Avatar of 71452K
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    1. 71452K 7 yrs ago


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...forgotten are the tales the elders once weaved, shall they come back to haunt on All Hallow's Eve.

I tygpe frm my mobilr phobe, spellig errrs are usually due to fat fimgers syndromr.

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I've come to the conclusion that everyone eventually drops a roleplay if it takes too long, though I have completed numerous roleplays myself, this is still a motto I have - everyone else drops, eventually.

The reason being that roleplays that take a long time to reach a finale, usually will be interupted by real life circumstances. Be it truth or not, I know for myself that even I will be interupted by either IRL or OOC obstacles.

The way that I solve this though is to make 1 x 1 roleplays last for a good but short period of time, they last for a month usually and I've completed plenty and made alot of friends this way. It is short enough that most will stick it through and of course, I have to be skillful at pacing the plot quickly so that things are never stagnant. This, in my opinion, is a recipe for success.

Of course, in group roleplays, there are more factors. It is mostly 'Don'ts' than 'Dos'. Like my most recent roleplay that I left 3 days ago, there was so much background politics that any bystander not involved in the asskissing that goes on behind the scenes would be like 'WTF is this shit? How did that even go through?'. So hidden groups are a surefire way to get the good roleplayers to leave and drop roleplays like a hot potato (because skilled writers rely on their writing, not pandering and are seeking good stories, not minions).

So I think most who have this problem of being left in the dust could be lousy roleplayers OR they just need to pace their stories a little bit more, I prefer to think the latter since I don't really judge till I actually see.

What's the current plot so far and how will the new players be introduced into the plot?

I see that there are 86 IC posts and as much as I'd like to, I think it's going to take too much effort to read through them all without missing a detail or many.
I'll roleplay a creepy mouse here who may or may not be a street prophet.

"Doom is upon us!

It prompted me to watch this.

In. Ter. Rested.

It is cruel when nature takes indiscriminately, sometimes I really hate the world because of that. Plants, animals, weather - all so very pointless once we realize our care for the environment is a sad, one sided affair.

Take care rockett and prisk, don't worry about this till everything is settled. Roleplaying is not a priority. I would rather you two be doing better IRL.


Nice idea.
Sounds interesting!

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