Avatar of Alarieth
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 134 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Alarieth 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Just returned to the site! Be nice to me!


Thanks for taking the time to read this. So, internet alias being Alarieth. I'm a 21-year old male with several years experience in roleplaying. That being said, I'm not a native English speaker, so bear that in mind please. Even so, I don't think my roleplaying suffers from it.

Most Recent Posts

I'll get started on a student council president character, see how he/she feels. Might replace my current character since I'm not sure if having two characters would work out well in an RP like this.
Hmmm, being GM, I wonder if I should make a second character (the student president)?
@AlariethChanged some stuff, tell me if I need to do it some more

Great, that's a lot better, thanks! Accepted!
Looking good, go ahead and post your sheet in the characters tab!

I like her, also accepted!

I'm having a bit of an issue with Ami having skipped three whole years. Would it be an issue to make it one or maximum two instead?

Like I posted in my version of the character sheet (which people may or may not have seen since it isn't all that obvious I admit), I'm a little allergic to overly dramatic backgrounds. In an RP such as this, there's bound to be a lot of drama of course though your character's background seems a little over the top. Now I'e got no issues with his father dying and his home getting broken into, him getting injured in the process and all that. However, forced to watch as his girlfriend and sister are raped and killed seems a bit much to me. Could you find a way to make it a bit less extreme?

She looks fine to me! Accepted!

Check it out dudes and duddettes: It's an OOC!

Please review your character sheets though, since I added in some minor changes.

Name: Ryuugi Tanizaki.
Age: 18.
Grade (1st/2nd/3rd year): 3rd year.

Disability: Traumatic head injury causing: Tremors in arms and legs/motor difficulties, cognitional difficulties (emotional and intellectual damage), exploding head syndrome, insomnia.

Personality: Ryuugi is the kind of person a good mother would not want to have her little girl interact with. Ever since his disability, he has been on the teachers' list of delinquents. While the persistent teachers might still try to turn him around, a lot of other teachers have always written him off as a lost case, rather focusing on the ones not wasting their time. Simply put, Ryuugi has major issues with authority, something which has brought him close to suspension several times before.

He has a rather cynical view on the world, mostly towards his own future and the inevitable futility of it all. At first sight, he is rude, snide and sarcastic. Often rash and distant, he isn't the type of person to say what is really on his mind, rather choosing to keep strangers at a distance. He has become a bitter person, angered at the unfairness of life, something that Yamaku reminds him of every single day. He cares not for his education or his future, instead wasting his time being a pain in the ass to Yamaku's staff and others.

At his core however, Ryuugi still wishes to help other people, failing to see that he himself is the first person he should help. To his (few) friends, Ryuugi is fiercely loyal and devoted. He would be willing to walk through fire it meant helping them. Once he finds his motivation, he can be extremely passionate and driven toward his goals. Currently however, he is too bitter to be motivated for much. That being said, he puts a lot of value in his own set of morals, as twisted or loose as they might be.
He still loves to joke around with his friends and have fun, rather, that is mostly one of his only goals at the moment.

Background: In his youth, Ryuugi was always diligent student. He wasn't exactly the type to spend all day behind the books to get eh best score, but his talent nonetheless earned him a spot in the top achievers of the the class year after year. Most of his youth up until the end of elementary school was uneventful. One day when returning home from a trip however, the car with his father, mother and younger sister was crashed into by a supposedly drunk driver.

While his injuries were severe, as were those of his parents, after a long time spent in the hospital, Ryuugi emerged with no real permanent injuries. From that day onward, Ryuugi vowed to become a doctor, realizing how close he and his family had gotten to death and who had helped him avoid such a fate. Most of his spare time was now devoted to realizing this goal, hoping to one day pass the heavy tests and enter college and start his doctor's education in earnest.

Fate did not agree with Ryuugi however. Due to the crisis, his father lost his job, subsequently starting drinking. After that, his home became less and less of a desirable place to be as his parents frequently got into fights, and his father was an aggressive drunk. A divorce seemed unavoidable. Most of the time either his mother and father would be arguing, or his father would be passed out drunk somewhere. It's no surprise that he rather sought refuge in the city and his friends, as his parents hardly minded or even noticed his absence during most o the day and evening, solely returning home to eat and sleep.

One night, his father was in a worse state than normal, entering Ryuugi's room to take out his frustrations. In his violent, drunken outburst, Ryuugi's father smashed a bottle on his son's head, causing permanent head trauma. Only after a whole day of close observation in the hospital did Ryuugi regain his consciousness, and did it became clear how severe his injury really was. His recovery took several months, as he had suffered brain damage enough to require him to relearn much of how to talk and how to get his body to more properly again.

Ryuugi would never fully recover, the damage to his head causing motor issues such as tremors often associated with Parkinson's disease and a loss to memorize new information quickly. This meant that he would never see his dream of becoming a doctor fulfilled. The irony that alcohol both gave him the dream of becoming a doctor and snatched it away right from under him, was not lost on Ryuugi.
In addition to his other lasting disabilities, he suffers from exploding head syndrome. At random intervals, he may suddenly suffer an extremely loud noise inside of his head, akin to an explosion or a gun firing. Much of his personality had changed after the injury as well, turning from a cheerful, optimistic young man into a bitter, cynical adolescent. His parents and doctors remain unclear if the change in his personality was a result of his injury, or if the loss of his dream fundamentally changed him.

Unable to make up for the time he lost, Ryuugi was set back a year after being released from the hospital, losing most of his friends in the process. His motivation for studying was completely gone. Instead they would find him skipping classes and even getting into the occasional fight, much to the dismay of his parents and the teachers, whom had never known him to do such. After only just managing to pass his classes and just barely avoiding suspension, his parents came up with the alternative of Yamaku, a school for disabled students.

The primary reason why Ryuugi agreed to said proposition was not because he thought it would help him back on the right track. Rather, he took the chance to live in Yamaku's dorms, away from his parents, and more specifically his father. While his father has since given up drinking and the accident even seemed to have brought him closer to his wife, Ryuugi has obviously not yet forgiven him.
Currently, his time in Yamaku has been as harsh for him as the time before. Ryuugi refuses most help of the staff, continuing his delinquent ways of skipping class and stirring up trouble, already earning him a reputation.

Other Info:
- Despite his delinquent nature, he has a very firm distaste of alcohol.
- He loves to listen to Jazz an classical music.
- He is absolutely terrible with computers and most technology, barely managing to work with a phone.


Secluded and sheltered, Yamaku rests atop a small mountain in rural Japan. The perfect location of tranquility for a school for students with disabilities. Its facilities are entirely wheelchair accessible and outfitted with nearly every comfort imaginable to cater to the special needs of those enrolled here. Overseen and tended to nearly 24/7 by the medical staff present, all is arranged to give these students the chances they would not have in a regular school.
With its green grounds, rural, gated community and abundance of extracurricular activities available, there is something here for nearly all types of students. Be it art, soccer or culture, all is encouraged and supported. The vicinity of a small town just down Yamaku's hill and easy accessibility to the nearby city only add to its ideal location.
However, while meant to protect the students, it was never Yamaku's intention to shut them away from the public eye, rather prepare them for life after graduation to make them valued members of society despite their disabilities. It's only natural however, that new students don't always see it this way. After all, did coming here not reinforce the idea that you were no longer normal? That your disability defines you?
With the new semester starting, new and old students all converging back to Yamaku, the first few weeks are going to be filled with adjusting and getting used to your new life. Welcome to Yamaku!

Additional information

  • There'll be no canon characters.
  • Yamaku doesn't accept students with severe mental disabilities.
  • Most RP will take place outside of classes, considering many character will probably be in different classes.
  • There'll be some events later on. (School culture festival, Student Council election, sports festival, field trips, ...)
  • Use of npc's is encouraged. (Teachers, nurse(s), other students, ...)
  • School uniform looks like this: http://pre15.deviantart.net/1354/th/pre/i/2012/363/9/d/haruhiko_and_misaki_by_shadehaven-d5pn4lp.png


  • The GM runs the show, listen to the GM and don't be a douche about it. What he says is law in this thread.
  • Normal guild rules apply. Basically: just don't be a dick.
  • No godmodding or metagaming. I'm sure there's plenty of other methods to gt your character involved in the RP.
  • Keep it clean, folks. We're a crew of frustrated honry teenagers all cramped together in one school, but take any kinky lemon NSFW RP to PMs and out of the thread.
  • Most importantly, bring your good mood and have fun!

Tentavily interested if there's still room.
So rather make a new thread? Or like hijack this one?
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