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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Catarina sighed and signed the damned paper. Not as if she really had that many options even if the contract was bogus. Of course, one's word was only as good as their actions. Catarina would have to see if Erika was true to her word. Letting out a breath of relief once Erika and her entourage had left the room, Catarina sat down on the bed. Her body was still sticky from the sweat, and she could really go for a bath. But she was also tired. She had been on the run since early this morning, and traveling through the desert on the back of an elephant wasn't the most comfortable rides. She started to take off her boots and put her weapon away when Vivian teased her about sharing a bed. Catarina looked over to Malkai, who seemed to be asleep not too far away. It would be rather awkward for everyone to sleep in the same room.

But Catarina didn't give a damn about that. If she was a knight then maybe she'd be concerned about modesty. But while she had her standards and honor, Catarina was a mercenary through and through. She enjoyed the simple things in life. And right now, the simplest thing she wants is a good night's rest. She stripping down until she had nothing but her undergarments, which were little more than cloth wrappings, Catarina crawled over to Vivian. "You have been such a... Annoying... Frustrating... Tease! Don't even think about getting any rest right now!" Her intentions were clear enough. Catarina was an honorable warrior, willing to lay her life down for the others and held onto her promises. But she was also human and had her faults and desires. And right now she desired some creature comforts.

Leaving the room with Erika, Parum was quick to strike up a conversation with the other two. "I take it that you two must be skilled warriors to be working alongside the inquisitor." Of course Parum already knew a little bit of what they were capable of. After all, she did spy on them in the alley. "While I am a humble merchant, I'm also a skilled locksmith and rather handy with a knife. Now while fighting isn't my profession, but otherwise I can help you be prepared against any threat. Just ask me what you need and I'll make sure to get you a good deal out of it. Of course I can't get it to your for free, but as long as we're on good terms consider my services yours." Parum didn't want to reveal the full extent of her roguish abilities. Better that they simply think of her as a competent merchant instead of a thief. Rogues had a bad reputation of being nothing more than greedy lowlives. And sure, that may have been true for Parum when she was younger, but she's a honest merchant now. Cutthroat perhaps, but honest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Of course, inquisitor.” Elleonora stated at the mention of making her weapon holy. That certainly was the better option as she didn’t really want to part with it. Too many adventures she had gone through with it in hands. Its said warriors know their weapons as their own body after a while, each curve, each dent, its precise weight distribution and so on. She felt that pretty strongly too. Sometimes the cleric could swear she felt the lines where the different swords used to forge the hammerhead were welded by the smith. It truly was not an exaggeration she felt it as her own body.

“I have some experience under my belt, that’s true.” The cleric said to the Halfling with a nod. Elleonora then listened to Parum explain some of the skills at her disposal.” Interesting, those will certainly be of use, miss Parum. Someone with useful burglary skills is always a boon during adventures! I can’t begin to even count all the times where I had so much troubles because of pesky locks!”

“Of course, in that case, might I ask what you will charge for healing potions. I have the feeling those will be really needed soon, will be a grand idea to stock up in advance, preferably without alerting anyone local of those purchases.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Malkai went back to sleep peacefully, despite the action going on just a few feet away from him. A bunch of animals in heat really, so that’s nothing new to the druid. At least they had the civility to ask first instead of just jumping right into it. The only sign that he was paying some attention to what was going on was putting his head underneath his pillow, if the two girls got too loud for his taste.

”I feel it was rather hamfisted is all. Surely they are already aware of their circumstances. Reminding them and using it as blackmail seemed rather redundant. I’d prefer to lead with the carrot, rather than the stick.” Veridis said. He was more a manipulator than a slave driver, that was for certain. ”But I can’t deny that your methods don’t work. I simply believe that now that we are under your employ, you should make use of our talents as well.”

The halfling, Parum, entered the conversation to introduce herself. She buttered them up with compliments and humbled herself, but Veridis could see through her ruse. She offered a hand in alliance but the other was armed, metaphorically speaking. First it’s “Good Deals”, but that can quickly turn into debts. Veridis would have to be careful around this one, though he won’t act overtly hostile either. ”Thank you for the offer, miss Parum. I appreciate the opportunities.” As it was getting late, Veridis still had some things to take care of. Getting supplies, collecting rumors, and maybe a bit of courting. He wanted to try to get to know Eleanora a bit more, however he felt that perhaps he may be overstaying her company. The inquisitor would be entertaining company. And of course, veridis could set his sight on Parum.

”I have some business in the town. I won’t be out for long. Does anyone else have business in town?” This would be a good way for Veridis to gauge who may be interested with him. And if no one comes, no problem. He had things to do anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

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Erika listened to Veridis's plan to go out into the town. Most likely for supplies or perhaps other things. Erika took off her brimmed hat and brushed her hair back with her fingers. She then looked down at Parum. "Know any good taverns, or any place that would sell some good strong ale or mead?" She asked. She was still new to this city. She did not know of every crevice yet. Right now she thought maybe a good honey mead would do her good right now. She would accept anything though if it wasn't available to her. She simply wanted something to loosen her mind a bit. She looked to Elleonora and recalled her idea of making the item holy by one of the monastery's smiths. "As for your hammer. The man you will want to see is located on the far right hand side of the monastery's entrance. Your a cleric so it shouldn't take too much convincing to get him to perform the ritual. If he does,.. just say the Inquisitor sent you. That should jostle him a bit"

She then exited the sleeping quarters. She looked around and decided she would just go ahead and do some adventuring and find a tavern on her own. She had Parum helping her but she shouldn't rely too much on her friend.


Vivian's eyes opened and widened as she heard Catarina actually take up her offer and proceeded to join her in her spot. She smiled and felt she would enjoy this. A new companion and perhaps through the continuation of this adventure perhaps not just a companion. Perhap's Catarina could become a lover to her. She pushed the straps of her outfit down to reveal her naked chest and waited for Catarina to take the initiative. Yes rest can wait,... there will be plenty of sleep for the both of them after they unwind. It will also be time to show Cat how the drow of the underdark make love.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Catarina's breath stopped when she saw Vivian take off her top. She seemed receptive of Catarina's aggressive advance. Gulping, Catarina smiled and leaned in for a kiss. What happened that night would be between Catarina and Vivian. It was a restless, lustful night. But it just goes to show that Catarina's words weren't just empty promises. She sealed her oath to Vivian with her body, and by the time day would break Catarina would have awoken with the dark-skinned beauty at her side.

The halfling smiled when Erika asked about places that had some good mead. "In fact I do. I even know one that owns me a few drinks." Parum's deal with the honey she sold also granted her some drinks on the house. While it was originally just for Parum, she was certain she could convince the owners to give Erika one for free as well. And if not Parum, than Erika should be more than able to convince any lowly tavern keep to give their goods at a discounted price. Looking over to Veridis, Parum handed him a slip of paper. It was a flying to the tavern that she'd be taking Erika, the Desert Ice. An ironic name perhaps, but it was called that because the tavern keep knew some magic to keep the place nice and cool, even in the Sapphire's blazing temperatures. Of course at night were things got deathly cold, the tavern keep would use magic to make the place warmer. It was a very high class establishment meant for the more well-to-do folks. But Parum was able to get on because of honeyed words and a jar of honey. With the flyer Parum just gave Veridis, he should be able to come in as well.

"Come join us for drinks when you're done with your business."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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"I will head there right away, Inquisitor Erika." The cleric said with a smile and a nod towards the woman. This was a fine thing to do. Turning her hammer into a holy weapon would save her a lot of troubles later on. She could always bless her weapon, but it's temporary and she only has limited uses of the spells. Permanent solution was indeed the best in this case.

"I'm sorry, Veridis, but I need to get my hammer cleansed and then turned into a holy weapon as soon as possible... and I should be there for the rituatals as a cleric." Elleonora said with very sad and apologetic voice. She wanted to acompany the man, but this situation called for different course of action right now." Maybe another time?" She said with hopeful voice, before turning into the direction where the monastery smithies were.

It didn't take long to reached the place and to convince the men there to help her with turning her old hammer into a holy weapon of justice! Still it was going to take some time... maybe the whole night in fact. First a multitude of cleansing rituals needed to take place as her weapon still harbored some negative energies from the time it was still just a bunch of rusted blades of undead. Withont waisting any time, she took of her armor, leaving only the clothes she kept under it. Linen pants and shirt. It was easier to focuse without them and not to mention once the forges start again it was going to get hot...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

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There she stood dressed in black with the light of the moon shining down upon the metal surfaces of the armor that poked out of the cloak. She tilted the brim of her hat and looked around the neighborhood. She wondered if there was any chance she would run into any more thrawls. With her little event this afternoon the vampire she is hunting has likely already found out she had arrived. Possibly,...hopefully that is he would send more of his slaves to try and dispatch her. She shrugged and continued into the establishment. It was the Desert Ice. It was very ironic... unless there was a sorcerer or some type of magic user inside that used spells to keep the glasses chilled and their tonics cold. Right now she would let her job be set aside for as long as it would allow. She wanted to enjoy a drink.

She pushed open the door and as most tavern experiences everyone inside turned to look to her. When their heads turned back around she continued forth to the bar. She sat herself upon a stool and wish she had the ears of an elf. She could only imagine the whispers going back and forth. The bartender came up to her drying off a mug. "What will you have Miss?" He asked. She looked up towards him and raised a finger upwards.
"One Honey mead. " She asked....

.......The night would go on uneventful as she drank at the tavern with her friend Parum. What her other companions did that was up to them. She had a few more drinks after that paying with a fuss. She hardly liked using her title to get discounts or free items. She was a normal person like everyone else. The title of inquisitor did not change that. After she was done she retired to one of the tavern's rooms. Once morning came she would find herself moving back towards the monastery to the rooms she took over as her base of operations. She already had all the plans laid out. As she did so she noticed she still had the chalice at her side. She sighed and pulled it forth and held it up.

The morning sun shined on it as she stared at it. Should she destroy it?... she did buy it and as she thought about it. It would be foolish to do so now. With her up against the mages guild she would likely have use of it. She had a few divine spells but she was skilled enough with a blade and crossbow that she did not need them if she activated it. The mages at the guild however..... lets just say they are not equipped well for close encounters. She smirked and tucked it away. They needed a destination, well she needed one. Again she wasn't going to force the others to help her or not. That was up to them. She made it to the monastery without a problem. She was a little disappointed that her prey didn't send anyone after her. She had to have made a good impression helping in the slaying of those thieves. Thieves,... more like brigands. Speaking of thieves,... Parum knew of the local thieves guild. She looked to see if her partner was still with her.


Vivian woke up from her sleep and found herself naked. She remembered what had happened and saw the sleeping Catarina beside her. She smiled as she slid back into her clothes. It was morning and it was time to decide what the two of them were going to do. Where they to help the inquisitor or were they going to look for work else where. She held up the pendant that the inquisitor gave her. It was a symbol of the order and it would protect her. However, the story the Inquisitor told her made he uneasy. They were not going up against a easy foe.... Then again it couldn't be worse then fighting Mindflayers. She climbed over and out of bed and lifted up her scythe. She was wondering where they could find some food. After all that fun she had last night with her new partner she was a bit hungry. From this day forth she would travel with Catarina. If anyone could protect her from her kin it would be her. Malkai was cool and all but... well he was kind of a asshole. Catarina was paranoid but... well she could have drow after her and perhaps someone with a little paranoia might spot a assassin before she did. She turned and smiled at the woman and bent down and pushed against her shoulder. "Hey Cat,... get up. Let's go find something to eat."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Elleonora spend the entire night by the holy forges of the monastery. It took a long while to completely purify her hammer and then turn it into the holy weapon it was right now. Being made from undead blades it originally had a strong affinity for dark energies which made it scarily effective at soaking those energies when she slew anything in the past. Thus the long purification.

Still the whole process ended sometime before sunrise, so she at least got a brief nap before she had to wake up with the first rays of light. Now she stood in the courtyard of the monastery where one could meditate and train. She was dressed in only simple linen shirt and pants.

Elleonora was sitting cross legged on the cool stone as the desert sun was quickly ascending and showering everything with it’s burning light. She had spend the time meditation on preparing her abilities for the day. With it done, she suddenly jumped and stood. Hands holding the battle hammer tightly and surely in her hands. She suddenly started swinging it. Just as every swordsman, she trained every single morning.

Her swings were fast and deadly, just by looking at her, one could feel the momentum behind each strike. Still she didn’t force the hammer, she listened to it. A hammer’s momentum and weight were it’s voice and will. She listened to it, guided it, but didn’t try to fight it. Thus it made her moves fluid and her strikes like thunder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Malkai woke up that morning feeling slightly sore. Using so much of his energy spellcasting always made him feel like this, though fortunately a solid meal and time on his feet usually alleviated the worse of it. He sat up, noticing that Catarina and and Vivian were sleeping in the same bed. "Hmph. This room is ripe with the stench of bitches..." Malkus left the room quietly to not disturb them, seeking out food.

He knew he probably shouldn't be wandering the halls alone, even after using a spell to make his skin darker so he passed off as a dark-skinned human, but nature's call was far stronger than his worries. Eventually he found the kitchen, with only a single worker within. With cat-like stealth, Malkai went in and snatched a hunk of salt preserved ham. No doubt it was suppose to be a meal for others, but now it was going to be breakfast for Malkai. He went outside with his bounty where he spotted an interesting sight. A warrior woman meditating. He supposed that since this is a monastery, seeing a paladin or monk shouldn't surprise him. But her armor... It has furs, chain, and heavy plate. Surely not the type of armor a desert dwelling fighter would use. Far too heavy and hot in this weather. Not only that... But he could sense an air of magic around her. Like an aura of some sort. He couldn't describe it exactly, but it was strong enough for him to sense it. Soon she stood up and began to swing her hammer, no doubt training herself.

"Quite the swing for a cleric."

Malkai spoke as he walked onto the cold stones. He had his ham out, and when he raised it into the air Falchion flew in and landed on it. The big bird started taking bites out of the ham, which was occasionally brought to Malkai's mouth so he could partake in the meal. He had vaguely seen this warrior while he was resting. His memory about her was blurry however, so he figured he should investigate. "What is your name? Tell me, and I shall give you mines." The half-orc said in between bites.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Catarina was still fast asleep, having spent most of the night making love to Vivian. It's been too long since she's felt a more gentle touch against her skin, and what was only suppose to be a few moments of passion became a night of pleasure. Even now Catarina was still a bit sore from all the play she did. As Vivian roused the warrior awake however, the drow's warm smiled gave Catarina's body new found strength. Sitting up, Catarina realized she was nude and at first used the bed sheet to covered her. but it was only Vivian in this room: Malkus had already left. Catarina came to the slow realization that she had spent that entire night with Vivian while Malkus was only five feet away. "Oh gods... I hope he didn't hear us..."

But there was much to do this morning. Today would be their first day under the employ of the inquisitor to hunt down that vampire. Catarina wasn't entirely sure what their first move would be, but whatever it was Catarina would have to get ready for it. She'll need to get dressed, find something to eat, get her gear prepared, and ready her mind, body, and soul for the battle ahead. But first, once Catarina was out of bed, she snuck a kiss onto Vivian's cheek. "I'll be ready soon." Catarina changed into some simple garbs, just a plain cotton robe and shoes made locally. Her favorite trouser and tunic were still soiled with sweat from yesterday, she she'll need to get it washed. Fortunately she could still wear her armor over the robes, she just needed to adjust the cloth around her legs. Once she was ready she left with Vivian to find something to eat.

Parum wasn't much of a drinker. Oh sure, she could sip wine all night, and she knew that alcohol were good money, but if she had any choice the only thing she'd drink was water. Alcohol dulled her senses and frankly, it was an acquired taste. A taste she never bothered to acquired. That, and if Parum didn't pace herself, she could easily get herself drunk. And no one would benefit from a soused halfling on the loose. So while she and Erika drank, Parum made sure to just have some watered down brandy, eating breadrolls with each drink.

She spent the other part of that night chatting with the locals as if she was an old friend. Most of the drunks and patrons were nothing but regular laborers, lamenting about their low wages or their lack of application. Parum pretended to care to coax more information from them, but alas, nothing but a bunch of complainers. Still, it was people like this that supplied the Thieves Guild with bodies. Disgruntled young men and women, able-bodied and ambitious, would risk more if they knew that "Safer" jobs were only a cut above beggars in terms of pay and status. But even the local swill wasn't enough to make any of them admit an open affiliation to any local theives guild, which either meant they had a tight lip on such matters or they simply weren't a part of it.

When night came, Erika chose to stay at the tavern. Parum did as well, taking a room next to hers. She made doubly sure to secure her room despite the innkeeper's assurance. Knowing the sort of people who run this town, Parum would take no risks. She added her own locks to the doors and barred the windows, and even as a safety precaution added a few charms and lit some candles in her room. These charms would protect her dreams and ward off scrying and teleportation, while the candles were meant to ward off spirits and wraiths. Of course, this was just folk remedies, and it was hard to say how well they worked. Parum had never had a problem with anything since she started, so she wasn't sure if they were working or if she was just lucky enough to never had been targeted.

Once morning came Parum was up and with the Inquisitor. She had brought a basket of fresh baked bread and the finest hummus the inn had to offer. Parum figured that she could bring it to her fellow adventurers for breakfast. But in the meantime, Erika would keep her company. "Good morning inquisitor. Did you sleep well?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

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Erika, The Inquisitor

Outside/The Desert Ice


Erika standing upon the wooden porch of the tavern, looked down towards her friend. Parum was carrying a basket of fresh bread and some humus. She didn't really care for the humus ,but the bread sure smelt delish.

"Good Morning Inquisitor, did you sleep well"

Erika smirked and picked up one of the loaf's of bread and put her nose right up to it and took in it's smell. "I slept rather nicely actually, the beds at the monastery are okay ,but those simple hay beds are nothing compared to the beds at a tavern like this one. You have some excellent tastes Parum." She took a bite from the bread and took in its taste. It was very good in quality for a tavern. She has been to a lot over the years preferring them over what room the Order provided her. She looked back down at Parum and smiled.

"I consider you a friend Parum. You can call me by my name if you wish. Titles should never get in the way of such relationships. That said, our new friends should be waking up by now. Let's bring them this bread and divulge on a plan. I think my first move is to visit the local thieves guild. I will pay for their information as anyone should. I just believe if anyone would know about my vampire they would." She added. Never underestimate the reach of a thieves guild. They have eyes and ears everywhere. The fact that Parum could be considered as one was proof of that. She could be giving the halting too much credit but for a successful merchant as her self, a very successful one, to be among a guild told the Inquisitor that the guild must be strong here.

She continued her smile and then started moving taking another bite. The mead she drank was very good as well. She knew that the place would likely see her again.



The Monastery

@Lucius Cypher

Vivian watched as Catarina woke up and pulled her covers over her breasts. She had chuckle a little and the Catarina came to the conclusion that they might have had a audience.

"Oh gods... I hope he didn't hear us.."
She shrugged at the notion. "Oh well if he did. I don't know he was pretty exhausted last night. Perhaps he slept through it all. Future note, perhaps we should take up our own room next time." She chimed. She then watched as the knight squeezed into her clothes. Right after of course she kissed the drow elf on the cheek. It was almost tempting to have her again, but pleasantries can wait tell later.

Once Cat was ready to go they proceeded out in hopes to find some breakfast. Hopefully the priests and monks had good food here. Would be a shame if they had to hunt down a good place to eat.

It would not take long before they reached the halls in which the priests and paladins ate. A lot turned their heads towards her and then looked away. She made sure the pendant was in strong view for them to see. However, the bad air was not from her she learned as they approached the counters to be served. A cook was going on about how he had six chickens prepared for the soup he was making and was suddenly missing one.

She looked to Catarina as she remembered the orc was no where to be seen at the moment. If only Cat could read minds and share her suspicions. Vivian sighed and then leaned in. "Sorry to interrupt but can we get something to eat and all." The cook looked over and nodded. He coughed a little like he was a bit surprised to see a drow was actually staying with them.

He placed down two bowls and began to pour what he was able to make into them. It was a chicken soup but it had a white gravy sauce to it and decent sized potatoes and other vegetables. She looked to the bowls and then up at the cook. She was impressed. She thought they were going to be served slop or something low end. This actually looked good.

She picked up hers and was handed a wooden cup full of water by a helper. She noddec in thanks to her and the cook. With that she moved to a table and sat down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Elleonora, turned her eyes to locate the intruder into her peaceful training, when she saw the half-orc who was sleeping yesterday at the room with the other adventurers. She continued to swing her hammer for a little while longer." Our lives depend on either staying safe away from battles, or being able to protect and destroy the enemies of our believes." She replied finishing her chain of swings that followed a strict form of hammer combat.

When he asked for her name first without really presenting himself, the cleric just did the final swing in his direction, sending a small wave of wind at him from the air pressure created by the hammer since they weren't that far away from each other by the end of her traning forms." That's bad manners. You are supposed to say your name first, when asking for someone else's." She stated, doing a brief swing with her hammer and leaning it on her shoulder for support.

"Fine, name is Elleonora." She stated, pulling a nearby bucket she had brought when she came to train and meditate and then poured it on herself from the head down, effectively giving herself a very quick shower. She then pulled a small piece of cloth to wipe her face. Her clothes were going to dry up fast enough in this heat." Alright, I'm going to head to get something to eat now, follow if you want to talk more." She stated, heading in the direction of the mess hall.

Surprisingly she found the other two adventurers there." I see you both are up and running now. Look certainly better than yesterday, I guess a night of rest on a proper bed does make wonders." Elleonora said with a smile as she approached them, her clothes still soaking wet from the water bucket." My name is Elleonora Alnara. May I know yours?" She asked Catarina and Vivian.
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