Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac's posture eased ever so slightly, almost inperceptible to the civilian masters though those like the master of eyes and war would notice it. The wolkar feigned a few moments of pondering, deciding mostly on a course of action. "Very well, since the maority of the council is indeed in favor of keeping this a diplomatic mission, I will treat it as such. Fortunately I have already had time to ponder on how best to achieve our goal of ending this is quietly as possible." He placed a small holo transmitter on his desk and pressed activated a projection of the the former master of eyes as well as some basic details and description. "Given the information we have on the target we know he is on the run, has had assistance in his escape, had access to considerably high grade tools for his escape, and will also need the support of the underworld or a government power to be kept hidden in the long term. Most importantly, he has Litharian military secrets which he could trade for said money and protection." On a thought the holo-emitter changed to the image of a well known and infamous city-planet. "Shad-noir is the most likely location for such an auction to be held. If nothing else, we can at least find information about the deal on the planet. If Klith is smart, he'll remain in a secured location until it comes time for the deal. With so many potentially high profile buyers, he would not risk offending them by not showing up to the auction or swap-meet. As usual, there will likely be a buy in to get access to the auction. I have the authority of the council to cover this expense from our treasury. This will also make Klith believe I am there to legitimately buy this information, rather than hunt him. The odds of this gambit working will also be dependant on the public belief that our negotiations are indeed proceeding poorly and war may be likely. To this end I propose the Master of Eyes works in conjunction with the Wolkar Information Service to spread rumors of political discontent. This will give the Klith the impression that the Wolkar are seeking a means to determine the potential hostile intent of your country. The previous meeting will be enough truth to make that falsehood believable. Any objections?" He turned to all in attendance EXCEPT for Krasis, knowing he would just sputter out racist comments as opposed to any legitimate points.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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"While I appreciate your suggestion, I know my business. Klith has made no venture to selling Litharian secrets at a public forum, even one as slimy and rotten as Shad-noir." The Master of Eyes said sternly. "He isn't your average bandit, comfortable taking Phire from peasants. He knows that he is worth far more." "But of course if you are so willing to buy our secrets, I see no reason why you should not be hired." Xilanthis turned to his fellow masters, "I do not trust him or the Wolkar. It would be too easy for his race to exploit this event." "Then what would you have us do Xilanthis? Leave Klith alone to do what he pleases?" Master of Structure Jutaric scolded. "Far from it, I propose we send one of our own with the Emissary to cooperate in the search and detainment of the traitor. This will give us the best of both worlds and keep my mind at peace knowing they can't simply run off with him." "I have several candidates who would be willing and their sense of honor will over power this coward's." Master of War Karasis added, unable to retain his distain for bounty hunters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rennac nodded at the information, surprised by the insight Xilanthis had concerning his predecessor. "Hmm. Shad-noir is a good place to start nonetheless. If Klith is to get supplies from underground, it will have gone through the planet's shipping fronts or be carried by a smuggler based there." Then came the part he expected, knowing that there would be concern about his offer to front the money needed to head to the hypothetical meet to buy the intelligence. Then came Karasis's sneering retort, a scowl coming across the wollar's muzzle. "As much faith as I have in your soldier's ability to fight, this is no battlefield we are going to. This is a hunt. This will require discretion and stealth, even moreso than usual considering the sensitivity of this mission. A standard rank and file soldier will be too easy to spot and would give us away instantly, giving Klith time to recognize us and escape before we can locate him. Whoever is chosen must be able to track down the target, be skilled and quiet in a fight, and be able to keep his head low enough not to be fingered as a hostile on sight. Anything less will be dead weight."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Karasis lashed at Rennac for that remark, "My men are not uncultured brute to be labeled by savages like-" "Enough Karasis. While I agree with you, we do have the Reaper Caste. This is the kind of mission they live and breathe for and it should go a way to satisfy our guest considering they are equal parts mine as your's." Xilanthis said making sure he didn't offend the emissary too much, again. Karasis was about to make a harsh retort given he was interrupted again, but decided that Xilanthis had a point. This was a job better suited to a Reaper than a Karadon. "I shall chose one of my best to accompany you. It is through him that our channels shall be open. As for working with the Wolkar Information Service, I shall create a channel to coordinate. I move to vote in favor of a cooperative effort to bring the traitor Klith back to justice." The Master of Eyes continued, raising his right. The Master of Structure was the next to vote, raising her right. Following close behind was the Master of War, raising his right. Then came the Master of Advancement, raising her right. Shockingly the Master of Others raised his left saying, "We should trust our Wolkar brethren to act on the best intentions. I do not like the sounds of this escort you propose." "The vote favors the cooperative. Have you anything to add Emissary Rennac Shadowclaw of Clan Shadowclaw?" Inquired the Master of Eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

'Right on cue' thought the Wolkar, knowing this would be just what he needed. He listened intently, surprised when the Master of Others voted against the cooperative. When Xilanthis addressed him again he smiled and turned to Hitharis with a smile. "I am grateful for your confidence Master Hitharis, though this coordinated effort would also have an added benefit. It would give my time to fight side-by-side with one of your own soldiers, to learn how our styles of combat can complement and strengthen the other when we work together in the future. This also incidentally follows a tradition of my people, the bonding of two battle-brothers on the hunt. So long as your representative is capable and will not draw unwanted attention to give us away, this will prove to be a better option for all than simply sending me out solo. Besides, since these Reapers also partially work under the Master of Eyes, they would have the best idea of how Klith operates. However, I recommend caution in who you pick. We have yet to learn who assisted Klith's escape and whether or not they are among your military forces. I would recommend giving this duty to a new, yet capable recruit. Someone who has great skill, yet was not under the authority of the Master of Eyes until after Klith was removed from power. This will minimize the odds of a potential traitor being assigned to Klith's capture. I am sure your men are skilled and loyal, but with a target this potentially dangerous neither the Wolkar nor the Master Council can take any unnecessary risks in his apprehension."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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"I know my men. You having nothing to fear." The Master of Eyes said reassuringly. "I know of one man that I trust in particularly. I will contact him and make sure he is ready withing the day." The Master of Structure chimed up next, "I will commission a civilian ship to act as your transport and vessel of operations as well as retrofit it with the communications systems required for a secure channel." "Be ready Young Rennac Shadowclaw of Clan Shadowclaw. We will contact you once preparations are finished. May your hunt be bountiful." The Master of Others finished pressing a few buttons on his desk to open the large doors and wrap up the meeting. Litharian Galactic Date 5372-226, Planet Havatk, Palace of the Masters. Preparations for the cooperative mission to track down and capture the Traitor Klith are finished, Emissary Rennac and Harbinger Virathus of the 7th Reaper Caste are summoned to the Arkthurias Memorial Space Port to begin the operation. This information is not disclosed to the public.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edit: moving post to struggle
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Synzy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was insignificant. Nothing important, really. It was just a fragment. That said, the insignificant could still invoke the powers of the monumental, and this little, insignificant thing would do that. The station had slumbered in the orbit of a pulsing, bright star for ages and ages. It had no intention of ending its long sleep until the masters of this solar system returned, whenever that was destined to happen. Until then, it would make itself content by calling out for them every few thousand years. Today was the day it would call out once more. The station's cry, a mournful song of distress and disrepair, sung out to the galaxy in search of someone to maintain it. Systems were failing and the masters were nowhere in sight. It was a distress signal from an empty region with only dead worlds to populate it. Nobody would have find it before, but maybe the mournful song would change this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Litharian Galactic Date 5371-224, Planet Havatk, INTCOM Central Relay. A mysterious signal passed through INTCOM scanners. The signal was unmitigated and not attempted to be hidden, pattern matches those of distress known signals. Signal's origin is unknown and in a mass of unexplored space. Signal was brief but existed long enough to form a viable path to it's point of origin. INTCOM recommendation: Immediate examination and investigation. Litarian Galactic Date 5371-224, Planet Havatk, Chamber of the Masters. After deliberation the Council of Masters has agreed to dispatch an expedition of science, scout, and military vessels to investigate. Litharian Galactic Date 5371-230, planet Havatk. Litharian Council of Masters dispatches expeditionary fleet of three ZEPHYR Class Scout Ships, one THEORY Class Science Ship, and two HAMMER Class Warships towards the origin of the mysterious signal now refered to as "The Star Message." Estimated time of arrival Litharian Galactic Date 5371-233. This information is kept from the public.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wolkar Galactic Date 5371-224, Planet Ferran, Capitol City of Lupis. Wolkar Central galactic net relay. Wolkar technicians discovered the anomalous signal and worked immediately to pinpoint the source and intent of the signal. From what the faction's experts could tell it was a distress signal originating from a previously unexplored section of space. Since, to the Wolkar's knowledge, there has been no known civilization out that far in space. With this knowledge in mind, the report was sent directly to the Alpha council t await their response. Wolkar Galactic Date 5371-225, Planet Ferran, Capitol City of Lupis. Chamber of Alphas The Alpha council has convened to discuss the discovered signal which has been labelled as the "Star Messanger." With the Shadowclaw Alpha indisposed on a diplomatic assignment, Beta Colm will be representing the Shadowclaw clan on the council during Alpha Rennac's absence. After a short vote, it was decided that an exploratory fleet comprising of two frigate escorts, and one science vessel would be sent to examine the source of the signal as well as a relief ship should there be survivors in need of aid. The relief ship will also serve as the base for the diplomatic representative Rover of Clan Por'ka should first contact procedures need to be enacted. While the fleet is being prepared, the Sirius has announced he will contact the Litharian Master of Others to arrange a meeting between the two councils to discuss the possible benefits and risk this signal may pose not only to the dispatched fleets, but the galaxy at large. Wolkar Galactic Date 5371-225, Planet Ferran, Capitol City of Lupis. Sirius's Holo-conference room. The Wolkar Sirius sends his message to Master Hitharas of the Litharian government, hoping to arrange a meeting over Holo-conference.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Litharian Galactic Date 5371-225, Planet Havatk, Chamber of the Masters. Master of Others Hitharas accepts the proposal for a Holo-conference from Wolkar Sirius. Master of Other Hitharas awaits the call in the Chamber of Masters. No other masters are present during this exchange.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wolkar Galactic Date 5371-225, Planet Ferran, Capitol City of Lupis. Sirius's Holo-conference room. The Sirius opens up the comminication and greets Hitharas. "Master Hitharas, a pleasure to meet you. From Rennac's reports, you are the most open and trustworthy among the council. However, I am afraid we must skip the pleasantries, given the potential danger. Our stations have reported of an unrecognized signal coming from uncharted space. Though it is not on our records as an official distress signal, we deduced it to be such and aim to dispatch an exploration fleet as well as a relief ship should they require assistance. That said, our chroniclers have gone through our historical texts and found no mention of a civilization that deep in space. We have no way of knowing if they could be hostile. For that reason I ask that should we lose contact or they discover hostile forces, that our councils meet together to address what could possibly be an enemy stronger than either of us alone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Master of Others Hitharas nodded as Sirius talked, "I agree having a fall back is always a good idea. Our fleet is already being deployed and should be on site within a few days. Should your or our fleets become endangered, or Hunter's Mercy, they fall. The Litharians will have a fleet prepared and ready to be fielded should the need arise."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Sirius nodded in agreement. "Good. I suggest you inform your fleet to send any wounded either discovered on site or any crewman injured in the possible fighting to our relief ship Rek'tar. It is equipped with some of the finest medical facilities and is equipped with advanced engines to swiftly get the wounded out of the combat zone. I just pray it does not come to that.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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"I agree, with any luck this will go without a hitch and I thank you on behave of the brave men being sent for your offer of assistance. Similarly we sent two HAMMER warships, should this indeed go sour your ships can find safe harbor behind their cannons. Now if there is nothing else left I must coordinate with the other masters to make sure we are ready for all possible situations." The Master of Others stated and reassured Sirius. Folding his hands he waited for either a response or an ended call.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Sirius nodded. "Very well, I will inform our diplomatic representative with the fleet to work with your men on this matter. Transmission over." Wolkar Galactic Date 5371-230. Planet Ferran, Capitol City Lupis. The Wolkar emergency response fleet has been deployed from the homeworld of Ferran to rendezvous with the Litharian exploration fleet to investigate the Star Messenger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Synzy


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The station awaited those who would arrive with solemn silence, and greeted them in equally solemn silence. It was a dark thing, reflective exterior barely illuminated by the dying sun it orbited. Derelict weapons systems no longer received power, which probably meant that the station simulated neither gravity, nor breathable atmosphere. The last vestiges of electricity contained in its reactors were devoted to preserving the life of a decrepit artificial intelligence unit, too low on energy to simulate anything more than the most basic intelligence. It might has well have been a dead station. The only remarkable thing about it, then, was how it managed to broadcast this signal. The power source for the broadcaster would have to be separate from the other systems, which made sense in some manner. Sustaining a distress beacon was top-priority if one had intention to respond to them. Unfortunately, whoever fabricated this kilometer-long structure was long gone. Its architecture was plain and unappealing, designed purely for function. Empty hallways yielded no bodies, only the corpses of computer systems that went offline long ago. The foul touch of entropy had not found its way here, more or less. Most was preserved, but little was new. It was precursor, but not one of the greats. At least, it didn't appear to be. The databases of the terminals on-board could yield information, if power could be restored. All in all, it was dead, and eerie, and invited one to seek out its phantom distress beacons, if only to shut them off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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Litharian Galactic Date 5371-233, Unknown Station. When the station came in sight the Litharian ships began a security scan of the local area. All three ZEPHYRs broke off, engaged their cloak field, and began to patrol the system for possible threats. As for the station itself one of the HAMMER warships went in first weapons armed and ready to fire. But as it drew closer and none of the stations weapons became hostile the HAMMER warship released several dropships to carry assault teams to the station. Again they made it there without incident and the troops began to spread out, weapons at the ready and aimed around every corner. As they found empty halls and no signs of conflict, it was unsettling, but not threatening. After the soldiers cleared a large portion of the station a captain radioed the HAMMER giving a report of the current situation. That was enough for the HAMMER to give the ok for the THEORY Science Ship land as well as more dropships to be sent down to establish a forward base. It didn't take more than a few hours to establish a self-contained command center on the station and with it, long range communications and a landing zone for getting troops and scientist down faster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rennac Faintheart

Rennac Faintheart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Wolkar Galactic Date 5371-233, Unknown Station. The Wolkar emergency response fleet met up with the Litharian fleet with no problems and proceeded to have it'sown frigates flanking the HAMMER on it's initial approach, keeping it's sides covered in the case of an attack. A small group of NORMAL type FERALS were deployed from the frigates to investigate the hanger units and secure them for the incoming dropships of troops and scientists. Upon discovering there was little in the station beyond a failed power system and computer terminals the technicians aboard the Wolkar ships were transported to the station to begin the slow process of restoring the station's life support systems and investigating what lies within the station's database.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FrozenPhoenix
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With a forward command outpost set up the Litharians and Karadon continued to secure the perimeter and search the unknown reaches of the station's deeps. Meanwhile the outpost was finished within a few hours and loaded with atmosphere and artificial gravity. Litharian scientists began scanning the station for signs of anything, and where there was no life, they did begin to find faint power signatures running through dying systems. Their focus became rerouting energy from the science ship's Portable Plasma Reactor into the station. It would take some time, but it could be done. In the meantime, the Litharians made contact with the Wolkar to inform them of their advances as well as their intent on restoring power to the station and to be ready should they manage it.
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