would be easier to find, if he got out of the cage. He had to think up something to get out of this cage, he wanted to help the other people. With his new found body, he could probably get the people out of the cells. Then something came to him, someone had to bring him food, or else he would've died by now. So Skylar would wait for the person to come, and trick them, somehow.

A little later on, this man came, with a doggy bowl, being an asshole, giving Skylar food in a doggy bowl. "Here you go, little wolfy, mutt, bastard." Skylar started to hunch over, like he was sick. Falling for it, the man opened the cage, "Hey get up, you FREAK!" He was about to slap Skylar, but grabbing the knife between his teeth, Skylar slashed at the man, cutting off his middle finger. "You...what the FUCK!" The man dropped back, against the wall, he would bleed out soon. Skylar, still with the knife in his mouth, jumped out of the cage. "*Growl*, now who's the mutt bastard! *Growl*" Skylar got on all fours, and he started to sprint away, going so fast, that it looked like he was gliding. ~This new human body is great~. Skylar thought, it was the body, that made his this strong, and fast, and smart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Subject Six pressed her ear to her door, hearing metal cry out and screech, as if it were being unnaturally twisted and ripped apart. She gritted her teeth, pressing her eyes more firmly together as she put her hands back up to her head and stepped back. The screeching stopped momentarily, and then it came from right in front of her. Was someone ripping the door to shreds? Twisting it forcefully open? It would have to be someone much stronger than her to do that. Fearful, she took a few more steps back, letting her hands fall until the metallic sound stopped. There was a pause until she heard an unsure voice say “Ok”. She hesitated, but tentatively stepped forward, reaching out with her right hand to feel if the door was still there. Her hand felt nothing where the door once was and an unsure smile came to her lips. She still had no idea how to escape, but at least the door was gone. ”Thank you!” she said, feeling the tips of her fingers hit someone, who she could only assume was her savior at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phantori


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There was so much noise outside...I heard crashing, shouts, muffled voices over the intercom, where something gross seemed to be going on in on of the cells. It seemed everyone else was escaping, but no one came for me. I felt tears drip down my face as I was overcome by a feeling of desperation and then, slowly, a buzzing anger. "Please...please...LET ME OUT!!!" I felt something snap inside and I screamed, my entire body consumed by a burning sensation. All I could see was red, and then it faded, to be replaced with a strange lightness, like something was...oh. OH.

Yes, I was definitely missing some parts. I was taller, though, and lightly muscled, which I definitely hadn't been before. I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, but only the laughter came out, mad-sounding and loud. I punched the door and it buckled, tearing away from its hinges. No, no, no, I should wait! I should wait and ask the man on the intercom! I thought, but it dwell in the back of my mind, the urge to escape and kill whoever did this taking precedence over everything else. I had no control over my body as it punched the door again, sending it flying out into the hallway. As I (or my body, more like) stepped from the cold, confining cell, I laughed again and pumped my fists. ...pumped my fists? I don't think I've ever had enough confidence to do something like that...

I heard growling coming from nearby and looked over as a little boy with wolf ears and a tail came barreling out of nowhere, slamming into me and throwing me to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After having listened to others speak over the intercom then escape, 003 quickly decided that if others could. Why not give it a try? Exhaling slowly to slow his breathing, the tall male punched his right fist forward into the air. Blue 'flames' shooting forward at the door although he couldn't raise the temperature of something, he could certainly lower it a little. Eyebrows furrowed downwards in concentration as the cell door, the door slowly freezing over. Once almost all of the door was covered in the icy flames produced, 003 pulled back on his small attack. Lifting his right leg and kicking the door hard, enough that it fell to the ground with a loud thud, the hinges having broken into tiny pieces from his little mischief. Grabbing the wakizashi blade that he had stolen once during testing, the silver haired male hid it within his clothing as best he could but leaving enough room for him to quickly draw the weapon should he need to. Simply leaving the small room he let out a sigh of both happiness and relief, it wasn't like he needed to go back into that hell hole of a room for anything now. Besides, if he was correct with what he was hearing, others were getting out of their cell's not long after him.

This. Was. Awesome! At least it was in terms of what he could remember, it was like a child in a candy shop at Christmas. That was the thought passing through 003's head as he sprinted down the seemingly endless halls. But it wasn't long before his ears caught wind of shouting, along with the breaking down of scraping metal. Which meant only one thing, others were already out and freeing each other. Well, that partly saved him a job. Still, they didn't have long until the guards caught up with what was going on and would eventually come storming down here in large numbers. Not good. The best option was to get everyone together, then get the fuck out of here as fast as was humanly possible (or super-human however you look at it). The problem was getting everyone together, but he didn't have time to dwell on that right now. He'd just have to do what he could, after all, he didn't remember ever being so heartless as to leave people behind who had been stuck in this place like him. Stopping briefly, he spotted a male just standing there in what was once appeared to be a doorway, quickly moving closer he saw a girl not too far away from him. Although it appeared as if she couldn't see at the moment, or was simply blind. One of the two, poor thing. Moving over towards them he spoke, his tone light despite the current critical situation at hand. "Ya really think this is the best time to be just standing there?" 003 questioned, a sly smile gracing his expression as slitted eyes peered forward towards the pair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There was another moment of silence from Jalo as he tried to figure out how to say what he wanted to. He was finding it near impossible to get his thought across, and just nodded his head, "Yes." It was incredibly frustrating for him to not be able to communicate as he wanted, and figured he would find it necessary to not talk unless necessary. More cells were free and the sound of things breaking continued, suggesting that more inmates were breaking free. He was grateful for this as he felt his energy slowly draining.

He jumped at hearing another voice behind him and turned around, having a discarded door in the air and ready to use as a weapon. They didn't look like a guard, however, and after being able to process what he said Jalo shook his head. "Thgir." He mumbled, lowering the door back to the ground. He didn't have the time to pinpoint why the other intimidated him, and although they would be escaping together he just hoped they wouldn't have much communication. Not that he would be having much communication with anyone with the way he was talking.

Jalo motioned to other numbers down the hall, trying to get across that there were more cells that hadn't been opened. As far as he knew, nobody was working down that end. He looked back at the blind girl before moving onto more cells down the line. She couldn't see, but it seemed like she could still hear. If she really wanted to she could follow his sounds, at least; it wasn't like he was being quiet with it. For the first time since he had woken up, 027 was enjoying using his abilities. He knew this amount of use would catch up with him soon, but the fact that he was doing it on his own free will instead of being commanded to made all the difference.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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"Hey, buddy" Bone says slapping Blades face a bit, he then tosses his pants to Runa, and takes the Guards pants. Bone hears the others, "We should probably get to stepping, Kids" he says synching the belt of his pants and punching a new hole to synch the belt tighter. He looks down the hall way, then back at Runa "You should take the pigs shirt. Uhh... 002." Bone says looking away, to be polite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Subject Six tilted her head slightly when the man seemed to struggle to say the simple word ‘yes’. She wondered if the modifications done to him had affected his speech, poor guy. At least she could still make her wishes known easily even if she couldn’t see without destroying everything. With more footsteps approaching, she turned towards them before the man spoke, nodding as he said they shouldn’t just be standing there. She blushed a little, not having meant to just stand there, but she’d been sort of waiting for someone to follow. Her rescuer said something that sounded like a foreign language and began moving in one direction. Six came to the conclusion that English wasn’t his first language, thus his hesitation with words. She had no idea what he was speaking though. ”I’ll follow,” she explained to the man who had shown up second as she turned and felt the wall next to her, jogging slowly as her fingers ran along the wall, follow the footsteps until she could find her way out. She could only hope she didn’t run into anybody or anything and trip. But she was listening to the other footfalls carefully over all the chaos happening, wanting desperately to escape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 7 mos ago

066 flinced as he was slapped.
"you did not had to do that you know, just help me get up and give me that guy's sword, cant risk that ability again if I get rested up a little"
066 was already trying to force himself up trough he hardly got his chest of the ground.

002 had been quite for a little, the scare of it all was still solid in her mind but she was beginning to to get the gist of what was happening, they were escaping.
quickly she pulled on the man's pants, trough she had to look at him when he pulled it off as he was not wearing underwear, she wondered why she was not just wearing the dead coaled corps clothes to begin with when she was told to pull on that dead guys shirt, something she did quickly anyway, now was not the time to be picky of clothing.
Hearing her savior ask for the dead man's sword, she pulled it off the man's belt, or what was left of it and strapped it gently to 066's pants.

066 looked into the 002 cell, finding the busted speaker, it gave him an idea and he was sure he needed to be quick.
"010, get me to that speaker, the guards would be aware that were out by now, so lets get everyone together"

When he would reach the thing he would touch it and send his mind into the system again, he hacked into all the cell's speakers, he was sure all the doors would be open by now so he put the sound as hard as he could so that it would be a massage that those in the hall would hear.
<my fellow survivors, we did it, but were not clear yet, were free from the cells but now we need to get the hell out of this hole, lets all work together on that end, come to the lower cell numbers, 010 and 002 are here with me at 002's former cell, were teaming up before the guards get here>

after that he disconnected himself again and sat down on the ground with some help, waiting for the others to show up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looking at the pair it was clear to him, well, at least somewhat that they hadn't meant to just be standing there. With how things were looking, if he hadn't been in here for as long as he head, it might have been a little different. Then again, people reacted differently to situations. Thankfully he was a very quick thinker, it was something he had been told while he was in this hell hole. That he adapted very well to new situations and managed to acted within a few seconds of them happening, a very useful trait indeed. With things as they were, 003 knew they wouldn't get a better shot at getting the hell out of here. If they were caught? Well, it was all over. They'd most likely double the security around here along with guards in here twenty four seven. Ugh. Not a pleasing thought, not at all. Returning his attention to the situation at hand, Shin (or so he was named) arched an eyebrow curiously at what the male had said. It took him a moment to work out just what the boy (or so he appeared to be) was saying, only then realizing he was speaking backwards. Interesting, maybe the experiments had affected him in such a way? Poor thing. "What are both your numbers, can't help if I don't know who I'm speaking to now can I?" 003 asked seriously, he needed to know after all.

Glancing at the young girl as she tried to follow, his grin faded for a moment. For some reason unknown to him, he didn't like seeing her suffer to get around like that. Shaking his head back quickly, he might as well be the gentlemen here right? "Hey, here." He said, although slowly. He took a hold of the girl's left hand with his right, leading her out of the small room and into the space outside of a hell hole similar to his own. Nodding towards the male to show he understood, as he then headed off down towards other unopened cell rooms, the tall male spoke up once again. "I think our friend over there is going to free others who are still trapped inside their cells, although him speaking backwards is quite the talent or curse either way." 003 said aloud, both to show he understood and to inform the girl who he was still in his grasp as to what was happening that perhaps she couldn't fully hear. Or maybe she could. People did say that when you loose one sense all others are heightened. Hm. Suddenly his thoughts were cut into by a voice over the intercom. Huh, so it was as he had thought. Well at least they had a plan now.

"My fellow survivors, we did it, but were not clear yet, were free from the cells but now we need to get the hell out of this hole, lets all work together on that end, come to the lower cell numbers, 010 and 002 are here with me at 002's former cell, were teaming up before the guards get here."

Knowing he'd be able to keep up with that boy and lead him the right way if he needed to, he would simply call to him when or if he needed confirm if the boy in question would be heading down there. For the moment however, he peered behind his shoulder at the girl before then speaking towards her. "You alright to follow on your own or do ya want me to lead you?" He asked in an almost kind tone, yet his slitted eyes and sly smile still remained. Not that she could see that of course, it was almost better in a way for that one fact. He doubted she would be all that trusting if she saw his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey here Six heard as a hand took hers. She twitched slightly, not pulling away, but all her memories of someone touching her were filled with large men dragging her away to ‘train’. She had to mentally remind herself that this guy had probably gone through the same things as she did and was helping her. She gave a sheepish and slightly worried smile, as she was concerned she would slow this man down. ”They called me Six,” she replied to the man, gripping his hand firmly so she wouldn’t lose him. She listened intently as he told her what was happening, allowing her to see without opening her eyes, and understood now that the man who destroyed her door spoke backwards. How odd.

Six continued to nod as he spoke, showing she could hear him clearly and understood. Her hearing was suddenly flooded with the scratchy intercom voice again of the subject who had instigated this breakout though. She had no idea where 002’s cell was, but she swallowed hard when the man asked her if she could just follow. ”If I could just touch you it will be easier for me, I don’t need to be led but…,” she felt dumb to admit she was frightened she would be following and then grabbed by one of the soldiers. After all, no one here owed her anything and she couldn’t be sure they would rescue her again if she was recaptured. She knew she could be a lot more independent, but she would wait until after they were out of here. For now she had to admit she needed help. ”But holding your hand or sleeve maybe? I’ll keep up I promise,” she reassured him. ”By the way, what should I call you?” she asked, tone friendly as she appreciated just these small gestures of caring after not remembering having been shown any in her life so far. She wanted to remember who her new friend was in case they got separated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jalo momentarily turned his attention to the two, showing his numbers though his hands before going back and working on another door. While the girl couldn't see it, the other could, and that's all he needed. He was surprised when they talked about him speaking backwards, but grateful. At least someone understood.

027 was in the middle of removing a door when the announcement came on, and it startled him, resulting in something similar to a backfire with his powers. He grabbed his head and muttered nonsense, his nose starting to bleed. After a moment he shakily let his head go and stood back up straight, looking at the door. If nothing else, it opened. He wiped the area under his nose with his sleeve, and decided that since it wasn't a major nosebleed, he didn't have the time to worry about it. It was also nice to note that the blind girl's name was six.

He took the time to process the announcement, and while he was only a few doors away from the assigned meeting point, there were still more inmates that were in their cells. Jalo wanted to put the safety of himself first, but at the same time he didn't feel as if he could just leave the others to rot. Going back to the later numbers, he began working on the cells, this time checking to see which ones were occupied. His headache was near to what it had been before he broke out of the cell, and he didn't want to make it worse unnecessarily. The longer he took, the more concerned he became about the guards approaching. His actions started to get shaky, due both to his nerves and the constant use wearing him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

73 struggled against the door, believing people depended on it without even knowing it. About to give, they were shocked when a resounding thump of something hitting the bottom of the door like a ton of bricks buckled the steel in, causing them to tumble to the ground. "Oi kid, c'mon ya bones. Iz not ze place to be lyink around" a female voice chucked as 73 was hoisted to their feet.
5 minutes earlier~

"So vaht do you szink is goink on out zehr?" The voice came, muffled from the wall. I laid back on my bed, counting the sounds of doors being broken. Arms crossed under my head and swinging a leg crossed over the other, I muse loud enough for the ice queen to hear me. "Vee could go check?" I suggest, getting only a laugh in reply. "Iz vhay you belong in zeh cell!" I begin, standing up and approaching the door, giving it a quick one-two in the gut region, adding to dents I had already put. The thought of escaping had occurred to me numerous times; the door wasn't shit and the humans outside were either too confident or cowardly to think about what they had done to us. All it took was a shred of communication. Taking part in the conversation wasn't worth it; if it happened, it would happen and breaking out was the easy part. Escaping alone, however...well, I hadn't considered it. 'Sure this door wasn't shit' I thought to myself as I put another two blows into the same spot, 'but I couldn't do this even ten times...'shit still hurts'.

"Zehy keep you in a box to keep to zehmselves..." I continue, mostly to myself, shaking the feeling back into my hands as I take a few hopping steps back, juking and ducking my stationary foe's lack of advances but hey, it was happening, and I was in the zone. "...they keep me in a box hopink I vill leave them alone~" I coo to myself before dashing and leaping into the air, sizing up and delivering a devastating dropkick to the door, punching enough of a hole through it to weasel the rest of the way. Getting stuck at my chest region but simply forcing the hole larger to accommodate. A guard was walking to inspect the noise, but upon seeing me, he froze. We stared eachother down for a moment before I threw my shoulder forward with a small step. He tripped over himself in his frantic attempts to run away. I smirked and went to help 47 out.


I stand with my forehead to the wall, ears drooped as I try to think...as well as block out the sounds of that poor girl beset upon by the human pig. "Iz vhay you belong in zeh cell!" the words rang through my head as I played with the bracelet that the assistants had given me. I was so complacent with what I considered a constant that I hadn't even considered escaping until my neighbor's comment. It was a strange feeling, wanting to use my power on my own volition...perhaps even to break free. From the sound of it, many more were already doing the same. With a huff, I trotted over to the door, slamming my palms into it and gritting my teeth as frost already began to form. I wouldn't let her talk to me that way! I...I...I don't belong here!

The steel groaned and popped as I winced from the bite of the cold, tears forming in my eyes since I knew it wouldn't be enough. A light knock came from the other side and I was unbecomingly quick to snap "What!?"

I dusted the frost off on my shorts as her voice came, "Vell, here I was about to save you, but I'm not so sure, anymore~", cooing calmly. She was already free, teasing me.
"Please...?" I ask with a blush, stepping off to the side. "Nnnnnnope, I vahnt to see you try- geeze this iz cold!" her voice came with a laugh. Placing my hands back on the frosted metal, I dug deep, pushing it the other way. The metal contorted and bent in from the sides, not enough to move, but certainly to the point where it would be a laughable excuse for a door. "Mmm, okay, okay..." Her voice came one last time as fingers poked through the bent openings, prying the door from the frame enough for me to squeeze through.

Back in the hall, the two looked eachother over, curiously before the girl extended a hand. "Kapra the Ram..." She confidently chirped; she thought it was a fitting name, despite the obvious, "You haff rabbit ears..." pointed out by Keepa. She took his hand and pulled him close pinching one of his ears with her free hand and chuckling, "So do you, Ice Queen. Don't get smart vith me. Surely zehr are ohzers in need".
He gasped, going to the tip of his toes from her pinch in a wince. She released him, leaving him rubbing the spot as he replied, "Its Keepa..."
"Ice Queen it is~" she sang, already starting off down the hall to the figure of a person half stuck in a door.
"It!...I...!" Keepa started, baffled and still blushing in slight shame before grumbling to themselves and following.
"Ooh... thaaanks!" 73 sang before looking around, remembering what they were doing. "Don't worry, they have her safe" Kapra said, plopping the hat back on the doll's head. "The lower halls are back...there..." Keepa started, having just arived and gesturing down the hall where numerous busted doors in verious states laid. Who knew how many escaped, but they knew where they were going. Sweeping 73 off their feet, Kapra was already sprinting off. "Zehn zere's no time to lose!" She called, Keepa quick on their feet to chase.

A guard was already on his way up the stairs, too slow to keep from being crushed by Kapra who vaulted down flights at a time on their way to the lower levels. "Hey! Vee should-!" Keepa started, watching her run off while he began searching the guard for any kind of keycard, finding only a baton and a stungun. With a growl of frustration, he chased after them hoping he wouldn't be-
"-late to the party?" Kapra chirped, jogging down the rows of cells at the given rally point and looking around for any others who may have been around, gently setting 73 down as they began to search cells. "HEY! Way to be friendly!" Keepa called after her, just reaching the level with the baton and stun gun in each hand. "I knew you could keep up..." she replied, noticing people not to far down the hall, but figuring it'd be polite to check if anyone was incapable of getting out of an open cell door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looking over at the boy as he showed his numbers via his hands, the tall male nodded to show he understood clearly and easily. Glancing over to hear the girl just behind him speak, saying Six as her number. Hm. "Alright then six, it would appear that our friend over there is Twenty Seven judging by what he's just signed at me." 003 explained calmly, blinking once as he felt the grip on his hand increase slightly. It would seem that Six was a little worried, or nervous or both even. But who wouldn't be? With not being able to see and in a hellish place like this, if he was her, he'd no doubt be the same. If a little less confidant about moving around without walking head first into a wall or door, ouch, now wouldn't that hurt. Even while listening to Six behind him, he was still keeping an eye on the boy not too far away from them, from a distance it looked like whatever he was using was starting to hurt be it inwardly or not. Now that wasn't good.

It took a while, but eventually he got an answer from her. Even if he had to wait for her to finish with what she had to say that was fine with him. Although they didn't have much time, 003 was fairly confidant that he could freeze and cut his way through any guards that tried to grab anyone here. Not forgetting about the blade he had hidden within his clothing, useful or what? "Might as well stay like this then hadn't we Six? As for what they call me it's Three, although recently they'd started calling me 'Shin'. So I suppose ya can call me whatever you like, I'll answer to either." He said with a small shrug of his shoulders, he didn't really care either way. As long as they got out of this alive and all in one piece he didn't really mind what he was called. After letting what he said sink in for a few moments, with a small squeeze of Six's hand to show he was moving forward, 003 then rather briskly moved forward heading both for 002's cell and to check on the boy as he had found as Twenty Seven. Peering forward only to see the boy's actions becoming less and less controlled, uh oh. He wasn't like that before. Hm. Did that mean that the more the boy used his powers the more it tired him out, like his own then? If that was the case then he needed to rest. Now standing not too far away from where the young man was trying to break down another cell door, he peered over at Six for a moment before speaking again. "Stay right here alright, looks like I need to give Twenty Seven a little help. Don't worry I'll be right back 'kay?" 003 spoke in a cheerful tone, gripping Six's hand firmly briefly before letting go and heading over towards the struggling boy.

Tapping him on the shoulder lightly as to get his attention before doing anything further. "Ne, Twenty Seven, you look like you could use a break, lemme deal with this one. It's not a good idea to be pushing yourself at a time like this." Shin stated rather seriously, stepping around the male and aiming his left open palm at the door, focusing briefly as blue flames shot outwards freezing the door slowly as they had done when he broke out of his own cell not that long ago. Stepping forward one pace and lifting his right leg again, he easily kicked the door down. This time the door partly shattering due to how cold it had become, as small shards of ice fell to the ground near the door from his own power. After having informed the escapee within the cell where to gather, he stepped back while stretching lightly. Gesturing for Twenty Seven to follow onwards. "Unless you've got more to save, I say we get moving. We don't have long left." 003 explained calmly, moving back towards Six and grasping the same hand as before, although she would notice his hand was far colder than it had been before. "Ready?" He asked, waiting for approval of some kind, before then would he start heading for 002's cell once again. They had nothing to loose by going there after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


Member Offline since relaunch

"So do you guys have any real names?" Bone asked as he pushed his back against the wall and slid down into a sitting position his off white claws clicking against the ground as they fall. He was surprized that these two didn't seem started at his hands and forearms he typically freaked out the new guards that saw him during training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jalo was grateful that Three decided to help him, and he stepped back. He didn't know what they could use, but whatever it was, he didn't want to be in the way of it. The blue flames were a surprise, but more so was the fact that they had frozen the door with their power. Up until now, he didn't know that was possible. The short break that Shin gave him allowed him to calm down a bit and get his thoughts in order. And while he still wasn't feeling one hundred percent, he was feeling better than he had been before.

Believing that everyone was taken care of, Twenty Seven nodded. While he had calmed down from before, he was still pretty anxious, and it showed. "Sey." With the others he walked to cell 002, and he found it a bit overwhelming. Not only did some subjects have modifications, but the scene itself seemed convoluted. The one subject, now resting on the floor, definitely startled him. Now, standing in the entrance of cell 002, he realized he had no idea what to say, or if he could even say anything. He walked into a less crowded side of the cell so others could get in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Six nodded, smiling at the direction she heard 27’s feet move in. She resisted saying hello since she didn’t want to embarrass herself and say hi to thin air in case she was hearing wrong. She repeated the numbers in her mind. Twenty Seven and Three. 27 crumpled my door and speaks backwards. 3, or Shin, is guiding me around. she would have to start making a list of all those she met in her mind. It would be a lot harder to keep track than if she could see them and know their appearances. Then again, depending on the experiments done on them, it might be best she couldn’t see the damage.

Six felt reassured by Shin’s demeanor that seemed surprisingly upbeat for the dire situation they all found themselves in. It was comforting or at least made her less nervous. She followed him quickly though, giving enough space between them so she didn’t step on the back of his heels, but not slowing him down. She felt him halt after a minute and stopped, frowning slightly as she listened to him say to stay put. She nodded, looking slightly downward with her arms at her side, telling herself everything would be alright. She just had to stand here. If someone grabbed her, she’d just open her eyes and blast them.

Six jumped a little when a cold hand took hers, almost opening her eyes. But her fingers felt the shape of the hand and it was Shin. Why was he so cold? ”Yes,” she breathed in relief when the familiar voice asked if she was ready, following him and the heavy footfalls of 27 to what she assumed was 002’s cell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Less than a minute later~
~~~~~~~~~~~ Kapra ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Six...five...four...ya guys ready? It may be-" I began, reaching 002 and, having been looking over my shoulder at the other two, Keepa helping 73 down the hall, didn't notice the others in the cell until they had reached that point. The conversations were mostly introductions, so I kept walking, quickly noticing that the cells on the other side of the room had x's over them. Turning around, I noticed Keepa-

~~~~~~~~~~~ Keepa ~~~~~~~~~~~

Checking the room '002' as instructed, content with having Kapra walk off before I saw the gathering. "Gott mit mir..." I whispered, quickly swallowing my composure as I observed the modifications of a certain person who seemed like they had...very deliberate compound fractures. Were the spikes intentional? I had found 48's strength intimidating, but... "Oh-two?" 73 chirped, hanging on the doorway, snapping me back and realizing I may have been staring. "Y-yeah, we're here..." I began, looking from the blind girl to the silverhaired-
The albino was...I preferred the ground, unsure of where to look. We were all comrades in conflict with our surroundings, but I didn't really expect this, and found it rude to look. However, bumbling over my words, I almost jumped out of my skin from Kapra's hand on my shoulder.

"Ah! Hello, this must be the spot. More may come, from all of the doors we saw open, but this here is the Ice queen~" She cooed, and I was about to show her how frosty I could be...
"We also have 73 and myself. I, hrm, well, 48 I suppose" she continued, unlike herself to be modest...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by resiak verdungert

resiak verdungert

Member Offline since relaunch

007 walked out of his room. He watched as another subject crumpled a metal door without touching it. hmmm... don't get on his bad side he thought to himself. Turning he headed toward the smaller numbers. As he passed 003 he heard the announcement. He was going the right way, he reached the door shortly and saw a girl and 2 males one looked unsteady. Then he saw the charred guard. "I assume one of you is 066, looks like you gave this guy quite a shock."

Arching electricity between his fingers 007 says "Call me Lucky as my number is 007. I specialize in large electric shocks and martial arts cause that was my training. Down side is i can't control it well. If you touch me it will sting. So how many do you think survived the tests. I saw 3 others on my way here"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Not paying attention, to where he was going, Skylar ran into, and knocked over a red headed girl. His new strength, almost made him pummel her. "*Growl* Sorry...didn't...see you...there." Skylar helped the girl up, he then grabbed the knife that felled, out of his mouth. He stood, on his human feet. At first he was a little wobbly, but he started to get the hang of it. "I'm...Skylar." Skylar shocked himself, that was the first time so far, that he didn't growl when he talked in human language. He was getting better at this. He was about to ask the red head mysterious girl, her name but then he heard people talking. He could hear them clearly now, even with his super hearing, they would have to be close for him to hear them, this good. "Come...on! I...think there...might...be...people." Skylar took, the girl's hand, with his free hand. He sat her on his back, "Hold...on" Skylar ran off to the voices. Hopefully, they were friends, and not foes. If they were enemies, he hoped this girl, had powers, like him.

When Skylar, got to the voices. He saw a whole bunch of weird looking people, inside someone's cell. He didn't know who cell it was. It could be anyone's. Skylar didn't know anybody here. He saw a man, who looked like he had shattered bones, a robot looking girl...and RABBITS?! Skylar fought the urge to growl at them. His animal instinct, told him, they were prey, but his human instinct, told him, they were potential allies. He walked to the front of the cell entrance. He let the red head down. Then he stood on his, human legs. "Ummm...are you...guys...escaping...because *Growl*...sorry...I can help..." ~I guess when I get nervous, I growl more often, now.~ Skylar thought, looking at everyone in the cell, hoping they didn't just see him as a baby freak show, or something. Not realizing, that the butcher knife, was still dripping blood.
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