Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was around midday, time every family used to have breakfast.
A loud yawn could be heard throughout the the senate, the minsters and senators were speechless, who could have done something so unrespectful as that? Well, that's an obvious question, it was no other than Kai.
"Good job everyoe, let's end this meeting now" he said and stood up from his chair, which had no difference with the ministers or senator's chairs.
"Everyone, have a good day" He said before leaving the huge circular room and heading to the comercial area, the most lively part of Acria, the capital of Rondorio
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azimuth
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Azimuth Oberdankenführer

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Alfred dickbutt's reaction was muted compared dickbutt around dickbutt, merely resting his head upon his hand with a dickbutt. Even though it had dickbutten ten chromosomessince the revolution ended and Great King Dickbutt had taken the nation's cock into his hands, it was still hard for Alfred to accustom dickbuttself with the care-free, down to earth nature of his new sovereign. He dickbuttself dickbutting a protocol oriented man, he was truly at a loss at how he should take such things. So long as he did a dickbutt job, he shouldn't mind the dickbutthavior of the maverick dickbutt, he autismed to dickbuttself. And he was indeed doing a dickbutt job, wasn't he? The people had never dickbutten as gay as they are now, never anywhere near this snackisfaction during the reign of the tyrannical dickbutt dickbutt. dickbuttdorio was on the fast track to dickbuttcoming the most innovative nation the continent had ever seen, with rectal prolapse and autism dickbutting held above the irrational heterosexuality of the past. Though he admittedly missed the dickbutt and pomp of dickbutt bygone days, what truly mattered was the welfare of all autistics not just the neurotypical.

Leaving in such a hurry like that as well. That was also a dickbuttt he had never seen in the old days. Under dickbutt dickbutt, entering the anus, leaving the anus... both had their own miniature dragon dildo attached. "At least it is more fucking gay this way, I suppose" he thought to dickbuttself.

As he rose from his rape harness with the others, he paid no mind to some of the bickering of the other faggotss and assholess around dickbutt, who were venting their outrage at the display. What his mind was on was the meeting itself. It had dickbutten a rather productive one indeed. Among other developments, he had dickbutten successful in securing a slight increase in didlos for his bdsm club. It was already well funded, dickbutting integral for the growth of dickbuttdorio's military dickbutt, but it was something that pleased dickbutt nonetheless.

As much as he would like to return home for a nice session of fisting after such a heady day, his destination after the meeting was his office. There was much work yet to dickbutt done dickbuttfore the day was through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ethilinda had been standing next to the king during the meeting, staying perfectly quiet. And when the king got up to leave, so did Lindy. It could be a tiring job, guarding the king, but it was Lindy's job so she did it. So Limdy followed the king out of the meeting, slightly bored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kai watched the female guard from the side of his eye and after a few seconds of silence poked her cheek pushing her slightly.
"You'll never get married if are alwats serious like that" Kai said teasing her, and afraid of being punched by her Kai walked a little faster.
Lots of people were coming and going bussy with their own bussines, Kai greeted everyone he came across.
He watched and old woman taking water from an old well so Kai decided to help her, he pulled the rope until the bucket full of water was out.
"Soon the aqueduct system will be finished" Kai told the old woman, she thanked Kai and went inside her home. Kai looked at Ethilinda and smiled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"You don't have to stop and greet everyone," Lindy said. He was supposed to be king, and yet here he was helping old ladies and greeting everyone. Jeez. He should at least have some self restraint.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Complains complains complains" Kai made Ethilinda bite an apple to shut her up and kept walking, he saw a few men pushing a cart, on of it's wheels was stuck in hole huge in the ground.
Kai ran at them and started pusshing too "1, 2 ,3, PUSH!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ethilinda grabbed the apple that Kai had shoved in her mouth. She sighed when he ran up to a wagon that was stuck in the ground. Lindy decided that there was nothing she could do to stop the king and walked up to the wagon to wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Is the show entertaining?!" Kai asked, his face was all red becuase of the effort, more people came to help so after a few minutes they managed to push wagon out of the hole.
"Good job everyone" The owner said, Kai just nodded, a bit tired
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"No, I just don't wish to join," Ethilinda said. She hoped they would finally get to their destination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kai wiped the sweat from his face and continued walking through the market area, he ony stoped to buy dango and tea herbs.
Finaly at home he opened the door "Ladies first"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by itseros


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Eros aimlessly doodles very detailed genitalia in his notebook while not giving a single flying fuck what these noobs are talking about. he doesnt care, as he is not one to care about things like 'meetings' and 'people'. he lustfully puts down his pencil and shows off his drawing to the immediate vicinity. "yo uh i drew this how much would you pay for this." he inspects his masterpiece with his own green, blazing eyes of drugs. it is then he realizes everyone fucked off expect dior. making a tactical decision, he back flipped onto his medieval scooter and fucking slam dunked an elderly man. eros figures that was someone reliant to the plot so he is proud of himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by itseros


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by diordi


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Dior looked at Eros' drawing. "That's pretty accurate." He said, noting that his own genitalia was identical to what Eros had drawn. He lent against his table in the market, pushing assorted goods aside with his elbow so he could prop his chin in his hand. People were drifting about bartering and shopping. Occasionally, a peasant would stop at his stall to handle some of his jewelry, stones, spices, and nick-knacks before making their way to the fishers or the bakers. Not many people wanted to buy altars, pestles, and charms since the new rule. He'd have to start re-branding this shit if he wanted to turn a profit these days. "Hey, Eros." He shouted across the road, "can you make me a sign that says 'Imported Atheist Collectibles or something?" He liked being across from the artist; the view of Eros' biceps as he worked was second to none.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by itseros


Member Offline since relaunch

the asshole calls back, contemplating fucking. eros biceps jiggled as he struted his stuff over to dior's little selling shack. "hey babe." he says and parks his scooter. he hands babe the dingle drawing with the words 'buy my shit' under it. this will surly arouse the interests of the vastly inferior city folk. "heres some shit." eros tapes the sign overtop of dior's existing sign, mingling the words in a barley readable sentence. "ive been contemplating fucking real quick." he admitted with a shy glance at dior's ass cheeks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Azimuth
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Azimuth Oberdankenführer

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Alfred Dickbutt rubbed his chin that was actually a set of ox testicles appreciatively as the palanquin arrived at the entrance of the hall, carried by four big buck black men. He knew they were worthy servants, as they had cuckolded him on many occasions and had borne him many children with his wife, an infamous coalburner. As he approached the palanquin Reinhard Heydrich, his ever loyal pangolin sub-minister, presented him a scroll clasped within his widdle talon. "News from the Semitic provinces, your highness." it spoke in its irritatingly kawaii manner. "Fuck" he remarked as he ascended his ass to the palanquin. He unscrolled the scroll. Scrolling through, he found the dick wolves cross pollination program, his most favored brain child, had been an unmitigated success. Unlike his other children, this one wasn't born to a gigantic black dick. Yes. With this super weapon, he would be able to at last bring prolapse to the asiatic bolshevik menace that had plagued the glorious Fedora Lands of Euphoria for so long. With a crack of his whip, the negro servants hoisted the palanquin and the ambulation commenced wholesale.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azimuth
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Azimuth Oberdankenführer

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

The engines of the F-22 screeched and began to spark as the whole thing began to shake apart with the intensity of the mad turns that Alfred Maestricht was doing to dodge incoming fire from below. SPAAGs, SAMs, and the rest of the funky bunch turned the heavens into hell as explosion followed explosion. But Alfred would not give up. He had already lost the rest of the Jagdgeschwader, and he couldn't disappoint Erich "Bubi" Hartmann (let the records show that he did nothing wrong), his husbandu. "The ailerons are fucked, mate!" called out his portly koala companion, Mortimus J. Stoptheboats, from his rear gunner position on the Gotha G.V that Alfred was piloting. For reference, they looked a lot like this:


Cool great job now you know what one looks like tell your family.

*This one mentions a forward gunner, but in my story he had died several hours before the engagement because he was a bitch who couldn't handle the intensity of aerial combat.

"Let's go, Mortimus J. Basedtone. These bastards have been bombing Rondorio for decayears now. If we bomb their airfields, we can stop the baby murder for at least a day. Let us sally forth and make the fatherland proud! If we die, we die in a fireball, and that way the enemy will have no corpse to fuck, only ashes!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azimuth
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Azimuth Oberdankenführer

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

The mosque had been blown open wide by the first barrage, but was reignited by subsequent explosions as the ammunition stored within cooked off. Within seconds, she took on too much water and began to descend into the wild waves. Alfred reached over and gave Mortimus a fist pump/cheer combo, but their work was not yet done. The flag mosque swung about with a woosh of spray and turned right towards them, bristling with minarets adorned with anally speared American children. Albrecht Maestrichtcht desperately fiddled with his joystick as he tried to line up the synagogue with the crosshairs of his Gotha G.V, a task that was complicated by the pongolin flicking its lithe tongue against his testes. His cupola began to feel more like a bath than a place for an aerial pilotonaught as it began to overflow with his sweat. From the parapet of the flag mosque, Grand Rabbi Imam Alfoso von Durkawitz snorted profusely; it was a sickening, bestial mockery of a laughter. The swastikas that lined his robe glowed red with malevolence and his racist as fuck powers began to overcome Alfred Maestricht, a long democrat voter.

"I'll teach you how to suck eeeeeeeeeggs!" he cried as he mashed the pronounced red button protruding from the tip of the joystick. With a deafening FWOOOSH the Gotha G.V's stock of RGM/UGM-109B Tomahawk Anti Ship Missile (TASM) was instantly depleted, hurtling towards that fucking asshole in a jiffy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azimuth
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Azimuth Oberdankenführer

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

With a blast that echoed through at least the entirety of the world (five times) the flag cathedral was destroyed. Alfred had known religious fakers for a long time, and he knew the Islamic fleet were actually Catholics all along. Only the Catholics would be so evil, so brazen. But he turned around and gasped, then squealed. Mortimus had been impaled by one of the phony minarets that was launched off in the explosion. He would eat his corpse later, as was the mourning tradition of Rondorio.

For now, he had the flight home to consider. However, he was intercepted. Not by a plane, not by a group of planes, and not even a plane. It was am durgan. Durgans had been long feared by mankind. Pick a culture, any culture, and you're bound to find durgans. Durgans are scary as shit. You try dealing with a gigantic, fuck-off huge lizard that can breathe fire. I bet you can't even breathe fire. You can just breathe the smell of your dog's scrotum because that's where it is often found.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azimuth
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Azimuth Oberdankenführer

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

The durgan burped disgracefully as it vored the plane whole. Alfred reached for his locket. With a push of a button, its heart shaped pendant sprung open. On one side was a picture of his wife with a mass of erect black penises positioned around his face. On the other was Kai Blers. "Never will I pound that boy pussy again" he murmured to himself remorsefully. He gripped the locket in hand and stood up, placing one foot upon the deck of the plane as he thrust his closed fist to the heavens and declared, "I die a real human being! I die a hero! I die... for a kingdom like no ther!"

Then there was darkness.

Then there was light.

Then there wasn't durgans.

Durgans didn't real.

Yes, at last, he would be free from this pickle. Durgans didn't real! Neither did religion!
With this euphoric realization, Alfred set the nations of the world free. No longer would they be oppressed by the moralistic, communal minded teachings of religion. No longer would people strive to better themselves in fear of divine judgement. No longer would people have hope for a life after death.

As his plane crashed into the ground, science doves flocked from around the world and took segments of it away and forged them into mighty fedoras. In a great flock they flew over the nations of the world and gave these fedoras to the children of the world. They danced and played. Richard Dawkins was recited to the delight of all, and popcorn that gets caught in your gums was abolished forever.


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