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Going on vacation today until Wednesday! Will be rolling out posts when I get back!
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When is Mahz coming back home with the milk?
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Will be on vacation from July 7th-12th! Will try to post but no promises!
3 yrs ago
People who don't take care of their responsibilities irk me to no end. Auntie (aka me) to the rescue again. Just give me the adoption papers already 🙄
3 yrs ago
Bored as ever. Check out my slice of life plots roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Bump! Still looking!
Long ago there were a number of kingdoms, who for a time lived in harmony. Each who ruled over these lands had over come many hardships before they came to rule and this made them stronger. But, not only did their good deeds make them loved throughout the kingdoms, it also made them hated by those who loathed good and lived in the darkness. These kingdoms had killed off many evils, such as witches and dark fairies and this put fear into the remaining evils, causing them to scatter and hide away. And yet, though evil hid away within the shadows of forests, it refused to die. For in the woods, lived a Wicked Witch. A witch whom was tired of living in the darkness and wished to claim those kingdoms as her own. And, what better way to start than by cutting the kingdoms down at the roots.
So, the Witch created a creature. This creature was a terrifying shadow that lurked in the darkest corners of the kingdoms, waiting to strike. And it wasn't long before it did. One by one, the rulers of these kingdoms would discover the horror that their children, the heirs to their kingdom, were gone. The children went missing without a trace, taken by this evil creature. And worse, the good creatures who the rulers always went to for answers; the three fairies, the trolls, the Fairy God Mother, and all the rest had somehow lost their magic and were of no help.

Though the Witch had ordered the creature to bring the infants to her so she could kill them, the creature was not compliant, for this creature had developed a mind of its own and had formulated a plan within his head to rid himself of these kingdoms and shroud the land in darkness. The creature knew these rulers were strong, and knew that losing the heir alone would not bring the kingdoms to their knees. Yet, those heirs turned against their kingdoms could very well do just that. And so, he let the children live, merely abandoning them in different places within the woods.

Years passed, and each child grew, knowing nothing of their past, nor of who they truly were. It is this very fact that they don't know who they are though, that leaves them with this urge of wanting to know where they came from and where they belong. And when this sparks curiosity enough for the creature, now known as Hostis, he sends shadows beings that he calls the Umbras to the heirs. These shadow creatures take the form of animals and find each of the heirs, giving them a letter with white words, written on black parchment. The letter is simple, reading that those who come to Hostis will be granted a wish. This leads the unknown princes and princess on a journey together to find out what makes good and evil and if what they wish for is really what they want.

So, take a journey with them and head INTO THE WOODS.


Information you MUST know

These kingdoms in the rp are all the kingdoms in Disney movies. Not all kingdoms will be in the rp though. We can discuss over PM what kingdoms will be included in the roleplay. If you are against it being Disney kingdoms, I may be persauded to do OC kingdoms, just let me know.

The Umbras- These are shadow like creatures created by Hostis. They can come in whatever shape they wish to be but often stick to one form. They were made to look innocent and appealing enough that the heirs will follow, which is why they will likely take the animal that would be the heir's favorite, to gain their trust. Whether these creature are truely evil or just following order of their master is un-known, but like every being, can form a mind of its own and stray from the path made for it.

Hostis- This is the creature the Wicked Witch created. Being that he was created through the dark magic of the Witch, he has dark magic of his own, and using it, was able to place a curse over the land, making it so all 'good' creatures, such as the fairies and trolls, lost all their magic abilities and were unable to find the young heirs. This caused an ultimate divide between the creatures of the land, causing a segregation of the magical creatures. Those who retained their powers were called 'evil' by those who didn't and were shunned, some even killed, by the non-magic wielders. Even to present day, if a creature has magical powers, they are shunned and could be very well harmed by the humans of the land, causing fear and panic on both sides(the magic wielders fearing the human's judgement and humans fearing the magic wielder's spells). Hostis dwells in the deepest part of the forest, within a great tree called Ecalus. This is where the heirs must go to find him.

The Kid of Elsa and the Kid of Rapunzel- Now this is a very touchy topic I know must won't agree with because these are favored characters and whatever is done with them will either be hated or loved. I have decided that though Hostis took away the magic wielded by the fairies and trolls, the healing powers Rapunzel's child might have(if we choose for them to have healing powers like their mother had had before her hair was cut) will remain. The same will be for if the person who plays Elsa's kid wishes to give them ice powers like Elsa. Here is my reasoning. I feel that there is a difference between gifts and powers given to an individual and magic. One can do multiple things with magic. The possibilities are unlimited. Where as the powers the children of Rapunzel and Elsa would be singular, limited to just healing and ice. Also, one could say that while 'good magic' was taken by the curse over the land, we have no idea what caused Elsa's powers, or the powers that came from the flower of healing. For all we know, it could be a curse that caused these powers and thus a curse cannot over ride another curse. So, for the sake of the rp, we shall say the powers they have were cause by a spell or curse and leave it at that.

The Kingdom's Today- After the children began vanishing one by one, the kingdoms tried to protect their heirs as best they could, but could not stop them from disappearing until all kingdoms had lost their heirs. This caused suspicions and tension between the once peaceful kingdoms, and while war has yet to break out between the kingdoms, it seems as though war is just a thin line or insult away.

Characters- As I said, we will discuss in PMs which characters we wish to have in our rp. I already have a couple of characters in mind for myself. Please note though, this rp will have multiple characters, meaning we will like play at least four characters each (maybe even more if we so choose). Of course we won't have to post for each character in every single post, but know that we will have that many characters in this rp. Don't stress about it though. I'm pretty easy going and we can work stuff out as we go.

Characters and other information can be discussed over pm. So just message me if you are interested and we can decide a few things.​
Bump. Really interested in plot #3.
Hi everyone! I'm going to try and keep this as short and sweet as possible.

I am very much a people person and love to create more ideas and further the plot with partner. So if there is a plot idea you see and have ideas to add to it or have a change you think might be interesting, please feel free to shoot me a message with your ideas. To me, plot ideas are never completely solid and can be changed. I'm pretty flexible on certain things lol.

I'm looking for someone that can play a male character (I don't care about your RL gender, I only care about the characters you play haha. So if you're a female IRL, it doesn't bother me at all. I know some people are weird about that, but I'm totally cool with whatever you identify as, so long as your character is male lol). I'm also looking for someone that can post 3+ paragraphs. I understand that with some scenes that have to do with a lot of back and forth, especially intimate scenes, it can get a little lower on the word count, just don't give me one paragraph posts every time. That will quickly loose my interest. I tend to write based on what my partner gives me and what's going on in the story. So if you give me a bit to work with, usually I'll give you a bit right back.
Currently, I just started back to work, so I will be most busy on the week days, but will still post at least once or twice for you a day. It would be nice to find someone who can do the same, but if its a post every couple days, I'm cool haha. If it gets to be like only once or twice a week though, you probably won't keep my interest long.


Now onto the type of plot I'm looking for. I've been really interested in a kingdom rp the past couple of days. I'm thinking either an arranged marriage type of thing or an unlikely marriage type of rp. This could be a more realistic rp or fantasy rp.
For instance, the arranged marriage could be by kingdoms harboring different species, such as a human kingdom and a magic wielding kingdom (one of my FAVORTIE settings lol). Or could just be a simple enemy kingdoms arrange a marriage type of rp.
In the case of an unlikely marriage, I'm thinking its more of a king or prince that falls for someone that someone of royalty normally wouldn't and marries them.

A do have a couple small ideas we could work off of and build up a plot with, so I'll post those below. I'll try to keep them as short and simple as possible so as to not bore anyone to death lol.

1. One idea for an unlikely marriage with a sort of fantasy twist was that the king/prince/noble (could be someone of high status like a knight), ends up with a deadly injury in some kind of battle. He is brought to a place where the girl resides either working there as a commoner or is a slave there. She has a magical ability to heal and does so for him, healing his injuries so that he lives. In that moment, once he's back thinking clearly, he seems to be infatuated with the girl that has healed him and after returning to his home, can't seem to get her off his mind. So, he has someone send word to where she is that he wishes for her to marry him if she would so accept.
But, in a twist, I could see that the commoner (or even slave if we wanted to get really down into 'he shouldn't marry her' craze) doesn't know that the king/prince/knight actually WANTED to marry her. Whoever telling her (be it the messenger sent, her boss, or her owner (if she is a slave) that it is a royal decree to have her married so that her bloodline holding her magical ability can be passed on. So throughout a bit of their marriage, she would think that he only wants her to bear his child and then he will likely be done with her. We can work and build up more details to make it more interesting as well, especially with the magical aspect, but that is the basic idea for right now.

2. My second idea is an arranged marriage rp between a prince and princess (to start out with anyway, since I'm sure they will become king and queen at some point) whose kingdoms are enemies. The kings decide, rather than go to war, they will marry their children to unite the kingdoms. Of course, I can imagine the two will not be happy with this arrangement and will probably butt heads a lot X'D If we wanted to have a fantasy twist to this one, I could see the princess secretly having magical powers of her own, possibly even passing such abilities down to a child they might eventually have depending on how far the rp goes lol. Again, I'm open for discussion and building this plot up as well into a nice setting and story.

3. In this third idea, the prince is actually a magic wielder and the princess is a human. I'm thinking, if we really wanted to, we could even add some ethnic differences to boot as well, such as all the humans having pale skin and blonde, red, brown hair and normal color eyes. The humans being more building up their kingdom and innovation, holding a hatred for magic and its connection to nature. Where as the magic wielders are viewed as more connected to nature and the magic it possesses. Them having tanned skin and dark hair, colorful eyes (gold, red, purple, orange, or unnaturally bright greens and blues) and a way with the natural world. These two kingdoms have been at war for many years.
The magic wielders live in a kingdom boarding a magical forest that have essentially blocked them out from entering for almost two decades (this comes with some inspiration from Frozen II, so think the big fog wall lol), due to the magical spirits within the forest growing angry at the kingdoms for the war and the death of what was known as the Guardian Spirit, the one that ruled the forest and all magical creatures, at the hands on the humans due to the war.
The Guardian Spirit and the ruler of the kingdom have always had a sort of connection, in which the Guardian Spirit keeps the magic flowing in the world, while the ruler acts as a protector for the Guardian Spirit, thus protecting the magic.
My idea is that the princess of the humans is the new Guardian Spirit, but no one knows it yet. Instead, in this harsh war, the prince (or young king) eventually manages to take the human kingdom. In storming the castle, they win and he has every intention at putting the human royal family down. However as he goes to execute the princess in the throne room, he feels a sort of attraction/connection to her that he can not explain. And so, spares her, instead bringing her back his kingdom as a prize and his wife. Could be for selfish reasons that he just likes her or a mix of not only being selfish because he's attracted to her, but also to hopefully keep her people from uprising again if he marries their princess.

Anyway! Thats what I have so far! X'D If you are interested in any of these, feel free to let me know!
Hello everyone! I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet! :) I'm looking for someone to do an rp based upon the book The Host (by Stephanie Meyer). My hope is to do a little bit of a mix of some Canon x OC and maybe some OC x OC depending on what myself and my partner want. In this rp, I do not mind doing some doubling, though I will warn ahead of time that I do prefer to play female over male, so my male portrayals may need some work X'D If you are interested, we can discuss over PMs what we want to do with the plot and pairings, so feel free to shoot me a message!

Some basic info about me at the moment:

I am very much a people person and love to create more ideas and further the plot with partner. So if you have ideas to add to it or have a change you think might be interesting, please feel free to shoot me a message with your ideas. I'm pretty flexible on certain things lol.

I don't care about your RL gender, I only care about the characters you play haha. So if you're a female IRL but want to play a male, it doesn't bother me at all. I know some people are weird about that, but I'm totally cool with whatever you identify as, so long as your character is male lol.
I'm also looking for someone that can post 3+ paragraphs. I understand that with some scenes that have to do with a lot of back and forth, especially intimate scenes, it can get a little lower on the word count, just don't give me one-two paragraph posts every time. That will quickly loose my interest. I tend to write based on what my partner gives me and what's going on in the story. So if you give me a bit to work with, usually I'll give you a bit right back.

Currently, I am off work for a couple months (though am taking classes for my Masters), so I have a LOT of free time on my hands most days and can post at least once or twice for you a day. It would be nice to find someone who can do the same, but if its a post every couple days, I'm cool haha. If it gets to be like only once or twice a week though, you probably won't keep my interest long.

Anyways, thats all I have about me atm, so if you are interested, hit me up! ;)
Still looking
Bump! Still looking!
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