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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack had watched several others file in ahead of him while he had stayed back for a moment. He generally preferred to come in a bit later never bothering to rush for the most part, at least when he could get away with it which morning was perfect for. It took him a few seconds to get over to the serving line and decide what exactly he wanted that ended up being a couple hard-boiled eggs with some toast and a bit of water to wash them down. Finding an empty table not too far away from where he noticed others he looked around while working on the shells of the eggs giving him a chance to see just who was about. There were more than a few faces he could put names to hanging around though there were a couple that were relatively new which was to be expected given the Home being an official enough dump site for anyone gifted.

To Jack it was interesting just how well some of the other residents seemed to adjust to the whole containment though he suspected there were others besides him who wouldn't mind getting out or at least breaking the barrier. Honestly he didn't much care as of yet anyone's opinion on the matter because he had no idea if any of them were actually on the payroll of Dawson which he anticipated there were a few such individuals among them. Then again it was probably just him over thinking the matter but that was just his mind always thinking about the angles to worry about. He shook his head slightly and started eating figuring it might be a good idea not to let food go to waste just mildly tuning in to the conversations around him here or there. The scene was very normal all things considered for who and what they were, after all you could hardly call most of the people in the Home anywhere near normal depending on what they could do, however it let people distract themselves for even just a little providing a nice break from reality. Jack would continue to listen for now more focused on his food than anything else for the moment though in a rather good mood this particular day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Emmett's eyes opened quickly at the sound of trumpets, he felt his heart beat quicken a little bit and quickly tried to calm himself. I'm fine, I'm not in danger, I...oh damn it. His body teleported on it own and suddenly his body hit the kitchen floor of his apartment. He laid there for a moment listening to Dawson's voice. He was just glad that he hadn't ended up in his neighbor's apartment this time, or worse stuck in the floor. He grumbled a bit looking up at the camera in his kitchen as he got up off the floor.

Sometimes he wondered if Dawson enjoyed seeing everyone freak out in the morning, or if she expected people to get up this early. Not wanting to press his luck, he actually walked like a normal person to his room grabbing his glasses and get dressed in a simple black shirt and blue jeans.

Lets hope those classes are starting to pull off. He thought picturing the mall in his mind, before teleporting there. Emmett smiled a bit when saw that it had worked and he was here. Though the smile disappeared when he tried to move and realized his foot was stuck is the ground. He looked around before teleporting to where he was again. At least no one was there to see him.

When he headed into the dinning hall, he was rather quick to see Jasmina. Though...that wasn't hard to do with the cat ears and tail. He blinked a little before smiling at her and quickly looking away, he knew that she hated him. She had actually told him that a few times, but still Emmett didn't want to believe it. After all if Jasmina hated him so much, she wouldn't help him out of the wall, she would leave him there. Even if she didn't knock him around a little afterwords.

He smiled at that thought before filling his tray, and heading towards her table to sit with her as always. Though Jasmina did look a bit more pissed then usual, he sat his tray with jam covered toast, bacon, and eggs down across from her. "Good morning." He said almost cheerfully, looking down at his tray instead of at her, preferring not to get slapped in front of everyone today.

Monica took a deep breath as she got outside, enjoying the fresh air. It was so nice and relaxing here, if you looked past the fact that this place was a cage. Though it was much better then the cage of a house she grew up in. She could see the stars at night, hear the birds instead of traffic, smell something other than gasoline. It wasn't freedom, but it was as close as she would ever get again after her screw up.

For a moment she almost heard the screams again, but Monica shook her head quickly before she lost control again. No today she was going to try being in a better mood. She decided as she finally reached the mall. Or at least I'm going to try. She thought before heading in not letting the fact she was a little late bother her.

Grabbing one of the trays she filled a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. Monica rolled her eyes looking towards the table that Rebound girl was sitting at. What was it with her always stealing the orange juice? Monica cursed to herself a bit taking a glass and getting apple juice instead. Normally Monica would sit by herself, but it looked like there weren't any empty tables.

That's okay, I've met a few of those people. That after all was one of the good things about her job, she had met a few people putting out fires. Seeing the guy from the bowling alley she smiled walking over and sitting with him. "G..good morning. Your Jack right, the guy from the bowling alley?" She said nervously talking to others not being her strong suit, not being something she had the chance to do much growing up.

Zaniel’s smirk widened as Persephone talked even if she wasn’t showing her anger, he still knew her well and he was still able to pick up a slight tone of annoyance in her voice. “Hmm? I don’t know that I really should do it more? Honestly you get all squeaky when you’re mad, so who knows.” He answered with a slight laugh, still getting a little bit of enjoyment out of picking on her. He really wasn't trying to be an asshole, he just enjoyed picking on her, in fact Persephone was probably the only one he was this nice to. Or at least tried so hard to be, she was one of his few friends and he actually had a slight crush on her. Still he let the shadows slowly fade away and the light of the sun through.

"Yes I know, but I'm not hungry. Besides finding somewhere to sit, having to talk to people I don't know. Trying to be nice, ugh." He answered looking down at her as he talked, smirk turning into a smile as she looked up at him. "I'll get something for lunch though. You know you talk so highly about breakfast, why aren't getting some?" He said before seeing that dark look in her eyes she sometimes get.

Zaniel wasn't paying enough attention to her neck to notice why she had went all dark there for a second. Still he gave her a weird look before laughing a bit at her next question. "Not really, I wasn't really planning on working until I had to." He answered honestly, unlike Persephone he wasn't really that much of a workhorse, he would have much rather just slacked off.

Also being on his hands and knees digging holes for her plants was a rather tiresome job. Still he let out a sigh and picked the small garden shovel up off the ground where he had left it yesterday. "Alright point out where you want the first set of rows." He finally said looking down at her, if he didn't like Persephone so much, he would insist on planting the plants instead of digging. Though the plants would probably die as the only thing he knew about plants Persephone had taught him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chenzor
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Something like that, yeah." Robyn responded to Roberta's question about if moisture would fuss her lines or make her papers wet. It was such a forward question that Robyn wasn't used to at all, but she found it to her liking. Then she introduced herself, of course. Rebound was a kinda cool name, Robyn thought. Like a super hero or supernatural agent. Well, they basicly all are but in a slightly less dramatic manner. She had never thought about making up her own name. Besides, what would fit? A guy made out of fire would be Wildfyre or something cool, a plant manipulator would be Overgrowth, a hydromancer would be ... Riptide, maybe? Pondering cool x-men-esque names, Robyn lost herself in thought for a moment before 'Rebound' continued. "So, what do you do? Other than that whole sketchbook thing. Enter pictures? Bring drawings to life? It's pretty obvious what my whole deal is..." she asked. Robyn smiled slightly, a shy and discreet smile that she quickly did her best to end. "I guess you could say I bring drawings to life, yeah." she said and held up her empty palm. In her hand, strange scribbled and black lines appeared out of nothing as if a hundred pencils drew at once, and soon a pack of orange juice appeared in her hand. They shared her texture, her appearance and features, but obviously there was no real orange juice in it. She demonstrated such by opening the lid and turning it upside down. Completely and utterly dry as a desert. Then, she unsummoned it and it disappeared quickly out of existance. "I... Create things." she said, looking at Roberta with a sort of childlike happiness. She felt like this person actually saw her as one of them. Roberta didn't look sideways at Robyn like many others did, and she was so blunt and direct. Robyn liked that kind of personality, suddenly, although she didn't think about it.

Then, Roberta spotted something and hid away behind the pillar in a way that no ordinary person ever would. Well, Robyn had heard of a yoga expert who once escaped prison through his dinner-delivery slot in his door but that's another thing. Roberta looked like a pancake squished up between the wall and the pillar. "Oh damnit, Jas looks pissed... she must've seen the mess I left in the gym. I meant to put it away, but I was so tired I couldn't pick up the weights... just kept stretching." she said.
Robyn looked at the girl entering, or rather storming in. Jasmina. Having had a lot of times watching from the sidelines, Robyn could tell Jasmina's rage wasn't projected onto Roberta, but rather someone else. Or maybe something else. Robyn wasn't sure what to respond to Roberta. "I'm... I'm sure it's not you. She looks upset, yeah, but... I dunno." said Robyn. Staring at Jasmina a little too long however, Robyn became concious of her own staring and looked away. "You like orange juice, don't you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jace looked up at Toby as he approached, swallowing the half-chewed pancake in his mouth so he could get a word out. "Hello Tobias." He resumed eating, sitting back and keeping an eye on both him and Artemis.
Gallus, on the other hand, was staring up at Toby in horror. He knew who it was, standing in front of the table, the slaughterer... the man that killed all his friends, except the house pets that hang around with him every now and then. All in all, he was terrified of the boy, a clever-wielding maniac bent on ridding the world of animals that could be made into food...

Aaron heard Lina's pleas for assistance, and smirked a bit, then called to her from across the cafeteria. "It's self-serve, sweet cheeks!" He got up, dumping the plate of sausages in a trash can, and made his way to Jack. He snapped his fingers and scowled as he received no response, then sat beside him and zapped him with a small amount of electricity, barely enough to get his attention while inflicting a small amount of pain.
"Hey, Albino!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lyra's eyes went as wide as saucers as an older boy offered to let her eat from his plate. Cheeks blazing and voice going shrill, she said, "That's not appropriate! Notnotnot! A lady must not eat of another person's plate!" Her stomach growled more persistently than ever. That bacon smelled really, really good - it had been a while since she'd had a proper meal. But she couldn't eat it. Absolutely not!

She looked over the boy and frowned. He looked perfectly ordinary, and was wearing casual clothing, yet he had answered her call for a waiter. That must be what he was - the waiter. That nonsense about this place being self serve couldn't be true. She had been sent her, and a girl of her stature was not to be carrying trays around. It was enough of an affront that she had to carry her teapot!

Pouring herself another cup of grape soda, she said, "Please go get me another of what you have. If you try to deceive me into serving myself again, I will certainly put an a complaint to Miss Dawson. And add a chocolate chip muffin. And a cupcake for dessert." She turned away from the boy and took a sip of her soda. She scowled; it had grown warm. It didn't taste nearly as good when it was warm!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 3 days ago

A time passed a lot slower around James than it normally did, or at least it seemed to. A place without sound is almost like a place without light; without it the place just feels... Empty. So James sat in silence, eating contently and watching the people around him go by and eat with less than average curiosity. Miss. Dawson's Facility for Apocalyptic Children... They're all most likely here for the same thing as I... Destruction. He thought, finishing the last of his pancake and then proceeding to eat the last of the bacon.

About halfway through his breakfast, a girl came to sit with him, oddly enough. She had brownish hair and wore normal clothes, kinda like everyone else here. She came over, sat down, took a funny glance at James and then proceeded to eat like everyone else. A woman strode in a looked like she was ready to punch the first person to talk to her, and that spider woman was still talking to Scribble. Then his shield flickered. Something had tried to hit him, at least with some malicious intent. Electricity. Who the hell is trying to roast me alive with lightning at this early in the damn morning?! he thought, turning his head slightly and glancing behind him to catch some idiot trying to talk to him. Maybe if he had just poked him, or something he would get an answer; lightning really doesn't work against someone with a constant shield that redirects any vector I don't want in... That include electricity he thought, switching off his sound redirection field and standing to meet the boy.

"Hey, Albino!"

So that's were he wants to take this he thought.
"You should know, I've killed people for saying that. But I won't kill you yet. Oh, and by the way, all electricity has a vector. All you have to do is calculate its speed, direction, force, velocity etc and you can deflect it. Nice try though." With that, he picked up his tray, grabbed the rest of the bacon, ate it and strolled out of the mall. He was gone, heading towards the lake in order to so some sightseeing. He didn't have a job, so why the hell not?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RawrEspada4
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

The sunrise had come just as Iron finished the second mile of his morning jog at just under 2g (2 times Earth's gravity). As he trudged back to his apartment he contemplated the rest of his morning workout. He still had his crunches, pushups and a myriad of other exercises before he hit the shower. In all honesty Iron hated working out, hated it all the more at 2g but when one spent as much time as he did at 0g and below it was near required to keep himself in any sort of shape. Once back in his apartment he resumed the actual workout, the whole time counting down to his morning shower and the actual start of the day.

Iron stepped out of the shower towel around his waist as Miss Dawson's voice boomed throughout the Home. It had been nearly three years and he still couldn't get over how annoying the trumpeting was. As she completed her morning announcement, one that seemed to nearly be the same everyday, Iron proceeded to get dressed. He pulled on his normal day to day clothes, a pair of jeans, a fairly non-descript t-shirt and lastly his signature hoodie. Sliding into a pair of shoes he was ready to head out for the day. So thusly he collapsed onto the bed glad once more to be existing back at normal gravity and deciding he'd give himself 15 minutes of rest before heading to the mall.

Having fallen partially asleep it was nearing 20 minutes when Iron dived out of his third story window heading towards the mall. Landing softly on the ground he propelled himself back into the air and floated to the mall at leisurely 0g.

Landing once more just outside the mall, he pushed through the doors and immediately took a look around the room while also heading towards the food line. As he made his way through the line he grabbed the makings of a light breakfast- some toast, an apple, a banana, apple juice (although he would have prefered orange juice which seemed to be missing this morning) and a coffee. Tray in hand he glanced around the room looking for a place to sit. Spotting the lounge attendant alone at his own table Iron headed in that direction. Plopping his tray down on the table he slid into the seat across from Azai.

"Such a scowl this early in the day Azai, don't tell me the world's already got you down?" Iron said a light chuckle to his voice as he crunched into his apple.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaron groaned and got up, following close behind James. Be had a theory he wanted to test, to see if his chief principle was actually valid. Everything to ever exist has had a weak point. Rome, Egypt, and Greece all did, why not this cocky kid that was speaking logic to probably the most reckless person in the place? He smirked and rubbed his hands together, managing to create some static build-up, the electricity jumping between his palms as he separated them, even expending the extra energy for the plasma to move slightly slower to throw off his shield. Lightning was easy to calculate... assuming it moved at light speed.
"Hey, we got of on a bad foot, name's Aaron." He smiled maliciously as he clasped his hands behind his back. The crackling might've given him away, yes, but misdirection's a powerful tool.

Zinnia took Iron's arrival as an excuse to sit beside the gravity manipulator, and bit into her toast. "Er... Hello, I'm Zinnia." 'Damn, did I just stutter? Why would I even do that? I don't even know these people's names!' She thought, honestly wondering why she hesitated. Sure, English wasn't her first language, but her speech was usually flawless in most languages.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Azai noticed more people pouring through in mall for their breakfast, he knew a couple of them from his job as lounge manager, yet he never socialized much with them, for he would be on job duty, yet he tried to be nice with them even they didn't gave much attention to it, since it was a trait of a good manager. He noticed Monica, that girl always intrigued him when she came to the lounge, she was always by herself, well it wasn't something very special for the kind of people here, but she seemed deeply troubled, so he tried be nice to her. He saw that she was talking to Jack the bowling alley manager, Azai would've offered her a seat but it seems like she went ahead and asked Jack it seems.

After finishing his plate, he decided to head home and take Luka for a walk to the lake where he can play while he finish his morning exercise before work. Luka jumped at Azai with joy when he arrived home knowing that it was time for his morning walk, so he went and waited by the door waiting for Azai to get ready, so Azai got his halberd and went out the door.

A leash was never put on Luka, Azai trusted him and listened to his commands, and he just couldn't put him on a leash. He and Luka go way back, when he first became a professional fighter. He met Luka on his way home, he saw a white and black canaan dog fighting a bigger pitbull dog, Azai stopped to see if the small dog would win, altering the losing situation he was in. After a while, Luka emerged victorious and turned his vision towards Azai, and they immediately connected, and was carried by Azai to a vet to treat his wounds... They went for The first tree they set their eyes on, Luka started playing around while Azai was warming up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Confused, but happy, Alex watched how Lyra began to it little from the plate. Especially after her protest. Though the fact that she turned her back to him made her look a little prudish. And then she began to throw around demands for more food. Together with a treat to go complain at Miss Dawson and another damn for a muffin and a cupcake. Alex looked at her, baffled by the words. Was she arrogant or just spoiled? Confused Alex looked around, not sure if some new guy turned out to be a waiter or something. But everyone was carrying his or her own plate. He looked back at her with a raised eye brow.

Instead of fulfilling any of her demands, he just grabbed a piece of bacon off his plate she took and began to slowly eat it. Staring her in the eyes the whole time. To make extra sure she got the point he was sharing, not giving his food with her, he grabbed one of the bowls of cornflakes and a spoon. “Listen here, cupcake.” He started as he started to spoon out the content of the bowl in his mouth. Realizing his word choice might have been a little harsh. Though still she had to learn how things worked in this cage. Else she might be at a severe disadvantage. “I don’t know what you’re used to, but right here everyone gets his own food. I just shared some of mine with you. If you want a muffin. You have to fetch one yourself. Oh and nobody’s seen Miss Dawson here. For all we know she doesn’t even exist.” He hoped the harsh treatment had pushed home his point. Though it didn’t take long before he began to feel guilty. Playing the tough guy, that was his past. He had to make amends. So without saying anything he quickly left his spot near her. Without saying anything. Only to return shortly with a chocolate chip muffin. “Sorry, there were no more cupcakes.” He apologized in a much calmer voice, as he put the muffin in front of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 3 days ago

He's following me... James thought, quietly walking towards the lake, or at least what he thought was the lake. Then he heard it; that quiet crackle of static build up in a conductive material. Bastard... I could tell he was an arrogant sod, but he STILL thinks he can fry me... idiot! A little ways out from the mall, James stopped, turned and looked straight into the eyes of Aaron. His eyes were wild, dancing with the fires of countless murders, battles and retreats. Seeing the fools hands clasped behind his back, coupled with his clearly comment of clear deceptive intent, a smile crossed James's lips. "Yeah, we did. Names James Gilford, but the SPD call me Collider. Hey, I have a demonstration for you!" He taunted, looking straight at the boy, "Did you know that all around the body, electrical signals pass from the brain to different parts of the body through nerves. They're called 'Bio-electric Signals..'" and with a single, fluid motion, James's left arm was held to Aaron's shoulder, and his right on his forehead.

"Messing with them can have some... dangerous outcomes..."

The ground around the two boys began to crack, and the earth began to crumble as James forced Aaron to emit a rather powerful electromagnetic field.
"This power only works at short range, so it isn't effective; but in this case-" he stopped, as a bolt of electricity arced across the ground behind Aaron, leaving a scorched mark where it struck. This was the example James would leave. Humiliation to the cockiest prick around, hoping to teach him a lesson not to pick on the new kid. James had been through enough of that. "Don't worry, buddy. I forgive you for your obnoxious attitude earlier, but next time you want my attention just tap me on the shoulder. And for the love of Christ don't call me albino, or insult me like that again. I've killed too many people because of that, and I don't want to add you to the list." And with that, he left, redirecting the light that shone upon him so that he became invisible. And with that, he finally headed to the pool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaron laughed as he was struck for probably the hundreth time in his life, even opening his mouth to show the electricity arcing inside him. "I'm a one-way street, James. I can shock you, but you can't shock me!" He laughed like the Joker, doubling over as the lightning worked it's way back out of his system. Now the vector manipulator had to deal with an actually awake Aaron who could now track electrical pulses. So he kept following him.
"Heh, I like you, James. You can hold your own, even against my brand of crap." He shook his hands, sending the excess electricity into the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack perked up at hearing someone else sitting down at his table and returned Monica's smile once he pulled himself away from his toast in front of him. He knew her as one of the emergency workers and someone who seemed more likely to be alone than around him or anyone else for that matter. It didn't bother him so much because his sister fit the bill well generally no wanting to be bothered and left to her art, but there was a small chance it was for the same reason. "Yeah, that's me good to see you Monica. Hows morning treating you?" He said genuinely happy to talk with someone he knew less about. After all you could learn quite a bit about someone by talking but it was also good to do just for entertainment value at least for him.

Jack did find that listening to everyone was maybe a bit of a hobby though it was just passing and there was always a nugget here or there to lock away for later. Its not like he couldn't just use his power for finding out things most people wouldn't say otherwise but really he liked to keep his power on the down low. Given its effects people could start looking at him wrong really easy and it was something he hoped to avoid if possible here more than he did outside. Not exactly safe to be getting people upset around here. He thought with a certain amount of humor. "Quite a few people here today." He said stating the obvious but figuring it might get a different response from Monica more so than most of the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bai Suzhen
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Bai Suzhen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Roberta stays flattened to the pillar as things go down in the cafeteria.

"Well... maybe not specifically mad at me... but when she's in a mood like that, it's best to stay out of her way. As for the juice... yeah, I like it. Plus when you've got a stretchy stomach it's hard to really fill up."

Then, the confrontation between James and Aaron goes down. "Great, this works out well. While the boys are having their dick-waving contest, I can slip out to the gym... get things sorted before Jas catches up to me."

Roberta stretches up and away along the second floor of the mall, though her boots get stuck on a handrail and fall off, landing next to Robyn. As a head and hand come back to retrieve them, she asks the sketchy girl "You wanna come along?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RawrEspada4
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Iron sat crunching his apple watching Azai leave, as if neither himself or the girl had tried to speak to him. Iron shrugged it off as Azai being lost in his own mind. His thoughts on trying to decipher whether or not he and the girl had been snubbed by Azai almost caused Iron to miss her introducing herself.

"Er... Hello, I'm Zinnia." The girl said as she sat down next to him. Turning his attention towards the Zinnia he tried to recall if he had met her before. Having been locked in this prison paradise for the last 3 years he knew most of his peers, if not just by name and appearance.

Setting his apple down he extended his hand to offer a hand shake, "Iron," he said sounding a little abrupt in his mind he went to clarify. "My name that is... It's Iron," his cheeks took on a slight tint as he introduced himself. 'Locked in a prison for supers and my worry is embarrassing myself in front of a cute girl, man that's pathetic' he inwardly bereted himself. Deciding to draw attention away from his pink tinged cheeks and his slight word vomit he inquired of Zinnia "I take it you're new? I don't think we've met."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Silas finished eating the apple, leaving nothing but the core full of seeds. He got up and made his way out of the orchard, his next destination being the gym as he steered clear of the mall. Soon enough he arrived, and deposited the core in the trashcan outside and he entered. He was ahead of everyone, which is what he preferred as he wasn't the most social person since he got here. He noticed a bunch of weights on the floor, likely the result of someone leaving them behind, so he went about picking them up and putting them away.

Once it was cleaned up, he went about doing whet he came here to door, which was walking on a treadmill. Really, it was the start of his tasks laid out to him by the local medical,something he'd been sticking to every day for the most part. And it was paying off, as his physical condition had been improving and his strength was returning. He hadn't bothered checking how early he was, but it didn't really matter to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zinnia smiled and shook his hand, ignoring the tint in Iron's cheeks. "No, I don't think we have. I just got here a little less than one week ago." She let go of the man's hand and crossed her legs, then sighed down at her food. It was simply too bland. Sure, she had managed to swipe a glass of orange juice before the elastic girl got her hands on the whole pitcher, but a piece of toast? She didn't like her heritage, but that didn't mean she didn't appreciate a well-made kofta every now and then. Anything slightly spicy would be a godsend right now, the last time she ate anything along those lines was the day she left Istanbul.
She then looked up at Iron after a slightly too long moment of silence. "So, what do you do around here? For a job, I mean. I haven't been given one yet." She pursed her lips slightly. Seriously, what's going on with this? You're stuttering like a fool, Zinnia! You, don't, stutter! Ever!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madame Kitten
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Madame Kitten I Am Catwoman

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jasmina was not pleased to see Emmett sit at her table, even though he knew how much she hated men. How many times had she even told him that she hated him with a burning passion? She didn't know, but Jasmina was about to go at him again but decided not to, for fear of clawing his eyes out. "Good morning Emmett.... Can I help you with something?" Jasmina asked though she didn't sound like she wanted to greet him, at all. She took a few bites of her Haddock and looked at him, seeing him staring at his plate which he knew meant he was trying not to stare at her- Wait, what?

He was making an effort to not stare at her assets unlike others? This was.... New to her, for sure, and it felt.... Nice, to not be stared at like she was used to. "I mean, you know, later on during class. What can I help you with?" Jasmina asked calmly, though anyone could tell that she was definitely a bit off from her tone.

She felt off at that moment, wondering if she had misjudged Emmett and the rest of the Males she had ever met. No, it was too soon to jump to conclusions at this point, she should know that. But there was a part of her, locked deep in the depths of her heart, that wished for that to be true, even if she didn't want to admit it.

Persephone was trying desperately not to kill him at this point, as she hated being teased as much as she hated the fact that the person teasing her was the guy she had a crush on. Her cheeks turned a crimson hue as she thought about Zaniel and her together, consciously scolding herself as she knew that probably would never happen. After all, she he could have any girl in Miss. Dawson's home, so why choose her?

She snapped out of it when he asked her why she never ate breakfast, deciding to explain to him though he'd be the first since no one had ever asked before. "Oh, I get my nutrients from light. Like a plant, I use photosynthesis to stay alive, but unfortunately my body is so big that if I'm without light for more than ten minutes than I'm pretty much a goner. So that's why I sleep with the light on in my room and I'm never caught out after dark unless I have a flash light, but even then I'm exhausted since the light of a flash light isn't truly enough for my body." Persephone explained, wondering if he thought she was weird to need light all the time in order for her to live.

When he asked about where to plant the first row she pointed to the plot next to the plot which already had plants growing out of them. "Could you start at the next plot? I promise to reward you however I can for getting to work so early!" She promised with a smile on her face, happy to see that he was willing to get started so early in the morning just for her.

Natalia smiled as she heard Leo scolding her from the far side of the pool, swimming over to him before she rested her arms against the side and kicked her feet to stay afloat. "Hey, I can't make it too easy on you! After all that would make your job too easy!" She teased with a smile splashing him with water and laughing. "If you want revenge, guess you're gonna have to come and catch me!"

Nat started to swim as fast as she could to the other side of the hot spring, though once she was at the end she dove under the water, but not before making a bubble around her mouth so she could breathe underwater for a good 10 minutes before she'd have to come back up, but by now Leo would know her signature move so she'd have to be sneaky and plan a sneak attack while she was still under the water.

Artemis looked up at the boy who addressed her, her heart beating as fast as a bullet train as she knew exactly who he was. His name was Tobias, the butcher at the slaughterhouse who killed the animals she raised and became friends with, but from what she knew he didn't eat meat ever. So how did he get such an occupation from Miss. Dawson in the first place?

She smiled as he spoke her name, since she had a serious crush on him even though she had only seen him from far away. But maybe he wasn't her to talk to her, maybe he was her to talk to Jace. Her heart sank at the realization that could be the case, but she knew that she had to at least try. "You're the cute butcher who butchers my friends aren't you?" Artemis asked, mentally slapping herself silly as she had called him cute, telling him exactly how she felt about him.

She blushed heavily as she looked at him, unsure if she should look away or not. "D-Did you come here to talk to Jace? Because if so I can go to the buffet for some blueberry pancakes and coffee!" Artemis said hastily as she looked from Jace to Toby, wondering if he had a personal problem that he needed to talk about with Jace and hoping she could distract him from what she said before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oscar had been meditating for a long time, the rising sun creeping along the carpet before alighting on his form. When the trumpets blared, the powerful boy slowly opened his eyes and allowed himself to touch back down on the bed, which he'd been levitating above. With a deep breath and slow exhale, he unfolded his legs from their crossed position. He stretched luxuriously before finally getting dressed and ready for breakfast. He'd long since showered when he awoke a few hours ago. He crossed to the high window, pushing the panel glass frame outward. He stepped onto the frame, looking at the ground far below.

With no hesitation, he took the next step, dropping like a stone. When one might think he would become a puddle on the ground, Oscar stopped his descent between breaths with his telekinetic gifts.

Since he'd come to this place, he'd started to explore other avenues of his powers, always encroaching on dizzying new levels that Oscar was nearly scared of what he would become. His telekinesis was coming along, his mind manipulation and reading at the top of the known super world. He'd recently discovered astral projection, but couldn't maintain the form for longer than a couple of minutes. He was always forced back to his body before too long.

His abilities of premonition were coming along, but also lacking for Oscar. He could choose to look forward from the moment, but could only manage five minutes ahead. It was enough, always telling him when one of the other young people here in Ms. Dawson's home would try and make his life a little harder. He sighed, even as he came abreast of the mall, then the cafeteria. Hopefully they still had some breakfast burritos left, of which Oscar had grown a fondness after his extensive traveling before coming here.

He grabbed two of the large food items, the tortilla nearly bursting with steak, eggs, peppers, and all the delicious fixings. He thanked the mysterious woman behind the counter, who seemed to be able to cook anything you could think of.

He found an empty table against one of the walls. His crimson eyes took in the room and those therein with an impassive expression. Sliding into the bench and digging into his good with gusto. His morning meditation sessions always seemed to burn more calories than he realized.

Kenny was practicing his various forms and katas, trying to distract himself from the simple fact that he was a prisoner here. And he hated every moment he was to stay in the same place as some fairly crazy seeming people. They all seemed tense, on edge, or just plain aloof with eccentric personalities and behaviors. Why couldn't they be normal people that just so happened to have superpowers? Although, Kenny shouldn't speak. He'd been devoured by a damn shark until all that was left were tatters. And yet he'd still healed until there wasn't a trace of a bite or the hint of scarring.

Why he was he here? Because he simply had no where to go and Dawson's goons had picked him up somewhere along the interstate. He hadn't had the foggiest idea of where he was going, just that he had to. They'd shot him with some dart, but his regeneration just metabolized whatever drug or toxin they tried to sedate him with. Then they'd brought out the high voltage tasers. He'd writhed on the ground, teeth clenched involuntarily, but his eyes full of hate for these people.

The intercom blared out that it was time for the first meal and interrupting his practice. He gathered up his belongings and set off at a casual jog, passing by other kids and young adults walking to the mall for chow time.

When he got there, Kenny didn't know where to go, looking around at the people milling and falling into small cliques and groups. Shrugging it off, he got a plate of flapjacks, sausage links, and scrambled eggs with a glass of orange juice. As he sat down the only thought that came to mind was that if he was a prisoner, at least he got better food than one.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chicago, USA, 11:34 am

Today it is then. I have no where left to run, and they're here... Tess thought, slowly walking to the door of the run down apartment she had been staying in for days now. The SPD were here, and her ability couldn't do anything to a large number of them, not unless she could touch them all. Damnit... I didn't expect them to catch up this quickly she thought, grabbing her knife and proceeding to unlock the door. "Come get me then, you fucker!" as she burst from the door. He would be outside, and the SPD would be waiting if she tried to run. Fahrenheit, a powerful pyrokinetisist, also known as a reject from even Miss. Dawson's Home, and now a hunter for the SPD. As soon as she left, the door and everything behind her was in flames, and the merciless laughter of the insane grew louder as she ran.

"Come on girly, make this interesting before I kill you!"

He wouldn't kill her though and she knew it. He had to keep her alive in order to send her to Dawson's. Though, if she pushed her luck for too long, he might get fed up and burn her to cinders. The best course of action was to run to the SPD officers and hope they would just knock her out, and not shoot her on the spot. This was her only chance, with fires raging behind her and a column of smoke bellowing from the windows. She burst from the main doors, and was struck across the head with a back, and then injected with something into her arm. "I'll see you soon, bro..." she said, as she slowly faded away.

Aaron was still following him, and it was really pissing James off. How the hell could he still follow him if there was no light hitting him whatsoever, unless-
Damnit, he can track heartbeats... he thought, reassessing the situation. He stopped once again, and turned to Aaron, becoming visible again.
"I'm gonna head to the gym. I heard there were some lessons on controlling abilities and I have some calculation to test out, but I need an enclosed space to use them." he stated, "Your welcome to come along, of you want. I would enjoy watching your abilities in action." And with that, he headed of in another direction, making his way to the gym.

On his way, he saw an almost average looking kid heading there as well. Who was that again? He could have sworn he had seen him talking before and heard his name from somewhere... Was it Silas or Jack? Oh well, he followed him into the gym and looked around, slightly overwhelmed by how much crap there was inside. The kid he saw go in was already working out, by the looks of things, but there was nothing in the general vicinity that could really work for his theory... Except, by the side there was a basketball. Good. James walked up to it, picked it up and moved it to the centre of the gym. He tapped his foot behind it, and the ground shook, sending the ball flying into the sky and bouncing off of the wall, only the come flying right back at him. He turned around the ball bounced off the shield, flying straight and going through the hoop.
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