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When Finn meant he couldn't read it wasn't an understatement. Aside from recognizing perhaps his name along with the labeling of his favorite creature comforts it was all hieroglyphs to him. He hadn't held a graphite pencil for a practical use in years and thinking of a time when he sat down to get a proper lesson on anything was a foggy, distant memory. Finn wondered then if his sisters had gotten the education they deserved. Whether Nora had ever gotten the training to be a teacher one day herself or if Lizzie was still chasing the dream of ever becoming a nurse. Then, after what could have only been weeks, he thought deeply about his mother. Whether she had heard of his capture, if his name even struck a cord in her anymore. If she wondered what he was doing now and if she was surprised if Finn was sitting across from a priest, hand on a bible after a backwards confession. If they could see him now, what would they think? Would they be disappointed that his body wasn't being taken down from a rope?

"You? Teachin' me how to read 'n write?" One light brow cocked, his thin lips curling up as if Eli had invited him straight up to the moon. Finn had heard a lot of funny things in his life but never the idea of writing lessons at thirty years of age. Less than a month ago he'd shot a man through his chest for blocking his escape and robbed a boy nearly half his age with a pistol pressed against the back of his head. It may as well have been a jump to the moon in his mind. But Eli had time for all of that, if he could stomach listening to every shred of his life that Finn managed to tear up with his terrible behavior.

He then slid the Holy Book up close, flipped it open halfway and studied the text but absorbed nothing out of it. The print was so unbelievably small, the paper so thin he felt as though it would rip at his touch, as if something like that couldn't be touched by someone like him. Surprisingly enough it didn't, and Finn found himself flipping through it again. Only this time he explored with more curiosity. "And you can read all of this?"
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Eli straightened his back and nodded furiously. Yes. Yes, he would teach this man how to read and write. The humorous look on Finn's face did not deter the young priest. Instead it only filled him with more determination. He would patiently sit next to this man and help him become something more than just a criminal. An educated and a holy man, he hoped. He watched as Finn flipped through the Bible, holding it so tenderly that Eli began to question his own handling of the Holy Book.

He nodded again in response to Finn's question. "It was hard to read at first," he honestly began, blinking a few times in thought. The old memories of frustration passed through him as a faint smile appeared on his face. He spent long nights bent over, eyes squinting as he attempted to read and understand each word of the Book. "But you'll eventually get used to it," he assured. "You want to try now?"
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Finn studied the book a bit more. He closed it, flipped it around and opened it once more as if it were a strange device he'd never seen before in his life. You would have thought he'd never so much as seen a book before on account of his odd look but it wasn't so much the book itself than the words that it carried within. Reading was a luxury. Or, at least, that's how it was treated all of his life. His mother, his sisters and it wasn't a stretch to say that even his father were illiterate. Why read when you could work? And why work when you could steal and cheat your way through life? It was an easier life, in some ways, and rougher in others. But books were supposed to mean something to the literate bunch - knowledge and stories, fact and fiction and anywhere in between and beyond. Finn supposed he'd met a handful of people who could truly read, Eli being one of them.

Finally, he set the book face down, somewhat surprised that he didn't burst into flames upon touching it, then slid it back to Eli. His face fell from his earlier perk of curiosity to a lax expression and leaned back into his seat once more. His long, speckled arms folded lazily over his chest and he threw his eyes down to the floor, around the back corners of the room as if they were somehow suddenly interesting.

"Judge wants me to be a good man, don't he?" Finn cleared his throat, as if to shake off the intimacy of the Holy Book and what it had meant to Eli. The fool would probably die defending the bound paper and Finn want sure whether to laugh or feel bad for him. Then, he turned back to Eli with arched brows and a tilted head, the kind of look you'd give a child. And, despite Eli's earlier tone that was meant to be more encouraging than it was patronizing, he mocked him. "Make me a deal, Father. When the day some bastard finally gets me you can be right there while I'm bleedin' out, 'n then you can send my soul to heaven with your magic words."
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When Finn began to intently study the book, Eli's eyes were watching the other's face. He could see the curiosity that softened the man's rough expression. It was a good look, he instantly decided. Made Finn seem less like a scary criminal and more like someone Eli could be friends with. Finn reverted back to his nonchalant look again, however, sliding the book towards Eli. The priest reached out for it, bringing the book close to his chest. His slim and long fingers ran against the leather bound cover, almost caressing the precious thing.

He paused, averting his eyes once as he mulled over Finn's 'deal'. He taped his fingers on the book, his gaze returning back to Finn. "I'll make sure to pray for your safe passage to heaven," he dryly said, a small but strained smile on his face. He chose to ignore the thought of someone killing Finn and him witnessing it. "Tomorrow then, we can start," Eli said, in a clear, unflurried voice. He shifted in his seat as if he was going to excuse himself and leave the room but...

Maybe he'd like to learn a little more. Eli felt like he was prying but it didn't hurt to try. "Where's your family?" He slowly asked.
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Eli held the Bible like it were his child. Finn wasn't sure whether or not to feel unsettled by it or find it strangely endearing. He settled on a mix of the two, if at all possible, pulling a strange face that he wasn't sure how to place. It was short lived, the exchange came and went before Eli shot him a strained look of his own. Was it something he'd said? Likely. Finn had some distasteful thoughts that escaped him as often as they'd enter his mind. Filtering his words was a burden, for people like Eli who lived reserved lives devoted to Jesus or professional men and their families. And, if it wasn't obvious already, Finn wasn't like most men. He had no family of his own, and if he did have a child out there, somewhere, he didn't suppose he'd be welcome.

“Done deal, then.” Finn tipped his head in agreement, then rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, sinking as comfortably as he could in his seat. His two legs were long and gangly in front of him, stretched out and relaxed. Both arms were crossed over his stomach, fingers fiddling by cracking or picking beneath his nails. Despite an incredible appetite when presented to him, he didn't have too much meat on him, relying on lean muscle for such a lanky frame. At the mention of his family, he could practically hear his aunt going on and griping at him. 'If you're going to eat so much, you might as well bulk up and help around here!' her voice rang through his mind and erupted a sudden laugh out of him before sobering up. He got plenty of exercise as it was on the run, from being chased and swung at and swinging his fists back in return. But that wasn't the sort of activity or line of work he supposed she'd approve of.

“Don't have any babies 'n if I do I don't know 'bout 'e,. I got two sisters, Nora 'n Lizzie. Nora's gotta be all grown by now, 'n I bet Lizzie's still cute as a button. Shit, she knew how to laugh.” He'd seen them a number of years ago in their old family home, a tiny place on the outskirts and in the dusty land of the Kansas countryside. “Spooked Lizzie half to death when she saw me last. I came back lookin' for some of my things 'n she looks like I was gonna come after her with that scream of hers.” And for a moment, between his incessant grinning, something pinched downward at his lips if only for a brief second. It didn't faze him much, but something about the thought had a right to bother him. He made a brief return some years back and it had been the last visit since earning a warrant for his arrest. Word traveled fast, and it was not difficult to believe that the rowdy Finnegan Foster boy, who took a fondness to pick-pocketing and picking fights and skilled himself with the family gun was the very Finn Casey that harassed, looted and shot up towns following his disappearance. If there was a God above, he surely scorned his family as punishment. “Momma's gotta live with them still on account'a my Pa leavin'. Don't remember him much anyways... Lived with my Aunt for a few years once I started sproutin' up, she took care of me nicely. Suppose priests don't just grow out of the ground. What two sorta folks danced together and made you?"
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Finn easily agreed to the arrangement before stretching out his long body. Swallowing his lecture about manners, Eli kept his prim posture. His eyelids briefly closed as he allowed himself to relax a bit more. However, at the sudden burst of laughter, the priest almost jumped in fright. He bit back a salty remark and listened to Finn talk about his family. Two sisters, an aunt and a mother! He was almost jealous about the fact that Finn had a family even though there was no father. Eli could almost imagine them. Maybe they were all tall and lanky redheads with strong personalities.

"I have Father," he simply responded, shrugging nonchalantly. "And my brothers and sisters...God too." He awkwardly paused for what seemed like hours. Eli began to feel jittery, tense, out of place in his own skin. He smoothed his trousers with the palms of his hands but the feeling didn't disappear. If anything, it worsened. Part of him wanted to run away to pray but the other half wanted him to stay. It was strange. One hour ago Eli was cowering and now he was all ready to talk to Finn like he was a friend.

"I don't know who they are," he finally says, voice low and rough. Eli tells himself that it's purely because of the heat. "I was alone for a good while till Father took pity on me and adopted me." He pursed his lips and looked away. Father had told him not to feel bitter and angry about being abandoned. "Doesn't really matter. I'm happy and grateful. I don't want to know who they are anyways," he said with an easy smile and a lighter tone.
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So, Eli was abandoned by his own parents. Finn nearly whistled in awe over the fact that even his own mother could give her babe up as easily as a father could, but he saw how rigid Eli grew over the subject. If it bothered him, Eli was certainly lying to himself, and Finn kept his mouth sealed. Wasn't anything worse than stopping low about it; Finn made no comment aside from a wordless, somber nod and a quick jump to talking about his adoptive father. "Your Pa- your Father, must've been good to you. He as nervous as a rabbit like you are? You're mighty preachy in a crowd but as soon as I get you alone you're nothin' but shivers. All bashful, like a lady!"

Was there something to growing in a religious bubble his whole life that made Eli so...flighty for the refuge of prayer as soon as anything distasteful was brought up? Shooting down on his knees as if the second coming was happening and Christ Himself was knocking at the door. Did it calm his nervous soul down, truly? Finn had never seen such a thing in his life. It was endearing, oddly, that he couldn't wrap his mind around it.

"And don't you ever fancy yourself a woman? Anyone? Don't you priests get lonely about not wifin' a lady all your lives let alone bein' able to have one for a night?" Usually Finn would've been all teasing towards the poor little man, storming up laughter at the sight of him cherry-faced and stumbling at the mention of a woman. But oddly, he found himself more curious over the fact and perhaps it was one of the more genuine questions all afternoon. He'd had a wild go with a string of lovers as quick as he learned how two bodies worked, and in the mix of them all had taken up a few males too shameful to look him in the eye come morning. Supposing Eli would drop dead at the idea, Finn kept it to himself.
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Thankfully, Finn chose not to delve into the topic about Eli's past. Despite the man's roguish looks, Eli realized that the other had a gentle heart somewhere within. Father had always told him that everyone, no matter how bad, had a little good inside. Eli could feel himself smiling as he tried to remember Father. "Not at all," he replied. "Father is a very strong man. He doesn't take any nonsense and wholly dedicates himself to God. I admire him." He sighed, feeling his stomach twist with sudden loneliness. Eli already missed listening to his Father reciting prayer in his deep resounding voice. He quickly shook himself out of those dreadful thoughts, paling at Finn's next question.

"Ah." Women. To Eli, women were frightening to say the least. He partly blamed Sister Nancy and her infamous punishments that included her deadly birch rod. He could still feel the burning pain across his buttocks and legs. God, he wasn't even sorry to hear that Sister Nancy had died falling down a flight of stairs. Eli grimaced, muttering a string of incomprehensible words under his breath as he clasped his hands together. Father had told him to never think 'those' kind of poisonous thoughts again when Eli confessed to feeling happy after Sister's funeral. "I apologize Sister Nancy. I hope you are guiding me from Heaven. You taught me many things."

After a brief moment, he looked up at Finn, his cheeks flushed. "Priests can marry. I'm not interested. I mean, yes I'm interested. I just. I don't." Eli stumbled over his words, growling to himself as he rubbed his forehead. It wasn't like his fellow brothers committed themselves to celibacy. There were several rare occasions where they would huddle together at the dead of night and talk about the female anatomy. But looking back at it now, Eli would always excuse himself and go back to bed.

"God is more important to me," he concluded. Yes, that sounded about right. He sniffled, timidly glancing at Finn before glancing away. "I pray that you'll see your family soon. You'll be able to leave this god-forsaken town once everyone sees you've changed."
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"Ah, you'd be too damn nervous 'round a lady anyhow when you ain't talkin' 'bout Christ. All shakey and stutterin' - come to think about it, I wouldn't mind seein' that now that I've got it in my head."

Finn spent the afternoon in a fit of giggles, but the day could only stand for so much teasing by the redhead and Eli could only take so much. Chatter wore thin as the hours passed, when the sun and the horizon pinched beautifully into a glorious sunset upon the flat lands. It was a waiting game with the last phases of the day between the criminal and the priest, dragging out from the moment he took a seat in his dining chair, all throughout a modest supper, until the two of them would have to rise from the table for bedtime. Finn knew better and Eli was too modest than to bark orders at him. Even earlier when his rules were employed did Finn metaphorically wipe the bottom of his boots all over, threw in a curse or two, and was just shy of spitting on the ground if he had an ounce less respect for the man who had saved his hide from swinging.

But Eli knew the kind of mess he meddled in by talking in a hardened criminal as though he were an orphan or a cripple, by feeding and sheltering him foolishly for nothing in return but perhaps a migraine and a few atheistic doubts. That, or bitterness towards a cruel God for damning him with the terrible man. Whichever was worse. It was by Eli's own choice that Finn was even alive and more importantly inhabiting his home as well as even entertaining the thought that he could be reformed. It was plenty foolish, but Eli would realize that soon enough.

By twilight Finn found himself a sore and tired slump, his muscles aching and stiff that perhaps it would have been better be died that day. At least then his body would be at ease and his muscles and eyes wouldn't burn so sorely. When he could take no more of the hard wooden chair, having exercised every possible position, he stood and followed with a prompt crack down his spine.

"S'ppose today was rough. I'm foldin' early, so we don't have to dance around the idea of watchin' each other till sunrise. I ain't gonna shoot you in your sleep or nothin' like that, not like I even could anyhow." Finn stretched tall, his long arms twisting over his head and up near the ceiling until he rolled his sharp shoulders with a billowing yawn. He stepped from the dining table and into the more personal area of the living room where he already worked at a lazy tug of his shirt over his head after the first few buttons were managed, with little to no regard of Eli's attention of his meandrous strip. "Where you want me? Hogtied on the floor where I can't do nothin' or do I get to sleep free tonight?"
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"Finn!" Eli frowned when the lanky man threw out a curse word. He couldn't stop himself from blushing though and promptly looked away. The afternoon passed by with more teasing, blushing, and giggling. A bare but filling supper was served and the two ate in relative peace. Of course, Finn didn't make any real attempt to say grace with Eli. But the priest reminded himself that these things took time and patience. By the time night fell, Finn was visibly uncomfortable as Eli tried not to slump in his seat. Exhaustion was catching up and he felt the first signs of a migraine settling in.

When Finn said he was going to sleep, Eli instantly shot up before staggering back into his seat again. Hours of sitting with a prim posture had stiffened his muscles. With a muffled groan, he carefully stretched his legs, glancing back at Finn just in time to catch the wild thing stripping. His face flushed a bright red and Eli covered his face with his hands, quite horrified. "F-Finn, stripping in the living room is rude," he hissed. With one hand attempting to cover the sight of a half-naked Finn, Eli stood up and walked over to the bottom of the steps.

"As much as I'd like to tie you up, no. You're not an animal," he answered with a faint sigh. Eli beckoned Finn to follow with his hand before dashing up the stairs. He muttered a quick prayer to God to help him get through Finn's stubborn brain before opening the spare bedroom door. The room was sparsely furnished with only a bed, a desk, and a chair. "I know it's not much but..." He patted the pillow, turning back to look at Finn. "Better than nothing," he finally said with a weary smile.

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"I've bundled up in haystacks and chicken coops. I think a bed's a mighty fine luxury." Finn double-stepped the stairs in suit of Eli, and with a pair of long legs it didn't take hurrying to get to the top any slower than his new guardian. He stood at the doorway of the room offered, top bare and his trousers close to the same fate with how he'd already started on their too buttons, only to be reprimanded by the flighty priest for something he wasn't entirely sure. Surely it wasn't anything Eli hadn't seen before! He wasn't a lady of demure, clearly! But he may as well be with how he scurried away at the sight. All red in the face, tight lipped and dangerously funny to Finn. Still, he couldn't be bothered to mock the one of many scoldings to come, too exhausted from his adventures to really mind the man or his manners.

Finn them pivoted with a patronizing grin, lips pursed at an awkward upturn and his washed-out brows pinching his speckled forehead. "And not tyin' me up? Not even to the bedrail?" He tsk'd, loudly, a reprimanding click of his tongue sounding before he allowed himself into the room and already attempting to shed what was left of his low ridden pants. Everything on his person had been robbed from him; his gun, his blade and the few dollars he kept stashed away in one of his boots were all stripped away. Granted, the money hasn't exactly been earned in the traditional sense, but money was money and it was a few bucks above nothing. So, there really wasn't all that much to him now, and with a defeated huff the redhead collapsed onto the modest bed, back-first like a corpse to a coffin. "Dunno if that's just bein' polite, stupid, or brave. No offense." Then, an unexpected yawn rolled through him, his burning eyelids made peace by closing finally. Sleepily, he mumbled the last Words of goodnight: "When I'm gone away reali far, I'll be sure to talk 'bout you."

And quicker than a candle gone cold in a windstorm, Finn was out like the same flame. His body slumped happily into the thick padding of the bed and he hadn't even managed to draw up his feet before dozing in the same position as he first laid. Dreams were seldom if at all, nothing but an oblivion of black and the promise of a restful sleep. No thoughts whatsoever- no gallows, no Judge or jury. Not even the little priest stationed in the next room over. Nothing but black.
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It would be quite rude if Eli tied up Finn to prevent the man from escaping. He turned around to say exactly that but froze like a deer in the headlights. Finn was now busy taking off his pants. The flustered priest looked away, his eyes squeezed tight as he clenched his jaw. Would he ever get used to a Finn removing his clothes in front of him? If he didn't know any better, Finn enjoyed agitating him in any way possible. He whipped his head to scold the grown man again despite his raging headache, only to find him on the bed mumbling his last words before succumbing to sleep. Eli paused, staring at Finn's face as he visibly relaxed. There was no crude smirk or predatory smile on Finn's lightly freckled face, giving the criminal a...soft look. "How sweet," he whispered. "Good night."

He pondered if he should lift and move Finn's lean legs onto the bed. But that would mean he would have to physically touch him. Eli turned beet red. He wouldn't even be able to place Finn properly on the bed! After all, the man was much taller and (probably) heavier and - "Excuses," Eli bitterly told himself, rubbing his forehead. His thoughts churned in his tired brain but in the end, Eli decided against it. If the man had back-ache in the morning or even find himself on the floor, the priest would make sure not to make a single comment. Eli bent down to pick up the discarded pant, folding it and placing it on the desk. Casting one last glance at Finn, he exited the room, softly shutting the door behind him.

Eli then went into his room, falling to his knees to make a quick prayer before crawling onto his bed. Although he was ashamed that he had made such a cursory prayer, his bed was far more important. By the time his head touched the pillow, he passed out. He dreamed about home, his father, and much to his chagrin, Finn's face would pop up. He muttered in his sleep before tossing over. It was safe to say that the priest liked to move around in his sleep, waking up in odd positions.

This time, he found himself on his stomach, leisurely sprawled out with his arms underneath him. The morning light shone in his closed eyes, efficiently waking Eli up. He groaned before rolling over to the side before slowly stretching out his body. He cracked his eyes open, staring at the peeling wallpaper. Where was he? Oh yeah, somewhere far out West. As he started to slowly recount his adventure, he ran a hand through his raging bed-head. West. Town. Judge. Gallows. God. Finn. Eli shot up, scrambling to get to the bedroom next door. He stood there in front of the door, his breath quickening as he reached over to open the door. Finn would be there, right?

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The night came and went as a deep sea of unconsciousness and rest to where Finn hadn't woken once. Tossed and turned perhaps, but as soon as his ginger lashes had shut he was gone in a separate world. Sleep was something to be celebrated, especially now that he had a bed and a few thick sheets to keep him warm, something he would miss in secret when he was on his own again and terrorizing towns like his recent glory days. That was if his crew hadn't deserted him for good. It was an annoyance that would come morning and would welcome every sort of plan for rebuke by Finn should he have any inclination that his former team left for good. For now, he was occupied lest a gun-bearing team of wicked angels come to his aid.

But by the first crack of morning light Finn was awake as could be, regrettably recharged for Eli and regrettably gunless for Finn. He groaned audibly as soon as the reality sunk in, but was quick to shake off the begrudged attitude in search of better pleasures: namely food. All while Eli slept did he mosey about, familiarizing himself here and there again now that the light was fresh, and he'd even gotten his hands on a washbasin to clear off what grime had clung onto him and worsened overnight. Satisfactory enough to Eli, the redhead could only assume, he'd even taken it upon himself to dunk his hair as a finality. It wasn't swimming in the cool waters of a lake, or a steaming bath, but it'd do. Hearing the ceiling creak and groan, Finn could only assume his most unfortunate priest to have woken for good, and judging by the hasty banging of feet he knew that Eli must already be spooked. In a meandering pace, Finn climbed the stairs, clad only in pants and yet mannerly better than just undergarments, then meeting Eli in all of his bed head glory.

"Miss me so bad you had ta jump right outta bed for me?" The wicked grin made a full comeback that morning. His bare back rest against the corner where the wall met the top of the stairs, rolling against his back like an animal scratching upon a post. Two long arms crossed themselves lazily over a speckled chest, not the most proper stance, albeit a clean one.
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Eli couldn't help the small squeak of surprise that left his lips. His hand jumped off the door knob as if it were on fire before he whipped around to face the owner of the voice. The priest was prepared to lecture Finn's ears off, to nitpick every detail that didn't fall along the lines of a good and religious man. However, the moment he saw Finn, his chest tightened and he could hardly breathe. Not even he could tell what it was about him that struck Eli with such force. And even if it had become clear to him, it was not something he could explain in words. Perhaps it was dread, not happiness that the lanky man hadn't run away. Eli hoped it was.

The next thing that caught his attention was how Finn was noticeably clean. Then his eyes traveled upwards to stare long and hard at that trademark grin before a hint of his own smile graced his face. Despite Finn's lack of clothes, Eli wasn't as perturbed as he was yesterday though his face was still a healthy shade of red. A mixture of pride and relief blossomed in his chest; God was indeed watching over him.

"Don't think so highly of yourself," Eli said lightly. "And please put on some clothes," he asked with an imploring gaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by badfool
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Finn's thumbs hooked under the waist of his pants, his stance shifting from loose casualty into a stiffening challenge. He could stand living under a priest's roof, wading through his patience as they talked about his sins and misdeeds, he could even stomach the idea of sitting through hours of a personal sermon and bible passages. At least it was the kind of content his mind could roll around in that red head of his, but being prim and proper just wasn't in his nature. Like a petulant child, Finn's brows slumped, his lips pursed and with a cock of his head he was already at it, bright and early.

"Think highly of myself? Huh," two broad shoulders widened if at all possible, and he stared the little priest down like some sort of sly fox to a rabbit. "And here I am, standing higher than you. You can get me to listen to your Christ stories all day long but it don't mean you're gonna get me to do a song and dance 'bout it when they come checking up on me." An otherwise aggressive statement came as natural as any other thing that came out of his mouth. A loose shrug of his shoulders, quirk of his light brows and he seemed to finish the honest blurb.

"'Sides, you were the one who didn't want me as dirty like a grub no more. You want me to look nice? Ain't gonna happen wearin' the same clothes they wrangled me down in." Finn tossed a quick glance over his shoulder, already having rounded back down the stairs, feet clomping down against the hardwood with each step. "Oh, 'n that's a mighty fine way you have your hair, thought I might add."
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Finn was, predictably, still determined to make Eli's life more difficult than it should be. The priest couldn't help but shrink a little when the taller man stared down at him. At first, he felt exasperated that Finn wasn't going to accept Christ, even when it was something that the judge and the other townsfolk would certainly look for. Sharp words were waiting to leap from the tip of his tongue but Eli made sure he kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to instigate another candid speech nor aggravate Finn any further.

"You could at least pretend when the others visit," Eli muttered under his breathe after Finn retreated downstairs. He pawed at his hair, attempting to tame his wild curls. "The Judge'll have my hide in no time." Already planning his escape back to Boston, he meekly slipped back into his room with a worried expression. Maybe he could strike up a deal with Finn later. Pretend to love Christ, let Eli live another year, and then he could go back to his evil ways when the Judge deemed Finn socially acceptable. Eli suddenly froze, his eyes wide open as he gazed at the dust particles slowly falling to the floor. He then pursed his lips and sank to his knees to pray for forgiveness.

A good while later, Eli was stiffly going down the stairs dressed in his clerical clothes. The constant kneeling did a good number on his knees and back. He already lost his appetite and even though he had a good nights sleep, he was exhausted. The half-dead priest took a seat at the kitchen table, his hands neatly folded in front of him. What should he do now? Befriend more townsfolk, somehow work with Finn, and - He blinked a few times, an image of a half-naked Finn burned into his retinas. Buy clothes. Eli doubted that his own clothes would be able to cover Finn's body properly.

He sighed. "Is there anything specific you'd like to do today?" Eli asked, treading carefully.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by badfool
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Finn walked with the gait of a lazy feline. He wound around the house, picking and prodding the modest setup with dwindling curiosity. It would have been easy to slip out of the house, to simply unlatch the door and make a mad dash down the dusty road. But where would that lead him? Without a weapon and a sense of direction, no motive and no connections Finn was about as helpless as...well, as someone like Eli. Of course, excluding the sense of wit that came with years of escaping the clutches of the law. It wasn't in him to be especially patient, but patience was going to help him survive if he expected to be back on his feet again rather than hanging from the end of a rope.

"You're allowin' me an option? Hnn..." Finn scoffed, perching his palms around the tabletop and leaning like a faulty post what with how tall and narrow he stood. A feigned look of thought passed through two furrowed brows, head tick-tocking to the side as he thought. "You ain't gonna let me do half'a what I want, will ya? Won't let me drink nothin' either. Nothin' wrong with it too, like you Christ lovers think."

Then, puffing a sigh he twist one of the chairs around and planted himself backwards on it with folded arms atop the backing and even perched his chin atop one of his wrists. It was Eli's game now, the calm before the storm that Finn had already begun to brew up in his mind. "You gonna parade me round muzzled and leashed when you take me out places? Dress me up all proper too? Or am I the homebound sort for now?" Finn should have been bitter. Should have roused up his anger like any other jaded man strapped down and chained to a lawful fate. Somehow, Finn took it in stride, with a much more apathetic nature for it all. "Fool Judge thinks he can break me? Huh, I find fun anywhere I go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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Eli didn't say anything lest he erupt into a speech about the bad influences of alcohol. He never drank before but he'd seen people act out of character because of it. He didn't particularly enjoy having someone project vomit on him nor did he want to deal with groping hands. Gazing at Finn with a rather defeated look, Eli was almost tempted to go out and buy a muzzle and leash for Finn out of spite. "I would never do that to you," he defensively replied as if he wasn't thinking about it. "I just hope your idea of 'fun' doesn't get me killed." Eli smiled weakly.

"Look," the priest suddenly began, leaning in a bit to firmly stare at Finn. "At least try to cooperate with me until..." He paused, trying to search for the right words. Would the Judge even let Finn out of the sights? Eli was certain the man would have Finn in the gallows again at first chance. Eli would've like to take Finn out of the house but now he was frightened that the man would do something both of them would regreet. "Please?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by badfool
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Finn's head tick-tocked in thought. Eli wasn't as good with conviction as he'd hoped, at least not to the redhead. The priest was undoubtedly strange to him, his way of life not only a wonder but their exchanges thus far. Strange, for a man to both give him a mercy no one else would dare and all the while find the nerve to change him. It would take more than a bible lesson or a sugary sermon or a dose or two of kindness his way for Finn to strap himself down alongside the rest of humanity, find a sense of decency and behave himself. Of course, it didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy Eli's helpless pleadings, the glint of fear in his eyes each time he felt the metaphorical leash slipping from his most holy hands. Perhaps it was cruel of him to test Eli's faith in him to contain himself, but regardless of that it was just about the only thing Finn could delight in.

“Huh, please? Well, that's awful polite of 'ya.” The man's jaw rolled back and forth, wagering in his mind just exactly what was in it for him. It had been some time since he'd gotten fresh air, even the lowliest of men needed it from time to time. Stuffed up in a dingy cell wasn't his idea of living, and while Finn didn't define it by living in solidarity alongside a priest it sure as hell was better than rotting away behind bars. Maybe there were perks of going along with Eli's order, if it earned him a reward from time to time Finn pieced together a plan of bribery. A win-win agreement wasn't all that deviant of him, now was it? If they both got what they wanted. “And say I do go 'long with what you want. On occasion. What exactly you got in mind to repay me with to keep me...ah, 'interested' with the Lord? 'f I make you look like Christ himself to all these bastards who wanted me dead, as if you actually know what you're doin', don''t you think that earns me something too? Or are you interested in seein' 'my idea of fun'? It's only fair."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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Eli looked uncertainly around the room as Finn took his sweet time to answer. His little plea resounded in his head. Pathetic and a clear sign that Eli was already at his wit's end. He had already come to terms that Finn wouldn't accept the Lord or allow Eli to change him 'for the better'. But the determined yet naive priest still had that inkling of faith driving him forward. With enough persistence and good-will, Finn would surely understand the Lord's truth - just like younger Eli. So when Finn had struck up a deal with him, he reluctantly agreed.

Whatever Finn's version of fun was, Eli wasn't looking forward to it. He pursed his lips, eyebrows scrunching up in thought before making his decision. Well, whatever it was, it couldn't be that bad. Besides, Finn was smart enough not to do anything illegal for the time being. "Fine, what is it?" He huffed out with annoyance, trying not to show that he was desperate enough to do anything in exchange for good behavior.
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