The events that took place about a month ago, were world shattering.

The things people found out and were subjected to, were beyond belief. In fact, if there hadn't been any cameras to catch a glimpse of the heroes in New York City, some people may still believe that aliens didn't exist, that being in a small bubble was okay, that life was plain and simple. Yet there had been cameras and the media exploded over the appearance of Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Captain America and Iron Man. The internet was flooded with images and first hand reports of people being saved and how amazing it had all been to witness. Others were making claims about how more money needed to be invested in space exploration since things were clearly beyond Earth's understanding. There was a mixture of panic and rejoice. But for Pepper Potts, it was all headaches and stomach aches.

Ever since the redhead had been forcibly given control of Stark Industries when Tony thought he was going to die due to his arc reactor poisoning him, Pepper's life had been filled with constant work and stress. She was haunted by aches and late nights at the office in L.A. She had seen more of the inside of her Audi than her own apartment. Though she was planning to move in with Tony soon, despite their relationship still in the early stages. Part of her knew he'd need her after the insanity that had happened in New York. But she wasn't moving in to be his maid and assistant again, or his counselor. She just wanted to be near him, she cared about him and almost lost him. Pepper was beyond happy to have a real shot with Tony, as she had harbored feelings for so long.

With his changes being subtle at best, Pepper decided to finally let something happen between them. Tony wasn't the same arrogant man she met so long ago. He cared more, he found a purpose to protect people and his ego had deflated enough to make room for a real relationship, not just another one night stand. Pepper knew everything there was to know about Tony Stark and it seemed time that he should be granted the same personal intimacy. Did he know her favorite color? Did he know who was her first kiss? Did he know how college treated her? Because files dug up upon her being hired could only say so much about her as a person. Tony still sometimes forgot she was allergic to strawberries and didn't like spiders very much. She hoped with them taking some time off and getting away, that they'd be able to get to know each other and maybe put aside the glory and drama that came with being Iron Man.

Even though there were bright flashes from cameras, Pepper's smile remained unwavering.

She and Tony were holding a brief press conference in New York City before taking a ride out to Westchester County where they would be staying for a few months. Surprisingly, Pepper wasn't wearing her usual formal business attire, but instead had on a pair of dark jeans, a red long sleeve shirt on and over that, a dark brown leather jacket. Her long hair wasn't pinned back either, but instead draped down over her back and a pair brown ankle boots finished the outfit, peeking out from the bottom of her jeans. Since she and Tony would be quietly working long distance, she didn't feel the night to dress up as she usually did. Their company had also made several large donations to the people and businesses which had been troubled with the large attacks in the city. Tony was currently coming out as she just announced him. Many of audience members were female fans with signs. When Tony moved beside her, she handed him the microphone. The day was young, they could grab lunch and take it with them when everything was wrapped up.

Moria attempted to linger but Charles didn't allow her to.

She didn't need to be wrapped up in his own issues. Thanks to Hank, Sean and Alex, Charles wasn't alone. Though he missed Raven and Erik dearly, he knew their differences would be difficult to resolve and he just didn't have the strength to handle them and his rehabilitation. Hank had been able to design a wheelchair that was light weight and could be used to move with his own thoughts. The intricate wiring and connections were astounding and Charles knew that he and Hank would be great partners for years to come. Originally, he had thought Erik would be someone who would be by his side but that all changed and left the telepath with more emotional scars than physical ones. It wasn't in his nature to hold grudges and he didn't blame Eirk for his paralysis but he did blame Erik for holding stubborn views on humanity itself.

When the group returned to his mansion, he found it lacking the life it once held. He sat in his room while Hank toiled away in the large workshop and lab which had been given to the beastly companion. Meanwhile Sean and Alex did their best to keep spirits up but Charles just preferred to read or look outside, his chess set collecting dust. two weeks after the event in New York City, which thankfully they had all missed when they were on the island trying to stop World War Three, Hank had finished the sleek wheelchair. At first, Charles wasn't very keen on using it, still bitter about losing his friends to a dark narrow minded view. The guys all sat around as Charles began to use his special ability, something he hadn't done in almost two weeks now. The movement from the chair startled him at first but slowly a smile began to form as he was lifted off the hardwood floor. Charles congratulated Hank on the invention and the four guys headed outside.

For the next two weeks, Charles got used to the chair and being outside.

The fresh air was lovely and it took his mind off the loss. As he was sitting by the large structure known as Cerebro, he wondered when he'd feel ready to recruit others like themselves. The news had been ablaze with heroic characters and Charles knew that might endanger mutants who may have decided to reveal their powers. If they used powers without proper training or acceptance, bad things were bound to happen. Hank stayed inside but Sean was with him today, the sunlight a treat for the two who were anticipating the weather to turn, as autumn was upon them now. "You think we'll find some mutant close by?" Alex wondered as he looked up at Charles who was seated in his wheelchair, pouring over a book. For a while, the boy got no response so he just went back to laying on the grass, trying to find a glimpse of some leaves that had already turned from green to orange. "It shouldn't matter that you're in a wheelchair, you can still help people." He spoke up.

"I know." Charles muttered, not looking up from his reading. He then began to let his mind wander on its own. He picked up a conversation that wasn't very far away. It was between two men who were moving in the last of furniture. They were talking about how they'd been working all morning and were almost done for someone to move into the large manor beside Charles'. He closed his book, a bit taken aback by the information. 'Who could be moving here?' For a moment he was worried that their hiding spot had been compromised but he quickly discarded the notion. The manor closest to him was barely visible due to the trees and woodwork but they were still a short walk away from each other. "It appears we'll have company soon." He said to Alex and began to wheel himself back toward the house. Alex got to his feet and followed Professor X, not sure what he had meant. "We may need to lay low for a while." He said quietly, not wanting to compromise himself or the protection of his students.