Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"I meant isn't it dangerous to let me see you and to know stuff about you. I mean when I get home I could tell the police everything." She told him. Although she no longer believed that she be going home ever again. Not that she really wanted to go home. "Why is this your last one? Why me?" She asked curiously. This was the most she ever talked. Her curiosity to understand him overcoming her shyness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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"I dont live in america. I have 17 mansions in 17 different counteries, and 998 million dollars in 12 different bank accounts. Police, arent a threat. Ive got power on a worldwide scale at this point." Samuel puts his hands behind his head and answers your other questions. "Your my last mission cuz im getting payed 12 mil for you.. Ill be a billionare. Theres no need to continue. And your just unlucky i guess. Hell im doing you a favor i think." He chuckles a bit again.

"Dont get me wrong, you seem like a nice young woman who is kinda just in a tough spot. But im in it for the cash." After he makes the final comment, his left hand reaches over his right shoulder, towards the handle of his assault riffle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"It's nice to know I am worth so much to someone." Liz said softly. She couldn't imagine anyone paying so much for her. Of course it wasn't really for her. It was for her father. Because he was an amazing doctor who had made amazing discoveries this year. If only the world knew that those discoveries weren't truly his. But they would never found out. "Well I guess this is as good of a way to go out as any."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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"What on earth are you talking about? Firstly, this isnt a date..." There is a click, and suddenly a thud. Samuels heavily armoured right side relaxes as the armour drops to the bottom of the box car. He wasnt going to shoot you, he was unbuckling his armour! "And if it was, this would be the worst one ever. Who kidnaps someone for a first date?"

Samuel laughs at the ridiculousness of the idea, clearly not seeing that you meant its a good way to die. Little did you realize, to him you were worth so much more. This was a milestone he had worked most of his life to acheive. You werent just the assignment anymore, not even a big paycheck. You were his life! "Hey tou dont mind if i take a nap do you? Ive been up for 42 hours for this mission. Your not gunna steal my guns or slit my throat in my sleep right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Oh I don't know." Liz commented softly. "I think it is better then most first dates. Not that I would know." She stated. Her father refused to allow her to date. She had been looking for ways to move out of her father's house. Atleast now she didn't have to worry about that. She was out of his house now. She looked at her kidnapper when he asked if she minded if he took a nap. "No go right ahead. I'll just sit her and count the bumps."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Samuel chuckled again, before slouching back against the wooden walls of this dark box cart. He was right next to one if 3 cracks in the wood that let light through into the box car. It was a small hole, perfect to use as a peephole to stare at the outside world as it passed. "Oh yeah. Thats right. You havent gone on many dates, primarily due to your father. Huh.... *Yawn* maybe when this is all said an done, if your still alive, ill take you to the bahammas for a week. Thats far enough from your *yawns* dad right?" And with that, Samuel's head slumps to the side, and he is out cold.

About the "Far enough away from your dad" part. He said that in just the right way, that it would sound hopefull. It may sound like a pleasant idea to take a poor girl out of her fathers house so she can be happy and see the world. Truly he was making a dirty joke, and couldnt emphasize it enough due to exhaustion. After all, what would a billionaire do with a young woman for a week on an island across the planet from her father? But again, the tone he used, and facial expressions he gave may have looked sincere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Liz shook her head. She didn't understand her kidnapper. Not that it mattered. She watched as he fell into an easy sleep. She wished she could do that. She counted the bumps as the train traveled down the rails.

An hour later the train jerked to as stop. Liz was curious what had caused the delay. She was sure that they weren't suppose to be stopping so soon. She carefully stepped over her kidnapper and tried to see outside to find out what was happening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Samuel woke as the train stopped. "What the..." He reached for his armour and slammed his fist on the side of the box car. "HEY WHATS THE HOLD UP?!?!" He shouted. He shuffled out of your way, rose to a stand, and stretched, letting out one long exhausted yawn. He reached into his pocket to grab a cigarette as he awaited a responce. "Lousy no good conductor" he mumbled under his breath as he walked over and slid the box cart door open. He must be incredibly strong, because the bar that was holding it snapped immediately, and the door opened as if it wasnt there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Several police officers swarmed the train. They took out the conductor first so that they didn't have to worry about the train taking off on him. Then they began arresting as many of the others as they could.

"The police." Liz whispered when she saw the familiar lights. She didn't know whether to pray that they found her. Or hoped they didn't. She wasn't exactly eager to return to her father's care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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"Oh of coarse thats just cheeky! Its not like i wanted to be a billionaire or anything anyways." Samuel shrugged and raised his hands just above his shoulders. "Well i gues me and my boys will just have to turn ourselves in!" You noticed, the little green light on his walkie talking was on, signalling that all his men could hear him.

"I mean its not like we could possibly do this." Suddenly, reaching only a few inches back, Samuel grabs his tri burst assault rifle, with an underslung M320 grenade launcher. "Bada GLUNK!" He shouts, firing the impact explosive canister at the nearest cop car. It blows it up and releases a huge plume of smoke. Samuel purposesly drops 2 more smoke pellets from his utility pouch for cover, before swinging around to face you.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Liz looked at him in shock. She was scared and confused. She still wasn't sure if it would be better to stay with him or run for it. He had a gun so for the moment she was going with him. She awkwardly stood to her feet and followed him. She whinced when he shot the smoke pellets but she was relieved to know that no one was likely to be hurt by them.

Detective Frost was right behind the kidnapper and the girl. He managed to grab her by the arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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As soon as Samuel felt resostance, her turned his head. Seeig a hand grabbing your arm, he used his spare hand to draw his logsword from its sheath, and *SSSSSHHHHHHHHINK!* one swing clear at the wrist of your captive. If all goes well it should pop off like a ripe grape. Samuel swings the blade again at the side of the box car leading to the next box towards the engine. One boot kick later, aaaannnd...
WADA BAM! The wall went crashing down. Samuel picks you up by your waiste, and places you in the next car.

"Maybe that trip to the islands will take a little longer eh?" Samuel chuckles as he sheaths his sword, and grabs the colt on his right side. "Cmon keep moving. That way." He points his gun towards the engine room, and back glances over his shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Liz shuttered when her kidnapper cut the officer's hand off her. As a doctor she was use to the feel of blood on her skin, but this was different. This blood wasn't from surgery it was from violence. She hurried after towards the car. She was able to move very fast but she moved as quickly as she could. She couldn't open the door with her hands bound by the zip ties so she had to wait for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Along the way to the front of the car, one of Samuel's "boys" from earlier showed up. He was clutching his chest, and clearly bleeding out. As you passed, he reached out for Samuel to help him. Samuel sighed, slung the man over his shoulders, and kept going. He arrived at the door shortly after you did. Samuel shot the lock, making a loud echoing ringing sound through the whole car, then slide the door open. The driver, was his other "boy" who was clearly dead with a litter of bullet holes in his chest and face. "well thats a clean up and then some... now... move.... unnngh." Samuel grabbed the body by the shoulder. of coarse it had to be the heavier of the "boys" who survived and was on his shoulders now.

After removing the body from the seat, Samuel places his friend in the corner, and looks at you. "Your gunna get this thing started okay? Just pull that lever *points* and watch the dials to see how fast were moving. When we reach 20mph, tell me." With that, Samuel draws his colts again, and walks back into the other box car, so that he can get rid of "excess weight" slowing you two down. Any police officers he gets to shoot along the way, would just be a nice way to tame his temper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Liz looks at him and then at the display in front of her. She was now sure that her kidnapper was completely crazy. He expected her to be able to operate this machine without full use of her hands. She awkwardly pulls the lever. She has no idea if that was what she was suppose to do or not. She had to duck down as bullets bounced around the cab. She was shaking as they moved forward slowly at first. She winced as she heard a car exploded when they hit it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Hitting the car jerks the train, and Samuel nearly tripped. He walked back about 3 cars, to the box car where he originally was talking with you. There, he pulled the assault riffle off of his back, and loaded a shotgun slug into the underslung mount. One well aimed shy at the joints uniting the cabins, and they seperated, so that the engine was pulling but 2 box cars which were hollow, and not the giant weighty shipping containers full of merchandise, which samuel had requested in order to hopefully avoid police detection. Seeing as to how that strategy had failed, they were dead weight.

As soon as the cars were seperated, one could feel the difference. The train jerked forward unexpectedly, and Samuel nearly fell off. Had his jacket not gotten caught in the hinges of the door, he would have fallen custody to the police. Instead, he had a pleasant vantage point to shoot and be ahot at, whilst he watched the burning squad car that we ran over, slowly inch behind us towards the horizon. A few rounds glazed his armoured pads, and one managed to burry itself in jis left tricep. Samuel slammed the door shut, and pivoted to lean on a wall. A gentle stream of blood was streaming down his left arm, and he was breathing rather heavily, but otherwise, he seemed just about okay.
Samuel's "Boy" who was still breathing groaned and called out to you. "Hey you girl! C'mere real quickly." He tried to push himself to a sitting upright position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Liz looked over her shoulder at the man that called out to her. She wasn't sure what she that she wanted to get any closer. While none of them had hurt her as of yet she was pretty much defenseless. With her hands bound she was more vulnerable then usual. She approached him slowly. She looked around for the man who seemed to be in charged, but he wasn't where she could see him. "What do you need?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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The "boy" pulls out his survival knife, and cuts your ties. "Your gunna need that." He mutters. It was a simple enough gesture, freeing your hands, but it could save everyones lives. "Now you keep driving. Till Samuel gets back.
Samuel meanwhile was 1 box down, catching his breath and doing the final checks. No people? Check. No followers? Check. No helicopters above? Cant tell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Liz stared at the man in disbelief. She rubbed her wrists. She didnt know what to think of them unbundling her hands. It wasnt like she was a threat to them in anyway. She walked back over to the display. She didnt know what any of the gauges did. She could tell what any of them meant but looking at them gave her something to do. Maybe she get luck and figure out a way to derail them. Not that she wanted to die or anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Several minuts later, Samuel walks into the engine room, and gives a sigh of relief. "Guys... We might have to ditch the train at the next station. " he says sadly. He didnt want another run in or to loose his other "boy"
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