You are a user of a roleplaying forum on the internet. However, you are not just any user, you are part of the sacred order of Free RP thread creators. You are quite bored and wracking your brain over what your next thread shall be all about. To do this, you figure you will have to pick up to six traits from the following list to describe the premise of your RP. You can roll 1d6 to determine how many traits you're allowed to use at maximum, but this is not strictly necessary. 3-4 is the ideal.

I suppose if none of the traits above fit what you're after, you may make up your own... but I implore that you use this power wisely. Custom traits or no, the six trait limit still applies. Omissions aren't to be interpreted as things you can't do, they're just things I forgot.

Once you have your six traits, you can array them in any order you please. This combination of traits also serves as the title for your thread. However, you may add further, non-trait words to your thread title if you wish (eg. "Academy of Magic"). Some examples out of literally kabillions of possible combinations are shown below:

"Superhuman Daycare Mansion"
"Zombie Dragon Space War"
"Ninja God Asylum"
"Magical Pirate Crackden"
"Steampunk Werewolf Assassin Academy"

Oh, yeah. The point of all this. I nearly forgot to mention it. So basically it turns out that your RP threads you create are actually fragments of some greater world and the characters of your settings intermingle with/battle with the denizens of other RP worlds. So, I guess it's somewhat akin to a crossover RP in concept. Upon retrospect, this probably should have been somewhere in the first few lines. I'm really sorry about that.

There are two flavors of sheet you can find in this RP. Only two. Anyone who claims otherwise or tries to sell you additional sheets you can be assured is merely a charlatan.

RP Thread Sheet:

Title: (Simple enough, the title of your thread. You know, the combination of traits you threw together in the process outlined above.)
Summary of setting: (Can be of any level of detail you desire. You could even put a single letter here and I'd be okay.)
List of characters in this RP Thread: (The list of characters from this RP Thread/Setting you control. I think three is the sensible maximum for the amount of characters you can control, but if you want to go beyond that, go crazy.)

Character Sheet:

Other Notes:


1) Don't be a jerk.
2) Judge not lest ye be judged thyself.
3) Touch not lest ye be touched thyself.
4) Remember that you're never fully dressed without a smile.
5) Don't be a jerk. Seriously now. I really shouldn't have to remind you of basic human etiquette. I am not your moral instructor, I am some internet dingus.
6) You reap what you sow.

Additional rules will be added if circumstances absolutely force me to add them. I will be incredibly disappointed if this comes to be the case, however.