Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Khan Elesia

Elesia glanced up when she heard footsteps approaching. It turned out to be just who she had expected. Raze, her new champion. He started things off by spouting off nonsense about her foes no longer being safe, making himself out to be far more powerful than he really was. In fact, the only way he could have insulted her further, was by using her name without the word Khan attached to the front of it. Silently, Elesia moved from her spot on the wall over to where he was, and promptly smacked him upside the head, hard enough for him to know it was there, but not enough to do any permanent damage. He was obviously not right in the head to begin with. It was at that point that Elesia started laughing, loud, almost mocking laughter. "You think my foes are even going to worry about you being there? Sorry kid, but my foes are worried about me, not you. I'm the goddamn East Khan! I'm one of two most powerful warriors in Regna Ferox. You're a lowly champion."

Elesia paused to let that sink in a little bit. She could have gone the nice route with this, but not only was she bored, she doubted the nice route would work with someone like this. Who's ego was bigger than his manhood. "The only reason Khans have champions is because of the rules surrounding our tournaments. Hell, the only reason I'm bringing you along is because travelling alone as a woman would be dangerous, even with all my strength." With that said, Elesia clapped her hands together and turned around to face the gate. It was a test to see how he would take the scolding/insults. Everybody knew that Elesia was even more powerful if you attacked first, counters were her specialty. If he tried to strike at her exposed back, then she would down a champion and just move on with life.

"Now then, if you're going to be my champion, I'm going to have to set some rules. First off, my orders are absolute. I don't care if you think you know better than me, you probably don't. If you can't follow my orders, I will dismiss you from my service. This might change when we meet up with the Shepherds, but I will have to discuss having a champion with that leader boy. Depending on what happens, you may be taking your orders directly from the Shepherds commander, in which case, we will fight as comrades, not Khan and Champion. But, for now, you're my bitch. Finally, since we'll be travelling with just the two of us for a while, feel free to speak informally to me, though I still expect you to put Khan in front of my name. I prefer plain speak to that fancy noble stuff."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 days ago

Deductive skills were just as important in battle as they were elsewhere. Being able to arrive at a sound conclusion even in the heat of battle could save a life. Small things such as knowing where your opponent was from, what kind of fighting style they may use, and just what kind of killing intent they were emitting was no less important than knowing how to block or swing. That is why Raze was very good at this kind of thing. And using these above-average skills, he promptly came to the conclusion that he had upset the Khan in some way, shape, or form.

Ah, yes, he was truly skilled. Though being hit in the head did usually signal that something was not right, so maybe that had helped.

He was, however, not entirely sure why she was displeased. Would she prefer a less-confident Champion? One who wasn't even trusting in their own ability? Such a person was not worthy of this position! Entrusting someone like that to have a Khan's back? Unbelievable. And besides, it was kinda his nature, so he couldn't help it. Even if she did not want someone as arrogant as he was, he couldn't really change himself. He also did not want to lie to her, as he felt that to be intentional disrespect towards one he looked up to. That was unforgivable. He would never do such a thing! This trip could get complicated, he was already beginning to think. He probably should've stuck to the very simple greeting he rehearsed, but a glaring flaw he has is acting even more arrogant when he's nervous, which he certainly was.

That being said... Raze remained quiet as the Khan spoke, though he wasn't very happy to be looked down on, even if she was the one person to really beat him. Pride was his main trait. Hell, if he wasn't such a hard M, he would be upset about her hitting him. He did think she was underestimating him a bit. Technically, he wasn't even overestimating his worth. He was relatively sure he could beat just about anything people threw his way, and that included gods. Probably because combat was his religion, so gods would simply be mere men and all strong foes would eventually be stepping stones on Raze's path to get strong. So yeah, he hadn't lied. Sorta. No need to call him a "lowly champion". But if anything, that just gave him a new short-term goal: prove her wrong.

There was nothing lowly about him!

To many, this would be the perfect time to get a hit in on the Khan while she had her back turned. Even Raze knew the simple rule that exposing one's back was a mistake, one that could easily cost a life. And perhaps, in another situation, he'd have made use of this window to try to land a strike in. But only in another situation. He saw no benefit from trying to make use of this window -- A Khan would not make such a mistake. And he would not strike at the Khan unless they were in a duel. These were reasons enough not to do it, but as previously stated, he also wanted to surprise the Khan by beating her low expectations. This victory would be more satisfying than attacking the very person he admired.

Yes, while she may have wounded his pride (which was more important to him than anything physical she had inflicted), he would get her back in due time. If they really were going on an important journey, then there'd be an abundance of chances to show her just how lucky she was to have him as a champion. And so he looked forwards to this unknown time.

"As you wish, Khan Elesia. I am, of course, your lowly champion to command." he acknowledged, rubbing where he had been hit nonchalantly. The only thing he would care to lead at the moment was a charge into battle, so it wasn't like he had any complaints. Plus, when he said "Just give the word", he had meant that he'd listen to her, though he figured it was best not to bring that up. Hearing that he might also be considered a "comrade" rather than just champion had also been music to his ears, perhaps also pacifying him a bit for the moment. Maybe that should be his next true goal? To get her to think of him as a comrade, as an equal? Yes, that would do nice. Right after he made sure to pay her back for underestimating him, sure. Being hit also did not feel too nice, even if he was more worried about his injured pride. Oh well, he bounces back fairly quickly. And once that goal had been reached, the next one was to surpass her, of course. But one thing at a time.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Brynhild sighed as she looked out of the wagon she was in. Deciding against riding her pegasus all the way she sat in wagon not really looking at specific thing rather just looking outside and keeping a eye on her pegasus that was practically a dot in the sky. "So I came in late to the meeting may I ask everyone's name?" She decided to ask as far as she knew one was a fabled manakete if the pointed ears was anything to go by and one was a princess or a noble of some kind if you went by the tiara of sorts resting on her head. "Ah how rude of me my named is Brynhild Nox a pegasus knight its a pleasure to meet you" She said with a small bow of her head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Thinking on whether we like war or not is pointless. One way or another we're tossed into it." Chloetta skimmed around the question, fearing this girl would eventually report back to Bern. "What I will say is that before I was ever able to use my tome, I used the staff." The Troubadour ignored her companion's blushing as she applied the dyed gauze to the girl. She also had to make sure there was enough red on Genna's shirt, just to make sure it was convincing. "This should suffice for now." Yes, now they just needed to meet up with this heretic Champion and she could finally recieve some answers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heather smiled as he chased away the crow and gave her his cloak to help hide her clothes, "Thank you, my lord. I was just thinking that I probably should've grabbed something else to where before I left. Silly of me not to, really.... And I've always been scared of crows. They're either bad omens or just mischevious little creatures..."

She shook her head, laying her hands in her lap, "No, no. It's alright. I understand. To be honest, as much as I'd like to talk with you about quite a few things, I'm a bit tired myself. It was quite a trip to get here. Perhaps after we both get some rest we can chat then? Promise?" she asked, realizing how much of a child she sounded like, "I-If you want to, of course."

She looked at Blade, and shrugged, "Maybe. I've heard of people taming birds to use as messengers and the like.... but sending one to bug people seems...juvenile, honestly. Do you really think someone would pull that kind of prank?" she asked, tilting her head to the side slightly, letting her curls fall over her shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Matthew first spoke to the Pegasus knight who had just given her name. "I'm Matthew, Tactician and leader of the Shepherds." He told doing his best to give a bow without standing up. The Tactician decided rest would simply come to him, so he rubbbed his eyes and sat up more so, shifting himself a little.

He spoke next to Heather next, giving a yawn as he streched. "No need to call me, Lord. I'm an orphan, even if I did claim my families last name it wouldn't mean much. My cousin recieved all the lands and titles they held, Saya is about closet thing I have to family. Even still, I'm a ward of Ylisse meaning that the Exalt cared for me and paid my way. In exhchange wards generally become a high end very well trainservant or soldier. I become a tactician, Saya was actually the one who got my the chance to take the exams." He explained as he was about to ask her if she still wanted to ask questions the cart stopped.

Genna nodded as out near the road the soldiers moved a broken cart, carefully arranging a wreckage to look convincing they added cuts and burn where needed to make it look savage. After that they retreated back in to the forests along the sides of the road, they were concealed expertly, they were trained. Better than the wild zealous peasents Bern stirred up to die for the cause, they must have mercenaries or proper soldiers from one of the Churches supporting nation. Genna worked up some fake tears and got some dye on her hands before going to lay by the wreckage making groaning noises. Wagon's bearing Ylissian seal's were approaching the trap would soon be sprung.

As the wagon's stopped, the Tactian tried to stand up and pear of the top of the wagon to get a view. Sadly his height, or lack there of stopped him from seeing clearing. So hoping out of the wagon, he looked to the others. "Alright everyone off for moment, keep close to the wagons and keep them safe." The drivers hopped down and began to pet and feed the horse's pulling them. Matthew meanwhile was walking towards the wreckage. "Jerod, Heather, come with me. Let's go see what happened over by the wagons, the rest of you eyes open this is could be a trap." With that the Champion of Naga walked right towards the light prodigy and one of her soldiers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 17 hrs ago


For Jerod, the ride was quiet and uneventful. In other words, boring as all piss. But, in the grand scheme of things, boring and uneventful wasn't bad for most folk. Gave them time to relax, rest, and think on the past. That last thing was why Jerod didn't like dead silent periods of calm, he had no interest in thinking on the past. He didn't need it haunting his mind or his current now, that was for sure. So, he focused on maintaining his gear, sharpening his axe and ignoring the subtle rocking of the cart as it was pulled along. The stop made him jump out before the others, swinging himself around to land already moving towards the lead wagon, looking for why they stopped. Ambushed convoy ahead of them, far as the distant observation could tell.

The wagon was suitably ruined, and perfectly blocked the road so they couldn't just go around. Looked just bad enough to have been a brutal attack, but enough was intact to find survivors, and sure enough, looked like someone was injured and down in the rubble along another. Looked like the textbook case of a bleeding heart trap, as bandits had called them while he was interrogating them in the past. Some bad situation, worse injured 'survivors', some honest to good people stop to help out of the goodness of their hearts, and after being relieved of their purses, or their lives, either buried or sent on their way a damn sight poorer than before. He particularly hated these kinds of gimmicks, since they often left the world just a bit colder, more so than just robbing people as they passed through a given area. He particularly enjoyed slaughtering brigands or other undesirables that engaged in these kinds of stunts.

But the lad gave out his orders and Jerod was right ahead of him, leading the way so that, if something did ambush them, it wouldn't be overly difficult for him to jump in and prevent any harm to befall the Champion of Naga. Or leap axe first into whatever ambush was waiting for them. Jerod refused to believe this was just some poor sod who got ambushed, and was ready for trouble, actively scanning and ready, at a moments notice, to completely leap headlong into the jaws of death again. It was where he was most comfortable, after all, so he left the axe resting on his shoulder, at the ready, instead of in a more inaccessable location. "Ach, lad, t'is ain' lookin' like anyt'in good can come o' it..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Chloetta was ready for whatever was going to happen. If they attacked without warning or much thought, then maybe Bern was right. If they didn't then maybe she asked questions. If that were not an option. . . Then the worst would come to pass. If it were a possibility, she'd prefer a lack of bloodshed. Perhaps she could join them to stop her church? No, they were likely too cautious for that. She was an enemy. Well, they didn't know that yet, but they would. Eventually. Now, she and Genna needed to play a part. As victim and healer.

If only to play the part lightly Chloetta spoke to her partner as if she had just finished healing her. "Luckily, your wounds seem to be healed now. We'll clean you up later." She then paid her attention to the Caravan that had just arrived. The Ylissian troup had arrived and a few of them moved up. A boy in what she assumed to be Tactician's robes. She saw them once a long time ago. He must be the mark. The other two were a man that looked to be at least thirty and. . . What was this girl? A princess of some sort? How. . . Grand.

As if to the whole lot of them, Chloetta voiced, "Oh? So Ylissian Army shows up. Whatever are they doing out here?" Her voice was monotone with no indication of curiosity or sarcasm. Rather, it sounded more like a question for why they were traveling this way. She could only hope that the Heretic Champion named himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heather smiled at Matthew, "I doubt it was that simple. She trusts you enough to lead this army, no? As important as your mission is I think the Exalt has the utmost faith in your abilities, especially if she paid for your studies. Have a little confidence in yourself, my- Matthew...." It was odd speaking without titles to her. Her whole life titles had been a part of every day life. It was a show of respect in Rosanne....especially as the Duke's daughter.

She looked around as the cart stopped and was already following Matthew before he even ordered her to. "C-Certainly..." as they approached the wrecked cart, she leaned close to Matthew, and spoke quietly only to him, "That girl used no magic to heal just then. If she had I would've felt it or at least seen it. She was turned to us, but still healing is quite visable. I agree with Sir Jerod. Please, be careful...."

She remained silent after that, thinking it best to let Matthew and Jerod handle things and be on standby if anyone really did need healing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Brynhild stood silent as she watched the tactician go towards the wreckage something was wrong though in her mind it screamed at her but she could not exactly place what it was. With a soft sigh she looked to the sky as she watched her pegasus comes gently down for a landing. Knowing that she should stay by the wagons she motioned for the pegasus to come closer keeping a keen eye on the tactician as she looked at the distance between her and the wagon with the weapons. "Something is foul here but I cant place what exactly." She muttered aloud as she shifted her stance from one foot to the other.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Perhaps," Blade spoke to the pegasus knight. "All seems to reek of a trap, don't you agree?" He asked. While the man wasn't stellar with a blade, he had good intuition. It was what had kept him alive all this time, after all. "Our tactician is young. He seems to have confidence in his knowledge, but it still doesn't mean much till he's seen combat, does it?" He asked. "But it's still iffy. Follow orders or move forward? We could very well break the orders he gave us, but that could put the caravan at risk... However, it might be better to not leave our commander in the center of an ambush... Decisions, decisions." He turned to Brynhild and smiled. "You should follow your gut instinct. I'll just follow you."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fenfeir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chester walks through the snow heading south from ferox his leads turning up cold as he grips a useless piece of parchment. He tosses it into the wind and uses the nearby treeline for travel along the road he knew a lone man on foot would make an easy target for any band of bloodthirsty killers.

He travels along his path for several hours before spotting a pair of armed travelers down below him. Wordlessly he moves to a better vantage point to get a good look at them. After moving ahead of them he spots the woman's face and his eyes widen for a moment as he realizes who she is. he speaks to himself in a hushed tones " The East Khan and I'll assume this year's champion? I would assume it's not a leisurely stroll based on dress. Where are they heading? I suppose I could keep my head down and cover them for awhile. I feel this walk of theirs may be more interesting and perhaps I'll find another lead.

Chester stand and continues through the treeline beside them keeping his presence as hidden as these snow capped mountains allow for. He tries to get closer to hear where their destination lies but to no avail without being spotted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Khan Elesia

Elesia grinned at Raze's behavior, he didn't strike at her back when she had turned it, that was good. At least he was smart, even if that arrogance was going to get them both killed. It was going to take a lot of work to get this kid to be a good champion, but they were off to a decent start. Elesia wanted to be the kind of Khan that Vraig had been to her when she had been championed to him. The kind that was harsh and strict, that helped you see your weak points, but all in all made you a much better person. At one point Elesia herself had crossed that line between confidence and arrogance, but only for a short time. Vraig had been very sure to put her in her place quickly. Something that she hadn't liked at the time, but was very grateful for now.

The Khan turned back around and pat Raze on the head. "Good boy. You're learning quickly. Just remember kid, confidence, believing in your skills, is a good thing. But this arrogance crap? That's how people get killed. There's a fine line between the two, and you have beyond crossed it. The trick is to stay on that line at all times. If you can pull back to that line and realize what you're actually capable of, you'll suddenly find yourself a much better fighter." Elesia motioned for Raze to start walking, they had a long way to go, but this conversation was still important. So, Elesia did both at the same time. She just hoped they didn't run into any sort of battle before she had beaten the arrogance out of him. She didn't want to have to watch both of their backs when she should just have to worry about her own.

"The way you can tell that you're at that line is easy, you can name some of your weaknesses, while still trusting in your skills. When your weaknesses don't scare you, but you can actually name some. For example, one of my weaknesses is initiating combat. I'm a much better fighter if I let my opponent make the first move and see what they can do first. There's a reason nobody attacks me while my back is turned. That doesn't mean I can't initiate combat, or that I will automatically lose a fight if I have to attack first. But, you shouldn't worry about my weaknesses, you should be worrying about your own. Now it's your turn, see if you can name one of your weaknesses, and arrogance doesn't count because I've already told you about that one." She explained, using several waving hand gestures as she spoke.

Elesia's eyes flickered briefly over to their surroundings, where a lone figure was hiding. Of course she had noticed him, despite the fact that he was very well hidden. She was a Khan, and a woman, she knew when there were eyes on her. But, she didn't say anything, for two reasons. The first was that the hidden figure hadn't posed a threat yet, and she didn't attack everybody who watched her out of curiosity. The second was because it was yet another test for her champion. She wanted to see how Raze reacted to the hidden figure, or if he would even notice at all. But still, she let the figure know that she saw him. The Khan placed her hands behind her back, so that Raze couldn't see them, and casually waved towards the figure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 2 days ago

Raze begun to think this Khan was expecting a bit too much from even the mighty Raze. He could boast claims about besting a giant, a god, or even fate itself, but he wasn't prepared to do the impossible.

Like stop being himself.

That's essentially what she was telling him, at least. Stop being arrogant? Arrogant was his middle name! Not really, of course, but it was a part of who he was. People needed to know exactly who they were blessed (or cursed) to be dealing with. If you don't tell people you're having a party, how are they supposed to know to come? it was the same thing. One could even call it advertising, if they wanted. He was broadcasting his excellence to everyone in the general area, and was that really so bad? Raze knew when he was biting off more than he could chew. He was arrogant, but he wasn't stupid. If he was, then he wouldn't be where he was today. It was skill, not luck that he admired so much.

But at least this showed the Khan was doing her best to impart wisdom to her champion. In a way, this made him happy. Especially since it almost seemed like she was speaking from experience. He had only ever gotten to fight her during the tournament, so maybe she was a bit less Khanly back then? Probably, considering she was not a khan at the time of their fight. Now that he thought about it, he was putting this khan up on a pedestal just for being a khan. She too had definitely worked hard to get to the point she was now. Likely, this meant she had grown as a person. Perhaps she was overconfident at one point and it cost her? Who knew. He certainly didn't. But, he was different, of course. He was Raze. He was the one who would surpass all others in time. He wouldn't let his defining character trait cost him a single thing.

As Raze followed behind the khan, he thought of the first thing that came to mind as she mentioned weaknesses. It was a bit hard, actually. He liked to think he was well-balanced as a fighter, at least enough so that it wouldn't cause problems, but there had to be something he wasn't particularly good at. Oh wait. Yeah, that was it. He was rather impatient, now that he thought about it. At least when it came to fighting. He did not like slow, dull battles. He had the stamina but not the mindset, and that made him a rather aggressive fighter. Almost the opposite of the khan, in that he preferred to start fights and make the attacks than to watch and wait for the opponent to make their move. "Ahaha... well, I guess I might be a bit more offensively inclined in a fight. I prefer to be the one attacking, so I don't think I do as well when I'm put on the defensive." he shrugged, as though he was unsure it'd even qualify as a weakness. "...it's just so boring and frustrating to wait in the middle of a battle, though..."

He mumbled the last part, hoping the khan wouldn't actually hear it. Well, if he just attacked and was never put in that situation where he had to fight defensively, then he'd be perfectly fine, wouldn't he?

Well, she probably heard it. The Khan had become quiet for a minute. It was almost a bit awkward, did he upset her again? He had a pretty high opinion of himself, so it wasn't like figuring out these so-called "weaknesses" he had would be easy for him! Hmm? No, that wasn't it, was it? Since she just hit him for irritating her, then she would probably do it again if he pissed her off. Then, why was she quiet? Raze, assuming something was very wrong, started looking around. Unfortunately, his knack for discovering people who weren't horrible at hiding was nonexistent right now. He did, however, have the feeling that he was being watched. Maybe he could work on that? It should come in handy.

"Hmm." Raze was obviously suspicious, but didn't say anything to the Khan, since it seemed like it could just be a feeling and nothing more. It was clear that Raze would not be able to see the figure until it was less concealed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 25 days ago

Sayuri narrows her eyes looking around keeping an eye out along the sides of the roadway for any suspicious moovement, 'One of the oldest tricks used by both bandits and mercenaries. This one is well set up but it's still set up,' drawing her sword she slowly climbs off her horse and looks around, 'besides given who we are this is a little bit too convenient... Well this is what I signed up for,' she looks a Tsugi, "Go scout the area see if you can see the soldiers."

Tsugi takes off and starts circling the area high enough to be just out of bow range.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I am tactician of Ylisse, I've been given charge of my force the Shepherds." His eyes darts along the forest surrounding them. "I assume your the lightning prodigy? Before you ask, you are rather famous among mages and healers." He said lifting a hand towards the forest. "If your here to kill me, please don't insult my intelligence or that of my countries Tacticians." With that lightning struck one the soldiers who had been in waiting. "Jerod three more with lances on the right, I've got two with swords on your left." He told the fighter as drew his sword. "Heather stay behind us, watch for injuries." He told her looking back to towards the wagon.

"Blade, Sayuri I count four fighters, left side's of the lead cart, they're yours! Byrnhild two Mercenaries to the right of the lead cart, take them out." The tactician yelled out his orders as the ambush party was reeling from the attack. With that forces assembled rushed out. Matthew had the count down of enemies down perfectly obviously no amateur who had never been out in the field. He kept his eye's focus towards the Light prodigy, he'd recognized her from the report he had heard about a healer who had mastered use of lightning spell. Her hair and uniform had been enough for him to deduce it, though something about her presence also called attention to the fact she was no meek healer.

Rushing from the foliage two archers flanked Chloetta the first fired at Jerod, the second at Heather. Matthew turned and deflected the arrow meant for Heather with his sword. Just as the two mercenaries close upon his position, dodging the first one strike he parried the next blow and took the head off one of the two the remaining mercenary stepped back give himself some breathing room. Six soldiers arranged themselves at rear of the convoy to prevent anyone from escaping. Cavaliers charged from down the road taking position behind the smash cart, as two mages joined and a four healers rushed out to stand among the Calvary. The odd's were not in the favor of the Shepherds.

@Eisenhorn @Pyromania99 @Ezmeralda @Suku @BlazeGamma @Demous
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 17 hrs ago


Jerod grinned ferally when the lightning struck, heaving his axe off his shoulder into a ready position, turning to face the three remaining lancers. Poor sods were probably expecting to face off with the Champion lad himself or something, lances were useful for dealing with swords users. Not his axe though, and he didn't even blink as the arrow slammed into his shoulder, forcing him to step back from the impact, looking at the arrow now jutting out of his shoulder before turning his gaze onto the middle of the three lancers, and inhaled quite calmly before letting loose with a wild, angry scream as he leaped headlong into the three lanchers, axe held high to bring down onto the first poor sod he reached. "AH'LL KILL E'ERY LAS' ONE O' YE, YE DAMN'D PRANCIN' NINNIES!" Probably a jarring shift for all parties involved, allies and enemies, since up until that point, Jerod hadn't given the slightest indication he would have such an all consuming battle rage.

Lances gave reach, which tended to make them feel safer against swordsman who couldnt reach them safely. It was why swords were not recommended for dealing with lances. Axes, though, their weight smashed through the supposed reach that they had, and besides, reach only helped against someone who cared whether or not they survived. A man willing to leap into a line of spearmen, screaming his defiance for all to hear, bringing an axe down with enough force to shatter a man's weapon, well, that was probably not what they were ready for. The first man who had the baleful attention of Jerod didn't even get a chance to stutter out a response as the fighter cleaved downwards with all his momentum and weight, smashing the lance in half and crumpling the man into the ground, jerking his now bloodied axe out of as he whirled onto the next one, letting loose with a ceaseless barrage of heavy handed, brutish swings that left little opening for the poor soldier under assault. The other one recovered and jabbed forward, embedding the spear tip into Jerod's side, hoping to at least stem the assault.

"IF YE DAMN'D FOOLS T'INK T'AT'LL STOP ME, YE'R DAMN FOOLS!" Jerod roared and spun, wrenching the spear tip from his side and catching the man he was turning from with the backside of his axe, concussing him and sending him crashing to the ground as he leaped full force onto the offending lancer, raining a heavy crescendo of blows that would have left little more than mincemeat and a badly damaged lance. The last had recovered his wits enough to try and attack the distracted, battle mad fighter, and scored a glancing blow like the archer and other lancer had, and Jerod was quickly splattered with enough blood that telling his, from anyone elses, was nigh on impossible. Jerod spun, running the lance into his already injured side to snare it in place so he could freely smash his axe down into the offending lancer's head, more than once as he crumpled to the ground, and was left little more than a mess as Jerod ripped the lance clear, screaming at the horsemen hiding from him behind the wagons, fixing his sights on the largest group. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" Short of the Champion reigning him in and redirecting his rage, he would gleefully go charging headlong into the largest group of enemies he could find next, survival and injuries be damned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heather nodded and stayed close to either Matthew or Jerod, although the latter man was a bit scary to be close to. Luckily, she had a staff she could use at range to heal him with if the need arose. Which it did often it seemed. Jerod never stood in one spot and seemed to never care too much for his own safety according to his fighting style....and using his own body to trap weapons. Such a style made him hard to care for since she couldn't heal the wound completely until whatever weapon was out of him.

She had never realized battles were so...brutal. Heather was no stranger to a staff, but practice with it wasn't all from battles. It made her a bit sick, but she had more important things to worry about. Keeping everyone healthy was first and foremost. She could feel sick later.

She stuck close to Matthew, although she still left him enough room to swing his sword, as Jerod seemed content to do his own thing unless Matthew gave him orders. She doubted she could rely on Jerod to protect her at the moment. At least until the others joined them. Speaking of, she'd use her Festal to heal any distant allies, although the arrows being shot at her pretty frequently made it hard to focus. Matthew couldn't block all of them so some she had to stumble out of the way of. So many people to keep an eye on. I'm not sure I can keep up... If something wasn't done to thin the enemy numbers quick, Heather would probably tire pretty quickly...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I see, you all are as much savages as the rest of them." Chloetta mourned, almost woefully. "I'd hoped for diplomacy, but it seems barbarism runs rampant in this world nowadays. If it's death you desire, we shall serve it on a silver platter." She pulled Genna up and pushed her towards the rest of the archers so she could retrieve her bow and then put her fingers to her mouth and whistled calling Franz to her side, mounting the horse and backing up a bit.

Before the majority of the fighting started, the girl declared to all that would hear, "My name is Chloetta Derrick. Troubadour of the Church of Naga and known as the "Light Prodigy". As you declare yourself an enemy, I will act in kind. I will make this world a better place for people. . . Plegian, Ylissian and those from Valm. . . Everyone." She took a deep breath, irritated that this man seemed to be as bad as Bern. It seemed the rumors were not as false as she had hoped them to be. "Frontline, hold the enemy off. Archers. Mages. Aim at the same targets. We outnumber them. Keep the advantage. Healers, you know your jobs." The "Light Prodigy" pulled out her own Lightning Tome and aimed a spell at the Axe Berserker trying to cut through her ranks. He was easily one of the biggest threats considering the carnage he was causing.

She was no Tactician, but she was a soldier. A soldier experienced in warfare. If this "green" Tactician thought that this fight he wrought upon himself would be easy, then he better try harder because she wasn't going to stop here. She couldn't stop here. There were many more things she needed to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fenfeir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Chester continues following the Khan and her champion the forests end after a few miles and he takes to falling behind to appear as simply another traveler his cover unavailable in this open air but he stays back like a mysterious hermit his head hooded and a cloak protecting him from the elements.

Every couple of hours he disappears from the road and hunts Down an easy prey before tracking down his two leads by the half filled in tracks.while carrying a buck he notices their camp and sighs deciding it would be far too suspicious to make a secondary on so close to their own and starts walking towards them

" hello traveler's may I share this fire with you this evening? I'm willing to share my catch.". He glances out into the darkness as he awaits their answer showing no sign of aggression or hostility. This was the best scenario that could occur given his circumstances.

@FamishedPants @AirBender
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