Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 days ago

Arthal stood in the main hall, having returned from down the middle hall he hummed to himself looking between the halls in truth he wanted to explore them but he knew to remain where he was. The other's would want to know of his discovery and how the temple functioned. He had found that main room would function as a beacon for them to transport back to the temple. The building itself cared whoever lived in it as long as they carried the power of the Keyblade in their hearts.

Yet now he wondered, how did all those outside perish when could have retreated here and lived. Perhaps those who carried Keyblades simply refused to work together, or it simply refused those who would take it's treasure shelter. Perhaps the temple itself acted as the weapon that devastated these armies and ended the first conflict over the X-blade and shattered the world's into fragments. More research would be needed for now he would have to see what the other's searches had turned up in this amazing and wondrous place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The wind effect, clever though it was, seemed a bit overkill. The wind lifted the orb but for only a moment as Cyrus clasped his hands back onto the orb, "These things usually only pose a danger when touched directly, the cloth it's wrapped in should suffice. Besides, I'd rather us be more conservative with our energy." it was the logical move, he'd reasoned. Better to just carry it by hand for now and conserve energy for when they really needed it. So he elected to continue holding onto it, even if Azazel protested.

"It's not like we're carrying it a great distance anyway..." he added, having already backtracked down the hallway a good distance by this point, but decided to try and explain himself a bit further, "...I don't think this orb can do any harm in this temple. Call it an intuition, if you wish." he could have tried to explain what he had heard from Ren's heart, but that would mean telling his story to someone he just wasn't ready to open up to.

At long last, Cyrus could see Arthal waiting in the ante-chamber entrance, "There was only one noteworthy object down that hall," he said to the elven master as soon as he was in earshot, "This." he confirmed, holding up the cloth-wrapped orb and even unwrapping it on the top so Arthal could fully see it, but still not allowing his hand to touch it directly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Bellasiel frowned, hoping that Seth would take the golden glowing orb but he had to make his own choices and what he thought was right for him. "If that is what you wish. Hold on a moment so that I may wrap it and also not get separated from you. It is best if neither of us got lost."she replied softly, stepping into the room and felt like a weight had lifted off her shoulders. It was a feeling of complete warmth and peace, the soft reassurance to take the orb echoing to her but she wouldn't take it with her bare hands. It wasn't because she was worried of danger but more that she didn't want to taint such a holy object. She didn't know what she had touched or what kind of magic might react badly with this orb. Everyone has a bit of darkness in them and she didn't know if it was good to touch such a pure object with even that little bit.

She carefully pulled off the hanging sleeves she wore, carefully placing one over the orb before picking it up and setting it back down so the cloth was under it. She tied the smaller end before tying the smaller end on the other sleeve. She then place the other one over the top,scooping it up so it looked like a clothed orb in a sac and she held it carefully as if it were a child cradled in her arms. "I am ready to continue onward when you are."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seth nodded and waited for her to take the orb. He watched her wrap the orb before picking it up. He didn’t understand why she picked it up wrapped in cloth so he asked, “Why wrap it up? I highly doubt it would hurt you. If anything it would probably rid you of whatever little darkness you have.”

“In fact, I highly doubt anything in this hallway would hurt you or the other warriors. Hell, anything in this temple shouldn’t hurt since we can’t use our Keyblades,” Seth said before he sighed and mumbled, “Still lets the voices in though.” Oh please, you know you’d be lost without me the voice chuckled. Seth rolled his eyes at the comment.

“I think Arthal wanted us to get this fragment and bring it to him. Better you give it to him than me. You’re his apprentice right? You know more about him then I do,” Seth said before he laughed, “Guy reminds me of one of the trainers back home. Couldn’t talk to her cause she seemed like the type to lash out at you for asking a question.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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"I am not worried about it hurting me. I am worried about hurting it. I don't know how it would get rid of darkness and if it absorbs it than that could be a bad thing. Also, I don't want my darkness to be taken from me because it is a part of me. Only I can find balance in myself and make the right choices. Seth, don't believe the voices....you are stronger than you believe and I know that you will overcome anything once you truly set your mind to it." Bellasiel replied before continuing, "You are right that we should get this artifact to Arthal, I believe he will know best what to do with it."
Bellasiel laughed along with Seth and she shook her head lightly,I can see how he could come off that way but it is only because of his pain and his past. He is actually very kind and warm though he doesn't always seem to know how to show it. I think he wants to believe in people but doesn't completely trust them till later. I have to believe and trust in people or else my Keyblade's ability wouldn't work. It helps me fight and helps me understand others."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“I highly doubt you’re darkness will harm it, with wat little darkness you have,” Seth said. When she mentioned the voices Seth added, “The voice isn’t some supernatural being. It’s more my sanity breaking. This voice told me something that, I’m not sure I can argue with.” Seth sighed. He didn’t know if telling anyone what the voice said was right, but if it might help. Then maybe it was for the best.

“The voice, my sanity or insanity told me I need it to get revenge on the person who sent the man that burned down the orphanage with my friends inside. Honestly, I’m not sure if what it’s saying is a lie. My Keyblade is a representation of my heart. So how can it lie?” Seth explained before he added, “To be honest, I think the only reason why I didn’t pick up the artifact was the same reason you wrapped in in cloth. The voice yelled the light burned, but honestly I think it was putting on an act because it knew I might corrupt it.” You give me way too much credit the voice protested.

“So if you don’t believe in people then you’re keyblades power dwindles,” Seth said before he added, “So let me ask you something: if you trust that there is light in someone then how would you fight that person if they were corrupted by darkness?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 days ago

Arthal looked at the orb Cyrus held walking over slowly, he tried to touch it. When he did it stopped whispering just became docile. "It's a tracking device for shard of darkness, it will collect them as well, since touching one directly can kill you, among other things." He decided to start explaining what he had found offering the orb back to Cyrus. "It's safe to touch, fragile as well. Drop it and it's powers would scatter across the world, the secret to making them are all but lost." He finished pointing down the middle hall.

"If you head down that hall and then descend the stair case you will find quarters. A dojo, training room, kitchen, recreational room, prayer hall, and bedroom with attached bathing chambers. The building seems to shift the number of bedrooms to how many people live within in it. Food seems to just appear in the dining hall, the most important thing a chamber that allows us to warp to parts of the world from here, instantly. It's old use was to allow communication across all worlds, this the hub of them all." He sighed sadly putting a hand on the wall.

"If this place could talk it would teach us thing's about our power's even our greatest masters do not know. We are but children compared to what the this place was like at it's height. A place of learning, understanding, and protection, in the name of balance and order. I want us to be like that, to maintain order. Never to act as if we could cleanse the worlds of heartless, we must simple watch over all the worlds. A order of peace keepers and teachers, that what will shall become in order to safeguard the future." He nodded looking back at Cyrus and Azazel. "Take the orb down and make yourselves at home. We will discuss where we should next together once we reconvene." Arthal said nodding to the both of them. "And good work, both of you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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"I see...hmmm that is interesting." Bellasiel said softly after he spoke of the voice in his head. She wished she could help him more but it was hard to fix something like that. He deep down in his heart (even only a bit)believed darkness was the only way for his revenge but then again those two seemed to go hand and hand most of the time. "Hmmm it doesn't dwindle its power completely. It just won't work without help from another I don't believe and can't put my trust in. My Keyblade uses magic just fine no matter what since it is a matter of believing in myself but its actual power won't work without my trust in another and in a way, their trust in me. How do I explain it...let's say I use my Keyblade on you. Your weakness would be my weakness. My weakness would be your weakness. Your strength would be my strength. My strength is your strength. My Keyblade sync's hearts with the one I choose. If I used it on you, your sanity would probably last longer and push away your insanity further from control. Eventually though, it would effect us both if I held on too long and we would both be out of it, insanity grasping us. You would be able to do things with ease that I can do and visa versa. All and all, it would be like having a shared mind, being able to move in sync and perfect planning. Two is better than one kind of deal. It is strange to know things and then suddenly not once my Keyblade stops." Bellasiel tried to explain, seeming to find a bit of difficulty.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Azazel nodded and glanced suspiciously at the orb. It may be safe to touch, but he still didn't trust it. "We should make a bag for it. That way we never drop it." He listened to Arthal intently and a small smile crossed his face. It was nice to have a home again, even if it might not be for very long. Azazel decided to go look around the place himself, starting with the kitchen. Cooking was one of his pastimes back on Eden. He walked through the hallway, admiring the simplicity in its design and feeling the innate magical power flowing though the air. Give him a few dozen years and he might be able to understand the magic behind the rooms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seth listened to her explanation and even though it seemed complicated, he somewhat understood it. However the thought of his insanity infecting someone else worried him, but he knew how to stop it. “Your Keyblades power is, unique and can come in handy in tight situation. However, don’t use that power on me. Ever!” Oh come on, the more the merrier the voice laughed.

“You don’t need my insanity or the affects it comes with,” Seth said before he added, “between the voice and the nightmares I get while in the state of insanity. I’m surprised I haven’t gone complete psychopath, but when I think about why I’m fighting the darkness. I think it keeps me from becoming that.” Seth watched as Arthal talked with the other Keyblade warriors and turned to Bellasiel.

“Alright, I think once you give him that. We should be all good to go,” Seth said before he asked, “If you could, don’t tell Arthal about what I told you about the voice. I highly doubt he needs another thing to worry about.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Cyrus grasped the orb in his bare hand, trusting Arthal and only realizing that fact a moment later. He listened to the elf speak of the temple in its heyday. Cyrus had heard a few myths and stories from second hand sources, and that was as far as his knowledge of the temple went. He spoke of fighting for the sake of balance and order. Not necessarily in the name of the Light. And that, Cyrus could agree with. Too many Keyblade Warriors pledged their blade for one side of the proverbial coin and that, as logic would dictate, served only to perpetuate the war and conflict between the two sides.

But Arthal's desire for them all to become peace-keepers and teachers to the future he seemed to envision... Cyrus stayed silent. Fighting and killing... These things had been his only skills for the last fourteen years of his life. At this point it was all Cyrus really knew, and he suspected they would have to use those skills in order to create Arthal's envisioned future. He was willing to fight to build that future, but could he ever have a place in it? It wasn't a question Cyrus could answer, at least not right now. Perhaps it would come to him as they progressed with their mission, but for now he would just fight. Cyrus also had another suspicion, they would almost certainly have enemies on all sides, and the notion of eliminating them as threats seemed inevitable. What, Cyrus wondered, would Arthal do if faced with the choice of killing an enemy or allowing them to become a threat? Cyrus wondered this with eyes closed in thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 days ago

The Elf turned now waiting for his apprentice and friend to return, he let the others go take a look at the living quarters he'd found. He silently wondered if they like staying at the temple, in truth he knew it would not be a good home. No one save the carriers of the blades themselves knew of the place and it was terribly remote, they would need to build a home of their own one day. A home for those who would protect the worlds and keep them blind to the carriers of keyblades.

He pondered even more if what they would do if one side posed piece or more of the X-blade. Moreover he worried if they had fused with it, that would give them a lot of power. He knew however most of these pieces would exist in forgotten worlds lost in darkness or perhaps shining so bright as to simply be ignorant to it. If they failed this war would probably continue until every world was gone and nothing was left to fight over. Kingdom Hearts, what it's power maybe was not worth the trillions of lives that would be lost to claim it. He didn't care the power they used so like as they used it for the right reasons, protecting, defending, and even killing those that would cause undo harm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 3 days ago

"I promise that I will never use my Keyblade on you without your permission. I can understand your worries and the validity of them. When it comes to Arthal, I don't believe it is necessary to tell him plus it is not my place to do so with what you have entrusted me with. It should be yours to tell when you are comfortable and ready to do so."Bellasiel answered quietly so only Seth would hear before continuing forward to greet Arthal and the others. She smiled, saying hello to everyone before placing the orb in Arthal's hands and letting him know this was the only thing that seemed to need to be taken from the hall. "You can double check but nothing else called out of importance like this one did. How long shall we be staying?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 days ago

Arthal inspected the orb nodding he held at his side as he turned, trusting his apprentice he walked back down towards the living quarters. "We shall be using this temple as a base for the time being, it has all the facilities we need. Even a teleportation stone to transport us to any world we need to reach." He smiled patting her back. "You've done very well Bellasiel." He felt she had earned the praise and she more than deserved it. "As for the orb it can be used to locate and contain pieces of light, the others found one of darkness down the other hall it seems the halls exist as sort of trophy halls. Of the good and the bad those who protected the temple once endured, I wonder if it will begin to place objects important to us in those halls as we stay here."

He pondered as he walked down to the main recreation area. "Alright, everyone find a room and rest, tomorrow were going after a piece of darkness, until then welcome to your home for the time being." Heading for the he pulled out his favorite berries from his home world along with a bottle of wine, heading towards one of the unclaimed rooms he sat on the bed. Eating berries and as he poured wine into his glass, his door was open to any who wished to speak with him. He was as always here for them, they were his friends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The black orb still in his possession, Cyrus headed downstairs after Arthal announced that they would be getting some rest before searching for the first piece of darkness. That was fine by him, he could probably use a good nap anyway. So, when he found the living quarters, Cyrus picked a door and claimed the room it belonged to for his own, even locking the door behind him. It was strange, being in a place where locking the door would actually prove worthwhile, since no one could use Keyblades in this place and he presumed that that extended to their lock-opening powers as well.

After gently placing the orb on a nearby bedside table, Cyrus laid down in the modestly designed bed and closed his eyes. He must have been more tired than he thought, because it took all of a few moments for him to drift into sleep. Though asleep, he would soon find himself getting anything but rest when he started to dream.

He found himself at the center of an endless black void. The only apparent object in existence was a circular platform, decorated with a stain-glass mural depicting vague imagery, all symbolic but of what Cyrus couldn't say for sure. He knew the place, though, he'd been here before. It was once described to Cyrus as the innermost sanctum of one's Heart, and he suspected this place was meant to represent his own Heart. But something seemed... off. The stain-glass mural always depicted the story of two boys growing up together, only to turn their Keyblades against one another. This time it was different, instead just a series of vague images with no apparent rhyme or reason to them. That was when it hit him, why this place seemed off, not quite what it should be. Cyrus looked down at his hands, and then around at himself. He was a boy once more, 14 years old again, the age at which he first summoned his Keyblade. A soft, but unknown voice echoed in the darkness.

Now step forward... Can you do it?

As if on autopilot, Cyrus stepped forwards until he was standing directly in the center of the platform. Around him, small puddles of darkness formed and then changed themselves into the familiar shapes of Shadows, the most basic form of Heartless. The voice echoed again.

There will be times that you have to fight...

That was when a Keyblade materialized itself in Cyrus' hand, though it was not the one he came to master, nor was it Ren's Keyblade which he would acquire later in his life. This one was... basic, simplistic in design but still very much effective as a weapon. Cyrus readied the blade and with what little skill his fourteen-year-old body possessed, he dispatched the small group of Heartless around him. Again he found himself on a sort of autopilot, walking toward the opposite edge of the platform as the voice echoed.

The closer you come to the light, the greater your shadow becomes...

Glancing behind him, Cyrus noted that his shadow had indeed become much taller-looking. He blinked when his shadow suddenly began to rise from the ground, forming a body of its own until it became a massive Heartless staring down at him with an expressionless face that still somehow conveyed absolute ferocity. The voice echoed again as Cyrus ran at the beast in full charge.

But don't be afraid...

It slammed its hand on the ground, but Cyrus managed to avoid it and used the opening to run up the Heartless' arm and strike it directly in the head with a slash from his Keyblade. The giant Heartless reeled back, the weapon was clearly painful for it to interact with. It then raised a hand, sending dark energy directly above it and causing it to shower back down over the area. Cyrus had to move himself a considerable distance away to avoid the raining darkness. But when it subsided he made another lunging move, this targeting the creature's unused hand. It snapped its hand in pain, then tried the first tactic of slamming his other hand onto the ground again. As before, Cyrus managed to sidestep it and then ran up the arm, but this time he made a good leap past the Heartless' head, hooking the tip of the Keyblade onto its neck, causing his momentum to swing him around until he was clinging to the back of its neck. Cyrus took the opening to give the creature a few good whacks with the Keyblade, before swinging himself back out in front of the creature's face to give it one more vertical slash down the forehead to finish it off. He landed at the creature's feet, watching reel and topple over. He blinked in surprise, realizing it was falling right on him. Cyrus tried to move but it was too late. The Heartless melted into the darkness, turning the floor into a pool of darkness that began swallowing up Cyrus. The Keyblade he'd wielded had long since vanished, and now he was thrashing to get himself out of the sinking darkness as he heard the voice echo one last time.

So don't be afraid...

...and don't forget...

...you hold the mightiest weapon of all...

His eyes blinked open and Cyrus was awake, "What a dream..." he said, then stopped briefly when he noticed his voice sounded wrong. He then realized why. He was still in his younger body, and he wasn't even at the temple. No, he was in his old bedroom from his home at Radiant Garden. He hadn't been here in years. Getting out of the bed, Cyrus looked out the window and gazed at the town. It was exactly as he remembered it all those years ago. And if he remembered correctly then... Cyrus hurriedly threw on some clothes and ran out the door. Outside the sky was darkening, and the creature's from his prior dream were beginning to swarm all over the streets.

Once outside, Cyrus halted and found himself surrounded by a pack of Shadows. He closed his eyes briefly, the voice from his dream speaking to his heart. Keyblade, it said. ...Keyblade, it repeated. At that moment one of the Shadows leaped at Cyrus. He moved to try to punch it, but instead a weapon materialized in a flash and the the creature was gone. In his hand was a Keyblade, this time it was the one he recognized as his own. The other Heartless attacked but Cyrus fended them off and then was on the move again.

Cyrus had fought his way to Town Square before remembering what he was about to walk into. Puddles of darkness converged and a massive Heartless just like the one from his dream appeared. It glared menacingly with its evil, yellow eyes. It attacked, and this time far more fiercely than in the dream. In fact, Cyrus couldn't actually keep up with it, it was attacking with different tactics, even using a new power Cyrus hadn't seen in the dream, where it launched spheres of dark energy from the hole in its chest. The young Cyrus dodged and deflected as best as he could, but one of them hit their mark and sent him sprawling on the ground. Cyrus had to roll to the side to avoid its hand slamming down, but unlike the dream it formed a pool of darkness around the spot and several Shadows began emerging from it. There was no way the young and inexperienced Cyrus could keep this up, and for a moment he was certain that this was the end.

That was when he appeared. The giant Heartless tried to throw a massive ball of dark energy at Cyrus, but a metallic object came spinning through the air from somewhere behind the boy, intercepting the attack and dispelling it. At that moment, a hooded man in a white cloak stepped forward past him. In a flash of light, the spinning object appeared in his hand. It was a Keyblade, though different in design from the one Cyrus held, there was no mistaking its key-shape. The Heartless moved to attack, but in a single gesture the man raised his free hand and vanished. When next he appeared he was a few feet forward from his starting position and turned toward Cyrus, but with the snap of his fingers, the Heartless suddenly reeled and staggered several times over and then exploded into pixels of Darkness. Cyrus didn't actually see it, but what he witnessed was the man using a very advanced technique, one that involved casting a powerful stop spell and then using the frozen time to inflict numerous strikes on the surrounding enemies. To Cyrus, though, it looked like an instantaneous attack, and he later learned this was because the initial Stop spell caught him as well as the Heartless.

"Well now..." said the man to Cyrus, walking toward him with blade still in hand, "...and who might you be?" he pointed his blade at Cyrus as if threatening him.

"What?" asked Cyrus, his tone shaky, "I thought... I thought you were saving me? What's with the threats all of a sudden?" he held out his blade nervously, prepared to defend himself but against this man any attacks or defenses would have proven to be a pitiful effort. Cyrus was outclassed, and very much so.

"Hmm..." responded the man thoughtfully, and suddenly his blade was gone, "...a fresh Wielder, are you? Your utter confusion gives you away. Oh, and... you may want to learn a stronger stance, as you are now even a blind fool could disarm you."

With the man's weapon gone, Cyrus relaxed, though only a small bit, "What's with all this? What were those things? Who are you?"

The man turned and, with a warm laugh began to walk away, "If you really want to know, then come with me and find out for yourself. Otherwise you should return home, not every Wielder is as kind to their peers as I am."

Cyrus stood for a moment in sheer confusion. Who was this man? He clearly knew more about all of this than he himself, and his skill and power were frightening, but also awe-inspiring. Making his decision, Cyrus ran after the man he would come to call Master, and followed his lead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“A nap sounds really good right now,” Seth said. a nap will do you good. It’ll give me time to roam through the memories the voice laughed. Seth sighed, “Do whatever you want. I’ve stopped caring a long time ago.” Seth rubbed his eyes in annoyance as he walked towards the living quarters and found a room. As soon as he closed the door he flopped onto the bed.

“Oh my god this feels comfortable,” Seth said before he got into a fetal position and started to fall asleep. Now where do I begin? The voice chuckled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Bellasiel was pleasantly surprised by the praise she was given but that didn't stop the small swell of pride in a job well done. She smiled softly as she replied with a,""Thank you very much." and listened to the rest of Arthal's words that explained things about the orbs as well as answering her previous question. She stood there for awhile, watching the others claim rooms before going more towards the end of the hall and taking one near the end. She gently touched the furniture in the room, taking everything in before placing her pack on the floor and moving back to the door to close it softly. She hummed gently as she got ready for bed, thinking about what the previous owner of this room might have been like and what they might have wanted out of life. They would all work hard to stop this war and many challenges lay ahead of them with time only telling if they would be successful or if they would just be another chapter in this temples history. Bellasiel pulled back the sheets to the bed, her humming coming to a stop as she crawled in bed and closed her eyes. For now, she would just be relaxing and hopefully the world of dreams would meet her soon to a peaceful sleep if she was lucky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

When he awoke, Cyrus realized that not very much time had passed. His nap, or what passed for one anyway, only lasted a few minutes at best. Not surprising, since dreaming of the past rarely ever gave the man rest. When he looked around himself, Cyrus realized the room was... not different, but definitely not the same either. It didn't look as empty, and it was more decorated than it was when he first entered. Such was the nature of the temple, he supposed. It must have reacted to his Heart and arranged the room accordingly. Except... this wasn't at all reflective of Cyrus' Heart, in fact it was more reminiscent of Ren than anything else. Seems his Heart has more prominence than mine here. Interesting.

He glanced at the nightstand table and noticed a framed photo that certainly couldn't have been there before. Picking it up, Cyrus looked at it more closely. It depicted a man wearing a white cloak, and two boys at either side of him. Having little desire to remember this particular memory, Cyrus placed the picture in the nightstand drawer so it wouldn't be on display anymore. He left the room, then, deciding that he wanted to stretch his legs, though really that was an excuse to get out the bedroom so he wouldn't have to be reminded of the past.

After wandering back toward the entrance chamber, Cyrus took a quick look down the Light Hallway, the one he did not travel down earlier. Indeed it was lined up with pictures and portraits of what was meant to be seen as happy memories, though it only took a bit of reading between the lines to figure out that most of the smiles were mere masks to hide the suffering most of these Wielders had endured through out the war. Still, this hallway was more pleasant to look at than the other one with its trophies of war and conquest. Cyrus then stopped suddenly, one of the many pictures caught his attention, and for good reason, because he himself was featured in it, "How is this possible?" he asked aloud, having stopped and was now staring intently at the photo. He wasn't alone in the picture, others were there as well, six others to be exact. Apart from his young adult self, Cyrus also recognized Ren with his blond hair and scarlet red scarf. Then there were the others, one of them a young oriental man in Chinese attire; another had dark skin and bore tribal tattoos all over his body, most being visible due to him remaining shirtless; then there was a boy and girl wearing mostly red and blue respectively who were alike enough to be siblings, and were in fact twins; the last one, like the young Cyrus, stood a bit by himself, standing out thanks to the wide-brimmed hat he wore. They were all around the same or similar ages, and the only person missing from the photo was their Master because he was the one who used the camera to take the photo in the first place.

Cyrus knew and remembered everyone in the photo, but that was not why he was so surprised, "This photo was destroyed..." he said to himself thoughtfully, "...I know it was. I was there when it happened. So how...?" he stared at the photo some more and finally said, "Seems this temple is determined to make me remember..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seth moved back from the window and smiled before he gave the thumbs up to the woman inside. She rolled her eyes and walked off. Seth laughed as he knelt down and placed the tools he had used to fix the window back into the tool box. When he stood back up there was a flash of light and he was suddenly flung backwards. After a few seconds of lying on the ground he began to slowly stand up. He looked towards the building and his eyes widened. He fell to his knees and watched the orphanage be engulfed in flames. That’s when he saw the cloaked figure standing in front of the building, laughing as his arms were raised.

“Can you hear it?” the man asked before he turned to Seth and continued, “The symphony of angels singing into the night. It’s so glorious!” after the man said that, Seth heard the sounds of all the people trapped inside the orphanage screaming in pain as the flames burned them alive. He covered his ears, but the screams bypassed his hands and echoed through his ears. Seth stood up and glared at the hooded man before summoning his Keyblade.

“You did this,” Seth growled before he screamed, “You made me lose all my friends and family!” Seth rushed towards the man and swung his Keyblade and severed the torso from the man’s legs. Seth turned to watch the man fall, but started to step back as shadow tendrils rushed from the bottom half of the man and pulled his torso towards his legs and reconnected them together.

“Really?” the hooded man questioned as he turned to face Seth and added, “You think you can simply end me with my own body?” Seth shook his head and stood his ground before he rushed towards them man again.

“I will destroy you! So no one else can suffer the same fate I have,” Seth yelled as he swung his Keyblade again. This time the man simply smiled and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Seth franticly looked around and yelled, “Show yourself coward! Don’t think you can run back to your comrades because I’ll find the rest of them and destroy them!” the man simply chucked as he reappeared behind Seth. Seth spun around and swung his Keyblade, but the hooded man simply caught the Keyblade.

“Who are you to change this world silly boy?” the hooded figure said before he let go of Seth’s Keyblade and spun around. He kicked Seth in the stomach and sent him backwards. Seth slid back and clutched his abdomen before he glared back at the hooded man as he continued, “No need to hear your words.” The man lifted up his hands as snake like tendrils lifted out of his shadow.

“So let it go and become what you were born to be!” the man shouted as the snake like tendrils shot towards Seth. Seth weaved and dodged the tendrils as he ran towards the man. Seth swung a third time, but the man was able to side step Seth and rip his Keyblade from his hands before he grabbed Seth by his neck and slammed him to the ground. The tendrils slithered back towards the hooded figure and hovered behind him. The man stepped on Seth’s chest as Seth tried to summon his Keyblade back to his hand, but it stayed in the man’s hands.

“What? You want this?” the man asked as he looked from the Keyblade in his hand to Seth and laughed before he added,

“Why not become what you were born to be? What you were destined to be?” the man then took off his hood and smiled ad Seth with a sadistic crooked smile.

“You’re, you’re,” Seth stuttered as the man he was looking at was himself in the black cloak.

“What, where you expecting to see someone else? Were do you think your Keyblade comes from?” his nightmare self said before he continued, “I am the manifestation of your heart and your Keyblade, but you’re not following that set path. So I should guide you there!” Seth’s nightmare self lifted up the Keyblade and jabbed it into Seth’s chest.


Seth shot up in the bed in a cold sweat. He quickly checked his chest to find nothing there. He took a deep breath and sighed, “What the hell was that all about?” the hell do I know? All I did was walk through your memories while you slept. I might have opened up the wrong door the voice explained.

“Yeah, you think!” Seth yelled. Not my fault your memories are twisted into nightmares. Besides, what the hell would you have me do while you sleep? Look at the empty void on nothingness. That’s so boring! At least when you’re awake, I can watch the world through your eyes the voice said.

“Just stay out of that memory ok,” Seth said. The voice said nothing and Seth sighed, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Seth shifted towards the edge of the bed and stood up. Guess while I’m up, I’ll grab a bit to eat Seth thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 4 days ago

Arthal finally lay his head to the pillow and rested, his room silent. He felt as if he was back home, relaxing in his tree house. Strumming on his harp as he watched the priestesses care for the world tree, his life had been simple yet now he was expected to be strong, yes he had been taught and even traveled to other worlds before. His teacher had fought in that first great battle that buried the temple. Yet now he was without guidance and he was leading them, what he knew came from his heart and his head. He just had to hope it would be enough to protect his home, the war could not reach Elf Burrow, he wouldn't let it.

He finally drifted off to sleep when he could have sworn he heard the sound of rain. He was dreaming, bowed before his master the rain hammered outside against the dojo. He master summoned his blade and Arthal summoned his, his master spoke in a quiet voice but one that commanded respect. "I will try to his the target dummies behind you, your goal is simply, stop me." With that the old Elf charged.

Arthal and his blade met Arthal shoved him back the to the other side of the room. "Come on old man! I thought you Thon Sho, not Thon Slow!" Laughed the young apprentice, as he was suddenly froze in place Thon walked over smacking each dummies head into him.

"You failed boy, now clean the dojo and start again." They practice that fight for five years before Arthal won his first match. Not by defeating his master but stalling him while he moved the dummies outside of the dojo where his master couldn't get to them. He felt so proud in that, he treated himself to trip to the World Tree, the source of the forests and food for all Elves. Their he gathered fruit and and bathed in pools, even attending a cutting ceremony for newly weds. He missed it, he the days when he was in hundreds, barely more then a child with Thon teaching him and training him.

The dream fell away and the World Tree moved farther and farther away, the safety of its branches the warmth on the sun glittered through its leaves leaving him. He stood up two keyblades in his and hands and turned around slowly, he was back to somewhere he didn't remember, Thon remembered it though. Fire burned around him, a village under attack? By who, he froze when he locked into house and saw something terrifying, Orcs. Orcs had raided and attacked Elves years ago, at the time of Arthal's birth they had been wiped out however. He saw the Knights of the World Tree, the order Thon had founded to train warriors who could fight anywhere any time with magic and blade.

As things happened around him he could only watch, the knights fighting and cutting down Orc raiders. Yet after the Orcs ran they chased, it he saw Thon upon a hill looking out in horror as the Orcs homeland blazed and burned Knight of the World Tree cutting them down. He saw happening again and again, the Orcs attacked and the Knights responded with something even more brutal.

Then it happened, Thon helped the Orcs. He thought to save their race from genocide at the hands of the knights he had formed. Yet when the last battle between Orcs and Elves ended, every Knight lay dead as well as every Orc. Thon returned home, in the years to come he would take one apprentice, Arthal. Naming him the last Knight of World Tree, Arthal thought he would be a hero, now he knew a truth. The people he had so long revered were monsters as much as the Orcs were, he would not be them. He would not commit genocide even if it was for the greater good.
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