Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Mithias began listening to the brief discussion between Keith and Lord Starkiller of fighter pilots and ships. Perhaps he would be lucky enough to catch a piece of information about the ships themselves or how to steal one. He had a fair bit of skill himself as a pilot, having flown the most advanced earth-bound military aircraft of his original world. One thing about Mithias, he loved driving and operating heavy machinery, particularly flying. Spacecraft couldn't be too much of a leap now could it?

As Satsuki was getting closer to him, Mithias' attention had lapsed. Gigan had returned with the very strange looking ape-hag named Dernla from the Lanka empire. Actually, they were all strange looking, especially that Ghidora-san demon-looking woman-person-thing. At least that's what was going through Mithias' perfect human mind when he sighed and turned to see Satsuki suddenly walk right in front of him.

His breath caught in his throat as he froze, trying not to be noticed, but it was too late. How long had it been since the great blood-hunter Mithias had stealthed through the cityscape in the night? Too long, for he was obviously lax. As Satsuki began to realize she had come upon an intruder, Mithias blinked in disbelief at her exceedingly sexy armor and exclaimed, "Great God-emperor!"

Shit he had to do something. Since mind-control took too damn much concentration, he just reacted more quickly and instinctively with his telekinesis and tossed Satsuki over to land on top of the others. While they were dealing with that, he made a run for it toward where he thought the hangar was.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Joseph leaned ever closer to the TV in his effort to fix the damned thing. The thing was pretty damn amazing, although there were very few channels that weren't being used to broadcast reports from The Speedwagon Foundation. After all, they made the damned thing, colour and all, but Joseph couldn't help, but yearn for something more interesting than archaeological digs. He let out a cry of despair before crying out to his newly-wed wife.
"God damn it, woman why can't you just use the radio?! At least I don't need to smack that every 5 minutes for it to work!" He shouted, before returning to leaning in closer to the TV and fiddling with the wires around the back of it. His cry was replied to with the familiar accent of his Italian wife, Suzie Q.
"Now now, Jojo at least we have a television, why those lovely people across the street had their house destroyed by a bomb just last week, I bet they'd enjoy anything on TV after that" She picked up the tray and began walking to the living room. "Actually, I think we should invite them over for dinner sometime soon, after all, we've all had to stick together ever since the war star-" She was cut off by the realization that her husband wasn't even in the living room. "Jojo?" She asked, to receive no answer.

Joseph Joestar - Arcadia 2

Joseph found himself flabbergasted. A minute ago he was in the comfort of his home, settling into a life of property management and monotony. Hell, he was even expecting a daughter within the year, he and his wife had even picked out the name, Holly. For Pete's sake if there was one thing he didn't want it was another adventure. Actually, that was a lie. A lie he told himself every day while thinking about his adventures against the pillar men. A joyful grin grew on his face as he rose to his feet and inspected his surroundings. He was in an abandoned warehouse, filled with products never to be sold. He turned to the large, open door and fastened his headband before sprinting out in search of adventure.

Joseph had been walking for what seemed to be hours, with no sign of excitement or adventure to be seen anywhere. That is until he saw an equally bandanna'd man exiting a hotel in full kung fu gear. Now that wasn't something you saw every day, especially not on the property market. The smile returned to his face as he sprinted over to the man and slid to a halt in front of him.
"Stop right there, karate man!" He commanded straightening up and readying his clackers in case of a fight."The names Joseph Joestar, friends call me Jojo, now you'd better tell me how I got here and how I get home before I give ya' a taste of my hamon" He exclaimed gleefully, before realizing that he had no actual reason to threaten the man. "Or not, you know" He spoke, crossing his arms. "I mean you've got a bandanna, I've got a bandanna, hell we're practically brothers are we not? What d'ya say we team up and both work towards getting me back to, Suzie Q?" His over enthusiasm had reached new heights, keeping it all in during the mundane period of living an average life was more than difficult, now he had a chance to let it all out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Since written_john is out, and with Gummi on absence, I'll have Ryu as being alone for the time being)
@Gummi Bunnies[The_written_John]
Team Ryu

Ryu quickly runs out of the motel, only to find that a battle was taking place elsewhere. Yet it seems he can hear the voice of Gojira-San, along with another or two, to the north. If the other squad leader is there, that means that the rest should be nearby. Thank god. He thought he was going to need the whole day to find them. He starts to slowly walk, getting warmed up, until beginning to jog towards the location. However, he suddenly gets approached by yet another man, this one also happening to be a fighter of his own.

"Stop right there, karate man!" He commanded straightening up and readying his clackers in case of a fight."The names Joseph Joestar, friends call me Jojo, now you'd better tell me how I got here and how I get home before I give ya' a taste of my hamon"

Ryu was slightly confused at the situation, but didn't go into defensive formation. It sounded more of a friendly kind of challenge, just like Ken back in his universe. Yet this was no Ken, but a Mr. Joseph Joestar. Yet he was no threat as he lowers his guard.

"Or not, you know" He spoke, crossing his arms. "I mean you've got a bandanna, I've got a bandanna, hell we're practically brothers are we not? What d'ya say we team up and both work towards getting me back to, Suzie Q?"

The champion can only sigh as he scratches his head.

"You got quite the enthusiasm." he answers back in a slightly awkward tone, "Looks like you also happened to wound up here from another dimension... So was... I."

He then gains some more confidence and continues speaking.

"I don't know who or what Suzie Q is, but I happened to be approaching a few comrades of mine, all which came from different universes as well. I suppose you can come along if you insist. Maybe we can help you get back to your dimension."

He then realizes that he forgot his manners here.

"By the way, name's Ryu, my friend." he says with a nod as he extends his hand out for a shake.

So many new people to meet... so little time.


Ultron soon realized that he made a big mistake as he ripped his abdomen piece out of his body. Of course the kagsune would infect it! How naive of him that he didn't realize that it was highly contagious! Then again, he hadn't fought with or against Eto in a long time so of course he would forget. It swiftly stabbed its many "roots' into the crevices of the arm's machinerie, clogging it ever so slightly until the mouth gnawed on the joint, making connection between Ultron's brain and the arm very unsure and glitched. Even with all his power, his concussion beam would be immensely inaccurate.

"You're such dumbfuck, Ultron~ You know you're outmatched. Satsuki sure got into your techno head. Bitch."

Of course! He knows far too well of the friendship that she had with Satsuki once. If one would call it a "friendship" anyways. Nevertheless, the battle was lost. The kagune kept gnawing on the joint to attempt to leave the robot devoid of arms. He needs to get the warning across that he was ambushed and that traitorous Eto was leading the attack. His mind transmits to a random sentry, who was in the back of the army, and gives him the orders to retreat and head back to base.


The sentry did what he was ordered as he swiftly goes under the highway undetected and heads towards the opposite direction. Once at a safe distance, he would initiate a small, emergency portal and head back to base.

Meanwhile, Ultron was not so lucky. The next thing he knows, a hand has just stabbed through his body and grabbing the core. It was too late to get another replacement body now, but he can redirect his mind to another sentry anyways. Part of it anyways, so that it wouldn't be detected.

"Go on..." he says almost weakly, "You win. Kill me. Deactivate me. What are you waiting for..."

"You know, I'm not really going to kill you. You're too ... Precious."

Ultron's eyes begin to slowly flicker on and off as he squints. Yet he didn't do anything to retaliate, even as he sees his own severed arm in her hand.

"I... thought you would..."

And then, he shuts himself down. His mind and personality was safe, along with most of his memories and information, via transporting them into the new body that was being created. Yet now, his previous body has completely shut down, leaving him limp and utterly lifeless as he "surrenders" to Eto and the trio.

@Mtntopview@dirty slime@Absolis@supertinyking@Wraithblade6
Alliance Of Conquerers - Arcadia-1

As Satsuki turns a corner, she happens to face the intruder known as Mithias. He blinked in disbelief at her exceedingly sexy armor and simply exclaimed:

"Great God-emperor!"

"PERVERTED SWINE!" booms Satsuki enraged as she attempts to swipe at him, only to get telepathically thrown to the side, almost hitting the others.

Now the intruder was making a run for it, but that was before alerting both Ghidorah-San, Starkiller, and the rest who were nearby. Yet it was the sith lord that took action first. With a flick of his arm, he manages to begin force choking the runaway and lifts him into the air. He wasn't going to get away. Starkiller would slowly walk towards the intruder as his ominous breathing fills the hangar bay.

"You are a fool for sneaking around inside our base." he booms ominously, "What do you think your doing here?"

@dirty slime
Gojira-San & Biollante-San

As Megalon secretly burried into the ground, both hybrids began to feel a massive 8.0 earthquake, which threatened to catch them off balance. While Gojira-San was struggling to get a footing, Biollante-San just kept standing motionlessly, with her eyes closed, as if the earthquake wasn't happening. Part of this was that the tendrils had locked themselves into the ground, preventing her from moving around too much. Even the raining of debris didn't bother her as her umbrella protected her from the shards. She just stood there.

"What are you doing?!" the Saurian-hybrid roars, being confused at the situation at hand.

Yet nothing spoke from the plant-hybrid. However, right before Megalon rose from the ground, Biollante-San's eyes shot open and she quickly dodges to the side, with thermal rays shoot out of the beetle's tips. You can say the tendrils had detected him, via vibrations from beneath the ground as he was burrowing. As he would ascend back to ground level, the plant-hybrid fires a spray of corrosive acidic sap that would begin to sting and gnaw at Megalon's skin, provided it hit him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Absolis @sgteasy

"Gra!" The small creature says, as he stumbles over his own feet. While his mind may of been fixed from the chibification, his body hadn't, and he still, once in a blue moon, acted like an oaf. However, Darven, when confronted, and called out, quickly moves forwards, exposing himself, sticking both arms into the air...a sign of submission, and of surrender.
"Hey, hey..I'm no enemy...I'm a friend..well..unless you know who I am, and have some sort of problem with me..but..I'm sure we could talk that out.." He says. The small reptile scurries to his feet, and scoffs.
"And I don't think you should draw your weapon, unless you inte-" The creature starts, before Darven covers his mouth with his hands.
"Shut up you, you're going to get us both ki-" Darven starts, before the reptile bites his hands, taking out both of them, leaving Darven with two stumps at his wrists.
"Touch me again, and I swear, even the terrifying being in the golden armor won't save you, devil!" The Reptile hisses, obviously not at ALL a fan of Darven......But Darven seems very unphazed by this, as via his magic, he is able to quickly regrow his hands in a matter of moments..but this leaves him very, very, visibly drained.
"Yea...yea...." Darven says.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago



From his hiding spot, Starscream watched as his benefactor was terminated. This mission was now foiled, and his plot was put on standstill for thee foreseeable future. Perhaps he could go back to the conquerors and demand a less defective member for backup? This whole turn of events left him feeling rather cheated. So much for their touted strength.

Well, might as well make something out of the mess that had transpired. Aiming his null ray at the small being that had aided Grimlock (Cyanno). The blast would seemingly come out of nowhere, and he wasn't about to stick around for them to find him. His cloak deactivated as the blast hit the target, and they would see him transform and take off at incredible speeds. The famous Starscream retreat plan.

Following the remaining drone through the ruined cityscape, Starscream made sure he wouldn't be left behind. Seeing it open some kind of portal, he increased his speed. He wasn't about to be left behind with some obviously dangerous enemy power. He just barely managed to slip through the portal as it closed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Vengeance at Arcadia-2

Erupting from the ground and finding no gore coating his body and drills, Megalon was confused before pain and rage completely overtook his thought process when the acid bath came down upon him and started to melt his organic parts and corrode his cybernetics; fortunately his instinct was quick enough to use his nigh-indestructible drills to cover his face, keeping his vision from being compromised. The two Hybrids could see that while the acid wasn't quite as effective as they had both hoped, the rather telling dent on Megalon's lower left side confirms that the beetle's exoskeleton wasn't as hard as Anguirus' shell. As Megalon smoldered, sections of his exoskeleton suddenly fold out and open before steam violently sprays out of them with a high-pitched whine not unlike a train's steam boiler would make. When Megalon stops using his drills to cover his face, the two would be greeted to what looks like the inside of a Blast Furnace behind his mandibles a moment before a high-speed gout of superheated plasma explodes out of his maw and straight towards Godzilla and Biollante's feet; they had little time to question why the beetle would aim down instead of the center of mass, but the extreme heat; hot enough to near-instantly evaporate the acid coating Megalon just from mere convection would mean that he didn't need to be so precise to do severe damage, as evidenced when the asphalt next to them flash-boils, causing it to explode and spray molten material everywhere like shrapnel. Should the both of them dodge, Megalon will direct his plasmic fire towards the object of his undying hatred: Godzilla.


Conqueror's Camp

Nonchalantly dodging Satsuki's sailing form with the barest minimum of movement, Gigan clicks his metallic beak out of frustration towards both the Conquerors and himself for letting such a security breach take place. Seeking to prevent the fool from escaping and hoping to get a piece of him, literally; Gigan swiftly made his way towards the intruder, only to slow down his pace to a casual stroll when he saw him get telekinetically restrained by the Cyborg psychic. One would think that something like this would make the assassin lax, but it only made him ever more alert... He can never be too sure unless the intruder was bereft of all attempts at escaping.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@dirty slime @Lmpkio @Wraithblade6

".......Hehehehehehehe..." The Ape Hag chuckles, as she begins to simply spin a finger, round and round. She holds it up for the troopers around her to see, and those around them of pure blood could feel something....it was slow at first, but their eyes...they began to feel an immense pain in their eyes, as something happened. It grew, and their vision left them within nearly the same moment, the poor troopers being neither magic resistant, nor strong enough of will to stop what is happening to them. Maybe one of them figures it out, and goes to shoot her, but it would be all to late...after a few more moments, the eyes of the pure troopers would explode, their blood being pulled though their eyes, out of their bodies. As one of the impure went to shoot her, the hag simply grabbed one of the dying troopers, and used him a shield, her apperent age not hindering her movements at all....and what she did next, would most likely shock, and almost amaze all near by. The blood flowing from the dead troopers surrounds her, giving her an almost vampiric look, as with a snap, the blood vanishes, being sent to the infernal realm as payment for her spells.....Which, was, Bleed.
Gigan, Star Killer, and several near by troopers could feel as organic parts of their bodies suffered long, painful wounds that caused them to bleed heavily. They'd not die within moments, Star Killer, or Gigan, but the same couldn't be said for the only human troopers, who would most likely bleed out quickly in their white suits, unless a magical healer was near by......And this, was her chance. Quickly, she ran, being rather fleet of foot away from the base, and towards the wilderness of the world near by, running as fast as she could manage, which was above that of the normal human..but most likely, not enough. She was hoping the strange man would distract them....she was praying for it, with all her mind, and heart...and, someone answered.
Mithias felt it, his strength bolstered for the moment, and a super natural courage ATTEMPTING to fill him, and failing. It was if a spell was attempting to prevent him from fleeing, and rather, have him stay and fight. A ploy by Roshan, to give his spy some cover..which, due to in part Mithias's own mental strength, and the aid of something else, fails.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Conqueror's Camp


Suddenly coughing out blood, black and oily, Gigan wondered what was happening to him before the agony suddenly set in, it wasn't the worst pain he had experienced; but it was quite enough to make him sink to one knee from the pain. At first, he didn't know who or what did this to him and it filled him with grave concern regarding his own chances at the coming war, but then he heard several rapid footsteps going away from the camp and instantly knew what was going on. With a furious metallic screech, his visor glowed with a bright crimson light and turning his head towards the escapee, the Assassin fires a high-intensity laser beam at the Ape. Due to the pain and internal bleeding however, his aim was a bit off; turning what was supposed to be a killing blow into a maiming one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


@wraithblade6@dirty slime@lmpkio

Keith was about to bound into action, however his new found allies seemed to have it well under control. So for the moment, he simply disappeared into the shadows. However, if mitthias were to get free from starkillers force choke, Keith would bound out of the shadows and restrain him. Most likely by removing his feet at the ankles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cyano Conablum

Cyano made short work of the hulkbuster, and finished ripping off its last limb about the same time that Eto had finished ripping ultron apart. Huh, looks like she would have some fun when they got back home.

"Hey, Eto. If that things disabled, toss the head here so I can get his AI hooked in. Gonna need to put him in something to make sure he doesn't run out on us."

As Cyano started walking towards Eto, she would hear a noise, then feel something dissipate throughout her clothes. Some kind of beam or something. Cyano turned around to see what had shot her, only to find the jet that she had ordered shot down flying off into the distance. So that was that starscream fellow. Well, it didn't matter. He would be hers sooner or later.

Cyano took a couple of shots at the retreating ultron bots. She hit one, but the rest she wasn't really trying for. They could go back to their masters for all she cared. They wouldn't do them any good in the grand scheme of things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Joseph Joestar - Arcadia 2

Joseph listened as, Ryu explained the situation and introduced himself. He found himself getting more confused as the conversation went on, alternate dimensions? What was this, a comic book? Nevertheless, he gripped Ryu's hand and gave him a firm handshake before beginning to speak again.
"Suzie Q is my wife! I was fixing a blasted TV for her when I fell through it and ended up here. Now, could you explain this dimension mumbo jumbo? I'd love to join your merry band of adventurers-" He was cut off by the loud quakes and booms of the Gojira fight. A grin grew on his face. "That doesn't happen to be one of your friends making that noise is it?" He joked, not knowing the truth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Cybertron, Transformers Universe


Ultron's final 'breaths' made Eto feel a little tingly inside, it felt so strange to 'kill' a robot all the while not actually killing him as she knew very well. This prompted her to lick the robot's metal cheek in bizarre fetish before removing the Kakugan on her right eye, appearing somewhat normal again. As Ultron tried to remove as much data as possible, Eto would completely crush the core, preventing the robot from having the resources to actually do anymore. Nonetheless, Ultron would survive without a problem and most of his memories corrupt, but still enough to salvage so the Outliners could get some information. The core completely fried Eto's hand, but we all know that had no relevance to the young female ghoul.

Tossing the arm she previously severed toward Cyano, Eto would comply with the woman's suggestion by effortlessly extracting the lifeless body's head before passing it like a ball to the female. At this point, Starscream would attack, though targeting mostly Cyano. The little ghoul noticed the jet had left the Universe by now, not that it really mattered, she now knew that the founders and probably their recent recruits weren't on par with her, making future planning easier.

"Whew~ Even if he's the weakest, he's also the hardest to kill of the four. I suppose Bowser is the easiest to handle after that, though ... If he becomes bit and ugly he may very well be the only one I'd require my Kakuja to defeat."

She spoke almost as if she was in her own little bubble. After a few moments, she'd use her Kagune to also pass Ultron's body to the female scientist as it could be of use to her.

"Oh yeah, he uses a special metal~ Maybe you're interested, I don't know. I can't break it, so that's something, right?"

She wondered, not that invested in the idea since armor only slowed down her pretty efficient speed when not a big, flesh eating monster. She turn to look at Grimlock who would quickly run out of things to crush due to Ultron's and Starscream's retreat. Slowly, she'd bet his giant dino leg and grin at him.

"Hey there Dino! Thanks for help, you were a sweetheart. Say, you got anything interesting to find around here? You know ... Some treasure or tools we could get to stronger?"

She asked the robot almost as if Grimlock wasn't some unpredictable beast, but surely she demonstrated her superiority in power with her last display. The ghoul would turn back to Cyano, checking up on her progress with Ultron's brain. They were likely not going to find complete data, but they were searching for two important key factors: The current leader, and the special elite force they have in stock and Eto would have only heard about a little before deserting the gang.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Absolis@supertinyking@dirty slime@Lmpkio

Mithias' next step slips on air as his body is physically floated above the ground. At the same time, he felt something unseen close around his throat, not like a 306 degree telekinetic crush, but a very precise band of pressure, like a large hand closing just around his neck alone. A jolt of fear hit him as he realized how critical it was to keep breathing. Moments like this reminded him of the last time he had been a living human with sharp clarity. Now matter how many centuries had passed, the body it seems never forgets its natural instincts. He grabbed at whatever held his neck but found nothing there. He was definitely in trouble.

Starkiller approached him and began his questioning, loosening his choke just enough to allow some breathing through to answer. Mithias couldn't see the others, but he still knew where they were by sensing their minds. With his shimmery yellow eyes, he peered down at the force user who had him. The force that held him in midair was very much like a form of telekinesis, Mithias found, except Mithias did not yet know how to choke someone or resist that. He could probably try to telekinesis his way back down on the ground, but such a display of power might be seen as a threat. He quickly and carefully contemplated his next actions.

"I'm... I need a ship. I was trying to steal one." He managed to eek out.

Why he needed the ship and the rest of his story was yet to be revealed, but then suddenly something unexpected happened. Dernla made her move and killed several troopers with her bloodmagic, promptly attacking the rest of the heroes next. As her magical wounds opened up on Starkiller, Mithias felt the hold on him waiver, allowing him more breath and an opening to telekinetically push himself back onto the ground, which he did. Then he felt something very strange hit him, yet he resisted it easily, even without consciously trying. It was a wave of manipulation, a call to stay and fight. He frowned at this and stood his ground, confused as was everyone else. Something bloody and sick was going on, some kind of attack. Soldiers writhed in agony, dying with the blood sucked out of their eyes, and everyone else was in pain from unexplained wounds upon their persons. Mithias gasped in horror and watched as the group before him staggered. Dernla took off, but Mithias chose to remain.

As the rest recovered from the hag's blood spell, Mithias held his hands up. "I swear that was NOT my doing!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Gummi Bunnies@Mr_pink
Team Ryu

"Suzie Q is my wife! I was fixing a blasted TV for her when I fell through it and ended up here. Now, could you explain this dimension mumbo jumbo? I'd love to join your merry band of adventurers-" Joesph was then cut off by the loud quakes and booms of the Gojira fight. A grin grew on his face. "That doesn't happen to be one of your friends making that noise is it?" He joked, not knowing the truth.

"Yup." Ryu answered with a nod, "Well, one of them that is."

He pauses as he signals him to come along.

"As for how you got here," he then says, "I believe that the TV was some sort of terminal. You somehow activated it and you were teleported here out of all the locations of the multiverse. How do I know you may ask? Cause mine happened to be an innocent toy train..."

@Mtntopview@dirty slime@Absolis@supertinyking@Wraithblade6
Alliance Of Conquerers - Arcadia-1

"I'm... I need a ship. I was trying to steal one." Mattias manages to eek out.

"Then I'll steal something greater then that-" Starkiller answers as he prepares to break his throat with the force.

However, it appears as the "prisoner" happen to set some sort of spell and released a devastating amount of pain and suffering. Everyone in the room can feel it, along with Ghidorah-San, Satsuki, Gigan, and the others. The troopers that were inside simply died out, but the sith lord and the others were just barely surviving. Unfortunately he would've dropped the victim as he tries to tend to the situation at hand.

"W-WHAT MAGIC IS THIS?!" Ghidorah-San growls in agony as her nose began to bleed.

By that time, the intruder began to make her escape. Yet now was not the time to take her on. They need to save themselves. Fortunately for them, a bacta station was nearby. Bacta is a fluid that could accelerate healing and treat major injuries. It should also neutralize the spell's effects on contact. Using the force and intense concentration, Starkiller was able to crack the tank and ultimately release several gallons of bacta, that floated in the air. And with one massive push, he sprayed everyone, including himself with this fluid, allowing everyone to be free of the spell's effects and begin to heal. At least to the commanders and several others that is. All but two troopers had survived the spell, with said two having received grievous injuries. But with everyone beginning to heal, they began to breathe a sigh of relief. It was finally over.

Ghidorah-San growls as she looks outside to see the intruder just disappearing to the distance.

"Fucking hell..." she growls, "Who the hell is she? Some kind of sorcerer?"

"Let her go." Starkiller answers as he then turns to see Mathias still here, "We still have this one here."

Everyone would glare at Mathias menacingly, as if he was part of this whole operation. But all he did was simply hold his hands up.

"I swear that was NOT my doing!"

But once again, the sith lord would issue a force choke on him, but this time pulling him towards his hand as if he was psychically choking him. Now his anger already coursing through his veins.

"Then WHAT were you doing inside the base?" he would then ask menacingly before turning to Ghidorah, [color=color]"Ghidorah. Shall I kill him?"[/color]

"No." Ghidorah-San responds bluntly with a hand gesture pointing to the hallway, "Take him away to a prison cell. We shall deal with him later."

With that, several stormtroopers came towards the scene and began to take him away to the prison cells, with Starkiller overseeing the trip there. The prison that he would be going to was like your average cell, only it had a leaser shield as the way in and out and covered with a special form of magic that would neutralize all telekinesis and teleportation powers from within. It was a prison to hold the multiverse...

As soon as he left, Bowser came from the left side of the hallway along with several new units, they being known as koopatrols, which were covered in knight-like armor and blaster weapons in hand.

"I heard you guys were in trouble." he announces as he steps in, "But it seems everything is taken care of..."

Ghidorah-San nods as she growls again.

"Ugh, if only Ultron were here right now..."

And yet, it seems her little wish was granted as he and Starscream just came running in from the right side of the hallway. Only one problem though... it appears that it was just a simple DRONE of Ultron. The dragon-hybrid can only fear the worse.

"Ultron?" she asks, "Is that~"

"It's me..." the robot then says, "Or at least... mentally me."

"What the hell happened???"

"Our army had been ambushed by three individuals. Crazy I know, but~"

"What do you mean THREE?" Ghidorah-San asks as her anger rises.

"A woman whose name believes to be... Cyano Conablum, an unknown autobot transformer, both who were lead by an... old friend."

"Oh great, now we have a TRAITOR in are midst! Who is this "old friend" you speak of?"

And with that, the sentry produced a quick hologram of the message Eto Yoshimura sent...

"Helloooo! Ultron, remember me?! Yeah, I kind of want to find you and, well, kill you ... Or whatever happens to deleted programs. Mostly because I'm better than you, but also because reasons. I'll be seeing your main body soon~ *smooch*"

And then suddenly turns to black, only for it to repeat several seconds later.

Everyone in the room saw the message, with Ghidorah's blood beginning to boil. Yet only ONE person was taking this way too personally, more so then the hybrid. Out of all the members of the AOC, Satsuki Kiryuin was the closest when it came to having a "friendship" to her. Sure it was a very twisted one, but if there was one member that could actually BEAT Eto, it would be her. Then again, she also considered the odds of how likely she was to defect, and truth be told, she was right. She frowns as she continues looking at the footage.

"Ghidorah." she says, "Allow me to find and kill her petty existence."

"You will in time." she answers back as she looks to everyone else, "But first, we need to double the defensive measures in our base. And then, we will strike back against our enemies!"

With that said, the base began to fill up with more advanced troops. Giant hulking Dark Troopers roamed the halls, along with koopatrols and magikoopas, along with the Sachiel-Units and the newly formed Zeruel-Units hovering around the place. Guards were placed all around the area, along with security cameras dotted around the base. At this rate, the defenses would be ultimately secure and strong enough to repel any enemy forces and catch any future spies. It was at last, finally complete. With their defenses in place, it will be soon time to launch their offensive.

@dirty slime
Gojira-San & Biollante-San

The acid did a significant amount of damage, yet the beetle kaiju still stood tall. He then began to launch a giant stream of flame at the ground. This resulted in several massive explosions which released shrapnel all over the place. Again, Biollante-San took no effort when it came to dodging them. Yet now Gojira-San had to face the full force of Megalon's plasmic fire. Yet of course, she was ultimately prepared for this. As her plates light up she suddenly releases a quick beam of her signature atomic breath, heading straight towards Megalon's torso. Now she was taking no more shit from this beetle of a menace!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Mithias was relieved to hear he wasn't going to be killed... yet. Certainly to the Sith's displeasure, he was lowered to his feet and once again allowed to breathe. Stormtroopers took hold of him and searched his things.

"He's unarmed sir." One of them announced, although Starkiller had probably already figured that out.

Mithias watched in awe as a giant robot, Starscream, some drone, and a Bowser ran in and started talking to Ghidorah.

"I heard you guys were in trouble... But it seems everything is taken care of..."

"Ugh, if only Ultron were here right now..."

By the sound of it, this rag-tag group of militants had their hands full with some ongoing war. Their defenses were lacking and they were struggling. Mithias wondered who their enemies were, especially if one of them could magically draw blood from a distance and kill with it. They seemed rather on edge and probably had right to be.

As he was marched off to a prison cell under Starkiller's watch, Mithias glanced behind him briefly to risk some light conversation. "I mean you no harm, I assure you. I have no idea what went on back there, but it appears you have some very powerful enemies. My own agenda aside, who are you, and why have you built a fortress here in Los Angeles?"

Mithias's long black hair waived softly down his back as he walked. His clothing was clean and undamaged and there wasn't a wound, dirt, or a single burnmark or scar on him. He had no idea that the prison cell would negate his telekinesis, or any teleportation he may have had, but he wasn't worried. He was unaging and had a high tolerance against starvation, disease, poisons, and the like. He was also plenty cunning. He raised an eyebrow curiously, looking for an answer.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago



Grimlock took great joy in ripping apart the last drone. It's optics going dark as what was left of it's face skidded across the ground. His pent up anger at the situation had been unleashed partially upon his unfortunate foes. He still had much more to unleash, but that would be better saved for when new targets appeared.

Looking down as the little pest that seemed to see itself as his superior, he chose to growl rather than respond. It was the polite thing to do, rather than step on it like the bug it was. Sure there were things they could likely find on Cybertron to bolster their forces. Unfortunately for them, he had no intention of directly having a hand in them finding it. He saw their group as an enemy force and a threat, so he would take every step he could to indirectly sabotage them. Hopefully these little fools would fall into some kind of trap and die.



As he exited the portal, Starscream transformed and waited patiently until an opportunity to speak to his benefactors revealed itself. He chose to interject as soon as they appeared to begin discussing plans to strike back at the mysterious group that attacked them.

"Yes, yes. Unacceptable betrayal, must be dealt with. But more importantly, your forces failed. I was promised aid in my coup against Megatron, but instead your subordinate chose to engage some other threat."

He made it clear that he was rather annoyed with them. He was promised leadership of the Decepticons, and their forces had been annihilated by some foreign threat barely minutes into the mission. It was pathetic! By the pit would he allow them to fall short on their end of the deal, after he went out of his way to promise aid to their forces. Perhaps he should have stayed behind and given allegiance to the group that attacked them? They at least appeared to competent in some form.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nova nodded at this proposal, being able to sense the internal reactions of the aliens present. He gestured, as the carbon in the air formed a 2-dimensional layered crystaline structure similar to that of diamond with a pentagonal structure. This altered structure allowed it to not only retain the hardness and heat resistance of diamond, but granted it the capability to better distribute incoming kinetic energy. In addition to this it was filled with tiny tubes of air, which both increased it's flexibility and it's lightness, with no downside. The resulting material was not only incredibly physically sturdy and light, a layer of a mere 5 nm being able to block a bullet, but it was also able to resist temperatures that would easily melt through steel, titanium, and most other conventional materials. Of course, it was still inferior to both Plasteel and Adamantium, but it would take more time to synthesize such advanced materials. Even Nova wasn't able to create new elements on the spot, and the molecular structure of plasteel was highly complex. He formed this new material into a perfect sphere, which he then tossed over to one of Ba'al's guards, well aware that the self-proclaimed God wouldn't want to hold it immediately for fear of a trap. "Feel free to examine this as a sample of what my technology can produce. Of course, far more advanced materials could be created with time, but I'm afraid that at the moment this is the best example I am able to provide." While Nova never expressly told Ba'al to leave, the implication was clear.

Having dealt with this issue, Nova turned to Ruiko to discuss the next issue at hand. While he would speak, and the esper girl would most likely reply, no sound would reach the ears of the Goa'uld. A vacuum even a nanometer wide effectively completely blocked all sound transfer, that the Goa'uld would remain clueless about his plans. While he doubted they had the means or the motive to interfere, he did not wish to test that prediction with the stakes so high. "The organisation that originally contacted you, known as the Dark Outliners, has a strong presence in this world at the moment. I believe that they are a cancerous influence, holding back those intending to make a change for the better out of fear of altering a twisted status quo, not realizing that they themselves are the critical breach to this perceived peace. They will no doubt attempt to stop me from unifying the Multiverse in their perverse attempts to preserve balance, in addition to their overall presence as a negative influence on the Multiverse. Therefore I have taken it upon myself to stop them, or at the very least limiting their influence, without causing any outright conflict. In order to achieve this, I plan to convert those that would ally with this organization to my side, and to decrease their capability to influence others or expand their dominion."

The Emperor gestured in the direction of the Kolon Hut, where he could also sense Absolis and Rivard were. "Some of those at this base are from a universe known as the Rivardverse. This is a universe similar to the Earth you are from, if.... odder. One of the major players within this universe is Conablum Labs, a scientific organization headed by an individual known as Cyano Conablum. This organization has allied with the Dark Outliners. I wish to speak to a representative from this laboratory, preferably Cyano herself. However, I cannot travel to this universe for fear of leaving this place undefended. Therefore, I would ask you to serve as my diplomat on this occasion." He held up a finger, stifling her reply before she could make it. "I will not be sending you unprotected, however. I will ask both Banha and Absolis to accompany you in this mission, the first as a bodyguard and the second as a guide. Furthermore I will send an element of.... insurance."

Reaching out, he focuses on the rampant powers of the Warp surrounding him. He pulled forth his essence, and focused it down. The immense powers of the Warp forced into the physical realm, given physical form. He condensed it, reconstructed it, and a purple crystal began to appear in the air in front of him. Draining power from him, and from the fabric of reality itself. He formed this powerful bolt of solid psionic energy, formed from a shard of his soul itself, and blessed with the power of Order. It radiated an aura of divine calm, but he placed within it a red tint, a sharpened and mildly threatening edge to this aura. "This is the fullgrimm. It is a shard of pure power, made manifest, and it is the physical form of my wrath. Carry it with you when you go into this world, and should those there turn on you, simply throw it at them. It does not matter if it hits or misses, but the power exuded from it will erase those souls that seek to harm you. It is my solidified wrath, and it is not be used lightly. But I trust that you will make those you speak with aware of it's presence, as that it can serve as a method to insure your continued existence." The bolt itself resembled a purple lightning bolt, frozen in time. It would glow mildly, but it would feel smooth to the touch, and slightly warm.

Of course, the Emperor did not show the physical strain of this action. He had given up a shard of his soul, his very being, and forged it into a weapon. It had caused not merely discomfort, but intense pain. And he would need to rest for a while before he was able to actively use his abilities once more. But the weapon was perhaps the most powerful he could give, and it would ensure that she returned. Of course, this was all based on the assumption that Ruiko would choose to go, but he knew well enough that she was better suited for the field than to remain within the safety of the fortress.

Reaching out, Nova spoke to both Absolis and Banha. "Speak to Ruiko in the Imperial Fortress. She will inform you of a new mission I would like for you to to participate in. Absolis, you may have a personal interest in this particular case, which is why your presence is requested." It was a slight strain in his tired state, but Nova was already preparing to use the power of the Golden Throne to form a portal to the Rivardverse, using the stockpiles of terminals he had gathered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Joseph Joestar - Arcadia 2

Joseph scratched his head, things just got weirder and weirder around these parts. A terminal? Joseph couldn't see a train in sight, let alone a bus. He let out a laugh at, Ryu's conformation that the noise was, in fact, one of his friends. He then saw the man's stoic expression and let a look of mixed confusion and shock spread across his face.
"You're not serious are you? What kind of man could make that much noise?!" He practically yelled, letting his shock spread all over his body as he took a step back and raised his arms in an almost defensive stance. A grin grew back on his face soon enough though, and he regained his confident posture as he spoke once more.
"Well I'd like to meet this 'friend' whoever they are, can't be much of a match for me and my hamon no matter the amount of noise they can make" He said in his regular foolhardy town. He moved to let Ryu pass, preparing to follow by his side when the time came.
"Lead the way, Ryu-rino"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vengeance at Arcadia-2


Seeing the distinctive glow of his hated foe's signature attack, Megalon's response to the incoming death ray was both sadistic and self-destructive; deliberately missing the Atomic beam by flicking his head down a moment before the Hybrid fires, the beetle intended to shear Godzilla's leg off with his plasmic flame rather than let her defend against his attack. As a consequence, the atomic blast smashes into the "God's" lower torso, blasting him off his feet and faceplanting him into the asphalt. Despite the fact that the ray did some clearly severe damage to Megalon, he refused to lay down, his hatred driving him ever onward towards either victory or destruction; unsteadily rising up to his feet, the "God", possibly not at all there anymore, began to taunt Godzilla further. As if his refusal to submit and cowardly tricks wasn't enough in his eyes.

"Some king you are... Having your degenerate clone fight your battle for you..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Banha Akiyama

New York, Arcadia-1

@Absolis @supertinyking @Flamelord

If Banha had eyebrows, they would definitely be raised at the situation playing before him. The scientist, Rivard if he recalled correctly, responded with a barrage of questions for a simple conversation starter. The idea of his sword being only ceremonial was slightly true, no New Yakuza member uses physical swords in battle. They used Omni-Shinken's, incredibly sharp and deadly blades drawn from their Omni-tool. This was a simple training sword, though it was also made up of advanced material. Still, a blunted sword was good for bonking people on the head.

Before the Batarian could respond however, he felt his soldier senses tingling and immediately went for his pistol. The scientist next to him drew his sword, a large blade that looked disproportionate in his hands. He looked skilled with it however and didn't doubt the scientist's skill with it. The sound, that made his soldier sense tingle, was from a tumbling chibi reptilian, followed by that human from yesterday. 'Darren was it?' The alien shrugged inwardly, there were too many damn humans in Nova's Alliance.

Banha eyed the lizard with a look, his personality seemed to be relatively normal, not like it's chibified compatriots. But sensible Lizard or not, it was still his soldier. And his soldiers did not bite other people's hands. "Soldier!" The Grand Leader gave the reptilian with an icy glare, four eyes focusing on him. "When I gave you free reign to go around, I do not expect you to go around and bite people's hands off!" He pointed at Darven's hand with his pistol as it regret in moments. "There was a bloody reason why Nova-sama turned your peers into fanatics and your indifference to eating other intelligent beings was one of them! Don't repeat this again, or I'll ask for Nova-sama to change you into one of them." He put influence on the last word, letting it hang in the air.

He was being merciful towards the Lizard, any normal military man would immediately tell their superior. Banha pitied the cannon fodder (that was what they essentially were), he saw what chibification did to you. Before the Yakuza could comment on Darven's incredible healing powers, Nova reached out to him. "Speak to Ruiko in the Imperial Fortress. She will inform you of a new mission I would like for you to to participate in. Absolis, you may have a personal interest in this particular case, which is why your presence is requested."

The Batarian eyed Rivard before thinking 'A mission? When do we get deployed? I need to get to the armoury!' before dismissing the thoughts. This was probably just a simple briefing but it was slightly odd for Banha to go. As the leader of the Yakuza, it would make more sense for the Krogan twins to go. But it excited the four-eyed alien all the same, it was going to be good to be in a firefight again. He could appoint Varhak to lead for now, he's almost completely healed and could still lead.

Banha turned to the other pair. "Rivard and I are needed in the palace for a mission. Darven can come along to watch or something but I doubt Nova would allow it. Soldier, I expect you to report to R&D for the custom armour, I also order you to equip the rest of your peers with such armour. No weapons however, I'm not sure that you and the rest are ready for such things." This was mostly due to the fact that the incompetence of the others may result in accidents.

The Supreme Grand Leader gestured for Rivard to come with him, turning around and walking towards the Palace.
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