Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
Liandrich felt funny, surrounded by all the water. As a child he had almost drowned. He was 5, just old enough to remember it. He fell in the pool back in the palace. He could only recall a few shots of it. How he kept looking more and more over the edge of the pool. How his hand slipped. How he looked up towards the surface above him, right before everything got dark. A shiver went through his spine. Since that incident, he never dared to enter deep waters. So obviously, he never learned how to swim. But he respected the ocean, instead of loathing it. He respecter her beauties, both fauna and flora, and he respected the dark danger and wildness of it. "You think we'd see mer-people?" The prince asked his first mate at the helm. "I doubt it, your Highness. The merpeople are a fickle bunch. They don't often break the surface." his first mate said. Liandrich merely nodded, as he began to rub the pommel of his sword.

It was such a simple piece of metal. Or so it looked. A crescent hand guard made from hard iron. The handle was wrapped with black leather, which Liandrich kept very well oiled. The pommel was nothing more than a bronze orb. Nothing special, but it did an excellent job at keeping the blade balanced.

But it was the blade that made it special. The metal leaf. For a matter of fact, it was pretty long for a sword. Most men referred to it as a bastard-sword. Though Liandrich, after much training, had no problem holding it with 1 hand. It was perfectly balanced and folded over and over. The prince himself had watched as the blade was being folded over, and over, and over. It was double edged and almost never lost its edge. But it was the old monk that had made it the very best among blades. He requested one drop of Liandrich's blood. For his ink. The proud boy of 13 would have given him half a pint. But a drop was enough. And so, the man had written several runes on it, but never revealed what they meant. The next day, that monk had vanished. The only proof of his existence were the runes, written on it with black ink that seemingly couldn't be erased.

With his blade at hand, Liandrich always felt confident. Nothing could take him down. Not even Mother Nature itself. And then he fell. The ship had suddenly rolled a little more to the right due to a hard wind. Liandrich -who was leaning over the edge- had lost balance again, and fell towards the waves.

With a loud splash he fell down in the water. In a desperate and frantic attempt to stay afloat he kept splashing and kicking, hoping he would keep his head above the waves. But to no avail. His heavy training gear began to absorb water. He got heavier and heavier. Slowly, ever so slowly he began to sink. He kept gasping for air. But eventually he got his mouth full water, and he vanished under the waves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Thalassa at first thought that loud splash was one of the dolphins. The splatter was loud, and when the dolphins suddenly scattered... She knew something large had entered the water. The thing the ocean had tried to warn of. Dreading to think it might be a shark, she glanced up, and bubbles escaped in a gasp of shock. A human. In the water. Never before had she seen one so close, even if it was quite a length above her. Clearly it was some sort of male... And among mermaid standards, a handsome male. Without a second of hesitation she hid beneath the coral. Out of view of the human. For a moment her mind reeled, where was Arios? Why wasn't he doing something... As she watched the male, she found he was sinking. Thrashing helplessly through the water... Could it not swim? Her heart thumped in her chest. She was horrified of these creatures, but could she stand idly by and watch it be consumed by the waters. It's struggles were desperate, tugging violently at her heart. Could she swim away, and allow him to die? If she did... Would she ever be happy with herself? Thalassa helped whatever animal needed it. Just like how she had helped Splatter with his injured fin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
Arios looked wide-eyed towards the human who was drowning. As if he saw a ghost. In a flash, he remembered a dream he had forgotten for nearly 15 years.

For a moment, everything was sunny and bright. With a calm ocean before him. On the waters sailed two dozen ships. Big and small, all seeming to go somewhere. But it was but for a moment. Soon the clouds began to converge. Fusing and melting and growing grayer. The winds began to blow harder, and the sea churned and whipped at the hulls. A few drops began to fall at first. While the winds were pushing the clouds into a disk. Twisting from a center that seemed to suck the sky itself in it. Thunder cracked through the air but the flash was behind clouds. Though it seemed to have broken the sky as a torrent of water poured down on the ships. The ships were going up and down but could not get forward. The waves crashed upon the wooden bodies as if they wanted to crack them. The water splashed over the bows of even the biggest ships, crashing water on the already soaked decks. And the wind kept howling and screeching, as the first lightning bolts pierced the heavens and crashed down around the fleet. As pillars of light and the God's Wrath. But in the middle of the fleet, the worst every sailor feared was happening. The waves began to circle around a point. The water in the middle was being sucked in, as if something at the bottom of the ocean was consuming it. The ships were one by one caught in the swirling current. And then it happened. Tentacles. Giant pillars of ugly flesh rising from the depth of the maelstrom. Whipping at the masts and ships. Cracking the ships and splintering decks. Grabbing men and throwing them in the twisting current.

And the final words he remembered from the dream: "I'm sorry...I love you."

Arios shook him away from his Deja-Vu. And as fast as he could he swam towards the sinking person. He didn't know who it was, but something in his head. Something in his guts told him this person was important. A Humacampus of the patrol arrived too, and with a few movements of her finger she enlarged a bubble and placed it around Liandrich's unconscious head. But there was another gut feeling. Though this person was the key to something. No normal mermaid or merman was allowed to know of his existence. He had to be hidden. Kept away. A memory flashed by, of the princess. He knew she had a hiding spot. One good enough that even he never found it. It would be perfect. But where was she? "Where are you, your Highness? Please come to me! This matter...it is too big! I require your help!" it were words that Arios never said once in his life. 'I require your help'. Arios never needed help. But now he cried out for it, hoping the princess would heed his call.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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The words of Arios beckoned her. Causing her to withdraw from hiding. From her perfect shelter, where she was safe from those prying eyes of any others. As she approached, she felt all the eyes lay on her. Some curious, wondering what she could do to help this situation. While some where unpleased, as if her very presence stank of a vile smell. Her shoulders pressed close to her, her hands closing onto one another. In a small and vain attempt to attack unphased by the many eyes staring into her very soul. This fear of many eyes upon her had always been with her. Since she was a young child. It had not grown any worse, or any better. The sharp glance of more than one person simply made her skin crawl, and heat up with embarrassment. She felt as though the water around her would turn to vapor from the heat that swelled beneath her chest. A swift second came when she glanced at the human. Unconscious among the waves, looking asleep. He was surprisingly peaceful looking, his soft lips slightly opened as he breathed. His skin slightly tanned from days in the sun. There was something about him, now that she could see his face clearly. That captivated him. That caught her interest,
And sparked her mind to life. She could not take her eyes off of him. He was simply to... Mesmerizing. She had never seen anything like this. Even the simplest of features among his body intrigued her. His tail, for example. Why was it in two pieces? Maybe that was what allowed them to walk correctly on land. Instead of slithering like a Naga. Finally her eyes drew back to Arios and a whisper escaped "What do you need?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
"Get him to safety. Somewhere with air. So he can survive." Arios said as he handed the still unconscious Liandrich to her. "And hide him. Hide him where you hide from the world." Arios said, after which he turned around and went the other way. Leaving Thalassa with the unconscious prince. Though his role was unknown. Arios felt a strange call of urgency. A calling. A summon. His patrol left him, swimming in yet another direction after the ship. But they had lost it. After the sailors had seen that their prince fell under the waves, they feared for the worst. Especially when they saw the shapes of merpeople around their sinking royal. Right now they were on a speedy course towards the nearest harbor. To spread the words: "The people of the ocean have our Prince."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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She held the helpless creature close to her as they swam off. Wishing to object. But by the time that the courage had finally came to her, to speak... They were already swimming off. Disappearing through the ocean, leaving her alone with the human. Glancing down at him, she knew it was only a matter of time before the bubble ran out of air. She had to return to Splatter as quickly as she could. Although figuring a position to hold him in was difficult, for he was nearly two times her size. The moment he was shifted properly into her arms, she zipped through the water. Bubbles exploding behind her in a trail of shimmering pearls. He was limp in her thin arms, his breath soft and steady. Against her own chest. The corals around her grew more and more familiar. As she recognized the coral kingdom that she had explored since she was a small child. The fish and sea creatures, who normally swarmed playfully around her, raced from her path. Scared by the strange alien that lay limp in her arms. Her hair shrouded her face as she came to a stop above the darkness of the ravine. It's blue strands if hair waved around her, painted with yellow at the tips, allowing her to stand out from the water. She glanced around, to make sure that no one was watching. Before dipping down into the darkness. Being careful to keep the jagged rocks away from the soft skin of the man. Merging into the darkness of the tunnel, the gleaming light from the small cave glowed through the water in shivering lines fading through the darkness. The air bubble popped in a wave of salty breeze as she broke the surface. Splatter's eyes gleamed at the familiar sight of her. But suddenly grew aggressive as he saw the male. "Shhhh," Thalassa whispered "It's okay Splatter, he needs help" she assured him softly. Slowly he slunk back into his sea grass bed. Whimpering in disagreement. He clearly didn't trust the two legged creature. Trying her best not to scrape the fragile skin of this creature, she hauled him up onto the small rock island. On the the other side away from Splatter. She laid the human down onto a small extra bed she had prepared earlier. Than slipped onto the rock, moving to Splatter. The seal nudged her shoulder gently. Nuzzling her with his whisker surrounded nose. He was worried, she could tell. The seal had grown protective over her. And if he were better, she would go no where without him. "I'm fine Splatter" she assured him, her voice quiet, as she gently rubbed his back. His blubber was rubbery to the touch, but dry and smooth. She curled up on the seaweed bed. Slowly starting to drift off as she curled close to Splatter. Her tail curling close to her as she drifted off to sleep.

"Mommy I's scared" she whimpered up to her mother, cuddling close to the comfort of her mothers chest. The water was dark as they sat in her bedroom. The little girls eyes caught on the window. Where she could see lighting whipping from above the surface. "It'll be okay Lass" her mother's voice was gently, quiet and soft. And her mother's fingers were caring as they pulled through the child's blue silk like hair. "God will protect us" she whispered, Slowly as she ripped her wide eyes away from the Storm ocean. And to the gentle gaze of her loving mother. "Wats Gwod look like?" She asked her mother, curiosity helping mask the fear from the Storm. Her mother smiled, and took a moment to think. Careful of what she said, as to not scare the girl. "God... Is the father of us all. He is the one who makes the waves move, and the wind howl. He is the one who created all of us, and put the fish in the ocean. He watched over us, and takes care of us." The mother assured her child "Tan why is he letting Iwts be scwary?" She asked innocently. "One of gods children has died Lass, he is only crying" her mother whispered, rocking her child gently, holding the small three year old to her chest. "Why has they dwied?" The curiosity of a child was a never ending pooling of excitement and magic. Always wishing to know more. "Sometimes age takes the lives of his children, and sometimes his child hurt one another" the child's pink eyes widened with shock. "B-But why's mommy?!" She asked, to a child, the idea of murder to a child was not even comprehendible. Her mother slowly shook her head. "Guilty, regret, revenge, and greed can make anyone not themselves."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
Liandrich was trashing in his short, unconscious sleep. Memories of him drowning, both now and when he was 5 flashed before his eyes over and over again. His mind believed this lungs filled up with water again and again. Like a never ending torture. Eventually the embrace of sleep released him. His eyes opened up wide, but he only saw bare rock above him. His clothes were still wet from the water. Someone must have saved him. Slowly he sat up right, and he praised the Gods that he still had his sword. It was then that he also heard something sleeping.

He looked to his side and saw Thalassa, curled up. For a second, he reveled in her beauty. With her exotic hair and bright pink tail. With hair like the dawn. He had seen so many girls. But none looked as beautiful as this mermaid. But then it struck Liandrich. She was a mermaid! An enemy! Beautiful or not, he was a human prince. He had the duty to fight the enemies of mankind.

Slowly he pulled his sword free from the scabbard. Hoping he didn't wake the girl up. He approached her, with his blade pointed at her. Though he had no idea what he should do. Wake her? Slay her immediately? Wait until she wakes? She did save him. Or didn't she? It was difficult to know. A quick glance around the cave showed that it was probably underwater. Eventually he crouched next to her. He tugged a little on her bare shoulder, but kept the blade as close as possible to her face. If she would open her eyes, the very first thing she'd see is the silvery steel blade pointing straight at her. With a half-confused Liandrich next to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

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@Legion02The nudge was what had chased away the dreams of her dead mother. Bringing her back from the hazy of sleep, to the reality which was before her. She expected to see Splatter's playful round face. Instead the frightening sight of gleaming silver met her pink eyes. Fear, sharp fear, sparked through her. Shinning from her pink eyes. Widening the eyes that were elegantly embellished with long, dark, lashes. She could not move, her body refused. The fear of the weapon in front of her eyes froze her. Thalassa felt like her stomach was filled with stones. Causing her to sink beneath the bitter waves of fear. Disappearing into the darkness. Her eyes slowly traveled up the blade. The light from the cave's glowing plant life shimmering off the steel. Her eyes Coming to meet the human she had saved. Father was right, humans were dangerous. They would only kill you if given the chance. That's what he had told her. She had always wished to give humans the benefit of the doubt.... But now she was going to die.

Slowly, in what she though would be her last moments. She studied the males handsome face. Noting each small detail. The human looked confused,
Shaken beneath a mask that tried to deceive her. For some reason, as she looked into his eyes. She was calmed. Never before had she unfrozen in such a manner. It was shocking it her. That she was able to speak. "Please don't hurt me" the words were not a command. But a quiet plead instead. Being a princess, she had never before had to ask for her life. The guards had always been there to protect her.

She had always been a bit 'flinchy' when it came to strangers. Those she did not know, where hard for her to trust at all. And more than often, she felt as though she was in harms way. She had to remind herself that her father would not let her come to harm. However, she was on her own now, with Splatter sleeping besides her. If she spoked to loudly, she would wake the seal... And if he saw this human threatening her. She could not hold him back. But she also knew, that he would stand no choice against a blade. The playful seal had no natural weapons of his own. He was not a killer in nature. He wouldn't be able to fight. If he was killed, she would be heart broken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
In silence Liandrich studied her. As a fighter, he immediatly noticed the fear in her eyes. And as a fighter, he also noticed that she was unarmed. That fact, together with not attempting to disarm him right when she woke up made him guess that she wasn't much of a fighter. She certainly wasn't muscular. He could see her ribs a little. From there he looked further towards her blue and yellow hair, getting distracted for a second but breaking free from it quickly.

He sat himself down, crosslegged, with his sword resting on his knees, though he still held it with his right hand, ready to strike. He wouldn't drop his guard yet. She might not be dangerous, but someone else around might. "Where am I?" he asked in a cold voice, devoided of any emotion. Be it fear or happiness. Though behind his mask of reasoning he was secretly relieved he still lived. Drowning was such a horrible dead. Just like Arios, Liandrich had the kind of self-assured, piercing gaze. Though it wasn't exactly the same. With Arios, it felt as if he knew everything. As if he could stare straight through you. Liandrich did not have this. He had the kind of sight that didn't make you uncomfortable. Instead it demanded a form of respect, but also trust.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

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@Legion02"This is my secret hiding place" she whispered softly, letting a relieved breath escape her when the blade was taken out of her place. She slowly glanced over her shoulder, to where Splatter was curled up asleep. "Do not wake him" she pleaded softly, turning her kind eyes back to the sharp gaze of the Prince. She did not know who he was. But through his gaze she knew he was important. Someone to be respected. Someone to listen to. He would probably demand to leave. She, having never disobeyed an order in her life, would listen. Only, he would have to hold his breath for quite some time. She did not have the ability to create an air bubble like a Humacampus could. Her tail curled close to her, feeling dry and leathery from having been out of the water so long. Her skin felt odd as well, cracking and old nearly. She wished to dive into the water. To satisfy the Itching dryness consuming her. It was clear being so dry was bugging her. Even to the eyes of a simple human.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
His eyes went from the sleeping seal back to her. He could almost see her skin drying out. He quickly deduced she needed water. Her kind lived in it for their entire life. It was pretty obvious they would need it to keep moisturized. Though, if he allowed her into the water, she might attempt to escape, leaving him there. He had to find a plan.

And he quickly found one. He eyed the seal one more time. She had curled up around him. Obviously she cared for the creature. With a small smile he stood up and walked towards the water. He sat at the edge and whispered: "Get into the water. You're drying out." Though he looked carefully so the seal wouldn't wake up. He also kept this swords on his lap. "But if you try to swim away, your little friend dies." he told her while looking at the seal. "Who are you?" he then added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

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@Legion02Thalassa felt relief over come her when he allowed her to enter the water. She had no intention of swimming away. So this was not an issue. she didn't want Splatter to be hurt. He was to sweet to have his life cut short. She didn't want his death hanging over her head. If she had saved him, only to later cause his death, what kind of creature would she be? She wanted to be like her mother. Calm, kind, and caring.

The water was refreshing and warm against her dry skin. Soaking into her hair and skin. Her tail feeling slick and comfortable again. For a moment she dipped her head underneath the waves, to soak her long locks of blue and yellow hair. Pulling back out of the surface of the crystal clear water, she glanced up at the male. Watching him with her cautious pink eyes. "I'm Thalassa" she said softly, glancing away from the male. To the seal who purred in his sleep.

(As I said I'm not feeling well so sorry it's horrible X3 I just a bit bored laying in bed so this is the best I got)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago


Liandrich examined how she entered the water. How life seemingly returned to her skin and hair. She became a little more 'shining' after she resurfaced from the water. Though it didn't make any sense to him. At that point, Liandrich realized he lost himself again for a second. She shook himself awake and forced him to focus.

When she told him his name, he concidered for a second to tell his. But no, she didn't know his name, title or what he really was. That made him realize that she could be lying too. He had to check. He needed to have the upper hand everywhere he could. Because his situation sure did seem dire. Almost as a prisoner of some mermaid."Talassa " he began saying, making a small change in the pronunciation of her name. He wasn't sure if it would work. Though if he corrected her, there was one more reason to believe that it was her name. "Talassa who?" he then added, hoping to get some more information. Maybe a job she does. Or what her parents do. He just sincerely hoped she wouldn't just give him a surname, as that would be useless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

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@Legion02Thalassa felt as though if she told him she was a princess, that he would laugh. She was scrawny on the mermaid side of things. And bony wasn't very beautiful. She often wished she was more pretty. So that at least she had one trait her father would be proud of. Luckily she found the more she adsorbed herself in helping animals, the less she worried about the petty feelings that swarmed her about her looks. As she gazed back into his eyes. There was that sharpness that seemed close to Arios's in his eyes. Not the look that demanded Trust me. Instead, his eyes did not send chills down her back. It did not make her skin crawl. The aura his eyes gave off was more comforting than that. However still firm. Respect Me it demanded simply. She could not lie to him. Even if he did not believe her. It wouldn't be right to lie. "I'm the Daughter of King (insert name because we don't have a king, yet)" her voice held no pride, she was not bragging. She was only telling him what she was. Who she was. She did not have her own identity that anyone would recognize her by. She was known because of her father. Even after his passing. She would always be the kings daughter, or the new kings wife. Never could she be Thalassa. A mermaid more in love with animals than her own species. Thalassa wished she could swim away from her duties as a princess, and live among the animals
Of the sea. Taking care of them, with no expectations. With no proper manners, or judging scowls. She could swim free for hours each day with dolphins and seals. She could lay on the backs of whales, and help repair the homes of fish. Most mermaids would do anything to become a princess. While Thalassa would do anything to not be one. Others thought she was crazy. But she was simply wanting what her heart wanted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
Royalty! Liandrich thought amazed. Not for a single moment he'd imagine she was merpeople royalty. She looked to frail. Too skinny. Too not-princess-y. As if she did everything not to appear as one. Quite contrary to the playful 'ladies' of the court back home. Who'd do everything to look, act and talk like a princess. Just to conquer his heart. During some balls he'd leave early, just so he could go up the balcony overlooking the hall and look down on them. Up there he'd wonder how long I’d take until they realized that dressing like a princess wouldn't do it for him. He knew others wouldn't believe Thalassa. If you don't look the role, you don't play the role. And when you don't play the role, you get used as a puppet by those who can. But there was something odd about her. "You don't look like a princess." he bluntly told her. "And a princess surely doesn't dwell in caves like these, with a seal and an unchained prisoner. So what do you do really?" He was sharp as always. Sharp as he always had to be. The edge of his sword always reminded him on that fact. He didn't ask the questions because he didn't believe her, he asked them because he still needed more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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@Legion02No shock or surprise came from when he told her that he did not believe her. Who really could? Unless they saw her father, and understood completely, that there was no way she couldn't be his offspring. Thalassa carefully cleared her throat, her pink eyes glancing at the seal who twitched in his sleep. Dreaming of chasing fish in warm waters, and playfully messing with bird. "I slip away quite a lot... helping animals is what makes me happy" She told him as truthfully as she could sound. Wishing he would believe her. She was telling the truth. Even though she did not look at all like a princess, maybe there was some way he could see that. Certainly, there was no way she could prove it to him. Bringing him to the palace to meet her father was defiantly not an option. Human's breathed air, and without her knowing a air bubble spell of any sort. There would be no way for him to travel to the undersea kingdom. Not to mention the dangers he would face upon coming anywhere close to the city. Let alone the royal palace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


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@Silen Syanka
Liandrich sheeted his sword. He would have no use for it now. In fact, he was convinced that this girl wouldn't and couldn't hurt a fly. The prince could see the irony in that. Him, a bred warrior and heir of the great Varren dynasty, encountering a mermaid girl who was the exact opposite of him. Kind, caring and gentle. For a second what might pass for a smile appeared on his face, breaking his icy mask for a second. But he composed himself quickly and looked at her with his serious face again. "And helping people? Doesn't that make you happy?" He asked. It was something he'd promise himself when he'd take over from his father. A good king should help his people. Though he was never told exactly how. So he just assumed that fighting for his people might be the easiest option. Though not necessarily the right one.

Thalassa's talking about helping animals made him remember that he too cared for different species. He remembered when he was young, when he played with the hunting hounds. They were big animals. At first he was frightened of them. But soon he learned that they were just giant loving balls of fur and licks. He had almost forgotten how much he loved them. But then again, love became a useless emotion back then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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@Legion02Thalassa thought carefully as she considered her answer. Her mind flashed to times when she was younger. Her mother had always let her come with her, on her trips through the kingdom. To deliver food to any Who needed it. And to visit the ill. Despite her fear of crowds, and spotlight, Thalassa had enjoyed the many hours doing services for others. She could always hid beneath the beautiful frame of her mother from prying eyes, but still was enabled the buzzing joy of helping those who needed it. "People... I like helping them to.... But animals... They appreciate you more, they understand you, and thank you in their own special way." she explained to him. Slowly she slipped through the water back towards the little island. She was careful not to alert this human. She had the feeling he was not the type to be letting his guard down any time soon. The rock felt cold against her fingers as she lifted herself up from the water, wishing to sit next to her chubby friend. Her tail gently hung in the water, as she sat next to Splatter. Her hair began to wave around her shoulders in small locks. Dripping with the fresh water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Silen Syanka
Liandrich could feel it. She was right. Yet so wrong. But he could understand why she was wrong. She was right that animals thank you in their own special way. But they thank you in an animal way. Animals lick you, waggle their tails and play with you. But only humans can express pure respect and adoration. To be seen as the greatest among them, that was the gift only humans can give. All be it a gift difficult to obtain. In Liandrich's eyes, it was well worth it. Remembering the cheers and shouts when he won his first tournament. The crowd loved him. And he loved that feeling.

"If you like helping people. Why have you imprisoned me then?" he finally asked. As blunt as he always was. Though he did need an answer. And being blunt seemingly helps getting the right answers. For now. Though in the back of his mind he began to realize how paradoxal his situation was. The girl swimming here was so naïve. So innocent. She could not possibly have made up the idea to get him in this stony prison alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silen Syanka
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Silen Syanka The Daydreamer

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@Legion02"You fell, and Arios gave you to me to get somewhere you'd be safe." She explained quietly, her fingers gently knitting together a bit nervously. Why had she really brought him here? It was to save him, from anyone that might want to hurt him. Any soldier from the palace would have gladly impaled him with some sort of coral weapon. But why hadn't Arios or his people? Only now was she starting to think of these things. She needed to help him get home, so he could return to his family. But unless he held his breath for a full minute and a half, that was not possible. She was also unaware of the patrols of guards starting to double through the corals. There would be no way for him to leave. Thalassa didn't realize, but this was apart of Arios's elaborate plan.

She gently rubbed her shoulder with her thin bony fingers. Watching him with her innocent pink eyes. She had only wished to help him by listening to Arios. She had never wishes to upset anyone. Only help. Thalassa was in no way a trouble maker. Her heart was to pure for any sort of darkness. Never had she done anything wrong, at least intentionally. Most would refer to her as some sort of sea creature. Innocent like that of an animal. To kind and sweet to do wrong, but easily swayed into doing anything she was asked off.
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