Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

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Robert would have gone on to justify Robin Hood's actions, like how he wasn't stealing, he was taking back what was stolen by the others, and how there probably won't be a time where he will stop and retire, because no matter what, there will always be that one person who does this all over again... But Robert simply gave a small smile and nod at her words, her hand on his forearm sending electricity through his body, and it was very hard for him not to react to the touch.

When she picked dare, his eyes lit up again, a smile on his face as he took a look around. "I'll be right back." And with that, he went to investigate the restaurant for a few ingredients for a nice little drink. He came back a minute later with a glass of liquid that did not look appetizing at all. "What I have, Miss Anderson, is a raw clam, some soda, hot sauce, a hint of lettuce, and a cherry to top it all off."

"Take a sip and hold it down, and you can have a piece of extra strong mint gum, your bill payed by yours truly, and bragging rights." Robert raised his eyebrows. "Do you accept the challenge?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Marian watched him wonder off into the crowd, her head tilting to one side as he walked away. HEY HEY HEY! She lectured herself as she broke her gaze away from him in a quick manner, drinking down her martini glass in haste; Don’t be thinking like that about Locksley, it must be… no it has to be the alcohol. Her conclusion seemed valid enough and she nodded to herself as the bartender asked her if she wanted another drink. She nodded to him with a small smile and a little mutter of ‘thank you’ before he went off to make her another martini.

Upon Robert’s return she was far from pleased to hear the concoction he had made for her. Oh did he get the evil-glare-of-doom from her. Her sparkling blue eyes went from the disgusting looking liquid to Robert’s grinning face and back to the liquid. Ugh…Her face cringed slightly as she looked at it, obviously she wasn’t sure if she could do it or not but, traditionally she didn’t like the idea of getting things for free; but he’d owe her BIG TIME for doing something as gross as this.

Taking the glass from him, she swallowed hard. “God you’re mean…” She said in a playful tone under her breathe. Putting the glass against her full lips, she gently tilted it upward and took a sip, a decent size sip so Robert couldn’t complain that she didn’t take enough. The look on her face was classic, wide eyed with puffy cheeks and red-faced in disgust. She held it for a moment in a sad attempt to get used to the taste before swallowing it down.

Once it was down she coughed hard smacking her chest and reaching for her newly created martini chugging a good portion of it down. Putting down the now half empty glass she turned her gaze to him. “You are going to have quite a tab on your hands. You owe me some real food after that. That was…” Her whole body shook in dislike. “Blah! Oh you so owe me food! I don’t want to taste that in my throat or stomach all night!” Turning to the bartender she flagged him over and asked for a menu.

“Sorry miss, we don’t serve the meals here at the bar.” He said with a frown upon his face.

“Oh…” Marian said with a fair amount of disappointment in her voice. Her hand went to her stomach. Great now she had to deal with knowing that if she burped at all throughout the night she could taste that god-awful concoction again. “Oh well you learn something new every day.” She said with a small shrug before turning her attention back to, “Truth or Dare?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The look on her face was priceless! Robert gave a heartfelt laugh as she reached for her drink and downing it. He took the glass and pushed the deadly monstrosity away from the two as Robert kept giving small laughs. "It was worth every single penny." Robert said with a nod, agreeing to pay for a meal as well for her after what ha put her through. When the bartender refused her any food, Robert frowned, looking around the area yet again. "Well, if you can't serve us from the bar, see that empty table over there?" Robert nodded in the direction. "I'll take an order of whatever the lady wants over there. I'll add a fee if I have to, but she really needs to get that taste out of her mouth." Robert negotiated. The bartender sighed and nodded.

After that little show was over, Robert turned his attention back to Marian. "I'll take dare." He knew full well what could possibly happen by declaring that, and he was also going to pay for making her drink the disgusting drink. He tapped his fingertips on the bar, patiently waiting for her next words.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Marian’s blue gaze turned to see the direction he was nodding and she shrugged her small shoulders. Getting off the chair she grabbed her small purse and made a jester. “Let’s go sit then. You owe me food for sure.” She said with a playful smile on her full lips and led the way to the table. Her smile was buzzing with a mix of alcohol and what she wanted him to do for a dare. Now what… what was she doing here again?

The reason that she had shown up at the restaurant had slipped her mind as she slid herself into the small barely lit booth and picked up a menu. “Hm…” She said, looking over the food options and pondering what she should dare him to do.

“And now we begin karaoke.” An announcer said from the small stage and the crowd cheered with excitement as some people began to sign up for playing.

Her attention moved from the menu to the stage and a smirk moved across her face as she placed her purse down next to her and slid herself from the seat. “I’ll be right back.” With that she left going to the small table and filling out a slip as the first singer was called to the stage. After a few moments she returned. Picking up the menu she began to skim over it. “I dare you to sing the karaoke song I just picked out for you.” It took a bit and the two created some small talk, Marian dodging his questions about what song she picked and placing her order with the waiter for a steak, red potatoes and roasted carrots along with a soda; knowing full well that she has had enough to drink and should stop for the night.

“Next we have Robert singing ‘Man I feel like a woman’. Come on up Robert.” The announcer said.

Marian’s gaze moved to Robert with a smirk. “That’s you, do you accept the dare?” Her full lips wrapped around the red straw as she took in some much needed soda. Would he really sing the classic Shania Twain song Man I feel like a woman?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert lead them to the table so Marian can get some food, and as soon as she ran off to the karaoke host, Robert raised his eyebrows, a smile on his lips. She came back to the table, and avoided every question he had on what song he is being dared to do. The singing from the people before his debut singing career (he planned on being a one hit wonder). And then his name was mentioned to sing a song that really made him choke on his drink, holding back a laugh. He looked up at her with a huge smile. "Really? This song?" He asked, and with her nod, Robert leaned back and nodded. "I accept your dare."

And with that, he made his way to the small stage where people were clapping. He gave a small smile and wave to everyone. "I'd like to thank Marian Anderson for giving me this wonderful opportunity." He said as the song started to play. Something good and bad for Robert was that he had very little fears, he had guts when it came to public events. Why would he care if some random people judged him? He knew who he was, and was willing to embrace it

As the song started to play, he started to sing... And he felt sorry for this audience. He performed to entertain the crowd, he changed pitches, moved around, danced along, and at the end of it there were loud applause, even with his sub-par singing. He handed the mic back to the host, and walked back to the table, sitting down. "Well? What do you think? Should I quick law to pursue a music career?" He asked jokingly, the amount of drinks in his body finally telling him to stop drinking for the night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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The fact that he took the dare surprised her. But he had a good sense of humor about it and she couldn’t help but laugh when he started up there. He was a good sport and she’s couldn’t imagine him actually following through with the dare. She nodded. “Yep that song.” A grin moved across her full lips as she played with the straw between her teeth and her tongue. She watched him walk towards the stage and found her head moving with his movements. This isn’t right, she shouldn’t be thinking like this! She needed food and something other than alcohol in her system.

As he sang she laughed and clapped along with the group. The people in the bar drunk and sober seemed to enjoy his singing and goofiness with the whole song and she was no different. She couldn’t help but enjoy herself. Why… why did she come here again?

“I’m impressed.” She said with a laugh as he sat back down with a smile on her lips as the waiter dropped off their food. She picked up her fork and began to cut into her steak. “I think since I’m eating now and I don’t want to deal with possible drinking something horrible I’ll take a truth.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Thank you, thank you. My album will be able to purchase just in time for the holidays." Robert said jokingly as Marian's food came. He wasn't really hungry, but decided to order a an order of fries. An American classic. Robert was enjoying himself. For the past couple of years it was just him and Little John recruiting others for their noble cause. Robert didn't realize he was staring at her as she ate, and he averted his gaze. "What? Oh, right.. .Truth... Hmm.." It didn't take long for him to think of a question. It was something he knew he wanted the question asked when he first thought of this little get together together.

He took a sip of the complimentary water, looked at her with a small tilt of his head. "Are you having at least a tiny bit of fun on our 'not date'?" Robert asked. "Because I don't think this is the worst thing in the world..." Robert said with a shrug, giving a small smile. He didn't want her to say this was phenomenal, or that was in fact a date, he just wanted to make sure she at least didn't think this was a total waste of time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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"Limited supplies available." Marian responded with a chuckle pointing her form at him. She didn't realize she was being way he so closely by him but she felt comfortable enough to eat like the small piggy she could be when she was hungry and right now. She was hungry and in a desperate need to taste something other than the horrible drink he had created for her.

When he got out his question; for some reason he seemed to be stumbling over his words, but she looked up from her food and tilted her head watching him closely as he finally pushed out his question. She didn't even stir or twitch at his question. "It's been a good night so far. Not bad for a 'not date' between two coworkers who happened to want alochol to forget about their annoying coworker." Her eyebrows pushed together as she pondered something. "In fact I don't remember why I came down here but a drink sounds like a good reason." She put down her fork and took up her soda. "Are you having a good time?" She asked at him with a smile across her lips as she put her glass down on the coaster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert smiled wide when she said she was enjoying herself, and that she even forgot why she came here in the first place. When asked if he was having a good night, Robert took a couple of fries from the basket. "Well, my night was going to consist of me drinking alone, but instead I got to play truth or dare with easily the prettiest girl on this side of Manhattan, I got to see the face of pure disgust, I sang one of my personal favorite songs to kick off my singing career, and I have a large tab of food and drinks." He ate a couple of fries, and gave a charming smile. "This may be the best night I've had in a long time."

"And I know I'm one of the last people you wanted to spend a night with, but for what its worth, I appreciate this." Robert said gently. It was about time he got out and socialized instead of stealing. And even though he kinda tricked his way in to having this time, it didn't feel like some master plan... He really didn't feel like he was tricking anyone, or pretending to be something he's not. He was being himself, which was a much better change of pace than he's used to. Sure, Marian might still be head over heels for Robin Hood, but at least she knew that he wasn't some heartless monster.

"And for the last round of the night, Miss Anderson, I'll take truth as well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Marian was a good three fourths of the way through her food when he said that he was with the prettiest woman on this side of Manhattan. She felt her cheeks turn red in a blush; but was it because of the alochol or was it because of his kind words. Sure, this wasn't the first time he had said something like that in the night but, you can't blame him for having that reaction.

A smile moved across her full lips. She pushed her empty plate away and reached across the table placing her hand softly on top of his. "This has been a good night Robert and I'm glad I got to see this side of you. I think it would be good for us to put the past behind us and try and be friends."

With that she picked up her purse and stood up giving him another smile. "Seeing as I walked here. If I asked nicely would you walk me home or give me a ride?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert gave a weak smile as she talked, his mind losing focus on what was happening due to her soft hands touching his... He nodded after finally realizing what she said, and his heart was soaring. He was very surprised that he kept his cool as Robert's plan of getting on the good side of Marian Anderson actually worked. Robert stood when she stood, and when asked if he could walk her home, he gave a smile and nod. "Of course, but first I got a tab to pay off..." And with that, he walked back over to the bartender, pulling out his wallet. "How much do I owe you tonight?" Robert asked, but before the man could answer, Robert pulled out a large amount of money, and sliding it across the bar.

The man went wide eyed and looked up at him, Robert put a finger up to his lips and smiled. "Courtesy of the Merry Men. Have a nice night." Robert gave a wink and smile, walking back over to Marian. As he did he pulled out his phone again to see that he had quite a few missed calls from John... but he put his phone away and looked at Marian with a small smile. "Alright, we can leave this place. I used a taxi to get here, so looks like we're going to enjoy a little stroll. Hope your place isn't too far away."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Marian nodded as he went back to the bar to pay for the tab. Again, she found herself tilting her head and she had to shake her head and forcing herself to look around the bar/restaurant. Everyone was having a great time, laughing and talking and enjoying drinks. A smile moved across her full lips as she watched people talk before turning her attention back to Robert, the bartender had a look of shock on his face and it raised Marian’s eyebrows slightly. Did he tip the guy a shocking amount? Maybe because he let her eat in the bar area; huh…

She was pulled out of her thoughts as he spoke to her. A small laugh left her, “It’s between a decent walk and a taxi ride; but seeing that it isn’t raining and…” She looked down at her feet, then back up at him. “I’m wearing decent high heels for walking in…. yes believe it or not a woman did say that.” She said with a playful smile, “So this shouldn’t be an issue.” With that she gave a small chuckle and they started outside.

The walk was a lot nicer than she had expected. It was a warm night and her and Robert kept things light hearted and fun in their conversation. He seemed different then when he left. Then again, getting kicked off of his high horse seemed to have humbled him; it’s too bad more people didn’t get kicked off their high horse more often so she could enjoy a personality switch from more people. Arriving at her house she let out a long groan and placed her hand against her forehead.

“Where have you been?” Her father asked pulling himself off of his sheriff car and crossed his arms.

“I went out to have a drink. I am an adult dad.” She said with a bit of sharpness as her hand dropped to her side from her face and she turned her attention back to Robert and whispered, “I’m sorry,” as her father made his way to them.

“Oh, hello Robert; I wasn’t aware you were accompanying my daughter this evening.” Unlike the Taylors, and Marian, Frank Anderson actually liked Robert. He had proven himself to be a good lawyer and a very intelligent man, something he appreciated in this day and age. And something he wished that Edward would learn over time so he would be better for his only child. But alas, Edward’s progress is rather slow. “Welcome back. It’s good to see you.” Though the man always gave off a stern and cold attitude, he was always good about being honest. “I hear you’re working the Robin Hood case for Jason…”

“Dad…” Marian said in a cautious tone.

“Have you found anything out?”

“Dad.” Marian said in an attention getting tone. “Robert just got on the case today. And he’s been away from the city until just recently. Let him have some time to adjust before you start hounding him for information. Especially when he doesn’t have anything yet.” She rose an eyebrow at her father and pushed the small gate open to go up to her pathway.

“You have a point sweetie.” Frank said softly to his daughter and gave Robert a nod, the closest thing anyone really ever gets for an apology from the chief of police. “Well I’m glad you’re safe.”

“I’m always safe dad.” She said with a small-slightly-tipsy giggle. “I’m a good shot remember.” Their father-daughter joke always involved her aim at the gun range. She had a heck of a shot for not being a police officer; then again… that was per her father’s insistence that she not join the force. But that didn’t stop them from spending personal time at the shooting range. “Thank you for a nice night Robert. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” She said with a smile. “Good night.” She then turned her attention to her dad, pointing a tipsy finger at him as if saying ‘Be nice’ only to receive a closed lipped smile from her father. “Good night dad.”

“Good night sweetie.” He said softly watching his daughter walk into her house and shut the door behind her. He loved his little girl, she was the only thing he had left in his life and he didn’t want anything to happen to her. Maybe he was overly protective but after this Robin Hood character encountered her, you can’t blame him for being overly protective. The streets aren’t exactly the safest place in the world…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The walk back to her place was a nice one, it wasn't as cold as the other night when he walked her back home as Robin Hood... It would have been nicer if the night wasn't interrupted by Marian's father, who was in charge of the New York Police Department. Robert gave a smile, but his heart was beating faster. He wasn't nervous around this man previously, but now that Robert was the most wanted man in New York, he couldn't help but think that if the two of them made eye contact he would know.

He didn't have time to respond to anything that was happening because Marian would always have a quicker response. It was obvious that they loved each other, but Mr. Anderson seemed to be very protective over his little girl. He was surprised that with the amount of flirting he once did to Marian that he wasn't on the top of his list of people he would kill... Maybe it was because Robert agreed with a lot of what he had to say, and trusted his viewpoints, but not in Robin Hood being a hostile enemy to New York citizens.

"Have a good night Marian, see you tomorrow." Robert said gently with a smile, but the smile fading as soon as he saw Mr. Anderson staring at him. Robert coughed a bit, putting his hands in his pockets. "Maria--Your daughter and I didn't plan on going out together tonight, sir. I was just getting a drink after a long first day, happened to see her there." Robert explained.

Frank looked at him, then nodded. "I suppose she went there for the same thing... I don't know if you've heard, but she was taken by Robin Hood the other night. I guess it finally got to her." Frank said. Robert would have defended Robin Hood, but when it came to the father of the woman he loved, he decided against it tonight. "Yeah, I'm glad to hear she's alright, sir."

He gave a large sigh and looked at Robert. "I'm glad you're on this case. You're probably the only one who can put two and two together in that damn law firm you work at. Just try and find him fast, Locksley. This man has been breaking the law for far too long."

Robert gave a nod and started to walk away, not feeling comfortable with this conversation anymore. "And Locksley!" Mr. Anderson called out, Robert turned almost immediately. "If you plan on taking my daughter out on anymore of these... nights on the town, let me know first." Frank gave a smile, and Robert returned it, not really knowing what to say, and with that, Robert walked down the sidewalk back to his own place.


Little John didn't like that Robert did what he did last night. It was dumb of him, and especially when he gave a clue to someone that Robin Hood would have been there. He didn't care. He had fun that night, and that was all he could think of the morning after. He made it to the law building early, going in to his office and locking his door quickly. Pulling out some files from his suitcase, and putting others in. He was sabotaging information right now, taking things that would only take a second glance to be a small step toward finding out where the Merry Men were hiding... But his mind drifted slowly of Marian though. It wasn't a rare for him to do that, but this time he kept thinking of the times she smiled over at him, and heard her laugh, and how she even invited him to walk her home... He hoped that today wouldn't go poorly, the last thing he needed was Edward making his way over to his office trying to figure out if he really did spend the night with Marian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Ironically, Marian felt okay with leaving Robert out there talking to her father. Her father had expressed liking Robert in the past; even when he was a snotty little bastard with his stupid jokes and sarcastic ‘humor’. ‘He’s an honorable young man.’ Her father would say, ‘With a good heart, it’s down there. Maybe hidden by unneeded comments and actions but really, I can tell he’s a good person.’ Maybe her father was right and she didn’t give Robert the credit he deserved but… with their conflict, finding the ‘brighter side’ wasn’t exactly easy.

But now was different and as Marian dozed off to sleep she was surprised to find herself thinking about the fact that she had a decent time with Robert. Maybe, just maybe, they could get along and be friends. If he wasn’t pulling a fast one on her tonight; it seemed possible… but why did she go out again?

Waking up to her alarm clock wasn’t the most pleasurable thing in the world. She wanted to stay curled up in her warm bed but alas, it was another day of work. Getting up and dressed in a pair of tan slacks and a white button up shirt, the blonde proceeded with her morning routine and hurried out the door. Today, she found herself eating her donut alone, a cup of coffee with matching donut sitting next to her one the steps of the building as she looked out for her homeless friend. He never showed up and she carried her friend’s semi-cold office and brown paper bagged donut into the building with her. He was old though… hopefully he was okay.

She let out a small sigh as she unlocked her office door and stepped inside. Unknown to her a massive fluid of woman piled into her office as soon as she got to her desk and questions began to fly. “Are you dating Robert?” “I thought you were dating Edward?” “Are you and Edward not together?” “Does that mean Edward is single?” “Are you and Robert an item?” “I thought you two hated each other.” “Did you forget how much of a jerk he was to you?” “Marian you can’t have both, you need to pick one!” Question after question flew at the blonde and she held her hands up in surprise as she backed away slowly from her desk as the crowd of nearly ten women hung over her desk and in her office demanding answers.

“Look!” She said loud enough to finally get the group of hyenas’ attention. “I am not dating either one of them. And I’d rather not go into my personal life here at work.”

“But you told Edward you were going out on a date with Robert and he didn’t believe you.” “You shouldn’t be playing with Edward’s emotions like that.” “Robert’s better then Edward.” “Edward’s better then Robert.” “Edward’s got that muscly build.” “But Robert’s tall and toned and handsome.” “Edward’s got a charming smile.” “Robert’s got a sharp wit.” “Marian, who’s the better kisser?” Apparently that question was enough to break the arguing between the female of who was the better man and they all looked at her, half glaring half wondering what her response would be.

Marian held up her hands higher. “Listen!” She shouted, “I haven’t kissed either one of them so asking that question out of all of them is completely unanswerable! Now leave my office and let me work in peace. I’m not dating either one of them so they’re still free on the market so go… go,” She waved her hands at them, “Go play fetch with the boys and try to win them over.” The girls looked at each other, their competitive nature seemed lost among them when they realized that the massive group couldn’t target their feelings towards just one person.

Nearly single file, the girls left her office, the last one leaving the door open behind them and Marian fell into her chair propping her elbow up on her arm rest and placing her right hand over her face. “Bunch of man hungry hyenas…” She muttered under her breath, “How did I get caught in the middle of that?!” With that she let out a long sigh and lowered her hand, looking at the donut and coffee sitting on her desk; her thoughts drifted back to her old beggar friend in hopes he was alright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert needed food. He didn't realize it, but he has been getting his breakfast by Marian handing it to the "old man"... Which reminded him. He hasn't been dressed up like his much older alter ego for two days now. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, then staring up at the ceiling. He really needed food. He stepped out of his office and started walking for the break area until a single file of women came walking out of an office right in front of him. He gave nods and smiles to women who walked out, and as they all left, Robert was curious on who exactly that office belonged to.

Of course it was Marian's. He should have figured, what with their little show they played yesterday with Eddy and their fake dinner plans. He then noticed the coffee and doughnut she always brought to the homeless man just outside. He was kicking himself silently as he looked around the office. "Did you guys just get out of some sort of book club? Is that a new thing you guys are doing in the firm?" Robert asked jokingly.

"You'd think with all of this dumb publicity we are some kind of celebrities in a scandal." Robert said, talking about the drama between him, Marian, and Edward. "Hopefully this passes over soon... Who's the coffee for?" Robert asked curiously, seeing her cup as well as the second one. He knew who it was for, but playing lawyer and using context clues would be a good move... and maybe he could convince her to hand over that doughnut!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Marian’s hand slowly moved over her face and downwards, pulling her features before letting go and letting out a sigh. This wasn’t the issues she wanted to deal with this early in the morning and she didn’t want to field the questions for the obsessive-man-hungry women who worked around in the office. Sure some of the were genuine and actually wanted to meet someone for the right reasons but when you’re an office of highly powerful people with lots of money and lots of talent; people will most likely do their best to take advantage of them… especially when they come from as much money as the Taylors.

Her attention jerked up and she jumped slightly in her seat at the sudden arrival of Robert. His cheeky little joke caused her to smirk slightly. “Yes the book is called ‘The Diary of Marian Anderson’, since it’s become apparent that I’m supposed to share everything there is in my personal life with my noise coworkers.” She rolled her blue eyes rather dramatically as she slid herself from her chair and stood up, stretching her long arms above her head before allowing them to fall to her side.

His question about the coffee pulled her attention to it and she let out a small sad sigh. “Oh I made a friend a while back and we always met for coffee; I haven’t seen him in a few days. I just hope it’s doing okay.” She gave him a small gesture to the slightly warm coffee and cooled-bagged donut before picking up her own cup of coffee. “You can have it if you’d like. If I see him again later tonight I’ll take him into the donut shop and let him choose his own donut instead of always getting stuck with my favorite.” She said with a small laugh, doing her best to brush off her sadness. Leaning up against her desk, she slid her butt onto it and crossed her ankles. Picking up her own cup she wrapped her hands around the semi-warm cardboard and looked up at him. “My dad didn’t give you too much trouble last night did he?” She asked in an attempt to change the topic and pull her out of her sadness; she put the cup to her lips and took a small drink as she watched him and awaited an answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert gave a laugh at her book comment, and then he listened when talking about her friend, the homeless man he pretended to be just to see her. He nodded, and reached for the food on her desk, his stomach doing flips of joy. He started to eat, trying not to stare at Marian as she sat on her desk. He knew if he made eye contact with her he would start to stumble for words. The coffee wasn't the warmest, and the doughnut wasn't the freshest, but it was still much better than starving to death. When asked about him and his father, he shook his head, giving a shrug. "No, not any trouble at all... I explained to him about how we were on a 'not date', we talked a bit about the case I'm working on... Oh, and he also said that if i planned on taking you on any more 'not dates' that i should tell him first." Robert said the last part rather quickly, and then stuffed his face with the doughnut.

"I don't think he understands the terms of 'not dates' and that they don't usually happen often." Robert said with a smirk, then taking a large gulp of the coffee. It was warm enough for him to gulp down without burning the inside of his mouth. Before he could say another word though, a knock came from the door.

"Hey Locksley, I someone-- oh, am I interrupting something?" One of their coworkers said at the doorway, Robert wiped the food off his mouth, and shook his head. "No, you weren't. What's up?"

"Well, we have someone at the police station in lock up. Says she won't talk to anyone or have anyone backing her up except you." He said.

"Look, I'm flattered and all, but I've got the Robin Hood case, and a whole pile of other cases that I haven't even started to think about--"

"She said you would help her once you know who she was."

"Is the the Queen of England?" Robert asked sarcastically, his arms folded, curious on who this person was. "No, she says she's your cousin."

Robert had the weirdest look on his face. He hadn't talked to anyone in his family for years. He hadn't even considered his family outside of his mom and dad. Why would he expect anything different from the rest of them? He slowly nodded, pointing towards the door. "I... Okay. I'll be right over..." He said, looking at Marian to give a "I gotta go" look, then walking out of the room to grab his jacket (he had to buy a new one since Marian took 'Robin Hood's'), and started for the police department.


"I'm not telling you anything until my lawyer comes."

"Alright, alright! I get it."

"Yeah, it won't be the only thing you'll get once you see who my uncle is... Ah, there he is! Hey Robin!"

Robert Locksley walked in to an interrogation room to see a classic style detective glaring at the 17 year old girl sitting down with handcuffs on. She hard Robert's dark green eyes (a family trait), with the same twinkle of mischief. She was also beautiful, and she knew it, as she was a young adult. She had tanned skin, her hair was light brown, with natural streaks of blonde and in a messy (but perfect) pony tail. She wore a green hoodie, jeans, and some converse. She gave Robert a large smile, but it was obviously fake.

"Cassandra..." Robert said, returning the smile. He knew she hated being called by her full name. "Its Cassie." She replied pleasantly, looking at the detective. "Right... So, detective, what has my client done?" Robert asked, placing his suitcase down on the table, and taking a seat next to his cousin. "From what we know she took a couple hundred dollars worth of clothes from a shop in the mall." He said, looking at her. She pointed her finger. "I allegedly stole, I was never caught with stolen items" She corrected him. The detective looked over at Robert.

"Did you find the stolen merchandise on her person?" Robert asked. The detective hesitated. "Well.. We checked the security footage, and we didn't see her with the items... But the manager did see her walking out with an unusually formed hoodie, and upon further investigation, some of their inventory went missing. We caught her minutes later walking down the street."

"So you didn't see her take clothes on the cameras, you didn't catch her with the stolen items, and you still think you can arrest her?" Robert asked, his eyebrows raised. "You do not have credible evidence to have her in custody at the moment, detective. I understand she's your only suspect, but do we really need to keep this kid in here for 24 hours? Honestly, she wouldn't last a day." Robert said, muttering the last part, but Cassie looked offended.

The detective looked at Cassie again, clearly not buying that she was innocent, but he knew he had nothing on her, and he knew that Robert Locksley was not a guy to go head to head against. "Alright... But don't think about leaving the city for now, Miss Locksley. If we have any new evidence, you'll be the first we find." Cassie smiled and nodded as the handcuffs were unlocked, and then she looked up at her cousin.

"Thank you, detective. Have a nice day." Robert said, and with that, they left the office.


"You know, last time I saw you, you were an adorable little girl--"

"I can explain--"

"Who ran around the house pretending to be a dinosaur or whatever--"

"I was a lizard-man..."

"Trying to 'eat' her brothers. What the hell happened?"

The two were walking down the street, Robert leading the way while Cassandra Locksley followed close behind. "I was just trying to--"

"Do your parents know you're here?"

"Yeah, but--"

"Good, lets call them! And get you home before you get in any more trouble!"

"Yeah... The thing is... I kinda told them I got back in touch with you recently and you invited me to New York to see all the colleges out here and to have a little reunion with your favorite cousin." She said quickly and looking up at him. Robert stopped and stared at her, totally at a loss of words. "Why on Earth would you tell them that?" Robert asked. "This isn't how you meet up after years of not talking!"

"I just wanted to... Look, you know how our family is! I needed to get away! To hang out with someone i remember being totally chill! And I heard about these Merry Men guys-- I wanted to see what they were about... That's why i kinda stole from the rich, and gave to the poor... To kinda do a good deed here..."

Great. His cousin was a fan of his criminal alter ego. "No. You're going back home."

"come on Robin! Just let me stay with you for a week or two! I promise I'll look at colleges...! Or I can always call up Uncle Ted--"

That made Robert stop in his tracks. "You wouldn't." Robert said, staring at her. She gave a smile. "My family and your dad have been close while you were gone. Still a huge ass, but I'm sure he can convince you to letting me stay. Or we can call that one girl that you totally loved, I'm sure I can find her work number here and tell her so many embarrassing moments." Robert stared at her for a minute, then let out a groan. "Fine. Fine. You can stay with me. But I have a lot of rules to go over, and we need to stop by my work. Then you call your parents, and tell them you're okay. Rule number one: I'm the sassy and attractive Locksley in the family, so no backtalking me. Rules Number two..."


"Why is that even a rule? I'm 17, I know how and when to dial 911."

"Yeah, but... Look, I've never taken care of someone else before, alright? I'm just laying out the basics."

"yeah, because 'No making noise before 9 in the morning because I need the appropriate hours of sleep' is a totally basic rule. Oh, and my personal favorite: 'If anyone weird looking walks in to the apartment, they are most likely troubled clients so don't talk to them'"

"yeah, Look, just sit here while I get some files from my office... Then we'll, go get something to eat, and catch up or something." Robert said before running a hand through his hair and walking towards his office. Cassie took a seat in the large room, looking around at the lawyers and other employees walking through the firm. She looked around, then got up to see what she could find. What? She was curious! It was her first time in New York! She tried her best to sneak along, and pretending to act casual as people passed by, and while trying so hard to not get caught, she accidentally bumped in to someone, falling to the ground. "I-I'm really sorry, Miss!" Cassie said, standing up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Marian did, in fact, catch that Robert said so quickly through his teeth and she just rolled her eyes. Her dad, always the overly protective one, but she could understand where he was coming from. Before she could open her mouth to say something back to him, someone appeared in the doorway and gave them a questioning look. It doesn’t seem like it matters how many times she tells people that nothing is happening between her and Locksley; they’re always assuming something and more office rumors will fly…

She gave Robert a small nod of good bye before taking a long drink of her coffee. Today was going to be a long day.

During the time that Robert was out of the office, Marian played her role in the courts typing away on the computer and documenting everything that was said, “he stole this from me” “he stole that from me”; it was nothing new or interesting to her. She had heard all the excuses before and all the lies, so she was paying attention but not really. Her mind was back on Robin Hood; would she see him again? Would her dad ever have any luck catching him? And who was he? Obvious questions with an obvious answer ‘Who knows?’.

Upon the finishing of the trail, Marian packed up her stuff and left the courtroom. A small walk took her down the hallway before she nearly ran into her father. “Dad!” She said with a large amount of surprise as she nearly ran had first into her large father.

“Ah Marian,” He said with delight in his voice, “I’m glad I was able to find you, I have someone I want to introduce you to.”

“Oh I don’t know…”

A man stepped out from behind her father in the small hallway they had encountered each other in. He was dressed in a sharp blue suit with spiked dark brown hair and deep hazel eyes, a smile moved across his face lifting his casual five-o-clock shadowed mustache and beard. Marian was a bit shocked by the guy, he was younger than her father but older than her. He held himself in a manner that said he knew a lot but wasn’t going to rub it in your face and his charming white smile seemed inviting to talk to him. “Marian, this is FBI agent Guy Gibson. He’s been assigned from the agency to help with the Robin Hood case and will be going between the police station and here.”

“Oh okay.” Marian said, finding herself staring at the man who continued to smile at her, as if waiting his turn politely to speak. “Hello, I’m Marian.” She said extending her hand to him.

“I guess my introduction isn’t necessary but hello, I’m Guy.” He said with a playful grin and shook her hand. His handshake matched his demeanor well. He knew a lot but he wasn’t going to consistently remind you of it.

“If you need any help around the office or town you’re more than welcome to come find me.” Marian said, speaking without really thinking and getting a dirty look from her father, which she responded with glances of ‘I’m just trying to be nice’.

“I shall, I appreciate all the help I can get. Plus I’m sure I’ll need suggestions for a good place to eat lunches. I don’t get to New York City very often so this is quite a treat for me.” Guy said with a casual shrug and a playful twinkle in his eye before Frank coughed lightly.

“Where is Locksley?” He asked his daughter, finally pulling her attention away from the agent.

“Oh.” She said shaking her head slightly and shooting her blue gaze to her father. “I’m sure he’s back from the station by now, maybe in his office? I’d check there first.”

“Thank you. Come along Mister Gibson, I’ll introduce you to the man you’ll be working with.” Frank said before starting down the hallway.

“See you around.” Guy said pleasantly before starting down the hall and giving one final glance over his shoulder to her with a smile.

“Bye…” Marian said, her voice dragging a bit unexpectedly as she turned on her heel and started back down the hallway…

Again she ran into someone! But she wasn’t the one who stumbled, though she probably should have since her mind was elsewhere. “Oh are you alright?” She asked quickly helping the young girl to her feet.

“I’m fine thanks.”

“I don’t believe I know you.” Marian said gently to the young girl with a smile. “I’m Marian, Marian Anderson.”

“Oh, I’m Cassie, Cassie Locksley. I’m Robert’s cousin.” Cassie said as they shook hands.

“Oh wonderful. Welcome to New York City. I’m sorry you got drug here.” Marian said with a pout. Why would Robert drag her to his work; that’s no place fun. “You know.” Marian began, a small smile curling her lips. “I’m in the mood for some cheesecake. Have you ever had New York City’s cheesecake?”

Cassie’s eyes went wide. “No! This is my first time in NYC.”

“And you’re stuck here? That’s a shame. Come on, your cousin will understand you’re with me so you’ll be fine. Let’s go get some cheesecake!” With that the girls were off.

Surprisingly enough they hit it off rather well. Joking and laughing and talking about nonsense-girly-things that Marian actually felt comfortable. They swapped information with each other about random topics and gossip. For being a 17 year old girl, Cassie showed some rather high intelligence but her obsession with Robin Hood and the Merry Men was even higher than Marian’s but it was a hot topic between the two of them. The mention of her being on the news came up and Marian told Cassie the true story and she even got to hear how much Marian enjoyed the walk and how much of a gentleman Robin Hood actually was towards her.

The conversation ended when Cassie and Marian returned to the courthouse and Marian left her with a good thought. “Robin Hood’s a good man, I just wish; like everyone else, I knew more about him.” With that Cassie left to track down her cousin and Marian returned to her office, happy to know she made a new friend and got to meet the new FBI agent; it hasn’t been a bad day actually!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Robert quickly made it to his office, shoving a few papers and files in to his briefcase as he searched the room for any other important Robin Hood file he could find. Out of all the times for his cousin to try and pull this, it had to be this one. He muttered a few things, about to leave until he heard a knock on his door, and two men entering the room. One was Marian's father, the other was a strong looking man, Robert immediately didn't like this guy. "Robert. Glad I caught you." Anderson said with a nod. Robert gave a smile, but he really didn't want to have a conversation with the chief of police while his cousin was out alone in a law firm.

"Hello, Mister Anderson." Robert said, still holding his briefcase. "What's up?" Mr. Anderson looked over at the man he was with. "I thought I'd introduce you to Guy Gibson, he's an FBI Agent assigned to help us in the Robin Hood case." The man named Guy stepped forward, offering his hand to Robert. "Nice to meet you, Mister Locksley. I read all about your cases back before the little incident occurred." Robert gave a smile and shook the man's hand. "A pleasure, Mr. Gibson... Although, I don't think its really necessary to get the FBI in this..." Robert began, but was stopped. "Oh, Mr. Gibson has worked on a number of robberies all over the country. He's solved every single one, and put the man in charge behind for a very long time." As he said this, Guy stood up a bit more in pride. Robert mentally rolled his eyes. "Wow, Impressive... I'm really sorry, guys, but I need to get going. My cousin decided to visit today, and I have to show her around."

"Alright, we won't keep you any longer..."

"But, Robert, I would like to start on this case ASAP, and I understand you have all the files on Robin Hood. You mind if I glance over them?" Guy asked, obviously eager to start. Robert shook his head, and moved his hand toward the desk. "Be my guest. All the files are there, except a few. I'm taking them home to do some homework tonight. They'll be back tomorrow morning." Robert said with a smile, and moving his way towards the door. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Gibson, and nice to see you again, Mister Anderson! Have a nice day!"

Great. ANOTHER thing he has to worry about with these guys. What was he going to do now? He can't hide everything forever with a government official! He has so much more power and authority than the local police force! He was thinking about his now fewer options on what to do, when he noticed something. He looked around the lobby, and suddenly panicked. Cassie wasn't here!!

He searched frantically around, completely scared. Another thing! He lost his cousin in New York, and he would have to tell her parents on how irresponsible he was! He ran through the entire building, questioning everyone he saw, almost about to run back to Police Chief Anderson until he saw her walking in to the building with... Marian? Oh no.... He let them finish their conversation, but as soon as it was over, Robert made his way towards Cassie, a glare on his face. "What the heck, dude?"

Cassie looked up at him and frowned. "What?"

"You know what! Where did you go?! I spend the last thirty minutes running around this place!"

"I went to get some cheesecake with Marian. We're friends now." Robert stared at her with shock. "Wh...I... Look, when I say I'll be right back, that doesn't mean that you run around and go get some dessert with people I work with!" Robert sighed, and nodded over to the door. "Come on, lets go."

"Alright... Marian knows a lot about Robin Hood. But she's also really cool. I can see why you like her so much."

"pfft! I like Marian a normal amount. A friendly, non-creepy amount."

"Right... Anyway, if its not weird with you, I think I'm gonna hang out with her from time to time. It'd be nice to hang out with someone other than you."

With that, the two left the building, making their way to Robin's Apartment, which was also the Merry Men's headquarters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

If there was one common rule about being a Merry Man, it was that access to Robert’s apartment was welcome at any time. And Gwen Hathaway stopped attempting to use wifi at her apartment and would just help herself into Robert’s on a regular basis. Especially since he had her starting to look into things, including but not limited to information about a Marian Anderson, the daughter of the police chief; as much as it seems like Robert had a thing for her, everyone in the gang knew better than to bring it up to him. Hopefully he had a decent reason to go after the police chief’s daughter… hopefully.

Gwen found herself sitting cross legged on Robert’s couch typing in a few things when the door opened. To her surprise she heard more than one voice which caused her to close her laptop and throw it in her backpack. “Robert hello!” She said, announcing herself that she was here. The voice he walked in with was very young and female, not something she recognized and a random woman in his house wouldn’t exactly look good. It’s a good thing everyone always came with a back-up plan.

By the time the two had entered the living room Gwen was picking up a box full of cleaning supplies. “I thought I’d be done before you go home like normal. Who is this?” She asked politely as the two rounded the corner.

“I’m Cassie are you… my cousin’s maid?” She asked questioningly looking around the room.

“Maid not really, I’m Gwen and let’s just say when I was in a pickle your cousin was the only one willing to be my lawyer aaaannnnddddd since I had no money to pay him back, I clean his apartment once a week.” She said with a nod before looking at Robert. It was a sad story but it held a lot of truth behind it. “Glad to hear you got your job back.” She said with a sweet smile before giving him a nod.

Then she snapped her fingers from under the box. “Oh yes! Last time I was here you had asked me to recommend a place to get a good drink and some nice food that might have arose while you were gone. Aunt Maddie’s English Pub has become a rather popular location. Every time I walk by it’s always busy. You should go see it some time.” With that and a nod she went to the door and pulled it open. “Good bye Robert and it was nice to meet you Cassie, see you two around.” With that she shut the door.

Aunt Maddie’s English Pub had become a popular location alright; many of the rich began to populate there as soon as it opened and it was intriguing enough that others soon followed. And one of those others just so happened to be a blonde haired blue eyed young woman with a simple pink dress that could or could not be ignored. As much as she’s wanted to try the pub, she truly didn’t wish to stand out too much. Taking a cab to the location she paid for it and climbed out before venturing inside.

Inside there were a lot of highly respected people minding their own business, talking and laughing with one another. Letting out a small sigh she walked to the bar and sat down. Another night at the bar, another drink down her throat and another… hopeful chance to running into Robin Hood… Who knows…
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