Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Danica turned quickly and raised her gun, perking a brow slightly at the sight of the man in front of her. Taking a step but staying slightly back of Armend. Sean, instinctively screamed once again like a little girl and dropped his tripod as his hands shot up in the air. "Don't shoot!" He screamed in a thick Irish accent. Danica just shook her head as she lowered her weapon when the man spoke, holding up a single finger as she took a step back and spin hook kicked Sean to the jaw sending him flying to the ground.

"One more fucking scream from ya and I'm going to hog tie y'alls ass to that tree and leave ya for the critters!" she snapped in a thick southern drawl before turning back around and looking at the newest arrival. "Yeah, American, lower that damned thing Soldier," she said before nudging Armend. "It's okay, G.I.Joe," she said motioning over towards Otis.

"No clue how to get to the base, could give you directions to Fort Benning though," she said as she pointed both east and west. "Might be a trek though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Otis was taken a little aback by the man's thick accent. Of course that wasn't really the annoying part. The annoying part was when he asked him to drop his gun.

"Uh, how about NO Scott." He said, as his face turned into a scowl and he raised his shotgun at the man. "How about you fuck yourself, yes?" The man had stepped on some bad territory with Otis and he wasn't about to take shit from him. Though it wouldn't really look good to the rest of the group, but he doubted they even knew each other that well.

He had told men with loaded guns to shove it up theirs many times before. Now was no exception. "I don't know your intentions, because you raised a fucking weapon at me and started grinning! Now who's gotten ulterior motives here, fuckface?! Drop YOUR FUCKING WEAPON. YOU RAISED IT FIRST."

The situation was slightly calmed by the interference from the female. Otis didn't lower his weapon, but decided a little friendly banter was alright. "Yeah, that's a little out of the question. Not to mention I'd rather never go there ever again." Going back would only mean becoming a training cadre of some kind, and Otis wasn't really thrilled by the idea of being a drill sergeant.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Danica shrugged slightly as she stepped between the two soldiers and looked at each one of them in turn. "Alright boys, let's play nice. We got bigger problems than pointing weapons at each other," she said quickly as she stood there. Sean deciding to pipe in right then.

"Damn it Lass, I won't have any teeth left at this rate by the end of the day!" he snapped before spitting another tooth out onto the ground. Danica just rolled her eyes slightly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well if you'd stop screaming like some teeny bopper seeing Justin Beiber I'd stop hitting you," she said in a snarky voice as she turned to look at Armend. "I am going to end up tripping him the first hoard we come across."

"You startled us was all, ain't exactly your typical walk in the park we're taking right now ya know," she said looking back over at Otis.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

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Armend shot a glance at Danica and lowered his rifle on her advice. He bit the inside of his cheek until he tasted a slight metallic flush on his tongue, swallowing everything he wanted to say. With a hot sigh he forced a smile, “my apologies. Ve are very jumpy, yes? Not an easy time for anyone.”

He jutted a chin at Sean, “especially prinzess over zere.” He tried to take a less aggressive stance, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of distrust he felt towards the stranger. With the weapon lowered, he kept it’s nozzle vaguely pointing at the man’s knee and a finger ready to squeeze should he turn violent, a Serbian trick he had seen his own comrades fall for during bum parleys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Path
Zomura turned around and shook his head. "You can all stand there and have a nice chat and all, but we aint got the time for it right now. Seeing as Sean just gave away our position to any zombies close by." He then turned back around and began walking again. He rolled his eyes at the whole situation. If it isn't one distraction it's another. "I swear the next time that man screams I am putting a bullet in his head." He added. He then sighed, just a little bit longer and we will be safe. He tilted his head over to Yumiko. " You alright back there?"

Yumiko nodded in his question. "Yes I am actually, I got medicine in the bag that can take care of my ankle when we get there. How much supplies do you think the compound will have?" She asked and he shrugged. "Hopefully enough,... we might have to use vehicles to get into town to get more." He answered. She nodded resting her chin on his shoulder. She had to sigh and look about as they began to make a turn around the path and right in front of the were a big large gate attached to a Japanese styled wall. There were two men in white suits standing at the entrance and in their hands were Ak-47s. The saw Zomura and lowered their guns and started to speak Japanese.

"What is going on Zomura? We could here the gun shots of the city from here?" They asked and Zomura shrugged and answered with. "The Walking Dead happened,... thats what" He answered and they looked to each other and then back to him. "Your kidding right?" The answered in return and he shook his head.

"Uncle Tzu should be arriving here soon, so let us in. He will explain everything. " The two looked behind him towards the people who where with him and then back to him nodding. Once turned around and pressed down on a button. The gate on the right opened inwards and Zomura walked in. The path took them over a marble bridge that had a pond underneath it with lily pads and flowers. The compound on the inside were litterd with cherry blossom trees and resembled a estate much similer to those in the japanese films. Multiple buildings were erected. One where quarters for the other Yakuza members you saw moving around and patroling with a few servants walking around as well. One other building housed the location where everyone would eat as well as the large building in the center which held a dojo and the last three buildings. The building behind the dojo and to the left was the armory where all the guns and weapons the Yakuza had at their disposal, from Ak's to Submachine guns and shotguns. They even had a few swords in there, much like the one Michonne used in the Walking Dead. The other building was where Tzu's quarters where. The third was more of a refirmery where their wounded would go rather then a hospital. It had a on sight doctor and nurse living there. Zomura headed for it fight before leaving his friends with a... "Make yourselves at home,... when Tzu returns we will start finding long term plans. Hopefully some eyepatched asshole with a tank doesn't come around and blow shit up." He said.

Afterwards he turned back around and headed for the refirmery. Once he got there he opened the sliding door and stepped in and placed her down. He then turned around and began to remover her boot while she took out the medicine. He held out his hand for her to give it to him and she did so. He then began to apply that medicine to it and already her ankle began to sooth from its cold touch. Of course it helped that he sort of massaged the ankle to causing her to get a little red and she had to hold back the pleasure she felt from it. However, like most good things it came to a end as he wrapped some bandages around. She saw Toji was standing there a bit jealous and she just snorted at him. She did not know why she even liked him from the start. Toji always seemed like a bad ass around her but it was all a act apparently from when he just freaked out. She then looked to Zomura and smiled. Now as for Z, he doesn't just act tough he is tough.

The Limo

Tzu watched as the manager had a tantrum and frowned. "Listen pal,... you don't have to except the fact that I don't like you, you get on my nerves like you are now and I will throw you to the wolves..." He said and then he looked to Kazumi and patted her on the knee. "Don't worry, I will take good care of you, much better then this asshole. You don't have to listen to him ever again...." He then smirked and sat back. "Perhaps maybe when this zombie thing dies out I can be your new manager, backing from my contacts would give you everything you wanted. Such as the clothes YOU want to perform in or do a photoshoot. You got to remember your fans like you for you not for the damn clothes this asshole makes you wear." He then knocked on the glass of the window seperating them from the driver and the limo stopped.

He then unlocked the door that the manager sat at. "In fact, miss Kazumi, I will let you decide your managers fate right here, don't worry the zombies wont get in even if we sit here for awhile, the glass is bullet proof." He said.

He looked at the manager to see the look on the mans face as he said that. He wanted to see just what kind of gal Kazumi was. He even aimed his 9mm at the manager.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Danica nodded towards Armend and then looked over towards Otis. “Well I’m Danica, follow us if you want to live type thing,” she said before turning back to Armend and placing her hand on his shoulder. “Come on, the inquisition is over for now,” she said with a smile before she walked over to Sean and took his hand, pulling him to his feet. “You have got to toughen up or I won’t be the only one laying into you,” she remarked before picking up his tripod and shoving it into his chest.

Sean grumbled under his breath and Danica snapped around to look at him. “What was that?” she asked as she rose a brow.

“Nothing,” he answered and went back to mumbling. Danica just shook her head and followed Zomura to the compound; looking up at the walls and the gate. “Wonder if the gate is strong enough to hold out a horde or if it would be better to reinforce it somehow,” she muttered to herself before walking through the gate with Sean in tow; letting out a low whistle as she looked around. “Got yourselves your own little paradise here, nice,” she said as she continued to follow.

Nodding towards Zomura as he said to make themselves at home; she found a place to sit down and took off her shoes, shaking out some gravel that had worked their way into them. Sighing she looked over to the group. Compounds were great, but they always seemed to be either over run by someone else later on or by Zombies that popped up within as people died from anything from illness to a trip down the stairs. At least that was how it worked in the movies and the shows.

Leaning back Danica looked up for a bit, she had a lot of nervous energy running through her from the jump earlier in the day and everything else that had happened. Right now she wanted to find a rock face and just climb but she knew it wasn’t an option. Sliding her shoes back on she looked around again, seeing Sean pacing and decided to just leave him alone for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

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Armend almost laughed, “the inquision, vhat a show, oy oy.”

Before long the group had made it’s way to a guarded gate. Armend was hoping for more of a large stone wall type deal, so immediately his mind started to think of fall back plans should the zombies figure out how to get around it.

His eyebrows perked when the thought of a resupply entered his mind. Doubling up on equipment was definitely a good start to any apocalypse. The only problem was he had an ingrained distrust for people he didn’t quite understand, as bad as that may sound, he couldn’t shake it and he wasn’t about to stroll around an armed base alone with such distrust. He looked at the tired looking group he had arrived with and decided to opt for the one he felt enough trust towards to lend her his gun.

He reached out, blinking away a sudden forest breeze that rolled in from the tree tops, honeying his nostrils with a sweet aroma. Two gloved fingers touched her shoulder and he all but whispered, as if his idea was against some hidden rule.

“Vant to make your thirty bullets to sixty?” He nodded towards a rather armory looking building of grey stone that contrasted against the soft pink blossoms of the cherry trees. He continued, “I vouldn’t mind a better hand to hand veapon myzelf, just in case, yes.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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Otis sighed, and nodded after seeing that the man in front of him finally lowered his weapon. "Alright, that's better." He shrugged. The southern female spoke to him one last time, before they headed out. "Otis Yates and I'll take you up on that offer. I do like living." He said, looking down and taking a gulp of his salive. The only thing that made him nervous right now was the fact that he couldn't get back to the Tokyo Garrison. It looked like he would be stuck in Japan for all of this zombie business.

He had not realized this little spat he had on the road was more and that this whole country was falling apart. It wouldn't be particularly exciting to live like this. Perhaps they could stop it before it hit the rest of the world. In the mean time, Otis needed to get back to his battalion. Seeming as there was thousands of hungry lunatics between him and the Tokyo Garrison, that was a little impossible.

When they arrived at the compound Otis let his weapon hang by one hand, strolling through the gate. He noted the men in suits wielding AKs. "Yakuza. Ahhhhh." He said. He continued to walk behind the group, until they were told of an armory. Otis's interest was aroused by this prospect and he bee-lined towards the building they had noted as an armory. "YUUUUUUS." He stepped up to the building and noted that there wasn't the army organization that he was so used to. With that, he stepped inside and looked around.

A grin appeared on his face. It was Christmas for the infantryman. A ton of weapons, all new and not abused. They all seemed to have good finish on them, probably hadn't been used by a thousand different people, and hadn't had the oblivion cleaned out of them. Otis looked through until he came to the most familiar weapon; an M249. "HAHA, FUCK NO." He diverted his attention to the weapon that would have the most ammo in Japan.

It was the Howa Type 89. He had looked up the equipment of the JGSDF long before he had come before. The Howa was the standard issue rifle for their military and probably the most ammo around the country, if any, was the 5.56. Of course that was for rifles. There ought to be a good amount of shotguns throughout the country, so he could count on finding ammo for that.

With that he took the Type 89, and started collecting magazines. They had the regular STANAG mags, so he was at least familiar with that. Otherwise, it might be something to get used to. Otis started loading all of the mags he had gathered. Next thing on the agenda was to find some kind of a magazine holder, something like a magazine bandoleer, or a field combat load carrier. He would look like some kind of partisan resistance fighter if he was wearing that.

"Alright, everyone go ahead and go full auto if you wanna DIE!" He said loudly, to anyone who was present with him in the armory.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danica sat up and unzipped her hoodie, shrugging it off her shoulders before laying it over her lap and taking a moment to enjoy the air. Feeling a touch to her shoulder she glanced over to see Armend there and tilted her head at his words before glancing over towards the armory building before looking back over to him. “That sounds like a good idea, the Swartz is strong with you,” she said with a laugh before standing up and tying the hoodie around her waist and retrieving the gun he had given her. “I need something I can put this in other than my pack anyways. A holster or something would be a lot better than a jacket pocket,” she said as she picked up her pack and slung it over her shoulder.

Turning she made her way towards the armory before glancing over towards Sean. “You may want to trade out that tripod for something a bit more durable,” she said before continuing on her way. Sean looked over to her and nodded as he began to follow suit.

“Looks like you won’t be able to add to your ink work for a while,” Sean quipped as he walked up next to her and touched her back; narrowing her eyes slightly as she reached back and grabbed his hand twisting it around and pushing him away. “Bloody hell woman!”

“I have told you for six years, your mits don’t touch me Irish,” she snapped before looking over to Armend and pointing to Sean. “Darth Helmet,” she said with a smirk before patting him on the shoulder. “And your Lonestar,” she said chuckling slightly and pushing her way into the armory and glancing around. Stopping in her tracks as she heard Otis and perking a brow. “Wow, we got Scarface in here. Should we say hello to your little friend?” she said as she laughed before walking further into the armory and taking a look around.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

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Armend laughed as he snagged a cylinder flashbang to replace the one he had tossed at the warehouse, sliding it next to two others and three fragmentation grenades. He shook his head and smiled, opening a box of ammunition and turned to face Danica, “Does zat make you prinzess Vespa?” He joked.

After stuffing and replacing his spare clips with 5.56 he slide them back onto his suit and walked by Danica to check out a few of the more historic weapons the Yakuza had hanging from the walls. He gripped the handle of one of the hanging japanese swords and lifted it from it’s place, “I zee your Zwartz is as big as mine!” He joked as he weighed it in his palm. The blade flashed in the air, catching what light there was to offer. It seemed extremely sharp and the make well balanced, he figured it would do well as a last resort weapon. With an approving look on his face he started looking around for a way to carry it on himself.

His fingers brushed by a leather holster fit for a pistol and he tossed it back towards Danica while he continued his search, “for the gun.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

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Danica looked over to Armend and laughed lightly. "Funny, I don't look druish," she said in a gentle voice as she began to comb through what was available in the armory; raising a hand and catching the holster that he tossed her. Placing it around her waist and letting it ride above her hip before sliding the gun securely on place she smirked. "Just like Blazing Saddles?" she asked as she pretended to draw, making a gun out of her hand, pointing two fingers towards Sean. "Reach for the sky!"

Sean became startled and jumped pulling the trigger of a a gun he was holding and shooting himself in the foot. Danicas hands came to her mouth swiftly as she gasped. Sean dropped the gun on the table and started jumping around on one foot before falling to the ground. "Mother of Mary, Jesus Christ, hail Mary, fucking Christ on a cracker!" He screamed.

Danica stood there frozen in shock for a moment before she began to chuckle, keeping her hands to her mouth; the chuckle slowly turned into outright laughing mirth as she fell to her knees, one hand on a table and the other holding her side as she continued to laugh uncontrollably, tears streaming down her cheeks as she gasped for air and her face turned blood red.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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"Scarface? That can be my new nickname." Otis said, as he ran through a functions check of the weapon. It was simple for the most part. He just had no idea how to field strip it, so cleaning would be a difficult. He would figure out how to field strip it on his own. As for now, he needed to find a strap for his weapon. It came in the form of a tan nylon strap with two clips, one on each end. It was a good length and he could adjust it easy enough.

Next problem was the field load combat carrier. He found a simple nylon belt that had suspenders with magazine pouches on one side(assuming it was the front). It had a good amount of magazine room, so he put it on and started stuffing magazines into it. Then he started unloading his backpack, keeping a few pairs of clothes and dumping out the laptop and the extra shoes. After that, he started collecting and filling magazines and throwing them in his backpack.

He would be a juggernaut. It was best not to have a machinegun if you wanted to travel light and get anywhere. Of course the light infantry that was supposed to be the embodiment of airborne never really traveled that light. They would usually end up with a hundred pounds of gear or more. Especially Otis, who was the SAW gunner in his team. He despised the SAW, as it was head weighted, and you carried almost the same weight as a 240 gunner, except you had to carry it all yourself and you had no ammo bearer or assistant gunner. Not to mention you also had to clear rooms with your team.

His concentration was suddenly destroyed when he heard a gunshot and he looked up to see the whiny Irishman dancing around with a bleeding foot. "You fucking retard. That's what you get when you don't allow your people to have guns. They kill themselves. No doubt a bunch of Japanese are killing themselves now, just trying to figure out how to use a gun on a fucking zombie." Otis had the most pissed off look on his face.

He kept working, now working a little faster with the addition of a speedloader. He still looked pissed off as he shook his head. "I ain't helping him. Your problem."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zamura and Yumiko heard the gunshot and quickly came running to see that the stupid man has shot himself in the foot. Yumiko shook her head and looked away. What pissed Zamura off was what the damned g.i said. "Don't you insult my people like that,... we are not as stupid as you think we are." He barked. He then moved to Sean and spun his .32 special and then cracked its handle across the face of Sean. "I warned you once you fucking moron. Every Zombie within a hundred miles or so just head that gun shot. You do something to destroy what we got here once more. You won't have to worry about the damn zombies."

He then looked to the airborne infantryman. "Let me remind you whose compound you are currently in, this is one of five compounds within Japan run by five Japanese men. You think we are so stupid and unable to use a gun. Go ahead, leave... go survive on your own. I wouldn't want my people to get in your way of survival." He then looked over to Danica.

"Remember how I told you there were two types of Americans and which type you fit into, I bet you can guess which type he fits into." He said. He then pulled Yumiko with him to get her situated. He then began to hand her a belt to fit clips for the pistol that his uncle gave her and even handed her two smaller pistols. They were usps, as of a matter of fact. He then handed her a much more smaller blade something more usable for her. It was a Wakisashi, a katana with a shorter blade basicly. He then began to fit himself, placing his back up .32 into its ankle holster.

He then moved over to a wall and pressed a button for the panel to go up. He then picked up himself a Dragonov sniper rifle. He placed a clip within it already and pulled back the bolt to get a bullet in the chamber. He then grabbed a few knuckle knives placing them all around his belt. He then found himself two usps for himself. He then grabbed ammo belts for them as well. He then looked to Yumiko and found his anger leave him as he looked at the priestess. She looked like that woman from the the resident evil games only the woman had shorter hair and it was black and had a red dress.... or was it black? He shrugged and moved to hold her close to him. "Don't worry Yumiko we will make through this together, I promise you." He said. She then in a very light voice answered.

"I know,..." She said and she had to smirk. "Well that line was said before..." She paused and was about to say something but Zomura said it first. "Yeah it was when Han Solo was about to be frozen in carbonite. He said I know after princess leia told him she loved him." He said. He the pinched her cheek and looked about the room.

"When my uncle gets back we will look into reinforcing the walls... the walls are not too bad with the thick stone base at the bottom... the gate seems to be the only weakness.... and as long as some moron doesn't kill himself we wont have a zombie breach." He said. He then looked over at Sean. " He is lucky he only shot himself right now. If he had hit anyone else I would have killed him." He warned and threatened Sean with that one. "We Japanese are smarter then the Irish,... thats why you americans always ask our exchange students to do your homework for you..." He said with a joke right back at the american.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Armend shook his head in disappointment at Sean and walked over, glancing back at Danica for a moment and saying, “I’d call you the Waco Kid, but if I’m honest, you are much more attractive than Gene Wilder.”

The Kosovar knelt down and looked at the small red puddle forming under the man’s foot. He tried his best to ignore the others comments about it. While he himself was annoyed at the man’s behavior so far, he had the feeling that it would take forever to beat the pansy out of the man, so he opted for another tactic.

“You need to cauterize your vound,” Armend said poking the shoe and summoning a rivulet of blood. He stood up and looked the man in the eye, “okay prinzess, I’ll show you how if you do not already know, but I think you should be the one to do it. Show everyone vhat you’re made of, yes?”

He looked back down at the foot, “vell, not literally, I think you’ve done that plenty Mr. Pumpkin king,” he pointed to the hole where the man’s missing tooth one sat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Otis looked to this very haughty Japanese man and gave him a very exasperated expression. "Look buddy. This compound is illegal as fuck. Obviously. Your country is disarmed as fuck. There's no fucking guns except the ones the military, the law enforcement, and the criminals have. Forgive me if I'm not all too convinced the rest of your people can handle a gun. I know a FUCK TON of a Americans can handle guns." He paused and held up a finger, "AAAAAND, it's a part of our goddamn CULTURE, so WHATEVER, guy. Obviously you're Yakuza and you guys know how to handle some guns, but the majority of your country men have probably never even seen a gun, much less touched one. It's like you don't even know your country's laws, man. But then again, you obviously break them, so why the fuck does it matter?" His hand movements seemed to go along with his words.

"I know my gun laws, and America has the best in the world. None compare. FUCKING LITERALLY. None. Nada." He finally ended his rant and breathed. "And thank you for your hospitality and doing my fucking homework." He said with a rather forced smile. He then reverted back to pushing cartridges into magazines, filling up his backpack with as much as he could carry. It was like he was going on a one man raid, but it did appear that the entire country might be against them in a little, since so many were turning into raving cannibalistic lunatics.

Otis finished up, and slammed a magazine into the well, racking the bolt back once, and letting it fall forward. "So, mister Yakuza. Got a plan?" He said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zomura looked to the american and then outside. "Well first things first we got to disable those buttons at the gate that open the gate mechanically. Because all it would take is for one zombie to brush up against that and we have ourselves a breach." Then he looked to Sean and shrugged. "Then we have to keep an eye on those who would literally get themselves killed and turn themselves into a zombie. I honestly don't see how this man could tie his own shoes without hurting himself."

"Also Call of Duty,.... it kind of teaches you the basics on how to use a gun. Of course this guy either never played or never thought of it as a somewhat simulator." He said and looked to Armand. "Well you know where the nurses office is on this compound pick him up and take him there. Also,... if we have to leave this compound and go elsewhere,.... he is never taking up guard duty got that?" He said and then poked his head out of the armory. "See there are cars here so we could use them to go into town and get supplies if we have too, and seeing the amount of people we might be doing that soon. When my Uncle gets back we will begin planning our future. These guns are great but we have no cheat codes for infinite ammo so we will have to scrounge for that as well because if we don't we will run out of ammo. Luckily every police car and the police station will have some ammo and guns. There is also the embassy and I can think of several underground markets we could go check as well. As for food and shit,... there is a walmart that we can hit as well as several other super markets."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Danica looked over towards Armend and smiled slightly at the Wako kid reference and nodded slightly. “Why thank you,” she said before looking over at Sean and rolling her eyes as she rose from her place. “You’re going to be the death of us all,” she groaned as she looked at him. Taking a breath as Zomura and Otis seemed to be going at each other she just shook her head as she looked at them.

“Seriously you two, shut up,” she said in an emotionless voice. “Are we really going to stand here yelling at each other in some stupid pissing contest over which country is better. Both have good points and both suck on a major level. So get over it. I seriously doubt those Zombies out there give a rats ass who they bite down on. I mean seriously. Are they going to stop and go; ooo it’s an American with a gun, better not bite him or ooo it’s a Yakuza they can do my math homework. Fucking stupid,” she said before walking over and undoing her hoodie from her waist and shoving it into Seans mouth as she sat on his chest and pinned him down.

“Now shut up and hold still,” she said before looking back over towards Armend. “Okay Lonestar, do your thing,” she said motioning towards Seans foot as Seans eyes got wide for a moment and then slammed them shut tight as he braced himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

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A light blush appeared of Kazumi’s face as Tzu said what he said, not because she fancied him or was falling for him, but because she felt relieved that if Tzu was the guy that became her manager when everything was over and done with she would get everything she wanted for her job as a j-pop star; her very own clothes to wear… her own songs in her own way… and possibly even more; the possibilities were endless, she was thinking about all of this until Tzu brought the gun out quite suddenly, she was unfortunately nervous now…

‘Oh my gosh...’ Kazumi looked to Tzu, then her manager; she didn’t know what to do now; and this certainly didn’t feel right, this reminds her of the moment when her brother came into one of her photoshoots one day because she forgot her lunch, and he actually beaten the crap outta her manager, all because he wouldn’t let poor Kazumi eat… She longed for her brother now, what would he do…?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Armend looked around before grabbing a soft metal file used to get the bur off the edges of the hanging blades. He knelt down by Sean’s foot and slid of his shoe. Blood was trickling out of a large hole in his once white sock, and Armend looked up at the irishman with distaste.

“You know,” Armend started slowly, “dey make powder vor shoe odors.”

When he got little in terms of a reply from the gagged man he shook his head and tried not to think about the foot odor as he brought a lighter under the file. It took a few minutes, and the humming of “putting on the ritz” before the file’s end turned a cherry red under the intense heat of the continuous fire.

He looked up to Sean, “do you vant to do it? Learn a little willpower in the face of pain?”

His eyebrow cocked, then he realized he wasn’t going to get an answer from the incredulous man and decided to just get it over with. The metal hissed on the melting skin as Armend pinched the wound with one hand, and maneuvered the metal in the other. He worked quickly and expertly on pinching and sealing the wound. He even lifted the man’s foot to check the side the bullet had escaped from, closing the wound completely after scraping out flakes of the lead.

“I vouldn’t run around for a little,” Armend said grimly, “if you can avoid it.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tzu tapped the glass of the window and the driver started up again and the cavalcade continued on through the streets running over zombies left and right. Then the driver made a turn around the bin and eventually on a dirt path through the woods. The pathe eventually turned to gravel as the limo and several other cars made its way through. Eventually they made it to the gates and the gates opened taking them with in the Yakuza compound. Once the pulled to a stop he gestured to the door beside the manager. "Get out,... don't forget to hold the door for the lady" He said. He waited for both of them to exit before exiting himself and then he looked to the guards at the gate. "Initiate complete lock down and disable the buttons at the gate. " He said and the guards nodded and went off to do just that.

He began to look for his nephew and found him he did in the armory where a wounded was being treated. He rose a brow and Zomura just shrugged. "Don't ask Uncle,..." He said and Tzu nodded.
"When your all finished here meet me in the dining building." He said and then left them there to their devices.

Zomura decided to follow his uncle Yumiko following right behind him. Zomura just wanted to be with his uncle at the time. Plus all this excitement made him hungry and he could not wait to eat right now.
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