Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Vertigo City

Xavier wandered through the rather expansive museum, curious to explore for the sheer scope of everything and it was open so he figured why not start here. It had a bunch of art, wall painting and sculptures of various sizes and lots of writing explaining things from the towns origin to what people born or raised in this town did. Plus all sorts of comprehensive history facts. All of this would be an intellectuals dream, but as a 15 year old it wasn't exactly riveting. Xavier got bored pretty fast, is was rather empty to but he kept looking around maybe just to procrastinate going to bed. Because he was getting a little tired. Xavier was just hope he was pranking an adult and not going too far, as he preferred that but he was well aware Greed didn't mind either way and he could sometimes go a little too far...

Meanwhile, Greed was searching through the town stopping with a rather disappointed look on his face. <"Man, I've looked everywhere for a good target and I haven't even seen one good one, I wanna do one so badly..."> Greed moaned in his head. <"There has to be somebody..."> Greed mumbles to himself as he peers around flying about above the night sky. He couldn't find a single adult to mess with, figuring they must all be asleep. He decided to go back to the pokecenter maybe he could mess with the desk worker again, he wanted to pick on someone new about to give up and just go find his trainer. But then his eyes suddenly gravitated towards another trainer smiling picking his target, he became invisible and started to snicker as he flew over behind the trainer keeping himself quiet, and he tapped his left shoulder. As he could hear someone calling from behind him, being Greed speaking in his mind trying his best to not come off as incredibly sarcastic. <"Hello sir, might I have you sign something to free the Wailords?">
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sionnie
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Sionnie A Special Little Snow Flake

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lyra sat at the back of the plane. She had been lucky enough to get a window seat. Lu sat in Lyra's lap kicking his feet slowly in contempt as it looked up simply enjoying it's self. Kyubi and Faye where tucked away in their pokeballs, but unfortunantly Rioulu couldn't stand his. It took quite a while to convince the flight attendants that Lu would not cause problems but eventually it all worked out. Lyra wondered what was to come in the new region or why she did not stay home with her mother and friend Ethen but then again, Ethen had left on his own journey just as she was doing now. Everything was about to change. Lyra wrote her thoughts down in her journal, Lu would occasionally swat at the pen playful but would stop when it felt Lyra's disapproval. It was the first page of a new journal, to write down the experiences she would have in her new journey. She wanted to remember everything. She wanted to learn so many things, and the time was almost here. Soon the plane would land. Soon she would land in Viore Region and soon she would become a pokemon trainer.

Lyra exited the plane...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ranger Union

As Lola continued following Ark, it quickly became apparent that something was off. A few moments after that, the smell of smoke could be clearly smelt on the breeze, possibly a campfire? No, this was a strong odor, way stronger than a meager campfire. She rounded an outcropping of rocks to a horrifying sight: A massive portion of the forest was burning out of control! "This isn't good... Voicemail! Voicemail! Ridge, get over here quick! We've got a forest fire and it's out of control!"

Still rushing over with Storm by his side, Aiden got the message. "Roger, new mission then: Douse the Forest Fire! Me and storm are on our way, see if there are any Pokemon nearby that can help! I'll be there as soon as I can!" Aiden hadn't stopped the entire time, and he could now see the glow of the fire further down the lakeside. This day had taken a turn, first they were looking for Team Royal Skies late at night, now it seemed they would be pulling an all-nighter taking down a forest fire.

Meanwhile Lola had been scanning the lakeside for any Pokemon that could help end this fire. Most would have been asleep by now, but the fire was beginning to wake up a few. And what better could show up than a couple of Blastoise? "Perfect, that's just what we need to get this thing under control!" She raised up her arm with her Fine Styler on it, locked on target, and fired the capture disc. "Capture On!" The disc quickly formed a ring around Blastoise, and with a few swift arm movements, it was done. "Capture Complete! Blastoise, help me get this fire under control, a Hydro Pump could be helpful!" The Blastoise nodded, and fired its massive water cannons towards the flaming trees.

Finally, Aiden made it to Lola's location. Seeing that she had captured a Blastoise to use, he looked and saw yet another, probably the first's friend. "Storm, help out with some Sand Attack. I can handle a simple Blastoise Capture." The Sandslash looked over to the raging fire and nodded back to Aiden. <Alright, just be careful. Just cause you're a Top Ranger doesn't mean you're immune to danger!> With that, the Sandslash joined Lola and began spouting Sand Attack against the fire. "Alright, Capture On!" With that Aiden fired his capture disc, and within a few short moments, the second Blastoise was captured as well. "Blastoise, I need your help too, we have to put this fire out!" The Blastoise didn't even nod, and rushed over to his companion's side and began firing his massive water cannons as well. Soon, the fire began to retreat, but they were still far from done.

Team Royal Skies

Following the directions sent to him, Galahad had put the coordinates into the vehicle's built-in GPS. After a long and bumpy ride over the rough terrain, they reached the GPS marker. The vehicle came to a stop, a second truck stopping just behind them. "Sir, I don't see anything out here but grass and vegetation." Galahad jumped down, two Pokeballs in hand. "That's the point, they don't expect people to find something this valuable this easily." He tossed the Pokeballs into the air, releasing the Pokemon inside. They turned out to be a Machamp and an Aegislash. "Machamp, Aegislash, combination attack." Galahad said calmly, pointing towards the thickest part of the vegetation.

The two Pokemon obliged, having Aegislash somewhat combine with Machamp, leaving its sword in one of Machamp's hands and its shield in the other. Immediately after, the twosome sliced the vegetation into thin slices that would have made a master chef proud. On the other side, barely concealed under a layer of dirt, appeared to be some kind of stone brick structure. Machamp and Aegislash didn't stop with the vegetation, though. They sliced clean through the wall, revealing an assortment of passages behind the now rubble.

"Seal off the entry point, and get the equipment set up. I want an echo scan of this structure, I want a complete map before we even set foot inside." The grunts immediately saluted. "Yes Sir!" They said in unison, as they began dragging cases of specialized gear from the trucks and setting up around the structure. "According to what my liege said, within this ruin lives an extremely powerful Pokemon, powerful enough to be able to boost our tracking equipment... what is it?" Said Galahad as a grunt came forward.

"Priority message, sir, from HQ." Galahad activated his commlink in his visor immediately. "Galahad, I'm going to give you a diversion so your efforts go undetected. I'm sending Gwen to Ultima City to cause some havoc, try and draw the Rangers out of your area." Galahad was pleased, he was sending another of the big three as a diversion, brilliant. "I understand my liege, and we have located the ruin you specified. By night's end we will have the Pokemon we need." The voice on the other side grumbled a bit. "I hope you do, I wish you good hunting, old friend." The voice faded, eventually ending the communication. Galahad returned to his duties, he had to secure this Pokemon, or their operation would surely fail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wye Coldren

Vertigo City - Pokemon Center

Wye had been sitting on the booth for a while waiting for Blu's healing to be complete with Vaahn. He heard the memorable jingle from the counter and walked over to retrieve Blu. Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head back, only to see no one. He turned his body back to see who was there just as he heard a voice ask about wailmers. He snapped back to reality as Blu jumped on his shoulder. "Oh...!" He walked back to the booth, occasionally glancing at the counter. "Hey, Vaahn," he said as he sat down. "Did you see someone behind me?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Vertigo City

Greed snickered in his head quite amused at the trainers' reaction. With a playful and self satisfied grin across his face. As he looked at the other trainer nearby, that he was speaking to, floating over and tapped the blonde kid on the opposite side where he wasn't looking. Considering they both looked old enough to be young adults, Greed figured Xavier wouldn't have any issues with his shenanigans with these two. Though he was enjoying himself and he certainly didn't want to stop, having his own confirmation bias because unlike Xavier he's desire to prank was nearly compulsive, a sort of addiction he needed to fill up the melancholy state he had from boredom he felt.

<“Hmm...how else can I play with them?”> Greed thought just pondering what else he could do without getting caught. Quickly getting another idea, Greed took and held up the blonde's trainers goggles and floated upwards keeping them slightly out of his reach above his head in the air. Making sure that he would move just enough so the trainer couldn't jump to get them either, being quite entertained.

Meanwhile, Xavier was still looking around in the museum. Reading a story about how the royal skies used to have a gambling factory here disguised as a local business. A long time ago that had an underground market, and even let children use slot machines betting real money. Before the local law enforcement and its pokemon put a stop to their deviant criminal acts. He was getting a little fatigued after time had passed, letting out a quiet yawn. He stopped and ducked, hiding himself on instinct despite the fact he was aloud to be in the facility, he was used to sneaking in places and getting caught.

“Was that someone else?” He thought in his head hearing some grumbling and footsteps coming closer. He peeked in the corner looking at the stranger, he could immediately tell this individual was sketchy. They say it took one to know one, but Xavier was always good at recognizing malevolence. “Go Hypno” The stranger said releasing a Hypno, right in front of a large glass display that held several things. Xavier observed remaining as quiet as he could be. “What is he up too?” Xavier questioned. As the Hypno started to glow as the items for the glass started to glow as well then suddenly disappearing. The stranger held up an open brown sack as the various items inside the case appeared into the sack.

He knew that man was stealing, he reached in his pockets realizing his pokeballs were back at the inn. Cursing in his head, he didn't know what he could do really wishing Greed had stuck by him now. The stranger let loud a chuckle. “Show's that you should never mess with the Royal Skies.” He bragged aloud. Xavier was upset clenching his fist hastily blurting out. “You can't just take those!” The stranger and it's Hypno turned to look right in Xavier's direction as he instantly knew he screwed up and he was in hot water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

'Rook' Vaahn

Waiting for his Pokémon to return to him he noticed Wye speaking to him oddly, he then glanced left or and right before returning a slightly confused gaze, he hadn't actually seen anyone else and there were in fact no suspicious looking figures around what he could 'see'. He shook his head slowly and shrugged about it "None that I can think off... " he replied to Wye as he thought about it for a bit. Then as he felt his googles get pulled up and away he glanced up to them in surprise for a moment. He glanced around before letting out a chuckle as he made no effort to actually take them back, instead he only watched them for a while. "Hey... you can keep those if you like them you know... but you should probably get back to your trainer if you have one" he said to his goggles.

He then simply smiled as he figured it was either one of two things playing tricks on him... either it was a Pokémon of either Ghost or Psychic type, or it was some kid or something. Yet he guessed it was actually a Ghost type as he couldn't see any psychic types around that were looking odd. He inflated the pokéball in his hand and let the Raichu out of it, "Rico... keep me company will ya?" he asked earning a nod from the Raichu. "Its a quite classic prank to hold someones item above their head out of reach... never gets old. So why don't you show yourself eh?... I have experience with Both Ghost and Psychic types, so i'm sorry if your pranks don't recieve the expected reaction" he would say and step back slightly before looking to Wye.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Meanwhile Xavier was in the middle of a robbery in progress, Greed was watching both of them from above still holding the goggles swaying them back and forth a bit. Though as the trainer spoke up he was slightly surprised and growing a little disappointed that the trainer not only didn't try to grab it but figured him out as quickly as he did. He certainly wanted a different reaction as he spoke in the trainer's mind after told him to show himself. The trainer was far too pleasant making the joke less enjoyable, killing his desire to pursue his antics further. <“Fine, be a killjoy of my fun.”> Greed spoke in his head, in a tone kind of similar to a child that didn't get the toy they wanted. As Greed appeared showing himself and his slightly pouting expression as he set the goggles back on his head. Figuring his fun was over letting out a short sigh, getting over it. Looking at the Raichu for a moment. <”I hear my trainer calling anyway...”> Greed lied as an excuse to drift away outside of the pokecenter deciding to find Xavier.

As he floated to the outside, in front of the center. Looking around seeing Xavier wasn't outside anywhere. Suddenly Greed felt chilled, which was rare occurrence that he didn't know why it happened but it only happened when something very bad was going down. He quickly went to find Xavier, starting at the place he went first. Growing quite worried hoping that he wasn't in danger.

Xavier heart skipped several beats as he was holding his breath like he was under water, which was exactly how he felt at that moment like he was drowning with no life preserver. Should he run, should he still hide? He had never been in a situation like this, he was frozen for too long before making a decision. The stranger and the Hypno saw him as he chuckled. As Hypno pulled him out from his hiding using Psychic and held him place. Xavier struggled hopelessly but Hypno kept him still. As the stranger walked up to him and grabbed Xavier by his neck and start to squeeze. He was choking him as Xavier couldn't call out for help, struggling to even breath.

“Wrong time and wrong place kid,” The stranger spoke with a smirk, still holding his neck as Hypno continued holding him with psychic. “If this place didn't have metal detectors, I'd have already splattered your head against the walls. Hope you didn't think I was going to let you battle me.” The stranger replied sarcastically mocking him. Xavier was scared, he really thought he was going to die right here starting to tear up. “I really screwed up...Greed please help me.” Xavier pleaded in his mind.

Greed refused to worry figuring what could possibly go wrong, maybe he should sneak up and surprise Xavier, as he turned himself invisible again and went through the walls of the museum with a playful smile. Suddenly when he saw what was taking place all at once, Xavier having his neck grabbed, being choked seeing the Hypno's eyes glowing holding Xavier in place. Something snapped as his face turned into seething hatred with an angered growl came out. The Hypno felt the Gengar's presence and lost focus looking in its direction, letting Xavier able to move even though the stranger still had him by the throat still choking him. But within an instance the whole arm was forced back at an incredible speed pulling the arm to the back and outstretching it until his whole arm was resting on his back hearing a loud snap, as he let out a shriek. Releasing Xavier was gasped for breathe and at the very same time the Hypno flew straight into the museum wall slamming him hard even to crack the walls, Hypno hitting head first with such an intense force it instantly knocked Hypno out cold.

Xavier caught his breathe rubbing his still red and sore neck a bit, he saw Greed was there smiling in relieve that he got there when he did, but he was now gravely concerned at Greed's face was still fuming with rage. He had only ever seen Greed this angry once before and he really didn't want to see it again. Greed glared and the stranger who was about to pull another pokeball out of his pocket with his still working arm as he lifted both the Hypno and a stranger with Psychic and started to shake them wildly around like ragdolls, repeatedly smashing the Hypno against the wall. As he started to rotate his other hand three hundred and sixty degrees. It wasn't enough that Xavier was free. He wanted this human to suffer greatly. Xavier was starting to cry.

“GREED, STOP NOW! PLEASE!” Xavier cried out loudly hoping he would stop. By some miracle his words came through as Greed immediately stopped as Hypno fell down next to the wall, as the man's other hand wasn't broken either as he simply used hypnosis to make the stranger fall asleep as he placed he down on ground. Quickly going over to Xavier remorseful and guilt ridden look across on his face. <”I-I'm sorry...I probably just got you in t-trouble. I was just so...are you okay?”> Greed spoke in his head stuttering sounding like someone about to cry. “Don't worry Greed, I'm okay,” Xavier lied rubbing his eyes.

“We need to hurry and report this to the police force...” Xavier continued hoping that there weren't going to be any consequences which made him with a little hesitant but he decided to do what he thought was right as he ran out of the building like it caught on fire trying to find someone nearby to call the police or the office so he could get help, clearly distressed to anyone that would have been around but since it was late at night, most people were still fast asleep, not even aware of what took place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wye Coldren

Vertigo City - Pokemon Center

"A prank?" Wye said, as if only to himself. "Strange..." He stretched his back, pushing forward with his hands. He looked over at the exit with envying eyes. "Ah... In any case... Vaahn - want to walk around a bit? Some fresh air might do me some good - are you a local? Or are you just visiting?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Team Royal Skies, Vertigo City

The elite plain-clothed Royal Skies operative, who operated under the name Bishop, was keeping watch on the trainers who came and went. It was late that evening, and she had begun to see less trainers passing through as the sun disappeared and the moon rose. "So far nothing out of the ordinary... well, time for my side mission then, some idiot decided to try and impersonate a Royal Skies Grunt, he's been running around robbing places and the blame has been on us." She talked to seemingly no one, when a Banette appeared from out of nowhere beside her. "Sure, Royal Skies will attack trainers who we think are evil, or who are getting in our way, but stealing priceless objects from museums and the sorts, that's not what we do."

That's when she heard the commotion coming from the Museum she was passing by. She heard a kid scream inside, as well as what sounded like something alive (though it might not have been afterward) being tossed left and right. Then it went silent. She had Banette phase through the door and open it from the inside so she wouldn't have to break in, and decided to investigate. She found a boy and his Gengar on one side of the room, and an unconscious man and his Hypno on the other side, this man wearing what appeared to be Royal Skies Grunt Armor. "Well, well, looks like you saved me the trouble of tracking this guy down kid. Thanks a bunch." The Banette jumped to her shoulder, using Psychic to bring the mans Pokeballs to her, one of which she used to return the Hypno. After that, she tied up the still unconscious man a smidgen on the tight side.

She turned to the boy, who was sitting on the ground behind her. "From the sounds of it you really need to learn to control that Gengar of yours better you know. It sounded like all out war in here." She pulled out an ID quickly, showing what looked like a police badge. Sure it was a fake, but how would this kid tell if it's fooled many people before? "My name's Bishop, I've been working on this case for a while. This guy's been on a robbing spree starting in the Sahara City Natural History Museum. I tracked him here, and it looks like you did the dirty work for me." She took a closer look at the armor the guy was wearing. Why, this wasn't even the metal alloy that they use for theirs, it was cheap store bought plastic! How degrading. She turned back to the boy, waiting for some kind of response from him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo

Xavier dashed outside slightly directionless having no actual clue where anything was, hoping he could find the place before Greed's hypnosis wore off, as Greed following quietly behind him worried about his trainer being slightly traumatized for just going through what he did. Seeing the woman approach him, He was shaking some from his nerves, his heart was still going at an accelerated rate. Looking at her as she spoke up and pulling a police badge. He was slightly surprised and alarmed but after she explained why she was there, he felt some relief, seeing an officer there seemingly already aware of who the criminal was, made it a lot easier than having to explain everything that happened. As he wasn't exactly thinking critically at that moment just believing her words at face value. He sat down on the ground for a brief moment almost out of necessity to give his lungs a break.

“Well, that man was trying to kill me...my Gengar was just protecting me the best he could,” Xavier replied as Greed smiled a little seeing he wasn't upset with how he acted. Though the longer she was there the more Greed was scanning Bishop over, sort of suspicious that they weren't a real officer. Assuming he'd been around and lying enough to know when something or somebody was untrustworthy. He glared a little bit, though it could have been entirely or at least partly due to the fact she was judging Xavier and him by association. Xavier on the other hand was just glad someone was there, which itself he felt the irony of being happy he found an adult.

“I'm Xavier...” Xavier stood up from the ground greeting her with a half smile, “Do I have to like go to the station and file a police report? I'm not in trouble am I?” Xavier questioned to her rubbing the back of his head as he watched her apprehend the unconscious stranger and it's pokemon keeping his eyes on the officer to be respectful trying to calm himself down. As Greed sort of continued to leerily glare at the supposed police officer. Greed also wasn't the one to keep his thoughts to himself, speaking inside Bishop's head. <“I don't care if you're a real officer or not, as long as you don't try to harm my trainer.”> Greed warned bluntly, staying in front of his trainer like a shield. As Xavier only now noticed how Greed's aura was a little menacing. “Um, sorry. He's just concerned for my safety. I just want get some sleep.” Xavier apologizes, just hoping he could go to bed after what had happened he wasn't really in the mood to do much else looking at Bishop.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Team Royal Skies, Vertigo City


Bishop smiled on the inside, keeping her composure on the outside. The Gengar wouldn't be a problem unless she made a move on the boy, Xavier he called himself. "Oh, that won't be necessary, I'll file the report myself when I get back to the station. I can see you've already been through much tonight." There was a partial truth to what she said, she honestly didn't find the boy to be one of the trainers whom Royal Skies loathed. The Banette jumped down from her shoulder and looked over to the Gengar. <You got every right to be suspicious, she definitely don't look it. But she's one of the best investigators there is. We've been across Viore and back more times than I can count chasing guys like this. And if she wanted to hurt your pal... she'd need a pretty damn good reason to.>

Bishop hauled the tied up man to his feet as he began to come to. "I'll take him down to the station, you don't have to worry about anything here. Just go get some rest, trainers your age need it. Good night Xavier." The Banette returned to her shoulder, and she hauled the man down the street, rounding the corner as if heading to the Police Station. Along the way she ducked into an alleyway and lugged him into the back of a four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle (like the one Galahad used). The man had finally come to, and was quite out of it as he struggled against the ropes that bound him. "So... tell me... what's it like to be in Team Royal Skies... oh wait, I'm asking the wrong person aren't I? As an Elite, I know what goes on, and you're such a fraud it isn't even funny. I'm sure Gwen would love to 'talk' to you. Better get comfy, we're in for a long ride. Ultima City, here we come."

The vehicle jumped to life, Bishop rolling up the dark tinted windows, shifting into gear, and taking off down the main street of Vertigo City. Soon she was on the road heading south, towards Ultima City, home of the Pokemon League. She clicked a radio in the car to life to report on her progress. "This is Bishop, target secured. We're heading to your location now, leader. We'll be there in about half an hour." A voice crackled through the radio in response. "Good, once you get here, we'll cause some damage to the area. No harming civilians or Pokemon, and minimal actual damage. We just want to cause a ruckus to draw the Rangers here." Bishop nodded to herself. "Roger that leader, over and out." The radio clicked over to a normal station, where a news team was reporting on something. "A fire has begun to rage in Bitterwood Forest, just outside of Riviera Town and Lake Northwind. It appears Pokemon Rangers are battling back the blaze, and may have it under control..." She turned off the radio. The rangers were dangerously close to discovering Galahad's operation, hopefully this diversion Lady Gwen had in mind drew them away.

Team Royal Skies, Ancient Ruin

Meanwhile, Galahad and his unit had been working on mapping the layout of the ruin. It was actually a very simple design, no labyrinth, no secret passages, just a straight forward passage with several floors and side rooms, with one large chamber in the center. "I believe that central chamber is where the target will be found. We cannot be certain, however. When we enter, split up and search every room. If you find the target, seal off the room and radio for backup, we'll corner it and take it together. Because if it's as powerful as my lord says, it will take every one of us to capture it. Understood?" The grunts stepped forward, 4 columns of 4 grunts each. "Yes Sir!" They responded. Galahad nodded, and pointed to the entrance. The grunts broke into groups and began entering and searching the ruin, followed by Galahad, who headed straight for the center chamber with two grunts.

Team Royal Skies, Ultima City

"Are all of the grunts in position?" Asked the obvious leader of the group. "Yes lady Gwen, all we are waiting for is Elite Bishop's arrival." Gwen looked over and saw Bishop's vehicle pulling into an alleyway. "Looks like we don't have to wait anymore. Bishop, how was your drive?" Bishop jumped out of the vehicle's sunroof, it closing behind her and her Banette phasing through the vehicle and jumping onto her shoulder. "Pleasant, makes it almost a shame to have to ruin the peace and quiet around here. But, we have our orders, right lady Gwen?" Gwen nodded, and opened up the communication channel on her visor. "All grunts, prepare to begin the attack on my order. Remember, don't harm civilians or Pokemon, and minimal damage. We want to scare the people, not hurt them or destroy their homes." A resounding number of "Yes Ma'am's" came through the channel, signaling that all grunts had gotten the message. When the time was right, she would give the order. She knew the Rangers were fighting the fire Galahad had made in a slight panic to escape, once that was done, they would draw them here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

'Rook' Vaahn


He was surprised when the pokémon spoke to him, certainly he hadn't expected it to reply to him. In fact he were so surprised he just stood there until the pokémon had left and then looked to Wye blinking slightly. "Oh... right, yeah... but perhaps we should follow that pokémon?... and see if it gets back to its trainer safely" he suggested before walking outside, walking towards the museum he thought he spotted what looked like Bishop, she were pulling someone in front of her making him for a moment consider the reasons. Yet as she walked of he shrugged about it figuring it was a mission of hers. Soon enough he came across Xavier, who he recognized as The Gengar's Trainer as they were close to each other and everything.

He looked to see if Wye were coming and then reached down to give his Sylveon a pat on the head as the pokémon joined his side. The team was back together again. He glanced to Rico the Raichu who was still outside his pokéball but yet kept his distance, a bit curious about their new location and still not needing as much closeness that Twix did. Coming closer to Xavier he raised a hand in greeting but could quickly see that the trainer looked a bit shaken, he wondered what had transpired here. "Hello there, you must be this Gengar's trainer?... I'm glad you found each other again. It was playing pranks at the Pokémon center and when it rushed off to find you I were worried that it might get even more lost on its own... seems everything turned out well enough" he said smiling slightly to the trainer. "My Name is Vaahn, this is Twix and Rico my poképals... " he said before giving the boy a chance to introduce himself, and perhaps for Wye to do as well if he wanted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


As the incident started to simmer down, Xavier felt himself finally starting to feel calmer. Letting out an exhale of relief seeing that he could just return to his pokemon and get some sleep without having to file a report or go down to the station, because he really felt uncomfortable around there. Greed was still looking skeptically at the officer and at it's Banette. Turning his attention to Banette as it started to speak, half way listening and though it made it slightly more trusting of them. He also knew how good most ghosts were at lying, or at least that's what he believed.

But he wasn't going to be the one to cause Xavier anymore unintended trouble by questioning it. Feeling guilty enough as it was, Greed just gave some verbal confirmation akin to going <'mmm-hmm'> pretending to sound convinced. As Greed looked back at Xavier still concerned and spoke to him inside his head. <“Let's get going Xavier. You need to get your rest.”> Xavier looked up at Greed and gave him a smile and a slight nod showing he heard him. As Xavier nodded while the officer was speaking so he looked like he was paying attention.

“Thank you very much mam. Goodnight.” Xavier replied happy that everything seemed to be resolved, glad it was over as he parted ways with Bishop. Greed followed behind him, Xavier was never more ready to collapse into his bed, walking back but not making it very far before he saw more trainers approaching him. As one raised its hand and started to greet him and explain his Greed pulled pranks on them. Xavier let out a sigh, as he wasn't exactly in the mood for meeting others, especially what appeared to be adults based on their size. Xavier rubbed his head some looking up at Greed who didn't seem to pleased not in exactly in a chipper mood himself. He gave him a look to not do anything rude as Greed just gave him a nod.

Xavier smiled politely at Vaahn and his pokemon, feeling a bit too uncomfortable to shake his hand. “Yeah, I'm his trainer. Sorry, he just likes to have have his fun, I hope it didn't go too far...I'm Xavier, and my Gengar's name is Greed.” He explained. “But it's been a really rough night, I was just about to head to my room.” He added being forthright, as his neck was still a bit visibly red as he just really wanted to lay down. Though he didn't want to be rude to them, he really didn't feel like speaking to others any longer, impulsively kicking the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pent, Sirina, and Devon
[Route 701]

Sirina felt a bit guilty as she watched Devon. Her and Pent were a lot slower... though she was slightly faster than him, and could easily keep up if she let Spud carry her wheelchair. She smiled as Devon said something about a Pokemon Center. "OH... yeah. Good idea!" she smiled. "I am sorry we are slowing down your journey, my friend." She shrugged as she continued to wheel herself along the uneven ground, grunting as she hit a rock and had to back up and re-adjust so she could continue.

Nana flicked her ears. <Not even a bit. No sensation from her waist down. It is as if she does not have legs at all.>

The Froslass, Aenir, looked to the Arcanine with concern furrowing her brows. <... it's as if she does not have legs…? Ah, how unfortunate, but… at the same time, perhaps it’s a blessing of sorts. You see, Pent can feel his legs, but… most of what he feels is pain... constant… pain…>

Nana explained further, <Yes, humans were quite smart when they decided to create wheelchairs. There are not many of them who are not mobile... but for those of them who aren't as mobile... it’s an easy way to move.> She flicked her tail, an amused growl bursting from her chest. <Actually... She told me that it happened to her before twice... and that she actually rolled her way down the hill to get it. She said that it took her a couple of hours, but she managed to get there. She said it was an experience she would not trade for the world... because it taught her that she can never truly be helpless as long as she tries to fight. Though… now that she is with me... she has no need to be afraid. I am her legs where the chair cannot be. If this terrain was rougher... she would mount my back, fasten her legs to my jacket and grab my mane. Spud would carry her chair, and I could maneuver her through the terrain much quicker.>

Aenir was both impressed and horrified at the story. Taking a few moments to regain her composure she let out soft chuckle. <I-I see! Well… you seem to take excellent care of her. She is quite lucky to have you and the rest of your companions at her side.>

Sirina blinked slowly as Pent spoke, wrinkling her face in concern. "I would not leave you on your own in the wilds." She vowed. In her mind, she wished she could do something to help the man. But besides giving her wheelchair, she had nothing. There was no way Nana would ever let a stranger ride her back. "Oh, Liza. I hope that I see you again soon."

Devon looked up at Sirina once she apologized for slowing him down, and her calling upon the fact made him feel even worse for even thinking about blaming both her and Pent for the hold up. A nonchalant wave in the girl's direction and a smile was all he could give. "Nah, it’s fine you two. It’s not like you can help it."

A small smile crossed Pent’s resigned features as he let out a sigh. "Though it's something I cannot help, does not mean that you need to make sacrifices for me." Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he opened them and continued speaking, "That said, I do appreciate it. I would be safe on my own, but it's more enjoyable to travel with others."

Turning to look over Liza one last time, Devon let his arms fall to his sides. The Pokégear still open in his left hand. "So, sounds like a plan. You gonna stay with us and head to the Pokémon Center Liza? Or are you gonna go on alone? It’s your choice dude."

Time passes…
[Pokémon Center - Route 701]

The night came and went. Pent stayed in his own room at the Pokémon Center, while also reserving rooms for Devon, Sirina, as well as Liza if she took him up on his offer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dialga has grown bored of watching this mockery of time, he shall take it no more... a Roar of Time can be heard, and now time resyncs.

Lily and Brent, Route 701 Pokemon Center

It was early that morning, Lily had woken up from the most peculiar dream and headed out into the main lobby while Shaymin continued sleeping. Brent was already awake too, and the Pokemon Center seemed to be bustling with activity now. Brent was looking over at a tv on the wall, with some news coverage playing. "Just last night, a massive forest fire erupted in the Bitterwood Forest, the charring of which you can still see here today. Luckily, two Pokemon Rangers, who were unavailable for comment at this time, stepped in and halted the blaze before it got out of hand. Police are still looking into what caused the fire, but they believe it was caused deliberately. Back to you in the news room..." The news continued after that, but all it was was traffic and weather for the area. "Morning Lily, how'd you sleep last night?" Asked Brent as she sat down at his table.

"You know, I had a dream, Shaymin was there, and so was Arceus..." Lily couldn't believe how vividly she remembered the dream, suggesting to herself that it really was no normal dream. "Arceus... the creator of the Universe... and Shaymin... weird." The two chatted for a bit, before something landed on Lily's shoulder. She turned and found it to be Shaymin, with Nurse Joy smiling right behind her. "Shaymin is feeling one hundred percent again! And it seems to have taken a liking to you, Lily." That was true, deeper than Nurse Joy knew, or Brent understood. "I'm guessing you're going along with them when they leave, aren't you Shaymin?" Shaymin looked over to Nurse Joy and gave her a solid nod yes. "I feel like that's the best for you, I'd hate to see you get hurt by those goons you two told me about."

Nurse Joy turned to leave, but stopped for a moment. "Oh yes, I almost forgot, Brooks told me to give you this note here. He left early this morning in a big hurry after he got a phone call." Brent took the note and read it aloud. "Lily, Brent, sorry to run off without a proper goodbye, but something has come up that I cannot ignore. Keep traveling on your Journeys and challenging the gyms of Viore, we'll meet again on the road sometime. Don't worry about that prophecy I told you about, either. When the time comes, you'll know it. Enjoy your journey through Viore. -Brooks" Nurse Joy finally left the two of them, while the duo wondered what could have called Brooks away so quickly. Whatever they were thinking, though, it was quickly silenced by a rumbling in their stomachs.

"You know something, I can't remember eating dinner last night... I think we got caught in a bit too much excitement and forgot to." Brent shook his head. "Yeah, let's grab some breakfast then head out, Vertigo City shouldn't be too far ahead." Lily nodded her head, and the twosome headed into the back where there was a small kitchen area where Chansey were serving out food. They got theirs, then sat down at a table. They also sat down some food bowls for their Pokemon, who they expected were also starving.

Team Royal Skies, Gwen's Team

"Well, we certainly have the Ranger's attention, but now we can't lose them!" Said Bishop as she swerved through a grove of Oran Berry trees as she drove over the countryside. The two Rangers were in hot pursuit by Dodrio, and those things may not have been able to fly, but damn could they run. Suddenly a voice crackled through the radio. "Bishop, Leader, we have a trap set up just ahead, it'll be the only way to get away. We're going to blow the bridge once you're across, so step on the gas!" Bishop nodded in reply. "Roger, don't blow it too early though. You don't wanna pick up the pieces of your superiors do you?" Joking aside, this would be extremely dangerous for both parties. She put her foot to the floor and shifted gears, the roar of the engine was deafening.

Then she saw it, the bridge that they were going to blow. This was a major traffic way between Ultima and Vertigo, too, so this would keep them occupied for a bit. On the other side were two more vehicles, both on their side. One of the Grunts she saw had a detonator. She through the car into highest gear and kept the pedal to the floor. She flew across the bridge, and just after making it past the halfway point, she heard the explosions behind her. The other two vehicles were already retreating, and Bishop got hers just past the edge of the bridge as that portion collapsed behind her. She stopped to look back for a moment, seeing the Rangers peel to a halt on the other side. It would take them a while to find a bypass, so they were in the clear. Bishop nodded to her leader, and took off into the countryside once more, eventually losing sight of the Rangers.

Ranger Union

"I can't believe this... they actually blew the bridge. Now what... by the time we find a way around they'll be long gone." Aiden was clearly upset by the defeat, Lola was still fairly optimistic. "Hey, don't be like that. I bet if we get the chopper over here we can pick up their trail again." Aiden shook his head. "Honestly, after a night like that... I need some sleep." Lola chuckled. "Yeah, I guess that's fair. Let's still get the chopper to pick us up so we don't have to find a way around."

Aiden nodded, and opened up his Styler. "Voicemail Voicemail! We need the chopper at our coordinates, need a pick up." The Pilot responded almost immediately. "Roger that Ridge, we're en route. Based on your coordinates, we'll be there in about half an hour. Over and out." Aiden closed his styler and plopped down on the ground at the base of a tree. Lola sat on the other side. "Gotta love being the best, don't you?" Aiden chuckled as the two waited for their chopper pickup.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Devon & Pent
[Route 701 Pokémon Center]

The early morning sun shone through the windows of the Pokémon Center’s lobby, gifting the few Trainers and Pokémon that sat around prepping for the day ahead with some relaxing warm light.

Devon, Pent, and Shinon sat in rolling chairs at one of the computer terminals off to the side of the front desk. Currently on screen, a trail of dots would trace around in a circle as a video call was connecting. Devon, (now dressed in a dark blue hoodie with a bit of white fuzz on the inside of the hood and blue jeans) spun around in his chair to face the handicapped professor and his Lucario with a gleam of excitement in his brown eyes. "So you guys ready to meet a talking Pokémon?"

Pent smiled widely, his gaze upon the teen before him. "Oh yes, I'm actually quite excited. I've heard of Zoroark, but I've never actually seen or met one, despite them being native to Kalos."

Shinon nodded as well, agreeing with his Trainer. <It's certainly a unique Ability, I would be very interested.>

Turning back to the screen, a tone would go off before a younger woman's face would appear on the screen. She was a bit short, had long black hair, and wore a thicker green sweater as she smiled at the faces that greeted her on the other side. Her brown eyes evident of fatigue as they seemed a bit dull. "Hello Devon! I thought you might call in. How’s Viore? Are you and Dad doing alright?" The woman’s eyes shifted to the right to spot Pent and Shinon. "I see you’ve already made some friends too. I’m Devon’s mother Sarah."

Devon raised a single hand in a short wave, and sighed while still maintaining a smile. "Hi Mom. Viore’s pretty good, and I’m fine. Last time I checked Dad was hanging out in a hot tub with Biscuit back in New Amber town." A grin came over the boy’s face. "And don’t worry, I’m checking up on him so he doesn’t get into any trouble. Anyway, this is Pent and Shinon. Met them on my way out of the airport." The teen would add as he looked back at the two.

A smile crossed Pent's features, "It's a pleasure, Sarah." Shinon also nodded, letting out a soft grunt, <Good morning, it's nice to meet you.>

Sarah looked over the man and his canine with curiosity for a few moments. "Good call Devon. Hello you two. A Lucario huh? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before….Cool."

Devon leaned into the screen a bit and drummed his fingers on the desk. "Sooo...Is Nasir around? Pent wanted to meet him. Not everyday you meet a kid with a talking Pokémon right?"

The woman chuckled a bit as she stood up from her chair, and leaned down to smirk at her son through the screen. "Am I really that boring? Alright alright I’ll get him for you." Turning away from the three, Sarah walked out of frame as her voice could be heard in the background. "Nasir! Devon’s on the phone! Can you come here please?"

Some rustling could be heard before a large Zoroark appeared on the picture. "Devon...! How is Viore...? Oh?" Furrowing his red brows, the Zoroark, Nasir, looked over the dark-haired man and his Lucario. "You've made friends, then? I'm Nasir, it's nice to meet you both."

Pent smiled, waving to the Zoroark; Shinon making a similar gesture. "It seems Devon was right—you are able to speak. I've heard accounts of it, but I've never seen a Zoroark first-hand..."

Nasir's face flushed. "I... am able to speak, yes. It's through the use of my Ability Illusion, so truthfully I'm not speaking."

Beaming, Pent replied, "Regardless! I am still quite impressed."

Devon snickered a bit at the Zoroark’s obvious embarrassment. "He’s something else alright. Hey Fuzzy. This is Pent and his Lucario Shinon by the way. They’re from Kalos. French dudes." Gesturing to the two behind him, he then refocused on Nasir. "And Viores awesome man! You should have came with! I already met the regions professor, Maple, got a new Pokédex from him, and before we left Sinnoh..."

The teen held up his left wrist near the screen, a small white band wrapped around it. A multi-colored stone similar to a marble shone within it. "...Professor Rowan gave me this. That little stone inside of my bracelet is a Keystone. And he gave Shock a stone too, Ampharosite. He told me all about something called Mega Evolution. So basically, using this Keystone and Shock’s Mega stone, Shock can evolve again. Pretty crazy right? He gets a crazy hair do, kinda like yours but white, and even becomes part Dragon-type! Isn’t that awesome!?"

Tilting his head, Nasir looked over the Kalosians for a moment before his gaze fell back to his Trainer. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. You're... probably right, I should have came with. I've yet to find it, and..." A tinge of sadness painted the Zoroark's features for the briefest of moments before he pulled himself out of it. "A... Keystone? Mega Evolution...? Intriguing... I suppose you'll have to tell me all about it later."

Once the Trainer/Pokémon pair finished with their back and forth, Pent continued the conversation. "Oh yes, quite intriguing indeed. The most interesting part however, is the fact a Pokémon reverts to its previous stage once it feels the additional power is no longer necessary. So it is essentially a non-permanent evolution."

The Zoroark on the other side of the screen's eyes widened, "...Truly?"

Pent nodded with a wide grin. "Oh yes. When you're reunited with your Trainer, you should have your Ampharos friend demonstrate."

"I'm certain he will wish to battle me as soon as you return to Johto, Devon."

Devon sat back into the rolling chair, and spun around a bit by pushing with his feet with laughing. "Haha! Yeah probably. Shock kept showing off his Ampharosite to the Pokémon of this other girl we met, Sirina. He’s pretty pumped about it."

A grin played across Devon’s face as he spun back to face the Zoroark on the screen. "Oh! And you got competition for the whole 'talking Pokémon' scene Fuzzy! Shinon can talk to Pent using his Aura. It's a Lucario thing apparently. It's only with Pent so far though."

Looking behind his shoulder, the teen would blink at the Lucario standing by the desk. "He was trying it with me too yesterday, but it didn’t work yet. Wanna try that again Shinon?"

A slightly confused expression crossed the Zoroark's features. "...Aura? Hmmm... I cannot say I'm familiar with it. Well, even if it's only to his Trainer, that is still quite the feat."

Pent grinned, nodding. "It's quite helpful! Well then, Shinon, perhaps you could give it another attempt today."

When prompted, Shinon nodded at Devon, and then Pent. The Aura sensing organs dangling from his head began to levitate as he attempted to amplify the strength of his Aura, projecting it towards Devon. I'm not sure if you can understand this...

Devon let his head hang back off the chair, and gasped when he heard actual speech in his head. "Hey! I understood it!" The teen whipped around and beamed at the man’s Lucario. "I heard you Shinon!”

The impressed teen then returned to his Zoroark on the screen, and snapped. "He did it Nasir! Now I know two talking Pokémon! Pretty sweet. Anyways, how’s it going in Johto Fuzzy? You helping Mom with chores and stuff?"

Blinking a few times, both Pent and Shinon spoke at once, "You did!?" <...you did?>

Devon nodded at the duo’s surprise with a smirk. ”Yup! It sounds kinda echoy too.”

Taking a few moments to process the information, Shinon finally let out an excited yap. <I-I can't believe it worked!>

Nasir seemed a bit confused, but smiled regardless. "You certainly meet interesting individuals on your journeys." Nodding, the Zoroark continued, "Indeed I am. I haven't had much time to chase after the Rainbow-colored Pokémon. That said I was visited by Maya and Lucrecia the other day. They're doing well." Furrowing his brows, Nasir attempted to look at a television screen across the Pokémon Center. "...Was there a fire near you?"

Though still surprised he was able to communicate with Devon, Shinon took a step back, following the Zoroark's gaze to a screen behind them. <Bitterwood Forest...?>

Devon spun his chair around to view the TV screen currently showing the news report of the night prior. The teen raised a confused brow. "Oh shit. Guess there was. Someone sparked a fire in the woods? Why I wonder…."

After a few more uncomfortable moments of staring at the new cast, Devon turned back to the computer to smile at his Zoroark. "Well uh, we should probably go grab some breakfast and head off soon, right Pent? Gotta wait for Sirina to wake up too. It was good to see ya Nasir."

"It was good to see you, Devon. Nice to meet both of you as well."

A smile crossed Pent's lips as he nodded, "You're right, we probably should. It was a pleasure, Nasir." The Kalosian professor's Lucario gave out a soft grunt of agreement.

The screen went dark as the call disconnected, and Pent turned to look at the news report which seemingly ended. "Hmm, I wonder what happened. Well, I suppose it's of no concern to us right now... we should definitely eat something."

The group went to the back kitchen, and grabbed their respective meals from the Chansey before taking a seat. Sitting in a nearby table was two young Trainers whom had Johto starters, and an exceptionally rare Pokémon. Pent's eyes were drawn to the green Pokémon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lily and Brent

@Ninian @Light Lord
As the group enjoyed their meals, they noticed they were being watched by a man from a nearby table. He didn't appear to be a traveling trainer, more of some kind of scientist or professor from the looks of him, although he had a Lucario with him. "He may be interested in Shaymin, it's not every day you find a rare Pokemon like that." Brent looked back over at the man. He appeared to have a boy with him, too, he was more the typical traveling trainer like they were.

"It's not polite to stare you know." Said Lily, cracking a chuckle afterwards. "If you're that interested, yes, that's Shaymin. She's my... partner of sorts." Brent didn't quite roll his eyes this time, but he still scoffed at the comment. "Here we go again... even if it is true Lily, don't let that kind of thing get in your head." Lily looked over at him smiling. "Oh, I won't do that, I'm not a glory hog." Chikorita was very intrigued by the new arrival of Shaymin herself.

<So, you seem like a pretty nice Pokemon. Shaymin isn't it?> Shaymin finished up a mouthful of Pokemon food and looked over to Chikorita. <Yeah, I'm really grateful to your trainer for saving me last night too. Not only are we a part of something bigger, I've got to repay her for her kindness later on.> Cyndaquil, who had just left a now empty food bowl, trotted over to the duo. <Yeah, even though I've only known your Trainer for a while, she's really sweet and nice. You're lucky to have a trainer like that. That being said... I'm lucky to have a trainer like Brent too.> The Pokemon continued their chat, while Lily and Brent attempted to engage in conversation with the duo at the other table.

"This is the first time I've seen a Lucario in person, they look just as amazing as on tv." Lily nodded. "I've seen the Sinnoh Champion Cynthia's Lucario in action on tv, it was amazing seeing how it battled." Brent had finished his tray of food, and took it over to the return bin. While walking back over he paused for a moment at the other duo's table. "You two wanna join our little chat?"

Team Royal Skies, G-Team

It had been a long night, and an even longer battle. That little runt put up a bigger fight than he thought it would, and it took every grunt he had available to finally pin it down. Now the power was theirs, now they would have enough power to track down Suicune. The grunts carefully loaded up a strange container, which had the Pokemon they had captured inside. It kept fighting, trying to break out of the container to no avail. "You poor thing, you haven't seen the light of day for over a century, at least. Technology has advanced greatly since you roamed freely, your attempts to escape are futile. In fact, you're just making it easier to use your power." Galahad turned from the cage as the Grunts loaded it up into his vehicle and shut the doors behind him.

"Alright, I'm marking a new position on GPS now. Our former location will be filled with police and news reporters. We'll take to the far end of Northwind, and set up there. Move out!" Galahad slid into the drivers seat of his vehicle, shifted into gear, and took off through the wilderness, the other two vehicles right on his tail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shinon the Lucario, Aenir the Froslass, Jill the Skarmory
[Route 701 - Pokémon Center]

@Shiny Keldeo@Light Lord
At the callout, Pent's face turned a deep shade of red. Despite the clearly joking tone, the Kalosian still felt bad for staring. "....My most sincere apologies, I'm usually not quite that rude..." With his gaze falling back to the unique Pokémon, the man continued, "...A Shaymin? How very fascinating. I've heard of it before, but I unfortunately know very little. You're partners, though? How wonderful. Are those other Pokémon yours as well?"

Shinon had been observing the Shaymin too. He had never seen nor heard of it before, though he knew it was unlike any other Pokémon. It emanated a powerful, courageous aura.

The Lucario's focus changed when the two Trainers mentioned him. A smile crossed Pent's features as he responded for his partner, "Oh...? Well you're both more than welcome to come over and say hello. And your... chat?" Noting that Brent had finished eating, he continued, "Certainly. Would you like to ah... sit over here? There's certainly room. If not, we'll be done soon." With those words said, he continued eating.

After sitting quietly, Shinon spoke up to the other Trainers' Pokémon. <Shaymin... you've just recently met the girl, then?>
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo@Ninian

[Route 701 Pokémon Center]

Devon was quietly poking at his tray of pancakes as Pent conversed with the other table, the teen looked over at the two younger Trainers for a few seconds before he gasped. The fork nosily dropping of his hand and clanging against his plate. His brown eyes locked on the Mythical Pokémon that was with the newcomers. "Whoa! No way! It IS a Shaymin! That's the Pokémon that brought all the flowers to Floaroma Town! How did you guys FIND one of them!?"

The now curious teen added on to Pent's offer of a seat at their table, and pointed to the empty bench across from himself with a grin. "Defiantly man! I've never seen a Shaymin for real before! And, you both got Professor Elm's starters over there too. Chikorita and Cyndaquil. You both from Johto? What's your names?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


While the breeze of the wind grew stronger and colder, Xavier shivered as it blew past. Still standing around waiting for the other trainer to make his introductions he curiously looked up briefly seeing Greed, who looked rather furious about something. Whatever it was Greed was clearly on edge, as unbeknownst to him, Greed was going a little crazy. Having a sudden extreme impulses having the ghost equivalent of a migraine from just floating there. As he refused to wait any longer quickly mentally speaking to Xavier.

<“We need to go now! You need some rest.”> Greed demanded with some clear impatience coming through his tone. Xavier also understood how much they've both been through, knowing he was just trying to be protective, starting to rub the back of his head and started fast walking away the other trainers. “I apologize but my Gengar is getting restless, he wants me to go to sleep, so I got to get going. Was nice to meet you.” Xavier calling out to them both responding quickly, trying to catch up with Greed who already started to leave. Without any more interruptions, they both had finally arrived to their cozy little room and not a moment too soon.

Xavier immediately went next to the bed not even bothering to remove his wrist bands or his skull jacket, despite the fact the room was quite warm inside. Practically swan diving into bed, getting quite intimately antiquated to the bed sheets, wrapping himself like a mummy, his head face deep into his pillow. Xavier was concerned about how Greed was, wondering if something was wrong. “Greed are-” Xavier spoke through the covers before getting cut off. “I'm fine, Xavier. I'm sorry for the trouble I've cause you, please get some rest.” Greed stated as calmly as possible. Xavier left it go and closed his eyes. Greed only waited a few minutes which was all it took before Xavier finally went to sleep listening to his breathing and heart rate. Greed wasted no time taking one of the pokeballs out of Xavier's bag and going incorporeal including the pokeball and going through the rooms window.

Greed releases Skyline who stretches out its arms and wings for a moment looking around for Xavier in confusion, seeing only Greed standing there looking like he was about to kill something. <“What's the deal? What happened to you?”> Skyline questioned. <“He doesn't need to know what happened in the museum or what happened to Xavier, or he'd probably just hunt down and kill the man that did it. Not that I'm not considering that myself quite frankly.”> Greed thought to himself. Skyline stared at Greed waiting for a response, swishing his tail from left to right. <“Look I want someone to fight! Just fight with me somewhere that I can blow off some steam, I feel like something is drilling through my skull!”> Greed replied rather aggressive sounding in tone. Skyline let out a slight sigh, figuring he wanted a little fresh air anyway and just nodded in reply grabbing his ball and flying outside far out of the city, Greed following right by his side as Skyline headed for a sprawling empty grassy field, he remember seeing trainers practicing and battling here on their way to Vertigo City, but it had been abandoned since it was so late at night even wild pokemon were probably asleep by now.

<“How about right here...”> Skyline asked. <“That's fine, hurry up and get to the other side you have ten seconds before I begin.”> Greed warned as Skyline wasn't sure exactly what got him so uptight but he decided to just play along and let him play around for a couple of minutes as he flew casually over to the other side of the field turning around. Greed grew a twisted grin as his eyes began to glow holding his hand up glowing with an ominous red aura. <“Time's up!”> Greed stated as Skyline was caught into Greed's Psychic, hurling Skyline into the ground with incredible speed and strength, as Skyline collided at full force into the field, causing the earth the rumble and crack beneath him, as he was continuing to send him deeper into the ground, the dirt instantly clouding up the area around where he landed. Skyline started to growl standing up from the hole he was in charging a quick yet powerful Hyper Beam sending it at straight Greed, it casually swung its arm using Psychic to deflect in into the ground causing a small explosion. Skyline flew up straight at him at full speed charging another Hyper Beam, Greed quickly head backward as Skyline tried to approach, Greed created one Shadow Ball after another, tossing them with terminal velocity at Skyline like they were in a battle to the death, Skyline with wings outstretched barrel rolling through the sky, precisely dodging the several Shadow Balls, unleashing another blast out of it's maw.

<“Damn you Greed!”> Skyline roared out as Greed continued to grin which only angered Skyline, he was completely caught off guard with how serious he was behaving in this fight. Skyline wasn't going to go easy on him, if he was going to act this recklessly. Greed quickly yet seemingly completely unnerved side strafed the Hyper Beam blasting through the sky right past him. Greed without any hesitation started pulling several trees nearby that were some off the only ones next the field they were currently fighting in, completely out of their roots, out of the ground and up in the air, sending them right at Skyline about to collide straight into the tree being swung at him in midair. Skyline growled and fire punched through the tree as it split in half and fell on the ground. <“You can't do that, you're going to far!> Skyline warned concerned he that they were destroying public property and that Xavier would get into trouble. Catching the next two trees thrown at him, as quickly descending to shove them back into the ground. <“Something's wrong...did he go berserk again? I need to find a way to calm him down.”> Skyline thought to himself only remembering the he was wasting his energy knowing Hyper Beam wouldn't even be effective against him even if he landed one. Thinking carefully of a strategy before quickly leaping away from the several Shadow balls that were hurled at him, starting to fly back up at Greed who had around a dozen Shadow Balls. All surrounding him and circling and slowly rotating around him like he was a sun, his eyes glowing a fiery red still glowing. Skyline inhaled as he shot at him like a bullet.

Greed still smiling almost looking relaxed, but still he felt his head ringing loudly. Fighting back sending one Shadow Ball after another, as Skyline rigorously sways through the skies, with an intense glare staying focused avoiding, countering the Shadow Ball's with Fire Punch's getting closer to catching up with Greed who had exhausted all his Shadow Ball's, realizing this he started to head backward again but it was too late. Skyline got close enough to kiss Greed opening his mouth with a Dragon Pulse, it lands directly in front of Greed unable to get away. Taking the full attack seemingly effective, following it up with a barrage of fire punches before he could effectively counter not allowing him to get any space, smacking him down into the ground as it appeared that he had finally calmed down as he was on the ground standing in one spot no longer getting back up.

Skyline landed on the ground beside him starting to take some quick breathes in and out as he was growing a little tired from all the fighting and how intense it was. It was the most serious he had fought in quite a while. Skyline looked at Greed who was just looking down at the ground. <“Have you gotten it all out of your system? You were getting a little too violent for my preference, but let's call it a night and head back shall we?”> Skyline questioned looking at Greed who was staying silent, waiting for him to respond. Greed immediately shot a malevolent glare at Skyline as to him Skyline looked like the man who had put his hands on Xavier. Skyline, without warning felt a tense grip against his neck with nearly crushing force as he was slammed hard on his back while being held down by his neck as Greed floated slightly above him with a hateful look across his face. Skyline couldn't move, and he couldn't break free finding it hard to breathe. <“Dammit...”> Skyline cursed struggling as he reached out for Greed with a pleading look. As Greed suddenly snapped out of his psychotic break.

Imagining the last time someone was giving him that pleading look, it was several years ago. Looking down to see who he was actually hurting in reality, Greed immediately stopped as Skyline started to breathe in relief. As Greed looked extremely guilt ridden as Skyline was just glad it was finally over still laying down. <“Can you get my ball please and maybe take me to the center...”> Skyline replied as Greed nodded and grabbed the ball and gently set it down. <“I-I'm so-sorry.”> Greed stuttered out sounding like he was the one that was choked. <“You're forgiven. You're my friend I know you didn't mean it.”> Skyline stated, as Greed reacted surprise with his words. Knowing Skyline was very quick to forgive others for their transgressions but he was speechless how grateful he was to have such a friend. As Skyline returned himself to his pokeball. Greed took it and rushed to the pokecenter and went over to the Nurse Joy that took the pokeball from him. She just smiled pleasantly at him and healed the pokeball and handed it back to Greed, who left just as quickly as he arrived, back to the room Xavier was still in. Happy to see that he was still sound asleep. Quietly placing the pokeball back with the others, looking at Xavier with a smile.

<“Sleep well, Xavier.”> Greed whispered to himself quietly deciding for once it would be best for him to go back inside his pokeball doing so and staying there for the rest of the night.

Time passes...

It was finally another morning. Xavier's eyes opened some as he untangled himself from the sheets, feeling much better than last night. Well rested letting out big a yawn, he sat upward and looked around. Looking outside the window seeing the sun shining out wondering what time it was and where Greed was seeing he wasn't the room. “Greed?” Xavier called out though only answered by silence, rubbing his head some and got himself out of bed.
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