Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam Leo Blackmore.

Okay, this activity was spiraling out of control. The lights had immediately gone out - Which was irritating, but a pretty valid strategy. But the main thing was that it ruined the point of the whole exercise. He was supposed to observe everyone's performance. He was out of luck with the lights out. He had briefly considered copying the night vision aspects of Vespera's ability, but there was no way in hell he was going to adopt this bastard's power for himself. From what he did observe, Team one's performance was apex... While Team two's was severely lacking. It seems that very little people on that team even wanted to play. They weren't working together (some were even working against their team), some were just standing around, and other acts of stupidity. Adam facepalmed, groaning very loudly. They were kids, but continuing at this rate would be an absolute waste of time.

"... I believe it's time I pull the plug." He spoke to Annabelle. He walked up to a big red button and microphone. Fortunately, this room ran on a different grid, so he didn't have to worry about that. He announced, "Attention students! Due to the damage to the electrical grid, and team two's performance is severely lacking. I am declaring Team one winner because they have demonstrated the cohesion I was looking for aptly." He nodded his head. He pressed a button and a door opened on the side of the room. Thankfully, having a different electrical grid for each training room was a good idea. Because if accidents like this happen, they aren't trapped in there.

Adam continued announcing. "Everyone head to the locker rooms and hang up your suits...." Adam tipped his glasses dramatically, "... Class is dismissed. If you have anything you'd like to discuss, see me after class."


4:01 PM

Deborah Lillian Termellio & Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

"God damn it all, is it all out of my hair, Debs?" Shannon asked

"I don't know, I'm still looking." Deborah said, running through Shannon's hair. Wearing a white-blouse, tan shorts, and combat boots. Unlike her friend, Deborah was never the type to dress super fancily.

The pair were in Shannon's dorm room, specifically the bathroom. Shannon needed a helping hand getting these bugs out of her luscious red mane. So Debby had no choice but to oblige! She had already extensively washed her hair, but there were still bugs in it. So Deborah had no choice but taking it apart strand by strand to see if all the bugs were out. While Shannon was sitting on a chair, wearing nothing but her underwear, staring at the mirror. "Jesus, have you considered just cutting your hair and letting it grow back?" She was getting exasperated.

Shannon looked at her nails, "... And what? Look like some TV-brand butch?" She responded, sassily. "You and I are classier than that."

Deborah found herself laughing a bit. "True, but love, we have a busy day today." That was correct. Deborah is supposed to meet with Red (And get this murderer non-sense sorted), go find Kristen (And apologize for manipulating her), talk to Aislin, and enjoy the day. They were supposed to meet in the lounge? Yeah, that's what Deborah tells everyone. It was a busy day anyway. Everyone came to Deborah for information, after all.

"... And the faster you get done the faster we can get started." Shannon replied.

Ugh. Deborah picked up the pace. She was hoping that her power would allow her to pinpoint where the bugs were. But, there wasn't enough information, and even if there was, all she got was information on the bugs. Ugh whatever. Deborah kept picking through Shannon's hair, pulling out bits and pieces of the bugs. Until she couldn't find another one. "I think that was the last of them." Deborah said, she grabbed a hairbrush that Shannon had lying around. "But, let me brush your hair for you. You know how I like it nice and curly."

"Thank you." Shannon said to Deborah as she got her hair brushed. Soon enough, it was just like it should. Except, clean and fresh. Like she was ready for a brand new day!

Time was of the essence. All the people Deborah was supposed to meet were waiting for them. She was walking out the bathroom holding Shannon's hand when....

Shannon weaved an outfit from spare fabrics that she had lying around on the floor. She had created a long, red and black checkered, dress. With different patterns for different parts of her body. Everything below her waist line were an array of medium-sized squares, on her right arm there were tiny squares, and so on. Her torso didn't have any checkers, it was only a red color. She had on rather long boots. She slid on her glasses, with that, her outfit for today was complete. Ready to impress the world with how good her designs were. Shannon grabbed onto her purse, a simple red leather purse, and had some extra fabrics in there (Along with her cellphone and room keys) in case she needed it. But she was in the mood for something else.... She had suddenly embraced Deborah from behind, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's midsection. "Oooooh, Debby..." She said, sultry.

Okay, maybe they can wait just a few more minutes

A few minutes later, Deborah and Shannon walked into the room, side by side. They had ditched the lovey-doey aura and replaced it with more of a 'we're friends' feel to them. The room was large and active. Just like the student lounge always was. There were people playing video games, chilling on the couches, or playing games like darts or pool. There were plenty of tables to sit at. So the two secret lovers walked up to the largest table, in the part of the room where they were the easiest to see.

Sylvia Bertoose, Jake & Gabe Valos.


In the training hall...

Sylvia held Gabe up to that deal of a friendly spar, it was the least they could do after that bullshit capture the flag match. They were in the middle of the training hall. Staring each other down intently. Their outfits changed from the tight as all hell training suits, to outfits that would suit the two more. Gabe was wearing a leather jacket, unzipped so the world can see the T-shirt underneath it, she also had on jeans and combat boots. On her head she wore a black kangol hat, and had black leather gloves on her hands - So people won't see the awful scarring on her hands.

Sylvia was wearing a DJ outfit today. She had on very baggy black jeans, a white leopard-print jacket, and a black t-shirt under that. Holding her guitar in her hands, and her headphones around her necks. Tipped off with sunglasses. She was ready to explode and so was Gabe.

"... Remember ladies, play nice!" Jake shouted, from the sidelines as he was playing around on his iPhone.

That was signal enough for the match to start. Gabe's fists started glowing with a bright red light, and Sylvia had her dubstep playing into her headphones. The interesting part of both of their powers traveled exceptionally fast. But Gabe's lightspeed lasers would outpace even Sylvia's loudest sound blasts. Which is why Sylvia was the first to act. She went deaf for a second as she started drawing in sounds from all around her. She released them all in one blast, well it wasn't as large and powerful as it could be. It was only uncomfortably loud, and would knock Gabe back a few inches. She didn't want to kill Gabe (Yet).

Gabe responded by heavily planting her feet into the ground, and wrapped her arms around herself. She grinned. She counterattacked by swinging her arms out and shooting a machine-gun-like barrage of lasers. Each laser illuminated the room with a red light, they didn't hit hard, they were like a really hard poke. But still annoying. Sylvia tried dodging them, but she got hit with plenty. She hummed a song and used her echolocation to navigate the room underneath the light. The light was a double edged sword for Gabe, while her enemies couldn't see, neither could she. So she had to stop for a moment and let the light fade to see if her attack was successful. The second the light faded, she realized that Sylvia had moved. "Crap..." She hissed as she looked around for her friend.

But that was exactly what Sylvia wanted. Gabe got no peripheral vision. Sylvia was ducked behind a nearby obstacle. Sticking her head out looking for Gabe. Her one-eyed friend had her back to her. Well, this would be a great way to finish up their friendly spar. Sylvia grinned like a maniac. Time for a flashy finishing move. Sylvia wrapped her guitar around her shoulder, and pointed both palms at the floor. She laughed quietly as she sprung up into a jump. The area around her went deaf again, and she built up all the sound into two focused blasts out the palms of her hands. This launched her upwards in a blast that overwhelmed all other noise in the room for a second. She was flying through mid-air, and she did a roll, giving Gabe both middle fingers.

Of course, the second Gabe figured out what was going on, she whipped around like she heard a bullet and shot one laser at Sylvia. Due to her aerial roll... It hit her right in the bum. With it being a small laser, and packing so much force in one area, it was going to leave a bruise.

"Argh! My ass!" Sylvia shouted as her momentum was blown backwards. She hit the ground with a thump, but it was nothing compared to the damage she received from the laser. She rubbed her behind. "Why did you have to shoot me in the ass!?" Honestly, Sylvia didn't know where the hell she was going to take that. She just wanted to fly through the air flipping someone the bird.

Gabe pointed a hand at Sylvia, palms upwards, she hissed, "If you weren't trying to pull that twinkle-toes bullshit, this wouldn't have happened!"

"... Wow!" Jake says as he walks up with two icebags in hand. He was wearing a black suit-vest, with a white t-shirt and tie underneath it. He wore dress pants with a brown leather belt, topped off with black dress shoes. "I'm surprised; you ladies managed to hurt each other in more entertaining ways than I thought."

Sylvia was still rubbing her bruised backside, and her eyes vehemently turned towards Jake. "Fuck you, Jake." She spat. "This hurts like hell."

"Ooooooh, do you want me to kiss it and make it better?!" Gabe said with a smirk.

Yes, Sylvia, you wish, you wish.... Jake thought to himself with a immature giggle. This was one hilarious scene. Because such situations come to them naturally. "Well, good thing I brought these ice bags." He handed her one. "You know where to put them."

Sylvia grunted, and reluctantly accepted the icebag and pressed it against her rear. Good thing no one is here to see this.

"Since you violent ladies are done trying to give each other brain damage, perhaps we can discuss our plans for the day?" Jake put up a finger, asking everyone what to do. They have a beautiful school that is their playground. Limitless opportunities!

"The beach. Let's find one that's away from these mouth breathers and have a party!" Gabe was quick to suggest.

Huh? The beach? Well, Jake hadn't thought about it. But it'd be hard to find a beach that is away from everyone else. He imagined that after classes ended, everyone is going to these beaches. But well, maybe they'll find something. "That sounds like a plan."

"Perhaps we can bring that stash we snuck with us, wink, wink." Gabe said with a smirk.

At the mention of a stash, Sylvia perked up, and grinned, asking, "... That better be booze."

Jake put a finger to her lips, "... Shush. Someone hears that and we're all getting our asses kicked."

"Haha!" Sylvia laughed as her suspicion was confirmed, but even she wasn't dumb enough to say anyone. Well, Sylvia wasn't interested in the beach. She would have loved spending time with them, but what the hell is on a beach? Sand, sand, and more sand? Worse of all, if Valjean shows up.... "Sorry, but I'mma sit this one out, I'm going to chill in the lounge for now."

"It won't as fun without your musical genius, Sylvia!" Gabe said, trying to convince Sylvia to go. Since it'd get a little weird if it was just her and Jake on that beach all alone. Maybe if they had some lovely guests.... "Uh, whatever. We'll find some hot chicks to accompany us."

"... And you'll find plenty of those at the lounge." Sylvia says, sticking out her tongue.

Adam Blackmore, Theresa Obott, & Dana Alcott.

After he had ended the disastrous , Adam doesn't have much to do. He decided to kick back for a little bit. Since he knows there will be something out there that he'll have to address. Such as another troublesome student, or someone needing his helping hand. It is the first day of school after all. Adam was in the room that was overlooking the training hall, leaning against the stage with a book in his hand, and his other hand was on the stage. The room was cleared. All the chairs were put away, and it was just a straight shot from the door to the stage. Adam was wearing the same suit as before.

People were walking up to Adam, and that certainly caught his attention. He looked the book dramatically, and looked up at them. "Miss Alcott, Obott, what can I help you with today?" He asked them since he was curious.

The pair were long out of their arena suits, and went back to their regular outfits. Theresa was wearing a short-sleeved flannel shirt that was different shades of red and had black stripes. Tess was wearing black jeans, and matching combat boots. Theresa had a thick red scarf around her face. Dana was wearing a light-green button up shirt, with a long tan skirt that went down to her ankles. She had on a rather noticeable and large tan sunhat, it was pretty floppy too.

Dana nodded her head and put both her hands on her wheels. She rested her hands on her lap, explaining, "Well, Adam... You know how we don't like getting our powers assessed in front of everyone. We were wondering if you could tell us anything..."

"Ah, yes." Adam got up from the stage and stood straight up. He looked Dana right in the eyes and spoke. "I can only truly speak for Obott. You are aware of how the nature of your power makes reading it rather... difficult." Adam nodded his head as he looked straight at Theresa. Due to the nature of her power, a power that was passive, he technically got information from it all the time.

Tess stepped up. Really nervous. She was still thinking about how what she did to Poppy... How she should not have used her power on her like that. Heat of the moment? But she basically drugged a little girl and came dangerously close to date-rapist territory. Theresa sighed. Hopefully Poppy wouldn't realize it, because Tess certainly wasn't going to say anything. She sighed again, "... Yeah, what do you have to say, Professor?" She looked away. She appeared to be very withdrawn, and had something on her mind.

For once, Adam was not going to pry into the minds of the students. He was going to let Obott open up if she was willing. That was how it worked so far. Adam sighed, and looked at Obott. "Your drug has gotten more potent than the last time you were here." He started off, "I believe even the slightest drop is enough to render someone incoherent." He explained.

Um, well that explains it. Theresa's eyes peered to the side. Last time she checked, a little tiny drop wasn't enough to do. She wondered what a palm-full of spit would do to someone.... Maybe give them a heart attack? She had such a strange power, that had potential to help people, and had even more potential to be abused... But, hey, that was the point of morality. It kept her from crossing the line.

"I can also tell that the regenerative aspects of your abilities have been enhanced too." Adam continued to explain. But that wasn't the big thing he wanted to bring up. He has seen Tess's power time and time again, and he believes that it is possible for her to alter the aspects of her drug to her choosing. This could be a great development if she was willing. "However, I have noticed something about your drug... A faint subconscious link developing with your drug. The kind of link that Meta-humans use to control their powers..." He looked at Theresa for the response. "... I believe you can alter the effects of your drug."

Tess immediately perked up. "Huh?" She can... control her drug? That was a development she never thought of before. For all of her life, she figured that she would have to live with her body being a narcotic. Being able to control it meant that she could do the things that her power made difficult. "Um... Thank you." Tess nodded, not knowing how to really respond. "I'll keep that in mind."

Abigail "Pink" Vincigarru.

"Para-diiiiiiise!" The hybrid girl said as she stepped out of the waters of the beach, wearing a rather revealing (and shiny) ocean blue bikini. When she stepped out of the water, strangely, she wasn't soaked. She was completely dry. A side-effect of her power. Pink walked up the beach. She was quite dandy right now. These beaches beat spending all her time in lakes. She has an entire island. All. To. Herself. It was the most euphoric thing ever. Which was why the second Pink got on this island, she disappeared into the jungle to go enjoy the waters. In fact, she spent entire time here. Missing out on classes, and. It was funny. They got all these formalities and rules in place, and here she is, skipping classes like it's nothing, and not a soul has come looking for her. Pink honestly didn't care one bit. This beach right here has everything she needs. Fish to eat, and enough clean sea-water to last her a lifetime. So Pink could spend her entire time here on the beach...

But, Ben might be worried about her.

Crap. She had totally forgotten about the Behemoth. She had wondered where the hell he has gone, but he was probably doing college courses or whatever. Probably looking all over for her. Well, at least someone on this damn island cares about her. Pink didn't want to haul ass back to the school, but she also didn't want to leave Big Ben in the dark. Pink strolled over to the lounging chair she bought and plumped down on it. She had grabbed onto her cellphone and sent Ben a text:

Yo, B, I'm on the east island if you're wondering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago





Ben took off his glasses for a moment and looked to the little electronic device that had buzzed for a moment. He was currenty at the cafe, doing what any other idiot in school he was in that he shouldnt be in. This activity consisted of staying up for thirty six hours straight, having the largest coffee available, and being in the general area of a supply of said coffee with all of the study materials required to struggle through the next test with a mid B-that-should-be-an-A-because-of-effort. He cursed his average mental state and the average educational upbringing that put him on par with just about every other American in the USA. Why couldn't he have pushed himself to be a frickin' mathamatician or something?

Oh yeah, because he didnt know his wife would force him to take Pink here. He was sure she wouldn't actually hold up to that threat, but she had somehow convinced him getting a college degree would be useful use of his time and their money. How Claire did that he had not a single clue. Plus, Pink would be a legal adult soon. Hell he already let her have beer around the house (the Bud Light, nothing a heavyweight like himself could take). He quickly read over the text. Something about being on the East island or something from Pink. He grasped his phone in one of his huge hands and quickly typed a quick 'Okay, stay safe.' in response as to let her know that he recieved the text and was okay with her being wherever she was. He didn't get to enjoy his power as much or as often and Pink did, hell the most useful thing he did with it on a regular basis was to make a quick charcoal pencil when his normal once broke, which happened semi often. That and charcoal looked fickin' cool in drawings.

He looked up when a few girls approached him, pretty ones, probably about nineteen, maybe eighteen. He didnt know, as most girls ended up looking around the same in their late teens to early twenties. The first one was all legs with a pretty face. The other had more of an hour glass figure. Nothing to be ashamed of in either case. They approached, and asked about what he was studying. He lifted up his textbook to show them. The nice "Math 101: Liberal Arts" label shined at the girls with it's reflective surface. They nodded, recognizing him as a college freshman. They began making small talk, saying something about a teacher hosting a Jungle adventure of some sort. Sounded like fun. They then asked why he wasnt saying anything. He flustered, patting down his body before pulling out a whiteboard and a rag from the sleeve he had sewn into the inside of his leather jacket. He then pulled out a dry erase marker from his pocket and wrote the word 'Mute' in big letters. The girls 'Ooooh'd ' at this, and began asking question, which Ben tried to answer, frantically writing and erasing to try and keep up with their questions. Eventually he began going some weird signs with his hands. Then he pointed to his ring. Truth be told, he had no idea what he had said. It was probably something like "Papaya Ostrich Blowjob" or something along those lines, but it had the desired effect and the girls left soon after that. His wife would kill him if she heard that thought. It was somewhat nice to not be in the vicinity of a mind reading meta human, who insisted bad thought language was to be banned in their household.

Frickin' Black Fall effect.

He closed his book, deciding he was probably not going to be getting much more done and needed a break. Plus he didnt have class tomorrow and there was no way he was going to get any sleep after drinking that huge coffee. He signed and pulled up his phone to text Pink.

'Hey, overheard some girls talking about some jungle adventure thing. You in?'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Quinn Daives

Quinn didn't wait around for her reveal to sink in for the scorpion man. As soon as the game was called off, she walked off to go change. She changed into some skinny jeans, a pair of Chucks, a short chain necklace, and a form fitting black shirt with the lyrics of Technologic stylized around a colorful picture of Daft Punk. She grabbed her keys, 3DS, and card key then headed to the student lounge.

When she got there, she plopped down on a couch and began to play Pokemon with her feet kicked up on the table in front of her. She looked up every now and then when a battle screen was loading, but other than that, she wouldn't say much. She wasn't a bitch though, and did acknowledge anyone that bothered to say hi to her in politeness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
Avatar of Leonerdo

Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Abraham Gene

Playing "I'm Gonna Be" by The Proclaimers on loop for a twelve hour boat trip was never precisely the best way to spend your time traveling, and by all means, it shouldn't be. As by doing such, any kind of melody and peace found in the tune is lost in the maddening monotony that makes up the repetitiveness of the rhythm. The cruise attendants, whom were particularly afflicted by such madness, had already abandoned any hope of relief or proper methodical function while on board the cruise and were collectively nearing the edge of eating their guns before the yacht had finally made way into harbor; an event which had followed subsequently in an instance of chain smoking and binge drinking. Meanwhile, Abraham, whom was the culprit of such a heinous act, was nothing if not well aware of the activities being done on board. He in particular subjugated himself to such brain-scratching insanity, finding it an excellent way to kill time. While victimizing himself and the rest of the crew wasn't the ideal way to kill time, as thought of by the captain and navigators, he was at least not directly harassing them - lest there be a catastrophic accident that would be surely out of the crew's control, resulting in the loss of their employer's son and a couple million dollar yacht. Abe had went off board into landed on the docks. It did, of course, lacked the kind of rustic charm old wooden docks had; the docks the academy had were stone, made of concrete and very likely supported by metal frame and supports that went who-knows-how-deep into the water and ground. The air was thick and humid, and further inland appeared to be a jungle. A real jungle? The leaves were green and ripe with life, with pathways cut among the thick brush beneath the base of the canopies, of which the leaves rustled with each passing ocean breeze. It was probably swarming with insects. So this couldn't just be a bunch of shitty cardboard propped up to make it look like a real jungle - this was the genuine (sweaty ass) article!

Abraham was all about killing time. even when he wasn't repeating The Proclaimers. This is even shown by procrastinating his cruise until he about felt ready to leave. Arriving on time was for squares anyway. Party crashing was always the way to go! Plus, he missed the atrocious line that had no doubt piled up by the registration desk, leaving him not an ounce of worry in the world about having to push and shove his way through (though there was no doubt in his mind that it was a feat he can actually perform). But still, he had obligations he had to do. This school of ass-monkeys being one of them. Walking along the dock, he let out a heavy sigh as he felt the humidity starting to take him. He felt his legs heating up under his designer jeans - Aliasghar Hussain - and the in conjunction with the harsh sun, the mosquitoes, they graced his bare neck with the gentle caress of a cinder block. Truly, perhaps a comfortably thin v-neck with a leather jacket over it wasn't the best attire selection when the fucking island is smack dab in the center of the sun's attention. Two of the attendants came running after him with his things in tow: one handed him his warm wool pea coat, which Abraham had accepted tentatively, and the other with two of his duffel bags, just barely being able to drag it along! Abe glared at them with a glance suggesting they had forgotten something. Fortunately, one of them was already on it, and after shortly disappearing onto the yacht, he came out with two guitar cases: a very large one, and a little mini one. Both were wrapped around his shoulders, and Abe lifted his duffel bags with one in each hand (with a mighty amount of ease, in comparison to the struggle the aid had displayed). No tears were shed or goodbyes shared, both parties went on their merry way. Abe didn't really care to have them along and the school discouraged anyone that wasn't a student or meta from coming. That's fine.

Would it be a fair comparison to akin the likes the sweaty, dirty outdoors to the cool air of the secure indoors? No. No it would not. In comparison, the inside was the mansion and the outdoors were the slums. Not to say that the academy was a mansion - sure, it got the size part down, but the features within it were totally lacking. There should be three hundred crystals in that chandelier, not one hundred! And the floors, what kind of marble were they using? Recycled marble? Abraham could probably shit finer marble! And those tables... how terribly generic! Glass tables or marble tables, at the very least! If they truly wanted to impress, they would have been aged mahogany that was carved and whittled to make gorgeous trim and a fancy emblem in the center, draped over with a cotton table cloth (silks were highly overrated and, quite frankly, aren't good table toppers). Regardless, they likely had to make accommodations for those of the lower class. After all, they couldn't make them feel alienated or intimidated by large, extravagant structures. Abe sighed. Modesty had its charm though, he had to admit. Surely, he'd get used to it. He caught the eye of a young woman at a desk off to his right, at the far side of the lobby. He strolled over with gusto, with both instruments hanging from his body and two heavy duffel bags, which seemed to be slightly torn at the seams by the weight of its contents, and bulging muscles flexed as he carried them... he may or may not have been doing that on purpose.

"Hello sir." Said the smiling young woman at the receptionist.

Oh god, it would be worse than he thought. Why weren't the receptionists French? Like, shipped straight from France? What could be better than hearing "greetings monsieur" when you walk through the front door? It's basically a requirement! Okay, okay, this is going to be okay-- what the hell have they done with the tapestry? Surely it was apparent to the receptionist that he would have to be accustomed to this new environment, after all, this place was rather impressive and he would no doubt have to get used to such a fancy looking place, right? Abe held his tongue in front of the woman and put on his signature charming smile. "Hello ma'am."

One could have sworn the white of his teeth sparkled with the smooth suavity of his greeting.

"Can I get your name?" The receptionist asked.

"Abraham Gene - the one and only!."

"Ah, okay, I found you. You should be... in room 100. Here's your key."

"Thank you hun'." Abe cooed with a wink, sliding his key off the desk with a spare finger and into his pocket. As he entered the hallways, he dropped one of his bags for a moment before he snagged a pamphlet for him to go over once he reached his room.

The room was alright, to say the least. Decent sized bed, acceptable living conditions. Did it help that he payed a little bit of money to improve it? Maybe. It had to be a lot for so little since they want to keep the students fairly and equally housed, as though this were some sort of communism. Communism was bad for business, though this ultimately wasn't a business, was it? Surely not. Any business knows there's no money in sending meta humans to private schools, the idea of that for the sake of money is ridiculous. He dropped his two heavy duffel bags and they landed with a loud thud. His roommate was supposed to be some tool called "Mark Asslicker" or something silly like that. Surely, his room mate won't try to mess with his stuff, right? Oh god, if he does, there'll be hell to pay. These are his personal possessions, after all. Abraham grabbed both of the zippers and yanked the bags open. Wrong! The bags were actually full of concrete bricks! A good old prank is always good to play on your attendants once in a while, he had to keep himself from laughing as they brought him his bags! Of course, with Abe's kind of athleticism and power, his strength was clearly beyond comparison, but he respected the effort and tenacity required of a normal person to bring these bags to him. Unbeknownst to them, some of his belongings were already sent here approximately a month in advance! This allowed him not to worry about anything missing at all!

He zipped up the bags and placed them near his dresser. He would leave them there - if his room mate is so nosy he would go through his stuff, perhaps his weak noodle-like arms and the weight of the bags would make it hard enough to instill the idea that it wasn't worth the trouble. And if he were truly persistent? The presence of bricks instead of hidden treasure would surely be another case of instant karma. Little asshole would deserve it. Speaking of his room mate, where was he? He wasn't here. He didn't want a room mate as it was, but the school insisted on it. Now that he had what was likely a roomy with snot dripping down his nose, he didn't even have the consideration to even be here. How droll. On the other hand, he did hear what sounded like some sort of party as he came up here. Odd though, that there'd be a part on academy grounds on the first day. Abraham smiled. But who was he to argue? He threw off the sweaty v-neck shirt he had worn on his way in and tugged open the drawers of his dressing ('No locks? What a shitty place.') and saw a selection of his clothes already being neatly arranged in the drawer. He pulled out a long-sleeved white button-up. It was a nice shirt indeed! No stains at all. This is what he'd wear beneath a vest or dress coat. He quickly put it on and rolled the sleeves just below his elbows, and buttoned it only halfway up his chest 'I always like myself a good party.'

It wasn't too far away either. It took a couple of right guesses on where to turn, and the sound of a crowd was already beginning to emanate from a room somewhere around. Even then, it wasn't hard to find with the ever so subtle clues given by the signs that said "Student Lounge". Clearly, that's where they'd be. And upon finding its doorway, never had he seen himself in a room with so many freaks at a time. But that's okay, right? Of course, he was probably a freak himself, but at least he dressed nice. These bozos? All but a few seemed to really put themselves out there. There wasn't so many people who looked to be near his status by sheer clothing alone, however. There were a couple attractive faces about, those which will no doubt be subjected by his charm. Two in particular, these two ladies standing side-by-side. They dressed peculiarly nice in contrast to the dropouts lying around. But now he had to make a name for himself, so what would be a good strategy? Obviously putting your arms around strangers was a no-go ('Who would even do that?'), but it was a matter of easing yourself in... and easing yourself in is always the best way to pleasing a woman in any situation.

"Hello-ooo ladies!" He chimed out from behind them, making a bee-line towards the pool table. "You two are lookin' pretty bored! Well, pretty too, don't get me wrong! But lookin' pretty bored seems to be the real problem here. Care to join me?"

He made no effort to hide the confidence that was present in his strut towards the pool table, taking a pool stick and looking at it closely. True, Abe never had any real passion for pool, but a guy has to learn at some point or another. Pool and darts were like golf in that way - they were rich people sports. Of course, he didn't find any rush in it, but he was still pretty good at it in his own respect. Because, like, having conversations about how well your marketing is going is only so fun. You had to play pool while you were doing it, with an expensive glass of scotch in the other hand. Damn fools sacrificing a life to look nice. Clearly, if Abraham was an example - and surely he was - you can live a life while looking nice. He sat the pool stick he had down to the side and pointed at it before grabbing another. "I wouldn't pick that one - head has a little split in it. Some assholes don't play right, eh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Theresa Sindel Obott.

The trio broke off from there. Theresa and Dana had different plans for what they wanted to do. Where Tess wanted to hit the lounge and chill, Dana wanted to talk to her father on Skype before the big jungle trip. Good good. Dana and her father are fairly close, after all. Well, Theresa was swaggering back to the dorms, with her iPod on, and blasting her favorite band, Neon Indian, through her earbuds. She was going to keep distance from Poppy for a little while. Just give each other their distance so that Poppy wouldn't catch on to what Theresa did. That was how Tess handles doing something wrong: try to hide it until everyone forgot about it. Then they could go back to having happy times. Theresa kept moving back towards the dorms, a carefree smile on her face, and doing a little dance. Just to signify how carefree she was. She came up to a pole, and grabbed onto it, she started swinging around it. Laughing like a child. She let go and the momentum carried her forward a bit. She kept walking, continuing her little dance, ignoring any and all glares that were shot her way. To her, they were the audience to her amazing dance show.

Though, the little jig had to come to a stop when she entered the dorms. Well, there wasn't too much room for dancing here, and besides, Tess has to look cool when she enters the student lounge. She stepped in, pulling those earbuds out, and taking a look around. Well, at the moment, the lounge was pretty active, and there wasn't anyone she knew. A shame. A shame indeed. The way she saw it, if she didn't know anyone, find someone to know. That was the Obott creed! Which has gotten her friends with many people. The best person to talk to would be someone who was alone. Doing their own thing. Because it'd be rude to interrupt someone's conversation. There was that husky, androgynous, girl (Quinn) that was sitting on the couch, playing on a 3DS. There was something alluring about the girl, she couldn't tell what. Maybe it was the blend of masculine and feminine she gave off? Whatever it was, she knew that she would be talking to this girl today.

Theresa flopped down on the same couch as Quinn, looking at her briefly. Instead of doing the usual, boring, introductions, she will wow her with her amazing flirting skills. "You know, science says that the sun is the hottest thing in the known universe." Tess started off, giving her a smug smile, "You just proved them wrong..."

Nailed it.

Abigail "Pink" Vincigarru.

It wasn't long until Ben responded. Pink was still lounging on this chair she brought. She peaked at her phone for a second. Apparently Ben wants to go along with some jungle adventure. Pink rolled her eyes. She had little interest in the jungle. All she wanted was the beaches and the water. Which had all the fish and practice she needed. Pink quickly replied.

no thx Ill cum bak 2 campus

Actually, she should meet this giant bear-man in person, and accept the consequences of skipping school (And practically disappearing the first night). She got up off the lounging chair, and started walking back towards the beach. The quickest way back to the school for her was the water. Where she would be in her element, and wouldn't have to worry about jungle cats (Which would wreck her this far away from the water) or any boys that'd try to prey on her. Once Pink was in the water she maintained a steady pace as she headed back towards the dock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Adam's assesment spurred a reverence in her. Emotion?! She thought, eyes wide. How did I not think of that? All this time she had focused on separating emotion from intention, thinking that was part of the key in the function of her ability. But if not... Emotion could really get her places. Love, she looked forward to experimenting with that. But anger? Even if it would be more offensive, stronger, whatever -- Anger didn't float her boat. She was a peace-loving Taoist, anger didn't factor into that. It was a lack of control, that emotion. But if Adam saw potential, she'd give it a go. 

What surprised her most was when he mentioned she could have alternate bodies/consciousnesses. What does that even mean? She could barely wrap her head around it, and the whole idea both intrigued and freaked her out. Would I be able to return to my real body? What happens if the animation dies while I'm inside? She bit her lip, coming up with horrid answers to her questions. 

Regardless, Adam helped her see how much potential her ability had (when she originally thought her growing potential was zero) and she thanked him earnestly. She was the last student assessed; Capture the Flag was right around the corner. 

The fact that Deborah the planner was on their team didn't change much. As she usually did, Aislin hung around the back of the playing field, pretending to be an excellent defense when all she wanted was to get this game over with and watch everyone else do that hard work. That was, at least, until the power went out. Stuck in the darkness with a bunch of power-crazy Metas (Amanda, mostly) was a very scary thought.

Alex's bright eyes lit like a beacon in the darkness, and Ailsin's fear abated. It wasn't long after when a huge smash shook the ground, blue light arcing across the field for just a moment. In that instant, Aislin could see everything. Silhouettes all around her, up on the tower blocks and -- Shit, even the walls? The darkness returned quickly, and the knowledge in the light was shrouded once more. 

That was when the creepy crawlies started falling from above. How did she know they were bugs and not little pebbles? They felt like husks, and they felt dry and dead. Bodies had a different feel than inanimate objects. Aislin shuddered uncontrollably, thoroughly disgusted from the thought of bugs landing on her. Dead bugs. "Eww, goddamit!"

Well, at least the Amanda bitch didn't like it either. It was hard to miss her voice bitch across the field. Aislin smirked in her own disdain.

The laser light show was cool, especially in the dark. Red shots of light mixed with star power that Aislin had a feeling belonged to her roommate. If they were using it as a distraction, it was working. But of course, it was around that time Adam pulled plug, declaring Team One the winner. Scoffing, Aislin departed from the field and changed out of her suit. What a shit show... 

Switching back into her comfy skirt and graphic tee, Aislin slipped on her Aviators and stepped outside. The sky was full and embraced her in its warmth. Finally, the end of classes. God, today felt like it would never end. And now that she was here, she knew what she wanted to do. Something she had anticipated earnestly all day: The 218 Jungle Tour led by none other than the Lizard Professor, their dearest Henry. 

It took some time to make her way through the school's large outdoors, but she eventually ended up by the impressive gates at the school's entrance. The Jungle opened up beyond that, just waiting to be explored. Aislin had a feeling she was early, so she leaned up against the jungle trees just outside the school's perimeter, and pulled out a candy-wrapped joint from one of her pockets. Keeping her promise to Deborah, Aislin wasn't smoking during class hours, plus she was technically standing in jungle territory. Fuck school rules. 

With a puff off her honey bud Aislin finally relaxed, staring up at the jungle canopy with a smile. 
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
Avatar of Leonerdo

Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Deborah Termellio, Shannon Balore, & Abraham Gene - Mr Allen J and Leonerdo collaboration

Almost instantly, Shannon shot Abraham a glare from underneath her glasses. He just looked like the kind of arrogant jackass that was only concerned with getting girls. Tall, muscular... Honestly, Shannon figured that the moment this guy opens his mouth, it would be some proposition to 'wow' them. Hmph. Pool. No thank you. Nothing turned Shannon off more than a guy. She would have been content with just ignoring him and letting him scurry off to hump the next girl's leg, but of course....

Deborah took a longer look at Abraham. Looking at all of his features. Not in the way of 'I'm totally checking this hot guy out', but more in the gathering information way. From the way he carried himself (New student, likes our outfits, came over here to charm us), to his outfit (designer clothes, obviously another wealthy student). This guy was probably another Valjean, but unlike Shannon, Deborah would never turn away another story to learn. Even if it was just a different version of the same story. He wanted to play some pool? Well... Deborah was never the type to play such games. She liked to observe, just casually gathering information from the sidelines. Learning how people play, or if someone's cheating (Just so she can casually screw with them). Deborah gave him a smile (To appeal to his nature, nothing else). "We were just waiting for some friends to discuss some hush-hush stuff, but we can play your game in the meantime." Deborah laughed as she followed him.

Ugh. She said 'we'. Shannon was going to follow along, just to keep an eye on this tall jackass. He pulls any moves, crosses any lines, and Shannon will jump to stop him there. She rolled her eyes as she followed. The second she was there, her face had contorted into the most bored frown she could force. She was getting across, without words, that she was the least bit interested in this. More importantly, him.

Abraham checked out both girl, his eyes moving back and forth between them as he sized him up. Eh? Glasses was quieter. A cute gal, though! She in particular was donned in a lovely dress and her thick red hair looked as though it were fluffed up with a blow dryer. The other one, she wasn't as well-dressed as Shannon, but had her own flare. And also? An active looking woman of color, just like himself! Er... okay, maybe not woman. God, there're no telepaths around here, right? Well, still! A little similarity, regardless how minute, still goes a long way! She looks like she did her fair share of running around. Mmm, mmm, nothing wrong with a woman with some muscle.

Despite his internal analyzation of the two dames presented before him, Abraham kept a straight face. This is to say, he did not let up on his grin coupled with a set of warm eyes. He set his disposition in a perpetual state of charm and swagger! He looked to the colored girl with an amused smirk on his face as he picked out his own cue stick.

"My game?" Abraham mused as he rubbed blue chalk on the end of the cue stick. "Honey, I didn't invent the game, I just play it. My name's Abraham."

Deborah laughed again at his comment. He just shits charm, now doesn't he? Well, at least he isn't boring. "Well, aren't you charming?" She said, playfully. "My name is Deborah. Over there is my friend Shannon. We're two long-time students here. You'll hear plenty about us." She topped that off with a smirk. Shannon's feelings on the matter did not go unnoticed by her lover (Shannon is attempting to get across she is uninterested in Abe, romantically and overall). Well, Shannon's already going to make this fun. Just seeing how Abe's body language 'responds' for him it will be a delight (He is more interested in you than Shannon). Oooooooh, Shannon's going to be soooooo jealous! Her red-headed friend needn't worry. Her heart belongs to Shannon, and nothing is ever going to change that.

"Charm's the game, darlin'." Abe replied with a wink as he grabbed a pool rack and collected the billiard balls to set them inside. Ugh, this was always the part he hated. Charm certainly is the game, because fuck, billiards and pool sure isn't. Really, he just started fiddling with it so that the solids and striped balls weren't touching and... the eight ball goes in the center, right. Perfect. At their introductions, Abe smiled and nodded to both of them individually. "Deborah. Shannon."

Deborah grabbed the pool cue. "Well..." She held the pool cue. "I never played pool for myself, I watched people play it all the time... Uh, would you mind showing me?"

Even with all the sophistication Abe has grown up around since, hell, probably since he was still in the mother fucking womb, he still couldn't but think very briefly, 'Score!' Granted, there probably isn't a tremendous bunch he could do out of helping someone play pool, but it is a step in the right direction despite that. Abe took one of his hands and started rubbing his chin as if it were something he was actually debating. "Hmm. You know what? Absolutely! Let's see what we can do."

Abraham walked around the table, taking off the rack and hanging it on a rung along the way, and came to a halt beside Deborah. With uncharacteristic gentleness quite unlike what one would expect from a man his size, he layed his hand on her other shoulder and gave her a slight nudge, to motion her towards the end of the table where the of triangle of aligned billiard balls were pointed.

"You see," he started, "the first turn is called the break. Because, hey you're breaking the rack! Imagine that. You left handed or right handed?"

Shannon cringed the moment this buffoon put his hands on her Debby! It was hard to not say anything, but she didn't want to start anything. Especially after that bug fiasco. She was going to let it slide, but she stayed on guard. This fool will be hanging off the ceiling by the strings of his shoes the second he tries something anything. Shannon just never liked it when a boy put a hand on her.

Well, at least he's gentle. Unlike Shannon, Deborah didn't have a problem with Abe touching her. Because he isn't touching her too inappropriately. She listened as she leaned in forward, positioning the cue correctly (She was going off what she seen while watching pool here). The first turn is called the break, and she's about to break it. "Heh, yeah, right handed." She answered. Actually, she could take it from here. It was just hitting a bunch of balls not rocket science. This would be easy. She didn't even think too hard about it. Abraham watched as Deborah started running on auto-pilot. 'Well fine', he silently snarked. It was pretty fuckin' weird to him that she would ask for help and then proceed to go on her own as soon as he got started. He crossed his arms as he watched she pulled the cue back, and hit the cue ball with a bit of force. It sent the other balls sprawling all over the table, and none of them had actually made it into the holes. 'Whoops. Maybe there was a little science behind it.' Deborah thought. She looked embarrassed, "Whoops." She got straight up, and looked at Abe, with a small smile on her face. "I thought I had it," She laughed again. "Guess I was wrong. I could use a little more training if you're up to it."

Abraham smirked. 'Yeah, I thought so.' Ah, still, she thought she had it. Whatever. They continue where they left off.

"No problem-o!" He told her. "Now, usually it will be my turn, but we're showing you how it's done. Look here."

He recalled her mention of being right handed. Just like him! In this case it will be easy. He returned to her left side and draped his right arm over her shoulders held the cue stick, sliding his hand down to the base of the tool along with her own hand. "Your right hand belongs just around the bottom - the base - a'right? Now... take you left hand and set it out in front of you on the table where the shaft will be sliding around."

'Oh god, this is great.' Not even getting to this girl, although that helped immensely, he managed to ease in so many innuendos. Ease it in! There goes another one! Shit, maybe he'll earn a handjob when all this is over. Here's a drink to wishful thinking! However, there was, unfortunately, no drinks.

"Same deal goes for your legs. Left leg forward, right leg back."

Deborah giggled quietly, like a immature schoolgirl. She did acknowledge Abe's rather innuendo-laden explaination, and followed his others. One leg forward, other back, put her hand around the shaft... Well, Deborah never learned how to work the shaft. Teehee. She did feel a little stupid for going on her own, but this is her chance to redeem herself! Deborah shot the cue ball again, except with more success this time. Some of the balls went in (Another innuendo!) and the others continued to sprawl. She looked proud this time. Deborah turned towards Abe and asked, "Did I do good?"

Shannon rolled her eyes, thinking to herself, 'What? Is she gonna replace Jean with him?' She crossed her arms. It'd be swapping one jackass for another.

"Much better!" Abraham said in praise. There were flaws in some of the technique, of course, but she did catch on pretty quickly. He had to give her that. Gotta wonder what else catches on pretty quickly... granted, if she's actually catching anything, hell-to-the-no. Not with a fifteen-and-a-half-foot pole. That thought was somewhat of a ward, as the nagging voice in the back of his head said: "Do not touch! Do not touch!"

He'll cross... er, inspect that bridge when he gets to it. Still. First hour on the island and he's already doing pretty well for himself. Not bad.

"Really, the posture is everything. Just as long as you jab your cue stick at the center of the ball and not the bottom, you got yourself a good strong hit. Hittin' the bottom can make it jump."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


After a trip back to reception, Mark got his room key and found that his stuff hadn't actually been taken back to his room. With a slight sigh he carried it all back to his room. With another sigh he found it to be almost uncomfortably exquisite. Just like this mess of a school. He dumped his stuff by the bed without luggage next to it, didn't so much as glance at the rest of the room, placed his scorpion's cage on his dresser, and fell flat onto his bed. Mark felt exhausted.

The game in the dark ended before it began for him. All he knew was a mixture of disappointment and relief that he did not have to face other metas in a squabble for a flag. When it was called off, he had slumped down to a knee before recomposing himself and changing into his regular attire. He was currently sporting a dark green short sleeved shirt, black vest, blue jeans and a pair of black inexpensive running shoes. He was also currently sporting a very fashionable pillow on his face. He didn't know what to think of this school. Either way, it had been a rather harrowing first impression: stuck in the dark with all manner of people who could possibly kill him with a thought. He was tired, so these thoughts began to hover over his mind like a bad smell while his coherent brain began to shut down.

He now quite firmly believed that he should find out exactly what he is getting into before he agrees to it. He also believed that he wanted to remain on the good side of as many people as physically possible. He began to formulate plans on how he would achieve this and how he could avoid having to interact with any of them ever again unless they were nice. That is, until he heard a small chirp from his shoulder.

It appeared as though that one surviving bug from before had still attached itself to him. Perhaps it was still obeying the order to keep watch on people, and this one was assigned to him. Mark wasn't sure. Understanding the logic of powers was beyond him. Nikki had looked as though she was in pain when he last saw her though, and it had kept with him through a change of clothes, which was odd above all else. Maybe the electric shock had fried its little brain to only obey the last order it was given? More speculations. What he did know was that it had just brought him back to reality from a sudden burst of anxieties.

He sat up. Analysing the unnamed roommate from what he could see was not something he could exactly be bothered with at this point in time: it was much more useful for him to analyse someone when they were right in front of him. That way he could immediately put what he deduced into practice, and perhaps stroke his ego over correct assumptions. At least, when they weren't covered in scars. Those were not deductions that he liked to make. Thinking on them briefly now, he decided it wasn't fair to assume they were self inflicted, but assuming that they were a delicate topic was a must.

With that thought, he seemed more at ease. He decided he was going to scout out the island by going for a jog around it. He picked up the nice little map the reception desk had given him, and went off to get his bearings. And give himself some time to digest what had happened in his time at the madhouse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
Avatar of Schradinger


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Paige Wilson

Paige sat cross-legged on the floor in her room, positioned directly in front of one of the wall outlets and working to get the cover pulled off and the wires inside revealed. She'd changed from her arena suit back into a pair of leather hip-huggers and a top that was designed to emulate a corset without all the actual discomfort and breathing issues. Her feet and arms were bare, and her hair had been let down from the confines of its ponytail to fall freely around her face. She was all but glaring at the outlet as she worked with a penny she'd found to get the screw out and cover off, muttering unintelligible curses under her breath. You'd think a school with this much money behind it would be able to finance a screwdriver or two, but nooo... "those are reserved for classes young lady, if you have an issue that needs tending to, please fill out a service requisition form and the foreman will see to it as soon as he can." Fat lot of good that would do her. Something had happened in that arena when the electricity surged through her, and she needed to find out what. Before, when she'd last had an unpleasant encounter with electricity, she'd been too young to connect the dots and put the puzzle together, but now? Now she had felt the unmistakeable draw of power and wasn't going to rest until she'd figured out just what exactly was going on in her body.

"Ha!" She exclaimed in triumph when the cover finally came loose, then winced immediately at the pain radiating through her left side where that hunchback girl's tentacle had slammed into her and thrown her most of the way across the room back in the CTF match. She didn't hold it against the girl, it was dark and the movement was probably just reflex when she heard the flag sliding out of its stand. Still, it hurt like hell and was irritatingly present even a couple hours later. She'd probably cracked a rib or three, so it likely wouldn't be fully healed until tomorrow. Luckily, Paige had a high tolerance for pain.

Now that the cover was off, she set it aside and leaned closer to get a better look at the wiring behind the two plug-ins, reaching in and pushing a finger up against an exposed portion of a wire. "Ow!" Her hand jerked back at the shock that followed, but she still managed to detect that feeling she'd had before in the arena. Like something halfway between euphoria and anguish, or equal parts both. Again she stuck her finger against the wire, but this time held it there as the current rushed into her, burning the tip of her finger and sending painful jolts up her arm. She grit her teeth and refused to pull back, forcing her mind past the pain to whatever it was that lurked within her body and hungered for the energy she was feeding it. When she found it again, that feeling of being boiled and frozen and overjoyed and devastated all at once, like every emotion you've ever had all crammed into a single thought, her mouth dropped open in a silent "Oh..." and she immediately began sucking in as much of the power as she could from the small outlet.

Seven seconds later, the lights went out.

When the breaker finally tripped, Paige could only sit there in shock at what she'd just done, and at how it made her feel. For almost a full minute, all she could do was sit there and stare at her hand in the darkness, watching tiny bolts of electricity dance between the fingers. She felt amazing! The burn on her fingertip was already gone, and the rest of her felt like she could win a dozen triathlons in a row without a break. So this is what power feels like. A smile slowly grew on her face, fueled by the pure joy of discovery and just how fantastically awesome she felt right then. When she stood, she very nearly left the ground from the mere speed and power of the simple motion, unfamiliar as she was with this newfound aspect of her ability. She also realized that she could still see, in spite of the fact that the lights were out. That would definitely have come in handy during the match. Not to mention all this energy. Her smile grew wider and an almost giddy giggle slipped past her lips, something that she never would have let happen under normal circumstances, but a rush like this was hardly normal.

Then all of a sudden she felt too amped to stand still anymore, and rushed to the window, pulling it open and checking the distance to the ground. It was a full two floors, but that barely registered as she dropped out of the building and landed with impossible grace on the grass below, though even with her enhanced abilities the impact on the ground sent pain jolting up her legs and arms as she rolled, the damage repairing itself before she even made it another five steps. She dashed off toward the nearest wall exit she could see, unaware of how impossible it was supposed to be for her to see that far and reached the wall itself in just under six minutes without getting even a little winded. From there, she was through the wall in seconds and smiling like an idiot as she raced through the jungle wilderness of the island.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaska Din Valos.

... A beautiful forest has awoken.

The beast-child has lost himself in the most active of this jungle. He sat on a tree-branch in his gargoyle position, staring at the activity with a 'wow' expression on his face. The tree-branch overlooked the most beautiful waterfall the child has ever seen. This jungle was unlike anything he has ever experienced before. He was going to explode this with Henry but... After what happened, he wasn't going with Henry. He was going to experience the jungle for himself. No one here but himself. The lone wolf goes where he wants to. Preys on what he wants to. Lives how he wants to. True freedom comes to the beast who takes claws it out for himself. Jaska would have been fine living in here. The boy had slept in the woods before, all by himself, at least his mother had taught him that. It wouldn't be too big of a problem jumping from beds to the noisy jungle. Though, he had gotten quite used to- what did his mother call it? -Yes, domestication. A pitiful scion, one raised like a beast, given a life of luxury was an eye-opener. For the Valos, his mother, and the child himself.

Nonetheless, he was able to get by from eating from both tables, figuratively, indulging in both lifestyles. Like right now. He was able to sate his bestial urges by living one among the beasts. The child dropped from the tree, his wings were expanded to act as a parachute, he landed on a knee and placed a clawed on the glass. He folded those wings on impact, and he made his way across the floor on all fours. He had his eyes on the waterfall, and specifically, the lake it flows into. He walked up to the edge of it, and stuck his mouth into the water and started drinking it. Slurping it up nonchalantly. Because of his Fire-Heart, it'd be amazing if any bacteria, parasites, or diseases didn't instantly get vaporized by the sheer he gave of. Which also brought up the question of how he was drinking water, when it was his opposing element. He was fine with consuming water, but his problem came when he was submerged in water. Still, he was ever so aware of his surroundings. While feeding, he was told that he could be ambushed if he dropped his guard... And of course, something had approached. From the other side of the lake.

A deer. A simple male deer with it's antlers fully grown and rather intimidating. In a jungle? Jaska had thought creatures like that lived in the woods. It didn't run away, it walked up to the water and started drinking. It likely had pegged him as a human. Well, it was time for him to sample the local cuisine. But, the problem was that he was on the opposite side of the lake to the deer. He would have to, close the distance, and stay quiet. The boy had activated his camouflage (his clothes were still visible), and slowly crawled around the lake towards the deer. Making as little noise as possible. He had already made three quarters of the distance, but the deer must have noticed his floating clothes, and the deer ran back towards the foliage. Jaska naturally gave chase, going too fast for his camouflage to keep up with, and bearing his teeth. He let out a rather threatening roar, since subtly was out the window. He was pretty fast, but so was this deer. It was built for four-legged travel... Him? Technically two legged, but he had some advantages over Mr. Deer. For example, Jaska jumped off the ground and climbed up a tree. He quickly climbed over to the branches, and started swinging from one branch to another.

The deer was in clear view, and Jaska had built up enough momentum from swinging over the trees. He finally launched himself and fully extended his wings. He glided his way to the deer, with his claws out for a feast. He successfully got close enough, and jammed his claws into the sides of the deer and making sure to dig them in nice and deep. The deer struggled and was thrown off by Jaska's weight, and nearly stumbled. Which gave Jaska a great opportunity to open his jaws and close them shut on the deer's spinal cord, trying to severe it. He had immense jaw strength, but it wasn't enough to instantly snap it's spine. He had to chomp down pretty tightly to accomplish that. But the deer was fighting. Kicking and bucking, but Jaska was doing his damn near best to keep on. Then that satisfying crunch came when he finally broke it. The deer's body went limp, but it was still alive. Jaska shoved it to the ground as he climbed over it's body and clawed his way to it's neck. He bit down deeply onto it's neck, and ripped it's throat out messily. Blood went everywhere, including the young boy's outfit. The deer was slain, and it was time for Jaska's feast.

Ultimately, this jungle belongs to him now. The one true apex predator. It is his kingdom, and he is the king. Truly his mother's little masterpiece...

He quickly went for the deer's torso, there wasn't a lot to pick off from it's head. He tore into the creature's body, ripping it open with his claws and tearing chunks off with his shark-like teeth. He wasn't clean. He ate it so ravenously that he had gotten it's blood all over the place. With a trail of blood coming down from his mouth soaking shirt, his claws were dripping with blood. However, before he could continue indulging in his feast, the odor of smoke filled his nose. He raised his head, with the deer's heart in his claws, sniffing deeply. That meant fire was nearby. Nothing made fire but humans. There was a human in his jungle.... Jaska dropped the heart back into it's exposed body. He pulled a leg, and started hacking away at the base using his claws, until there was nothing but exposed bone. He pulled using all the strength he could muster, but it wasn't enough. He slashed the bone again to make it weak, and using his strength, he put the deer's leg at an angle where he could put his foot on it. He brought down his foot, pushing hard as he could on it, while pulling on it with his arms, until it snapped. Jaska has successfully separated the deer's leg from the body. He kept the leg in his hands, while leaving the rest of it to the maggots.

As this place was now his domain, Jaska had to protect it! Make sure that nobody was encroaching on what is rightfully his. King of the jungle through and through. He decided to take the stealthy route, and surprise whoever. Jaska used his tail to hold his meal, and immediately climbed up a tree. He used the cover of the foliage to stalk. He was near-silent, quiet enough not to be heard by human ears. He followed the scent of the smoke. Tracking it down was easy. He continued through the foliage, until he found the source of the odor... It was Aislin Rose. The pretty lady he had met earlier today. She seemed... different. He hadn't seen much of her, but he was easily able to tell. He didn't know what... And she smokes. There was nothing that irritated the boy's senses more than a cigarette lighting grown up.

For now, Jaska hid in the trees above her. She wouldn't even realize he's there until... until... Well, it was too late. It was an effort to suppress his urges... The one that craved for humans. Aislin was vulnerable as they get. High as a kite, unaware, and most importantly, alone. He could drop on her and tear her throat out before she even has a chance to scream... Then he is free to feast...

No he will never do that to such a nice pretty lady. The child in him was breaking through. Until he had calmed down... and wanted to talk to her. Ask her what she is doing here, when there are vicious animals about (Like me...). Jaska climbed down the tree, and found a branch to sit on that was closer to ground level. Not very far above Aislin's head. However, his mere proximity activated the Fire-heart effect on fire. The small flame in her joint turned into a larger, lighter-like, flame.

"Hi, pretty lady." Jaska still was oblivious to her name, so for now, he was going to keep calling her pretty lady. He was kicking his feet back and forth, trying to look innocent as possible as possible. He was trying to hide that speckle of guilt that he even considered killing her. He kept kicking his feet, and stopped suddenly. "What are you doing out here alone? In my jungle?" He was quick to demand, and even quicker to declare the jungle his. He took in two deep sniffs, an realized that the smell was worse than before (Mainly due to being on fire). The child growled, and plugged his nose with his fingers. He pointed at Aislin's joint. "... And can you put that cigarette out? It hurts my nose." He was oblivious to the fact that it was reefer. He never knew the distinction between marijuana and tobacco. To his sensitive nose, it was all the same.

He was pretty casual about the fact he was covered in blood.

Henry Olin, Matt Evans, Atticus Fowler, Codi Baily, Dana Alcott, & Jack Corvo
(Written in collaboration between Jazzy, SerpentGear, Mr Allen J, & Maxx)

Henry dropped down from the ceiling heavily when the match was called off. He didn't open his eyes, as the lights were still out, but he did listen. Team two had won, and he hissed audibly at this. He didn't disagree, with the fact annoyed the hell out of him. His team had thrown caution to the wind and charged headlong into battle, and had nearly gotten destroyed. He shook his head and looked over to Mark. "Follow me out." He said, flashing to his normal colors, his active camouflage shimmering back to the visible spectrum of light


Henry had relocated himself to the inner wall, after running around campus and stapling notices around for the jungle adventure he was planning during his free time in between the classes, where it was, when, etc for students to take notice of. So, there he stood, dressed up in his wet suit, ready for action. He planned to bring them to the waterfall, through the cave first. He had made a note to bring swimming attire. He sighed and opened his eyes at the sound of approaching feet to see who had come to join him in his little expedition. The first person he saw was the omnikinetic, who wore a white douche bag tank top, and some dark green swim trunks. He had some square sunglasses on as well. Henry raised and eye ridge, and scratched his neck, feeling the beginnings of feathers growing from the spiney ridges that went down the length of his neck. "So who else is showing up?" Matt said, finally speaking up. "You're the first so far, mate. You're a few minutes early." Henry replied. "The others should be getting here any moment."

A few moments later, Codi arrived, easily recognized by the parasitic urchin sitting on her back, which even complete strangers could come to know her by. With her was a person that nobody had seen before, rather pale in appearance, with dark blonde hair parted on one side. Codi wore clothing that one would expect she had done a large amount of decidedly messy activities in. It was a tan-colored shirt with fish-sketches on it, but there were black stains that suggested grease or oil, and a few places looked as though they had been snagged or worn. The jeans that Codi had chosen to wear were likewise worn and stained. It also appeared that Codi was wearing steel-toe work-boots, although these were kept in surprisingly good repair. The person with her was dressed more neatly, although there was clear consideration for the activity that he had chosen to attend.  He wore long jeans that would protect his legs, and a pair of white running shoes with good red rubber treads on them that were perfect for an outdoors activity. He wore a short-sleeved shirt with a white and red abstract design, which appeared to feature mainly sharks, despite the color conflicting with an ocean theme. What stood out the most about this stranger was that he wore sunglasses, which had a notably dark tint, completely hiding even the faintest impression of his eyes. He did not appear as though he intended to remove them, either.

"Hi, Henry," Codi said, smiling, as usual, finding no reason to change her attitude towards the lizard man, even though Atticus had mentioned something about the possibility of either him or the Panda Man roaring and scaring off Jaska. This thought in mind, however, they had both agreed that people had taken the game of Capture the Flag far too seriously, and that it caused confusion even among people with the greatest amount of common sense. Since Codi decided she wanted to avoid the majority of people, finding that they were just as crazy as she had thought, she decided along with Atticus to go on Henry's jungle expidition.  They both intended to forget what happened during training. It was far too ridiculous for them to have an accurate impression of the people they would be around for what they both believed would be a very extended period of time. Atticus, who was the apparent 'stranger' standing next to her, nodded, "Hey, Henry." He said, with a typical cool demeanor. He would immediately be recognized by his voice as the fish-man.
As it usually was when he was lacking a game to play, Jack was bored. He sat in the corner of the lounge, loudly shuffling his deck of worn playing cards and waiting for someone interesting to arrive. As usual, this request was not fulfilled by the randomness of everyday life, and so Jack left the lounge rather abruptly, brushing into a massive man walking into the lounge. He mumbled an "excuse me" and continued onwards outside. Once outside, Jack stowed the playing cards in one of the many pockets of his beige cargo shorts and produced a pair of black designer sunglasses from where they hung at the collar of his white polo. Jack was exceptionally dressed down today, and he felt slightly off, as if his normal swagger had been greatly diminished. He began to walk towards the coffee shop, with the intent of stirring up some competition there, but was sidetracked when he caught sight of a large lizard man standing near the gates of the school gates with a small crowd of students congregating around him.

Henry and Jack had been best friends while Henry was still in college. They'd met in the dueling arena one day, when Jack was attempting to solicit powers from freshmen, and got into an argument. They decided to take their disagreement to the ring, like they saw other kids do. Jack got his ass kicked, and from that moment on began to respect Henry more than anyone else on campus. They were an odd duo, the smooth-talking rich boy and the hulking jungle creature, but they worked just as well as any best friends would. But Henry was a teacher now, and Jack wasn't completely impressed. Henry was cool, but he wasn't quite "teacher" enough, in Jack's opinion. Nonetheless, he was dying to hang out. He walked over with his normal cool demeanor, his hands in his pockets and his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. He noticed a kid in a leather jacket leaning up against a nearby palm tree, smoking a cigarette and toting a leather jacket over his shoulder. The kid looked like he was lost in the wrong generation. 'Seriously, who still smokes tobacco anyways?' Jack thought to himself.
Back in Dana's dorm, the young woman was at the computer having a short conversation with her father, Andy Alcott, through Skype. A nice little video chat. Her father was a man that looked almost completely different from his daughter - Being a woman that takes more after her mother. He was rugged, had a beard, and was aging. He had to be in his mid-forties, but he was already losing his hair. He wore glasses, thicker framed ones than his daughter.

"You doing okay in school?" Andy asked, he gave her a curious look, that was rather dry at the same time.

Dana smiled cheerfully, "Yes. No one is really bothering me this year, which is great."

"Good. I want to see you get that computer science major and get back here..." Andy started off. He was curious about something, "... Have you learned anything about that power of yours?"

This was a subject that Dana would normally be uncomfortable about, but she knew that her father knew about her power more than anyone else here. "Well... It's hard to 'train' it... But I have learned that I regenerate pretty well when I'm in that form..."

"... Has your spine been repaired then?" Andy asked, almost looking like he was getting hopeful.

Dana sighed, and shook her head. "No..." She started off, "I don't feel any different."

"Out of all the people there, nobody's been able to even help you?"

Dana shook her head again, "... You cannot fix what isn't broken." Despite what most people believed, her spine was malformed at birth. Technically not damaged even in the slightest. She had suspected that it would take someone with a biological or an advanced healing ability.

Andy retracted a bit. "... Sorry. I..."

"It is okay." Dana was quick to cut him off, "I have to go on a little jungle trip with Henry... Remember I told you about him?" She asked.

"Yeah... I remember." Andy hears about the school, and the strangest things that go on there on a basis. He had wondered why his daughter hadn't been scared back under his roof, but she had taken such a liking to the place that she requested to become a full student. "I wish I could be there with you myself, but those rules... And your growing up. You are already a young woman. I trust that you can do things on your own despite your disability...."

"I understand." Dana said with a warm smile. "I'll be going now."

"Alright, you stay safe." Andy said as he ended the Skype call...

Dana almost instantly transformed. This abomination again... Time was of the essence. Dana rolled her way back out of her room.
Super-fast monster or not Dana was going to make her way to the meeting point. Where was it...? Outside the gates or somewhere like that? Well, Dana didn't know. There was no one in the hallway outside her room, or anyone that paid attention to her. She was still in monster-mode, well... Since it was the most convenient right now, she was going to take the short-cut this time. She swung up onto the ceiling using her extra-limbs, grabbed her wheelchair with a tentacle, and darted across the ceiling like a bat out of hell. If anyone were capable of seeing Dana, they would realize that she was a blur of pure speed. Though, at the speed she's going, and the fact that no one ever looks up, she would be gone before anyone ever noticed her. Her movements sounded like a rush of wind. However, her burst of speed had to come to an end once she made it to the lobby of the dorms. She peaked her head around the corner, and saw it was quite active. Dana gently placed her wheelchair on the floor, and followed and assumed her usual position.

Dana didn't say a word to anyone, she just rolled into the room, and immediately turned back into a human. No one would even realize that she was changed. She proceeded out of the room and moved towards the assembly point. Dana noticed how the sun was bearing down on her, thank god she brought this sun hat with her. It was resting in her lap the whole time, she put it on her head and it kept the sun's rays out of her face. She kept moving, and passed through the gates of the school - Once again no one had their eyes on her and she transformed. She sighed, well, she made the closest sound she could to a sigh. Dana spied on the group from a distance. She wasn't the type to make such entrances, but....

In this inhuman body, Dana's mobility was a whole another level. Superior to her even if she was born with the ability to walk, she would never be able to match these acrobatics. She clung herself to the wall, and quickly climbed up it, then quickly made it down the other side. Dana quickly circled the group, looking for any blind spots... There's one to the left of Henry and Atticus. She quickly darted there, but she didn't get too close. She stayed a good ten feet away. That near incident regarding Victoria reminded Dana not to surprise Henry like that. "Hey everyone." She spoke. To everyone, it would look like she suddenly appeared out of thin air (There was a sound, however). It would be surprising to them since a girl in a wheelchair shouldn't be able to do that. Dana rolled up closer to them, smiling warmly like nothing at all just happened. "I'm here, I didn't know where Tess had gone, but I'm sure she's on her way." She said with a smile.

The crippled girl realized that there were some new faces here. A tall boy, had brown hair, he was quite attractive, had that bad boy aura around, but Dana didn't have the hots for him. She was never the type who'd fall for bad boys. Another boy was definitely younger than her by two years, had dark blond hair. Other than that, he was slim, and had little else interesting about him. The girly friend he was accompanying was more unique to him. She had this large growth on her back... Dana didn't know what it was, or what it could do. Briefly Dana wondered if it was painful... Strangely had this thin build, like any other person, Dana thought that thing on her back would have some effect on her build. Codi looked rather normal in the facial area.

With so many people here, all of them probably new, Dana figured that she should introduce herself. She is one of the most well-known students here. "Hello everyone," She started off, "I am Dana Alcott, you all are?"

"Matthew Evans." Matthew said. "Pleasure." he said, nodding to the girl. He wasn't too interested in her, she seemed okay, a pretty girl confined to a wheelchair, which kinda sucked. If he could heal her, he would, but there wasn't much he could do for her, as he hadn't learned how to heal yet. Henry rolled his eyes. "Pleasure to meet you Ms. Alcott." He said to her, grinning. He knew in the back of his mind this would be a disaster, but he went through with it anyways because why the hell not, it was fun and no one would get hurt in it. "Good to see you Codi, and Atticus." he said. "Thank you for showing up." He looked to his friend as he approached. "Jack! Long time no speak brother! Where the hell have you been?" he said, clapping Jack's hand into a handshake and giving a bro hug to one another. "Thanks for showing up everyone. We'll wait another few minutes before we depart in case there are any others who want to come with."

"So I see the zookeepers have failed to contain you once more." Jack said, a goofy grin on his face.

"Why of course!" Henry replied. "They cant contain this raw manly lizard." Jack laughed and the two high-fived, performing a sort of secret handshake before releasing.

"Jack?" Dana had almost completely forgotten about Jack Corvo. Since she figured that he wouldn't even be showing up this year. She had hoped to meet him. There were so many people here that she had known, and it was hard keeping up with all of them. She smiled at Jack like a child, "Jack! It is so nice to see you. How has vacation been treating you?" Jack looked up and smiled once more.

"Oh hey wheels!" Jack said "Long time no see! Summer was lovely; took a cruise around the Carribbean and learned some spanish. How was yours, muchacha?"

Dana laughed at the 'wheels' comment, but that sociable attitude she had evaporated when Jack asked her about her vacation. She suddenly got a little nervous, she couldn't match Jack in terms of stories. Living on this island almost 24/7 didn't really leave a lot for anything interesting (What was interesting to the outside world was just Tuesday here). "Oh..." Dana rubbed her chin like The Thinker statue. Well, just come clean. "Nothing, much... "

"Oh," Jack responded, his smile dulling. He had forgotten that she lived on campus 24/7. Jack quickly searched for a subject change, and found one in a flyer on the gate. He tore it off and scanned it quickly before grinning once more like the Cheshire Cat. "So a jungle adventure, eh?" he asked Henry.

Ben Voss, & Shannon Balore

(Written in collaboration between Jazzy and Mr Allen J)

'Meet me at the Student lounge.'

Ben's replies were always curt, and to the point. He wasn't exactly a talker, and that translated to writing as well. He preferred action. It was louder than anything he could say if he could speak. He picked up his stuff, stuffing them inside his backpack and getting up, taking his now empty coffee and disposing of it, properly of course. The student lounge was a place he hadn't been to yet, but he heard it had a pool table, and he was kick ass at pool. He had plenty of time to practice over the years. Plus he was left handed, so it was always semi interesting to play.

As he stepped inside, he saw some man harassing a few other girls, and thought of stepping in, but thoughts better of it. He didn't want to make them feel like they were damsels in distress, and it seemed like they were handling themselves pretty well. They were playing pool, just like how the rumors said. He noticed one had been set off to the side, and saw the head had a crack in it. However, instead of forgetting it and choosing another, he took it over the others. He observed it for a moment, finding the damage, and then went to work. He used his ability to meld the wood back together. It wasn't alive, but it was still controllable. When the crack was gone, he went and put it back up with the other pool cues. He looked back to the game, and chose to watch over play, as they seemed to have a game going already and didn't want to jump in. He'd prefer to simply watch for now. He noticed a few other girls(?) at the couch, and gave a quick smile to them.

He looked over to the girls across the table and saw that the man was now teaching one of them how to play pool, which was nice. They looked almost like he and his own wife did when they played together against his parents or Pink. He contemplated sending her a quick text, but thought against it. She was on her way, and would probably find him annoying if he did that. He was protective, but not overprotective. He noticed that the other girl was upset though, very upset. He was pretty good at reading body language, he had to be lacking the ability to communicate verbally. This girl simply exuded an aura of sheer discontent. He reached into his jacket pocket and wrote down a quick 'Are you okay?' in his signature neat handwriting. He wrote in a half normal, half cursive kind of way the flowed well without being overly complicated. In his own way it was neat. Something only a person like himself could pull off.

Shannon looked up, her spectacles gave her clear vision to see this... giant bear of a man. Muscles, height, good looks, curly hair. Jeez, this man belonged in some magazine. He had to be in his twenties. Which would make it absolutely pathetic if he was trying to hit on her. Shannon stared at the board that was presented in front of her... Looking pretty damn dumbfounded. What? Going to try to hit on me when you can't even talk..? She wasn't the type to see that people had 'good intentions' no matter how hard they try. Everyone wants something out of being nice. Probably wants a date. Which will never, ever, ever, happen. "Yeah, I'm fine." Shannon recoiled, and briefly peaked at Abe. While her head was filled with suspicions, she was the type to keep them to herself. Unless she has a good reason to tell them. "... I hope you can hear too. I don't know sign language big man." She hissed, before her gaze went back to Deborah. Or else I'll have to use some handwriting of my own.

Ben looked the girl over, bringing his free hand up to his goatee and rubbing his chin in thought. He pulled the board back when she finished speaking, and erased what he had written. Writing in it's place 'You don't look fine. I don't speak sign either.' he said, placing it in front of the girl once again. He squinted, before pulling it back again and adding another sentence. 'Who are those two?' he said, drawing an arrow on the board pointing towards Deborah and Abe.

Oh boy. This guy doesn't know how to take a hint. What a surprise. Shannon rolled her eyes. While it could have been easy to ignore Ben (Being mute made that easy), it looks like he's not backing off, and maybe he isn't that annoying. Shannon gave him another look, she saw a metal object around his finger... A ring? No wait, this fool has a wife? That doesn't change her perception of him. Maybe he's just looking for a 'side-dish'. Whatever. He wasn't being annoying, so maybe she'll give Big Ben a shot. But first, Shannon wanted to try something. Since Ben was mute, perhaps they could have some silent conversation. She pulled a square out of her dress, and embroidered words onto it. It said, I am fine. That girl is a friend of mine... and that guy is another jackass looking to get laid.[i] The cloth floated up in front of her, in full display for Ben, for a few moments. Before the embroidery changed around and formed another message, [i]Since you are mute, I decided to level our playing field.

Ben read over her message, his eyes going from it to the man a little ways away, and squinting. He never was able to respect womanizers, he preferred relationships. They always seemed more... fun than one night stands or simple sex. You never got to experience the joy in a person if you didn't give them the chance to be around you for more than one night. He smiled at Shannon's last message though. That was a kind gesture, not one that many would do. Meta human or not. He wrote down a simple message. 'My name is Ben. It's nice to meet you.' he said. He reached behind his back and grew a little flower out of the palm of his hand, plucking it off harmlessly and then reaching around and passing it to Shannon. He wrote down another sentence, erasing the last. 'Do you control clothes? Because that's a cool power.'

Shannon wasn't sure if Big Ben pulling a flower out his ass was a romantic gesture or not. Either way, for courtesy's sake, she took the flower. But, if Ben tries anything, Shannon would give him the wedgie of a lifetime. It'd take industrial tools to get him out of that one. The cloth she had between them had changed words yet again. Shannon Balore. I guess it is a pleasure to meet you. While Ben was 'nice' she still kept her guard up at all times. He had something to get out of this, and she was sure she'd be finding out what soon enough. Yes, and no. I don't control clothing itself, but what it's made out of. Threads and fabrics and such. I don't think your power is pulling flowers out your ass...? Shannon replied.

Ben made a silent laugh. 'Control over plants and wood, and I turn into a mountain dinosaur sometimes.' He wrote in response. She may or may not think that was a joke. Even if it wasn't.

Of course, yet another super flashy power. Well, controlling plants was quite a useful power. Outside of fights she means. He could helpful to her... He could get her some materials in their 'raw' form. That is very interesting... the control of plants, not the dinosaur. Perhaps we can work out an arrangement for you to procure me some more materials...?

To this Ben shrugged, and then gave her a piece of cotton and smiled. 'Go crazy.'.

Shannon manipulated the piece of cotton through the air, towards her. She demonstrated a bit of control, and weaved it into many small shapes. The effel tower, a deer, and so forth. This was perfect. Cotton in it's raw form... "... I'm going to need more of this." She spoke.

Ben simply smiled at this. He had made a friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Quinn Daives

She'd just finished a rather difficult online battle against a Snorlax/Leftovers Team. She hated those damn teams, mostly because little though would be put into the other five members. But, she trounced the fuckers like the BAMF she was, just in time to see a cute lil thing plop on the couch. She was intrigued by the confidence the young woman exuded and, if she were to be completely honest, the lone was absolutely cheesy. Quinn though, didn't mind cheesy as long as the delivery added some personality to it. Personality that this girl seemed to have in spades.

She let her eyes roam over the girl deliberately, but appreciatively. She was thin and delicate looking, with the most elfish and adorable ears she'd ever seen. Quinn looked back to her game to save it, turned it off then closed it. "Oh really?" she asked with a small laugh. "You know...if I had a quarter for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you..." She gave the girl a lazy smile, "I'd have 25 cents." She replied as her smile morphed into a rougish grin. "I'm Quinn, Quinn Daives." she offered her hand to the young woman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Henry Olin, Asae Sugiura, Dana Alcott, & Matthew Evans.

Asae left Tetsuya on the couch, leaving him to talk with Annabella. He looked at her slightly before diverting his attention back to Annabella's questioning on the whole...relationship thing as she put it. Asae walked around, looking for a door of some sort, anything to lead tot he outside. The realization that her and Tetsuya could very well have kids was, shocking to say the least for her. She had no idea how Tetsuya had even taken it before she kind of just walked off from the conversation. What she needed was fresh air, or something to get her mind off the baby situation. Finding the door took another couple of minutes, but she found it eventually, she walked out into the open, breathing in hard for the fresh air. She looked around to see if anyone was around her, before she took off the strap of the box that had one of her prized possesions with in it. She thought about Tetsuya's warning with the schools Policy on items such as this, sighing she closed the box and put the strap back on Find a place farther, away from the school, then open it... a mimic of Tetsuya's Voice ringing in her ear. Yet another thing he left on her mind, his damn scolding. Even when she wanted to get away he was there.

She countined on her path towards any type of opening in the wall, before stumbling upon Henry again. She saw that he stood before a gate of some sort to the outer wall with several others around him. He seemed to be speaking them. Walking up and waving Asae began to speak to the man turned reptile. "Hey Henry! Seems like you've conjured up a crowd, any reason in particular?" hopefully this could be her ticket out and she would be able to pratice using her sword in peace.

Henry's eyes diverted from the group of teenagers he was addressing. It seemed Tetsuya's fiance had joined them. She had a large box within it. He narrowed his eyes at it for a moment before brushing it off. Whatever was in it wasnt his buisness. "Asae," he began, smiling to the woman. "I guess I didn't do a very good job of advertsing with the fliers everywhere. My little gathering here is for a little jungle expidition I've been planning." He said nodding over the group of people he had gather together. "You're welcome to come with if you want." He said. Matt lowered his sunglasses as she approached and said something along the lines of "Nice rack..." under his breath.

It's that woman again. Dana thought to herself as she diverted her attention away from Jack, and turned towards Asae. She adjusted that sunhat she had on, and looked at the woman. They had a brief conversation, but soon as capture the flag started, they went their separate ways. Of course, Dana didn't really have much to say to her, being a strange woman that wandered in here. Dana's mindset was always try to make a friend out of anyone... She just didn't see that working. A change of subjects came fast when she heard that Matt boy saying something lewd underneath his breath. Something about a rack... Whenever a boy mentions a 'rack' he's almost always talking about a woman's mammaries. Dana raised an eyebrow and looked at him with a glare that spoke for her. "Don't be lewd." She chided Matt.

Asae smile faltered slightly when she heard the boy talk about her breast, sighing I'll make mental note of him for future interaction...dont fuck up your ride now she look at the other girl say something to Matt, the girl form eariler that she had been talking to. Asae mentally faced palm trying to think of her name, though she slightly waved at the girl. Best try to start making friends rather then enemies for the time being, she already had enough of those. "If it wouldn't be a huge inconvience, sure, I would love to tag along." though in truth she was simply going to ditch the group and head somewhere by herself.

Matt put his sunglasses back up, but looked over to Dana when she mentioned something about not being lewd. He also saw that Asae had flatered. She had to have heard him as well. Whaaaaatever. "Sorry for that," he said, sounding honest. "I cant compliment one girl without complimenting the other. Nice legs." He said. However, because he said this out loud, Henry heard it, and with his tail knocked the shithead down by wrapping it around his leg and yanking upward. "Insult me next time, please. I can take it and give it back." the reptilian man said, leaning back against the gate. "Sorry about that girls." he said, his eyes seperately focusing on Asae and Dana. Matt got up and brushed himself off, giving Henry the middle finger in obscure ways no one would notice on his way back to standing up. "Dickweed..." Matt mumbled. "What was that? I didn't hear you." Henry replied. "Nothing."

Asshole.... Dana thought to herself, almost wanting to say it outloud. She just hated it when people made fun of her disability... But it was something she was used to at this point. But, Henry was quick to put Matt in his place like he usually did. It almost made her giggle. "... You could always look away for a moment, Henry." She said with a strangely cheerful smile. Nobody would know what she meant except for Henry... And if she did do anything, nobody would notice until she was back in her chair, looking shocked as everyone else. Other than that, Dana choose to ignore Matt. Jackasses like him weren't worth her time.

Asae covered her smile when Henry put Matt in his place, though Matt's remarks to Dana angered her. The girl on the other hand seemed to take it like it was nothing, ignoring it really. It amazed Asae, not only was she able to keep smiling even through an asshole comment like that, she knew how to joke about it. I wonder how she would react to being in a relationship with a giant fucking bear...you're doing it again Sae... she shook her head slightly and walked over to the group, Matt had basically written himself off as the village ass, so there was no talking to him, at all. So it was pretty much between Henry or Dana, she choose Dana only because they didn't have a real conversation from last time. She would just talk to Henry at a later point. Standing next to Dana she took off the sheath and leaned against it "It's nice to see you again, sorry for leaving the conversation so fast from eariler, though I feel like it wasn't a complete loss. I commend you for not killing the asshole over there, personally I would have stuck my swo-...nevermind that, but you're strong willed not to knock him on his ass." she smiled small at Dana, god was she awful at small talk.

"10$ says she has a giant penis." Matt added in, talking about Asae to Jack.

Suddenly, it seemed that Asae wasn't as distant and cold as Dana thought she was. Maybe it was a little wrong to judge a book by it's cover. "It's okay, we didn't have much more to discuss," Dana started off by answering what Asae said about leaving. But then, what Asae said struck a chord. Violence was never a solution, some people may disagree, but it was true. Violence begrets violence. "It is fine... I am used to it after all these years." Dana started off, hinting that she was living with her disability for a while. "But, I would never hurt him over it. Words are words. Only you can decide if you'll let them get to you."

"I wonder if I could get internet famous by doing the ice bucket challenge and then showing a picture of you saying I have a friend with ALS. Then keep all the donation money."

Dana kept ignoring Matt, since he was only proving her point even further.

"Welp," Henry began, deciding to end Matt's idiocy and the small talk. "I think that'll be the last of everyone. Let's go." he said, before opening the gate for everyone to step out of. Before Dana could even get a response from Asae, Henry decided to keep things moving, and started this trip. It was a problem since Theresa hadn't shown up yet, but maybe she isn't interested in it anymore. Dana sighed. That meant she would have to roll around this jungle herself. Or... "Um, Asae?" She turned towards Asae, "Would you mind pushing me? I... I just need a little help sometimes." Asae nodded and laughed a bit "Would you mind holding the box as a trade? It's not to heavy, but it's an inconvience at times" she held out the sheath towards Dana, before getting behind her and gently pushing her towards Henry and out into the forest. Dana nodded and grabbed the box, and proceeded to rest it on her lap... She briefly wondered what the hell she had in there, but as long as it wasn't anything weird (A bomb, a gun, a small child) everything would be fine!

Once everyone was through, Henry shut the gates behind them, making sure they were properly shut and all. "Everyone please stay relatively close to me. There is wildlife out there, and I think it'd be best if you didn't tangle with them without me being there." Henry said, taking a few steps in front of the group and leading the charge. "Follow." he said, starting the march.

Matthew Evans, Amanda Blackmore, & Nikki Biyung

Unbenoust to everyone, Matt had stepped off into the woods by now, and was waiting for the group to move out of sight. Once they were out of sight, he stood up. "Finally, those fuckers were boring as hell." he said, taking a moment to look around for the bugs Nikki had told him to look for near the entrance of the gate. Something about following it to find them. He kinda wished that Nikki wasnt there, just so that way he could score, but oh well. He probably wouldn't be able to find Amanda without Nikki. At least he was getting to hang out with her, even if Nikki was there. Neither were bad company. Despite what many might think Matt did actually like Amanda in more than just a physical way, which surprised even him.

The insects around Matt started acting strange, if he was oh ever so aware of his surroundings. They suddenly went quiet, and many gathered on the trees around him. They all chirped, buzzed, and hissed, in such a way that it mimickied speech, "Oh, you made it?" They all said in perfect unison... It would freak anyone else out. "We're coming out now..." With that, the bugs went right back to normal. The cousins appeared. Nikki dropped down from a tree, not too far away from Matt... "Ow!" She exclaimed, it hurt the hell out of her legs. Okay, maybe doing that wasn't the best idea, but she had to admit that it was pretty cool.

Amanda on the other hand, was behind a tree that obscured her from Matt's line-of-sight. She had a cigarette in hand, and was taking puffs out of it. Her hair was down, the band she had in it was removed. "Well, well, well..." She took a step from behind the tree, and started walking towards Matt. "Looks like you've showed up, boyfriend." She spoke with a grin, as she redid her ponytail. "Indeed I have, girlfriend." He said, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her cheek, before letting her go as Nikki was watching. "Where to?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Seth Maxwell and Poppy Flanagan

A tall smartly dressed man walked briskly out of the teachers dorms. He was wearing a well pressed black topper coat with matching slacks. Since being invited to the academy, Seth had quickly become a valuable member of the staff. Unsurprisingly since when there was an odd man out his ability allowed him to take their place. At first he was the go to for when a substitute teacher was needed. However, after being there for a couple weeks he got his foot in the door enough that he could fill all manner of positions. Nothing high level, but the sort of things that require extensive education. When the school year began he shifted his primary focus to what he had come here to do. Though he was still very interested in things like working with and diagnosing difficult students. There was a lack of instructors that could teach any kind of power. The only other he knew of was Adam Blackmoore. He was a very sensible man, and Seth shared some things in common with him. In fact it was him who he was on his way to see.

Taking the most direct route across the grounds he entered the training building. While there smaller rooms, Adam was most likely in the main one after teaching a class. At first it looked empty, but sure enough there were a few straggling students. Two of which headed out as he approached. The remaining one was a barely adolescent little girl with a large, very messy head of hair. She was shaking enough that anyone could tell that she was nervous, and her chemical levels confirmed it without a doubt. This one was a no brainer, she was instinctively looking for comfort and guidance. He didn't have to form a deeper analysis of the situation to determine the best course of action. Seth increased his footfalls so that there was no doubt that she would here him coming. His bore a pleasant smile. "There's no need to fret. I'm Dr. Seth Maxwell, though you may call me simply by Seth." Titles were trivial to him, but a good measure to inspire confidence in his abilities. Which may seem even more vain, however it was them who were going to help this child. She's the one who needed to be convinced.

Theresa's drug had worn off, then to Poppy's horror she had to comb her hair free of bugs. It took her a long time in the stall and everyone once in a while there was a high pitched outburst from within. Inside she began to think about what had happened earlier. The warning about feeling funny earlier. Had she been altered by her most hopeful outlook for a friend? She wasn't sure how to feel until Dana and her skipped out upon seeing Adam. She didn't even acknowledge me... Now feeling alone with a hint of betrayal she was considering heading back to the dorm and not coming back out. That is if she didn't break down right in front of Adam. Needless to say she was not going on the jungle trip anymore. Then she heard somebody coming up behind her. She turned and listened to what he had to say. He was younger, and seemed nicer than Adam did. Looks could be deceiving, but she didn't have anywhere else to turn.

"What might your name be?" Seth knelled down greatly diminishing their gap in height. The last thing he wanted was to seem imposing. He offered his hand and waited for her to take it before leading her forward.

"Poppy..." Then she remembered how the teacher had introduced himself, which was how she was taught as well. "Poppy Flanagan" She quickly added. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Seth." This got a an amused smile from the man and he rose to his full height. Then he turned to Adam.

"How should we proceed?" He would get the point of his visit once this students needs were met. While he had several ideas of how to go about evaluating a new student Adam was the senior instructor. This was also his way of gauging how truly competent the man was beyond his initial impressions.

Vespera Spindel and Karlie Davis

Upon Adam disbanding the festivities the curtain of darkness dissipated. "We'll finish this another time, Asae" (I'm assuming she would have introduced herself). With that she slithered off with haste. A fast paced, graceful strut almost unbefitting of a human. Vespera always had a sinister, self righteous air about her. However, unlike some of the schools other egomaniacs she didn't need confirmation from anyone else. Thus there was no need to stick around. Same reason she opted out of capture the flag. Her suit was already put back in it's proper place when most of the others started filing into to the lockers. Then she was off back to her room. It was unusual to not have a date in the arena, but it didn't bug her nearly as much as people like Amanda would like to believe. Still she needed to make an impression some how. Vespera went through her trunk and produced a slender black gown. It's neck came to a V above the breasts, and silk-like material hugged her body. On the left side there was a part that exposed her leg and fishnet stockings. High heeled shoes, her ever present necklace, and veil completed her look.

Word of a jungle trip had spread around the school, however Vespera had no interest in such things. Arachnids thrive in just about every non-arctic environment, but she liked to think of herself as the urban spider. Masquerading in society was much more up her alley than living as a reclusive monster. In a lot of ways she was like a modern vampire. One that would be unleashed when she grew tired of the academy. For now it was off to the lounge. At the very least she could gather more information if nobody there was interesting. By the gates she passed a group centered around Henry who must have been getting ready to head out on their fools errand. She continued on narrowly avoiding getting ran into by dress up girl.

Karlie was no exception to hearing the rumors and was hopeful to be included. She donned her safari outfit and set off to find Henry. The lounge seemed a good place to start and sure enough there he was. In her excitement she barely noticed the woman she was shoving past was none other than Vespera. Her outfit was classier than usual, however it was ultimately her carelessness. There weren't many Gothic dressers and Vespera bore some distinguishing marks. The spider woman hissed under her breath and created a shadowy tripwire in front of her path.

"Hey guys! Mind if I come along too!" Karlie was dead set on going, but it wasn't polite to assume the right. Oh man, this is going to be so awesome! I've always wanted to hang out with Henry, and even better out in the wild. I wonder if he'll be like crawling along trees and stuff... Packed away inside her adventure backpack was a couple other costumes. One of them happened to be a lizard suit. Wonder what he's going to think she giggled to herself. Then she felt her leg abruptly jar as if something was caught on her foot. Next thing she knew the ground was coming at her and she hit it with a thud. What was that?... Karlie grumbled and got up. She brushed herself off and looked at the smooth ground. After a moment she passed it off with a shrug. It wouldn't have been the first time she's slipped on stable ground. While it could have been one of the others there was no use pointing fingers.

"I was... I was planning on that." Karlie grinned fully knowing that she wasn't fooling anyone. Though there was the possibility that somebody among them caught what happened. "Ooh, I know! Maybe I could ride on your back! That way that won't happen again." Many times she had seen him give rides to Theresa and Dana, then earlier Victoria. She didn't want to miss out on the full 218 experience. "Pretty please" she added before shuffling left and right with her hands behind her back. As she turned her body back and forth she kept her gaze on Henry. She bit her bottom lip a little. When she had her answer she would introduce herself to the others regardless of the result.

How clueless. Vespera took a meager glance behind her to see that blueberry wasn't phased by her fall. It was rather disappointing that it didn't get her down. No matter. Inside the lounge there were a few small groups. Most of which didn't interest her. Freak child has found a fellow, this academies standards are quite low. Over by Shannon was a hunk of a fellow, who seemed to be communicating by writing. Her conclusion was that he was really shy, or had an impairment, which instantly quashed any interest she might of had. That left one of African decent who was playing pool with Deborah. Vespera wen't over to their side of the room and inspected the pool cue rack. She placed her finger on the tip of the cracked one remembering her first time playing the game. Her plan was to hopefully be noticed and invited to join. In aims of achieving this she upped her pheromone generation. No doubt that Deborah would prefer not though, and her scent wasn't going to help. On the other hand this new comer would hopefully be more susceptible if her natural beauty wasn't enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Theresa Sindel Obott.

Well, at least Quinn didn't storm off like Tess thought she would. In fact, she had such a great sense of humor that she replied with some terrible pickup lines of her own! It wasn't a good bad pickup line - but it made no sense whatsoever, and she wasn't the type to think too hard about things. Theresa did laugh at the joke, because it was a little funny. She was going to keep this back and forth going, because, what's the point in stopping here? "You know, I'm prettier under the scarf." Theresa pulled down the scarf with a finger, and pulled down the scarf enough to flash Quinn her rather masculine face. She pulled her finger away, and slid the mask back over her face. Nobody wants to get high. "Heha... You need a little work. Like, I've heard that one a million times. Like, let a master give you a few to remember...." Theresa playfully said as she rolled her eyes in jest. "Damn." She snapped her fingers and distorted her face into a look of disappointment, like she had forgotten about something. "... You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line." Until she followed it up with her usual playful charm.

Theresa was always the type who was always having a good time, tossing jokes around... At least to mask her guilt over what happened with Poppy. Theresa looked around the room for a second, and got a glance at everything that was going on. Deborah was playing pool with this black guy (Oooooh, cheating on Macho-man already, Debs?), and Shannon was talking to this massive mountain of man (Last time I checked, you were pretty gay). Vespera walked in, that cheerful smile turned to a scowl, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes.... Like many, Tess didn't like her. But, she didn't have to even talk to her. Like ever. Which was good when she simply strolled past, but she made sure to return looks with the spider-woman. As a sign of not being afraid of her even in the slightest. Because that's how people like them operate. They get one whiff of fear, and they'll be right on top of you. Theresa wasn't a fighter, but the best she could do was stay out of their way.

Quinn introducing herself is what snapped back into the conversation. Quinn? That meant five. Oh does this mean she has siblings? "I'm Theresa.... Do you believe in love at first sight...?" Theresa introduced herself, adding on a little joke. "... Or should I just walk by again?"

Adam Leo Blackmore, Poppy Flanagan, & Seth Maxwell.
(Done in collaboration with True Night)

Adam dramatically closed the book he was reading, looking up at his new guests. Most notably, was Seth Maxwell, a new teacher at school, barely been here for a month. He has much potential teaching the students what they need to know, but he'll never match the veteran. I will see how well he preforms, won't I? Adam thought to himself, a half-smirk creeping up on his face. Next to him was a younger student, red-haired, short, he swore that he saw her with Dana and Theresa on more than a few times. Adam had gotten the impression they were acting as guides for the girl, being older students. They were here after class, that meant that they wanted nothing other than to discuss powers behind closed doors. "Mr. Maxwell, it is a pleasure to see you." Adam leaned back on the stage. "What might I do for you two today?" He tipped his hat.

For a moment Seth looked quizzically at Adam. Oh of course. He had already anticipated the girls need and reason for being there. It appears I got ahead of myself. Look's like he needs to be informed. "You came to see him about your power, did you not?" Poppy simply nodded. There weren't many other reasons for a girl like her to approach an old fashioned man like Adam. "Why don't you start with the first time you realized you were different?" Seth promoted her. It seemed that she was going to need some gentle motivation, rather than being simply asked what her power was. This way she wouldn't be put on the spot either. Not to mention that Seth was a very timely individual. Might as well hear it from the top rather than fish for information.

"I -I thought I was normal... I thought everyone was was. Before they took me here I was waiting for father to visit me. But he never came. Then day's later... he, I- I was angry at him-" Poppy seemed to be getting worked up so Seth interrupted her. He could see where it was going, and he was sure Adam could.

"It's okay, take a deep breath and continue when you ready." The images of Connor Flanagan's unnatural wounds flashed across her mind. Against Seth's advice Poppy said one thing that made things rather difficult.

"I hurt him... I don't know what I did." Sobs entered her voice. Seth gave Adam a look trying to gauge his thoughts. Inevitably once she calmed down they'd have to ask her some rather hard questions if they were going to get anywhere.

Starting at the beginning was the best way to go about this. Adam had already gotten the feeling that she didn't know about what her power was exactly. He was here for decades and has seen the strangest powers, and people, out there. He had assumed it was an emotional power... What Adam had a problem with is that, in order to fully understand her power, he would have to see it in action. He would rather not get splattered all over the wall (At least not again). He looked directly at Poppy, his expression was unchanging. He knew that her power 'awakening' was something that was hard on her. He would have to carry about this in just the right way. "It is okay Poppy," He stood straight up, and walked over to her, "This is why I'm here. I'm going to help you so that you never hurt anyone[i] ever again."

That likely wouldn't have reassured her, but it was a start... And Adam couldn't connect with these hormonal teens worth shit anymore. "It is very difficult for me to guage powers and potential without observing it in action...." Adam went back to leaning against the stage, "I have seen a fair share of powers of that type, and I theorize that you have a power connected to your emotions... In this case, anger or vindication." Adam nodded his head, pushing his glasses up his nose. He stared at them dryly, never losing that professional aura he constantly gave off. "... I'd estimate you're a cerebral-type."

Poppy looked up at Adam and tried to wipe her face. She didn't want to be crying in front of these teachers trying to help her. She didn't want to hurt anybody anymore and she was hopeful. [i]So my power is realted to getting angry?
Deep down she knew it made sense. "I couldn't control it... What if somebody makes me angry and..." It was hard for her to go into detail with anyone what had happened because all that she knew is that she was dangerous. "I need to know how to stop it." There were powerful and scary people here, but thus far she hadn't seen destruction here that could compare to the front room of her home. Her old home.

Seth was impressed by Adam's intuition. Walking over comfort her and his guess about her power. As far as he could tell he was right. He had little experience in the field, but that could be said of much of his activities. Yet he completed them just fine, more than fine. Too bad there's nothing to observe. I would have liked to compare his power sight to my ability. There would always be latter though. It was tempting to cut in, but he decided to give Adam the reigns on this one. Then once that was done the adults could get down to business. So how's he going to break it to her that we can't help. Yet. To him there was nothing to do but let things play out until somebody prodded her too hard. What else could they do? Surely not provoke her just to test. Or maybe that's exactly what would need to happen. When was the question.

You can understand why I do not wish to observe it.... This was quite an ordeal. Not one that Adam hasn't dealt with before, but it was always tricky. He didn't want to recklessly provoke her, he needed to do it in controlled situations. He has suffered enough injuries over the years, and they didn't understand it at the moment. That isn't to say that she's beyond help. The child was in distress, but the best way to do it is to be blunt, and to the point. "Unfortunately, the only way I believe I can help understand your ability is to put you under the circimstances to activate it..." Adam nodded his head. "Other than that, I highly suggest you keep your emotions in check to the best of your ability." Which is asking for a lot from a child that has barely started puberty. This child was a powder-keg, and worse of all, the school has the slightest idea what she is capable of. For all they knew, she could be a level-ten Meta-human. Adam didn't have any other plans for today, so... "I will be keeping an eye on you in the meantime, Miss Flanagan. I cannot risk the safety of my students when we do not know of your capabilities."

Just when things seemed like they were going well Adam had to deliver the bad new. He pretty much just confirmed her fears. So they'd have to hurt me to test my power... She never wanted to feel like she did before her power activated again. Poppy started tearing up, so much for keeping her emotions under control. The thing he said was stating it flat out, and all that she'd accomplished was being considered a safety hazard. She didn't want to hear anymore, she didn't want to stay here. Without thinking about where she was going Poppy took off towards the door. Unbeknownst to her the wrong she felt added a tiny drop to her unstable power pool. Right before she fled Seth was able to observe her gain in emotional fuel, and that meant Adam did as well. My my, she really could be a problem. What happens when her system reaches full? And when is that? From the data he gained he could say with certainty that she already had a small reserve. It was ironic in his mind that she come here for help and left a tick mark closer to her breaking point. Something that might have been avoided proper words. There was no way to say now. The damage was done. "I assumed there were countless power types, but seeing is believing" Seth remarked to Adam once she was out of earshot.

"Miss Flanagan!" Adam called out to Poppy as she ran out, putting out a hand. Ugh. Being blunt and direct didn't work. It had made the situation even worse. Adam had observed that she was building up an energy inside of her... Which meant a lot are about to go wrong. He didn't know what she was capable of - For all they know, she was about to explode and take the school with her. Adam got up from off the stage, and shot one glance at Seth. "I'm going after her." That was all he needed to say before he ran off after Poppy.

No way in hell he's letting her out of his sight this easily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Quinn Daives

Quinn watched the girl with rather attentive eyes. She gave a rueful smile, "Sorry if my lines need some work. I'm not used to having such a beautiful woman grace me with her presence." she said with a laugh. She leaned back lazily against the couch, which made her shirt ride up to show a streak of the defined flesh of her stomach. "I'll be sure to work on them some more yeah?"

She looked over when the girl pulled down the scarf, but she caught the shapes of her jaw and chin. Then she let her eyes roam again. "How long?" she asked in vague curiosity. She figured the other would know what she meant. "You don't need to answer, if you don't want to though." she mentioned with an honest smile.

Her eyes drifted to the pool table where some guy was desperately trying to hump his way into some girl, which was an oddly amusing thought. Who knew that pool could be so...sexualized? Another girl was chatting up some guy, and this girl just walked passed. There was more movement than there had been before, but she merely looked back to the young woman in front of her. The strange girl that walked by was dangerous, and the pure...contempt she felt radiating off of her set Quinn on edge. She inclined her head a little so she could keep that strangely dressed girl in her peripherals.

She gave a little laugh at the pick up line then gave one of her own, "Girl, are you a parking ticket? Cuz you've got FINE written all over you." she said with her own brand of charm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

After CTF was over, Red returned to the locker rooms. After a quick bath and a change of clothes, he headed for the lounge. He had an appointment with Deborah after all. Of course, he was still concerned about what happened before the CTF and was not sure of how she and her friend, Shannon would be thinking about him right now. Maybe there it created a rift in their alliance, but, on the other hand, Deborah could probably see that there was more than meets the eye in what he said. Not that he wanted to discuss it if he could avoid it. The situation made him anxious, so he decided to go for a smoke before he found the others. Changing his direction to outside, he rolled a cigarette in an isolated spot, smoked it quickly and then rushed back.

There was quite the commotion inside. Apparently, everyone had already gathered inside, but he wasn't going to check if anyone was actually missing. His main objective was to find Deborah and it was fairly easy. She was playing pool with someone Red didn't meet yet. From the way Deborah was playing and the other man was teaching her, it didn't take much to understand what was going on. The guy was trying to approach Deborah, maybe to hit on her. Shannon was there too, talking to someone else Red didn't know, but the way she was looking at the two players made Red wonder. It was like she was disturbed with a stranger being nearby Deborah, but maybe it was because she didn't like that some stranger was so casual around her good friend. Red approached the group, even though he hated commotions. He would prefer to talk to Deborah and Shannon alone, but then again, you can't always have what you want.

"Hello, Deborah! I hope I am not interrupting something! After all, I was a little late for our appointment!" he introduced himself in the conversation.

He watched the game closely, ultimately deciding that it was a fairly easy one. It was all about calculations of angles and rotation of the ball. Red would probably excel at pool if he tried it, but he wasn't the type to show off, especially in front of a stranger. Although he wanted the game to end quickly, he decided to wait and not disturb Deborah. Talking to Shannon was out of the question, too. He was too hesitant to engage in a conversation, since he didn't know her reaction to their last meeting.

"I can wait for your game to end, so take your time! We can talk as soon as you finish!"

Victoria LaRouse & Christopher Fox

Victoria headed to the lounge after a small jog and a bath. She would always take a jog after an activity. It was relaxing her. The lounge was packed. Many people were around, some of them, she never met before. That was the problem with this school. Anyone could come at any given time, so Victoria never had a set list of people she wanted to challenge.

She entered the lounge looking for her beloved one, but Henry was not around. It made Victoria pissed off. He goes off somewhere and he doesn't even invite her. Then she remembered about him inviting her to the jungle expedition he had and she missed it because of the jog. She wanted to hit herself so hard for forgetting it, but kept the urge because she didn't want to be made a fool of in the lounge. She would look for Henry in the jungle, but she didn't have the slightest idea as to where to look for him. She could handle herself with wild animals, but she didn't have the slightest clue about wandering through the jungle.She wanted to talk to someone, but didn't know who. Instead, she sat in a couch when a man approached her.

It was Chris, who was also late to come to the lounge, because he had to take things slowly with his body in this weakened state. He saw Victoria sitting over there and he remembered that she was the one who challenged Adam straight. This fact alone, was enough to make Chris amused with the girl. He sat on the couch with her and extended his sole arm for a handshake.

"Hello, miss! I am Christopher Fox! I saw you challenging Adam before and I was quite surprised. I just wanted to meet the person who was bold enough to challenge someone as powerful as him!"

Victoria didn't expect someone to talk to her so soon after she arrived at the lounge. With no other option in hand, she shaked hands with Chris and replied:

"I am Victoria LaRouse! It's nice to meet you!"

Victoria was not annoyed at all with Chris' missing arm and looked him straight in the eyes, which made him feel comfortable around her. With that, the two began their conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tetsuya & Asae Kyuuji

After class ended, Asae left, feeling a bit awkward talking to Vespera, she was...quite the individual to say the least. She found Tetsuya waiting for her at the door of the class, him picking her up and bringing them to their room. Asae went into the bathroom while Tetsuya got changed "So Sae, I was thinking, what if...what if we talked to your dad?" a sound of something falling, followed by Asae opening her door and looking at Tetsuya.

"You know exactly how that'll turn out Tetsuya" she sighed and took her hair out of the ponytail, taking her eye patch off and blinking her eyes a couple of time "He would skin us both, remember the last time?" she sat on the bed taking off her suit.

Tetsuya looked at yet another one of his scars "I remember all too well..." Asae looked to Tetsuya and remembered how much that wounded his ego. Contrary to how he was, Tetsuya wanted nothing more than to protect Asae, so when her father found them and completely manhandled Tetsuya, it was...bad for him to say the very least. Asae began getting dressed, putting on a her aladdin style pants and a long sleeved shirt. Tetsuya had put on his jogging pants and a sweatshirt, still silent. Asae shook her head "You're doing it again Suya" he looked at her shaking his head as if to snap back into it.

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about" he looked the other way. Asae knew him like the back of hand, and he hated it sometimes, because she was just so brutal with how she would point stuff out. She was loving, but she didn't hold back when she was scolding him.

"Yes you do, you're doing that whole "I must protect Asae, and I lost to her dad", you do that all the time Tetsuya" she stepped on her bed and jumped on him, hugging him and kissing the side of his face from behind "Listen Tetsuya, I. love. you. Not anyone else in this whole world can tell me different. So stop stressing yourself out, my father is after all, my father. He beat me countless of times, so you know first hand he would beat both of us no contest, especially with the rage of a father in him. Okay? So stop making me lovey dovey and let's go do stuff. An I don't mean that you perv" Tetsuya laughed and got on all fours, walking towards the door. When they got outside, Tetsuya lead her down the halls, telling her about the adventures she had within the walls of the academy some number of years ago "Hey Suya, do you know a Vespera?" he was silent for a moment.

"I can't recall if I do or not, if I talked to her again, i could most likely remember who she is. It has been quite a long time since I was here, as well as the fact I was around 10, and about the size of a cub in my standards. Which was about the size of an adult dog or so" she nodded and wondered just how many people he knew.
Annabella Ravencroft, Asae & Tetsuya Kyuuji

Asae and Tetsuya walked into the lounge and say pockets of people socializing. Tetsuya stood up, Asae held his hand and her box in the other "I'm entirely serious Asae, you really should leave that in the room, I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to attack school, not with this many threats around like this" he looked down to her and she looked at him through one eye, her eye patch back on.

"You can never be to safe Tetsuya, and while you say that, wouldn't that be a reason to attack? This school in itself is a huge threat to anyone that could be considered a "villain". Hell could you imagine the people who were after us finding about this school? It would be" Tetsuya squeezed her hand slightly, signing for her to drop it "All im saying is, you can never be too safe, so it stays with me" he shook his head disapprovingly and saw Annabella wave to them. Asae pulled Tetsuya along slightly towards Annabella who was sitting cross legged in the middle of some chairs, done talking to some students who were getting up. Tetsuya got on all fours, circling in place and laid down like a dog almost would, looking at Asae and Annabella talking "So Ms.Raven what might you be up to?" Bell looked at the two and thought hard for a moment.

"May I...ask you two a question? And you dont have to answer if it invades personal space" Asae shrugged and Tetsuya let out a long sigh, meaning no. Bell cleared her throat "You two plan on getting married, correct?" Tetsuya lifted his head listening intently now, Asae looked at her.

"What are you getting at Bell?" she said with a bit of venom in her voice. She felt slightly threatened by Annabella's questions of their marriage, it was one thing to ask about her or if Asae told her about her feelings about it, but Raven was coming out of the blue with this.

"No no, please do not take this in the wrong way, all I mean to ask is...is well have you two thought about having kids? And If so the consequences and responsibilities that come with a child? Know what I mean? Asae, I understand you're a very strong individual, and Tetsuya you would be more then fine raising a kid, but have you considered the situation it would put you guys in" Tetsuya was sitting up now, looking over to Asae, who was looking the other direction. Tetsuya sighed and scratched his head, Asae getting up and leaving. He looked at her, but let it go, looking back to Annabella "I'm sorry i did not mean to make her angry, but as a psychologist it was natural for me to ask, well it wasn't but I could not contain my curiosity, I apologize..." she saw Tetsuya worry about Asae and it made her regret what she said.

"No it's fine...it's a rather pressing situation that we've been ignoring. You see we have already talked about this and well...you know. But I'm convinced that I'm sterile, she on the other hand is not. So for me to be her husband, it's very hard for her to come to the fact that we can't have a kid, though honestly that could cause a lot of trouble with her family" Annabella felt more compelled to know her story as they continued to talk.
Estell Szüts & Jason Tsao

Estell changed back into her grey button down shirt and harem pants as soon as Adam said class was over. Though however she did keep the sleeveless fire proof overcoat, she just liked the thing so much, she couldn't bear to part with it (Aside from the fact the thing was freaking fire proof, how badass was that? Very, very Badass). She walked through the halls, finding her way into the huge student lounge, looking around for at least a couple of people she knew. Jaska had pretty much immediately vanished, so that whole trying to start friendship with him was on hold. The girl that she had wanted to get to know better, Nikki, was also gone much like Jaska "Well this blows, I know a whole total number of zero people in the lounge right no-" a dark haired boy, much taller then her with a scarf and kind of a sporty outfit tripped onto her. Knocking not only Estell on her back, but him propped up above her "Hey clutz watch where you're goi-" she looked up at his face and it was almost as if her inners started melting "Holy fuck you're hot clumsy, i dont even mind you totally on top of me right now" the boy blushed almost immediately and stood up, helping Estell up and dusting her off slightly. He pulled out a pad, writing "I AM SO SORRY, I TOTALLY DID NOT MEAN TO FALL ON YOU, I PROMISE" Ella gave him sort of an odd look for a moment "You got a name hotstuff?" she stuffed her hands in her coat pocket, as he started writing again. ha that could have been a fire pun... she laughed internally at her corny self joke.

He finished writing "My name is Hui Tsao, but I go by Jason. What's yours?" He was not at all good with flirting with girls, let alone through a note pad. She extended out her hand, to which Jason almost didn't take, his glove hand coming into contact with hers, another weird light going off in her head. But Ella was too busy staring into his piercing blue eyes to care.

"Anyone ever tell you that your eyes are like really blue? or they wanted to have sex you here and now? Wait did I saw that last part out loud? Fuck, ignore that last one, please?" she blushed slightly, she was never like this, but the guy was hot, so it was semi justified, thankfully no one was around to hear that, else she would die from embarrassment. Jason laughed, or rather did a silent laughing face. He wrote on his pad "Are you mute by any chance, Jason?" Ella looked at him and he nodded "Okay let's go sit down somewhere so this will makes things easier?" Jason shrugged and Ella grabbed his hand pulling him along. He looked down at his hand Too close...way to close...touching hand...must resist pulling away...dude she's hot...fuck me I hate liking females..." he silently fought his demons, thankfully Ella found a seat and sat next to him, still really close, watching Jason write.

He showed her the notebook "Well actually I get told my eyes are really blue, but thanks. As for the sex comment, that's...that's a new one I think, so props to you on that one. And dont worry, i would totally be down to, but I dont even know how old you are, or your name, or like anything about you. I'd feel like that would do injustice to you? no?" Ella laughed and started playing with his hair Dude total red flag, she is trying to sex you Jason, As in intercourse, as in touching her body, like a lot. STOP IT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE DUDE he sighed and wrote on his notebook, showing her again "Do you mind if we don't have sex with in you know like the first couple minutes of meeting each other" Ella dropped her hand and slapped her face knocking herself out of it.

She sat on the couch cross legged with her hands in her lap "I'm sorry, acting like a slut won't get me anywhere, gotta remember that. Thanks for being a humble guy, most other guys would just have taken the offer. Want to restart?" she sighed slightly inside, at least the guy wasn't a sleaze bag, though in all honestly she wasn't doing much to not have it happen to her. Jason smiled, again making Ella melt, and nodded his head. Flipping the page to the back, he began writing again.

"Hi beautiful, what's your name?" Ella smiled back "Estell Szüts, but I'm known as Ella Seizu, nice to meet you. And your name is?" Jason wrote his name and Ella nodded. Though he thought for a moment about her name, not the Estell, but the Ella Seizu, he had heard it or seen it from somewhere. Going back in the data bank of a mind he had, before his face almost made it seem as if lights suddenly lit up in his mind. He pulled out a small drawing pad from his small book bag and started drawing. Ella looked at him with a curious eyebrow raised. It took him a couple of minutes, in which Ella sort of sat in silence, inspecting his body, before he passed her the notepad. It was a speed art drawing of her and headlines of the events she had won when she was big in the Parkour and Freerunning community "Woah how did you know about all this? Are you...Are you my stalker?" she joked, but Jason shook his head waving his hands. He passed her his notebook again "Ah I see, the magazines, are you into the sport, or just sports in general" he held two fingers, indication the second one and she nodded "Well that's cool I guess? Dunno I feel weird when people notice who I am. I mean i wasn't all that famous really and still think you're stalking me but whatever" she laughed slightly and Jason laughed back. He stood up, yet again helping Ella up and grabbing his things, packing it into his bag again. "Well it was nice meeting you Jason, If you ever want to talk again, or take me up on my offer, you'll figure out how to find me, until then, cya klutz" she winked, smiling and jumped over the couch walking back towards her dorm to grab her books. With haste she came back and found a quiet couch to sit down on, sitting cross legged and diving head first into the book.
Jason Tsao
-A couple of hours prior to going to the academy-
Jason sat at his computer desk in his room, laying back in his computer chair and staring up at the ceiling I guess this is the last time I'll be seeing you for a while, sorry but I need to get out of this place, too much is going on here for me... a knock at the door made him turn in his chair and walked across the room swiftly, opening it slightly "Hey Big Bro can I come in?" it was his little sister, Feng or well Leli for him, he opened it all the way, letting her in and closing the door. She sat in his computer chair and he sat, laying halfway on his bed, looking back up at the ceiling. it was an awkward silence before Feng spoke up "So you're really leaving for good this time, huh" Jason lifted his head and nodded yes. She laughed, some what full of sorrow "Well I guess I get your room, ha...do you really have to leave? being here with only father, is well...you know" he tossed her a folder of pictures and a bunch of different letters addressed to him, from the people she only knew as his bosses "Are they making you leave, or are they the reason you're leaving?" he raised two fingers and she nodded. Again the silence, though broken again by her "Is it because of "that"?" he sat up and nodded again. She sighed and stood up, helping him up and embracing him "I'll miss you, you big dumb idiot, try not to get into trouble, okay?" he hugged her back and pulled her away, holding her at an arm lengths distance, giving her a look that she instantly knew as "Don't get in trouble and be good for dad" look he gave her. He let her go and she walked out the room flipping him the bird, with all the love she possibly could.

He looked at his bags and he sighed It's time to start a new, this will be good for me...at least I hope he picked up his bags and thus his new life began as he walked out the door never looking back.

-Current time-

The whole meeting with Estell was different to say the least, she was a very flirtatious being, but she showed that she could be normal. Honestly she was pretty hot herself and he would have KILLED to take up that offer, but touching would literally ruin his mind, send to him into a seizure most likely. Good ole powers, yay... he sighed. Looking around there wasn't whole lot for him to do, he only had recognized a couple of faces here and there but he wasn't sure if anyone remembered him. When he last came here, he was 15 and was 5'4, a scrawny little kid. Truth be told he was thankful for that growth spurt else he would be towered over by people, such as the enormous man talking to the girl that was next to Deborah. He couldn't remember her name, but he remembered Deb, because of her powers, she had a much faster and more advanced version of his power, but his was rather for finding people or finding out about the past. Her's was more current time based, though five years can change anyones powers, he knew that first hand. He walked carefully, remember the incident that led up to the whole meeting with Estell.

He found his way to the pool tables and waved to Ben and Shannon, writing on his notepad "Um would you mind telling me what everyone is doing at the moment? I kind of just got here, though i don't mean to intrude on anything" he felt really awkward trying to talk to people, though these two were writing between themselves on dry erase board. He wouldn't judge it, but it was odd to see people talking like that unless you were in his predicament. He wrote something else quickly "Oh and i'm Jason Tsao, forgive my apologies but it must have slipped my mind" he smiled slightly oh dear god I really hope I wasn't intruding on something intimate, this guy looks like he could literally rip my head off, fun...fun times...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


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Atticus Fowler and Codi Bailey

Atticus had the distinct feeling that he and Codi would perhaps find this expedition into the jungle more miserable than enjoyable. He was willing to talk and interact with people, but when the first actions they decide on involve making perverted or rude comments, he didn’t want to be around them. He was getting a distinct wrong feeling about the vast majority of people in the school since he had arrived; almost as though they were trouble waiting to happen. He knew the generalized statement about hormonal teenagers, but this was almost too ridiculous to be tolerable. He liked the prospect of going into the jungle, contrary to what his rather fair skin led everyone to believe, but if he had to listen to people speaking garbage all the time, they would ruin the trip for him.

He didn’t let his distaste show, keeping a general stoic expression, and instead allowed himself to make mental notes about people. The first arrival, the girl in the wheelchair, Dana, seemed nice, from Atticus’ perspective. She hadn’t given any sort of reason for him to dislike her, and as far as he could tell, she didn’t let people walk over her. He also wasn’t going to let himself think she was weak, either, because if she was a meta-human, she might have a ridiculously strong power that nobody knows about. When in doubt, err on the side of caution, and don’t get involved in things that you know probably won’t end well.

The other girl, Asae, as Dana had called her, also seemed nice, and in general, Atticus probably was just overreacting inwardly. Aside from him, there were two guys, one of them didn’t seem to be completely bad, but regarding the other one’s behavior, he was somewhat doubtful. One thing was for certain, the one stranger (Because he didn’t catch their names) was too self-confident and even arrogant to ever be worth his time. Atticus considered himself a bit proud and arrogant, but it was more of a personal secret, of which he was the only person aware of such things. He tried to treat everyone respectfully, because nobody likes people who think that nothing important could happen without them.

Then, finally, there was the girl that had come in at the last minute and tripped on seemingly nothing, although Atticus thought for a moment that he had seen something like a line. Had someone just done that on purpose, or was his mind playing tricks on him? Nothing was impossible, so he supposed that while he could ignore it for now, he should remember what happened later and think it over. There was also the pondering of what Asae had in her box. He then marveled at how carrying things inside of boxes, versus backpacks, altered the way people viewed it. Nobody looked at backpacks, but boxes were somehow oddly fascinating. Weird train of logic, when one thought it over.

Codi, who had been made uncomfortable by the train of events, had trouble approaching people. She would have said something to the people earlier, had there not been a wild train of events directly afterwards. She had to work up her courage, though, so she moved over so she could walk next to Dana and the other girl, “Uh, Hi, I’m Codi, and it’s nice to meet you. Sorry I didn’t say anything when you introduced yourself earlier, but everyone just started showing up and I was trying to figure out what was going on. I uh…also forgot your name…I’m really bad with names…sorry…” She said, apologizing, and worried she had made a bad impression. She looked so genuinely honest when she spoke, though, that it was clear she wasn’t faking how painfully awkward it was. She looked a bit shy, though she was still trying to talk to them, anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Deborah Lillian Termellio, & Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

Deborah lifted her head and her eyes peered over to Shannon and this over sized newcomer. They were talking through messages written (Ben is mute). Suddenly, their interactions interested her, and she wished to learn more. She entered detective-mode again, staring at the pair (Ben's intentions are good, he came over because he thought she was upset) with unmatched attentiveness and detail. With her focus on Ben (New student). She wanted to search for anything she could use to make a connection with. To Abe, it would look like she was in a trance, not responding to anything, just standing there watching. From what Deborah gotten from Ben, he was more of the gentle-giant type. The kind that you'd expect to be a big meat-head, but actually has a heart. Oh, how sweet. I love it when we have one less power hungry jackass running around. Deborah thought to herself with a smile. She watched as Ben created a piece of cotton out of no where (His ass?), then she narrowed her narrowed her eyes, trying to make a deduction (Ben possesses a power that grants him control and creation of plants). It made Deborah laugh a bit, the first thing she did since she started reading Ben and Shannon's interaction. Of course Shannon would talk to someone who could do- (Pheromones, Deborah) What? Deborah immediately thought to herself the second her power told her something was wrong.

Was it Kristen? They needed to have a talk about what Deborah said during the CTF match. Deborah quickly scanned the room, like she was looking for a friend. And that friend secreting the pheromones turned out to be Vespera. Oh, fuck, her? What the hell does she want...? (She is attempting to enter your game, she is using her pheromones to achieve this) Oh. Fuck that. One person Deborah didn't want to talk to, like ever, was Vespera. That woman was a sociopath to it's fullest degree, and everything Deborah got from her was something malicious. She briefly considered moving to the furthest pool table, but that would be too blatant, and what's stopping her from coming over to that one? The best Deborah could do was ignore her, she'll lose interest and go away soon enough (Or invite herself over anyway).

Yet another boy decided to walk up to Shannon... He looked vaguely familiar, like, an older version of someone she's seen before. It would take a little examination before she figured him out. What was worse of all was that her power didn't work on him. Which made her all the more curious about him. She began staring at Jason. She felt a little bad about ignoring Abe like this, but her insatiable curiosity was overwhelming. It probably looked like she was checking out other boys. She watched them, hoping to get a name. Of course if that didn't work, she would walk over there and ask him for his name herself. Which meant, for now, it was up to Shannon.

Oh boy, how will tall, dark, and handsome entertain me today? Shannon tipped her glasses forward, and gave Jason a glare. He was definitely Asian, tall, muscular, a real pretty boy. Oh boy, don't we just attract all the 'hunks'. Bleh. Shannon wasn't interested in looks. More of a capable mind, and a personality that didn't annoyed her... And apparently Jason is mute too. Fucking terrific, maybe that whole exchanging messages thing with Ben attracted him. Jason showed her a message written on whiteboard, asking her what was going on. She gave him a look that just said 'What?' with body language. Because wasn't it obvious? God, some people need things spelled out for them. Just to be a smart-ass, Shannon took off her glasses, and showed them to Jason, turning them a bit so that he can see them from all angles. "... You might need some glasses." She followed it up with some laughter as she slid her glasses back on. At the corner of her eyes, she spotted Vespera not too far away. She narrowed her eyes at Vespera, before rolling her eyes. Dressed up like a slutty spider. Perhaps Shannon could teach her how to dress properly, and not like a penis receptacle, later on?

Though, the second Red walked up, Shannon's line of thought was interrupted. All of her thoughts were venomous. Even after admitting to murder, he is acting like everything is fine? Nothing irritated the red haired girl more than that, she suspected that he was a sociopath. Shannon shot Red a death glare almost immediately, she stood straight up off the pool table, mean as a rattlesnake, "Walking in here all casual, Red?" She adjusted her glasses, not stopping to take her eyes off Red. She was ready to defend herself, and Deborah, against him should he attack. "Don't take it personal when I say I do not wish to associate myself with murderers." She crossed her arms, staring Red dead in the eyes. Since Red was fine with casually admitting it earlier, he shouldn't have a problem with repeating it.

Oh dear, Red showed up and Shannon is going all defensive. Deborah herself would have recommended that she didn't say 'murderer' out loud when that was not the case... Especially in earshot of Vespera. Deborah had to act now, she pulled away from Abe, quickly saying, "Sorry, gotta handle this." Before she moved over to Shannon. She had wished she had that telepathic link up, that way she can explain. She put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her around so that they're looking each other face to face, "Remember, Silkworm, there is more to this than what meets the eye." She pleaded, "It isn't what you think it is."

"Hm, really?" Shannon asked, crossing her arms. She respected Deborah, and her deductions, since her girlfriend knew even more about people than Shannon ever could. "What could it be then...?" She asked.

"Umm..." Deborah stopped herself from spouting it out. "I think it'll be best if we discuss this behind closed doors. How about it, Red? Mind coming with us so we can get all of this sorted out."
Theresa Sindel Obott.

'How long?' Uh... What? Theresa didn't understand the question. It was pretty vague. "You'll have to be a bit more specific, ma'am." She answered, pretty politely. Though, Quinn was quick enough to change the subject. Heh, Quinn was a pretty cool person. Had a good enough sense of humor to realize what Tess was doing, and Tess personally found her rather attractive. A fit body, and somewhat androgynous? Yum. But, for now, she was going to keep (half) joking about the flirts and pick up lines. "There, now you got it!" She complimented, clapping her hands. The joking would get old after a little while, so Theresa had to find an appropriate topic change. Well, there was that big jungle trip Henry spoke of and... Fuuuuuuck. Theresa probably missed it. She isn't even ready in the slightest. No bow, no boots... Theresa could catch up, but she wasn't going to leave her new lady-friend behind. "Soo... are you new here?" Theresa started off, "Have you seen that beautiful jungle the school is surrounded by? A friend of mine is hosting a little trip into it, and he said bring as many people as possible..." Tess trailed off, "So hows about it, Quinn, wanna come? There's so much to see."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


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