Avatar of ADamnFiddle
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    1. ADamnFiddle 9 yrs ago


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Oh? Is someone apping Medb?

(typhoon hit the past few days, I'm back now)

Oh, I hope you are alright, fam~.

<Snipped quote by Over Illusion>

Noooooooo! But his amazing smile must be protected!!!

Ah well, that's perfectly okay. Anyone else have any suggestions as to who I should pick? I'm still mulling over the possibilities and character interactions myself.

1rt=1pray rip Columbus ;~;

App what you want, fam. The possibilities are really endless~.
<Snipped quote by ADamnFiddle>

Does that mean I beat out the other Saber app?

I mean your revisions were done quicker than his. So you have priority.
<Snipped quote by ADamnFiddle>

Yeah, just a normal sword. Edited in range, so I guess that's a finished sheet now.

Yee send it in boy.
Revised Ganelon. Now Sanson's in, I can tell who's going to kill him.

Murglais: Black Brand of Death
B-Rank Anti-unit
Targets: 1

Needs a range. Seeing as it is just a normal sword, it should be 1-2, unless it was like a claymore or something. Other than that, unless @Over Illusion isn't alright with something, I don't see any issues with the Servant~.
Okay, so seeing the incoming Servants for team Blue, I think that I'll scrap Sinbad and go for a canon Servant just so there's a bit of balance. As a side note, I do find it unfair how there's a 3 skill limit for OC Servants but already made Servants are free to go with what they have.

ANYWAYS, I'll throw out the Servants I'm considering, and anyone who has an opinion on which they'd like to see can chime in, as I'd love to make things interesting. Who I'm looking at are Medb, Boudica, St George, St Martha, and good ol' Christopher Columbus.

It is a free-for-all. They are just named by colours for the sake of convenience in the IC. Ie when you title your posts.
@Over Illusion Is there anyone in contention for the Archer/Rider spot left open on team blue?

Not to my knowledge~
@ADamnFiddle@Over Illusion

I'll fix the formatting and make the translated skills less awkward later. Will do a full Personality tab, too. It's 4:30 AM at the time of posting because I live in an inferior timezone.

That should do it.


Yeah Cu and Charles-Henri Sanson are fine. Add them to the accepted when you wish~.

Edit: Imma start working towards other applications. A bit swamped here, but I'll persevere.
Something along the lines of a D rank sounds fine by me.

Neat. Other than that I accept.
<Snipped quote by ADamnFiddle>
Considering the fact that a normal anti-magic amulet is described as providing the same level of magic resistance as EMIYA, D rank, something that's kind of reaching into a mystery of monsters as a defense I feel like is justified in having as being a bit better than an amulet.

It is however not really much of a big deal, and if you insist I'll change it.

I would be down to allow for a D rank, but the way it was described wasn't really the "destruction of fantasy", but rather a "threshold", which kinda isn't how it works was my primary concern.
Roger dodger my dude. Adjusted as requested.

Accepted then.

Yeah, the whole idea of making a Caster out of a not-so-popular mathematical figure who's only about 250 years old didn't seem to fly with me, especially considering the other submissions on this thread. I needed to kick it up a notch, so I decided to submit for a Lancer slot instead—someone much closer to home, if you get the idea.


Change to B

Magic Resistance - D+: Under normal circumstances, Lancer only has enough Resistance to cancel Single-Action spells. However her Protection from the Wind skill boosts this rank to A when a Wind-Elemental spell targets her.

Should just be D. No point in including the + if you already have the skill "protection from the wind"

Noble Phantasm:

Bane of the Storm God ~ Atlatl

Rank: A
Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: 2-50
Maximum number of targets: 100

Description: A blessed version of a primitive spear-thrower. The spear inserted into the weapon's chamber is charged with a very large amount of Mana and released at supersonic speeds with enough force to pierce through stone without slowing. If the attack manages to strike its intended target, the projectile will immediately detonate, releasing all the charged Mana at once in a large explosion. If the attack were to miss, however, the projectile will continue it's path, slowing down gradually until its Mana eventually runs out and the spear is consumed in the process. Lancer can alter the time it takes to charge the attack to modulate the strength of the projectile, but she cannot risk adding too much time to the charging process, lest she place herself at risk of depleting the entirety of her mana supply.

Since Lancer's MGI is ranked D, she cannot store enough Mana to use this Noble Phantasm more than once in succession. Also, depending on how much mana is stored into the attack, she might suffer a temporary penalty to her parameters immediately after the attack is launched.

Could you better explain the relation to the legend of Agueybana? Other than that, considering the mechanics behind the phantasm, it seems more or less a C or D ranked phantasm, since it is just a surrogate for individual mana, rather than an attack at that rank, if that makes sense.
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