Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"...a bit off canter?", the boy stated, 'helping' her off of him as he finished her sentence. "I knew that much. However, I think I've got bigger concerns...for one, how you..."

He looked into her eyes once more. "...are going to repair my glasses.", he finished, smiling and looking back at the ever approaching Angelo. He waved him over, it would be interesting to see how this played out.

"So, what table will we all be sitting at then?"

His grin had turned suspiciously sinister.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Umm, yeah. That's totally what I was going to say," she muttered. "I don't really care where we sit. As long as there aren't a lot of people going to bother us or some other shit," she answered not noticing him wave over Angelo.

Angelo saw the signal, and quickly rushed over to them. "Well that took a while to for me to catch up. Maybe it's because of somebody running away from me," he said looking at Caroline dead in the eye.

"Or maybe it's because of somebody moving slower than a dying cow!" Caroline yelled with a country-like accent happening in her voice for a few seconds. Angelo and Caroline started push each other around, but it they only did it lightly since they still had to a reason to be friends.

They ended it all by pushing each other to the ground at the same time, with people having to walk around them so they could get to the tables. Caroline angrily got up from the ground dusting off her clothes, but Angelo stayed on the ground giving them dirty looks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


By the time the two finished, the hall was empty, the sounds of their scuffling echoing through the corridor.

Nemo sat a midst the near-packed room, eating in silence between a group of gabbing cadets. Actually, now that he thought about it, the entire mess hall sounded like this. It was almost impossible for one to hear one's self...which was probably the reason these "children" were speaking so loudly. His ear-drums--and love of the quiet--slowly began to feel bruised from the decibel levels. Goddesses only knew what would happen to them if one of the instructors decided it would be time to fire off a sound-flare...

"...no...", he responded quite coldly to some kid's question--he'd barely heard it--about whether or not his pitch-black hair was fake. It seemed like that was the mental level of most of the masses here...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Caroline quickly got her food then looked at where 'Nobody' sat. She thought for a moment then sighed calling Angelo over, then whispered something to him while pointing to where the boy sat. He hesitated for a few seconds, then grunted at her going over to the people beside 'Nobody pushing them off the table. The people looked up at Angelo from the floor then quickly scrambled to get up, and took their food to another table to talk to other people.

"C'mon Caroline, get over here!" he said between gritting teeth. She quickly scurried over and sat between them, keeping them apart.

Caroline blinked a few times then turned to 'Nobody' whispering, "Say nothing to him and you'll be perfcectly fine." Beside her Angelo was stuffing food in his mouth like crazy, pausing every once and while to side-eye the boy with evil eyes. At the other table the kids that were pushed from their spots whispered about the three being very... "unique".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Finding that he would be unable to escape Caroline and her new companion--Angelo--any time soon, the boy sighed, breaking off another chunk of bread before dipping it into the soup before him. It'd would've been nice to have had some meat, like old times...but Nemo supposed he knew the reason for the lack there of, and was willing to cope under the circumstances. "So", the tan-skinned recruit started, deciding conversation was a more appropriate way to pass the time than absolute silence, "...how long have you two known each other? Being such good friends, I'm sure you've looked out for each other for a while now...am I correct?" The girl, Caroline, definitely seemed to be trying her best to ignore "Angelo", but Nemo would give her no such chances. The interaction between these two was, after all, quite intriguing to listen to. Like listening to a dog and a cat growl and bark out arguments.

Besides, she'd partly been responsible for that little hallway scene, and Nemo was a hard-ass when it came to "forgive and forget"...

He chuckled to himself after the question, finishing the soup and the bread shortly afterwards. And, having quenched his thirst and hunger, the boy now set his green eyes to work, pulling out the goggles and examining them. They hadn't been damaged "beyond repair", but it was most certainly going to take some work to fix them. This displeased him, causing a low rumbling to usher forth from his throat...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Well," Caroline started off getting a bit anxious hoping that she doesn't spill any information. "We knew each other when we were around our preteen times. My brother, he was murdered, but Angelo saved me before I was next. He swore to protect me after that," she said picking picking at her food while leaning on her hand.

"Eh, I didn't catch the murderer though. You didn't let me," Angelo said with his head on the table, and his food tray gone. It looked like he was about to pass out right on the spot, his eyes were closing every once and a while and he talked quieter than before.

Caroline sighed and pushed to her tray away with only the bread finished on it. She kept on leaning on her hand then tapped the table in a certain rhythm, making it sound like the song she sang in the parade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Nemo didn't seem the least bit phased, leaning up and stretching in his chair after he pocketed the goggles once more. The conversation between the two had become far less interesting, causing him to lose the spark of intrigue he had gained earlier. At the same time, however, they weren't all bad either.

Just a couple of kids looking out for each other...he supposed.

"Sounds interesting, so you two aren't from the city then?", he continued, finding little else to do but talk some more with the pair. Besides, even if he find someone else to talk with, he doubted they'd have as peculiar a story as these two did. It almost reminded him of himself...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Both of them answered at the same time saying, "Countryside."

Angelo leaned into Caroline's ear then whispered, "Can I attack him now?" This easily sparked up Caroline, making her punch Angelo hard in the shoulder. He bolted up and punched her back. They went back to their normal fighting, trying to punch each other. It stopped when Caroline caught both of Angelo's fists, one aiming for her and the other aiming for 'Nobody'.

He pulled his fists away, and stared at Caroline in the eyes with her staring back. Angelo slammed his head back on the table, facing the other direction. Caroline turned towards 'Nobody' then sighed saying, "You'll see this happen between us a lot. I have a feeling you're already used to it though. I wanna sleep now... eh."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Torithia
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Torithia Tora

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"....." The redhead's hand shook at the front entrance. Unnervingly, almost reluctantly, she opened the wooden blockade out, and glaring at nothing but her boots, paced in. The raven haired male towered in behind her, his brown eyes dully glaring down every set of faces he could find as he followed suit his comrade. He elbowed her side once halfway to the lunch line, leaning down to speak quietly in her ear.
"Stop doing that." He hissed between gritted teeth. The girl's silver eyes shot a sideways glance at the boy. She sneered.
"Stop what?" Her voice ringing in irritation as she turned for a vacant table at the corner of the room. What else could she be doing, other then her usual clenched fists and timid glare? Lucas growled as he sat the opposite of the girl. She grit her jaw, absentmindedly scratching her nail against the wooden texture she was resting her elbows on. He watched for a moment, before loosing his patience, and clutching tightly onto her wrists. She jolted, a bit startled.
She huffed through her nostrils in heated arrogance, attempting to slip her thin wrists from his giant hands, but the boy didn't falter his grasp.
"Tora. Stop it." Lucas ordered, starting to dig his nails into her skin by now. After another wriggling fit, the redhead sighed and went limp.
"Fine. I stopped. Let go."
The boy's neutral, rather uninterested expression twitched into a sly smirk.
"Now smile and relax."
Tora's face contorted into one of disgust.
"Fuck y-AGH!" She whined, Lucas' starting to twist her wrists around in an unnatural position.
"Smile." He repeated with that shit eating grin.
He pressurized her arms down into the table, earning a small yelp from her.
Her eyes narrowed in aggravated pain as she struggled.
"Otvali!" Tora cursed, Lucas chuckling in understanding.
"YA nikogda ne tak mnogo, kak skol'zheniye , poka vy ulybayetes', tigra."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Angelo and Caroline both managed to hear loud shouting in another language at another table, making them look towards their direction. Angelo could see a girl being held by a boy while they yelled at each other. His protective side was kicking in, so he looked at Caroline as if waiting for a signal. "O-saki ni doozo," she muttered.

He got up tightening his ponytail, then walked to the two that were fighting. He leaned in between the two with his half of his body still standing. "So, what were you doing to this girl exactly?" Angelo said, grabbing the boy's wrist at full speed keeping a tight grip on it. Every few seconds he would tighten the grip, waiting for an answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Torithia
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Torithia Tora

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tora abruptly stood to her feet, growling at the new face.
"You'll release him if you know what's good for you."
Her comrade, on the other hand, simply stood to his full, rather disturbing height. He glared at the boy below him with that blank face of his, slipping his wrists from Angelo's grip and flipping him around, before delivering a hard kick to the rear with his boot. Lucas snickered, Tora rolling her eyes as they both sat back down. The tall giant flicked the hair from his dark eyes, before side glaring Angelo. He was good at those shit eating grins.
"Vernites' k vashemu shlyukha i um svoy Promishlenoye,malysh..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Angelo's real side was kicking in, with Caroline noticing that his eyes looked like they were about to change color. He turned back to the two glancing back and forth between them. Angelo tackled the boy putting all his weight on top of him, and started to punch him hard in the face using his 'abnormal' strength.

Caroline ran over pulling him off before he could do anything else. Angelo made growling sounds deep in his throat, as if he was about the to go animal on everybody. "Just because I said 'go ahead' doesn't mean you can beat the living shit out of somebody! You should know that when I say go ahead you only stop whatever bad is happening, not make it worse!" she yelled at him him while she dragged him out of the room.

"It's not my problem! You should know already that I go crazy if somebody tries to hurt the people I work alongside with," Angelo said arguing with her.

"Says the one that almost always fights with me," Caroline yelled back. They continued to argue outside of the lunch room until it came to a point that they would wrestle each other. It stopped when Caroline had Angelo in a headlock while on top of his back, making him choke a little.

She got off of his back with him dropping to the floor coughing. "You should be glad I stopped you do it again," Caroline said to him. She walked back into the room telling the boy and girl, "Sorry about that. He gets a little... crazy, if something like what you two were doing happens."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Torithia
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Torithia Tora

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Otvali , suka!" The redhead shouted angrily at the female, helping Lucas stand back and wiping the small trail of blood from his nose with her sleeve. He sniffled, smirking and almost laughing. But his smile faded as quickly as it came, and he glared the both of them over before rolling his eyes with a scoff. He nudged at Tora, and the two started to head off for the exit.

But not before Tora stopped and shot a wad of saliva and mucus onto Angelo's boots.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Angelo was seconds from lunging at them again, but Caroline pulled him back by his jacket before he could. "I COULD USE A LITTLE HELP HERE!" she yelled at 'Nobody' trying her best to pull Angelo back to the table when he kept trying to jump at them, or at least try grabbing them. Every once and a while he would make a growling sound, as if he was bitten by a wild animal making him act this way.

"I HAVE A FEELING DEEP IN MY HEAD THAT THEY CALLED YOU A BITCH!" he yelled at her, hoping that it would convince Caroline to let him go. It just made her grip onto him tighter. An idea popped up into her head, making Caroline push Angelo into a table as hard as possible with his head getting banged against the edge. He tried to move his hand up to rub his head, but in seconds he got knocked out.

Caroline sat down on the seat beside him breathing heavily. Thanks for making a lot of drama Angelo! she thought angrily to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Yuri Tynko

Yuri looked down as she spoke quickly. Her pace was too fast to allow himself to speak without interrupting her, and that was something a somewhat gentleman was forbidden to do. Etiquette, was his main focus when trying to maintain a conversation. It always had been. Yuri was the guy for literally having a civil talk with. Anything that could be spoken about without all the excitement or arguing or what-not, he was the go-to person. That being said, he had to pluck up the full-courage to do so, as he himself hated making new friends. Three was enough. However in a place like this, numbers that small was hard to Keep.

"I guess I'm not the only one who thinks the little runts running about here are freakin' tiny...but when I look up at you guys, I feel like some ant! Being this tall now at this age is pretty weird...and troublesome...Crap, I haven't told you my name yet! And you helped me up as well so thanks...I'm Raphaela Leistner by the way. Nice knowing ya!"

'Rude...she didn't give me a chance to fucking speak...' He grumbled deeply in his mind. His smile faded slightly as she vanished into the crowd, obviously hunting for a source of food. He sighed, and he turned to see Grant grinning at his face. He had the smile of an idea, giving so much sign language for the next arsey remark that was about to be brought up. Grant did that a lot; whenever he or Lilith had failed to do the simplest of most complicated tasks, he would snob in with words of the most annoyance.

"Hey...hey Yuri...this is why you are alone..." He chuckled in his low pitch as Yuri hung his head low. The two turned and slowly began to walk to their designated Mess-Hall. They were now amongst the final two to enter the room, being handed the card they were instructed to be given. Yuri looked down at it briefly, before hiding hit in his breast pocket without further acknowledgement at this moment in time. Right now he wanted to just sit down and eat. He wasn't even that hungry in all honesty, but he had to eat something. If Arek had ordered it, he would have to follow it. The two looked at the meal choices, which were pretty decent with the current Food situation.

Yuri walked out with a Pear and some tea, placing himself down as he thought about the choices. It was a shame that food such as family based had to be sent in. Though, who exactly would send Yuri a Devil's Pride nowadays? There wasn't anyone left. No Cyo, Hychi was gone...The only people able to send such stuff were in the training programme with himself. It was ridiculous that he had to suffer such a punishment. Although, he would have to deal with it. It was life, and not everyone gets off as well as their neighbour in the real world. If anything, that could affect their performance with high quantities of meals being sent in the time-space given. It could hinder their performance and give him the opportunity to prove himself more to the Instructors. Perfect plan, he must've said. Speaking of Luck, he pondered on who would actually be granted such luck when it came to fighting for survival...surely a lot of these Trainees weren't prepared for what was out there. Grant sat beside him, with Bread, instead of his fruit. He carried some Rum.

"How on Earth did you get that at this point of the year?" Yuri tilted his head as he took a sip from his boiling mug of tea.

"What? It is late November!"

"Oh nooo...poor your...you might catch a cold if you don't drink that!" Yuri chuckled as he was barged from behind, spilling some of his tea in his hand. It was only a slight amount, and the barge didn't exactly put much of a physical impact on him. Grant sighed deeply, prepared to turn around to see who couldn't politely walk past and give him a bollocking, only to be stopped by Yuri's hand placing on his shoulder, seizing his movement. "Don't waste your time...I feel these kids won't last as long as they hope on the field..." He said to him, loud enough for those behind him to take notice. Mutters of disgust came from his rear, Yuri sighing to himself. He never liked to pick fights with the other Trainees. Grant chuckled slowly as he continued to sip what little Rum he had. He took much appreciation to the comment his companion had flashed ever-so quickly. The speed of the return-fire was impressive for someone with as bad social knowledge as himself.

"OI! YURI! GRAAAAAANT!" A shout interrupted both of their musings, making Yuri jump slightly and spill the searing hot tea onto his face. He cringed slightly in quick pain as his face heated up to the temperature of the beverage. He turned slightly, rubbing the spilt tea from his face. To his 'Surprise', it was Lilith whom called the duo running towards them with such delight and energy. Behind her, was a girl being dragged by her arm. Yuri sighed slightly at carried on sipping at his drink as Grant nudged his friend, trying to get his attention to the approaching two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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The recruit scooted out the chair--its wooden legs scratching against the floor planks--before sitting himself down upon it. A quick glance at Angelo was more than enough for an examination, and the resulting conclusion that the kid was, "Out like a snuffed candle." He sighed, exhaling another small cloud of steam across the table, his breath dissipating before him. The draft within the room still held a touch of cold to it, though this itself did not bother Nemo much, given his quick acclimation to it. Come to think of it...there wasn't much that thoroughly caught the tan-skinned boy off-guard, perhaps due to his upbringing.

"Well, I can see now why "it" could be regarded as an animal...", He commented, green eyes only barely making contact with those of the girl beside Angelo. Always quick to take action--when necessary--, Nemo brought up the wooden bowl he had carried with him, sliding it over next to the boy's unconscious face. "..."It" certainly eats like one. Next time, I would advise that you restrain the thing, before it over-gorges on food again...", he finished quite calmly, acting as if this suggested situation had occurred instead of the outburst Angelo had caused. Again, his observant eyes looked about the large, timber-supported mess hall, most of the prying eyes having gone back to what they were doing prior to the drama-session.

"...However, I would prefer if you didn't involved me in your "play-fights" next time. I can understand it being between the two of you, but no such reason exists for you to drag my person into it...", the recruit stated, rising from his chair. "I trust you'll make sure he behaves like a properly trained monkey when he wakes...otherwise he won't have to worry about just those russian-born recruits giving him a solid beating." He glared over at Caroline momentarily, before taking his exit...off to grab seconds.

A feeling of nostalgia swept over the young soldier-to-be's skin as he made for the serving line--already noting quite a few others intent on gaining their fill before the charade continued. Somehow...it felt like this wouldn't be the only time he'd have to deal with "Angelo"'s foolishness. Why couldn't things be peaceful for once? He mused over this for a minute, finally coming to a single conclusion.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 days ago


Annella winced at Lilith’s voice, this girl doesn’t even possess an indoor voice! She thought incredulously, struggling to remove her jacket from the taller girl’s hold as she was dragged to the other side of the mess hall towards two giants.

“Where’d you two go? I thought we would meet up so we could have the meal together!” Lilith asked, her voice attracting the annoyed expression of those around her – including Annella, though she was a lot more discreet about it – but Lilith didn’t seem to care as she finally let go of the brunette’s sleeve and dumped her plate of food on the table, sitting opposite Yuri. She tugged down on the sleeve, pulling Annella down and she grunted.

Annella was forced pulled into her seat beside Lilith, and she never felt more awkward. It looked like she and the two giants knew each other, seemed like they were pretty good friends. It was harder to join a group of already close-knit friends, she would be like the unwanted wheel. Surely if Lilith is nice, then her friends must be too? She reasoned, but she couldn’t tell.

The heights of the two giants intimidated her, she was already finding it difficult to talk to others, but to add in their ridiculous height and their age (she was certain that they were not fifteen like her, not that she was judging!) it was next to impossible for the shaking girl to say anything.

Lilith looked at the girl beside her from the corner of her eye, grinning. She knew her ‘friend’ wasn’t going to talk, the poor thing looked like she had just seen death itself! Instead, Lilith had a plan.

“The girl is Annelle Herz.”

Annella twitched, she got my name wrong on purpose, that sly- she stopped herself. Maybe she should thank her instead, at least now she would get some semblance of confidence to talk, even if it is just to introduce herself.

“It’s Annella Hertz.” She corrected, her voice quiet as she looked down at the cup of steaming tea in her hand, consequently fogging up her glasses. Huffing to herself, she took off her spectacles and rubbed it with her dull grey undershirt, wiping off the condensation and any other dirt that accumulated over the course of the day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Caroline watched as a the boy walked away from the two, then sighed turning to Angelo giving him a hard slap across the face. He bolted upwards, tipping over the bowl that was next to him and banging his head against the table. He started to mutter a mouthful of swear words, fortunately only doing this when he loses a fight.

"Must. Get. Revenge," he muttered saying each word every time he exhaled. Angelo weakly looked up at Caroline, with her being the dominant one in this situation. His eyes showed anger but mostly sleepiness due to his constant movements throughout the day. Caroline pulled him onto his feet following the boy then asking,"Can you help me get him to a bed, pleaseeee?" stretching the 'please' while using a child-like type of voice.

I have this feeling in my gut that he isn't going to help, Caroline thought to herself. "If he helps then he's nicer than you," Angelo blurted out to purposely get Caroline annoyed again. She didn't get annoyed, but she got more pissed off than she already was pulling the arm that was slung over her shoulder with a loud pop sound coming from Angelo. He winced in pain, then quickly tried to fix his shoulder as if it was about to fall off.

"If you don't help me I don't mind asking this entire fucking room," Caroline said in a deeper tone while gritting her teeth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The recruit's boots stopped mid-motion, bringing themselves into place as he let out a low groan, turning slowly on his heel. He'd been right...though it was a bit earlier than he'd expected to have been dealing with "Angelo" again.

The boy cringed, the sound of "it" coming off as so...trashy.

Nemo disliked having to use that name, the overall structure just didn't have that..."ring" to it. "Angelo" didn't quite roll off of the tongue, so much as it stumbled about in--more than likely--the same drunken stupor his father had been in when he met the poor boy's mother. With a steady pace, the recruit made his way over to Caroline again, eyes disapprovingly gazing at hers, before he reset the arm into place with a hard smack. Having done so, he took up a portion of the boy's weight upon himself, dragging the youngster's arm over his shoulder and gripping it firmly in place.

"So, Caroline, where shall we take "Angie" here. Infirmary or Dorms?"

The moment the nickname rolled off of his tongue, Nemo knew he'd found it, Angelo's new name far exceeded the creativity of the former. Smiling, he looked past "Angie"'s face and directly at Caroline's, making sure she knew how much he wanted to get at her "friend"'s goat for being such an obnoxious "merde".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

It took Caroline a while to realize that the boy was talking about Angelo when he said 'Angie', even though a few kids that were friends with Angelo when they were little called him that. "Take him to the dorms and drop him off quickly," she answered with a cracking voice, as if about to start bawling any second. When her eyes met the boy's it made the feeling worse, making her have to choke it down while covering her mouth to block anything being heard.

"What? You trying to get rid of me so early?" Angelo asked softly with a smile hoping Caroline didn't hear it. She heard it anyway, but didn't bother changing her facial expression or responding to entertain him. He quickly lost his smile thinking in his head, I'm gonna get fucked up, aren't I?

Caroline looked Angelo in the eyes, her face full of disappointment and worry. "Baka," was all she said.

"Glupi," he said back. Caroline snorted taking the band that was holding Angelo's hair together, with his messy blonde hair falling down to his shoulders. "Give it back!" he yelled getting annoyed now.

"I will if you promise not to attack anybody unless you tell me," she said to him. He didn't say anything, so Caroline kept the bands on her arm.
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