Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have added a bit to Jaarm's personality, hope it's okay now.

You're good to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ImpLaughs
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ImpLaughs The Kitchen Sink

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@Moonlit Sonata OH! Alright, I guess loyalty vs "little bastard" is hard to outright say which one wins. Loyalty is practically his fatal flaw but that loyalty is to the goblin survival. If he's in a situation where either he lives or everyone dies, he'll gladly run to preserve the Goblin race. But honestly, it depends on the situation at hand. He could be a complex character in certain circumstances.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alrighty, that's fine. A lot of this is supposed to be development done in-RP as the characters grow, so you don't have to codify things to that extent in the CS. You were already approved, so I won't say "approved" again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ooh, I gotcha. Sorry, I guess I misunderstood the whole newborn thing. I was assuming they've actually lived a little bit of life beforehand, not just straight up newborns at the beginning of the RP. Which explains the bandages, burns, and pain tolerance thing seeming a little strange. The burns and pain tolerance were supposed to be from his powers acting up, I didn't mean for them to be tied to his past life. I'll have them develop through the RP then, as fitting.

As for rolling the d100, that's actually a pretty fun idea. Hell, go ahead and roll it occasionally even when he doesn't use his powers. I mean, I imagined it happening any time. He can put them out, but it takes long enough to allow it to be a nuisance or comic effect.

For his personality... I'd imagine naturally he'd have been a pretty calm, quiet person. Not being too fazed by a lot of things, probably a healthy amount of self-esteem, actually willing to participate in activities, the kind of "I'll only speak when I've got something to say" type, y'know. But, having that constant fear of spontaneous combustion just makes him (justifiably) really anxious and jittery. He firmly believes that it'll screw him over or outright kill him (not to mention it just being painful), and given that it can be triggered (for example, if he's more on-edge than usual, and something spooks him, he could light up), he doesn't like to do things. He doesn't want to hurt people (self-defense aside), or set fire to buildings, and he knows very well that he poses that danger. I guess to sum it up, he'd think "I could seriously hurt people, so I'd rather sit here and not take the chance."

So since he's a newborn, I suppose he would start out as that calm person. Then he'd start to get really skittish after igniting a few times, but after some development of his power then the original personality would start shining through again.

I'll revise the sheet with all of this, of course. Is there any more to change?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

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That's all fine, looks good to me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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Yay that's means I'm in...I think?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

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Yay that's means I'm in...I think?

Yes you are~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Can't wait til we start I'm getting excited :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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<Snipped quote by caliban22>

Yes you are~

Thank you =)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Aestus posses shockingly darker skin than most others of his kind, a feature which he has always felt alienated for. This is made worse when his starlight-silver colored hair insists on drawing further attention by contrast, and his flawlessly pearl nails always appear as though they have meticulously cared for.

On the other hand, he can draw some comfort from his more "average" deeply brown eyes and his usual gangly limbs and extremities- a known penchant of goblinkind.

Aestus is a bit of a strange one. Other than his aforementioned odd looks, he has never truly understood the art of "feeling"- he is romantically and emotionally hollow. That is not to say that he does not comprehend sentiment at all, simply that it remains an elusive and hard-to-experience concept for him. Rather than feeling joy or happiness, he may just know a vague pleasure in it's place. So it's always been.

But this emotionless goblin is not psychopathic in his lacking. He will rarely form friendships or seek mates of any sort, but on those rare times he finds himself in a group, he is borderline selfless- seeming to prefer instead to work as a team and benefit the greater whole. He applies this standard of self-sacrifice and mutual gain both to himself and the others he may have the fortune (or misfortune) of working with. He gladly tells all who listen that a man must die for others, if the need arises in the slightest.

But his tribe will likely put up with all this inexplicable strangeness for the seemingly mystical skills of his, which are only apparent when the moon rises in the sky. He serves well as a night-time scout, guard, hunter, or even warrior. None who have been asked can explain where or how this comes about, and the goblin in question doesn't even try. Aestus rarely ponders or considers the origin of his dark skill, he's just aware it is there.

Past Life History:
He was a simple man with a simple name; Ted. Ted the caver, to be exact.
Delving and diving into dark, damp caves or canyons was the only sport that ever caught the attention of this semi-recluse. In his past life, he had a small group of friends and a wife, but no children nor desire for children to speak of.

He died at the age of forty-four, on his birthday. He was climbing his way through an unusually dark unexplored cave only a simple mile and a half from his home, when he fell. Ironically, the internal cliff he slipped from was not tall- only a few feet off the ground- be the way he slipped was brutal. He discovered the rock he tried to grasp was soaking wet too late, and landed directly on his neck, snapping it. He did not suffer long, at the least.

He is at home in the darkness: able to move, think, see, and react faster and better than he is in the dreaded daylight. This is not to a degree of supernatural ability, but it can undeniably prove useful.

Dark places are his ally.

Oh, please. Yamato Jesus wishes he was ME!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

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Oh, please. Yamato Jesus wishes he was ME!

Objectively false.

Approved regardless.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by I Own Cows
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I Own Cows The Farmer

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Name: Shonuk

Gender: Male

Appearance: You're a green-skinned, four foot tall, ugly piece of work. Aside from a circular birth mark on his right cheek, he has no discernible features.

Personality: Shonuk is a rather blunt goblin. If he doesn't like something, he says it. If he does like something, he says it. Coupled with his bluntness, Shonuk is also quite impulsive. He doesn't think about things, he just acts. He enjoys spending time outdoors with the wildlife; whether it be hunting, or even just observing the creatures. It's all fun for him. And since he loves being outdoors, Shonuk is also always up for an adventure. He's not a great companion though, as his responses are often short and lacking conversational depth.

Past Life History: He grew up as a pretty average person. Graduated high school, went to college for a little bit, and then a got job. Animals were apart of his life day in and day out, Shonuk was a veterinarian.

Skill: Animal empathy. While he hasn't quite developed the ability to directly communicate with the wildlife yet, he can empathize with their feelings; their wants and needs. Creatures also tend to be more relaxed around him, less likely to attack or run away.

Other: Let me know if it needs tweaking, I've never been to good at the whole character sheet thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Me also. I hope it begins soon.

By the way, the "Zeus" in your signature is misspelled. You swapped the 'u' and 'e'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

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@I Own Cows
Approved. Two down, two to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Thanks but I wasn't the one who made it, I have no knowledge to make a chibi it took me an hour just to get that up the way is now
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Thanks but I wasn't the one who made it, I have no knowledge to make a chibi it took me an hour just to get that up the way is now

xD Very well, your decision.
I don't know how to make a chibi either, I just noticed the swapped e/u in Zeus

But don't worry about it, my character will just lure you into a dark, secluded room and "convince" you to change it for me
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Moonlit Sonata
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Moonlit Sonata Omnipotently Yan

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Thanks but I wasn't the one who made it, I have no knowledge to make a chibi it took me an hour just to get that up the way is now

He's referring to the text in your sig. It says "Zues armor". It should be "Zeus armor".

Also I just noticed we have no cute Goblin girls. Good luck out there, boys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

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<Snipped quote by Jangel13>

He's referring to the text in your sig. It says "Zues armor". It should be "Zeus armor".

Also I just noticed we have no cute Goblin girls. Good luck out there, boys.

Such is life in RPs on RPG.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by I Own Cows
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I Own Cows The Farmer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I gotta leave for work soon, so I might miss the opening of the IC. Try not to have too much fun without me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Jangel13>

He's referring to the text in your sig. It says "Zues armor". It should be "Zeus armor".

Also I just noticed we have no cute Goblin girls. Good luck out there, boys.

I often RP as a female, but in this case I thought my character would be more fitting as a dude.

If it really matters, I'll gladly give Aestus a sudden gender-bender
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