This world we live in is a beautiful, we live alongside friends we call Pokémon. And even though some of the population wants to use these creatures as weapons to rule the world, the majority of the population has dedicated their life to becoming friends with them and traveling around the world to become a better person by finding every single Pokémon. Each year new Pokémon trainers start their journey into this big world and it seems every second a new type of Pokémon is discovered.

Even though we live in a peaceful world, it was not this way. We were once using Pokémon as weapons to wage war against one another before we realized that we were making Pokémon an endangered race. Soon the warring stopped and we once again lived in peace, but that never lasted because an alien race called the GX appeared. These new type of creatures where massive, taller than the tallest building. They sought to destroy our world, but alongside our friends the Pokémon and humans fought back and together took back their home. Peace was once again stored in the world.

It seems now the peace has been broken because now the world has suddenly changed. Pokémon have woken up to a world without humans. All they can remember is a strange falling star in the sky that hit near Black Core Mountain, the highest mountain in the world. The Pokémon now must decide to travel to the mountain to find their trainers or live in a world without humans. However, will they find the answers their looking for, or something much worse than they anticipated.
Pokémon Character Sheet: (IF you wish to be a Legendary, Please PM me)
Attacks: (you get a limit of 8 Attacks)(Best way to find attacks, use this website:
My Pokémon Character Sheet:
Name: Charmeleon
Charmeleon grew up in the Charicific Valley with his mother and brother who, when he was born had already evolved from a Charmander to a Charmeleon. He would always follow his older brother even if it meant getting hurt. When his brother finally evolved onto a Charizard he wanted to follow in his footsteps of every day he trained and every night he wait for his brother to come home and tell of his adventures outside the valley. When he finally evolved it meant toe world to him and he waited for his brother to come home, but he never did. He soon learned why. His brother had been banished from the valley for attacking humans on a nearby boat. When he learned of this he ran away from home and whenever a trainer tried to catch him he did all he could to keep from being caught. He found his brother along his travels, but it wasn’t a happy reunion.
Flame Burst
Fire Fang
Fire Punch
Dragon Rage (has not mastered yet)
Appearance: (Has an X Scar over his Right Eye)

Pokémon Character Sheet:
Name: Cubone
Background: Cubone was always with its mother. he never left her side. one day a pack of Sevipers attacked. his mother tired to fend them off but was ultimately killed. when the pack turned on him he couldn't do a thing. he stood there, scared and waiting for death. He didn't know how fast it was but when he opened his eyes he saw a lone Charmeleon standing in front of him. most of the Sevipers where gone while some lay on the ground dead. the Charmeleon turned to him and smiled. from then on he traveled with the Charmeleon. he felt the Charmeleon was his only friend in the world. after seeing his mother killed, Cubone couldn't speak or rather chose not to.
Attacks: (you get a limit of 8 Attacks)
Bone Club
False Swipe
Bone Rush
Rage (Rarely uses)

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