Avatar of AirBender
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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    1. AirBender 9 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Been working a lot on personal writing projects. Gotta finish my book eventually. Will get around to posting soon.
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8 yrs ago
Personally I like 3 better. But they're both great games. Neither is a waste of money.
8 yrs ago
I thought I had a good relationship with my mom. But the way she's been treating me today makes me think otherwise.
8 yrs ago
I'll be 20 in a little over a month and know exactly what I want to do with my life. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
8 yrs ago
Anybody else think the Pokemon Sun and Moon starters look awful?
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Geez, you're gone all day and when you get back there was a fight.
So, uh, anybody watch that fifth season of Code Lyoko? The live action one? I only watched the first episode, but it didn't look too bad.
@Experiment 249 I don't think that Saya really needs another power. She's got an ability to draw enemy fire, increase her speed to the point that it's basically short distance teleportation, and pretty much come back from the dead. I think she's borderline OP as it is.

But if you really want me to add in a none combative ability, I guess I can think of something.
I'm out at dinner right now, I'll move my character when I get back.

So far we have a computer program, a bruiser, and a tank. Interesting.

Edit: Didn't see your post before posting this Cinderella Man. I meant she's like the Ulrich or Yumi of the group, the one who's more likely to stay in the real world and hold off the monsters, not that she never goes to Lyoko. Her character is based around protecting people anyway, if she could keep X.A.N.A distracted while the others do things, then she would be happy.
Working on my character now. Claiming the roll of BAMF female who rarely goes to Lyoko because she's highly trained in combat arts, thus is able to keep X.A.N.A's monsters at bay in the real world.
Ashira took a sip of the hot drink the tavern owner had put in front of her. Usually it would have heightened her mood, it was her favorite drink after all, but after Brand's death, nothing was able to. She planned on returning to the forest as soon as she was done with her drink. There really wasn't much for her here, not with her request completed. A hand on her shoulder caused Ashira's left hand to move from her drink to the hunting knife attached to her thigh. Just what she needed right now, some drunken pervert. As she turned to confront him, a threat against his manhood was already on her lips. But it never left her mouth, because instead of a drunken pervert, it was a familiar face that met her. "Grey?" She said, surprised, but not unhappy.

Her ears perked up as the man spoke, it definitely was Grey. After each of them had left, Ashira had told herself she was never going to see any of them again. Maybe that's why it always made her cry so much to see them leave. Seeing Grey again made her forget everything she had told herself about not being able to face any of them after Brand's death. Even if for a short time, all the guilt and the grief were pushed away. "It's nice to see you again." She said, giving Grey a real smile, not the fake one she had been putting on for the townspeople. Grey looked like he wanted to say something else, but before he could, a voice called her name.

She had just enough time to turn and try and see who was calling for her, before she was suddenly mashed into a massive hug. The elf panicked for a brief second before the hugger announced his name, Loden. The second she heard the name, Ashira returned the hug, wrapping her arms around Loden. All her siblings held special places in her heart, but she had always felt very attached to this one. Since her first real memories were waking up at Brand's camp, and Loden was the one who nursed her back to health, he was the first person she ever remembered connecting with. "I missed you so much!" She said after the hug ended, too soon in her opinion. "Both of you." She added, directing that part at Grey.

Two of her siblings returning in one day? Either somebody up there loved her, or more likely, they had heard the news about Brand. No matter what reason brought them here, she was still overjoyed to be seeing them again. Make that three though, a familiar Dark Elf woman approached the group now and addressed Loden. Ashira had always had mixed feelings about Kiera. As an Elf, every fiber of her being told her not to trust the woman, Dark Elves were bad, evil even. And yet, Kiera was still her sister, and she would never forget that either, no matter what her instincts said. So it wasn't that she disliked the woman, it was that her own instincts were confusing her.

Ashira's mood immediately darkened as Kiera brought up the reason why they were all here. Grey mentioned not knowing exactly what had happened due to the amount of rumors there were. Ashira looked down at the floor, suddenly refusing to meet the eyes of any of her siblings. She wished she didn't have to say it, but who better than her to do so. "Brand is gone. Executed." She said, obviously upset by the ordeal. She wanted to say more, tell them how she failed to help him. But no more words would come to her. Tears threatened to spill from dark eyes, but Ashira tried desperately to keep her emotions under control. The townspeople were looking to her now, crying in front of them would do her no good.

Are we sticking to some kind of posting order, or can I post again? I need to write the adorableness that is Ashira responding to the sudden hug.
@StarInaBox Here ya go! I've never had any problems with the website and viruses before. So as far as I'm aware, it's totally safe.

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