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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ssarak took the potion and eyed it for a few moments. He knew he was hurt, but so too were many others, many worse than himself. He couldn't help but to think that someone else would need it, although potions were less effective than magic healing. Still, looking at Meirin he could tell that she was worried about his health. "I suppose I will drink half of it and save the rest for anyone else who requires it." He said, uncorking the bottle and quickly downing half of its contents.

Once he stored away the remainder of the potion in his satchel, he noticed how shaken up Meirin seemed. Few people could go through such a harrowing experience and emerge without any mental scars. So many had been hurt or wounded during the attack; the bodies of defenseless students still littered the halls. How many of their friends were among the bodies? How many would not recover from their wounds? Understandably, Ssarak was filled with a mix of fear, anxiety, and anger towards the demons. For Meirin, however, there seemed to be something else in her eyes. It reminded Ssarak of himself whenever he thought back on the destruction of his village. Stepping in front of her, he placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention and looked her in the eyes. Despite the chaos they had been through, he kept his expression calm and resolute. He did not bother to ask her if she was alright, because if his instincts were correct, then he knew she wasn't. Instead, he said what he thought would help him the most were he in her position. "For here, and now, we stopped them. The demons are not taking the college today, and we have a chance to make ourselves better, stronger, so it never happens in the future."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Annabeth carried Cynn into the Infirmary, the both of them drenched in blood. Even now Annabeth was working on Autopilot; that encounter nearly took both their lives, and the worse she was able to inflict was a scratch of all things. Cynn had it worse, but neither of the two girls were in any condition to be moving. But someone had to save Cynn, and Annabeth wasn't going to let herself be weak now of all times. Annabeth made it to the Infirmary long enough for one of the healers to take Cynn off her hand, and for her to collapse.

When Annabeth woke up, she was bandaged up everywhere. She could hardly feel her hands but could see others moving around her. Annabeth managed to get to her feet and walk off under her own power, though she didn't really have a destination in mind. She just was moving on her own, not even realizing what she was doing. It was all a daze to her. To anyone near by, they could her hear mumbling. "Got to run... Got to run... Run...." Everything was still a blur...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith sat against the wall outside the Infirmary. As soon as they had made it to the Infirmary, he had sat down against the wall and watched the chaos of the hall. He made eye-contact with an injured student as they died. Leith wasn't sure what shocked him more; the fact that he just watched the life go from someone's eyes, or the fact that he felt nothing when he saw it. He stared at the body while the healer's that were attending to it closed its eyes. He felt numb to everything. He felt numb to the screams of pain. He felt numb to the sight of those injured. The only think that he didn't feel numb to was his pain.

He wasn't sure how long he had stared at the dead student, but he was jarred out of his reverie by the sound of someone speaking. His head snapped up and he saw Meirin holding something out to him. With a tied smile, Leith accepted the offered potion, and drank it. He grimaced at the taste. "They really need to make these taste better." He said out loud. More to himself than to Ssarak and Meirin.

He listened to Meirin as she spoke about the attack not being over, and that the demon would come back, like they always did. That caught Leith's attention. It seemed that Meirin has had experience with demons. When he noticed how distraught Meirin looked, he opened his mouth to say something but Ssarak said something first. Leith nodded and added his thoughts to the conversation. "He's right. We did what we could, and if we looked at all the what-if's, we'd get depressed." He paused as he felt something familiar in what he said, but he shrugged it off and leaned forward. "This has been an insane day. First, Xyden attacked Mar and her kid, then the demons attacked and Khan was poisoned, and then they just... blew up. I really hope that that was the-" Leith stopped as he noticed someone out of the corner of his eye. "Annabeth?"

The girl was wandering aimlessly and it looked like she was muttering something. Leith stood up from his position, walked towards her and stopped in front of her. "You look like you've been through hell. Glad to see that you're alive."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lucilia Riovas, Tyrael Marchrosias, Uicle, Khan Jevarath, Grey Onyx

Lucilia watched as Khan arrived and subdued Heus. None too soon either, as he was the last one who posed much of a threat. BUt she watched with horror as Khan seemed to be heavily injured. She had thought her vampires were able to keep him stable, but... That Norschtalen likely done something to him that none of them has ever encountered before. Lucilia left her hidden position and went ot Khan's aid. She ran a gumunt of possible illnesses that has been inflicted on Khan, including being poisoned, cursed, and blood sickness. She had something for each, which she was able to get into Khan's system through one of her needles. Since Khan wasn't in the best state to be imbibing her potions, she'd need to inject them into him.

Meanwhile Tyrael continued to wrestle with Orleah as she continued to resist him. He could feel the claws digging into his back, which were slightly relivated as Rathel had some branches scoop down and kill the minature Orleah. "I have had enough... Of your foolishness!" Tyrael increased his power to dominiate Orleah as he began to crush ner neck. Somewhat forgetting that he's not suppose to kill her, Tyrael actually stood up while his hands were firmly around Orleah's neck, and threw her towards a wall... While still holding onto Orleah's neck tightly.
Khan was still trying to push himself upward when his ear caught the delicate step approach him, the pace quickly approaching him. His muzzle dripped with that familiar, sour odor and eyes slowly pulled up to spot Lucilia's lithe form make her to him. The Eysire's eyes softened a moment in gratitude to see her concern but now wasn't the time to let down his guard when Tyrael's gentle handling changed with Orleah. Her bones, while stronger then Upsah's, weren't meant for taking such attacks for very long. Her neck bones began to snap under the pressure as her body was thrown against the wall, adding farther damage.

Khan felt the pain sear through him then followed by a warm, wet sensation. It ran down his thigh and dampened his leg as if he had been struck. Orleah's rune was edging towards critical, a fact shown by Khan's trembling, while it started to split his flesh apart. He managed to slump to his side, his breathing heavy when he bit through the pain. "Tyrael!"

He turned to Lucilia then and slowly explain through his panting breath. " We have to stop him. Norschtalen put something into my drink....courtesy of Kudd. My runes and the demons... were affect, preventing their safety functions. I can't put them back into the Inferno and killing them...will likely kill me too."

Khan's hand pressed over his thigh in an attempt to starch the bleeding. Thankfully Upsah's had mended itself and had stopped bleeding, yet the blood was still there, dried and darkened.
"Your ass is mine, Orleah!" Tyrael roared as he slammed the she-demon into the wall and took dominiated control over her. She was still bloodied and broken, but he had managed to successful taken Orleah as his own demon. And he likely was about to kill her, but he that was cut short with he felt something stab through him and Orleah.

"Kazikli Voyvoda." Lucilia said. Two spears impaled through Tyrael and into Orealh, pinning her against the wall. While the spears missed their "Vitals", there was another factor into these spears that made them different from others; they were made of a wood that granted hyper regernerative properies. This would allow her to impale someone onto these spears, but prevent them from dying to said wounds. "Tyrael, we're not suppose to kill Khan's demons. Lucky for you I know my way around that sort of issue." More spears appeared to impale Orleah to the wall. They stabbed through her arms, her legs, her body, even her head, but they wouldn't kill her.

Tyrael clentched his teeth as he broke the spear out of his body. He stumbled backwards and pulled the wood from his chest and than gave Lucilia a hard glare. "You foolish wrench! That is what I was trying to do in the first place!" Since Tyrael removed the spears from his body, his wounds began to affect him. He would survive, barely, but he wasn't in any condition to keep fighting. As he tried to look up, he saw that Lucilia pointed her sword at him. It was just inches away from stabbing him in the face.

"Is it now? Or were you trying to kill us all, by bringing your demons here and attacking us when our guard was down? It's no wonder you insisted that you would provide the guard detail this day. You wanted to kill us. For Kudd." The moment she said that Tyrael sprang to his feet and http://i.imgur.com/AEBORAL.jpgturned his arm into one large blade, which he shoved against Lucilia's neck. He was already begging into cut into her flesh, and just barely stopped himself from decapitating her.

"I had nothing to do with that! The demons betrayed me!"' Lucilia dodged out of the way and sent more spears after Tyrael, but these were not the non-lethal kind. "And you're honestly surprised!? They're demons! They would have betrayed you one day, just like you did to us today!" Tyrael slashed the spears before they could get near him and turned his other arm into an elongated claw which he shot out at Lucilia. It stabbed into her shield which Tyrael tried to use to pull her into him, but she simply let go of her shield and kept her distance. She made the handle of her sword grow longer and made it into a spear. "I betrayed no one! I killed these demons myself, I saved Rathel from succumbing to the poison! I protected the college, and what have you done!? You have put Khan closer to death's door than Kudd could have! Your blind hatred against me and the demons would have made you kill Khan, had I not come in to put a stop to your ignorance!"

Lucilia and Tyrael were at a standoff now. The first to strike would be the first to win, as each other only need one blow to kill their opponent. Shame that their opponent was each other right now.
Just as Grey felt the last of his strength wane, he looked up at the beast that would end his life. Really? He had to die like this? Though he didn't know it, the fact that he had lasted this long was an almost herculean display of strength. However, he didn't have any regrets, save that he would no longer be able to carry out his duty. However, he felt the weight lift from his shoulders, no doubt the beast was reaing up to crush him once and for all. He didn't roll away or even look up, for he knew he was too exhausted to accomplish such a feat. No, he waited for his demise. And waited. Painfully, he craned his neck up to find that the beast had been toppled over by a large golem, and was now fully subdued. Looking around, he saw the armored man he dimly recognized as the necromancy teacher. There would be time to thank his savior later, for now, he had to make sure Lucilia was alright.

Grey picked himself up, and took a moment to look at the remains of the formerly beautiful armor. He felt awful for ruining such a beautiful set, and he'd do his best to reforge it. At this point the glowing runes visible under his skin faded as he recovered. He was by no means anywhere near full combat efficiency, but he was strong enough to walk at least. pushing through a hole in the wooden barricade, he saw an unpleasant scene before him. It seemed that now Tyrael and Lucilia had come to blows. What? why? when did he get here? Before he could charge in to do something about it, he heard Khan(?) shout. He stopped. Alright, it seemed the two were not supposed to fight, and Tyrael wasn't responsible for any of this. He simply took a seat to rest y the wall while all the people that actually knew what was happening sorted this all out.
In moments, Lucilia and Tyrael appeared ready to murder each other in cold blood. This wasn't something Khan would allow. Not after the hell and pain he went through to get to them and prevent their death.

"Enough!" Khan shouted, his voice echoed through the hall and vibrated back to him. His hand slammed down upon the floor in a weak attempt to shift the environment and break the pair apart. A fruitless effort. Another wave of terrible pain ruptured within him, his position shifted forward to hurl more blood upon the stone floor. The red liquid splatter like a thick, heavy water to dye the spot crimson. At that movement, he felt the urge to pass out crawl to the edge of his mind and linger there. A heavy presence which asked for him to give in but was forcibly ignored out of fear. Fear of what his allies would end up doing in his weakness.

A chuckle rose up breaking the grim scene. A dark, raspy sound that seemed more a kin to bones rattling in a grave then anything else. The voice belonged to Upsah. His broken and half demolished skull shook in amusement from the image. The cracked, hollowed eyes shifted from Khan's crumbled form, unable to cease his allies bickering, to two teacher set in a dead lock and ready for blood shed. It seemed to greatly entertain the demon to great lengths as he spoke. "Kakkaaa! Go on... Kill each other and be done with it. Then Khan can finish dying in peace while I watch the light leave his eyes, something I have waited for a long time to do."

Khan was too busy shaking to reply and Upsah knew it. His teeth clicked in mocking and continued despite the glare he received. "You two are so thirsty towards one another, Kudd doesn't have to be involved for you to end up doing his work for him. The tail's more worried about ending the half demon's life then she is about Khan's wretched condition. He could die right now and she won't notice until she finished. Likewise, the Fallen allows his emotions to drive him that even his goals are sided to fed his baser instincts."

Upsah tested his arm, only the finger moved, the rest a mangled mess, before he continued. "If Kudd's main goal was to kill all of us then why ain't the job done? All the Fallen would've had to do was not bother showing up. After all, tail, my pretty mug was exactly crushed in by fists... It was a pity you didn't have the guts to finish the job slut."

Khan had managed to utter a simple, winded command for the demon to shut up. One name was on his mind now, worried he might've been running rampant all over the school and slaughtering many in his path. He could utter the name in a questioning tone. "Zaad?"
Lucilia looked towards Khan as he spoke out against them. She knew that she shouldn't be fighting Tyrael, but at the same time, how could she possibly trust him? She never had before, and the events of today certainly did nothing to make her think of him any better. Tyrael himself just felt that he's made more enemies with the college than he already has, and worried that others shared Lucilia's distrust towards him and demonkind and general. As Upsah continued to mock her, Lucilia imapled him through the mouth with another Kazikli Voyvoda. Like before, it won't kill him. Doesn't mean it won't hurt. For good measure she finished sealing him in the Amber as well, just so he could choke on his own poison.

Speaking of poison, Lucilia went back to Khan, ignoring Tyrael for now. If what Khan said was true, that he was poisoned, than perhaps Lucilia could figure out a way to purge his body of the venom. She took a small sample of his blood, which he was bleeding too much of. From her robes she pulled out some alchemy tools nad tried to idenfity what made up the poison. Some sort of blood not from Khan, similar to demons, and yet this seemed so much more... Powerful. Archdemon perhaps. That's when Tyrael walked over, still armed, but not looking to kill Lucilia. Yet.
Khan was relieved to discover the pair had ceased. For now. His body trembled and shook that it was impossible to look upwards when he felt Lucilia's shadow pull over him. He winched when she took a blood sample but had little energy to react to the unexpected action and instead tried to focus on staying awake. In a moment, her figure hunched And examining his wounds, was joined by another: Tyrael. Now Khan's sight was slightly hazy as their forms took on shapes instead of detailed features.
"I know of one thing that could have caused the Headmaster to lose control over his demons. In my class we call it "Infusion". A mixture that my students must take in order to become Fallen. It uses the blood of their chosen Familiar to amplify both their powers, but at a risk. The power given to the Familiar is exponetially much stronger than what is given to the demonmancer. Thus the Infusion should only be made between a demonmancer and their familiar if they have a strong bond and trust within each other. Certain demons would force their own Infusions into their mages in order to gain more power, only to kill their demonmancer so that they are no longer bound to them. The trick however is that it does not effect a demonmancer who is already Fallen... Which means that..."

Lucilia nodded as she took the samples into a sealed vial and began to patch up Khan's wounds. "That means that Khan hasn't been Fallen before, and it means that somewhere a demon just became much stronger. That would explain how his other demons also managed to break free of his control, and yet... Why is it killing him?" Lucilia looked to Tyrael as he turned his body back to normal. He wasn't sure either. In fact, he wasn't even sure if the Infusion should have worked on his other demons. But from what he gleamed from Rathel, the poison didn't make Rathel any stronger so much as it did make him go into a fury. If anything, it simply made Khan lose contorl of his demons, but the fact that it's made from demon blood strongly suggests that it's an Infusion. More research would have to be done, but first Tyrael picked up Khan's body.
Khan grinded his teeth slightly while Lucilia patched him, his wounds stung and bled badly that her found himself surprised he was awake. He didn't fight when Tyrael's arm took hold of his and pulled him upright, shouldering his weight causing Khan's wing to fold against his side with a shudder. He couldn't stop the moan which escaped his mouth, a painful one.
"We must find Lidda. You and I both will need to look more into what caused Khan's weakness. I know for certain that Khan can be purged of the poison, but we must find out it's origins in order to prevent him or anyone else form succumbing to it again. Not only that, but I fear that this attack is more than a simply muninty. Khan may know more, but we must ensure that he is well to tell us of his tale." Lucilia crossed her arms and looked at Tyrael. He seemed to know very well what needed to be done to save Khan. But for now she needed to put aside her paranoia and save the headmaster. She can deal with Tyrael once she gets the backing of the other teachers. "Fine than. Take Rathel with you as you find Lidda. I'll make sure the ones here don't cause any more trouble."

Tyrael didn't like the idea that Lucilia was going to watch over the demons. He didn't care if she had magical wood that she could use to be a sadist, she was just like any other: someone who merely see demons as monsters to be slain. A sediment that, in it's own way justifiable, but in this instance not the best anwser. Still, he would have to set aside his paranoia and save the headmaster. He can deal with Lucilia once she's alone. "Do not kill the demons. Yet." Tyrael tore a portal through the Inferno, which he noticed had somehow become much stronger, as he took Khan to where the Infirmary should me located at.
Khan was too weak to fight or protest, even talking seemed to drain his energy away. For now, all he wanted to do was sleep. Nothing more or less, his eye lids drooped a bit from the heaviness within his body. It felt like he was filled with rocks that latched upon his arms and legs then tied them into the earth. Before Tyrael portal them out, he weakly turned his head to Heus with a command. "Sit...don't move."

Without a fight or protest, the large demon, once so violent and dangerous, plopped down upon his rump. His movement cause the stone under his ass to rumble and crack from the sudden pressure while he just stared off into space. Khan then added to Lucilia, his voice faded and soft. "Just tie Heus down with vines. Impaling him might risk his anger flaring up and I'll end up losing control again. His sin was wrath and feeding it would only make it worse."
Grey frowned at the demon, apparently designated as 'Heus.' He was probably just imagining things but he could of sworn there was an element of smugness in the stupid demon's vacant stare. "Yeah, yeah, monster. I had you on the ropes." Now that, was a lie. But his pride didn't really feel like letting him say 'Yup, you sure kicked my ass, huh?'
Sam's head jerked upwards after he placed a sleeping Lyn into her crib. In the bed next to her laid Mar, most her body covered in mostly white bandages and packed herbs into the wounds. About three deep layers had been seared off in her tussle with the demon and now her body was fighting not only muscle loss and blood sickness but infection as well. It didn't look good yet she would live much to the healer's relief.

His eyes widened upon spotting the crumble mess that he recognized as the headmaster. Sam's voice shouted over the busy room to a few lone healers and quickly pointed to the nearest area, a mattress discarded upon the floor and the only available bed around. "Put him there! Quickly. Bring some bandages and salve, we need to stop the bleeding. Also the hydro rune and blood mixture. Hurry now!"

Patients of all walks of life were laid out across the infirmary, either upon the floor like where Sam indicated for Khan or upon makeshift beds like Mar's. Sam quickly made his over, his tone worried and upset at seeing Khan in his current state. The Eysire's looked very close to passing out. "What in Tiien happened?"
Tyrael dropped off Khan in the Infirmary. Lidda wans't here, but at least Sam was. He looked around the place and noticed that it was in shambles. The guards had to convert it into a makeshift fortress, and the wounded laid about everywhere. Suddenly Tyrael's eyes began to dart between people to people. "Where is she... Where's Mar? Lyn?" Tyrael spoke quietly, but luckily his emotions didn't get the better of him when he saw Mar laid out next to Lyn. Mar was heavidly wounded, but he knew that she would survive. He didn't like it, but she would survive. Lyn looked no worse for wear but slept soundly next to her mother. It put a smile on the demon lord's face before he turned to leave the two to rest. His work was not done yet.
Sam immediately replied to Tyrael's concern. "Lyn's fine. Other then a little hoarse, she's doing well enough. Right her mother worries me more as the demon she attack seems to be a variety she had little experience with and paid for it. Several skin layers were digested and seared off in acid like burns, in addition to blood sickness, but she's stable for now."

He spared a slightly impressed glance over to the pair before he returned to Tyrael and spotted what he thought passed for a smile. "They are both strong and will be fine."

Once Tyrael left, Sam quickly began to tend to Khan. Despite the flesh wounds and loss of blood, it was unlikely he would be able much better then Lucilia or her vampires. This fact stabbed at him deeper and deeper when his eyes grazed over the rune's conditions. He would likely need Val for this but he had little idea where she could be or even if she would be able to help properly.

"One thing at a time." He chided himself and focused on the task at hand.
"Just skip over me, I'll be alright" Grey said when one of the healers came by to check on him. The healer looked over him. While bruised and exhausted, he didn't look like he was in need of immediate medical attention, however there were others who were... "Every second you spend tending to me is another second some poor student that actually needs it is denied it." He added. Thoroughly persuaded, the healer scurried off.
The first thing he did was return to the DInning Hall. There he amassed what was left of his higher level Demonmancy students. Due to his rather poor teaching practices and the lack of Demonmancers, he didn't really have a lot to work with. He also borrowed a few Geomancers for what he needed done. Once he gathered those he needed, he stood over them and gave their their orders. "Demonmancers, you are to head into the lower levels of the college, and remove any Inferno Portals. This includes Runes and Summoning Circles. We cannot risk a breach inside the of the college in light of recent events. Kill any demon you come across, even if they claim to be working under me. Do not chase if they flee, as there is no where they can hide." He sent the demonmancer's off before he adressed the Geomancers. There was much more of them, and that was good. He was going to need their power.

"Geomancers, you are to follow me to the Ravine Entrances. We are going to seal them shut; even after the Demonmancers close the Inferno Portals, the Ravine is one of the few places a demon could enter the Mortal World under their own power. The constantly changing nature of the Ravine ensures that we can never truly be rid of it, but if we can seal the entrances we can make sure that future demons cannot use them to invade the college. We will enter at a proximatly a mile deep within the ground; from there we will collapse the entrances until we reach the surface. Follow me."

Tyrael also took a few of the guardsmen avaible with him to one of the Ravine Entrances as he over saw their sealing. There were two entrances; one above the Lake of Cheer, and another one near the southern forest. Tyrael went north towards the lake and sent another group to the south. He did this because Djarkel has a weak Veil, which would allow demons to enter more easidly. If there were some building their forces to the north, he would be ready to face them. He took his chariot and had everyone else mounted on horses in order for them to move quickly.
Meanwhile, the ferret who Ovak managed to bring to life darted rapidly across the floor at neck break speeds to seek the one to help its master. His tiny black eyes settled upon his target, a white, petite vampire currently occupied with three large demons. Dashing past the nearest one, coated in Amber and impale in he mouth, he latched upon the lowest piece of fabric then tugged it once. The ferret jumped back and chirped for her attention. If she ignored him, he would repeat over and over in frantic movements to get her attention.
As Lucilia wrapped Heus up with roots, she heard some sort of chirping noise. She pointed her spear at the source, which seemed to come from Upsah, but upon closer exmaination, it actually came from a small ferret creature. Lucilia recognized it as a small statue that was normally in the Archmage's room... And if it's here, than the Archmage is awake. And he really shouldn't be. "What's wrong? What happened to the Archmage?" Lucilia spoke to the small creature. Normally she wouldn't be talking to animals, but she knew that this ferret was no mere animal. Maybe it couldn't exactly speak her language, but it knew what she was saying.
Naturally the little critter grew alarm when suddenly it's eyes were staring up at the point of Lucilia's weapon, seemingly ready to impale him. Ears rises up and body tensed, frozen to the spot until the vampire relaxed on seeing him. He titled his head when she spoke in understanding, it's small body slackened to her switch from aggression. He chirped in a high pitch but he knew he lacked the ability to speak English, his mouth was only able to utter growls and chirps instead of words. However he could write it out. Unable to see anything he could use as ink, the ferret used his to air write one word out: HELP.

He could hope she could see the invisible writing or at least provide something he could to write it out.
It took Lucilia a good while for her to figure out what the Ferret was doing. But soon it dawn to her that it was trying to write. She looked carefully, trying to see what he's spelling out. "H... E... L- Oh." Lucilia turned towards Grey and Uicle. "You two take care of the demons here. I need to find the Archmage." Turning towards the ferret Lucilia put away her rose weapon. "Lead the way little one. And hurry!"
The ferret wasted little time. He ducked down and shot forward, his long body darted down the hallway. Quickly he made his way toward where he had left the Archmage with Lucilia followed in his wake. It didn't take long before they found Ovak, crumbled upon the floor and weakened from his conflict with Norschtalen. The man's hand still blackened from his exertion of his magic, his breathing labored in soft pace. Without pausing, the ferret raced right up to the man's hand to touch it.

Upon feeling the small paws on his hand, Ovak weakly lifted his then spoke in a hoarse voice. "Is Khan alright?"
Lucilia chased after the ferret, almost tempted to take on her bat swarm form just to hurry it up. The ferret led Lucilia to the Archmage's room, where he was left spawl across the floor. "Archmage!" Lucilia feared the worse. Though he was probally the most powerful person on the planet, he was still mortal. His time would come just as everyone else does. But Lucilia prayed that his time was not tonight. His hand was an unhealthy black, a sign that he had casted a great amount of magic recently. Given that she did not have to fight through a horde of demons on the way here, she could assume that he used his power to stop the horde himself. She quickly got to restoring the Archmage's health to a less critical state as the color in his hand and face returned. Lucilia used her vampiric strength to carry and bring Ovak back to his bed as she continued to administer aid.
Ovak felt Lucilia's hand place him onto his back as his eyes, sagged with exhaustion, just looked at her. He was far too tired to react to the dull pain from her action and instead waited upon an answer. Through his words were left unspoken, the man could see she had been in battle recently though she bore no evidence on the outside. Her hands worked quickly when she attempted to recover what Arcanite had been used by his magic, his once well muscular figure now thinned by the result while allowed her to help him back into bed. The pillow covering nearly swallowed him up in their familiar embrace, Lucilia still hovered about with her tools and seemed rather relieve to spot the coloring return to his face once more.
When the Archmage asked what had become of Khan, Lucilia did not speak immediately. She knew at least that whatever was the cause of today's attack had some interest in the Headmaster. While she has not yet ruled out Tyrael as the culprit, she was well aware that what happened with Khan would be well outside of Tyrael's ability. Another possibility was that there was another agent of Kudd who had done this to Ovak, which was also likely. She imagined that the vampire Norschtalen had something to do with this. Trying to make her "Helion Coven" look like a sympathetic cause. "Khan is alive, Archmage, but he has been infected by some sort of demonic poison. Karnage call is an Infusion, but even he admits that the effects on Khan is far different than any Infusion he has seen."
"Well, Tyrael isn't wrong on his assumption and likely it was Norschtalen's doing on Kudd's behalf. I ended up killing her after I tried to reason with her but I fear her mind was set upon the end I foresaw. Pity. And to satisfy Tyrael's curiosity, as well as I'm sure you have your own, Infusion won't affect Khan in the same fashion as other Demonomancers. I will explain the details if you wish but first you need to get something." Archmage said then tried to sit upright, only to manage a slight elevation to meet Lucilia's eyes and notice the ferret happily chirp. The animal's small eyes gleamed with pride, his fore paws tried to claw up the cover's edges as his bottom heavy weighed him down from his goal. It drew a soft, pleasant chuckle to Ovak's lips at seeing the small animal struggle.

Ignoring the ferret's dilemma for the moment, he continued. "I envisioned he might've gone this far but I had hoped I had misinterpreted them, thankfully I heeded the warning incase." Ovak's head tilted to the pillow side, his hand weakly reached out towards the dresser near the door. "There's a wooden, decoratively carved box filled with variety of vials in the upper drawer. Take the two red ones along the box's left side, upper row only. One is for Khan and other for you to attempt to create an artificial copy for daily usage. The ingredients were rare and I could only manage to find enough to create two small doses, my effort hindered slightly in recent months. You'll likely have to inject the first the dose but it will lessen the Infusion's effects immediately. Afterwards, it's to be taken daily and we'll need to keep our eyes on him. The bad part about the Infusion is that we won't be able to purged the blood, just weaken it's influence. Trying to purge it will likely kill him."
Doing as she was asked, and looked through the dresser for the box. It was easy enough to find, as well as the two vials. She didn't know what these vials contained, but the Archmage wanted her to replicate them. It should keep Khan's poison at bay, but they were fighting against time. The Archmage said that Khan's body will never be purged from the poison, less it kill him. She didn't want to believe this, but right now was not the time to protest. She stored them into a pouch on her person that could ensure that no amount of force of jostling would break them.

Lucilia held Ovak's hand tightly. As a vampire, her body was almost deathly cold. But Ovak's hand was much colder, like stone. It brought her small comfort knowing ther her own body was more alive than Ovak's right now. How he has even managed to survive this long can only be attributed to divine intervention, at least. "Ovak... What is going on? Who could possible do something like this?"
Ovak weakly tightened his fingers about Lucilia's hand, he could easily sense the vampire's concern as she asked her questions. "You know I can't tell everything. Many have tried to outwit the future and often they suffer the more dire consequences in their actions to avoid it. One of the worse possible futures I had dreamt once and I prefer it never to happen."

He paused a moment as if to shake off the disturbing memory. "To answer you about who could've orchestra this... Kudd is the only name to come to mind. I have a feeling this is only the beginning of his plans for the College. I had hoped after the last Demonomancer and myself interfered that then he would've backed away. It seems he was only bidding his time."
Kudd. She knew the name. A fallen god who would be a match with Aarem in terms of vile. But where as Aarem was a nessisary evil, Kudd wanted nothing but his own desires. But this was much worse than if it was just Tyrael or Norschtalen; they were mortal. Kudd... She wasn't even sure if anything could be done against him. Not without the gods. She may be a rather devout follower of Aarem, but even her realationship with him was next to none. From what she can remember, Kudd is at least sealed within the Inferno to ensure that he cannot affect the Mortal World. But seeing that Khan's illness is due to the demon god, Lucilia was uncertain just how much of Kudd she really knew. "What should we do, Ovak? What can we do?"


"I can't tell you everything, Lucilia. Even if I told you how to ensure the best possibly out come... Something far worse would happen and topple the peace, far worst then if I had just allowed it to happen." He was quiet for a moment, almost apologetic in his eyes, when the Archmage continued.

"For now, the vials are a good start. Once Kudd's influence is suppress, the Runes will mend themselves and he'll be fine." Ovak stated simply, his hand remained pointing at the dresser. "Even the Gods are not as powerful as they seem, a fallen one is even less. For now, we can only prepare in the best way we can."

His fingers tightened about Lucilia's hand in reassurance and added. "I will prevent the worse from happening, have faith in that. When the time is right I'll reveal what I know will help. Now, are there any other questions?"


Lucilia still didn't like this... Powerlessness. She was always on top of these things. She didn't like the idea of being some plaything of fate. Slowly she loosen her grip on Ovak and stepped away. "No, not right now, Archmage. I'll get this vial to Khan as soon as possible. There's much I need to do now for the college, but if you need anything, you know where to find me." Lucilia bowed her head and walked towards the balcony. She changed into a swarm of bats and flew off towards the Infirmary, knowing that her services would be needed there.


Ovak's eyes watched the confused and conflicted vampire pull away, his heart tang with hurt at the last look held within her eyes. He hated to hold secrets. The sense of deception filled him for a moment but his lips stayed sealed. Her feelings were easy to understand and he, himself, had once been where Lucilia had. Despite the empathy, he wouldn't risk their lives to a worse fate. Most of all, her path shouldn't be altered and her choices denied. The notion nearly broke the Archmage's heart because he knew the best intentions were sometimes the motivations for the worst...

Ovak didn't say anything. Merely nodded his head and relaxed, his body slacked into a deep slumber. The morning would renew his strength...he only hoped the future would do the same to his College and friends.
On route to her location, she thought about what Ovak said. He knew what was going on. He knew what Kudd was planning. And yet he withheld information... She knew better than to question his actions, but at the same time, she knew she couldn't simply let things go. If Kudd was really the cause of all of this, she knew that the college could not go back to "Normal". Sure, classes will be held, holiday celebrations would happen, but she also knew the college was going to need to start militerizing. She'd have to hire entire armies of Mercinaries and station them around the college. No doubt other teachers would do something similar, because even if Kudd is a fallen god, he still has much more power than what had been shown today. To underestimate him would be signing their own suicide note. She'd need to make a visit to Djarkel and make contact with the other vampire clans, and find the location of the Helion Coven. If they made an alliance with Kudd, who knows who else has as well. She'd have to find out who Kudd's mortal allies were.

Lucilia would also need to keep a close eye on her own allies too. In particular, Khan. She did not think he would betray them, but the fact that Kudd had made a poison specifically for him instead of say, the Archmage, made Lucilia think that Khan played a key role in Kudd's machinations. What role exactly was unknown to her, but she imagined that Khan's demons would be one of the key factors. Some of the most powerful of their kind, and would make some of the worse enemies.

Lucilia arrived at the Infirmary, and just as she imagined, the place was packed. So many wounded, so many injured, and everyone was working their hardest to ensure they all lived. Lucilia went inside one of the Healer's rooms and changed out of her party dress into something more practical as she assisted the healers in their efforts. She used her powerufl Herbamancy magic to spawn components needed for healing potions as well as used her own medical knowledge to help sustain the lives of the wounded until someone would arrive to take care of them.

Eventually Lucilia looked for Khan. She found Sam, who directed her to him. He had a bit more breathing room than most of the toher paitents, but it hardly did him much good. He was constantly bleeding from his wounds, and even patching them up only made new ones form, or old wones explode. Lucilia quickly moved in to pour the contents of one of the vial's down Khan's mouth, hoping that it could some how save him. She trusted the Archmage, but she wasn't even sure what was in the vial and how it's suppose to help Khan.
Sam had already sent a Gargoyle, it's face half smashed in by a demon, to seek out Val. This was the fifth time he had changed the bandages, the bleeding seemed only slightly stalled by his herbs and pastes. It didn't seem do much good and caused the aged healer to fret a bit.

He didn't know much about Runes, the main source of the wounds, but he knew even Lidda couldn't touch them. They could be made from blood, flesh and bone but something about them radiated a different vibe from vitamancy. At least that was what Val once told him. He showed Lucilia where find Khan before he disappeared to check upon the conditions of his other patients, namely those in terrible condition.

He left a single phrase and left. "I've sent one of Uicle's gargoyles to retrieve Val. If he starts to seizure, holler and I'll come running."

From what Lucilia could see, Khan's scales had dulled from the blood loss and his eyes were closed. He totally ignorant of the goings around him. When the contents were poured down the Eysire's throat, his form shuddered and jerked suddenly. Three set of hands, the healers who had stayed behind, had jumped out to pin him down as Khan seemed to react rather violently to the vial's liquid. His veins seemed to have been set on fire, the invisible flames raced up his limps and centered upon his Runes. They glowed red, faintly at first then skin began to knit itself like time turned backwards. Blood lost in the inflicted wounds had began to retrace its path, the last drop sucked in before the skin reformed. With the process, Khan tried to break free in his uncontrolled spasms while his eyes snapped open. A wing managed to belt one of them and sent the fellow flying. His body crashed into a side table followed by the floor.

After a moment or two, Khan's pained expression faded into a calmer one. His spine lowered back into the bed and his limbs stopped flaying. Though his breaths were still labored, The head master managed to croak a request. "Water..."
Grey rose to his feet when Lucilia addressed him. She wanted to head off... somewhere alone. (wasn't khan Archmage? he didn't quite realize the difference between headmaster and archmage) He couldn't allow that. But before he could protest she merely raised her hand to him, likely to silence him. With that, he simply nodded and let her go.

He turned to his rescuer, who was now far closer. "So, you're Uicle, I take it? I'm Grey Onyx, Guardsman of the 8th company." He said with a slight bow. It was at that point that he noticed something odd about the guy. "Well, I take it you are using a surrogate body here. I had no idea necromancy had that capability. May I ask where you are actually located?" The man, (or posessed suit of armor rather) seemed surprised, but grey quickly added "I know armor sir, And plates don't make that ringing noise if they aren't hollow." Animate suits of armor was one of the wierd occurances he was actually used to. His village didn't have the manpower for proper defences, so his uncle and several other necromancers animated suits of armor to supplement the guard battalion. However, he'd never seen one capable of speech, having direct puppet-master like control over one was new.
"Go tend to him, I'll take care of Khan." Lucilia ordered the healers to go work with the one who was unlucky enough to be sent flying by Khan. Lucilia went and got a fairly large cup of water for Khan and carefully poured it into his mouth. Only a few ounces before she stopped to let Khan absorb the water (Or if she needs to rehesitate him). Khan seem to have stablized, but for how long? "Khan... Khan, are you awake now? Please, if you can hear me... Say something..."
Khan felt his dry, cracked throat wetted by the liquid that entered his muzzle. His muscle worked automatically as his eyes closed, solely focused upon the sensation of the water healing it. Greedily he drank deeply until it felt his lungs couldn't breath and he suddenly coughed and spurted forth a bit from his foolish pace. Khan's eyes opened to Lucilia's voice.

A droplet slide down his chin before he spoke. "I've got a splitting headache but other then that, I'm fine."
Lucilia let out a breath of relief as Khan spoke up. After all that's happened today, after so many deaths, it provided a small comfort that Khan made it out. She knew that he was in no state to really awnser much of her questions, so she simply wiped his mouth and began to turn away. "I'll leave you to rest, Headmaster. I need to attend the other injured. There is much we need to do, but for not, rest. Doctor's orders." Lucilia left to attend to other injuried, but at some point she left the Infirmary to return to her office. She wasnt' alone however, as waiting at her door were many people, merchants looking for an explanation of what happened, the captain of the guard reporting the deaths, some soldiers from Eania and Djarkel demanding to see the Headmaster. As much as Lucilia wanted to impale them just like Khan's demons, instead she put up a neutral facade and dealt with each one verbally throughout the night. She wouldn't get another day's rest either, as now she needed to deal with not only the issues brought to her from the others, but also research on the vials the Archmage gave to her, as well as changing up her classes. The college wouldn't be able to stay as just a place of learning anymore. Whether anyone would want to admit
it or not, she has to prepare for war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Meirin's gaze went form her hands to Ssarak when he came over and spoke to her. Despite all that's happened, he looked calm and determined, unlike herself who was mostly shell-shocked and trembling. She didn't really have much to say to counter him, not that she wanted to. She leaned into Ssarak and closed her eyes. Right now all she wanted was to sleep. Her body was so exhausted though, She thought that she would be too tired to sleep. But instead the moment she closed her eyes Meirin fell asleep against Ssarak, the events of today draining all her energy out of her body. It was a dreamless sleep, so no nightmares, but at the same time the black void made cold sweat on her skin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Something Leith said before he saw Annabeth caught Ssarak's attention. "Xyden attacked Mar?" He thought. Mar was certainly a harsh person, and he couldn't claim to be a friend of her, but to outright attack her seemed barbaric, especially with her having a child. Regardless, he did not have time to ask about it before Meirin leaned against him, then seemingly went limp. He grabbed a hold of her quickly to prevent her from falling, then started to look her over. Initially, he was quite concerned about her health and tried to examine her for any injuries. Like most of the college's defenders, she did have minor wounds, but he did not see anything that would cause her to lose consciousness. There were no signs of trauma on her head, and she certainly was not losing enough blood to really matter. Eventually, considering that her breathing and pulse rate were mostly normal, he concluded that she was likely just exhausted, and rightfully so. Ssarak himself was rather fatigued from the extended battle, though not quite to the extent that he would fall asleep on his feet.

Ssarak was not just going to leave Meirin asleep in the halls, so he picked her up in his arms to take her up to her room. Before leaving, however, he approached Leith and Annabeth. Certainly, he was glad to see that his friend was alive, but something about her at the moment seemed...off. By the bandages covering her, she had already been to the infirmary, but she seemed to be in a daze. He did not know what it was, but something seemed wrong with her. Ssarak looked to Leith with a concerned expression. "It seems like Annabeth has been harmed in some way. I do not believe it is a good idea for her to walk around unattended. Please, make sure she receives proper attention, I need to carry Meirin up to her room. She appears to have fallen asleep."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucilia Riovas

It was a tiresome night. Lucilia just managed to dismiss the rabble outside her office to rest for the night, promising that she will listen to their demands the next morning. She actually wanted to rest for that morning, but her duty was never done. Not even now. Word from one of her plants told her that in the Dinning Hall, one of her pupils had just managed to escape the fighting injured. Worried about Colette, Lucilia changed into her bat form and flew towards Colette's room. She came in through an open window and saw Colette laying in bed. Her dress was in tatters, and she had some wounds on her body. The senior vampire sighed. "I'm sorry for intruding, Colette. I head that you got hurt during that... Mess in the Dinning Hall. Is there anything I can help you with?" Lucilia than took out a injury kit from her robes, as well as a bottle of Marrow Draught. She was certain that Colette was a bit thirsty after all that's happened today. Lucilia sat down next to Colette, taking a small sip from the Marrow Drought herself. She contemplated getting herself a drink at Underhaven, but decided against it. It would probably be under investigation right now since Tyrael made it, no doubt it's pandemonium down there. She had to settle with her own home-made concoction for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"I am fine I am just worried about the blood lost I never been so injured before so I don't know if I will be hungry and go into blood lust because of the wounds....I have something to ask you cause before I got to the dining hall....I don't know how I did it but did...I managed to summon a bat to my side" she sat up wincing as more blood spilt from her healing wounds. "What did I do there...I am confused...." she said almost whispering her question and statements
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucilia Riovas

Tilting her head Lucilia pondered what Colette meant. Surely by now she should already know what her magebloood is, unless Tyrael was that bad of a teacher. "Colette dear, you're a Demonmancer. Your magic involves summoning creatures of the Inferno to your aid. Admittedly a bat demon isn't the strongest I believe, but you've done well to summon anything at your level." Lucilia took it upon herself to dress Colette's wounds. She shouldn't always rely on her vampire regeneration to heal these injuries. "Here, drink some of this." Lucilia gave Colette two small vials, one was a Marrow Draught to slate her thirst if she had any, and another was an ether to help her relieve her Blood Sickness. "I don't know a lot about Demonmancer, but I believe that the danger you found herself in allowed you to tap into your magics and summon an ally. Lucky for you it was a fairly weak one that you could have controlled. I've seen many students in similar situations who summoned demons too strong for them to control. Usually we're near by to take out the demon before they hurt anyone, but in this instance I'm glad that you managed get out safe and sound." Lucilia applied a poultice onto one of Colette's wounds as she spoke. Lucilia was a bit curious about how Colette was doing now, just to make some conversation. "Say Colette, how is your classes anyways?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"They are fine I guess still confused since this is the first time I ever been to a school since my transformation" she shuddered thinking about it, her mind always seemed to be on our night and what happened after it like a broken record as she looked up at Lucillia. "It takes some getting used to as I hear people always say now and days" she chukcled forcefully as she chugged down the marrow before putting the vial down a part of her sleeve falling off her tattered dress
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucilia Riovas

Nodded her head silently Lucilia stepped back and looked at Colette. She seemed to be patched up now, all she needed was some time to rest to allow her wounds to heal back to normal. Her blood and thirst should be slated as well, so Lucilia didn't need to worry about Colette for tonight. "That's good advice to listen to. And..." Lucilia was quiet again. she debated in her mind if she should warn Colette of what was to come. On one hand, she wants all her students to try to resume their normal, daily activities. But at the same time, life at the college was going to change. Well, everyone would have to know eventually. "Colette, I don't want to scare you, but you need to be careful from now on, okay? Due to the attack today, not a lot of people will be trusting demons or demonmancers. The college will be taking measures to make sure nothing like today's attack will happen again, but a few of those people might think that the problem lies within demonmancers. That's not true, but it may be a problem down the road. If you're going to practice, don't do it alone, alright? And always make sure you know what you're going to summon. I don't want you to have to fight off a demon that's too powerful for you." Lucilia's voice was filled with concern for her protege, even though she knew that the girl was more than old enough to take care of herself. Sometimes Lucilia couldn't help but coddle.

Another thought occurred in her mind. Again, Lucilia debated if she should tell Colette about it, but she figured that she would have the right to know. "And Colette, do you have any plans to tomorrow? I can't say for sure I know what's going to happen, but let's assume that there won't be any classes, like today. Do you have anything you're going to do?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Colette shook her head. "I am used to no one trusting me so there isnt much new in that department. But no I dont have any plans...since I really dont have any friends or anything I just stayed in my dorm to study or I just walk around campus enjoying my freedom as much i really can..." she said looking out the window with a sigh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucilia Riovas

That. Sounded. So. Sad. Lucilia had hoped that bringing Colette here would have earned her some friends, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Lucilia wanted to try to get Colette to make friends somehow, but she couldn't just keep holding her hand throughout her life. Lucilia just sighed, hoping that somehow she can think of something that would help. "Well... There's something I usually have to do everyone once in a while. As a vampire, I simply wondered if you might be interested in attending. But! It's a bit scary. If you want to come, just find me before nightfall and I'll take you there. If you want to become as strong as me, you may want to consider coming. Just... Just know that once it happens, it will change your life again. For better or for worse. Anyways, enough of that! I have to head back to my office now and straiten some things out. It's going to be a long day... Is there anything you'd like to ask me before I go?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"No Lucillia...I will see you at nightfall...."Colette said. "Oh wait there is oneone...where can I get.a new outfit...I.need aa new outfit since I have nothing else to wear" she said looking at her tattered dress with a sigh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia smiled as Colette accepted to come with her tomorrow. She laughed when Colette asked where she could get a new dress. "Ah, I'll help you out with that first thing next morning. I'll be sending someone over to give you some clothes you can try out. For now, you'll just have to settle with what you have. It's going to be a busy day tomorrow, so I'd suggest you rest up and take it easy." Lucilia walked towards the window and was about to change into her swarm when she turned back towards Colette. "You did a good job out there, by the way. Protecting the college and it's people. You might not have a lot of friends right now, but know that we're all grateful for your help. Sleep tight, Colette. I'll see you later." And with that Lucilia transformed into a swarm of bats, heading back to her office to try to get some rest before she had to start working again. She'd also need to find some of the other vampires to prepare for the ritual tomorrow. Aarem expects his dues.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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She nodded and laid down wincing at her wounds. ' I wonde what she is planning....Will i truely get stronger like she said....I have to trust her...she is the one who saved me....from that place that I called my home for so many years.... she thought as she laid on her bed closing her eyes son falling asleep her mind wondering what will happen tomorrow night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Since Leith was with Annabeth, Ssarak moved to carry Meirin up to her room. It was probably a mercy that Meirin had fallen asleep when she did, as the walk up to their rooms was not all that pleasant. Guards were still rushing through the halls in teams, attempting to ferret out any demons that remained hiding in the college. More disturbingly, the bodies of students, guards, and other staff who died in the attack were still fresh on the ground. Ssarak tried to keep his eyes off of them as he walked by, but the devastation of the attack was too difficult to ignore. The faces on each of the corpses were like windows into their last moments, moments that were almost exclusively filled with pain or fear. In addition to people, Ssarak had to step over the remnants of golems, gargoyles, and fractured parts of the college's stonework that were damaged in the fight. The architecture of the college was far different than that of the nomadic village he grew up in, but even so the carnage around him brought back his memory of walking through the desolation that had once been his home. It was fortunate that he did not see the corpse of anyone he knew on the way up to his room, as he was not far from breaking down where he stood.

Ssarak did not know if the door to Meirin's room was locked, but with the large hole in the wall between their rooms, that was not really an issue. He carried her into his room, then ducked through the hole in the wall into her room. Meirin shared a room with Aruna, who was not present at the moment. Ssarak hoped she was alive as well, but he would really have no way to know until she returned. Ssarak was unsure of which bed was Meirin's, since they were of similar size, so he simply laid her down on the one that looked most like it belonged to a Human. She still seemed to be in good health, all things considered, so with nothing left for him to do, Ssarak returned through the hole to his own room and sat down on his bed. He took his helmet and placed it on the floor next to his feet, then started to undo the straps on his armor. Removing it was always a long and annoying process, and he was far too exhausted to put too much effort into it, so he lethargically began to remove it piece by piece. When he unstrapped his chestplate and let it fall to the ground, he was able to take in a deep breath, which in turn caused another shooting pain in his chest. The scales on his chest were bruised, bloody, and discolored, but his body was not what pained him the most. In his mind, all he could see was the mangled corpses of his children, the remains of those he loved more than anything in his life. The question of how many of his friends were now dead to this pointless battle still weighed heavily upon his mind. Unlike his village, the college had survived, but it hardly felt like a victory. He stopped for a moment and ran his hands across his snout, letting a few tears escape his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The night went on. For a short while, the morning was silent. Men and women, too tired to fight, still kept constant vigilance to fend off the demons from before. There was a much more noticeable guard presence now, and not a demon in sight. The festive air from yesterday was gone. While the college was clean of it's corpses, the scars from the battle before still lingered in the form of blocked off hallways under reconstruction, and a constant transportation of wagons and caskets. There was much fewer merchant stalls out now, and even they did not seem too eager to do business. The only place that was bustling with activity was the Headmaster's office. However, the headmaster was not present; he was still recovering from his injuries, and thus his teachers took his place. Lucilia was fortunate enough to have some of her fellow teachers Satori and Val assist her in dealing with the long line of victims and leaders who demanded answers for what happened. It would appear that all three women won't have a chance to relax until later that night. Oddly enough, neither delegates from Eania or Djarkel were present. Their deaths were not reported yet, which made the three teachers worried.

All the while, every able bodied teacher was not busy repairing the college. Due to their skill and powers, the college would be back to normal by the end of the week. Whether or not the college's people recover was another issue entirely. For the most part however, much of the college's facilities were still active, though some of the more commonly taken halls were closed down for repairs. The Infirmary was still packed with the wounded from yesterday, though now Lidda has taken over to care for the injured.

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth was carefully undoing her bandages. She should consider herself fortunate; while she had many scars from the battle last night, she was in much better condition that Cynn. While both women would live, Cynn was, for the most part, comatose. Annabeth worried for her friend, but she was repeatability told that Cynn would recover within time. She might even wake up today. Annabeth just needed to give her time. Annabeth herself was very much sore from the fight last night, and was told not to do anything strenuous today or threaten opening her wounds. But part of Annabeth knew that she would still go and train. "If I was just stronger, better, than Cynn wouldn't be like this... I could have killed him, but... I wasn't good enough...." Annabeth wasn't going to wallow in self doubt however. She went over to her closet and donned what was left of her armor. Her sword was, unfortunately, getting repaired at the forge right now. So she'd have to stick with her axe and buckler.

The dormitory was a mess. The smell of death was still strong, barely masked by the smell of candles and incense. It almost made her want to vomit, but she held it in. Last thing she needed to do was make her own mess. She made her way towards the gymnasium which took a bit longer than usual due to one of the halls being closed off to be repaired. Annabeth found that a lot of halls had to be closed off for repairs, and for a moment she pondered if she should just head back to her dorm and sleep the rest of the day away. But eventually she found one hall that wasn't too badly damaged that she couldn't go through, and from there she headed towards the Gymnasium. Once inside it seemed that she was the first there. She pulled a wicker target out and began a few stretches before hacking away at the target, putting a lot of force behind each swing but working on removing the blade quicker than she put it into the target. A harder task than it sound, but if she could have done so, she might have managed to lop off that assassin's limb instead of wasting time trying to pull her axe from the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose
Ssarak had drank the rest of his potion before going to sleep, hoping that a night's rest under its effects would bring him up to an acceptable state to help with rebuilding. His rest that night had been plagued with nightmares, but nevertheless, he awoke feeling at least marginally better the next morning. He sat up on his bed, yawned, and tried to stretch out his aching muscles. His first impression of how he felt was that he was particularly sore. Looking down at his chest, he saw that his scales were still bruised, but not to the extent as the previous night. The blood had dried, and when he applied pressure to his chest, he no longer felt any sharp pains inside him. It seemed the potion had at least mended his fractured rib. It would take more time for him to get back to normal, but for now, he was fine.

Now that he knew he was fine, there were a thousand other fires in the college he could help put out. Glancing over to the hole between his room and Meirin's, he figured he would make sure she was alright first. She had lost consciousness rather suddenly the previous night, and while she seemed mostly fine, it could not hurt for him to check. "Meirin, are you awake?" He asked through the hole loudly enough for her to hear. Knowing what he knew now about Humans' sense of privacy, he did not want to intrude in her room unless she did not respond for too long.
Dirssi Xhotharanil

Obviously, no one had designated a room for Dirssi amid the chaos the previous night, so she had took an empty one temporarily after reuniting with her guards. Two of her guards had died in the fighting, but the rest were uninjured. The same was not likely true for the students who inhabited the room she had taken, as none of them returned in the night. Dirssi quickly dressed herself after she awoke, not that there was much of anything she could do at a moment to accelerate her goals. She was not stupid enough to believe that the college's leadership would worry about handing over a student, who could possibly be dead, to her after such a devastating attack. As much as she hated it, she knew she would just have to wait until the college calmed down so she could either confirm Ssarak had died, or take him into her custody.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin woke up when the sun was shining on her face. At first she was just going to turn over and keep on sleeping, but than she fell out of the bed. Which was strange, because she didn't sleep on a bed, but on a bedroll. "Ow..." Meirin got off the ground and stood up, only to start feeling her legs tremble. "Oh right... I over did it yesterday...." Meirin was rather tired and sore from last nights fighting. While she wasn't at all hurt, but contemplated if she should just stay in bed for today. She certainly wouldn't mind just doxing off. But as Meirin walked abck to her side of the room, her body actually began to feel more limber and loose, and by the time she pulled out her bed roll and laid down she knew that she wouldn't fall asleep any time soon. The warmth was nice though.

Eventually Meirin just decided that she'd have a look around the college. She could hear people banging hammers against wood, probably fixing the damage from yesterday. As she stretched her body out Meirin decided that she'd do her best to help out as well. She was certain that most of the demons were dead now, but perhaps she could help in other ways. She was a strong woman, and was no stranger to repairing houses like back at her home town. Granted, not all the buildings back at her home down was made of solid magic stone and such, but still. She changed out of her yesterday clothes and into something clean that she wouldn't mind getting dirty. She looked towards her armory and noticed a few weapons missing. "That's right, I did use some of them yesterday... I'll have to go get new ones." Meirin was concerned that no one here would know how to repair or make her types of weapons, which were fairly exotic. She might have to go out and order them from Djarkel. But first thing's first, she needed to help the college.

As Meirin was changing she head Ssarak call out to her. That's when she noticed the hole she made yesterday, and that Ssarak might have seen her undress. "Kyaa!" She yelped and hid herself behind her closet. While she had a good feeling that Ssarak wasn't teh type to peep, it was an instinctive thing. She quickly finished putting on her clothes and walked towards the whole. "Yes, I'm awaken now! How are you holding up Ssarak? Ah.... We should probably get this hole fixed. Maybe we could find a Geomancer who could just raise a new wall for us, eh heh heh heh...." Meirin tried to not remember that it was her fault there was a hole here in the first place. They should have just used a door, but no, she wanted to show off that night of all nights. "You,,, You didn't see anything, did you?"
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