The end of the civ history kind of falls flat on it's face, but after several days of working on it on and off, I think it's about time I posted it.

SPECIES TITLE: Avio Raptoris Majoris ((I just came up with a vaguely latin name on the spot sue me))

AVERAGE SIZE: The Resomi are very small, rarely reaching more than 3-4'/1m in height, and weigh less than 90lbs/40kg. They have rapid metabolisms and very efficient digestive systems, and thanks to extensive genetic engineering conducted over their development as an interstellar power, they tend to have robust and effective immune systems.

BASE COMPOSITE: Carbon based, oxygen.

BIOLOGY: They evolved for a very cold and very barren world, almost outside of the Goldilocks zone and unfit for life as humanity understands it. Because of this, their skin is a fine insulator and many of their internal processes are not particularly energy-efficient; they cannot cope well at all with high temperatures. Their eyes are poorly suited to ambient light levels that a human would consider normal, as they evolved as pack hunters in near-constant darkness.

Their hearing is exceptionally sensitive to the point that they can detect a person moving on the other side of a wall, but comes at the cost of being extremely vulnerable to sonic weaponry like flashbangs. This powerful hearing makes up for their lack of long-distance or high-accuracy eyesight.

INTELLIGENCE: The Resomi evolved as highly intelligent pack hunters to survive, and are generally very clever beasts. However, they rely heavily on other Resomi, and one left alone often ends up insane.

CULTURE: Resomi culture was never particulary unified, with immense blizzards providing all the geographic boundaries needed for hundreds, if not thousands, of different cultures to spring up. In general, however, they generally wear very light clothing in warm areas, and even in colder areas, wear very little due to their incredibly effective insulation and energy-inefficiency. Many different languages are available to a Resomi, and very little in the empire is unified under a single type.

HISTORY: The Resomi evolved on a freezing world almost outside of the Goldilocks zone, named Sirisai. Their planet was flat and snowy, and massive worldwide blizzards were considered common. As a single Resomi would be killed alone, they grew into pack hunters. Most prey was much, much, larger then them, however. A single injury from one of the quarries would mean death to a Resomi. As a result, they learned clever tactics, and often would devise strategies to take their prey down without themselves getting wounded.

Despite these harsh conditions, the Resomi prospered as a race. Hundreds upon hundreds of new cultures sprung up, and slowly, but surely, they advanced forwards. From carriages to automobiles, from automobiles to simple satellites, they bent Sirisai to their whims. Empires rose and fell on Sirisai's soil, and nations bickered and traded. It was inevitable that they would leave their cradle, inevitable that they would launch themselves into the unforgiving depths of space.

From here, the Resomi, still as fractured as in the beginning, fanned out from their home planet like leaves to the wind. Colonies were established, new worlds discovered, systems mapped. For a time, the Resomi prospered under the rule of several multi-world empires, all who traced back eventually to Sirsai, the fragmented homeworld. But all good things must come to an end. Casting off the yokel of imperialism, rebellions grew rampant, and empires fell, plunging the fledgling Resomi space back into bitter infighting. [[SEE CVILIZATION HISTORY]]

ROLE IN CIVILIZATION: The Resomi have assembled a massive, unified race empire. While it is fractured culturally and linguistically, it is still a powerful and unified force to be reckoned with.

NOTES: The Resomi pay little attention to legends of civilizations more powerful then them. After all, they have built an empire to last.

NATION TITLE(OFFICIAL): The Empire of Sirisai

GOVERNMENT: The Empire is at heart a vast, faceless, machine. It is lead by the Emperor, known as Rameriti, who has been in power for several millennia. Beneath this emperor lies the Ministry, the face of an ancient, bloated, imperial machination. It is staffed by multiple Ministers, namely the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Domestic Affairs, the Minister of Defense, and the Minister of the Interior. Beneath the lofty position of the Ministry lies the various forms of faceless bureaucracy, enforcing a feudalistic control over the Empire's wide array of worlds.

The Resomi home world is named Sirisai, the precise location of which is kept hidden from foreigners as much as possible. It is rumoured that every Minister makes their home on the birth world of their empire, and concordantly a planet-buster strike on the frozen would could decapitate the entire empire. Travel to and from Sirisai is heavily restricted and generally takes place via dedicated 'carrier' ships that can make the requisite warp jump with passenger ships safely contained inside.

These worlds, while allowed to run largely independently, must pay tribute to the Ministry and it's Emperor. The Ministry also has complete control over almost all interstellar travel, largely keeping the various worlds of the Empire uninformed of each other. This allows for complete, despotic control, and forced dependence on Sirisai.

LAW & HUMANITY: The Empire of Sirisai vastly differs in basic laws and rights, independence being given to each colony and world to decide their own way. Everything from theocratic dictatorships to complete anarchy can be found within the innumerable worlds under control of the Ministry. The Empire maintains their own set of laws that are observed by the holdings of Sirisai, however. For example,

"Employing learning artificially intelligent systems in any capacity on a Resomi vessel (or in a Resomi dwelling) is one of the most severe crimes under imperial law; it's considered a denigration of the worth of your fellows, a rejection of the unity of Resomi culture, and an extremely dangerous step away from the traits that bore the Resomi to interstellar eminence. Strong AI is particularly banned when dealing with the golden age imperial technology like the Dyson rings due to the potential for immense damage if a malfunction occurs."

SPECIES: The Empire is made up almost entirely of a single species, the Resomi. They are extremely xenophobic when it comes to non-Resomi within their territory, and the borders are meticulously guarded to bar entrance.


It was from the backdrop of broken and crippled nation-states that Rameriti rose from. He was a conqueror, just as the empires before his were. Born into the royal family of a small petty kingdom among hundreds of petty kingdoms, his pack inherited the throne at the age of 12. Within a year, three of the petty kingdoms near him were annexed. The other nearby kingdoms drew their plans against him, entering into a coalition with the goal of destroying his newly christened empire. He himself called in his few allies, causing a chain reaction that would span the globe. They had entered their first world war.

As their defensive technology was vastly superior to their offensive technology, the ground soon became mired in globe-spanning trenches. Both sides were too weak to advance, but just strong enough to hold their own against the few attacks that came their way. Soon, the other colonies took interest in the war on the fractured species' homeworld. Rameriti had to end the war fast.

So was it that he introduced Guerrilla tactics into his army, urging his allies to do the same. No longer were the dimunitive Resomi on his side slugging it out exhaustedly in trenches, but instead they abandoned them to the enemy forces. After they had been occupied, Rameriti struck. His forces would pop up in the most unexpected of places, deal out a hit, and disappear back from where they came from before retaliation could be organized.

The strategy was effective, efficient. The enemy's armies were decimated, with little loss to Rameriti and his allies. So while they colonies rushed to make ready for war, Rameriti himself too readied for war. Annexing large amounts of territory, he unified the homeworld under a single banner. This would be the starting point for the war of the second coalition, with many colonies uniting to smash apart the fledgling empire.

They didn't last long.

Just as the new tactics decimated the armies of the first coalition, the second coalition, too, didn't stand a chance. Rameriti's new tactics brought the effectiveness of their pack hunting to the spotlight, and the static armies of the second coalition were unprepared to handle it. With little losses of his own, Rameriti devastated the colonies, leaving them open for conquest.

And conquer he did. World after world fell under his banner, as his intact army and navy took planet after planet. None of the colonies lasted long. With the fledgling empire now burgeoning with the possession of many Resomi planets, he needed a way to control it all. Thus, the bureaucracy was created. Usurping the royal title from the rest of his pack, he made them into his Ministers.

The Empire of Sirisai was born.

There was much work to do, however. Massive colonization efforts were immediately launched, spreading thin the already thin numbers of the war-torn Resomi. From here, the empire could only grow. The Imperial Golden Age had begun, immediately following the Great War. Also monopolized during this time was all extrasolar navigation. While it was a slow process, slowly, but surely, they locked down all travel and consolidated the power into the central government.

After a long period of establishment, during which the secret to life extension was found, the Resomi had a hundred worlds. Hundreds more were to come. However, many planets were completely strip-mined to create the Dyson Rings, the jewels of the Empire. Six in total were made. Many planetary governments were relocated to use resources they were sitting right on top of, so there remains some ill will with the central government.

However, several millennia takes it's toll on an empire, and now it's golden age is ending.

PROVITY AND CULTURE: There is a saying amongst the Ministry: 'a single Resomi is a rounding error'. Every facet of Resomi culture is focused on the group rather than the individual; generally, the action of a single Resomi reflects on their entire pack, and the achievements and shame of an individual are those of their pack. This also extends into government, military action, trade agreements, and so on. The core systems are significantly more uniform in culture than the colonies and fringe, but still demonstrate huge variations in things as basic as language and cuisine, as would be expected with an ancient interstellar empire.

LANGUAGE: Resomi language is not a singular entity. While many different dialects exist, they generally incorporate light, trilling sounds over guttural noises.

ARCHITECTURE: Resomi tend to build low, open-roofed dwellings with plenty of room for leaping and gliding, although this is an increasingly rare architectural style on imperial worlds where living space is at a premium. Living spaces will be owned by entire packs rather than individuals or couples, although smaller, one or two-person dwellings may be found within a larger territory. Even at its most solitary, Resomi society has nothing that a human would call privacy.

ECONOMY: The Resomi rely on a palace economy on an interstellar scale, all wealth flowing through Sirisai itself, before being redistributed to the holding of the Empire. Resomi colonies and worlds are generally very dependent on Sirisai for survival, as they are heavily discouraged from creating their own industry and agriculture. The system is cold and efficient, running smoothly despite the massive bulk of the empire. Further, it continues to function even as the empire slowly splinters apart.

INDUSTRY: The cornerstone of Resomi industry are the Dyson rings, massive hulks of metal and manufactorums wrought during the Imperial Golden Age. While the last Dyson Ring was completed 500 years ago, they maintain the ones they have meticulously. The empire's industrial capacity is robust, and hard to rival. However, they have stopped relying on resources within their empire, and have instead begun massively importing raw materials.

DIPLOMACY: With the continued lack of effectiveness of the navy and military, the Empire is very diplomatically focused. A wide array of ambassadors are employed and many other civilizations will generally have a Resomi embassy within them. The empire also leverages it's incredible industrial capacity, a driving force on many markets. This is used to their advantage, threatening embargoes and tariffs to get their way.

TECHNOLOGY?: Nanotechnology and nanoswarms/nanofields are a field of particular interest to the Resomi in the modern age, as it is becoming apparent that a better understanding of these devices will allow for much easier maintenance requirements on the Dyson rings, as well as a wide range of applications in day to day life or when traveling amongst foreign cultures. Many Resomi will be equipped with adaptive nanomachines slaved to a control implant in their owner's spine rather than a voidsuit or pressurized exoskeleton; they make up for in flexibility and self-repair capacity what they lack in armour and size. This technology tends to be rare outside of Resomi space due to the cost and manufacturing requirements of the control units, as well as the mind-writing technology needed to properly integrate the spinal control unit.

'Skill shots' are a form of Resomi technology that is rarely found outside of core imperial systems. They use nanomachine injections to overwrite targeted sections of the recipient's brain with new data, which is claimed by their manufacturers to be used to quickly teach new skills to trainees. Darker rumours abound of the potential for this technology to be used for indoctrination, brainwashing, or to copy the minds of the dead onto a new 'host' body if immortality finally escapes them, and objective clinical data is available that shows potentially crippling neurological damage resulting from routine mind-writing.

Also noteworthy is their excellent knowledge of medicine and biology. They have succeeded in ending death itself as a threat, through the use of life extension treatments. No longer are they limited to 26 years of life.

MILITARY: The Resomi military is rotten to the core, ineffective, and oversized. No longer is the empire a militaristic juggernaut, as several millennia have taken their toll on the Resomi. Their main tactics are a massed, singular assault, the exact opposite to their strengths. Without the guiding hand of a proper leader, they have given up their effective guerrilla tactics for these ineffectual assaults. However, pure numbers and several millennia of experience continues to keep it relevant on the galactic stage.

STRENGTHS: They have a high industrial capacity, advanced technology, and a vast empire made up of countless subjects. While ailed, their military is still a large force to be reckoned with, a master of many tactics and an experienced fighting force. They also field incredibly multi-skilled peoples in their military, industrial sector, and diplomatic section, due to the use of life-extension treatments.

WEAKNESS: The empire, however, is rapidly fracturing. Without innovation, challenge, or the drive to escape death, it has fallen from it's peak. While economically and industrially the Resomi remain strong, their military is rapidly becoming insufficient. More and more colonies on the fringe continue to secede from the empire, further weakening it. Sirisai has fallen into corruption and self-contemplation, a rotten head atop of a failing bureaucracy. Further, the empire simply does not have enough resources to maintain what it has, and it is incapable of reacting to fringe colony's transgressions, and often times it will be years before the colonies are brought back into line. The Resomi Golden age has long passed and it is now passing into a dark age.

NCE/TERRITORY: The Empire of Sirisai contains hundreds of worlds, and everything from agricultural colonies to massive planet-sized supercities. There are seven important worlds directly controlled directly by the Ministry rather than a local government. These worlds are all planetary supercities, and only one does not have a Dyson ring. This one world is Sirisai, the hidden center of the Empire. Dedicated carrier ships run from the remaining six worlds to Sirisai itself. The location of Sirisai is known by a precious and influential few.

The other six hub worlds are Shicesei, Iresha, Neshasali, Shamicemi, Tilama, and Sae.