Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Yeah it''s 30% so I better do well...not that I'm in danger of failing but I'd rather do well than not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oh yeah ^^ I know the feeling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Ah yes, it's that time of year. Heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hey, Genkai! I'm really, really, REALLY sorry I'm so far behind. :( I haven't been able to post for anybody in so long... Ugh! School and work are just killing me, but I promise I'm not leaving you behind or anything. ^_^ I WILL be replying - in fact, this RP has first priority, so I'll get it to you as soon as I possibly can. I have a lot of stuff this month before the semester is over. Several 3-6 page papers, presentations, power points, research, outlines, etc. but I swear I'm not going anywhere. ^_^

Also, recently finished the anime Code Geass... Geeze, was that quite a ride. O_O
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

I tried enjoying CG, never really enjoyed it and ended up stopping every time I gave it a shot. But the music was pretty good. I finished Attack on Titan myself, whew. Hopefully school and everything settles down for you. Yay, a post~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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I hope so too. CG had greeeeaaaat music - I'd say it rivaled Clannad's scoring. I really liked CG's second opening, gets stuck in my head alll the time. XD Angel Beats too... excellent music. I like AoT, but I've nly seen 1-15, because my friend and I watch it together and we've been busy ;n; but it's really good. So no spoilers yet. :p I'm glad you look forward to posting. XD I was worried I took too long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

AoT is good, I'm trying to read it online, though I have a like/dislike relationship with the main guy. Oh well. And I'm around, I swear. My brother is back from being overseas so I've been busy hanging with him before he's stationed elsewhere. But I'm gonna get a post up today, it's my catchup day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Eren bothers me too sometimes. XD And no worries! I'm glad you got a post out, but with your brother on leave, I would say spend all the time you like with him. ^^ Navy's an interesting place to go :p I'll be enlisting as soon as I can, actually... >_> Just losing weight - could have planned that a little better, but my career desires shifted so much until I was about seventeen that I didn't even realize how quickly it'd come. XD Screwed myself. Oh well! We live with the hand we're dealt and the only way to improve it is to DIY. So, have fun with your brother and I hope all goes well :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

My brother was already fit when he joined but after boot camp, he was even more ripped. Though he wasn't as young as say the 18-20 year olds in but he still put them to shame. And he's also joined to the Marines so he had to go through that too but since he's down south for the weekend I have some free time where we're not noming on food or playing video games like old times. XD I'm sure you'll do well when you serve, be careful though, I hear they're making a lot of cutbacks all around, they're not letting people reenlist and they're also making it tougher on certain sections so people will drop out since they can't afford to have extra "fat" but my brother is also going to school while in the service which is the biggest reason he joined and he's happy with it, even if it's work and they can sort of screw you with paperwork not getting to the right people in a timely manner but hey, that's the Government for you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Indeed, yeah. I feel pretty safe apart from my weight. My ASVAB came back at a 96 and I plan to be an interpreter for a top-list language (Japanese, Mandarin, or Russian). I don't think there'll be too much issue if I test into a critical lang. ^^ So long as I can get into shape, and I know I can. I'm only eighteen, after all. ^_^ Plus, I'll finish a degree while in too, since the DLI (Defense Language Institute) is accredited and possibly go for becoming an Officer.

I'm glad you two arr having a good time, too :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Our class went to the DLI on a field trip, it was really cool. I hope you can get in, I'm sure it won't be an issue though, sounds like you have a plan and people with plans tend to do a lot better than those without one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Yup! Though it will be a while, I've never wanted anything more in my entire life... I mean... If I can do it, it'll be the biggest thing I've ever done in my life. ^^" Can't back out now, even if it takes longer than expected!

I'll try to get you a post as soon as I can, this is a really busy month and with RPG's being down the last few days, I missed an opportunity or two to post ;n; and my chances are spaced quite annoyingly with the amount of work I have to do right now. However, by mid-May, I'll be done with homework and whatnot and have tons of time to post.

On a side note, I made it to Season 4 on Doctor Who and wow do I love that show. A few people told me to wait and that I would end up hating Martha... I still love her - I don't like that she fell in love with the Doctor like Rose did, simply because... well, I didn't see why they couldn't have a mature relationship as grown people, but that's okay. ^^ Loved it. Sad to see her go. And sad that the moment of David Tennant's departure draws ever nearer. :c
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

I wish you luck. My brother is now in TX for more training so I have time for online stuffs again.

I understand being busy, I've been busy lately myself but hopefully we can get the ball rolling again.

I like Martha, i think she gets a lot of crap for liking Ten and I feel bad for her more than anything else. I never liked Ten and Rose the way I liked Nine and Rose. I can't really "ship" Ten with anyone to be honest. I also think he's a bit overrated as a Doctor, I liked him in the last season he was in since he got a bit darker and less "hyper" as he realized his own mortality. I feel in love with Eleven straight away but the sixth season was hard to get through since I hate River Song. *shudders* Glad to see you still trekking through DW though, it took me a while to get through all three Doctors, I was proud by the end of it and happy to start on Old Who in my spare time. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Well good luck to your brother and his new station! I can't believe it's two weeks in, so thank you SO MUCH for being so patient with me. Today is my first full day off in ages and I'm pushing as hard as I can. I did an outline for the introductory part to a paper that a partner and I are doing for PTSD for Psychology and then he'll do the History of PTSD and I'll be tackling the Treatment and then we have to make a Power Point and teach the class about it. It's crazy... Likely one of the psychological disorders I feel most strongly about. I also have an outline for a Research Paper to do today, and as for the rest of the semester there's plenty more to get done. But I have a day tomorrow where I'm only busy for two hours, so I'll have that too... I've got my little notecard with all of my self-set goals/dates for each piece of each assignment... Huff... Mentally taxing. I promise you that I'll get to posting as soon as I can! Again, tahnks so much for the patience. <3 You're the bomb.

As for your sentiments on the Whoverse... Yeah, I just watched the Master "die" (Psh, right, like how the Dalek are "dead?") so that was a really neat twist. I loved the Ninth doctor, but that may just be because he was short lived... He was edgy and intelligent, but as a leading man, I think that he didn't invoke the kind of excitement and enthusiasm for being a Time Lord like the Tenth does. At first, I wasn't a huge fan of Ten, but he did come to grow on me very much. I agree, though, because you're right. at times he lacks the serious undertones that the Doctor should hold for his self-appointed job. I haven't seen his last season yet, but I've also noticed his slow adjustment into somebody more... mature, I think. And, again, I wholly agree - Rose & Nine was such a better combination than her and Ten. I was glad when she was gone, but I do like the development that comes with Martha's departure, where she understands that the Doctor will never feel the same way. Honestly, I don't like that the Doctor even loved Rose unless they give more of a real reason - he mentions, in one episode, that he had a wife and kids and then the topic was never explored (understandably so). So, if he can't move on from Rose, why could he from the woman he loved in his own species? O.o Eh, whatever.

Is Old Who as good as the newer series? I mean, I know that "the original is always better" but still. Because at the end of May I might be moving out of my mom's house (where we have the 4G limited bandwidth crap) and in with a couple of friends, so I might actually get to watch more Who and I've been curious for a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

You're an angel for your patience! I'm glad that I could finally get a post out. Hope it's enough. :3 I can't wait to be even more free for roleplaying. ^^ I'm very excited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Yay, a post! :3

If you need any help with PTSD stuff, my mother works at the local VA and has tons of experience with diagonising and treating people with it, among other disorders and all that jazz. ^^; It's pretty serious stuff. I can see how it'd be taxing emotionally, even if you're just writing about it. No worries. I know how school can be. *mutters under her breath that school is evil*

Supposedly the Master is like the Daleks in the sense they never "die" kind of lame to me, since these days we see more Daleks than I think we should so they're not as "rare" or "surprising" as they ought to be. I'm still a huge sucker for Nine, he'll always be my favorite. Always. But all the actors who played the Doctor did it well and put their own spin on it. My hang up is that most people associate Nine as being broodish or angsty when he had some of the most meaningful episodes of the bunch and he was often goofy and caring. Most just remember Ten for being ramble-y or something like that but I still argue that Ten is at his best in the final season of his. Episodes like "Waters of Mars" or "Midnight" are so good (and without companions). I love that Ten continued to love Rose as Nine would but I still prefer the way Nine protects Rose but also let her grow on her own.

I'd say Ten is better on his own, as Nine needed Rose more. I hated Ten until Rose left because I was biased and kept thinking back to Nine. I didn't like Ten until Martha showed up, and as far as her "crushing" on Ten, well who can blame her? At least she had the sense to make up her mind like an adult. I still don't think the crap she gets is fair, she met Ten at the wrong time and no one should diss her because she liked Ten, though the way he treated her at times was a bit cold. I felt sorry for her at times. Even so, The Doctor was still in love with Rose and it's not Martha's fault. I don't think she was too pushy with the Doctor, she did get the hint that the Doctor still likes his old companion, and who wants to be someone's ghost?

I dunno, Ten had a complicated three seasons and I like bits of them but overall, I can always say I liked Nine's more, it felt like he did "more" than Ten did. Though I'd say things got even more out of hand with Eleven, since he had more antics to enjoy...Nine and Rose are still a strong OTP of mine cause damn...*sighs and shakes head* I think after them, I'd say Ten couldn't bring himself to love someone for a while and then Eleven has Amy and Rory and then River...and ick. River...I can't see Rose approving of the Doctor being with River Song but eh, you're not there yet and I have known people to just stop after Ten. All in good time, I suppose...

I've only seen bits of Old Who. I can't say comparing them to one another is wise. I mean graphics will be different of course, and there is a jump from Old to New in terms of the whole Time War issue. I know everyone loves the Third and Fourth Doctor, I'd say start there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Post up. Should you wanna skip to the first day of school or sometime after, I'm cool with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Scout Sentinel

Member Seen 8 mos ago

D'oh! Sorry, I meant to reply to your OOC post there! However, I'll be posting in the IC tonight.

Great new on the PTSD project's front: my Psychology teacher loved our presentation so much that he wants us to submit it and our paper to an APA Contest. He thinks we have a real chance of winning. Sadly, because of the paper's length, we have to each cut our own parts and be submitted separately. That's okay, though! I was still thoroughly shocked by how much he enjoyed it.

I'd like to havea thoughtful, outgoing, conversational addition for our Doctor Who discussion here, but two weeks later and I feel that the topic is basically dead now. XD

On that note, I shall start posting for you and I'm very, very sorry for the delay. Now that school is out, it's time to start hunting down a second part-time or a full-time job. I'm hoping Best Buy will find something in me, because I know they'd be getting a damned good employee if they did. :p

EDIT: And can I just say again thank you soooo so much for your patience. ^^ I'm so excited for this roleplay and I'm glad you can wait like that for me. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 10 days ago

Congrats on being published, it's something to celebrate! :3

Job hunting is a bummer, I've been doing all I can in my area, but you know it's pretty futile. Good luck with Best Buy though. I doubt it'll be too taxing of a job if you get hired.

Oooh yay a post. :3 I'll get something up tonight I hope. Not much is going on so I should have plenty of time to catch up where I'm needed around here. >_>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scout
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Sweet! Classes are over, my final paper for English was an 80% (160/200) and the teacher is a really tough grader... Especially on that one. She said my topic was just a little too broad (medicinal marijuana, it was a bit spacious, I admit) but what bothers me is she keeps telling me to "write in my own words" and I can't stress enough that I have never once in my life plagiarized - not even on accident. I don't know what she meant, there was plenty of my own contribution to that research paper and everything was documented. Oh well, I'm proud of my 80%. M ymom works at a cancer center and some of the doctors there said it was a really good paper. Plus, we had a final grammar test too and I was the only one who did very well. I got a 94% and it was one of the easiest tests I've ever taken... I'm a better editor than I am a writer, mind you. XD Things are really on the up-and-up to be honest, and I'm really confident about Best Buy. If you reply tonight, I'll do the same for you, I've got lots of time once again and trust me, no job will be easier than paging at the library. However, having another 20 hours or a full 40 somewhere is fairly necessary. Good luck on your job hunt and I can't wait to see this post!

I've some devious plans huehuehue for this roleplay. :3 But nothing too huge. My plans act, actually, as little blurbs (blerbs? Blirbs? Do you know the word I mean here? XD I suppose excerpt is another option) in their real lives mostly. Details and stuff to enhance drama or stress how VR, at the point in time of the setting, will literally be like a split-life, rather than one that hops between worlds.
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