Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Adrian approached the docks in the back of his town car, being driven by one of the many men who were employed underneath him, Adrian's eyes stayed locked with Lucian's the entire time, after a few minutes Lucian spoke up, "Who is it we ride to meet?" Adrian allowed himself a small smile, "A woman far more dangerous and mysterious than any you have yet to meet." Lucian furrowed his brow, "Aren't we supposed to be looking for Maria?" To someone like Adrian who barely knew Lucian, the changes in his mannerisms would go unnoticed, but anyone who knew Lucian would have been able to tell that the voice who was speaking now, was not Lucian Loralen. Adrian shook his head and took a sip of whiskey from a glass next to him, "First we are going to retrieve my sire...and then we will find Maria." Lucian simply growled under his breath, "I'm just worried about my mate is all." Adrian sighed, "Yes...but worrying yourself ragged will only cause you sorrow."

Lucian tapped the glass softly as the continued to drive neither speaking a word more until they arrived at a privately owned stretch of the riverfront. "Any minute now." as if on cue a seaplane appeared in the air and started slowly descending to the river and eventually coming to a halt on the water, coasting over to the dock nearest their car. The plane came to a halt and the engines stopped as the door opened and out stepped a wildly blue eyed woman with bright red hair and the stature of a predator. She waved the pilot off and said something neither Lucian or Adrian could hear or make out. Then this fiery woman started towards the car, Her stride was graceful but also spoke clearly of a life of intent and purpose, she walked forward never slowing or yielding and before long she had arrived at the car, she opened the door without a question and sat down next to Adrian before looking between the two of them, "Well...You knew this was going to be asked...Why exactly have you summoned me Adrian?" Adrian laughed a bit, "Good to see you to Morgan." Morgan rolled her eyes before hugging Adrian, "Oh be quiet. You know I missed you." Adrian managed a smile before turning stony and serious, "I originally called because your warning had me worried and I wanted to have you close...But...Your vision was recognized not long after I called you...Maria...Was kidnapped by a new clan calling themselves the Blod...Lucian here is her Mate." Adrian motioned to Lucian, Morgan gave him a quick glance before returning her focus to Adrian, "Are these Blod suicidal?" She smirked a little, "I mean...Not to sound rude, but to steal from not only Alistair Blackmoore, but also from me...thats simply asking to be slaughtered." Adrian might have said something smart in response but right then his phone started ringing, He grabbed it from his pocket and read the message, before turning back to the other two, "It seems Alistair has found her. We have been given the go ahead to slaughter them all." Adrian turned to the driver, "Take us to this address...now." As they drove a smile crossed over Morgan's lips, "It really has been to long since I tasted of vampires...Make haste driver."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa's eyes went to Morven in shock. He found him? No other leader had found Theo before. It was all falling into place. A huge, elated smile lit her face. "He really found him?" She felt her heart race with anticipation and anxiousness in meeting meeting her sire and her tormentor again. She closed her eyes and nodded her head. "Then, let's go." She opened them again, her blue eyes showing her emotions of fear and excitement, her mind preparing for a fight but also to help whoever needed it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Trixy reached out the tendrils of her mental abilities, seeking out familiar minds. It was easy enough to find Alistair, as his emotions were all over the place. Once she found him, she picked up the pace and took to the alleyways and rooftops.

She jumped down beside Alistair, her lacey skirt fluffing out in the motion. Trixy stood up and smoothed her less-than-intimidating outfit down. It was a bit crazy how much a vampire of over 600 years could still look like nothing more than an eighteen year old girl.

Her hands found her weaponry, indicating that she was ready fight. Her eyes, however, remained anywhere but meeting Alistair’s gaze. She couldn’t look at him; She would do her job tonight, and then,

She would run...


Jar dismissed the thought with a shake of his head, it was nonsense. He managed to slide into his boxers and jeans before plopping back down into the bed, shirtless. Jar fumbled into his pockets and pulled out a pack of clove cigarettes. He lit one up and took a long drag before blowing out circles of smoke.

With a smile, he took out his phone and went to text Theo. “You should see the notch I just put in bedpost, actually…” he looked back at the splintered headboard “There isn’t much of one left anymore. ;)” he sent the text and got up from the bed. Still smoking, he threw on a red tank top and his leather jacket before heading back into town, hoping to brag to Theo in person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Dressed, Klaus bounded back down the stairs as he fixed the collar of his shirt. "G'morning, love," he greeted Praetor again, stopping by a large mirror to make sure his hair was in place. Then his dark eyes flickered to the other vampire, who he looked up and down. Gods, he was a mess. "I'm heading for a bite. I assume you can hold down the fort while Mira rests," he said, glancing at the mirror again before stepping toward the door as he waited on a response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Maria sat on the floor where she had been bascially thrown. The bindings bit into her wrists but she didn't bother asking for them to be looser. At least she wasn't bound to the table again.
She expected him to either leave or hit her, but he did neither. He just sat there, staring at her. Her wet hair was curling madly, thanks to the natural curl in it. She wished for a brush to tame the wildness but didn't hold out hope for that either.

The staring was making her uncomfortable. She shifted a little, looking away from him. What did he expect from her now? Was he just going to stare at her?
Instinct told her that his mother was a taboo subject so she wasn't about to bring that up again.

"I laid with quite a few men, but never got pregnant," she mused aloud. "Makes me wonder if the timing was off or if I was just barren. If the latter... well that is a useful trait for a high-end prostitute," she said with a wry smile. "I didn't lay with everyone who came to port," she said. "I was choosey, only allowing powerful pirate captains into my bed," she chuckled a bit. "I don't look like it now, but I was once the lover of Calico Jack. He was a fool, but a handsome one. When I refused to go to sea with him he took on that crafty bitch Anne Bonney. She was his downfall, her and Mary Reed. But then women are often the downfall of powerful men, aren't they?" she mused thoughtfully and sighed. "She died in prison you know, Mary Reed. Died in childbirth. No one knows what happened to Anne Bonney, the most famous female pirate in history, but I do... I know what happened to her... and her baby..."
She trailed off and sighed. "I never wanted to be a prostitute," she admitted. "But that was what my mother was. My mother was a prostitute and my father was a pirate... and children rarely move beyond the level of their parents. If Alistair hadn't found me when he had, I probably would have been dead within a year or two."

She hadn't meant to ramble so much, but she was trying to fill the silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Theo nodded silently at the girl's story. She was quite the sad little hooker, wasn't she? he thought. When she finished, he checked the text he got from Jar and rolled his eyes before shoving his phone back in his pocket. He looked back up at her and said "I apologize for this. My second texted me something I thought was important but was really just an annoyance." He didn't particularly like when people slept around. He wasn't one to do that. Never had he laid with too many women. What if the bitch tried to convince him she was pregnant? No, he will not do such a thing. He looked over at the wall behind her and said in a deep, apathetic voice "my mother was a victim of a roman invasion when I was conceived. My father left her alive so she could carry his bastard child, me."

"My mother hated me ever since I was born. The lullaby you sang, she sang for myself when I wanted to sleep. She also sang it the day she got me banished from the village. My father took me in once I found him, seeing as his wife only gave him daughters; but my father's wife had plans other than taking care of me. I was a teen, as she was also a younger woman, and my father was out a lot. She forced herself onto me and blamed me of rape once my father caught us. He then tortured me and put me out to die. A maid came and turned me and the rest... well, is history." He looked back at Maria for a moment, searching for any sign of pity in which he would become enraged.

"I do not expect pity, as I did not give that to you out of respect." He stood to his feet, a stony expression adorning his face. "Now, you'll be going home soon; but I must show you no more mercy." He took out his pocket knife and advanced onto Maria, recreating his wounds from earlier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Trixy did her best to keep her head low and remain professional. At Alistair’s question, she reached out with her mind. The place was swarming with new bloods, were she to completely open her mind, she might drown in their thoughts. “A lot…” she remarked quietly as she kept searching. “At least a few dozen new bloods, maybe more. I can only really hear the younger minds… but I do feel that there is someone very, very old in there.”

When she looked up, her eyes were distant and clouded. The only way she could manage to look up at all was to escape from her own mind and live amongst the new bloods. She channeled their bloodlust and gripped her weapons. “Let’s go.” She said in an icy tone.


Jar began his walk through town in a bit of a daze. Once his senses started to return, he noticed that something was off about the way he walked. The ever familiar jingling from his pocket was absent. In a brief spurt of panic, his hand dove into the right pocket of his jeans. His hand met emptiness, gone was the small metal tin that held his personal stash of O-neg. His moment of panic passed when he realized what must have happened. Madame Vengeance must have had herself a little snoop before fleeing the scene, which meant she had the drugs. “Oh, wonderful” he mused and his lips curled into a devilish grin.

Jareth once again pulled out his phone and sent a text to Theo: “More good news, I’m omw back to share.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa stiffened at the grin. It was one she had gotten plenty of times from men but every time it reminded her of the same grins the men in the bar gave her. Yet, this was different. He wasn't being malicious and he wasn't going to attack her. He was being playful. So, to lighten her mood and the known tension in the group, she stuck her tongue out at him like a child, silently snickering afterwards. She glanced at the girl who tried killing her the moment they met and noticed something... off. Her smile faded when she realized this and she gave a concerned look. As the girl talked, Adelisa turned her attention on the building and anxiousness took over. She wanted to kill Theo. it was her mission ever since she escaped.

Adelisa said after the girl was finished "if we get in there, I'll need to get to Maria first seeing as he'll be with his hostage and she'll have so many open wounds that she most likely won't survive without... regaining blood in some way. Besides," she pulled out Deli and glared viciously at it "I'm going to kill the bastard if it's the last thing I do." She looked up at Morven with a stony expression, knowing that she could trust her better than anyone else in this bunch. Especially the clan leader himself. Men would always be on rocky grounds with Adelisa.

Theo texted Jareth back after shoving the knife into Maria's thigh deep enough to stay up. He sent be aware that the imbeciles and my whore are out there. Do not attack. Just come in and meet me in the hostage's room. He looked back at Maria and grinned slightly, his animalistic side showing once again. "Looks like you're going home, so I'll have to give you something to remember this little outing." He took the knife and, using the deep stab wounds he already created, he connected them to form the letter T. It was his signature after all. He smirked at how much blood she was losing.

He then called in his third in command to tell all the members to stand down, let the group in when they enter. "I'd like to meet them in the grand hall, please." The grand hall was basically a cafeteria. Theo looked back at Maria and sighed. "And please get me one of my shirts so I can clothe the hostage. They might not take her back if she looks like a common whore." He smirked at Maria as he slid his knife down her arm, deeply cutting into her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Maria was shocked when the knife appeared again. The bastard had managed to talk her into a relaxed state of mind so she wasn't prepared for what happened next.
The female screamed bloody murder. It was deeper and more horrific then any scream she had done so far. He recreated her injuries, cutting through the scar tissue that had begun to form over them. She stared at the ceiling, her vision blinded by the pain and by her tears.

And as if this torture wasn't enough, the sick creep put the final touch on the horror.
He carved his initial into her leg... as if he was somehow claiming her body as his to abuse and ruin for the rest of her days. This act was worse then any of the others he had done to her.
And she knew, deep within her heart, that she would never rest until he was in pieces at her feet...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


“Right, guns-a-blazing.” Trixy remarked and brandished her trusted weapons as they marched off to storm the gates. Getting into the place was too easy, it was almost like they were being welcomed in… In the end however, Alistair was right, they knew the Blackmoores were coming.

The surge of fledglings rushed in from the shadows, their newborn hunger for blood and violence was a greater urge than any warning a superior could give for them to stand down. The leader of this mishmash coven was foolish to think he could ever truly control this many newborn vampires. Sure, they were certainly loyal to this mystery vampire, that’s why they wanted to kill for his approval; but they were too young to understand the art of war, and too bloodthirsty to play smart.

It quickly became evident that her guns were less useful in such close quarters, so Trixy switched to her dagger. With the blade in her dominant hand, her fingernails extended into claws in the other as she began to spin around and swipe at her enemies. The newborns thoughts of blood and hunger ate into her mind, drowning out her own thoughts… and she just let it happen. She immersed herself in the bloodlust and fought off her foes with a violent glimmer in her eye.

Béatrix was practically dancing her way through the fledglings, armed with blade and claw, as she slit throats and claimed hearts. The newborn vampire blood clung to her skirt and flung off in circles as she spun around.

Trixy paid no mind to her allies, they didn’t matter. She didn’t matter. Nothing mattered anymore, not since the Madame had returned. Madame Vengeance was a selfish creature, she would fight to the death, but she fought only for herself, unraveling the small ties of trust and familiarity she had worked these past few years on with the Blackmoores… with Alistair. That very name would sear the flesh of Béatrix de la Croix with shame and guilt for what she had done, but Madame Vengeance was just that, a madame, nothing but a selfish whore who acted only on the darkest emotions in life.

Nothing mattered, until she felt his presence…


Please click to set the mood!

Jareth was already back at the complex when he received Theo’s text. He was on his way to where Theo and the hostage were when he heard the cataclysm below. The newborns had gone rogue and attacked the Blackmoores in the grand hall. He peered over the edge, making sure to stay hidden in the shadows, when he saw her. That shade of blue haunted him, a color unlike any other as her eyes sparkled in violent romance. It was enough to bring a song to his soul…

Eyes like a car crash
I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away.
Body like a whiplash,
Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way
I feel about you.

The way she danced among the bodies entranced him. He hadn’t felt this way before, he couldn’t begin to understand or piece together any logic behind his behaviors. It was unlike him to act foolish, he was an evil genius after all. Even so, there he stood, staring down at her as his hands gripping the banister until his knuckles turned a pale white.

I watch you like a hawk
I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb
Will the hunger ever stop?
Can we simply starve this sin?

Jar watched the porcelain doll do her dance until her steps fell out of cadence. He could practically see the muscles in her back tense with the realization that she was being watched. Jareth pushed away from the banister, but it wasn’t enough. His heart jumped up into his throat with both fear and… elation? Nothing made sense anymore. This one vampire had turned his world upside in a mere day. Trixy had climbed her way up the banister in milliseconds, apparently without her friends noticing, because she came alone. If Jareth was actually a smart genius he would be afraid, back up a few steps, take the defense, but instead he stood there and stared in awe at the soft curvature of her lips, the way breasts gently lifted and fell with each breath. Surely the world didn’t know the meaning of true art until she was brought into existence. Now that he had no reason to hide from her, the song in his heart poured from his lips in a whisper.

“That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate”

He wished so much to serenade her. Not to treat her like the other women in his life, she deserved more. But she was no foolish teenage girl or groupie, she gripped her blade, flexed her clawed fingers, and took a threatening step toward him. Still, he sang.

“Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you…”

The musical tone in his voice died down as his face softened. Her eyes were practically purple with the amount of red she was seeing, it made him feel mortal. She just might kill him right there, while he cowered in the shadows. What a fitting death for such a foul soul. “Please don’t do this. I know you felt it too… I’m not a monster. No more of one than you are, at least. We are both broken creatures, doing what we must to survive. To move on.” His words did little to stop her advances. First he felt the cold silver of her dagger as she pressed it to his throat, then he felt the hardness of the wall as she forced him against it. Even faced with his imminent death, he couldn’t help but be turned on by her touch and the situation she put him in. So he kept singing for her, hoping something in the melodies would change her feelings. He didn’t want this to be their last encounter.

“And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you
The life may leave my lungs
But my heart will stay with you”

“Your damn right it will.” She said in a hiss before plunging her clawed hand into his chest. Her fingers grasped around his heart, sending forceful spasms throughout his body. The world around him blurred and faded until all he could focus on was the pale glow of her skin. He couldn’t have picked out a more beautiful angel of death if he tried. His eyelids fluttered as he felt the very life leave his bones, and then everything was black.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa nodded and her first instinct was to to go the back entrance. As the group moved into action, so did she. She moved to the back door as quickly as she could, wanting to kill Theo that instant. She knew he could sense her. She hoped Morven was with her, feeling much more comfortable than she ever could. She felt her heart race as she heard the battle from the inside, but continued toward her own battle. It was her inner battle that hurt her the most. Everything was starting to come together and she couldn't wait to be free of this man.

As she neared the back door she remembered the night she ran away. She remembered what happened before he left her. She remembered everything and she couldn't wait to get her revenge. She threw open the door angrily, feeling her power and confidence seep into her. With everything in her, every molecule in her being, she searched for his scent. She hoped Maria would make him bleed so she could catch him, but an overwhelming amount of blood caught her. She knew where she was going now and she smirked slightly, waiting for Morven.

Theo smirked at Maria as he heard the imbeciles fighting the Blackmoores. He said to her "you are going to be a very interesting girl to kill in front of your family, my sweet." He chuckled softly until he could smell her. His eyes darkened at scent in anger. "Though, you're lucky to have a family. My Adelisa though... She only has me" he said with a sadistic snicker. He could then smell Jareth's blood and he started getting nervous. If Jareth, his second in command, is dead; then he would surely be going down next. Not without one last hurrah though. He looked at Maria and grabbed her arm, dragging her up and out the door quickly. With his speed, he made his way into his meeting room where he first heard of his hostage.

Adelisa noticed the movement and, without hesitation, followed after him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the car drove Adrian steeled himself for war much like he had done many times in the past, His eyes began to turn almost cold but that strong aura of his never wavered once, He flexed his fingers and tightened his hold on reality to keep from losing himself in bloodlust, "Morrigan Guide My Blade."

Morgan leaned back in her chair and simply smiled softly while preparing herself for another trip down the rabbit hole, She was used to these situations by now and comfortable in the fact that there wasn't a vampire alive that could contend with her skill and even if they could she knew something most others had no touch over, Magic. Morgan heard Adrian's prayer and her eyes brightened and she to prayed a silent prayer to gods long forgotten by anyone but her.

Lucian wasn't steeling himself for battle, no much worse than that, he was unraveling at the seams now, His eyes were dancing back an forth and his teeth were chattering about with anticipation, He could almost taste all the fledgling blood now. He could almost feel their flesh tearing from here. He wasn't even aware of his name anymore all he knew was that the moment he was giving the word...He was going to slaughter everything in front of him like a wild beast.


As they pulled up to the address Adrian had the driver stop and he himself got out to be greeted by three other black cars, Out of them stepped men in black suits carrying machine guns, "Wooden rounds?" One of the men nodded, "Make sure nothing gets out...Turn this place into a ghost town." The men nodded to Adrian and to each other before taking off and setting up a parameter to keep anyone from escaping the compound.

He then walked to the back of the limo and popped the trunk to reveal a full gun cache, "Ah I just love the sight of gunmetal grey."

Morgan got out along with Lucian and came around to look at the guns that Adrian had gotten together for this "Job". Morgan leaned over and picked up a Machete and an Uzi before turning to Adrian, "I have what I need." She smiled almost wickedly, "Lead the way...Brave." Her eyes were like little pools of need now, a need for bloodshed so strong it could devour whole cities.

Lucian was frozen now his abilities over sound had allowed him to hear Maria's screams from deep in the compound, Inside himself he and Dracula were at each others throats, "WE HAVE TO GET TO HER!!!" Dracula wanted to get to Maria just as badly but he couldn't give a real reason as to why, "She will be fine you stupid boy." Lucian had to keep himself from audibly screaming out in anger, "Shes everything to me!!!" Dracula relented a tiny bit, "It matters little...We have to slay our way to her anyway." Lucian said nothing to Adrian and Morgan and started into the building and thats when the first rogue attacked him, Lucian and Dracula were finally fighting as one now and instead of being two opposing forces trying to rip each other apart, Lucian had become a killing machine like he had during the wars, This particular rogue was a young man about 20 and he had in his hand a simple dagger, not pretty, but sharp as hell. Lucian dodged right and caught the mans arm under his own and proceeded to snap it clean, The man went to scream but no sound escaped, Lucian mockingly smiled and opened his mouth along with the poor man as if to scream for him and then Lucian used his teeth to tear out the mans throat. Lucian dropped the corpse whose eyes were open in shock and terror. He then started going deeper into the complex using his power over sound to guide him through the halls like some kind of bat, Lucian was moving forward carefully and quietly at least until the scent of Maria's fresh blood filled his nose. He froze in place and neither he nor Dracula could move, Lucian felt his whole world close around him and his mind went back to when he had been to late once before in Dracula's castle, Her blood was so strong he could practically taste it and without any control over his own body Lucian unhinged and let out a roar so dark and loud it echoed throughout the entire building and the streets outside, this roar was one of loss and of hatred stronger than any he had ever felt before as he started sprinting through the halls slaughtering everything that dared to breathe. His roar turned to sickened laughter and to the rogues this was more terrifying than the roar. His laughter was that of a madman who had lost everything that had mattered to him. Lucian tore through Rogues like paper and eventually the halls filled with screams of terror.

Adrian had been taking a moment with Morgan when he realized Lucian had taken off on his own, "That fool!!!" He and Morgan took off together into the building to catch him before he did something stupid, thats when they heard the roar. Morgan's eyes started to go wide for a moment, This roar was bestial like the roars from when she was human...Then the laughter came and Morgan froze in her tracks, She knew this laugh and it terrified her to her core, "Dracula..." Adrian looked to her, "What?" Morgan stammered out her answer, "I-In the car...I knew something was off about that boy...His eyes just seemed older somehow..." Adrian looked at her with his strong will blazing in his own eyes, "If your right then I need to find him...I can control the boy." Morgan shook her head, "You don't understand Adrian...Hes not just any vampire...He is a monster unlike any other..." Adrian drew his sword from inside his coat, "So be it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


How dare he try to woo her with decorated words and a sultry smile, that was her game. Not his. All she could see was red as she plunged her hand into his heart. The shock in his calm eyes gave the predator in her a delightful high as she gripped the organ tight enough to send warning spasms throughout his body. Look who had finally claimed ultimate control… Trixy reveled in the power of literally holding his life in her hands as his body shuttered under her fingertips.

Trixy got to watch as the shock in his eyes faded, and the light began to leave them. Just before she was sure that he was losing consciousness, Jareth did something that shook her to the core. He was almost out of it, but his eyes lit up just once more in… admiration? He even managed to lift his hand up to brush her cheek and whisper “…angel” before slumping down in her arms.

Did he even realize that he did that? Trixy tried to end it right then, she went to pull his heart out of his chest. But she couldn’t. Was this one of his abilities? Maybe she really didn’t want to kill him? Something in her wouldn’t let her kill him, not like this. With a frustrated growl she loosened her grip on his heart and pulled her hand from the hole she created in his chest, leaving the heart intact. As he was starting to come to, she placed the tip of her dagger under his chin and angled his face to look up at her. “I will spare you, for now. You will run, and you stay far from my family members, or I will slaughter you in the most creative and torturous way I can think of. Or maybe, I’ll just shoot you on the spot. Depends on how I’m feeling that day.”


Was this it? The death after afterlife? He never expected it to be so empty… so dark… so alone…

But then a pin prick to the chin brought light back into his word. No, not a pin, a dagger… the dagger of the French huntress. The first thing Jareth saw was the beautiful hauntingly blue eyes of Béatrix de la Croix staring back at his. It was as if God himself had found his bastard soul worth saving, perhaps god wasn’t a him, but a her. And then she spoke, her voice like soft bells in the breeze. So precious, he’d thought he’d never hear another voice again. The void was more haunting than her eyes could ever be, he’d do anything he could to avoid staring down death again. But he wouldn’t run.

His lips raised in the right corner, offering a crooked grin. “Better yet…” he suggested, his voice still raspy as blood was actively pouring from the hole in his chest. “A secret for a secret. I won’t tell your family about us, they won't even see me, and you won’t tell your family about me, about my association with the Blods.” He studied her face for any trace of doubt, or of a lie. He saw nothing, only the stone cold nod of agreement that she offered.

“A secret for a secret.” She said in agreement, it was enough for him. Jareth turned to leave her and reach Theo, hoping that he was still alive. Before disappearing from her sight, he turned back to her and said “I know you took them, by the way. Do yourself a favor and don’t take more than two at a time. First batch is on me.” He said, and then he was gone.


Two at a time? What the hell was he talking about? She shook her head and tried to get her mind back on the battle. The task at hand was to find Maria. Right. She jumped back over the banister and found herself back in the fray of battle. The rest of the Blackmoores seemed to be killing without breaking much of a sweat, and surely reinforcements would have arrived by now. Where the hell were Adrian and Lucian? She would have thought Lucian would be the first here, tearing the building two pieces in search of Maria. Maybe it wasn’t true love after all…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa swiftly followed Theo into his meeting room and saw Theo holding a girl, presumably Maria, hostage. A slimy grin leaped onto his lips and he said "hello, slave. Did you enjoy your little memory adventure?" Adelisa glared at him and said in a loud, menacing voice "let the girl go. She has nothing to do with this. Give her to me so I can help her." He chuckled sadistically, unsheathing a knife and holding it to Maria's throat. "Well, Now she is. Dear, why won't you just accept your fate? You think these people will ever love or care about you? You're a rogue! You're not in unless they turn you! I turned you! You're mine forever!" She gritted her teeth and moved slightly closer to Theo and Maria. She said "you may have turned me, but I will never be yours."

Theo gritted his teeth and moved the knife down to Maria's arm, cutting into her flesh once again. He made a mistake though, he turned his attention to Maria. Adelisa took that oppertunity to grab Maria and swiftly move her out of his grip. She yelled "go!" to the girl and turned back to Theo, who grabbed Deli from Adelisa and shoved the knife into her shoulder blade. "YOU IDIOT!" he bellowed from the top of his lungs and she turned to him and held his arms away from her so he wouldn't cause anymore damage. "NO! YOU ARE THE IDIOT! YOU WILL NEVER HURT ANOTHER SOUL AS LONG AS I LIVE! "
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

All Lucian knew was blood now, the halls he was running through were scenes of intense gore, pieces of rogues were strewn about the place and he had taken their fangs and placed them into his pockets. They hadn't stood a chance against him now, Dracula had done something to Lucian, not only was he drinking their blood but he was also leeching their very life-force from them and it was driving him to the brink of insanity. Lucian tore through the complex dragging the upper half of a rogue which he dropped when he realized that it was dead, He walked briskly covered in blood and eyes turned a sick purple color from Dracula's power rushing through his body, He was met with a rogue vampire that was much larger than him, some sort of guard or knight maybe? It mattered very little as a screech escaped Lucian's lips that melted the man's brain inside his head, Lucian backhanded the mans faling body sending him crashing right past Beatrix of course Lucian was so far gone he didn't realize it was her at first, and only his Iron will kept him from lashing out at her. He simply looked her in the eyes and Dracula smiled through him, A smile that could chill the soul of the devil. And with that he was gone taking off to find Maria.

Adrian and Morgan had been moving through the complex as a unit following the sounds of screaming and maddened laughter through the halls, they passed scenes of brutal gore but were still behind their target somehow, "This is bad...I shouldn't have brought him...He was unstable...If someone gets hurt..." Morgan shushed him, "It isn't your fault Adrian and you know it...Dracula is stronger than that boy...He stood no chance of containing him." Adrian simply shook his head, "Hes stronger than he seems...I've heard tale of that 'boy' and if they are true hes kept that beast contained for hundreds of years." Morgan looked almost taking aback, "Alright...Lets just find him." That's when she heard a sickening screech and they took off faster only to catch a glimpse of Dracula smirking in front of Beatrix, Morgan ran to where he had just been, "BASTARD!!!" Adrian was right behind her, "Morgan...Stay here and aid the family...Please...I'll go after the boy...He's under my care." Morgan just nodded softly, Adrian turned to Beatrix, "I'm sorry but I can't stay and fight next to you again my friend...I must contain him." Adrian gripped her forearm and then took off into the tunnels after Lucian. Morgan drew her dagger and stood next to Beatrix, "Trixy my dear how long has it been?"

Lucian followed Maria's scent until he came into a room where there were people he sorta recognized in his blood drunk state, but the one he knew right away, the love of his existence, the very reason he had abused the powers Dracula had offered him, "Maria..." His voice echoed throughout the area because of his powers, but it wasn't his voice exactly it sounded like a mix of him and the monster lying in wait under his skin, "My love...I've come for you."

It was then that Adrian exploded into the room with his sword drawn, "Lucian Loralen...Come with me quietly...You are a danger to Maria...You need to clear you head..."

Lucian turned his head to look at Adrian, "Don't test us...You won't like what you find at the end of this road."

Adrian got in stance, "I'm not about to let you run off with Maria while you are half out of your mind...Stand down...Or be put down."

Lucian ran his fingers through his hair and turned back to Maria, "It seems We are going to be a moment...We love you." Lucian drew Fang from it's sheathe, "Come at us then boy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Theo glared daggers at the little redhead. With that advantage, Adelisa grabbed Deli from his hand and shoved it into his side, not enough to kill him but to stun him. Theo groaned and moved his hands to the stab wound. What was going on, Adelisa thought. He couldn't have been that stupid, could he? Adelisa stepped back as he leaned his body forward to lean on her, only to fall to the floor. Adelisa bent down and grabbed him by his hair, leaning down and saying to him "you will never touch another girl now." She closed her eyes and cut deep into his neck, slicing into him like he had to many, many girls.

As the knife left Theo's neck, Adelisa opened her eyes to tears streaming down her cheeks. She let go of his hair and stepped away from him, silent sobs escaping her lips. It was over. It was all over. Adelisa turned to Morven and smiled with tears still streaming down her face. dropping the bloody knife and falling to her knees, Adelisa looked down at the ground incredulously. "It-It's over. I…I'm free" she said in almost a whisper.

She threw her head back and sobbed, laughing simultaneously. "It's over!" she cried out, her voice hoarse from the earlier fight. Adelisa turned her attention back to Morven, a smile on her wet face. "Thank you. Thank you so much" she said softly. Her eyes went behind Morven and she remembered Maria's wounds. She looked back at Morven and said "where is Maria. She needs healing. She has too many wounds and I bet you he didn't feed her."
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