High above in the clouds, shielded with an invisible force to hide from Humans. There is the city of Asgard, a small planetary body that serves as home to the Norse gods. It is a flat, asteroid-like mass that has a top surface with a gravitational pull, similar to that of the Earth’s, in order to keep the citizens and their cities from floating into the void. There is an unknown force that keeps the surfaces of Asgard from eroding and from allowing its bodies of water from drifting off into space. The people of Asgard with men and women living peacefully in the city border. A huge palace of gold, throned to Odin and Frigga. A small village outside the palace gates, filled with commoners of poor and rich. Shops, alleys, schools, and other structure line the village. Women in robes and dresses with men in robes and cloaks with children.