Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


outside building 2 {mess hall}

As Kristina reached out to stop her, Niesha turned to her. "Have you seen Sophia?" She asked desperately, fear filling her at Kristina's expression, at the fact that she recalled that Kristina had been following her, and that she didn't meet her gaze. "No...no...no" She whispered even before Kristina spoke, stepping back away from her. She couldn't have found Sophia, couldn't have finally had a day with her...told her she loved her...just to lose her? Niesha shook her head, shaking. "No, it...no...." She stepped back further, avoiding the hug on the sheer fact that she didn't even know Kristina was going to hug her.

She sunk down on the ground where she was, dropping her head into her hands. She couldn't fathom it, couldn't think of a world without sophia in it, not this world. She shook, sobs shaking her shoulders as she tried to comprehend it. She curled in on herself, not caring that she was making a scene, not caring about anything right then. Sophia had made everything better, everything bearable. She had no where safe to go, no where where she could go that...could...make her feel better.

She looked up, shaking still, "Where...where is she?" she whispered
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

When Amelia and Riley went to check what had happened, the blonde felt extremely bad when she was told. People had died... not too long ago at that. Seems that when they were under attack here, there was a hoard between here and that Newnan place? That didn't sound quite right... too much coincidences for Amelia. Still right now was not time to panic and weave theories. Amelia nodded in understanding and thought. Well she had worked with wood... with her father... years ago. Like assembling a small birdhouse and the like, but she mostly did the paint after the assembly.

“Well... I think that I can put something together if we had the materials... Can't promise it will be anything special though.” Amelia replied, wondering if they can salvage some wood and nails or something from somewhere in the school." Is there a storeroom for old furniture or something like that? Maybe where they fixed broken desks and the like?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Newnan Mess Hall

As she sat and waited with the others, eating the food provided for her, she contemplated a few things. What would happen to her here? The group seemed to have things in order. A laundry service? Air conditioning, which means they probably had a generator or something. She wondered what else. It seemed like a dream, but dreams were just that. After all, they just lost a few people in a trip to save them and help Franklin. Would that be how life is from now on? A constant struggle? It was better than the alternative, she supposed.

When one of the girls here asked if she needed anything, she began to shake her head, but stopped and started to nod, "Yeah, actually. I'm wondering about the two injured and sick we broguth with us, Ray and the small boy. Are they doing ok?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

A tiny Russian girl just hugged the stuffing out of him. If she had been an knife-wielding maniac intent on murdering him where he stood, Ash would be a dead man. Just that fast. But that wasn't Ash's problem. Tatiana had just given him the first piece of meaningful, human contact that anyone had in a very long time. He had made it a point to avoid exactly this. But more, she actually used the words "Thank you". It hurt him just as solidly as a punch to his gut. Ash didn't deserve hugs. He didn't deserve thanks. And this was making him very uncomfortable.

The barest of tremors began as his psyche rebelled against the notion of warmth and kindness visited upon him. Worse yet, the tiny flicker of himself that still longed for it flared for a half second before his own guilt and anger beat it back down, reminding him that he shouldn't have that feeling. It was just enough time for one arm to raise reflexively and start to move around Tatiana - a question of inches - and he froze in place until she was finished showing him undeserved gratitude.

Jack's presence, and the resulting diversion of Tatiana's attention, was a relief.

He addressed Froggy as if they had finished their exchange, despite the fact that hadn't answered Ash's question yet, let alone said anything at all to the man since he entered the Infirmary. "Good. Tomorrow, then." It was simple, stuffy, and got him the hell out of there. He exited the building quickly and took a moment to compose himself fully before moving to his next, hopefully last, task for the day.

Just across the street, he needed to interview some incoming personnel. Well, maybe incoming personnel, that's what the interviews were for. He noted with some neutrality the scene unfolding with Kris and Niesha. It was one that he had seen many, many times. Most of the people that were still alive had witnessed this multiple times, as well. They would understand and sympathize, just as he did. But Ash could not offer words of support nor encouragement. He just didn't have it in him right then. The best gift he could give was his distance, which he did for his benefit as much as hers. The tiniest concession he gave was a nod in Kris's direction, before entering the Mess Hall.

Finding out who was new here was simple enough - look for the table with three people who looked nervous and/or out of place. The only remaining unfamiliar faces in the room. But that wasn't completely accurate; he had come in with two of them. But one was ushered in by James. It was she that Ash intended to begin his casual interrogation session. Before this, he called Sally to his side to make a request. "Please have someone get me a list of our casualties. Quickly, if you would."

His voice was granite, reflecting the heaviness of his heart as he addressed the newcomers. "My name is Ashton Holloway, Captain, United States Army. Well, when we had an army. Or a United States. Obviously, things are different or I wouldn't be introducing myself in a church while you're eating smoked deer and wondering how the hell air conditioning was still possible."

His accent had a twinge of cultured Virginian, evident in his speech now that the day had worn down on him. "Look, today was not a great day. I'm going to have to bore you with the abridged version of our "Welcome Speech". It's simple. If you're just passing through and want to do some trading, great. If you're passing through and need someplace safe to spend the night, that's fine too. You have a full belly and a bunk for the night. You may pick your weapons up on your way out in the morning."

"But if you stay, the rules are simple: Everyone who's able works, everyone who's able fights. We take care of our own and we build this place up. You will be given work assignments, primary and secondary, based upon our needs and your skill sets. Listen to your Leads. You report to them, they report to me. If you feel that you do not have a skill we can use, we will teach you one. We can always use more people tending crops, raising livestock, and working domestic chores. Every job is important."

"We have a system of discipline in place that largely mirrors my military experience. Punishments for infractions run as slight as unfavorable assignments and as high as execution." Ash paused for a second to gauge the faces of the new people present before continuing, "Thankfully, I have not had to do that yet."

Yet. Operative word was "yet". But he came close once or twice. And while it wasn't exactly an execution, he had repelled invaders with machete, gun, and knife. "Now, ah... Tiffany? I was just in the infirmary. Both of them are alive and in better condition than they were an hour ago."

"Now, any questions before we begin?"

Black James(!)

Location: The Hordebuster, Building 4 Parking Lot

James paced around the furnishings outside of the Hordebuster's loading ramp. Although he had just done this not a half hour ago, James had no earthly idea how he was going to move it back in by himself. Observers to the scene would find a shirtless Mr. Mandingo Grady take off his impressive cowboy hat to try and flag down anyone passing by, anxious to borrow an extra pair of hands for a few minutes worth of loading detail.

It was actually quite comical.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

He nodded, nuzzling the top of Tatiana's head softly as she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. The entire world appeared to stay still for just a moment as he embraced her, ensuring that his Russian ballerina was safe in his arms. It was perhaps the best feeling he'd ever had.

"Damn," Jack wheezed, once Tatiana hugged him practically to death as well. "Can't...breathe..." he squeaked out, only half joking. Tatiana wasn't anyone to underestimate, that much he knew. If they made it to their 50's, she'd probably be an expert at cracking backs with strength like that. As Tatiana released him, Jack chuckled slightly, before noticing the predicament of the pale little kid with rosy cheeks.

"You alright, little guy?" Jack asked. "Tati'll take care of you. She's a supah stah like that." He beamed at Tatiana for a moment, before moving to get out of the way. He didn't want to get underfoot, especially in an infirmary of all places.

Beatrice and Chloe

Location: Building 2, Mess Hall

As Meg attempted to make the newcomers comfortable, Beatrice simply nodded in her direction. She liked James. He was strange, but funny at the same time. And in general, Beatrice wasn't much of a people person. A nod would do for interactions.

"Yeah, I'm just...It's my sister, I've been looking for her," Chloe admitted. "But it doesn't seem like she's here." She let her voice die abruptly, and thankfully, the Captain of the settlement appeared before long. She was afraid that if she spoke of the possibility of her sister's death, she might just lose it, without the healing effects of drugs to keep her from tears.

Beatrice listened intently to Ashton's speech, making notes of the turns of phrase, and most importantly, the procedures. Everything was relatively standard, and the mention of swift and certain punishment only brought credibility to the former army captain. The events of earlier, with the explosion, had been a fluke--an unlucky incident. And Beatrice wasn't an idiot--settlements like this didn't turn up very much in these days. It had been three years since civilization crumbled. This looked like the last remaining piece of it.

Chloe, however, listened to Ashton's procedures the same way she listened to the guards whenever they transferred her to a new prison. There was a near hollow look in her eyes, perhaps dead, even. The pain of not seeing her sister served to mask it slightly, but with the smallest infractions causing punishment, and execution being a possibility? She wouldn't be surprised if they killed her out of prejudice, or slapped a pair of cuffs on her and threw her in a cell.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Outside of Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Kristina looked at Niesha sadly when her friend stepped backwards, it was something she knew would happen when Niesha plopped down Kris knelt down next to her friend and gently rested a hand on her shoulder trying her best to sooth her friend. Kris knew that Sophia meant everything to Niesha, she had just gotten discharged earlier in the day only to end up dying in the second explosion that happened. "I'm so sorry Niesha.." Kris said as she caught movement in the corner of her eye turning her head to see Ashton walking past them, she returned the nod sadly. When Niesha asked to go and see Sophia's body Kris nodded sadly as she slowly stood up and helped Niesha up to her feet. Kristina wasn't sure how Niesha would react, her body was right under them for the last few hours while Niesha and Froggy were tending to the two injured guests.

"Follow me Niesha." Kristina said softly as she slowly started making her way back towards the Infirmary and started to head inside, she opened the door looking towards Tatiana and Froggy in the infirmary. She looked sadly at them as Kris then opened the door and made her way towards the brig. She was going to be there for her friend as she knelt down looking at Niesha sadly she sighed softly as Kris slowly pulled down the sheet to reveal Sophia's body. "I wanted to tell you sooner, but everything was chaotic then.." She felt bad for holding that information away from her own friend, she wasn't sure if Niesha would forgive her or not.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Meg looked over towards Tiffany as she spoke wondering about their two guests in the infirmary she wasn't sure if they were good to have visitors yet or not. She listened to Chloe's question asking if they had her sister here, she knew everyone pretty much in Newnan and knew that they either had already lost family or they were living here in Newnan now. "I'm not sure we can keep an eye out for her, maybe she is with that new group earlier." There was always a little bit of hope that some people were still alive somewhere out there. Then Ashton came into the room and she stood up looking at him she gave him a slight smile.

"I'll go and see if they are able to see visitors for you." Meg said towards Tiffany, she would leave Ashton to do his vetting it was his job anyway. She started to make her way out of the Mess Hall and made her way across the street and into the infirmary looking over towards Jack and Tatiana smiling at the two lovers for a moment. She caught a glimpse of Niesha and Kris heading downstairs for a moment before turning her attention towards Froggy. "I was wondering if our guest could see your two patients, that's if they are able to at least?" Meghna asked him she looked over at Ciel laying there on the bed and then Ray on the other end of the room, looking like he was now just resting now.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Outside)

Riley watched as Lyon knelt down and lifted up the weeping girl, she looked down feeling bad for the woman she couldn't imagine losing her own sister Chloe. She was worried if she would ever see her again, Riley shook her head turning her attention towards Beni and Mike as the men lifted up Marx's body off of the truck. "Sorry for your loss.." Riley said softly as she turned her attention towards Mike asking her and Amelia if they had any crafting experience. Which she didn't she wasn't that creative with her hands in that way except when it came to writing her music but she was more than willing to help out with it.

"I sadly don't have craftsmanship skills, but i'm willing to help out." Riley said, she then started to rub the back of her neck slightly looking at Beni. "Riley Ridgeway by the way." She said as she extended her hand towards the leader of Franklin, she needed to ask she hadn't seen all of the faces here yet. "I was uhm wondering if you had anyone by the name of Chloe dark red hair? Shes my sister we got separated awhile back." Riley needed to know if she was here or not, she knew her sister could handle herself but not knowing if she was dead or walking as a Walker out there was killing her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Newnan - Ryan for once wasn't saying anything, just laying there in his cell seeming like he was asleep while Kris showed Niesha Sophia's body. Miss Sally nodded and got together a list of those that had passed from Newnan that day... Zoie, Sophia, Bridgette, Astrid, Bahzhooli, Miss Lilly, and Angela (the teen girl) - those were just the ones from Newnan.. then handed it over to Ash.

Tatiana sighed as she looked over to Ciel. "Ve get you fixed up as best we can, just relax," she said softly before asking Froggy to come over to them once Ash had left. "Well seems someone is having a hard time breathing, you say you have Asthma? Well then, let us get you feeling better," he said before walking over towards the medicine cabinet and unlocking it. "Tatiana, please get me somethings," he said to her before listing them out and where they were. Tatiana nodded and moved quickly to get what the doctor has asked of her, bringing them back as he came over with a small bottle of medicine. Hooking everything together he put the clear liquid into nebulizer before turning it on and it began to let out a white fog. "Breath this in, slow and steady. It is abuterol."

Franklin - Beni thought for a moment once Sana was good and inside of the school. "Well, I am not sure what all the building has in it but since it is a high school I am sure there has got to be some things you two could find of use. I think there is a shop class room over at the far east end of the school. Probably mostly power tools we can't use but there might be some wood, saws, nails, hammers. You know basic stuff. There is probably an art class room as well somewhere in here with paints and such. Anything you two could put together, I know she would really appreciate once she gets over the initial shock of it all," he said before excusing himself and heading back into the school to check on the rest of the group. Mike sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm gonna get him laid to rest while you two take care of that. I'll come find you when I am done," he said before walking off towards whee they were digging the graves. One of the men that had come back from Newnan looked over at Riley as he was getting his gear and slinging his pack over his shoulder. "Didn't get her name but we ran across some red head on the road that went back with the folks to Newnan, was helping with Ray's leg. Seemed to know her way around first aide and then some," he said before shrugging.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - The Infirmary

Ciel did as told only after he was informed what the chemical solution was. He had no logical reason to doubt these people's intentions, but his own anxiety was beginning to override his habitual calm attitude. The medication quickly eased his breathing capabilities, but on the inside he was still an emotional wreck. He silently congratulated himself on mostly keeping his cool throughout the day's events, but wasn't sure how long his little facade would last. Any other kid his age would probably be having a full blown panic attack by now.

He couldn't help but notice that for Newnan's small staff size, they seemed to be doing quite well. He was a bit worried that they wouldn't be so starved for help as to accept it from a sickly child. If he had stayed in Franklin, his chances of being more than a weight on people's shoulders might have been a bit higher. Then again, if he'd stayed in Franklin he'd probably be dead by nightfall. Just like the other six or seven or so people who lost their lives trying to keep him and Ray alive. They probably all thought it was a bit unfortunate that Ciel was among the living when so many twice his size and capability were dead. He just seemed to accidentally survive every predicament that came his way. If his luck were to run out, the number of people who would benefit from not having another mouth to feed would greatly exceed the number of people he'd ever done a lick of good for...

His inner monologue becoming increasingly dark, Ciel curled up on his side to face away from the others in the room, his pale blue eyes wide and troubled. He'd fallen back into silence, only offering a quick nod in Froggy's direction as thanks for offering the nebulizer. It might be a while before he decided to speak again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: Outside of Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Niesha struggled for a moment to get to her feet, hugging herself, and just wanting to sink down once more, and...wallow. She barely managed to follow Kristina, slowly, trying not to look at anyone, trying to just stay on her feet asd Kristina led her back towards the infirmary, and followed Kristina to where Sophia was. She bowed her head over Sophia's body, shaking. "You mean I was needed and no one wanted, or needed, me to go choatic" she whispered, barely audiable. She rocked slightly, reaching out to lay a hand on Sophia's cheek. She closed her eyes tightly, pulling her hand back, and hugging herself.

"Sophia..." She tried to get even a little bit under control, but she couldn't seem to be able to. Like needing to take a deep breath, when it was impossible. "I was going to...going to ask you to Marry Me..." What was she meant to do now? She turned away from the body, knowing ti wasn't sophia anymore. she had no where to go. She stood there,haunted and wondering what fate, what chance, what roll of the dice had led her here, to happiness only to have it ripped away from her at its peak.

She started to walk away, not even sure where she was going to go. "What do i do now?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

“Any aid you can provide will be good... I've not held a hammer since I was in high school myself.” Amelia quietly replied to Riley after Beni informed them of where they could get possible supplies for this little venture. This was going to put things into perspective. Problem was if there wasn't pieces that were good for the thing they needed, they will need to make some and she didn't really know her way around saws... Hell will there even be handsaws here? She didn't know, but this wouldn't craft itself so they'd better get going.

“Thank you, Mike.” Amelia said to the man with a small smile and a nod, before turning towards Riley.” Shall we go? I propose we go first to see if we can gather stuff to make a grave marker. Hopefully there are good sized pieces of wood we can use leftover there.” She said with quiet voice.” I think we can leave thinking about the paint for later...?” Amelia added, slowly starting to make her way in the direction that Beni pointed them at.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Newnan Mess Hall

Truth be told, she would rather go check on Ray and the boy herself rather than take the word of strangers, but she wasn't in the best of predicaments to make demands. They gave her food, they may be giving her a room and shelter, and they may be treating Ray better than at Franklin. She couldn't say anything, so she merely nodded her head in agreement.

The rules for living here seemed standard, even understandable. She wondered how she would get along with the others here if she stayed. She wondered about what job she could potentially get. She could handle herself pretty well in combat, she could scavenge with the best of them, but her skills lied more on talking with other people. She learned a bit of medical knowledge from helping Franklin take care of the patients for that brief period of time. She was willing to learn also. In this day and age, you had to adapt.

She had no questions, so she waited for her interview to begin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ash Holloway

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Ash took the list of the day's dead, examining it with the totality of his capacity for objective thought. A couple of these people he'd been with from the founding of the Newnan settlement. Others he had known for less time, but felt closer to for reasons of which he was uncertain. They were good people, every single one of them. Even that circus performer seemed like a decent guy, but in truth Ash didn't actually know him, more than anyone can know someone over the space of a drive in the country. He'd be interred as one of Newnan's anyway, he decided. Ash was planning on accepting Bazhooli into the fold after a successful run. Technically, it did succeed. But that aside, there was a glaring point of logistics in all of this death.

They had a lot of job openings.

Of course, stoic as the grim Captain was, he possessed enough personal insight to realize that his decision making abilities, so far as trust and reading people were concerned, were compromised. It was very possible that he needed someone a little more easygoing to give him an assist, ask relevant questions he would overlook in his state and get him to back off if needed. Left alive and nearby, they had one Lead that wasn't doing something vital. Ash spoke into his radio.

"Mr. Grady, would you please report to the Mess Hall to help conduct entrance interviews? Need that on the quick."

From James's point of view, this was a bit of a shock. It wasn't the first time he'd been in the room during these interviews, but it was the first time he was radioed for personally. Most of the time, Ash just took care of this on his own; he was a pretty good judge of character and had a knack for convincing people that he meant business. But he was in an unusual state, recently. James couldn't quite out his finger on it, but something was off about that man lately.

"Yeahboss..." he called back into his walkie. "Um, boss? I got half yo' shit across the parking lot here, what you want me to do?"

Back in the Mess Hall, Ash sighed. He took his free hand and pinched the bridge of his nose as if trying to ward of an incoming headache, and exhaled a breath with a whispery, protracted "...damnit..." The annoyed Captain broadbanded the frequencies on his radio, addressing everyone within hearing distance of one throughout Newnan. "I want two people from Domestic to take over for James, reloading and reprovisioning the Hordebuster. Make sure something decent from the Distillery features prominently in those provisions."

Ash respecified the frequency. "Are we good, James?"

"Yeah boss, we good. Be there soon as I get my shirt on."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kristina Smith

Location: Outside of Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Kristina knelt down next to Niesha looking down for a moment when Niesha spoke and nodded slightly, they were down a man in the infirmary since Astrid got bit and Niesha was the only other person with medical experience. She gently rubbed Niesha's back to try her best to comfort her while wiping away some tears of her own. Sophia was a good person and she was taken away so suddenly looking towards her friend as she ran a hand over her cheek. Kris could only do was comfort her, she knew how it felt to lose someone close her whole family had died Maria was the last one to die. Kris knew how it felt to feel so lost and alone, when Niesha got up she slowly stood up and followed alongside Niesha.

Kristina wasn't expecting for Niesha to ask Sophia to marry her she looked towards her friend sighing softly to herself. "You aren't alone you know. You have me, and everyone else here." Kris said as she thought for a moment she had an apartment room to herself, she at times felt alone and knew that Niesha needed a friend by her side. "I could try and request to get a room with you or something." Kris said she wasn't sure what Niesha was going to do to herself now that Sophia is dead. She wanted to make sure that her friend wouldn't do something to hurt herself. "Do you want to go to my room?" Kristina didn't have anything else to do for the evening, things were slowly winding down now.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Outside)

Riley looked towards one of the men who were unloading his gear off of the truck mentioning that they did bump into a redhead on their way to Newnan who happened to have knowledge in first aide. That made her hopes go up it was a fifty, fifty chance that it was Chloe she needed to go to Newnan next time they do go there. She smiled at the man and gave him a slight nod, she was grateful for the information which was good. "Thank you." Riley said with a soft smile, she would go and talk to Beni about checking Newnan out next time they were heading there. She turned her attention towards Mike and Beni mentioning that there could be some tools in a shop class on the other end of the school. "I'll be willing to help out." Riley said towards Amelia as she started making her way towards the school and entered the hallways once more.

Riley made her way towards the end of the hallway finding a directory on the wall she skimmed along until she found the shop classroom as well as the art classroom. "Feels like going into high school all over again." Riley said jokingly as she looked towards Amelia she nodded towards her. "We can paint last, go ahead and go to the shop class and i'll go and grab some paint and meet you there." Riley said as she started to head down the hallway and towards the art room, she opened the door and started to search around for some paint. She wasn't sure what colors there were available that would make Sana happy she continued to search the room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 15 days ago

Newnan - Tatiana steps back and nods towards the Doctor as he gets Ciels breathing back under control, he takes his time with the process: explaining in detail how each thing works. He is rather dry with all the information dumping he is placing on Tatiana right then. Cutting himself off he sighs. "Sorry, working with Astrid kept my answers short and to the point. Have forgotten my bedside manner," he says innocently enough but Tatiana looks at him oddly not really getting the turn of phrase and looks sharply over towards Jack with a "WTF, did he just make a pass at me?" look clearly across her features. Froggy can't help but take note of it and starts chuckling as he leans down to Ciel. "I think we need to work on her English, what you say?" he says in this thick native born French accent.

Several in domestic head over to where James was working to get things in order for the Hoardbuster. One of them suggesting that Meg take care of the booze since with the way Ash is looking right then, if something drops, they don't want it to be their heads to roll. Miss Sally sits down at one of the free tables and starts planning out where everyone will sleep tonight. She knows that the one legged man will be in the infirmary for the evening at least, as well as the child that was brought in looking far too thin. The doctor doesn't like letting patients out of his sight for long and she knows he is probably kicking himself for letting Zoie up and about before she died. Not that there was anything he could have done about it in her mind, sometimes people just die. Why she hadn't herself yet kicked the bucket, she has no clue.

"I don't think there will be a show tonight," she mutters to herself as she sits back in her seat. It was growing late and as far as she was concerned, people needed to get some rest. Hopefully the interviews would be done soon and she could get everyone settled.

Franklin - When the girls head into the shop area of the school it is obvious that it has been raided a few times for supplies - wood and nails to board up the windows and such. Yet after some digging they will be able to find a few smaller pieces that were just too short to do anything else with. There are hammers and nails and such as well within the class room, which smells of dusty old wood right then. Seems there is a leak on the roof that has been falling on a pile of scrap. Over in the art room, it too seems to have been raided - probably for the kids s most of the colored pencils and such are gone. Paint seems to be rather dried out, most of the containers being left open. There are wood stains and such though that haven't been touched. There is a wood burning set but without electricity it seems pretty pointless but it may give the girls an idea or two.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - The Infirmary

Ciel tilted his head in confusion, nodding uncertainly. He wasn't really paying attention to what was going on in the room, so when Froggy addressed him it took him by surprise. He understood the basic content what was said to him easily enough; he was used to French accents as several of his relatives on his father's side were from France. However, the context of the question was completely lost on the kid.

He didn't ask for any clarification, not wanting to seem oblivious. However, he brought his attention out of his thoughts and back to the goings-on of the room. He was surprised that anyone had bothered to speak to him at all, but if it had happened once he had to be prepared for it to happen again. Besides, getting to know these people probably wouldn't hurt at the very least. Maybe if he acted like he wasn't sick and terrified, then they'd let him out of the infirmary sooner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 1, Infirmary

Tatiana seemed to be a natural at this sort of work. Jack couldn't help but beam. It might not have been teaching dancing, but she'd found a place within Newnan, from what he could tell. The kid looked a little shaken up, turning over and refusing to talk, and Jack couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been on his own for. This world wasn't exactly kid friendly. However, at Tatiana's shock gaze, Jack grinned broadly. Language barriers. Those were still a thing.

"It's something doctah's say," Jack started to explain, before wondering exactly how to explain it. He shrugged a bit, before deciding his definition would do. "Usually means their tone and all towards the patients and staff--if they're nice or not."

But at the comment about improving Tatiana's English, Jack couldn't help but feel a bit protective. Learning a new language was damn hard--case in point, he hadn't picked up much Russian from her. But the French accent of the doctor soothed him slightly. He probably had gone through the same process as Tatiana.

"Maybe we'll make a trade, solovey," Jack joked. "I can help you with English, and you can help me speak Russian."

Beatrice and Chloe

Location: Building 2, Mess Hall

From the look on Meg's face, Chloe had a feeling her sister wasn't in Newnan. She was torn between sisterly duty and a need to do more than just survive. Riley, she figured, had presumed her dead. It had been a miracle that she survived, that she had managed to nurse herself back to health in the first place. By all logic, Chloe figured she should have died back then.

Beatrice, however, listened idly to the Ashton's end of the conversation on the radio. As soon as she heard the mention of James, she felt ever so slightly more relaxed. He was a slightly less unfamiliar face, and while she wasn't sure whether or not his "title" in front of his name was a joke, it didn't matter. People tended to stick to what was familiar, what was comfortable.

Beatrice had questions about the frequencies of incidents, but she figured that could wait. Ashton seemed to be a very blunt and to the point sort of person. Interviews first, and then, then she could figure out more. It's not like much would change her mind, however. As settlements went, Newnan seemed pretty nice. The old woman even muttered something about a show.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 36 min ago

Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Sure enough wandering a high school, searching for a classroom did feel like going into one all over again... Amelia didn't really like her time as a high school student back then. She didn't really get really along with her classmates and frankly most of her teachers.” Yes, but at least now it's filled with better people... I think.” She added with a tiny smile. Having survived the end of the world, priorities and views of the world change. Now she was quite happy to simply meet people who wouldn't do her harm for no real reason.

“Alright, will wait for you there.” The girl added when Riley stated her plan to grab some paint and join her afterwards. It was a decent plan if nothing else, it would allow to work faster and after not lose additional time in searching for the paint then.

When Amelia finally found the workshop area, she was mostly pleasantly surprised by the fact there were actually materials they could work with. The pieces of wood left were just about the proper sizes for making a cross to work as a grave marker. There were nails and hammers too! Amelia smiled as she gathered the pieces of wood they could work with, two hammers and some nails they could use.

She wasn't as happy about the paint situation though. The wood burning set was a good thing to find... if electricity was present, which it was not.” This might be a problem... how will we get the name on the grave marker if the paint isn't really usable and the wood burning tools can't be powered? Maybe heat up the tool tips with fire?” Amelia asked Riley with look asking if the other girl had any ideas.

“Actually let's think about it while we work.” She eventually said, pulling two of the pieces of wood that were about the right sizes She then made a visual sizing of where the middles would be and where the connection should be. She then took a nail and scratched the locations.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Heard County High School (Art Room -> Woodshop Room)

As Riley searched around the art room she opened drawers and cabinets anything that she could find for paint, she saw opened cans of paint only to find that they had been dried out by now. Closing her eyes for a moment and sighed that was going to be a problem, she did spot some cans of wood stain and just grabbed those. Riley started making her way towards the woodshop room once she was there Riley saw Amelia had set up some wood, hammer and nails that looked like they would be good enough for grave markers. Riley sat down next to Amelia setting the wood stain next to them and watched as Amelia started to mark areas to hammer in the nails.

"I remember back in high school I really sucked at woodshop class at least when it came to measuring stuff that is." Riley said with a light laugh, she looked at the wood burning set though there wasn't any electricity she thought for a moment or two trying to think how to get Marx's name onto the grave marker. "Maybe someone here has a portable blow torch that could get those knife tips hot enough to etch the name in." Riley suggested as she ran a hand through her hair as she waited for Amelia to get the markings down.

Riley then grabbed a nail and hammer and started to slowly hammer in the nail making sure that she didn't hammer her own fingers or Amelia's on accident. "So did you have any family before this?" Riley asked looking towards Amelia trying to make some small talk and get to know the woman a little bit better. "I have a twin sister, fraternal twin actually. We actually butted heads more then anything growing up, but we sometimes did get along really well." Riley said with a soft smile she ran a hand through her hair as she finished up looking down at the marker and then eyed the wood stain for a moment. "Think we should at least use the stain once we get Marx's name down there?" Riley asked looking down at the marker for a moment thinking of Chloe and wondering if she was actually at the Newnan place that they mentioned earlier.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 8 (Distillery} -> Hordebuster

Meghna was approached by one of the other members of domestic asking if she could be the one to bring the booze from the Distillery over towards the Buster. Knowing that they didn't want to make the good captain angry, she would at least get a lighter punishment if something did happen. Meg sighed for a moment and nodded as she started making her way towards the distillery and searched around before finding the booze that was needed. Meghna grabbed it and started to make her way back towards the Hordebuster with the box of provisions, she climbed up into the back of it and set it down into the back of the Buster.

Today was suppose to be an easy day instead they were attacked, losing a few of their people then they lost one more during the explosion. Meghna stopped for a moment as she watched Niesha and Kris walking out of the infirmary seeing the look on Niesha's face she could see that she was devastated from losing Sophia. Meg finished putting it away and jumped out of the back of the Buster and brought her radio out to let Ashton know that the provisions were in the buster now. "The Buster is reloaded for you Ash." Meghna said as she leaned up against the side of the Buster. "Is there anything else you need?" Meg asked Ashton over the radio.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Newnan Mess Hall

As she sat and waited for her interview to be over and done with, she couldn't help but overhear the woman who turned on the air conditioning mention a show. Her mind ran to thoughts of seeing shows in the theater or the occasional movie. She would kill to be able to watch a movie again. Or tv for that matter. She wondered what they had here.

She worried about Ray. She couldn't help it. She had to trust the medical knowledge of those at Newnan. They seemed to have their stuff together here, at least. It had to be better here. She looked at the others, at Ash especially. She couldn't imagine the toll he was feeling. He seemed to be the leader, or one of the leaders, and having so many of his people dead couldn't be easy. She reminded herself to check and see if he was truly all right during their interview.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: Outside of Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building 1 (Infirmary)

Niesha shook her head. She didn't want to go to the apartments. She didn't want to go to the place where for even a few hours, she was happy inthe knowledge that she'd be with Sophia. She didn't think she could take it. She didn't know what she was going to do. She was tired of the death, tired of this day. she felt lost, afloat at sea. It was almost as if Sophia had bbeen her life boat, had pulled her back in. She'd been wondering, alone, before Sophia had saved her life, and now...she felt alone again. It didn't matter what Kristina said. She knew there was people, but it wasn't the same.

She shook her head again, her heart aching. [color=fff000}"No...I don't want to go there"[/color] she whispered, knowing Kristina was just trying to help her. She closed her eyes tightly, not know where she could go. She started to walk, not sure where she was even going to go, just knowing she couldn't be in that room, where Sophia's body was. She had no idea where she was going, just that she was going somewhere.

"I don't know what to do..."
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