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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sealameet had entered the academy, still deciding to keep his true form. He did not mingle amongst the new and old students, rather instead he passed by them, a path seemingly opening before him like the old tales of Moses parting the seas. This wasn't by magic though, merely that his presence seemed to push others away. He was accustomed to it and kept moving eventually leaving the lobby area with hardly any troubles. Where he was going he did not know but walking allowed him to be alone with his thoughts.

He had no idea how long he had been wandering aimlessly but by chance he came across the music room where a sound caused him to stop and peer within. Once again he came across Liz, this time though it seemed she was in a far by mood. He watched as her fingers gracefully played the notes on the piano she sat at, the music soothing to him. Upon her finishing he let his presence be known.

"You play beautifully," he said finding no better way to attempt a conversation ",It was rather soothing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"You play beautifully,"

Liz tensed at the words resonating from across the room with a sharp gasp, her eyes darting quickly from the keys and widening when she realized there was someone standing there, someone....she had met before inadvertently. Familiar shades of whites and blues began to flow into view, but this time the shape wasn't abstracted by dreary, tear ridden eyes. It was clearer now, or rather He was clearer now, the man with four arms and wings....wings so elegant, so beautiful that they practically glowed with incandescence in such a contrast to the burned and blackened feathers of Liz's own that only glowed when they were engulfed in dark, seething Hellfire. And as customary of the man, his face.....Liz couldn't see it at all through the dark shade of his hood. "I um.....uh...." She stammered jumping to her feet and backing away from the piano. "I was just......thanks..." Finally she managed to choke out of the sudden tinge of nervousness clenching at her throat. She had no idea it was him, Sealameet. She had no idea whatsoever he was standing there the whole time....listening to her play No one ever did care to listen, except maybe Liz's mother, the one who taught her how to play. But then again....Sealameet was there as well when she tried to kill herself....for what might have been the tenth or eleventh time. Hell, she lost count after trying to swallow snake venom, and all that got her was just a really nasty fever....still denied the embrace of death. As far as Liz may be concerned, perchance he was here to marvel at her, Elizabeth....the deathless, suicidal freak.

Slowly moving towards the Fallen, Liz kept her eyes averted from him and grabbed her messenger bag she left on the floor, Sealameet having stood in the very spot she dropped it earlier, but again she found her eyes moving towards the dark chasm of his hood, the very darkness beyond which she was sure lied a face, just....what kind. "Uhm......" She tried to speak, but as she opened her mouth, not a single word resounded, but stuttered, inaudible sounds. Just don't...... Just walk away.... It's not worth it.... And in that instance of defeat once again, Liz sighed lowering her head to face the floor and giving a short wave of goodbye to Sealameet, gently brushing past the Fallen and back out into the hallway. Strolling quietly, she reached into her hoodie to find her headphones and her pack of cigarettes. She shoved another one in her mouth and lit it while she pushed the buds into her ears again, this time her mp3 falling on a particular song, the lyrics.....they seemed to speak to her, but most songs she listened to did that.

"Don't turn away
I pray you've heard the words I've spoken

Dare to believe, over one last time, then I let the darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away to breathe again
On my own"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sealameet only could watch in defeat as Liz left. It had at least been a start and on the positive he at least didn't feel like he was being pushed away. He gave a short wave back before entering deeper into the room to look amongst the instruments. With five hundred years of solitude under his belt, he had to keep occupy other then just wandering aimlessly so he had some skills with instruments. He had some skill with piano's but he had found more interest with the organ type of piano more then anything else and having four arms made him at least able to do the more complex techniques with relative ease. Still after listening to Liz he didn't think much of his skills.

He found the desired instrument he was pondering for, a rather large organ piano tucked in the back, hardly used by most it would seem. Like him it seemed mostly forgotten in time with the rarest of visitors. He sat at it for a time pondering back on the near social experience he had just a few moments ago. He did find Liz interesting to say the least even if this was the first time in attempting to speak with her. Her wings were the opposite of his by the darkness of them reminded him still of beauty, dark as the night sky, and only the more beautiful when they glowed with flames. Yet where her eyes nearly landed on was what stood out the most. The shaded hood was more then just some part of his true form but it hid away the thing he wished no one to see, his face. That was what he never wished to be judged upon and feared what people would see most. It wasn't horribly scarred or maimed but rather just because it was different he feared showing his face and pushing more away from him then he all ready did.

While pondering on that moment he began to play as if it was mere second nature on the organ piano, hidden with the corner of darkness in the room.

(what Sealameet is playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omCQ4FRaI8I)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


"Do not use sarcasm on me, Emilia,"


Mia internally scolded herself. Why? She didn't know. But, she was. Obviously, she'd upset him somehow and he was obviously someone she did not want to upset.

"I admire your will to stand up to me, but do not get in the habit of it," he said while glaring into her eyes. "Come with me to the headmaster's office."

"I didn't- I was just..." Mia stammered, trying to find the right way to say what she wanted to say. Then again, she wasn't very good at this whole communication thing anyway. "I wasn't trying to be sarcastic. Humor is just... how I deal with things..." she explained, shifting her eyes to the other side of the room.

When Mia noticed he'd left her, she jumped and bolted to catch up with him.

His long stride will be the death of me...

"I know what a house cat is, Mia. I have been around thousands of years longer than you, do not think this knowledge would have escaped me,"

Shit, yeah... He's mad.

"I just didn't want you-" She began before being interrupted by him.

"I do believe that the lion, king, or queen in your case, of the jungle, is much more fitting for a woman of your stature,"

Suddenly, Mia's cheeks went warm as she realized what he'd just said.

Am... Am I blushing because of this... freak-show?

Shaking her head, Mia returned to her previous statement. "I didn't mean that you wouldn't know what one was. I'm sorry if it came off that way." She began, trying her best to stay next to him. "I just wanted you to know the exact truth. You know, more often than you think, people assume I mean some... huge jungle cat or something. I guess when you can shapeshift, a lot of people assume the worst." She explained, making useless motions with her hands. "Anyway... I don't think I'm fit for any such position. I don't think anyone would want a blubbering woman like me for their queen." Mia finished, chuckling at the thought.

"Besides, I think I'd rather just be... Emilia Mitchel. Responsibility was never my thing." She added at the end, a distant look in her eyes. Memories of being told how useless she was at school clouded her mind. Her mother always tried to convince her otherwise, and even made complaints at the school. But no matter how they tried to cover it up, Mia always knew she was kind of useless. She was hard pressed to ever remember a time where she'd done anything useful for anyone. Give her a position like that and she'd more than likely just screw it all up.

"I wonder what the Headmaster is like..." Mia finally spoke after a few moments of silence. "I've never met him, this being my first year and all. I hope... I hope he's nice." She stated, putting on a hopeful smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Super Nova

Super Nova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Watching as the girl had turned away from Isabelle and the vampire She tilted her head to the side, the way a dog would do when they are confused. "W-Wait! Why are you leaving?" She asked the Witch. Isabelle was hoping to befriend the girl since she seemed easier to talk to. Isabelle watched as the witch began to wander away and sighed deeply.  She slowly glanced over at the Vampire and fought the urge to bristle as him. Damn instinct... she thought to herself. As her stare lingered at the vampire, she noticed a change in him. The way he clutched his stomach as it growled loudly, it took Isabelle seconds to realize what was wrong. 

"You don't look like you can contain your hunger anymore.. " she said softly. "If you leave now, you'll have a chance to find something to eat. Maybe then we can start all over and introduce ourselves to each other. Cool?" She finished; the she-wolf kept her distance from the vampire as she spoke to him, mainly for her safety.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Smiling slightly, his hands still at his stomach, Lulu nodded his head in agreement with the werewolf. "I couldn't agree more." He replied, trying his best to send her a bright smile.

You're a genuis.


Without another word, he turned and made way for his room, assuming that the two girls would have some bonding time. By the time he saw them again, they'd probably be so close, he wouldn't be able to get between then to talk to either one of them... Closing his eyes, Lulu tried to ignore the thought of that wolf's scent. He'd probably have to try his best to avoid her if he could. But... he didn't want to. He honestly didn't want to have to avoid anyone. He'd have to talk to his uncle about it later. For now, he'd drink and meditate.

Taking out his ID, Lulu swiped the machine attached to his door and entered his room. The smell of a clean, blood free, room graced his nostrils, making him instantly feel better. He closed the door behind him softly and walked over to his bedroom, his smile fading. He felt... tired and hungry and... oddly angry for some reason. Probably just getting angry at the world again. It wasn't like he walked up to God and was like, "Yo, I want to be a vampire, dude." He'd much rather be a normal... human. It'd be nice for a change not to have relationships ruined because you happened to want to eat the other person. Didn't bode well for any relationship.

With a long sigh, Lulu reached down below his bed and pulled open the door to his small black refrigerator. Inside, was a small pouch of blood. Just enough to get him by. Taking the pouch, he took a sip. It was a bit more than he intended but he did manage to pull himself away and put the pouch back and close the door. Taking several deep breaths, Lulu simply stood there for a moment, trying to calm himself down.

After a few moments, he walked over to his closet and pulled out a small foam block. Setting it down on his rug, he sat down and crossed his legs in the famed lotus position. And there he sat for the next 30 minutes, silent eyes watching a particular spot on his rug. He sifted through different thoughts and let it all go and simply... was. It was a technique his uncle had given to him; a way of relaxing his instincts and taking control over them.

After 30 minutes had gone by, Lulu would get up and drink some pomegranate juice and then probably head back out with a much clearer head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Autumn shook her head, not bothering to look back at the girl. "No. Just practicing." Was all she said. The leaves grew higher and she moved her hands to make shapes with them before dropping her arms to the side. She leaned against the tree, suddenly feeling drained. She turned and watched the vampire boy from earlier leave to get some 'food'. "I'm Autumn, by the way." She said, regaining her energy and turned to the girl. She couldn't keep the spell up to mask her smell from bloodsuckers, but since it seemed to be just the two of them, Autumn let it go for now, since there wasn't any around.

She leaned against the tree and sat down, sighing. "Sorry- using my magic drains me." She said, resting her head on the tree.

- - -

Malcolm had finished feeding from the young woman and headed back outside, since he regained some of his strength and energy.Nearby, a scent hit his nose. A female wolf. He followed the smell, keeping his distance. Ahead of him were two females- one a witch and the other a werewolf. He found himself attracted to this female werewolf, she was gorgeous. Malcolm smiled. The smell of the witch hit him just as strong, but he had learned to block the smell of witches out easily, so he put all his focus onto the she-wolf.

Malcolm slowly approached the young werewolf. "A beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn't be out here alone." He said, his voice smooth and charming, nothing indicating he was a threat to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

(What Liz was playing earlier)

Liz kept ambling slowly through the hallway, pushing past people who barely seemed to notice her, or rather they did and just didn't wish to acknowledge her gloomy presence. There were a few who said the usual, "Watch where you're going, you creep!" when they were checked by Liz's scrawny shoulder, but other than that, there were mostly sharp glares and piercing eyes of disgust and distaste towards the Nephilim, none that Liz even seemed to acknowledge as she moved towards the east exit of the hall and once again emerged squinting her eyes into the bright, blaring sun of a late August afternoon. She stretched her hood over her face the instant those damning rays struck her, causing her to grimace and growl under her teeth, "Dammit.... Maybe there's some shade somewhere..." Perhaps the other side of the school, the place where so many tall trees and thick brush obscured most of the campus in deep shadows, shadows that were mostly home to the werewolves who loved to frolic amidst the towering pines and larches, but they even gave safe refuge to the other creatures who....in their time of need....sought out the comfort of darkness, of shadows and the absence of infernal, cheerful light. So quietly and keeping to herself, Liz strolled behind the school, noticing that to her left stood the stained glass window of the music room.

"Huh?" She could hear....music....coming from beyond the window, dark, beautiful, haunting, every note sending a cascade of chills through her body as her ears perked up to the wails and cries of a Gothic organ melody emanating through the dense air and flowing so elegantly through Liz. The sound....it was as though it transported her away....away from this forsaken realm....into a realm of infinite shadows, where not a ray of light existed, darkness....it covered everything.... While she listened, she sat down, resting her back against the thick trunk of a nearby tree. Liz then fished from her bag her sketchbook and a stick of charcoal. Softly, her eyes closed while she flipped open the leather-bound hardcover to a vanilla colored leaf of paper, a blank canvas. Her charcoal was pressed to the paper and her hand began to move as if urged by some sentient force that possessed it, or rather possessed all of her. Twas the music that moved her hand, created every broad stroke and every intricate scribbling, and merely Liz let it carry her, unaware of what she crafted beyond her closed eyes. The music soon faded, drifting away unto the wind, and with it ceased Liz's hand, the stick of charcoal meticulously balanced between her fore and middle fingers. Her eyes gently fluttered open, but instantly they snapped wide when she witnessed....what she had drawn. It was.....it was him! But....but no! She didn't mean to draw him! How did this even occur? Also.....could it have been him......Sealameet? Could it have been the Fallen who composed such a captivating arrangement, played such wonderful music? How was Liz to even know? Like others....she too had never given the chance to speak to him, instead of a few stray parting words. Had she have stayed, she might have known the Fallen was also a lover of music....just as she was. Quickly, Liz shut her sketchbook and stuffed it back into her bag, her hands fidgeting as with the rest of herself in an anxious tantrum. Under no circumstances did she want anyone, even Sealameet to see the drawing. Maybe she should burn it....no...that's too drastic. Plus, it was against Liz's artistic nature to torch a masterpiece, just because it gave her ill feelings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Super Nova

Super Nova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Watching as the Vampire walked away from her, Isabelle was able to let out a soft sigh of relief. Once the Vampire was able to come back with a clear head and feeling satisfied with his hunger, maybe they’ll be able to be friends. Isabelle turned around and began walking after the Witch. “I’ve seen a few Witches in my life but you’re the first one that I was able to talk to!” She said, smiling at the Autumn. Isabelle watched as Autumn would lean against a tree from being drained of her energy from using magic.

How cool is that? Thought the she-wolf. Once Autumn introduced herself, Isabelle’s smile grew wider as she responded, “That's a lovely name! My name is Isabelle Cardinal. Some people call me Izzy, belle, or maybe birdie because of my last night.”

Suddenly, Isabelle’s body began to tense as another Vampire approached them. This man has a scent of fresh blood the surrounded him, most likely from a recent feed, of course this would make the she-wold turn to look at the face. She found no blood on him which made her relax but his smooth and charming did not affect the she-wolf at all. She shrugged her shoulders, slowly looking back at Autumn: “Yes, I am a woman, and I am beautiful, but I’m not alone in this forest." She huffed in annoyance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

For a time Sealameet did not move from where he sat at the organ. He sat in solitude and silence, if someone had come in at thet ime they perhaps wouldn't of even noticed him or thought he was a statue if it wasn't for the odd fact he was sitting at the organ. When he finally did move he looked around seeing if he was alone before one pair of hands went to the hood around his head and did something that no one at the academy ever saw him do. He took the hood off, revealing the face underneath that he kept hidden. A face that he viewed to be the face of a creature unfit to live and would never be accepted, a face that he hid to not loose the little bit of normality in life he had.

"Life is cruel but all must be burdened to it. For despite it's cruel nature some of the most beautiful creatures appear from it if they can survive the cruelty of the world," he said to himself in a slight whisper before putting the hood back up as he stood and made his way out of the music room, barely making a sound. It still appeared that most of the other students, new and old, were perhaps in the main lobby area or were going off to explore other places of the academy for when he left, the hall he was in was as deserted as it had been when he entered the room. Once more he went about his lonely travels around the halls, deciding to remain in the walls of the academy to avoid the daylight outside all the while thinking about Liz and how to make an another attempt at conversation. Why she had a profound effect on him he could hardly say. Perhaps it was because they were the same thing and suffered in isolation. It was as good of guess as any but she was the first to at least stop at listen to his compliment and nearly replied back rather then move away in fear.

Eventually, despite not wishing to be outside, he stood in the rays of light of a window from one of the halls, taking one hand and having a small dark orb appear within it that was a blazed like fire. His eyes were transfixed on the small ball of dark fire, as if it could reveal all answers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

(ignore, computer acting up. This isn't the post you're looking for.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Malcolm chuckled as his eyes darted between the wolf and the witch. "I'm afraid Autumn isn't very skilled; she hasn't learned the full extent of her powers just yet; hence the reason why she's here." Malcolm said, looking in Autumn's direction. "Screw of, MD." She said, sticking he tongue at him. He put on a shocked expression. "Now is that any way to treat a fellow classmate?" He asked, eyes widening as he appeared to be hurt. "Frankly, I don't care." She said and stood up, brushing the leaves off her jeans. "I need to get back and get a snack." She said and started to walk off before turning to face Belle. "It was nice meeting you, Belle." She said and stole a glance at Malcolm. "Don't worry, he may be an ass hole, but he's totally harmless." She said, giving Malcolm a grin before skipping away.

He chuckled when she was out of ear shot. "She's something else, isn't she?" He asked, leaning against a tree as he looked up at the sky. "She's right, I only feed off the willing. " He commented, looking towards the beautiful wolf. "Usually students aren't allowed in the woods, only wolves." He said. "To be honest, I've always been interested in the nature of the werewolf, believe it or not." He said, despite the myth all vampires hated wolves, he actually found interest in them. "I'm Malcolm, but you can call me MD." He said, giving her a polite bow.

- - -

Autumn had left the two to talk. She started the same time Malcolm did, so she knew he was no danger or threat, though he could be a jerk sometimes, and Belle seemed like the type to take care of herself. She headed into the Academy and went to the kitchen to get her some water, not paying attention to where she was going. She played with her hands, watching sparks shoot up, when bumped into someone, nearly knocking her down.

"Oh, so-" She stopped and looked up, blushing at who it was. "Oh, hey, Lulu." She mumbled, looking down. She had dropped her glasses and bent to pick them up, placing them back on her face as she turned shyly away from him, reaching int he fridge and getting a bottle of water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Super Nova

Super Nova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Isabelle observed quietly as Autumn interacted with Malcolm. She smiled, watching as Autumn and Malcolm went back and forth at each other, but she knew that it was harmless. Once Autumn decided it was time to leave, Isabelle nodded slowly, saying, “I’ll see you in the academy then.” and began waving at her friend as she skipped away from them. It was only Malcolm and Isabelle now.

“Well, this forest is made for wolves and any other forest dwellers that would like to keep in touch with their nature side.” Isabelle responded once Autumn was no longer in the area. “If you wanted to learn more about werewolves, maybe you can find a library somewhere in the school. Educate yourself a little bit.” She continued, looking back at the Vampire as he bowed to her. The young woman did not mind the Vampire that is being polite to her. Unlike the other vampire she met earlier, this one was actually fed and did not make her uneasy. Isabelle couldn't help but feel that there was something else going on with this vampire. He knew Autumn but chose to converse with her and not his friend, she found it odd but chose not to question him about it. Perhaps she will find out soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Malcolm chuckled at her snark remark. "You're right, I could, but..." He paused to sigh dramatically. "I'm not a reader." He stated, shrugging. "Actually, I despise reading." He added thoughtfully. "I though I'd get more information from an actual wolf, such as yourself." He said, smiling her way. His fangs retreated after he fed, so all that showed was his straight white teeth, which really set off his handsome facial features. "I have to admit, though..." He said, pausing for a minute as he put his fingers to his mouth.

"You weren't quite what I was expecting." He finally said, folding his arms. "You're quite beautiful, love." He said, looking her over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Even in the coolness of the shadows, the sun still became a hindrance to Liz, forcing her once more to escape the painful rays in that miserable throng of otherworldly creatures she came to despise in her broken and cracked heart of obsidian, bantering and chortling loudly and ever obnoxiously in the school's densely packed hallway. The Nephilim couldn't even breathe trying to push her way through the bastards, coldly shoving a few out of the way and in a sense...not really caring if anyone was injured or hurt if they fell to the tile floors below. In a way, they deserved it for obstructing Elizabeth. Eventually, as she struggled to find a space of her own in the raucous crowd, she came across a familiar face, or in considerable terms, a familiar hooded face, a familiar shade of darkness obscuring such a face....a face that may or may not only exist in the imagination of Liz. He stood at the window, alone, erect as though a statue carved and hewn from the finest block of marble etched from the side of a cold and misty mountain, a rather....stunning masterpiece of ancient art.....that was slowly forgotten and neglected by the very ones who created him from the sweat of their brows and the tears of their eyes. But how.....how could something- no.....how could someone like him be so mistreated....so abandoned? It never made sense....or in a way to Liz....it made some. Abandonment, the Nephilim was no stranger towards either.

So much was Sealameet an enigma to Liz, that hell....even she, a novice artist, was able to capture fully his mysterious likeness in charcoal. Silently, the girl stood by, intently observing the Fallen, perhaps not knowing if Sealameet could feel her presence just a stone's throw away from him. She watched as his hand moved forward, a skip of beat in her heart anticipating him to pull back his hood and let her inadvertently glimpse upon the very face part of her seemed urged so sudden to see. But his hand paused mid-air. Her eyes flickered with the flame that ignited in that almost stone-like hand, marveling the dark, wispy ember as though it were a precious gem of amethyst. His movements though, the apathetic unclenching of his hand, the way his entire body stayed solid and immobile....it revealed many a truth to Liz. Sealameet.....he was just like her in every way. It brought pain....such grim agony to view him any further, to see his own pain exhibited before her ghostly emerald eyes. She wanted to approach him.....she wanted to step across the hallway....just to stand at his side.....just to let her presence be known. But....still she felt restrained, smothered by her own fears, her own apprehensions towards yet another ostracizing spout of words, another cruel and misgiving rejection....even by her own kind.

Already defeated, Liz sighed, but she reached into her bag and once more retrieved her sketchbook. She figured.....at least let him know someone acknowledged him. It was the least she could give to him. She opened her book to the drawing of Sealameet, carefully ripping out the page and scrawling upon it a message,

"People never realize, nor do they understand what lurks in the dark, and that which they do not understand, they grow to fear and to hate. But for those who do peer into the shadows, we discover that it is not monsters nor beasts that dwell within the dark, but others......others the same as us."

Sealameet, it was possible he would realize who it was who drew the image....or so Liz had secretly hoped. She let the paper go, carefully watching it to make sure it fell beside Sealameet's feet and that it wasn't crushed by any careless students. Once she knew it was safe, the Nephilim turned and continued walking the other way. Maybe now she could find out which dorm she was staying in. Hopefully she wouldn't have to share with anyone and have a place of her own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

Something touching his foot broke Sealameet from his trance. The ball of flame disappeared into nothingness as he looked down to see what had touched them, he noticed it was a piece of paper, that seemed to of been ripped out from whatever book it had belonged to. He saw nothing on the paper of the side that was face up to him but as he picked it up and turned it over, he got quite shocked as what he saw on the sketch paper. It was himself, drawn to near perfection. His hooded head snapped up looking now around for who would of dropped it but upon finding the paper and looking around, he noticed the halls now crowding with people and his hope of finding who the person who drew it was near unlikely now. He sighed to himself looking at the image reading the message on it that he now noticed. The message was the only clue to who it could of been who drew the image.

At least someone cares, he thought to himself keeping the image in hand as he left the hall that was now getting crowded. It seemed his time of being in solitude was up and now he would be forced into being trapped with his human form. Despite learning now to morph his appearance, he did not particularly enjoy hiding himself, besides his face that he kept hidden. For the time though he would enjoy the short time he had left in his true form before hiding himself behind another mask. He made his way from hall to hall, deciding it best to learn who he would be trapped with if he was unlucky this year and got a dorm partner. He somewhat hoped that he got the same room he had last year. He doubted it would of changed and it was perfect for him and kept others away when he wanted to be alone most of the time. A room near utterly dark which was perfect for him, while not so much with most other students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Super Nova

Super Nova

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Isabelle rolled her eyes at his comment. “Yeah, yeah... Whatever” She said, obviously not interested in his games, but she felt obligated to answer the vampire’s questions about his curiosity about werewolves. Since the two are alone, and school will not start for another day or so, Isabelle thought this would be a great opportunity to distract herself. It has only been a day since she arrived at this area, and her chances of making new friends weren’t that successful, maybe helping this poor soul would do her some good. “Since you can’t bother to pick up a book, I might as well answer some questions that you might have.” The she-wolf responded, slowly leaning back against a tree and stares at Malcolm.

“What is it that you wanted to know, Malcolm?” She asked, her attention now focused on this vampire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Malcolm raised an eyebrow at her sarcasm. "Ah, and a fiery mouth to go with your beauty, you're the total package." He said, giving her an amused smile. He leaned back against the tree, sticking his hands in the jacket he was wearing, it was an extra lair of clothing to protect him from the sun, but he stayed in the shade for precaution. "You've got jokes, as well." He added, chuckling lightly. "It's not that I don't want to read, darling, it's that I can't." He said, his eyes growing serious. "I never learned how, and this doesn't leave this little bubble." He said, his tone taking a more serious turn as the playfulness he had earlier slipped away. It returned shortly after, though.

"First all; when you change, is it free will or only on full moon?" He asked curiously. He was genuinely interested in this girl and her lifestyle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The academy's dorm hall was but a short walk away from the main building along a concrete pass that cut through the southern lawn and was flanked on both sides by rows of cotton wood and magnolia trees. The soft breeze of nearing autumn carried upon its whispering winds a slight chill and the soothing scent of porcelain white flowers tipped with a bright hue of pink, along with its incandescent petals fluttering past Liz's face as though a gathering of bizarre but beautiful lunar moths all taking flight at the same instance. A breath of cold air fell from Liz's lips as she took in the sight on her way to find...yet another sanctuary from her pathetic classmates, though excluding Sealameet, who at this point had grasped completely her mind, possessing her thoughts, her whimsical ponderings. Did he find it, she wondered. Did he discover her drawing, her silent and secretive dedication to a Fallen that all the world appeared to have forgotten except for her? Or...was it stepped on by those lumbering idiot trolls or those loathsome, arrogant vampire nobles who thought the great Creator made the earth only for their ugly feet to tread upon? Did......did Sealameet not find it at all....? The fear of such, it soon gripped tight the heart of the Nephilim in icy, sinister claws, but Liz dismissed the looming concerns, shaking them away and pulling tighter at her hood as, speak of the Devil, three vampire girls brushed past her without a word, merely occupied by the chatter of what cute boys they fed off all summer. Leeches....like such they deserve to be picked off this damn earth they fed from, ripped from the dermis and burned alive.

Just for a good measure, Liz shoulder checked one of the snobby bitches, forcing a rather sharp and nasty reply, "Uh! Excuse me, bitch! This sidewalk doesn't belong to you, you know!" Slowly, Liz turned on the heel of her boot, her dark green eyes now taking on a sinister hue of nephiric red as she snarled under her grit teeth, "Neither does it to you, Nosferatu, as with all of this world you believe you should inherit by birthright. Do me a favor and fuck off back to your pine boxes and your empty castles, because that is all you shall own in your shallow existence."

"Hmph!" The vampire girl nearly huffed, as did her equally snooty companions, each turning their nose up at the Nephilim and storming away, their high heels clacking in such sickening unison. Vampires....nothing but a cult of conformity. Liz continued to glare deathly at the rather unsavory girls, watching them vanish into the main building before pressing on her way to the dorm hall. If what she read on her enrollment contract was correct, then this year she was in dorm 415, naturally on the fourth floor. Well, at the very least she would have a nice view of the forest from there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


Member Offline since relaunch

Aldric stopped outside of the headmaster's door, turning to Mia. "You are forgiven for your accidental mistake. I know what it is like to have people assume. I mean, some heathens think I am a zombie! Can you believe that? Me, the great king of the undead, a measly zombie," he let out a deep laugh as he said those last words. "Well 'Emilia Mitchel,' whatever pleases you," he gave a smile in response to her last sentence.

Aldric opened the door, walked through with pride, and then held it open for Mia. Once she was through, he closed the door. The office they had entered looked like a giant library with a huge desk in the middle. There were many books stacked on the desk, crystals, and odd trinkets. The man behind the desk was definitely elderly, and seemed quite respectable. Aldric gave a menacing grin, "And now for our prize, Mia," he said while walking towards the desk.
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