Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Looking over at Malcolm, sort of explaining his upbringing. With a raise of an eyebrow, Maxi looked the boy up and down "Hm...so...you're one of the luckier ones. but...I can't knock your easier living." When saying that he's capable of using lethal force, Maxi had to fight the urge to find out what he could do. He walked a few feet over to a wall where he leaned his back to while keeping his arms crossed.

Maxi smiled, looking up at the ceiling "Me...nah, more than likely, you haven't seen me before. I usually all over the place. I've been traveling for a few years now. I....help our kind. I fight the hunters to help our kind escape from their pursuit. Of coarse, I've been in many scuffles with the hunters and have come close many times at being captured but as long as there's a wizard or witch who cries out for help while trying to escape a hunter, I'll be there to give, what people have called many times, their salvation. So...I go where I'm needed and...I'm currently trying to gain allies and recruit others of our kind to join and help me free our people."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Salem is still purring in Lavender's arms*

*Malcolm raises an eyebrow* "Oh really?" *He actually sounds intrigued his parents have long since moved away but he remained since he had the store and is capable of defending himself even with the weakness of having a familiar* "interesting... how many have you gathered?" *He hasn't really taken a side but he gets curious*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Lavender looked down at Salem Do you know where the room is Mr. Salem? She asked.

"Yep and to be honest...I enjoy the rush. It keeps me sharp and well...I like messing with the hunters. and to answer your question about the ones I gathered....I have no one. The reason being that most are too afraid to join and fight against the legal power. Then there's the factor where others would rather sneak around and help in the dark than confront the hunters, some fight for selfish reasons, others would rather turn you in so to save their own skin, or there are a few of us who are hunters as well and basically capture and kill their race. I do what I do because I don't want anymore of us having to suffer a loss the way I did. but....I'm not giving up...I'll find some guys who will be able to put their life on the line for the same cause I'm fighting for."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Salem nods and leaps down a door off to the right opens exposing a stairwell leading down to a basement styled like a two bedroom apartment*

*Malcolm listens and nods then drinks the rest of his tea* "I see... interesting... I blend in fairly well here and I prefer not to fight but if you need me... call me" *with a small flame a red business styled card appears in his hand and he hands it to Maxi it is disguised simply as the bookstore's business card however it has both his cell phone number and the library phone number* "Also if you do gather up a group I can help teach them... I do have a collection of spell books that I give out like every other book here and I haven't had anyone come through that I believed I would be able to train" *He smiles* "You have a good cause"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Lavender watched Salem excitingly Ah! She followed him down to the 2 bedroom basement apartment, looking around. You can stay with me tonight if you like?

With his eyes widen and a smile forming, it was like a sweet sound to the ears to hear that this guy, Malcolm, was willing to lend Maxi a hand if he needed it. Watching as Malcolm formed a red business card, Maxi took it "Bro, are you serious!? you'll really help me!?" almost unable to believe him but when explaining that he was willing to collab with Maxi once he's gather a few people, Maxi gave a nod agreeing with him.

"Alright, deal! you're not too bad man and seeing that you're a fire user, I can see how you'd be able to use lethal force. Teaming with me and the abilities I posses...no one will be able to touch us. but...I'm a bit curious, what all are you capable of with your fire element?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Salem tilts his head then nods and goes to a door past the kitchen and though the living room to the left of the master bedroom and sits in front of it* "This is the guest room"

*Malcolm cracks a smile and snaps a rather large looking salamander appears beside him and it is also on fire it tilts its head* "I am capable of multiple things summoning being one of them... though I try to be the best i can with other elements as well water being the only element I can't work well with" *The salamander looks up at Maxi and chirps* "I figure if Im going to try to be in a war without dying I should be the best I can be and I will say this... I prefer not using that lethal force I prefer blending but I will stay with my word and I will help you... don't abuse that gift" *Malcolm deciding to help this wizard is definitely a gift especially since he prefers not being in conflicts and especially since he has been blending in for so long... he tosses a small piece of coal at the Salamander who catches it chirps happily then bursts into a large flame and disappears as if it was never there*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Listening and following Salem, Lavender did not really pay any mind to the information he gave as she knelt down to him WHere did you come from? Asking curiously with a smile.

Maxi stood there watching what Malcolm could do as the summoned fire creature came forth "Interesting. That's one thing I've not learned to do yet..summonings..." looking at the salamander chirping. "heh...I'm glad you'll stay to your word. most of the time, I only fight when it comes to either a Hunter attacking me first or one of our kind is in danger and needs assistance. I just don't fight for the sake of fighting unless I'm curious about what others can do. Now....I can't summon but...I can amplify my element."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Salem tilts his head and flicks his ears* "I am a familiar.. I am like a part of Malcolm and since i exist I make him stronger" *Looks a bit confused* "Do you not have a familiar of your own?"

*Malcolm nods then closes up the library up the rest of the way then stands at the exposed stairs* "Interesting... this place is fire proof but probably not whatever you do proof so I trust you" *Small head tilt* My library is open to you for as long as you and the ice witch need it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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A familiar?? She asked confused not knowing what a familiar is. She just recently have been exposed to what's been going on in the world.

"Hehe...I'm a lightning user...I think your library can hold off my skill since lightning produces heat." watching the library closing up, Maxi stood by Malcolm's side "Thank you, I appreciate your hospitality." Thinking for a moment "Hey....what happen to your folks?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Salem looks genuinely surprised* "has no one taught you about us"*Shakes his head* "Basically we are an extension of the witch or wizard that we belong too... if we get killed the witch or wizard will be in severe pain and feel like something is missing from them... and they lose a large amount of power... however with us they gain more power along with having an awesome familiar that can help protect them"

*Malcolm chuckles* "They moved back home... i often get a message by a salamander or bird along with some money for keeping this place open and not dying" *Malcolm looks at Maxi* "honestly the only reason why I don't like hunters is because I've been taught to... my family line is from the salem witches probably why Im a witch not a wizard... the genes were more powerful with mom" *Small shrugs and he starts heading down the stairs*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Lavender listened carefully ooooooohhh. so I need to look for a cat too? can I have you instead?

Maxi raised an eyebrow "I see....like I said before....one of the luckier ones." referring that he still could contact his parents. "Oh I see. So that explains why you call yourself a witch. Honestly, I don't know who I take after more since both of my parents had the same element. but....they were captured a few years ago. I haven't seen them since and they are the very reason why I'm living the way that I am so I'd have the hope of rescuing them and seeing them once again but I'm not sure if they're still alive or not."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai

*Salem shakes his head* "No you can't have me I am bonded to Malcolm... and your familiar may not be a cat.. you never know until you get one

*Malcolm leans up agains the wall on the side of the stairs and looks empathetic* "I am sorry for that... some hunters are ruthless beasts who can't seem to tell good from bad only others and they seem to enjoy killing" *Malcom shakes his head then gestures for Maxi to follow him downstairs*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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A pouting look came upon her face as she found out she could not keep him Okaaaaay...but....how will I know what my familiar is?

"Yeah...it seems like that but....earlier someone was showing me otherwise and it sorta bothered me..." as he followed Malcolm
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Salem responds with a shrug and looks up as Malcolm comes down*

*The door closes and the library is now completely locked up lights off and books put away he looks over as he walks with Maxi* "Some hunters may be good but they all end up killing us for whatever reason they have... its like messing with a scorpion" *He looks at salem and the girl then walks to a small closet and pulls out a blanket and pillow and tosses them to Maxi*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Dimitri woke with a start as his phone began to buzz loudly on his night stand. The hunter rubbed his reddened eyes and tiredly turned to grab his phone to check the time and see who it was that was calling. One squinting glance at the screen was all it took to cause his heart to sink. It had barely been twenty minutes since he'd gone to sleep, worse still was the fact that the number on the screen was privatized. That usually meant that one of his employers was on the line. Dimitri exhaled loudly through his nostrils and debated just letting the phone continue to buzz. It was a nice thought, but he knew that the next call would be from his father if he failed to answer. He slowly drew his thumb across the screen and pressed the phone to his ear, "This is Cromwell.".

A woman's voice responded, "Mister Cromwell, I hope that i'm not currently interrupting anything important.", "Does sleep count?" He shot back somewhat tersely. Dimitri's brows furrowed a bit as he waited to see how the caller would respond to the deviation from the formal tone he usually used with his employers. "Uh-*ahem* We have a new set of orders for you.", Dimitri rubbed his face with his free hand and inwardly groaned, having hoped that when he was told that he would receive his next mission within the next seventy-two hours that it would have been the next day at the least, "Understood. I'm assuming that it must be something important if you people are calling me instead of just sending the information like you usually do.". There was a shuffling sound on the other end of the line, as if the woman was looking for a specific note or file, "You assume correctly. We're sending to out to apprehend a witch that has been causing a bit of an uproar across homeland. Apparently this one has been publicly making use of her abilities. Reports say that she hasn't used them for anything particularly malicious, however it's starting to cause public opinion to sway the wrong way, not to mention it's beginning to rile up other Magus.". Dimitri swung his feet over his bed and sat up a little straighter, "Sounds problematic. Why hasn't she already been apprehended?" "This one is somewhat of a nomad. We've attempted to intercept her as she moves across the nation, however she either manages to slip away unnoticed or put up enough of a fight to escape custody from local authorities or government agents. We would send out our specialists to handle the matter, however with the media already lying in wait for anything that even implies that we're hunting benevolent witches, we can't afford to be tied to this.", "So you're sending a licensed hunter that's just in it for the money instead of an actual agent.".

Dimitri swore he could hear the woman stifle a chuckle, "More or less. We've reason to believe that this witch is in your area. How you choose to approach the situation is up to you, but we would prefer it if you eliminated this witch. A total of fifty thousand homeland credits will be deposited into your account upon mission completion. Additional details along with a photo of the witch are being sent to you now., "Understood.". As the hunter hung up he felt a coldness begin to creep into his stomach, though the reason as to why escaped him. Another buzz brought Dimitri's attention to the screen just as the picture was brought up. Dimitri almost dropped his phone as he made out the picture of Theodora. The photo was blurry and taken from an extremely odd angle, but it was definitely the witch who had come to his aid earlier. The coldness in his belly was no longer just coldness; it was a solid ball of ice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Lavender looked over to see Malcolm and Maxi coming down and listened to their conversation. Maxi looked at the girl and retorts to Malcolm "Yeah....just shows how messed up this world really is. We have wizards and witches who are simply running and hiding for their lives, there are very few who stands their ground to fight the hunters, then there are wizards who have become hunters for one reason or another and comes after us, and then there are wizards and witches who simply likes to see the world burn and attacks everyone. The hunters on the other hand are organized, even went as far as to recruit our people to make hunting easier, but yet...there are hunters who actually help us....well ones that are not hostile...."

Maxi caught the pillow and blanket "I'm just babbling...but...how about we spar sometime?...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Malcolm nods and looks at salem* "Where are you bunking salem" *Salem looks at lavender and the guest bedroom and Malcolm nods then looks back at Maxi* " I think a spar could be fun" *He sounds rather excited about the thought of a spar and knowing that his element is similar to Maxi's it should be a most interesting spar*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Lavender headed over to pick Salem up so that she could go to bed.

Maxi displayed a smile "Of coarse, it's magic against magic. but I will say, don't go easy on me when we do scrap." Just by looking at him, Malcolm looked to have good control over his abilities and would be a challenge. Maxi was going to have to let loose a bit against him so to be a challenge himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@King Tai
*Salem again is letting this happen seems like he is a sucker for kids*

*Malcolm chuckles and with a small smile a ball of green fire that looks almost like glass appears in his hand and he throws it into the fireplace in the living room where it bursts and lights the fireplace*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Maxi watched another display of Malcolm's abilities "You know, I could've lit it for you." Laying down, placing his pillow on the couch "So what are your plans for tomorrow? Have you ever had a chance to leave from here and explore?"
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