Avatar of AlexStarsion
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 263 (0.09 / day)
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    1. AlexStarsion 8 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current So I'm back and still lurking on everything!!
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4 yrs ago
Just here to re-read old RPs and laugh about the good times! :D
6 yrs ago
Yay... old posts for stories that died too soon...
6 yrs ago
It's been a while since I've been here... Reading old posts are awesome, and makes me miss playing in peoples worlds.
7 yrs ago
*looks around* I wanna find a new RP and get back into things....


I'm so lost... It's been ages since I've been on a site like this... So I like to join any kind of RP. From Fantasy to Reality... I haven't fully gone through the site but once I do I will gladly post things i'm doing or want to even start on this Bio here. Heh Bio... poison... Anywho!!! Alexander Starsion at your service.

Most Recent Posts

Sounds good to me :D i'll post after you two post :D
@Scout@shylarah@Mogtaki Just in case you guys dudnt see ya'll can go first :D
Since geo and Zander are so far away atm, Cecil and Amune and Scout can post. I'll have then catch up :D
YAY MONEY!! Sounds good to me... *dances around*
*slaps down apost and flees the area*
Cobbled streets made the clogs Zander wore on his feet clack loudly. Sometimes he had wished he wore his robe from back at the temple to slightly muffle the sounds of them, but kimono bottoms didn't go well with a full fledged robe. Sighing slightly, he leaned against the stoned wall of a bulding, the mouth of the alley he was hiding in felt cool since little light reached the rougher stone and it felt wonderful on his minor headache. He was to keep an eye out for anyone coming and going that didn't look to be from this area.

A few people had stared at him as they passed the alleyway, as if sensing someone and gave curiously-guarded looks. He was still waiting for a few of the teens he had seen take off down the road to come back with guards, or other unsavory characters. Geoffrey had went to scout ahead, he had taken to rooftops that almost seemed to be upon each other; his way towards the warehouse and it's open second story windows for the taking. Zander had called him a thief in the making, and Geoffrey had laughed, pecked his cheek and was off whilst Zander had spluttered. His face was still hot from thinking about such an act in broad daylight. Deciding to keep his back to the wall, he lowered himself and brought out the inkwell and a few strips of paper. He dipped his finger into the well, and slowly started to draw a few symbols upon the yellowed parchment. He kept half an eye on his work and the other half on the mouth of the alleyway, nodding to an elderly woman who took her time going past. Keep the people focused on him and not on Geo.

Whilst Zander was making new seal papers, Geoffrey took to the rooftops with ease. He'd at least had practice at this doing it in his own hometown, and leaping in just the right way to keep out of sight from the people on the ground and to keep shingles from falling was really an art he wasnt ready to show to Zander. The warehouse was getting closer, he decided to see if there was a way in from the outside, crawl in find out what rats had hunkered down, and if they weren't the ones he was looking for he'd move on.

Getting two houses away from the warehouses loading area, he slide down the angled rooftop, gripping its edge to slow his fall, and used his booted feet to slide along the wall to only roll as he hit the ground to spread out his momentum even more. Checking his quiver strapped to his back, none of the arrows had broken from his side roll thankfully, and he took off at a light jog towards the courtyard. Windows were shut and curtains drawn to keep the workers that would usually be in and out of the warehouse from seeing the owners possessions made this job a little easier on himself.

He pressed himsefl firmly against the wooden wall, taking in a deep breath and tried to be as sneaky as possible to take a peak into a slightly dusty window. He was sure, if someone looked out now, they'd wonder what he was doing and call for the guard. He'd take his chances. Peering inside he let out a slight curse. Nothing. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, and moving away from the wall he headed to the bay doors and walked right in. A handful of boxes stacked off to the left side, no odd smells, save for the animal fat used in the recently burnt our candle, and not a single sign of anything being moved in a few days. He walked over to one of the boxes and gave it a hard kick. It didn't give out a hollow sound. Staring at it intently he brushed off the lightly layer of dust, and sighed at the insignia. He didn't recognize it, but still better safe than sorry.

Using one of his arrows, he used it as a wench to try to pry the lid off the box. Two snapped arrows later and a lot more swearing, he turned away from the boxes and headed back out of the warehouse. He took his time heading back to where he left Zander, cursing his luck.

"Ya'd think da idjoit woulda just made seals ta locate 'er..." he grumbled under his breath mapping out the area in his head. There was at least one more warehouse for them to check out and it would lead them closer to the group. They were running out of time.
Okay... I have a few chores to do today, but i should have apost up no later than 5pm :D expect it before then though :D
wait am I posting again or!? I saw Alex and got worried there AGAIN
Zander tapped Geoffrey upside the head when they gathered again and smiled at the Muran. Geoffrey just smirked back, silent chatter going between the two. They both nodded at each other, message sent and received and both seemed to relax around one another again. Zander took the small silence between everyone was they headed towards the area running his hand down Wyth's fur one last time, checking to make sure nothing was still locked in his system. Stress he could feel easily, but that was a given with the events unfolding and quickly at that.

He cut a look towards Cecil and offered a strained smile, his eyes slid right off Asta and her Cobra Fox and decided for now he'd let it go. His own magic gave a slight whine inside his head sensing old wounds on the woman's body that wanted to be looked at and learn how they were made. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts of that he returned to the present when the group stopped.

Geoffrey nodded, agreeing to the decision to split up and cover more ground, "Ya sure ya wanna go wit' 'er m'lady?" Geoffrey grinned and grabbed the back of Zander's hoodie, dragging the slightly shorting Muran with him. "Listen for my grass whistle if we find anything, otherwise we'll come huntin' fer ya," Geoffrey called over his shoulder. Zander struggled half heartily and let out a sigh as he was pulled away from the group.

"The thistle whistle of yours," Zander was heard saying. "Is going to get us into trouble one of these days..."

Geoffrey ignored him, taking a corner and letting his hand fall from Zander's hoodie giving him a look over his shoulder, "Slavers in these parts... Kind o strange, ya? Didn' ya say sumthin 'bout ya fath'r--"

"I doubt it," Zander cut him off. "Come on, let's find the brat and get out of this town. I've got a sinking feeling about being here, I have a feeling it's going to get worse."

Geoffrey shrugged, stuffed his hands in his pockets and motioned for Zander to walk side by side with him as a few people looked out their curtained windows to see who was walking by. The street crowd was a lot thinner in this area and Geoffrey wasn't sure what to fully expect. The few times he had come this way was to deal with one of his Aunt's employee's who was in the gutter half drunk, half naked and red sores all over his body. It took little imagination to know his Aunt had probably turned said employee into the guard for something she planted on him.

Zander watched around them, pulling his staff from it's holster and using it as a walking stick. He'd follow quietly for once, seeing where the "guide" was going to take him. He noticed a few warehouses in this area, and fewer people as well and kept pace besides Geoffrey as they headed towards on to the far right, warehouse that is, taking a few back alleys and Geoffrey stopping him once by gripping his arm to keep him from stepping into the street.

Zander grumbled under his breath, "Daylight is a blessing... Stop tugging..."
I kindda wanna save this just so I can make a story out of it and post it in the forums somewhere...............
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